[PHP] POST form variables not being sent to destination page

2002-09-09 Thread Howard Roscoe

Hi all,

I'm assuming this is an installation error, hence the posting to this group.

I've got an html form but when I use the POST method the form variables
don't make it to the destination page, when I use the GET method, there's no
problem.  I've uploaded the test pages to our web servers and the POST and
GET methods both work fine, therefore I'm assuming it's a problem with my
installation, which is;

PHP 4.2.2
Apache 2.0.40 on Windows XP Pro with as many MS patches as I can find

I've tried this with and without the register_globals, I've also tried
setting the always_populate_raw_post_data to on by way of a stab in the

The only thing I can think of is something to do with the Apache
configuration, but I can't find anythnin in there re this.

The test PHP is;

Form Page:

titleUntitled Document/title
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

form action=b.php method=post name=bb
input name=aa type=text value=12 size=10br
input name=a1 type=submit


Target Page:

titleUntitled Document/title
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

 echo POSTED :.$_POST[aa].br;
 echo GET :.$_GET[aa].br;



Any help / pointers will be much appreciated as this is starting to drive me


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[PHP] Re: POST form variables not being sent to destination page

2002-09-09 Thread Howard Roscoe

Hi Erwin,

Thanks for the reply but it turned out to be a slightly odd installation

On the PHP Bug board, I managed to find that it was to do with the Apache
configuration settings, namely, you should put

  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3

instead of;

FilesMatch \.php$
  SetOutputFilter PHP

in the httpd.conf file.

This took ages to find and was only posted within that last few days on the
PHP bug board, hope it helps you with your elusive first POST variable.

Thanks for you help though,

Erwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I've got an html form but when I use the POST method the form
  variables don't make it to the destination page, when I use the GET
  method, there's no problem.  I've uploaded the test pages to our web
  servers and the POST and GET methods both work fine, therefore I'm
  assuming it's a problem with my installation, which is;
  The test PHP is;
  Form Page:
  titleUntitled Document/title
  meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=iso-8859-
  1 /head
  form action=b.php method=post name=bb
  input name=aa type=text value=12 size=10br
  input name=a1 type=submit

 Try adding another input name...etc. We've had a problem where we
 lost the first POST variable.

 Grtz Erwin

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