Re: [PHP] Recommendation for a MySql wrapper class

2005-04-03 Thread Kevin Coyner

On Sat, Apr 02, 2005 at 01:08:30PM +0200, Marek Kilimajer wrote..

 If anybody (with more experience) than I thinks I am wrong...please
 tell me so and most prolly go with PEARs solution, another one high
 on my list is the ADODB as I remember someone else talking about it
 on the list some time back.
 You can pack PEAR classes with your project and set up include_path

Like Ryan (original post), I too am about to embark on a new website
project and have the opportunity to do it differently.  In the past I
did the basic php/mysql connects, etc.  But since reading this post,
have looked into adodb and pear.

Pear looks very interesting and I've given it a go.  I like the looks of
DB_Table, and how it integrates with HTML_QuickForm.  I also like how
pear has the commandline interface to search, install and update.  But
this makes me wonder ... are newer releases of classes always compatible
with pages/scripts that I might have written earlier?  If I update a
class package, might it break my existing pages?  And finally, does the
pear project have enough momentum, and contributors, such that I can
feel comfortable that it will be around for a while?

I guess I'm asking these questions because the whole pear package
repository seems very dynamic (in a good way).  I'm just wondering if it
does make sense to 'pack' up the pear classes, with versions related to
my webpages, rather than assume the classes that get updated will always
work with my stuff.

Kind of a long winded question.  Apologies.



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[PHP] create multiple jpg thumbnails and use in a page

2005-03-25 Thread Kevin Coyner

Is there a way to create multiple jpg thumbnails from a series of larger
originals and use all of the on-the-fly generated thumbnails in a page
(without saving any of the thumbnails to the filesystem)?

For example, I've got 5 full size jpg's in a directory, and I'd like to
list them on a page in table form as follows

image1.jpg  thumnbnail imageimage1 size datestamp
image2.jpg  thumnbnail imageimage2 size datestamp
image3.jpg  thumnbnail imageimage3 size datestamp
image4.jpg  thumnbnail imageimage4 size datestamp
image5.jpg  thumnbnail imageimage5 size datestamp

From, I've found plenty of examples of how to create thumbnails
from files and have done a couple successfully.  My objective, however,
is to have a page dynamically create multiple thumbnails from full sized
images.  I don't want to be creating and saving thumbnails to be used

Possible?  If so, then please just a pointer in the right direction.

Thanks, Kevin

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[PHP] sort multidim array

2004-10-05 Thread Kevin Coyner

I've been banging my head against the wall on this one.  Probably
trivial to the knowledgeable, but I'm stumped despite trying the various
sort functions as advertised on

I've got the following fields:

retailer  city   state   telephone   distance

Sample data looks like:

BLIND BROOK CLUB   PURCHASE, NY  (914) 939-1450  4.6
BURNING TREE CCGREENWICH, CT   (203) 869-9010  0
FAIRVIEW CC  GREENWICH, CT   (203) 531-4283  2.2

All of this is in an array I'll call $zipArray.

When I get the data from mysql, it doesn't contain the 'distance' info.
The distance field is calculated and tacked onto each row by having
everything go through a foreach loop.

So I start with an array that has 4 data columns (retailer, city, state
and telephone) and I end up with an array that has 5 data columns
(retailer, city, state, telephone, and distance).

If I apply asort($zipArray) it sorts nicely on the first data column -
retailer.  But I need it to sort on the last data column - distance.

I think I've been staring at this too long.  Would appreciate any



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[PHP] register globals changed to off, script breaks

2004-09-30 Thread Kevin Coyner

I had a couple pages that had used a few 'a href' links to create a URL
like this:

When you clicked the link, it went to the profile.php page, which had
the following code snippet:

foreach($_GET as $varname = $value)
 $formVars[$varname] = trim($value);

This worked great when the server had 'register globals' set to on.  

However, desiring to tighten up the security of the server a bit, I
turned register globals to off.  

Now the above code snippet doesn't work.

I've done quite a bit of searching and reading and haven't yet come up
with a similar substitute (and I'm still learning PHP) for creating the
variable array from the GET.

What does work is:

$cid = $_GET($varname);

But that is only for when a single variable is passed, not when a bunch
of them get passed and need to be put into an array.

Would appreciate any tips.


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[PHP] performance hit using imagecreatetruecolor

2004-09-13 Thread Kevin Coyner

I'm working on a website where I'd like to display a thumbnail from a
repository of jpg's of normal (@ 800x600 px) size.  Each time a user
comes to this page, I'd like to show a new thumbnail from a different
image in the repository.

Obviously I could simple resize all the jpg's to my desired size and
stick them in a thumbnail-repository and randomly call them up.  I'm
o.k. with this approach and will probably do it.  

But I've also played around with imagejpeg and imagecreatetruecolor, and
have put together a small function that takes a jpg from the repository,
sizes it to thumbnail, and then displays it in the browser.

This is real slick and a nice solution, but is there a performance hit
there that might slow down page loads for viewers?  I know it's all
server-side, but my impression is that resizing pics is generally CPU
intensive and takes a second or two.  

Would appreciate any insights.


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[PHP] download filesize problem with IE

2004-08-26 Thread Kevin Coyner

Not sure if this is just a problem with MS IE, or if there's something I
need to set in my php.ini.

I've got some large zip files sitting in a directory in my website for
my clients to download (no these aren't programs for warez but images
for the graphics industry).  

One of the zip files is 78 MB.  When using MS IE6 and when I right click
the link for that zip file to download it (then 'File Save As), IE
gives back an error message that IE cannot download ... path/filename
from and IE was not able to open this Internet site.  The
requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found.  Please try
again later.

However, if I try the same thing with a much smaller zip file, it works
in IE.

And of course, if I use any other browser but IE, then it works perfect
no matter what the file size.  So it seems to be a combination of MS IE
and large file size.

In my php.ini, I've got:

post_max_size = 100M
upload_max_filesize = 100M

Is there anything else I need to do in php.ini?  Mime settings or
execution times?

Or is this just another shortcoming in IE?  And if so, is it editable?

Many thanks

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