[PHP] Header Location redirection parameters fail to redirect

2005-05-10 Thread Olav Drageset
I want url mysite.no to redirect to mysite.com with parameters lang=no 
and ctry=no, but the parameters do not follow the redirection.

mysite.no/index.php is
Header ('Location: http://mysite.com/index.php?lang=noctry=no'  ) ;
mysite.com/index.php is
? echo h3mysite.com Homepage /h3 ;
$lang = $_REQUEST['lang'];
$ctry = $_REQUEST['ctry'];
echo Country= $ctry br Language= $lang;
When I browse mysite.no mysite.com homepage is shown
with lang and ctry as blank
When I browse mysite.com/index.php?lang=noctry=no
parameters lang and ctry are set to no as I wish
I have the server on my own laptop where I also do the browsing. I use 
PHP 4.2.2

I kindly got some answers yesterday that do not seem to solv the 
question so I have made myself more specific. Do anyone have a clue why 
the parameters are stripped from the redirection?
(I am not very trained, but as far as I know the parameters should be 

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[PHP] Time calculation after UNIX

2002-01-16 Thread Olav Drageset


I have a database that is supposed to last more than 30 years

Could someone advice me how to calculate (add and subtract) time in a maner that willl 
be correct 
after 2030 when Unix Time stop working?



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[PHP] query works in mysql, but not from php

2001-11-19 Thread Olav Drageset


$sql = SELECT user FROM persons WHERE user = '$firstName' and domain = '$domainName' 
; ;
$result = mysql_query($sql,$connection ) or die(mysql_error()); 

Calling above lines from php returns: You have an error in SQL syntax near ';'  at 
line 1

Issuing the command

SELECT user FROM persons WHERE user = 'fred' AND domain = 'company.net' ; 

in mysql give a proper result.

Can anyone explain what might be causing the error???
regards Olav

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[PHP] Transfer variable to next web-page

2001-11-17 Thread Olav Drageset

I just started..

How do you transfer a variable from one web-page to another
I try to use a form like this:
FORM method='POST' action='join2.php'
text for button
INPUT type='submit' value='Next step'
INPUT type='hidden' name='htmlVariableName' value='$phpVariableName'

and catch it injoin2.phpby:



This do not work.
Can anyone tel me what should be done
Neither books, php-manual nor HTML-specification does tel me.


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[PHP] How to get mysql-result into a php variable

2001-11-17 Thread Olav Drageset

This is perhaps elementary, but I cannot find solution in the documentation

I want to transfer to a php variable wheter I find a matching firstname in a  group 
from mysql db

function lookupFirstname ($fname, $gr, $conection)
{ $sql =  SELECT  firstname AS matches ;
  $sql .= FROM persons ;
  $sql .= WHERE firstname = '$fname' AND group='$gr';;

if (!$sql_result = mysql_query($sql,$connection) ) 
{echo Pquery: ; echo mysql_error(); }
  $store = mysql_store_result($conn);
  $result = mysql_num_rows($store);

 IF ($result  0) {return 'match' ;} ELSE {return 'nomatch';}

I get error message that funcion mysql_stor_result() is not defined
How shall I use thees two funcions?

Thank you

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