[PHP] Houston PHP Users Group February Meeting Details

2006-01-22 Thread Joao Prado Maia


I'm sending the February meeting details to this mailing list in hopes of 
getting through to some Houston-based PHP developer that is not aware of 
our local Users Group.

The group started out in Meetup.com, but recently we built our own website 
(http://houstonphp.org) to increase the interactivity level between our 
members and with that improve the participation in our monthly meetings.

We meet at the University of Houston on the first Thursday of every month. 
We usually have members that do a few presentations each month, on a topic 
related to PHP and Web Development in general.

If you are interested in joining us and do some networking with other 
professionals in the Houston area, please visit our website at:


Or our Meetup group page at:


Next month's details (Thursday, February 2nd, 7:00pm) are the following:

Marc Mojica will give a presentation about quickly creating PHP-based web 
applications with Macromedia Dreamweaver. This presentation should be 
highly interesting to new PHP developers that want to get started quickly, 
and also to experienced developers that want to easen up the design/layout 
development of a web application.

Joao Prado Maia will present about development with CVS, a revision 
control system used by most of today.s open source projects. I.ll go over 
the details of creating a CVS repository, importing modules and start 
tracking changes to your files. If you are interested, feel free to start 
reading "Open Source Development with CVS", a free book available online.

We will also have our usual Tips & Tricks session at the end of the 
meeting, with good tips about interesting PHP components, MySQL tools, 
Firefox extensions, AJAX/JavaScript libraries and other web development 
related topics.

The meeting location and driving directions (with a easy to 
follow map) are available at the following URL:


Hope to see you all in there!

Joao Prado Maia

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Re: Submitting variables via /'s

2001-10-05 Thread Joao Prado Maia

On Fri, 5 Oct 2001, John A. Grant wrote:

> "Ashley M. Kirchner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > I want to move away from
> > file.php?var1=1&var2=2&var3=3
> > ...and go to
> > file.php/1/2/3
> [...]
> Why?  What's wrong with ?var1=1&var2=2

That is actually a good idea to build dynamic web sites and be still
search engine friendly. You can take http://faqts.com as an example. Go
over Google.com and search for 'faqts' and you will see that Google
crawled the whole site structure because of how carefully the links were
laid out.

The same thing wouldn't happen (in most cases I guess) with a site of the
'?var=2&var2=4' method of doing links.


João Prado Maia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
http://phpbrasil.com - php com um jeitinho brasileiro
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Re: [PHP] ecTemplate

2001-09-24 Thread Joao Prado Maia

On Mon, 24 Sep 2001, Jeroen Olthof wrote:

> look here for a live excample
> http://www.millipede.nl/ectemplate

And how is ecTemplate different from PHPLIB's Template system ? It looks
like the same thing to me..


João Prado Maia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
http://phpbrasil.com - php com um jeitinho brasileiro
Precisando de consultoria em desenvolvimento para a Internet ?
Impleo.net - http://impleo.net/?lang=br

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Re: [PHP] passing values to a javascript variable

2001-06-21 Thread Joao Prado Maia

On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Romulo Roberto Pereira wrote:

> Hello!
> The following give me: unterminated string constant (this is a javascript
> error)
> when I execute the following:
>while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($data_query_action)) {
> $data_data = $row["data_data"];
>echo "\n var
> ndata=\"".addslashes($data_data)."\";\nPutCode (ndata);\n";
> Ideas? Please I need help.
> Thank you,

This is usually a problem where a string literal is spanning thru several
lines. Remember, in JavaScript one statement ends either with a semi-colon
or a newline '\n'.

You should do str_replace("\n", '\n', $data_data) in there before doing
addslashes(). Believe it or not, thats the error.


João Prado Maia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
http://phpbrasil.com - php com um jeitinho brasileiro

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] line break

2001-04-26 Thread Joao Prado Maia

On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, Alex Piaz wrote:

> At 22:07 26/4/2001 -0400, you wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >I know how to get a line break in text. Is there a way to get a line break
> >between the user agent string below? I would line to print in a column
> >instead of a long row.
> Use \n\r concatening with your actual string
> See below:
> > >$newfile = fopen("log_test.txt", "a+");
> >fwrite($newfile, getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT")."\n\r");
> >fclose($newfile);
> >?>
> It will work.

Actually the correct sequence is \r\n on Windows platforms. Just a small


João Prado Maia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
http://phpbrasil.com - php com um jeitinho brasileiro

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Caller's __LINE__

2001-02-28 Thread Joao Prado Maia

On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Christian Dechery wrote:

> >Pass __LINE__ to the function as one of its arguments:
> >
> >  function debuginfo($msg, __LINE__)
> >   {
> >echo"the message is $msg, at line" . __LINE__ . " ";
> >   }
> that won't work since __LINE__ returns the exact line where it's used... so
> it will always show the line of the function header...
> . Christian Dechery (lemming)
> . http://www.tanamesa.com.br
> . Gaita-L Owner / Web Developer

Okay, simple enough.

Pass __LINE__ as one of its arguments and just use a real variable name on
the function declaration.

function debuginfo($msg, $line_num)
  echo"the message is $msg, at line $line_num ";

debuginfo($msg, __LINE__);

This will probably result in a line number that is one integer bigger than
what you want. For instance the error happened on line 40 and you are
actually calling this function on line 42. You can then just substract 2
from that and you will get the real line number. It's ugly, but works (or
should anyway ;).


João Prado Maia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
http://phpbrasil.com - php com um jeitinho brasileiro
Contribua com o projeto de tradução do manual online do PHP

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RE: [PHP] field types

2001-01-23 Thread Joao Prado Maia

On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, Boget, Chris wrote:

> Never mind, I see how he did it.  He runs the following query:
> Where '$tableName' is your table (obviously) and he parses the result
> to get all the information.

Actually he did a "SHOW FIELDS FROM $tableName". It looks like it's some
sort of alias to "DESC $tableName", since it shows pretty much the same


João Prado Maia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
http://phpbrasil.com - php com um jeitinho brasileiro

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