Re: [PHP] Holy Moly...

2002-01-03 Thread Kevin Keeler

Well, this *is* a good list, but the subjects tend to be of a more
"intermediate" nature .. You gotta know a little before you know what to
ask.  I would reccomend staying subscribed and just skimming subject
headings for things topics that sound interesting to you.

It's surprisingly easy to get a running start with PHP using some of the
web tutorials out there.

a few:

those are just from a quick google search, so ypu can easily fins others.

another GREAT source is the PHP manual itself - especially the user

ahoy and enjoy


On Wed, 2 Jan 2002, Julie Hull wrote:

> Could someone please direct a total novice to the best PHP beginner news
> group. Just to many to choose from ~:)
> Thank You,
> Julie ~:)
> --
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[PHP] Using html-style tags to define a variable

2001-12-25 Thread Kevin Keeler

I recall seeing a thread along these lines previously, but the search
functionality at is currently  offline, and try as I might
to save messages that may prove useful to me in the future, I cannot get
them all.

So I apologize that this may be found elsewhere, or may be rehash for most
of you.

That given, I'm looking for the ability (using regex, i'm sure) to put
something like booger into a database (via a form), and have it
translate to $foo="booger" when php sucks it back out.

the eventual use of this will allow me to type  something like:

that's very tenacious of you ...

and have the end output be ereg_replaced (or such) to:

that's very>tenacious of
you ...

so i need to take whatever is within the  tag, define that as
$word, and then replace the whole string (tags and word) with:$word>$word

follow me?

a simple answer will do, or a point towards an appropriate turorial may
serve me better in the long run

thanks in advance


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[PHP] <-- to check airfares

2001-08-30 Thread Kevin Keeler

has anyone seen a script that checks a travel site (such as travelovity or
expedia or even yahoo) and sucks out the relevant prices for certina

If not, I'm thinking I could do it, but I was just wondering if anyone had
an opinion on which site would be the simplest and "cleanest" to extract
the data from?


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[PHP] wildcard redirecting

2001-08-29 Thread Kevin Keeler

Sorry, I couldn't think of a well-worded, descriptive title for what I'm
trying to do.

As I believe I mentioned before, I use PHP and MySQL to keep a journal.
all the entries are accessed by /index.phtml?id=23 , where "23" is
replaced by the id of the entry you want.

A "problem" I'm having is that some search engines' spiders (google, most
notably), won't navigate through all the different ?id= variants, even
though they are all linked together.

The solution I thought of would be to make /23.phtml point to the same
location, by parsing the id out of the url. Then the spiders would crawl
through all the individual pages and store them all. I  got this to work
just fine.

Now what I would like is, rather than creating 100+ files (even if all
they contain is an include(); ), to ake a way where any /n.phtml brings up
the same batch of code.

really te only soltion I could come up with was to change my ErrorDocument
in .htaccess to point a 404 to a custom page in the directory, containing
the url parsing code, or, if it detects a non-numeric file, display a
default 404 message.

The problem with that was that apache would actually redirect the browser,
and the URL would be replaced with /404.phtml, losing the variable/ url.
Also $http_referrer would be suspiciously blank.

Anyone know a way I can succeed at the above? Or, even more delightful, a
better way to achieve it?


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Re: [PHP] Re: hello and a question

2001-08-21 Thread Kevin Keeler


this preg business methinks needs some more looking into. ;) everywhere
I've looked theres always one or 2 people proselytizing its greatness.

my late-night "boredom" reading of O'Reilly's _Perl_ (sans computer or
pause) left little behind little information in my head, not surprisingly.

Thanks much, sir.


On 21 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Kevin Keeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > $entry_hidden = eregi_replace(".+","",$entry);
> try: $entry_hidden = preg_replace("|.+?|i","",$entry);
> ".+" is 'greedy', meaning it consumes as much as text as it can. with
> perl-like regular expressions, you can add a trailing "?" which makes
> the + and * operators non-greedy.
> jim
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[PHP] hello and a question

2001-08-21 Thread Kevin Keeler

Hi. I just joined the list and, of course, I have a question. I've
searched for quite a bit of time now, but to no avail.. mostly, I suspect,
because all the relevant search terms are to broad. But heres my problem:

I have a journal I whipped up and tweak often that uses PHP and MySQL (no
small club there. :p ). The functionality I'm trying to add right now is
to be able to enclose text in a  tag (what? you didnt see that
"hide"? html and email just don't mix) and it will not be displayed in the
browser.  example:

I had a good day today. I shot the milkman. Tho nothign much

then i use:
$entry_hidden = eregi_replace(".+","",$entry);

and this works just fine, replacing the "secret" text with a non-displayed
 tag. The problem arises when I use the tag 2 or more times:

Hey losers! I think that I  do not like corn.

in this case, the above blurb gets outputted as:
hey  like corn.

So how do I make it stop pattern-matching when it reaches the first
instance of , and make it work properly for each subsequent set of
the tag?

This is prolly something pretty basic in regular expressions, but in my
limited working knowledge (and the 3 tutorials I've tried), it's not
addressed. searches in the archive, the php manual, and google have also
failed me. worthy list?

I thank you in advance and hope I can tolerate the mail volume long enough
to return the favor.


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