Re: [PHP] Problem Coding a Tutorial

2003-09-08 Thread MuToGeN
Hello Stephen,

You say then hit the Sign, dammit! button, and in your script you
have ...if ($submit == Sign!)
Obviously, the problem is that else block is executed instead of
if. It's better to use some other variable to check whether the form
is filled or not, something like
Also, the problem may be caused by register_globals turned off...

ST I found a new book for again starting out to learn PHP/MySQL Web App 
ST programming. I've begun exercises toward that end.

ST So far I've opened MySQL--I'm on a Macintosh PowerBook, so that's 
ST UNIX--as root and created a database I called guest_recorder. Then I 
ST GRANTed ALL to a new user (me) with a password. I then quit MySQL.

ST Next I opened MySQL again as the new user I created, did a USE 
ST guest_recorder and then created my first table guest_info. The table had 
ST five columns: name, location, email, url, and comments. When I did a 
ST DESCRIBE guest_info, it properly displayed the columns.

ST Then I typed dbconnect.php:

ST ?php
ST mysql_connect(localhost, , ---) or
ST die (Could not connect to database);
ST mysql_select_db(guest_recorder) or
ST die (Could not select database);

ST followed by create_entry.php:

ST html
ST head
ST titleCreate Entry/title
ST /head
ST body

ST ?php
ST include(dbconnect.php);

ST if ($submit == Sign!)
ST {
ST $query = insert into guest_info
ST (name,location,email,url,comments) values
ST '$name', '$location', '$email', '$url', '$comments')
ST ;
ST mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());
ST h2Thanks!/h2
ST h2a href=view.phpView My Guest Book!/a/h2
ST ?php
ST }
ST else
ST {
ST include(sign.php);
ST }

ST and sign.php:

ST When I open create_entry.php in my browser, the form and its five 
ST fields appear correctly, and I fill them out. I then hit the Sign, 
ST dammit! button.

ST I was expecting the Thanks! and View My Guest Book! messages, but 
ST instead am greeted with the same form with its five blank fields so's I 
ST can type in info for name, location, email, url, and comments.

ST When I go to view the table named guest_info in the database named 
ST guest_recorder using SELECT * FROM guest_info, I'm told Empty set.

ST If the form's info isn't making it to the table, I'm thinking I need 
ST $_POST statements--as in $_POST[name], $_POST[location], 
ST etc.--somewhere to get each field's info into the table. But where do I 
ST put those lines and in which file: create_entry.php or sign.php?

ST Thank you.

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Re: [PHP] How can I get IP of ppp0?

2003-09-05 Thread MuToGeN
Hello Erick,


EO Hello List,

EO How can I get IP Address from my connection ppp0 or ppp1 in Linux? What 
EO 's the function?

EO thanks
EO Erick

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PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Can Objects be passed to another page?

2003-09-03 Thread MuToGeN
Hello Webmaster,

No, arrays can be passed (input name=array[2],
for example), but not objects.

W Hi,

W is it possible to pass an Object to another php page?
W I want to pass a whole bunch of varibales to another page.
W For example the session ID, the language that the user choose,etc.
W All those variables are in one or more objects.
W Do I have to copy all those object attributes to variables and pass them via
W the URL?

W How is this done professionally?
W Up to now I used cookies. But I would like to change that.
W Not all users have cookies enabled.

W Thx

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Re: [PHP] php editor

2003-09-03 Thread MuToGeN
Hello STONE,

I use Zend Studio

SS What's the best php editor out there?
SS Thanks in advance for nay replies!

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Re[2]: [PHP] Can Objects be passed to another page?

2003-09-03 Thread MuToGeN
Hello Marco,

I was saying about GET and POST, not sessions

MS Hi there

MS MuToGeN wrote:

 No, arrays can be passed (input name=array[2],
 for example), but not objects.

MS And why does this work then?

MS === SCRIPT ===
MS ?php

MS error_reporting(E_ALL);

MS class AClass {

MS var $i = 0;

MS function AClass ($i = 0) {
MS //$this-display();
MS }

MS function increment() {
MS $this-i++;
MS }

MS function display() {
MS printf('Current value of $i is:  %sbr', $this-i);
MS }
MS }

MS session_start();

MS if (!isset($_SESSION['AClass'])) {
MS $a =  new AClass();
MS $_SESSION['AClass'] =  $a;
MS }
MS else {
MS $a =  $_SESSION['AClass'];
MS }



MS === /SCRIPT ===

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Re: [PHP] ImageTTFBBox() hanging?

2003-09-03 Thread MuToGeN
Hello Kevin,

Maybe, the problem is with the TTF file (3rd param for
imagettfbox())? Did you try to replace it by another one?

KB Hi. I'm new to the list, but not new to PHP.

KB Anyway, I have a small PHP script that was meant to help learn about 
KB doing stuff with the GD library. Basically, it opens an image of a 
KB button and centers text on top of it, then displays it. To center the 
KB text, it uses ImageTTFBBox(). However, it appears that whenever I use 
KB this call, the PHP script hangs, and after about 10 seconds my web 
KB browser (Safari) says that it couldn't read any data from the server (I 
KB assume this means the server closed the connection without sending any 
KB data to the browser). If I comment out the call, the script proceeds 
KB just fine.

KB Actually, after looking at it again, it does the exact same behaviour 
KB on ImageTTFText(). I can't figure out what the problem is, unless it 
KB somehow hangs on reading in the TrueType font.

KB Can anybody figure out what my problem could be? Alternately, if nobody 
KB can do that, is there any way to figure out the width/height of font 
KB rendered using the built in fonts (i.e. 1-5 with imagestring())?

KB For reference, my script can be found here: 

KB -- 
KB Kevin Ballard

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