Re: [PHP] What are these weird variables??

2005-06-03 Thread Drewcore
On 6/3/05, Brian Dunning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using a class that I downloaded, and to access the database it
 uses variable names in all caps, like this:

those are constants: it's like a variable, except once you define it,
it stays set at that value and you can't change it.

 And it no longer works, says it can't connect to the database. What's
 the deal with those variables in all caps, and why won't mine work?
 The above class is inside a defined function, are my variables not
 valid inside that function?

well, if you have variables in the body of your script, and you want
to use those same variables, you should declare them global in your

hope that helps

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Re: [PHP] php forum and (almost certainly 0T) client editor

2005-06-01 Thread Drewcore
On 5/31/05, Leif Gregory [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It rocks.

i'm currently working on a content management system designed for
less-than-computer-saavy users that utilized fckeditor to create/edit
content. i found it pretty easy to integrate (their documentation site
helped quite a bit) and havent had any troubles. it just generates
plain html (no special markup language like bbcode) but that just
saves you the trouble of writing a parser.


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Re: [PHP] mysql + addslashes + stripslashes

2005-05-16 Thread Drewcore
 I do suspect though, that the problem lies with how I am using addslashes
 and how I am not using it. Any definitive help would be much appreciated.

i'm not an expert at this, but i think that since you're using mysql
to store your data, you shouldn't use addslashes() and use
mysql_real_escape_string() instead...

but that's just me. i would run any user input through that function
to make sure that it's 'safe' to put in your database. of course, i
would also be checking the input to make sure that it safe by other
means as well. hope that helps.


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Re: [PHP] Hello, I'm new...

2005-05-13 Thread Drewcore
i think that you're best bet would be to find some open source
community software and go with that. i built a community site from
scratch one time, and while it was a lot of fun, it proved to be much
more difficult that i had anticipated. so the next client that asked
for a similar site ended up with a modified version of the other site
with phpbb2 for a message board, another package for a photo gallery
(can't recall the name right now), etc.

so, in short, find some already written code, modify it a bit to suit
your needs, and go with that. it'll save you a lot of time.

 Hi all,
 I have only recently started to look at php, I hope this list dose not
 mind 'noob' questions.
 I have got 'Programming PHP' by Rasmus Lerdorf, Kevin Tatroe and 'Web
 Database Applications with PHP and MySQL' Hugh E. Williams, David Lane.
 I would like to create a 'community' website and was wondering if there
 was a framework available to get me started?
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Re: [PHP] Re: Strange comparison behaviour

2005-05-13 Thread Drewcore
is upgrading your php out of the question? i would go with at least
4.3.x if not 5... unless you don't have root access on your server...
in which case, i have no advice...

On 5/13/05, Erwin Kerk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bogdan Stancescu wrote:
  You probably mis-typed something:
  if (info == 0) echo is 0\n; else echo not 0\n;
  Content-type: text/html
  X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.11
  is 0
 Tried that, but notice the PHP Version, it is failing in PHP 4.1.2!
 Erwin Kerk
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Re: [PHP] Re: editor that typesets the php code

2005-04-28 Thread Drewcore
well, i'm not sure what to do after your code is done, but as far as
editors go, theres a free one out there that does syntax highlighting
for a ton of languages (php included) called Vim... it comes with a
graphical version called gvim that i do all of my coding on. no
debugging features for php (afaik) but you can set up debuggers
through vim (never tried though).

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Re: [PHP] Warning: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource

2005-04-25 Thread Drewcore
just put a @ symbol before the function calll, eg

while ($myrow = @mysql_fetch_row($result)) {

On 4/25/05, Mark Sargent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,
 get the following error when calling data from mysql,
 *Warning*: mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
 result resource in */var/www/html/phpmysqltable.php* on line *36
 Below are snippets of my code,
 Line 22: $result = mysql_query(SELECT product_name,
 product_model_number, product_serial_number FROM Products,$db);
 Line 36: while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
   printf(trtd%s %s/tdtd%s/tdtd%s
   $myrow[1], $myrow[2], $myrow[3]);
 I'm following a tut for php/mysql.
 Mark Sargent.
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Re: [PHP] help with install to one page only

2005-04-24 Thread Drewcore

i think your problem may be simple enough... but if this doesn't work,
i dunno... i'm guessing that you're using some webhost right? well...

 Note: Your file should be present in the same folder where HEC/ is present
 ~/testcal.php [your file where you want to display event calendar]
 ~/HEC/  [unzipped HEC package]
 ( I made a page called testcalendar.php and put it in the foldeer HEC, but I
 am getting error messages.

okay.. you put your file (testcalendar.php) in the HEC folder, but
you're supposed to put it in the same folder as the HEC folder...
using windows, the path would look like this:

but http addresses are written in unix style, so it looks like this

hope that makes a little more sense to you... just move that file up
one directory and try running it again.


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Re: [PHP] Post shorter code

2005-04-21 Thread Drewcore
dont fight guys, it makes me nervous... :)

On 4/21/05, Petar Nedyalkov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thursday 21 April 2005 18:21, Ryan A wrote:
It also helps if you quote a bit from the original post so new people
the thread
will know what you are talking about...
for example: I have no idea about which thread Jason(above) is talking
   It's just up to Netiquette ;-)
  I dont think the above qualifies for netiquette all that much, because I
  have never found fault with Jason's netiquette,
  sometimes people just forget and it gets really confusing to the reader who
  comes in late.
 Forgetting is also an issue in Netiquette ;-)
 A lot of people forget the rules, it's not a problem. I just meant that we
 have to be careful.
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 Petar Nedyalkov
 Devoted Orbitel Fan :-)
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Re: [PHP] Re: 1 web site, 3 servers, 3 countries - best practises?

2005-04-21 Thread Drewcore
well, i guess it all depends...

are you talking about having one server in south america that acts as
your database server, one server in asia that's your web server, and
then another server in north america that servers some other task?

or are you talking about having a localized database, http, etc,
server for each location (read: continent/country)?

the first is easy... it'll all just mesh... the second is more difficult.


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Re: [PHP] Streaming video BLOBs from MySQL

2005-04-17 Thread Drewcore
i would approach this from another angle...

why not store the videos as regular files on your server, then store
the filenames as varchar (or something similar - whatever suits you
best) on your database. then you can just pull up the filename from
the db, and then load it the old fashioned way... and based on what
you said before, it should stream. but that's just the way i'd do
it... *grin*


On 4/16/05, Ryan A [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 4/17/2005 2:08:43 AM, Chris Boget ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
   If I make one pass and get 1mb of the blob...the
   browser is simply going to load that 1mb only, right?
   How do I keep looping and refreshing the users
   browser, or in this case, flash player?
   Thanks for any ideas!
  Look into flush();
 yeah... you gotto ...or it starts to pile up after a few days
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Re: [PHP] Re: using rand()

2005-04-08 Thread Drewcore
i guess a good question would be which one of these methods has more
overhead - having php calculate the random numbers for queries, or
having the mysql db pick them at random itself? i don't really focus
that much on optimization, but if you expect heavy traffic on your
site, it might be in your best interest to find out which one executes

On Apr 8, 2005 9:41 AM, kyriacos sakkas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 first I would suggest you get the largest value from the auto increment
 field (maybe use last_insert_id()). Then use rand(1,$cno_max) three
 times to get three random cno numbers, then select ... from ... where
 cno=$val1 or cno=$val2 or cno=$val3  should return the three values.
 rand() can also be directly in the sql statement.
 Also manual suggests using mt_rand instead of rand for better performance.
 Ryan A wrote:
  need some advise on what would be the best way to do this:
  I have a table with these fields:
  cno (just a auto_increment field),
  sex (2 values: man, woman),
  has_pic (0=no,1=yes),
  I need to randomly get 3 womens pictures and one guys picture from the above
  I know I need to use rand() and i thought maybe shuffle() but am getting a
  bit lost in the logic please?
 Kyriacos Sakkas  Netsmart Development Team
 Tel: + 357 22 452565  Fax: + 357 22 452566
 Taking Business to a New Level!
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Re: [PHP] Adding Loop / If support to a simple template engine

2005-04-06 Thread Drewcore
a parser is a program that i will take some preformatted text, extract
the information from it, and then do work with that information. xml
programs users parses to pull data from between the  tags.

in your case, you'd have to have some sort of declaration in your code
that sets apart code blocks you want replaced, invent some sort of
system of replacing that code on demand, then write that code that
implements your system. a little difficult, and out of my scope, i'm
sure. unless i spent two weeks with minimal sleep.


On Apr 6, 2005 9:37 PM, James Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Richard Lynch wrote:
  On Wed, April 6, 2005 7:04 pm, James Williams said:
 Hey fellas, I'm makin a forum right now and as a sub project, I'm making
 a template engine / class.  Right now all it does is variable
 replacement, however I am curious as to how I can implement support for
 loops and if statements.  I would appreciate any ideas that you may
 have, thank-you!
  You'll have to write a parser.
  Or use something like bison/flex/yacc to create one for you.
  This is not something you want to try to knock out in an afternoon because
  you're bored. :-)
 Thank-you, but what exactly does a parser do?
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