[PHP] Finding first/last occurrence of a substring

2005-01-17 Thread Vikram Vaswani
I have a string like this:

Just when you begin to think the wagon of Vietnam-grounded movies is grinding 
to a slow halt, you’re hit squarely in the face with another one. However, 
while other movies depict the gory and glory of war and its effects, this 
centres on the psychology of troopers before they're led to battle.

I need to know the index position of every occurrence of the pattern the in 
the string above, and replace it with something else. Specifically, I need the 
position of the last, first and third occurrences of the.
I'm totally lost as to how to do this. Could someone help me out?

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[PHP] Finding out when a Web page has changed

2002-09-26 Thread Vikram Vaswani

Hi all,

I need to write an application that accepts a list of URLs and checks them
on a daily basis (via cron) to see if the pages have changed in the past day.

I need some help with this. Does anyone know the most optimal way to find
out when a particular Web page has been modified? I am thinking about using
the Last-Modified: HTTP header - however, all servers do not return this
header - any ideas on what the fallback should be?


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Re: [PHP] Finding out when a Web page has changed

2002-09-26 Thread Vikram Vaswani

 I need to write an application that accepts a list of URLs and checks them
 on a daily basis (via cron) to see if the pages have changed in the past
 I need some help with this. Does anyone know the most optimal way to find
 out when a particular Web page has been modified? I am thinking about using
 the Last-Modified: HTTP header - however, all servers do not return this
 header - any ideas on what the fallback should be?

You could calculate and store the MD5 hash of the page. If the hash is
different the next day, you know the page has been modified.

Does this mean that I need to read the entire contents of the HTTP stream
into a variable, calculate the hash and store it for comparison? Or is
there an easier way to get the MD5 hash?

Basically, I'm wondering if there is a way to do this without having to
read the entire URL contents via HTTP.


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RE: [PHP] Finding out when a Web page has changed

2002-09-26 Thread Vikram Vaswani

Yup, thought of that one - but it just seems a little sub-optimal ;) Any
way to do this without resorting to a brute-force read the entire file
stream over HTTP?

I can't think of one, so I guess I may do it this way after all - but if
something occurs to you, or anyone else on the list, please let me know.

Thanks for the help :)


You could cache/save the actual contents of the file, then when you read
it next time, compare it to what you saved and see if it changed. You
may want to filter out everything but what's between body and /body,
so you're not thinking it changed just b/c of something in the

---John Holmes...

 -Original Message-
 From: Vikram Vaswani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 7:04 AM
 Subject: [PHP] Finding out when a Web page has changed
 Hi all,
 I need to write an application that accepts a list of URLs and checks
 on a daily basis (via cron) to see if the pages have changed in the
 I need some help with this. Does anyone know the most optimal way to
 out when a particular Web page has been modified? I am thinking about
 the Last-Modified: HTTP header - however, all servers do not return
 header - any ideas on what the fallback should be?
 I find your lack of faith disturbing.
  --Darth Vader
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 To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

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[PHP] Classes versus native functions

2002-01-04 Thread Vikram Vaswani


I was wondering if anyone knew (and could quantify) the performance
difference between a script that uses PHP's native XML functions - for
example, DOM functions to add/remove nodes - and one that simulates these
functions via a class - like the PHP.XPath class.

I would assume that simulating it via a class would obviously be slower
than the native function - right? But are there any numbers to back this
up? Any ideas on how to build a test case to check this?

Thanks in advance! Please CC my address above as well as the list if you
have a response.

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[PHP] Entity handling in DOM

2001-10-25 Thread Vikram Vaswani

Hi all,

If I have an entity reference in an XML document, which I', parsing with
the libxml PHP/DOM parser - does anyone know how I can [1] expand entities
and [2] read in and parse external entities?

Code would be helpful. :)



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[PHP] DTD validation with DOM parser

2001-10-25 Thread Vikram Vaswani

Hi all,

Anyone know how to validate an XML document with the PHP DOM/libxml parser?

Code would be helpful. :)



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[PHP] XSLT error functions

2001-10-20 Thread Vikram Vaswani

Hi all,

Am working with the XSLT functions in PHP. I'm trying to trap errors with
the xslt_error() functions - however, the function generates no output even
if I deliberately introduce errors into the XSLT sheet.

Same goes for the openlog() function. Any one have any ideas how I can use
these to generate and log errors?

Finally, I don't think the Sablot engine which ships with 4.0.6 supports
all the features of the XSLT spec. Any clues on where I can find a list of
supported items?



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[PHP] Connecting to WDDX server in PHP

2001-08-07 Thread Vikram Vaswani


I have a script running on a server, which retrieves some values from a DB
and encodes them into WDDX.

I have another script running on the client, which deserializes WDDX and
SAX-parses the XML data.

How do I connect the two, so that the client script connects to the server,
runs the server script and gets the resulting WDDX packet?


I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs, and insanity for everyone, but it works
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[PHP] Passing HTTP_POST from one script to another

2001-08-07 Thread Vikram Vaswani


'nother question: if I have a form which submits data in POST to script
a.php, and I now want to pass this POSTed data to b.php - how do I do

I have tried the technique of iterating through $HTTP_POST and
concatenating the key-value pairs into a GET URL, which works perfectly.
However, I would like to pass the data from a.php to b.php as POST data, in
the HTTP_POST array itself - is this possible, and how do I do it?


I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs, and insanity for everyone, but it works
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[PHP] WDDX recordset data

2001-08-07 Thread Vikram Vaswani

Can anyone point me to a resource which explains how to iterate through
WDDX recordsets with PHP?


I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs, and insanity for everyone, but it works
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[PHP] connect() vs. pconnect()

2001-07-04 Thread Vikram Vaswani


I need some help with a class that I am writing.

class myclass
function query($query)
// connect
$connection = mysql_connect($this-hostname, $this-user, $this-pass) or
die (Cannot connect to database);
// run query
$ret = mysql_db_query($this-db, $query, $connection) or die (Error in
query: $query);
// return result identifier
return $ret;

// function: get label for $id
// returns: string
function get_label($id)
$query = SELECT label FROM $this-table WHERE id = '$id'; 
$result = $this-query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
return $row[0];

// function: get link for $id
// returns: string
function get_link($id)
$query = SELECT link FROM $this-table WHERE id = '$id';  
$result = $this-query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
return $row[0];

// function: execute query $query
// returns: result identifier


In this class, I have a query() method which accepts a query and returns a
result identifier. All the other class methods use this to run SQL queries.

Now, if I had the following code:

$a = new myclass();
echo a href= . $a-get_link(29) .  . $a-get_label(29) . /a;

Would two different connections be opened to the DB for the two method calls?

If so, is this optimal?

I suspect it is not. Someone has suggested using mysql_pconnect() in my
query() method - is this better? Why?

If I use pconnect() - how and when will the connection close? Does this
happen automatically?


I took an IQ test, and the results were negative.

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[PHP] Using PHP to test if server is online

2001-07-02 Thread Vikram Vaswani

Hi again,

I am writing a PHP script to test if the server on which it is running is
currently connected to the Internet. If so, the main page will display a
notice saying We are now online, else it will say Not connected

Any ideas on how to do this with PHP? I'm guessing it would involve some
kind of socket connection...


I took an IQ test, and the results were negative.

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[PHP] Help with DB abstraction layer and Menu class

2001-07-02 Thread Vikram Vaswani

Hi all,

I am developing a simple PHP menu class - the goal is to use PHP and a
mySQL database to quickly generate a menu tree. I require some assistance
with the database abstraction I am trying to use:

My entire menu is stored in a menu table containing these fields:

id - id of record (AUTOINC)
label - name of menu item
link - if leaf, where does it link?
parent - parent of item in menu tree (0 = root level)

Now I have written a PHP class with some functions to help me manipulate
this table. Here is the code:


class Menu {

var $hostname = localhost;
var $user = me;
var $pass = dfsdjfj;
var $db = menu;

// contructor
function Menu()


function query($query) {

$connection = mysql_connect($this-hostname, $this-user, $this-pass) or
die (Cannot connect to database);

$ret = mysql_db_query($this-db, $query, $connection) or die (Error in
query: $query);


return $ret;


function create_leaf($link, $label, $parent = 0) {

$this-query(INSERT INTO menu(link, label, parent) VALUES ('$link',
'$label', '$parent')); 


function create_branch($label, $parent = 0)

$result = $this-query(INSERT INTO menu(label, parent) VALUES ('$label',


function get_children($id = 0)

$result = $this-query(SELECT id, label, link FROM menu WHERE parent =

$children = array();

$count = 0;

while (list($id, $label, $link) = mysql_fetch_row($result))
$children[$count][0] = $id; 
$children[$count][1] = $label;  
$children[$count][2] = $link;   

return $children;


function get_child_leaves($id = 0)


function get_child_branches($id = 0)




Here are my problems:

1. As you can see, I am using a function called query() to hold all the
database-specific functions. If I change to PG, I need only change the code
here and the rest of the class will work as normal. 

When I use create_leaf() or create_branch(), I would like the query()
function to return to me the last INSERT id via mysql_insert_id() function
(not happening currently). And when I use the get_children() and other
get_* functions, I would like to have the resultset returned as an array
(happening fine). 

How can I tell query() to return different data depending on the type of
query being executed ie. for INSERT return id, for SELECT return result

2. Is it necessary to close() the SQL connection at the end of query()? I
know this is preferred - however, I was thinking - if I didn't close it, I
could write another function get_id() which could use the result identifier
$ret and get the INSERT id from it. It is because I am closing the DB
connection at the end of query() that other mysql_ functions cannot be run
from outside it.

3. What should be put in the constructor here?

4. I would like to release this class to SourceForge as an open-source
project. Even if you cannot help me with the questions above - are there
any ideas/features/improvements you can suggest that would make it more
useful and generic? I am kinda new to PHP :) and your ideas would be very


I took an IQ test, and the results were negative.

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[PHP] Job listings DB

2001-05-21 Thread Vikram Vaswani


I am designing a system for my company to get employee resumes via the Web,
rather than paper. All resumes now go into a mySQL DB, which can be
searched by HR (at least that's the theory :) 

Here are the scripts I will be writing.

User pages

Application form

Admin pages
Add listing
Edit listing
Delete listing
Search for matches


Now, job description consists of:

job code
posted on
salary range (?)

Application form consists of:

personal information:
job code and name
first name
last name
addr 1
addr 2
web site
primary phone
country code
city code
local area
type - home/work/cell
sec. phone
willing to relocate??

employment history (last 3 jobs)
job title
field of work
is current employer?

skill name
years of experience

contact person

additional info
free-form field

current monetary range
current non-monetary benefits

type of employment

would you like your resume to be shared with other departments?

My questions:

For job listings - how do I design the tables? Can I dump all job listings
into a single table, and all applications/resumes into another one? Or
should they be normalized?

If normalized - how much? For example, in a listing, I have job code,
department, location, salary range, etc. - should I have separate tables
for each of these? Like

jcode   deptloc
1   213 2
2   77  3

where dept and loc are FKs to other tables? Or is this taking it too far? 

Same for application form. All this information that I am getting - should
I put into a single table, or split across separate tables? I do plan to
search by differenet criteria later.

What about items in drop-downs? For example, if I have a drop-down for
salary ranges or countries - should this information come from a table, or
should I hard-code into the form itself? How do I make the decision as to
which is appropriate?

Any assistance much appreciated. TIA,

Give a homeless man a bundle of firewood, and he'll be warm for one day.
Douse him with a gallon of gasoline and set him on fire, and he'll be warm
for the rest of his life!

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[PHP] PHP and IE5.5 download problem

2001-04-11 Thread Vikram Vaswani


I have a script which sends the following headers in order to get the
client to display a "file save" prompt.

 header ("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); 
 header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename"); 

This works well on Netscape/lynx. However, IE 5.5 has a problem with this -
I get a message saying that the "file could not be found". Looked around
online, some sites say that this is an IE-specific issue with MIME-type

However, I see sites like yahoo and deja allowing users to download email
attachments using a similar technique, and that works fine on IE. Any ideas
on what I'm doing wrong here?



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[PHP] Question on manually instantiating a file download

2001-03-27 Thread Vikram Vaswani

Hello all,

I am working on a script which locates a file on the system and then tells
the browser to pop open the "Save As" dialog box for download. In order to
do this, I am using the following code:

$filename = $dataDir . $id . ".dat";
header ("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); 
header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename"); 

This works fine - however, I would like to redirect the browser to another
page once the download is complete (or once it starts). I have tried adding a 


line to the end of the script above, but it has no effect whatsoever (after
the download is complete, the browser displays an hourglass as though
waiting for something). Do I need to send some kind of "end-of-download"
header...or something else?

Can anyone suggest some possible solutions to this problem?

Please CC a copy of your response to 


as well as the list (as I will be working on this @ home also and do not
have access to the full digest there)

Any help will be much appreciated. TIA,

Vikram Vaswani
Sex is like air. It's only a big deal if you can't get any.

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[PHP] File upload and database optimization questions

2001-03-26 Thread Vikram Vaswani

Hello all,

I'm in the process of building a document-storage system for my firm with
PHP. The goal is this is essentially to allow users to upload documents to
our server (central repository) and allow other users to view/modify these

I have a number of questions, most of them related to optimization of the
code. Any assistance on these from more experienced developers would be
much appreciated.

1. I will be allowing users to upload files of specific types only (DOC,
HTML, TXT, images). My original belief (maybe incorrect) was that allowing
users to upload scripts (.php, .cgi) was dangerous and should be disallowed. 

I am now considering whether files, once uploaded, should be renamed - for
example, "abc.txt" gets renamed to "01.03.dat", with a reference in the
mySQL database containing the real name. 

First, which of these two approaches is better, performance-wise (or is the
difference insignificant)?

Second, is it correct to say that if I adopt this "rename-after-upload"
approach, I can allow users to upload scripts also (since the file
extensions will be changed and no longer recognized as scripts).

2. Once the file is received by the upload script, I am using the followign
code to INSERT a record. I then use the insert_id() function to set the new
filename as well. Is this approach correct?

$query = "INSERT INTO data (category, owner, realname, created,
description, comment, view, modify) VALUES('$category', '$SESSION_UID',
'$file_name', NOW(), '$desc', '$comment', '$viewStr', '$modifyStr')";

$result = mysql_db_query($database, $query, $connection) or die ("Error in
query: $query. " . mysql_error());

$fileId = mysql_insert_id($connection);

$newFileName = $category . "." . $fileId . ".dat";

3. At the time of upload, it is possible to specify a list of users who can
"view" and "modify" the file. Currently I am storing this list as a
whitespace-separated list in a mySQL TEXT column.

Column "view" data: 3 11 1 

At the time of displaying the list, I first SELECT * the entire list of
files, and then use explode() in combination with a "for" loop to split up
the "view" field and match each element againt the current user's ID. Only
if a match is found will I display the filename.

I suspect this approach is not optimal. Can anyone suggest a better approach?

Any insight into these issues will be much appreciated. Please CC a copy of
your response to 


as well as the list (as I will be working on this @ home also and do not
have access to the full digest there)


Vikram Vaswani
Sex is like air. It's only a big deal if you can't get any.

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[PHP] optimal way of counting votes in online poll

2001-02-28 Thread Vikram Vaswani

Hi all!

I have a question as to the optimal method of counting and storing votes in
an online poll.

Once a user answers the poll by clicking on one of three options, I am
performing a query on a table which holds values for each option. Currently I
- query the table to get the current count
- increment the count by 1
- UPDATE the table with the new value

I wonder: what happens if two users submit the answer simulatneously, and
the answer is the same. Will only of those votes register? Or will the SQL
somehow be "queued" so that both are counted?

If the former - is there any other, better way to do this?

I am using mySQL as the database, and PHP to process the form and execute
the query.

Please CC your response to the address above also.


Vikram Vaswani

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[PHP] Regex for telephone number

2001-01-15 Thread Vikram Vaswani


Can someone help me out with a regex to validate a phone number?



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