[PHP] Re: table-less layouts; Ideas welcome

2009-05-21 Thread Daniele Grillenzoni

On 21/05/2009 10.02, Jim Lucas wrote:

Since this has been a topic of dicussion, I figured I would add my

I have been toying with the idea of doing a table-less layouts
involving tabular data, calendars, etc...

Recent threads have finally made me do it. Let me know what you think.

http://www.cmsws.com/examples/templates/div_tables.phps (source for above)

When you turn off the styles, the calendar becomes pretty rough on the
eyes, but still accessible.

Same thing with the tabular data structure.

But, not knowing how the various types of accessibility applications
work, I am guessing that the layout to an application trying to read it
should work fairly well. Let me know if I am way off the mark with my

If you want to respond off list, that if fine by me.


Table-less html is a silly idea. Semantic html where tables represent 
tables makes sense instead. A calendar IS a table, semantically 
speaking, so emulating it with css-p is useless torture.

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[PHP] Re: Forms validation and creation- easier solution?

2009-05-21 Thread Daniele Grillenzoni

On 20/05/2009 9.03, Angelo Zanetti wrote:

Hi all.

We have done quite a few projects and we are looking to find better ways to
implementing forms.

Forms seem to be quite time consuming and repetitive.

Generally are there any classes or libraries that will assist with:

1.  Easy creation of forms (fields and layout)

2. Validation of specific fields within the forms (server side not JS)

3. Decrease in time required to setup the forms pages

any other comments are welcome.

Thanks in advance



Dynamic Web and Mobile Solutions

Personally I created a little Class that handles it.

First I create an array of associative arrays, every associative array 
represents an input of an abstract type (similar to the webforms, 
meaning i have stuff like type=telephone).

Stuff like
name = foobar,
required = true,
type = string,   // text is reserved to textarea
label = Foo Bar,
error_required = you need to provide a Foo Bar value, dummy,
group = main

Then I create an array for groups.
$group[main] = array(
	type = block, // types are either block which means div, set 
which means fieldset, paragraph which means p or a raw html opening tag.
	parent = NULL		//optional of course, if set to the name of another 
group, then the group becomes a child of the referenced group.


Then I create an associative array of options for the form.
Finally, I call the class constructor with the three arrays as params.

The class provides me with a few nifty functions:
* toHtml();
(do I need to explain?)
* toArray();
	Returns the inputs, options, and groups inside a single array, with the 
value altered when necessary

* wasSubmitted();
	Does some guesswork to see if the form was submitted, there's a lot of 
smart automagicness inside.

* runAutoChecks();
	Runs the checks he can, like the validity of emails in 'type' = 'email' 
inputs, pattern validation for input with a set pattern, required 
inputs, fills the error array with error messages, sets class[]='error' 
to wrongly filled inputs...

* wasValidInput();
	Returns true if none of the autochecks or eventual manual checks 
returned an error.

And it works like this:
if ($form-wasSubmitted()){
/* Additional non-automatable controls */
// None in this case
if ($form-wasValidInput()){
// success, do stuff
} else {
// show errors and form again
} else {
echo $form-toHtml();

There are other things I didn't list, like the fact that ever input has 
options to specify a wrapper (class and id are associated to the wrapper 
if it's defined), the form encoding automatically changes in case of a 
file input, etc etc etc...

The types are abstracted enough that one could easily make a function 
that automatically creates the code for a first draft of the forum out 
of the db schema of an eventual table. Of course you'd have to provide 
error messages, remove unnecessary inputs, adding new ones...

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Re: [PHP] Re: Parsing of forms

2009-05-20 Thread Daniele Grillenzoni

On 20/05/2009 2.45, Nathan Rixham wrote:

Daniele Grillenzoni wrote:

On 19/05/2009 18.09, Andrew Ballard wrote:

On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Ford, Mikem.f...@leedsmet.ac.uk

On 19 May 2009 14:37, Daniele Grillenzoni advised:

My complaint is this: a I can have a select multiple with a
normal name,
which is allowed by every spec, but PHP requires me to use []
in order
to properly retrieve the values.

I really don't understand the problem with this -- in fact, I find it
quite useful to distinguish inputs which may have only 1 value from
those which may be multi-valued. And it all depends on what you mean by
a normal name, of course -- no current (X)HTML spec disallows [] as
part of a name attribute, so in that sense a name containing them could
be seen as perfectly normal...!! ;) ;)

Can you explain why this is such a hang-up for you, as I haven't seen
anything in what you've posted so far to convince me it's any kind of



I can't speak for the OP, but I've always thought it somewhat odd. An
HTML form should be able to work correctly without modification
regardless of the language that receives the input. As it is, it makes
the HTML for a form implementation specific. You might be able to use
ASP correctly process a form originally targeted toward PHP, but you
could not similarly take a form designed for ASP and process it with
PHP without modification.

It also impacts the use of client-side JavaScript. Consider a simple
page like this:

function countToppings() {
var totalToppings = 0;

var toppings = document.sundae.toppings;
// To work with PHP, the above line would have to be changed:
// var toppings = document.sundae.elements['toppings[]'];

if (toppings.length 1) {
for (var i = 0; i toppings.length; i++) {
if (toppings[i].checked) totalToppings++;
} else {
if (toppings.checked) totalToppings++

if (totalToppings == 0) {
confirm(Are you sure you don't want any toppings on your sundae?);
} else if (totalToppings 3) {
alert(Wow! That's a lot of toppings!);
} else if (totalToppings == 1) {
alert(You only want one topping.);
} else {
alert(You have selected  + totalToppings +  toppings! Yummy!);
form name=sundae
input type=checkbox id=toppings-sprinkles name=toppings
value=sprinkles/ label
input type=checkbox id=toppings-nuts name=toppings
value=nuts/ label for=toppings-nutsnuts/labelbr/
input type=checkbox id=toppings-fudge name=toppings
value=fudge/ label for=toppings-fudgefudge/labelbr/
input type=checkbox id=toppings-caramel name=toppings
value=caramel/ label for=toppings-caramelcaramel/labelbr/
input type=checkbox id=toppings-strawberries name=toppings
value=strawberries/ label
input type=button name=count value=Count My Toppings
input type=submit name=order value=Order /

The above form, if submitted, could build a perfectly valid query
string of

In the grand scheme of things, these are just subtleties that can
easily be handled. Since my first major experience with a web language
was PHP (after a very brief dabble in PERL) before I took a turn at
ASP/VBScript, I'm used to it and it isn't a hang-up for me. But
something about it never seemed quite right to me either. :-)


Andrew captured perfectly what I meant.

is a valid querystring that php sort of fail at understanding.

I have nothing against supplying a string/array clarification system
based on the name with/without the square brackets, but short of
manually parsing the querystring/request headers, I have no
alternative to that.

Also my original problem came when I had to parse the results of a
form I did NOT originally create, not to mention forms from external

I don't hate PHP and I don't want to throw off people who like the []
system, just give me an alternative with a small overhead. :P

quick work around :) (could be improved)

function fixGet() {
$newGet = array();
foreach($vals=explode('',$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) as $i = $pair ) {
$pair = explode( '=' , $pair , 2 );
if( !isset( $newGet[$pair[0]] ) ) {
$newGet[$pair[0]] = $pair[1];
} else {
if( !is_array($newGet[$pair[0]]) ) {
$newGet[$pair[0]] = array( $newGet[$pair[0]] );
$newGet[$pair[0]][] = $pair[1];
$_GET = $newGet;

print_r( $_GET );
print_r( $_GET );



[toppings] = caramel
[order] = Order
[toppings] = Array
[0] = nuts
[1] = fudge
[2] = caramel

[order] = Order

Yeah, and php://input should be able to handle $_POST, but custom 
functions ftl, the idea of having useless overhead for simple stuff like 
this makes me angry.

PHP General

Re: [PHP] Re: Parsing of forms

2009-05-20 Thread Daniele Grillenzoni

On 20/05/2009 12.50, Ford, Mike wrote:

Humph! Yes, ok, I concede this point. I also bow to Daniele's need to
process forms designed by someone else with (not-PHP) in mind. Actually,
I can see the validity of both sides of the argument, and I teeter on
the fence as to whether  the [] method is right or not!! ;)

Teeter not, as I am not pushing for a retool of how $_POST and $_GET 
work, just maybe a new core function/global array that gets me the 
pure alternative.

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Re: [PHP] Re: Parsing of forms

2009-05-19 Thread Daniele Grillenzoni

On 19/05/2009 18.09, Andrew Ballard wrote:

On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Ford, Mikem.f...@leedsmet.ac.uk  wrote:

On 19 May 2009 14:37, Daniele Grillenzoni advised:

My complaint is this: a I can have a select multiple with a
normal name,
which is allowed by every spec, but PHP requires me to use []
in order
to properly retrieve the values.

I really don't understand the problem with this -- in fact, I find it
quite useful to distinguish inputs which may have only 1 value from
those which may be multi-valued. And it all depends on what you mean by
a normal name, of course -- no current (X)HTML spec disallows [] as
part of a name attribute, so in that sense a name containing them could
be seen as perfectly normal...!! ;) ;)

Can you explain why this is such a hang-up for you, as I haven't seen
anything in what you've posted so far to convince me it's any kind of



I can't speak for the OP, but I've always thought it somewhat odd. An
HTML form should be able to work correctly without modification
regardless of the language that receives the input. As it is, it makes
the HTML for a form implementation specific. You might be able to use
ASP correctly process a form originally targeted toward PHP, but you
could not similarly take a form designed for ASP and process it with
PHP without modification.

It also impacts the use of client-side JavaScript. Consider a simple
page like this:

function countToppings() {
var totalToppings = 0;

var toppings = document.sundae.toppings;
 // To work with PHP, the above line would have to be changed:
 // var toppings = document.sundae.elements['toppings[]'];

if (toppings.length  1) {
for (var i = 0; i  toppings.length; i++) {
if (toppings[i].checked) totalToppings++;
} else {
if (toppings.checked) totalToppings++

if (totalToppings == 0) {
confirm(Are you sure you don't want any toppings on your 
} else if (totalToppings  3) {
alert(Wow! That's a lot of toppings!);
} else if (totalToppings == 1) {
alert(You only want one topping.);
} else {
alert(You have selected  + totalToppings +  toppings! 
form name=sundae
input type=checkbox id=toppings-sprinkles name=toppings
value=sprinkles/  label
input type=checkbox id=toppings-nuts name=toppings
value=nuts/  label for=toppings-nutsnuts/labelbr/
input type=checkbox id=toppings-fudge name=toppings
value=fudge/  label for=toppings-fudgefudge/labelbr/
input type=checkbox id=toppings-caramel name=toppings
value=caramel/  label for=toppings-caramelcaramel/labelbr/
input type=checkbox id=toppings-strawberries name=toppings
value=strawberries/  label
input type=button name=count value=Count My Toppings
input type=submit name=order value=Order /

The above form, if submitted, could build a perfectly valid query
string of 

In the grand scheme of things, these are just subtleties that can
easily be handled. Since my first major experience with a web language
was PHP (after a very brief dabble in PERL) before I took a turn at
ASP/VBScript, I'm used to it and it isn't a hang-up for me. But
something about it never seemed quite right to me either. :-)


Andrew captured perfectly what I meant.

is a valid querystring that php sort of fail at understanding.

I have nothing against supplying a string/array clarification system 
based on the name with/without the square brackets, but short of 
manually parsing the querystring/request headers, I have no alternative 
to that.

Also my original problem came when I had to parse the results of a form 
I did NOT originally create, not to mention forms from external sources...

I don't hate PHP and I don't want to throw off people who like the [] 
system, just give me an alternative with a small overhead. :P

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Re: [PHP] Re: CSS tables

2009-05-17 Thread Daniele Grillenzoni

On 17/05/2009 20.51, tedd wrote:

At 8:08 PM +0200 5/15/09, Daniele Grillenzoni wrote:

Most of the IE bugs are due to floating and clearing, once you have
learned to master overflow: auto and display: inline, you're good to go.

Just don't get insane about trying to achieve pixel perfect in netscape4.

Good to go -- only for simple sites.

And for pixel perfect, no browser does that.

Here's my write-up on the subject:


Comments welcome.



Re-read my sentence:
most of the IE bugs as opposed to all IE bugs

Also: 404.

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[PHP] Re: CSS tables

2009-05-16 Thread Daniele Grillenzoni

On 15/05/2009 19.25, PJ wrote:

I know of no better place to ask. This may not be strictly a PHP issue,
I am busting my hump trying to format rather large input pages with CSS
and trying to avoid tables; but it looks to me like I am wasting my time
as positioning with CSS seems an impossibly tortuous exercise. I've
managed to do some pages with CSS, but I feel like I am shooting myself
in the foot or somewhere...
Perhaps I am too demanding. I know that with tables, the formatting is
ridiculously fast.
Any thoughts, observations or recommendations?

A table, meaning ONE table for tough layouts could solve many problems, 
specially for newbies, but tbh there are enough resources to do pretty 
much whatever you need to do with css if the layout doesn't have absurd 

Most of the IE bugs are due to floating and clearing, once you have 
learned to master overflow: auto and display: inline, you're good to go.

Just don't get insane about trying to achieve pixel perfect in netscape4.

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[PHP] Parsing of forms

2009-05-16 Thread Daniele Grillenzoni
I noticed that php's way to fill $_GET and $_POST is particularly 
inefficient when it comes to handling multiple inputs with the same name.

This basically mean that every select multiple in order to function 
properly needs to have a name ending in '[]'.

Wouldn't it be easier to also make it so that any element that has more 
than one value gets added to the GET/POST array as an array of strings 
instead of a string with the last value?

I can see the comfort of having the brackets system to create groups of 
inputs easily recognizable as such, while I can overlook the 
impossibility of having an input literally named 'foobar[]', having to 
add [] everytime there is a slight chance of two inputs with the same name.

This sounds flawed to me, as I could easily append '[]' to every input 
name and have a huge range of possibilities unlocked by that.

This can't be right. Or can it?

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[PHP] Parsing of forms

2009-05-16 Thread Daniele Grillenzoni
I noticed that php's way to fill $_GET and $_POST is particularly 
inefficient when it comes to handling multiple inputs with the same name.

This basically mean that every select multiple in order to function 
properly needs to have a name ending in '[]'.

Wouldn't it be easier to also make it so that any element that has more 
than one value gets added to the GET/POST array as an array of strings 
instead of a string with the last value?

I can see the comfort of having the brackets system to create groups of 
inputs easily recognizable as such, while I can overlook the 
impossibility of having an input literally named 'foobar[]', having to 
add [] everytime there is a slight chance of two inputs with the same name.

This sounds flawed to me, as I could easily append '[]' to every input 
name and have a huge range of possibilities unlocked by that.

This can't be right. Or can it?

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[PHP] Error handling, apache and ErrorDocument

2008-07-10 Thread Daniele Grillenzoni
Hi, I'm having trouble with a framework I'm developing, apparently when a 
non-catchable error occurs (E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_ERROR, E_CORE_WARNING, 
E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_WARNING types) not only I can't fire up my error 
handling function, I can't even display the static html page I set with the 
ErrorDocument apache directive. What's weird is that it doesn't look like an 
apache problem, with perl it works perfectly.

This guy had the same problem as me, check his post (point 3 mostly): 

Thanks in advance

Daniele Grillenzoni 

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