[PHP] Even more dynamic page

2001-05-04 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

Is there some way of making PHP even more dynamic?
What I would like is that selecting a value from a  box would 
change some info on the page - without having to click a refresh button 
or something like that. 

Or do I have to resort to javascript for such things?


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Re: [PHP] Searching for array keys

2001-05-04 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

Mark Charette wrote:

>> > What's the best way of finding out if a specific array key is in an
> array?
>> > I have an associative array which *may* look like
>> > (car =>saab, house => mansion, countyW=> A) but can equally well look
> like
>> >
>> > (boat => daycruiser, house => flat, county => B).
>> >
>> > I want to find out if the key "car" is in the array and do something if
> it
>>  try something like
>> if (in_array("keyb",array_keys(array("key"=>"a","keyb"=>"b") {
>> ...
>> }
> Maybe I'm being dense here, but won't a simple "isset()" work (using the
> KISS principle)?
> $ary=array("aa"=>"yy","bb"=>"zz");
> $key="aa";
> if (isset($ary[$key]))
> print "$key set\n";
> else
> print "$key not set\n";
> $key="bb";
> if (isset($ary[$key]))
> print "$key set\n";
> else
> print "$key not set\n";
> $key="cc";
> if (isset($ary[$key]))
> print "$key set\n";
> else
> print "$key not set\n"
> returns
> aa set
> bb set
> cc not set

So simple - giving it more thought than before rushing off to work I would 
possibly have found it myself.


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[PHP] Searching for array keys

2001-05-03 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

What's the best way of finding out if a specific array key is in an array?
I have an associative array which *may* look like 
(car =>saab, house => mansion, countyW=> A) but can equally well look like 
(boat => daycruiser, house => flat, county => B).

I want to find out if the key "car" is in the array and do something if it 

I found:

$os = array ("Mac", "NT", "Irix", "Linux");
if (in_array ("Irix", $os)){

But that only works on the values. But it is exactly what I want to do on 
keys instead.


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RE: [PHP] Going crazy again ...

2001-05-01 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

Altunergil, Oktay wrote:

> I was actually interested in the answer to this. I believe one can write
> in English if one can read English. (PS: It's not my first language
> either)

AS it was my question I'll answer.
He said that he was sceptical about using our accented character in code 
and that that I could use a  instead of whatever to track 
the variable.

Well, I fixed it eventually - the problem was somewhere else, which I 
noticed when I got a completely different error message later. 'Twas due to 
stupidity of the coder rather than the quoted code itself.


> Hej, jag hade nog inte använt åäö i case men det är bara en vana, kanske
> du kan använda en dold
> variabel via html-formuläret istället och använda den i case satsen?
> Men det svarar ju inte på din fråga men lycka till.
> / iImmy

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Re: [PHP] Going crazy again ...

2001-05-01 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

Jimmy Lantz wrote:

> Hej, jag hade nog inte använt åäö i case men det är bara en vana, kanske
> du kan använda en dold variabel via html-formuläret istället och använda
> den i case satsen? Men det svarar ju inte på din fråga men lycka till.
> / iImmy

Problemet låg någon annanstans, vilket jag upptäckte när jag plötsligt fick 
ett annat fel i scriptet. Ändrade dessutom "Lägg till" till "Skapa" vilket 
ju inte innehåller våra tecken. Verkade ju funka ändå men för 
säkerhetesskull så.


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[PHP] Going crazy again ...

2001-05-01 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

Going grey haired again. In this code only the first case is working 
(adding stuff to tables). The second and third are producing - Warning: 
Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in 
/chroot/htdocs/diarium/settings.php on line 31 (which is $query_res /ms)

I've even copied and pasted the also clause which works from sendaction to 
recaction but I get the same result. Anyone sees what going on? I don't. 
And my deadline is tomorrow (or thursday).


switch ($sendaction) {
case "Lägg till":

$query="INSERT INTO employees (login, name)";
$query .= "VALUES('$txtSend', '')";
$query_res =mysql_query($query, $mysql_link) or die('error: ' 
if ($also=="Rec"){
$query="INSERT INTO contacts (id, name)";
$query .= "VALUES('$txtSend', '')";
$query_res =mysql_query($query, $mysql_link) or 
die('error: ' . 

switch ($recaction) {
case "Lägg till":
$query="INSERT INTO contacts (id, name)";
$query .= "VALUES('$txtRec', '')";
$query_res =mysql_query($query, $mysql_link) or die('error: ' 

switch ($archaction) {
case "Lägg till":
$query="INSERT INTO archive (s_name, name) VALUES('$txtArch', '')";
$query_res =mysql_query($query, $mysql_link) or die('error: ' 


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Re: [PHP] Where is php.ini located by default?

2001-04-27 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

idban secandri wrote:

> On Saturday 28 April 2001 00:37, you wrote:
>> I've built php from a tarball. Now I need to specify a special include
>> path in the php.ini file. But I can't find it. There is a php.in-dist in
>> the build catalog but I can't find a production php.ini anywhere.
>> The docs says that it should be in the install catalogue (which is
>> where?, /usr/local/lib/php doesn't have one) or the cwd. I've tried
>> editing the sample file and putting it in either place but my app still
>> gives me the following error:
>> Failed opening required 'class.DBI' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php')
>> Martin S.
> read INSTALL doc, they will told you
Found the litte line.
Thanks - too all who replied!

Martin S.

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Re: SV: [PHP] PHP Book?

2001-04-27 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand


> On Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 08:06:54PM +0200, Christian Reiniger wrote:
>> On Friday 27 April 2001 15:15, Johan Holst Nielsen wrote:
>> > > Hey everyone...
>> > >
>> > > I've been programming in perl for about 3 years now, i have installed
>> > > php and have been working on it for about three weeks. I started by
>> > Try "Core PHP Programmning", it's have a lot of good stuff!
>> That book is definitely the wrong choice for someone with 3 years perl
>> experience (perhaps unless there's a second edition).  The copy I
>> unfortunately bought is built somehow like that:
> What books are you reading?
>> 5 pages useful intro
>> 45 pages explaining basic language contructs [1]
>> 4 pages explaining classes
>> 11 pages giving a (small) overview of using print(), getting data from
>> forms, file upoads, env-vars, cookies, include/require and file IO
>> 340 pages function references (copied from the manual) [2]
> That is wrong. Leon havent copied 340 pages from the manual. I should know
> this myself because I have finished the translation into German.

Well, for the first edition of this book I found it extremely boring. Don't 
know why really. The whole thing felt pretty old - but it isn't. Hopefully 
the second ed. is much better. (I know many people like PHP Core).

Anyway, PHP Developers Cookbook (Sterling Hughes) from SAMS is very nice. 
Gives lot's of examples of everyday stuff you'd like to do.


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[PHP] Where is php.ini located by default?

2001-04-27 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

I've built php from a tarball. Now I need to specify a special include path 
in the php.ini file. But I can't find it. There is a php.in-dist in the 
build catalog but I can't find a production php.ini anywhere.
The docs says that it should be in the install catalogue (which is where?, 
/usr/local/lib/php doesn't have one) or the cwd. I've tried editing the 
sample file and putting it in either place but my app still gives me the 
following error:

Failed opening required 'class.DBI' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') 

Martin S.

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Re: [PHP] checking if e-mail address and syntax are valid

2001-04-24 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

Carlos Fernando Scheidecker Antunes wrote:

> Hello all!
> I would like to know if anyone has or know any PHP code to verify if a
> form entered e-mail address is valid?
> I would like that things like 4$%^%$@@.com.br could not be sent. I only
> has to verify the syntax of it, the existance I believe should be harder
> to verify but if it is possible I would be glad if anyone could point me
> the way.

This is taken from PHP Developers Cookbook. Don't ask me exactly what it 
does, because I don't know. I think I can grasp the basics of it though.
It isn't fool proof tho.

if (!eregi ("^([a-z0-9_]|\\-|\\.)+@(([a-z0-9_]|\\-)+\\.)+[a-z]{2,4}$", 
$users)) die ("Invalid email");


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[PHP] Autoupdate of page

2001-04-24 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

IS there a standard way of "auto-updateing" the contents of a page after a 
databas insert or edit? Do a SELECT updates the contents I can update 
tables I've noticed. Contents in select boxes (as in

 while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($secquery_res)) {
print "$row[0]";

is not automatically updated to match edits or inserts done on the same 
page. You have to initialize the select box again. Or is there another way?


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Re: [PHP] is_link() behavior

2001-04-23 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

J. Jones wrote:

> Forgive me for my ignorance, but I've noticed some unwanted behavior (IMO,
> at least) with the is_link() function.  Given the simple code..
> if ( is_link ("/tmp/this_is_a_symlink") )
> print ("Success\n");
> and the file..
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 Apr 23 21:19 /tmp/this_is_a_symlink -> /bin/
> the above obviously prints 'Success\n'.
> However, if I break the symlink, with something like the following..
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Apr 23 21:21 /tmp/this_is_a_symlink -> foo
> the script fails with..
> Warning: stat failed for /tmp/this_is_a_symlink (errno=2 - No such file or
> directory) in ./test.php on line 3.

Do you have permission to read the /tmp catalog? Otherwise you may get that 
error I suppose.


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[PHP] BASIC function question

2001-04-23 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

I have a function on an include page that says

function update_stuff($database)
$query="SELECT * FROM $database";
$query_res=mysql_query($query, $mysql_link);

If I call it from a script as

I don't get any result (I want to page to automagically update it's 
contents) while if I include the query lines after each edit case
it does update the page contents.

I'm missing something basic, but what?

Martin S.

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Re: [PHP] Incrementing dates

2001-04-22 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

James, Yz wrote:

>If anyone has any comments on this, I'd like to
> hear
> them (there's probably a simpler way around what I have done).  Here's the
> URL:
> http://www.yorkshire-zone.co.uk/date_increment.php
> And here's the code that powers it:
> $date = date("2001-04-28");
> list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $date);
> $actual_date = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year);
> $days_to_add = 7;
> $x = 1;
> while($x <= $days_to_add) {
>  $make_date = getdate($actual_date);
>  echo "Day $x: $make_date[mday] $make_date[month],
> $make_date[year]";
>  $actual_date = $actual_date + (3600 * 24);
>  $x++;
> }
> ?>

Thanks James!

You started me off in the right direction. And ... with a few beers less in 
the brain (and a look at php.net and PHP Developers Cookbook) I finally 
found that mktime actually increments dates correctly.
So, given that $month, $day and $year are valid and that we want to add 10 
days to the output we can do:

echo date ("Y-m-d", mktime (0,0,0,$month, $day, $year)) . "";
for($i=1; $i<=9; $i++) {
  echo date ("Y-m-d", mktime (0,0,0,$month, $day, $year)) . "";


Martin S.

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RE: [PHP] Incrementing dates

2001-04-22 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

PHPBeginner.com wrote:

> I am not sure on how your possibilities are,
> but doing this in PHP means literally "adding useless lines and loops"
> If possible, do it with SQL queries. Read the documentations on date
> datatypes, this is so much easier... almost magic.


> You can (mySQL, right?) do the following:

>UPDATE table SET date=(date+INTERVAL 10 DAYS);

>so if date there was 04-28, it will be added 10 more days and so will 

>Use SQL for this things, it treats dates as 'dates' while PHP treats them 
>integers and strings.

Sounds even easier. But what if I'm not doing an UPDATE but an INSERT? Can 
it read the previous date? I am inserting a batch of bookings at one time.

Martin S.

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RE: [PHP] Incrementing dates

2001-04-22 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

PHPBeginner.com wrote:

> bla=bla;
> it is just a way to do it. you will definitely have to play with it.
> However you can easily make two queries to read the previous date
> combining it with INTERVAL and then do an insert.

I've looked at INTERVAL but it seems it only deals with one specific date 
at a time?

date=10 : SELECT date+INTERVAL 10 
would then mean date=20

Or have I got everything wrong?

What I looking at
from the value of date=10 ADD other dates for X days on, like this
(in a table, each record (row) has more data than the one given)

This, if I'm mistaken can't be done with interval, at least not without 
looping in PHP? And using two queries would not perhaps save as much code 
as the way I solved it? Could be mistaken of course.

Martin S.

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[PHP] Incrementing dates

2001-04-21 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

How do I increment dates past the turn of the month (or year)?
Say I've got a booking of equipment A for the 28 April to 5 May and want to 
add each instance to a calendar (mysql table).
Can I increment the variable (format 2001-04-28) holding the date 
($txtDate++) somehow so that it doesn't add the 31, 32 and 33 of April?

Martin S.

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Re: [PHP] HELP!! "print" problem

2001-04-17 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand


> You're missing a single quote after the value of MAXLENGTH on the line
> that's not working...  Maybe that's the problem.

Thanks! I thought I was going crazy.

Martin S.

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[PHP] HELP!! "print" problem

2001-04-17 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

I'm blind!!
Whats wrong here? $besk has a value at one place but not in another?



 print "beskr $besk"; <-- prints value of $besk

 print ""; <-- works
print "   "; <-- DOES NOT PRINT A THING!!
   print "  "; <-- works
  print "   "; <--works

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[PHP] Array problem again.

2001-04-16 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

I'm trying to edit the specific item for each row found in the snippet 
below. Each item gets a row in a table and I want to pass the item Id (s_id 
below) to $item. It seems however that the array *item * is not 
incrementing. For all rows I get the value of the first row. 
Any ideas of what wrong? 


0) {
  for ($i = 0; $i <= $isstock -1; $i++) {
$item[$i] = $row['s_id'];
print "";
$row = mysql_fetch_array($query_res);
print "";
print " ".$row['s_id']."";
print " ".$row['s_description']."";
print " ".$row['s_price']."";
print " ".$row['s_stock_quantity']."";
print " N/I";
print " N/I";
print " ";
print "";

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Re: [PHP] Want a Good Book for Ref on PHP

2001-04-15 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

Kath wrote:

> Professional PHP Programming:
> sc_b_13/002-2263539-0333643

I've got Beginning PHP 4 (recommended) on the back cover of which it says 
that the next book could be "Professional PHP Programming.".
However from what I saw in the book shop they cover lots of the same 
ground. I (and my employer) wouldn't like to pay for the same stuff again.
Is there a significant difference between the two?

Martin S.

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Re: [PHP] Mailbox and PHP

2001-04-15 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

Richard wrote:

> Greetings.
> I have no problem writing an email client in PHP, which sends emails
> and
> such things. One thing only, can I check someones POP3, such as mine,
> through PHP? If so, what should be needed to complete it..? The server I
> am using is running Linux FreeBSd (I think..) with the options for the
> user to change quite alot..

You can find a class lib in the e-mail section at the address below. Don't 
know how good it is, but I've done a (very) quick test and it does work.


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Re: [PHP] Netscape 4.77 and PHP

2001-04-15 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

Adam wrote:

> try sending us the sample code. I use netscape 4 for testing and it seems
> to work just fine.

My whole project is based on inserting pieces of html. Works like a dream 
in Netscape 4.75 Linux.


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[PHP] sessions problem (and spec. Mozilla vs Opera)

2001-04-15 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

On my login page (index.php) I have at the top

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RE: [PHP] mystery line

2001-04-05 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

Tyler Longren wrote:

> In line 3, you don't need your  tags again.
> This is how you have it:
> print "TID detail view - Document #";
> this is how it should be:
> print "TID detail view - Document #$id";

Ofcourse, I've seen that all the time - and yet ...
oh well ... a bug in the carbon based part of the system I suppose.


Martin S.

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[PHP] mystery line

2001-04-05 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

It's not first of April today is it?


  print "TID detail view - Document #";

$sql="select * from tid_tbl where id=" . $id;
$result1=mysql_query($sql, $mysql_link);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result1);
echo '';
echo 'Subject' . 
$row["subject"] . '';
echo 'Issue/Info' 
.  ereg_replace (13, "", nl2br($row["body"])) .  '';
echo 'Author' . $row["author"] 
. '';
echo '' . $contact . '' . 
$row["company"] . '';
echo '';

The third line (starting print " TID detail") is my mystery line.
If I comment it out ("// print " TID detail...") the parser chokes on on 
the last line (or I suppose somewhere between).
While I totally delete it everything is OK. What is the parser seeing that 
I'm not?


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Re: [PHP] array_diff usage

2001-04-02 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

Stig Venaas wrote:

> So the arrays contain one string each? array_diff() won't work then.

Sorry - my fault.
I'm getting the values from a database - not manually added.

> Try this:
> $a = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
> $b = array(1, 2);
> $test = array_diff($a, $b);
> $lines = count($test);
> echo $lines;
> var_dump($test);

I'm afraid I dont quite under stand the output you gave (maybe ... or do 
you mean var_dump included the number of the array elements?)


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Re: [PHP] Cookie problem

2001-03-27 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

Thanks everyone for all the responses.
I think I'll look into sessions in the future. Meanwhile I'll have to see 
what others come up with.


Martin S.

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[PHP] Cookie problem

2001-03-25 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

I'm experiencing all kinds of problems with, what we suppose is the cookie 
setting. This is the code:

if (isset($authentication)) {
  setcookie("status", $status, time()+600);
  setcookie("user", $user, time()+600);
  setcookie("group", $group, time()+600);
  setcookie("authentication", $authentication, time()+600);
  setcookie("laston", $laston, time()+600);
else {
  setcookie("status", "Logged In", time()+600);
  setcookie("user", $txtUsername, time()+600);
  setcookie("group", $row[4], time()+600);
  setcookie("authentication", "YES", time()+600);
  setcookie("laston", $row[6], time()+600);

(I have not coded this).

What seems to happen is that - with alarming regularity - people are 
getting logged off when choosing item from a menu. Either they are thrown 
out into the log on-screen or (as has happened to me recently) the app 
simply states I'm not logged on even if I am in the middle of using it (and 
must have logged on).

I'm not at all familiar with cookies (yet) but suspect that the timing of 
the critters could be a culprit. IS this correct?
How do I solve the problem?


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[PHP] Variable scope

2001-03-10 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

How do I make a variable persistent between webpages?

V e r b a l

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[PHP] Value of if(isset(X)) problem

2001-03-06 Thread Martin Skjöldebrand

Sorry bout the length  I'm a newbie to PHP/MySQL so bare with me ...
Here's a snippet of an app I'm hacking. I have a form that should update a 
client form. the cl_ are taken from a database table and works nicely. 
The point of this that they should possibly be replaced by txtXXX and put 
back in the table.

As far as I can tell this _should_ work but it doesn't. I suspect that 
cmdFinish is never set if (isset($cmdFinish)) isn't true 

Any suggestions?

8< - code -->8

  Computer ID: 






print "$txtLogin has been successfully modified!\n";


The Client: $lstModifyClient has ";
print "not been modified\n";  


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