RE: [PHP] Delete File Contents?

2001-12-17 Thread Jeremy Allen

Just open the file in mode w.

$fp = fopen(your_file, w);

There is also the the function fseek(), which 
will allow you to move the file pointer around
to any place in the file. Mode w will
suffice for your needs. 

fopen() -
fseek() -


Jeremy Allen

-Original Message-
From: Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 3:57 PM
Subject: [PHP] Delete File Contents?

I've created a program that runs a process then stores the results to a
file on the server. I would like the file to contain only the most
recent update, but it seems I can only append to my using fopen. Is
there a way to open the file and overwrite the data in that file? I've
considered deleting the file and creating a new one but that seems like
a lot to do. It would be nice if there were a way to set a pointer to
the top of the file and overwrite.


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RE: [PHP] Session storage and the --with-mm option

2001-12-14 Thread Jeremy Allen

Sessions by default will use the file system to store session data.
Using the file system on a site that utilizes sessions moderately can
be negative as far as performance goes.

Using shared memory simply means that session data is now stored
in shared memory. Shared memory is a bit more efficient than using
the file system. Where session data is stored is supposed to be
sort of black box and transparent to the actual use of sessions.

You can also define a group of custom session handling functions
to use any device your mind can imagine for session storage. Anything
PHP can easily connect to (Java, RDBMS, ...) the sky is the limit.

Take a look at session_set_save_handler (for custom session handling

Once you get your session save handler working it is transparent
to the use of sessions. If your having performance troubles with
sessions using the file system, shared memory may be the best way
to go.

Take a look at this page

To actually use shared memory you must modify the option
session.save_handler in the php.ini file.


Jeremy Allen

-Original Message-
From: Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 10:38 AM
Subject: [PHP] Session storage and the --with-mm option

  I'm trying to cut down on the amount of memory that my apache
proceeses use, I've noticed that when I have the --with-mm option set
when I configure and compile PHP that the apache process goes up by
about 40MB or more on the process table:

root 23102  0.0  2.5 54588 12972 ?   SDec11   0:13
nobody   11242  0.0  2.7 55040 14408 ?   SDec13   0:16
nobody   11244  0.0  2.7 55076 14216 ?   SDec13   0:16

  I understand that not each process is using up that much ram, but I'd
still like to cut down the usage since without having --with-mm enabled
makes the processes more like this:

root 29415  0.0  0.7 13988 5844 ?SDec13   0:02
nobody   31719  0.0  0.7 14140 6096 ?S04:02   0:00
nobody   31720  0.0  0.7 14140 6096 ?S04:02   0:00

  So my question is this.  What is the --with-mm option for?  The only
real documentation I can find about it anywhere is on the PHP site where
they have a complete list of configuration options:


PHP 3: Option not available in PHP 3

PHP 4: Include mm support for session storage

  Well, that's not really helpful.  Does this option affect how sessions
work under PHP?  I think some of the users on my system have been using
sessions successfully without this option.  Also, since this gets
compiled in the ext/sessions directory, would I be able to compile it as
a module that could be loaded into PHP at run time?

  Any help would be appretiated.  Thanks,


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[PHP] PHP 4.1.0 Comments

2001-12-13 Thread Jeremy Allen

I would like to take a few bytes text to give a 
little thanks to the PHP team. 

I have been writing a book on PHP for the last 8 months. I 
thought I knew PHP inside and out, having done quite a bit
of work with PHP. I have even had the pleasure of adding on
a few libraries for a customized version of PHP in one project,
it required a few libraries developed internally to have
native PHP function calls. (It was either modify PHP source
or make COM wrappers and use ASP. PHP saved the day)

I have gained a true appreciation for the legible and easy
to follow source of PHP. Whenever I have had a question I could
look at the source, the source is never wrong :)

Spending the last 8 months married to my book and PHP I have
learned more than I thought there was for me to learn about
programming in general and PHP specifically. The result is 
that I have come to like PHP more and more. I have developed 
largish applications in ColdFusion, ASP, JSP, and PHP. PHP 
still wins hands down for most of my needs. 

So, Thanks to anyone who has ever contributed a single line 
of code to PHP publicly. Your contributions have made such a 
wonderful web application development platform possible. 


Jeremy Allen

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RE: [PHP] PEAR DB Results

2001-10-31 Thread Jeremy Allen

Based on the snippet you have sent us you need
to at least start by enclosing your column names
in your accesses to the associative array containing
your results.

Each line just use print_r or var_dump:

while($row = $result-fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC))

This will show you exactly what is going on. Verify
that your results are actually there as well.

As a final note the actual problem appears to
be that you are not accessing the associative
array elements with quotes:

echo $row[];

Instead of:

echo $row[];

This should show you what is going on and help you
easier determine what is going wrong, it is possible
you are not returning any data with your query as


Jeremy Allen

-Original Message-
From: Ralph Guzman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 5:07 AM
To: PHP General Mailing List
Subject: [PHP] PEAR DB Results

I am trying to do a joined query using PEAR DB? My code looks something like

$sql = SELECT,,, FROM
wwwpages, media WHERE = '$pid';

if(DB::isError($result = $db-query($sql))){
echo ERROR: . DB::errorMessage($result);
} else {

while($row = $result-fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)){
echo $row[];
echo $row[]

When I specify '$row[]' I get a blank result, and if I try
'$row[name]',  I am obviously not specifying a table therefore it results in
name for wwwpages table. How do I go about displaying both?

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