Re: [PHP] security/deployment issue

2009-10-16 Thread hessiess
 Rsync should work fine, but personally I like to see exactly which
 changes are being deployed especially when deploying to production.
 While I realise this recommendation is not Open Source software, I
 have found it to be an excellent piece of software for this task. I
 use Beyond Compare which has the ability to connect over SFTP or SCP
 as well as regular FTP. It allows you to 'diff' the files as you go
 and view exact changes and you can transfer only the changes you want
 or whole files if you choose to. I would not be surprised if an Open
 Source equivalent exists.

 What about SVN? you can do a svn export. Or you can have a working
 copy for production too.
 Just dont forget to deny access to .svn in your webserver.
 Here are directives for Apache:

 Directory ~ ^(.*/)?\.svn/?
 Order allow,deny
 Deny from all

I do exactly this, its handy to be able to check out the latest version of
a website, make some changes and commit it again, while having acsess to
the complete revision history, from absolutely anywhere.

SVN works over HTTPS, so can go straight through most firewalls without
anyone noticing and it also does data transmissions (like RSync) which can
be a LOT faster than re uploading the whole file with SFTP etc.

There are some security issues in a shared hosting environment though, if
you use a commit hook to update the web root on commit using a file:///
URL anyone on the server could check out / commit files from the
repository. As of right now the only work around that I can think of for
this would be to run two apches at the same time, one for SVN, and one for
the main HTTP server which is chrooted to block access to the SVN repos
and have the non chrooted server revere proxy connections to the chrooted

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Re: [PHP] security/deployment issue

2009-10-16 Thread hessiess
 Humm.. thanks for the replies. But i have another problem about rsync

 When i deploy a project using the rsync the permissions of all home
 directory is changed. i tried to use the parameter -p -o -g (preserve
 permissions, owner and group):

 I dont know but the rsync doesnt preserve the permissions and group/owner.

 Then always after a deploy i need to execute the cmd chmod 755 user:group
 /home/project . Have someone this problem?


 Augusto Morais

That would sugest that you are running PHP as the same user as Apache,
instead running it as the user which owns the files (the same user you are
using with rsync) would solve this problem. This can be done by running
php as a fastcgi application with suexec or using mpm-itk.

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[PHP] Wrighting to $_POST array

2009-10-12 Thread hessiess
I have some code which will loop over the whole $_POST array, runs it
through mysql_real_escape_string and then writes it all back to the array
again, which seams to work. Are there any incompatibility problems or such
like with writing into the $_POST or $_GET array?

function clean_post()
$npost = array();

while ($value = current($_POST))
$key = key($_POST);
$npost += array($key = mysql_real_escape_string($value));

$_POST = $npost;

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Re: [PHP] Embedding foreach loops

2009-08-11 Thread hessiess
Do *NOT* get into the habit of outputting your HTML using echo or print
statements, it becomes unmaintainable very quickly, use a templating
language, ether with a framework(recomended) or standalone.

You should learn the basics of HTML and CSS, go and read, btw to add a newline you need to use br /.

 I am using the print function to display my html. I cannot get the
 line return ( \n ) character to actually push the html onto the next
 line, it just gets displayed instead. Should I be using echo?

 Allen, you off and running again?

 echo blah..  \n; //-- this will print  the literal 'blah..  '  and
 then a newline into your HTML *source code*
 echo 'blah..  \n'; //-- this will print the literal 'blah..  \n' into
 your HTML *source code*

 IIRC print is the same as echo.  That is not your apparent issue.

 Say if you are stuck again, and on what exactly.


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Re: [PHP] Embedding foreach loops

2009-08-11 Thread hessiess

 On Aug 11, 2009, at 12:13 AM, wrote:

 Do *NOT* get into the habit of outputting your HTML using echo or
 statements, it becomes unmaintainable very quickly, use a templating
 language, ether with a framework(recomended) or standalone.

 This sounds interesting.  Could you expound on this a little
more and
 perhaps list a couple of the templates you mention?


There are a number of options for templating in PHP such as smarty, Dwoo
and PHP itself, though the syntax can be rather messy. Personally I just
use a simple find and replace macro system to expand custom short-hand
code into the more verbose PHP, then run it through exec and capture the
result to a variable with output buffering, the class folows:

class view
var $str;

* Load in template file and expand macros into PHP
function __CONSTRUCT($tplname)
$fh = fopen($tplname, 'r');
$this-str = fread($fh, filesize($tplname));


 * Run the template and return a variable
public function parse_to_variable($array = array())

$result = ob_get_contents();
return $result;

* Expand macros into PHP
private function expand_macros()
// Expand if macro
$this-str = str_replace(if, ?php if, $this-str);
$this-str = str_replace(eif~, ?php endif;?, $this-str);

// Expand loop macro
$this-str = str_replace(loop, ?php foreach, $this-str);
$this-str = str_replace(eloop~, ?php endforeach;?,

// Expand display macro
$this-str = str_replace(dsp, ?php echo, $this-str);

// Expand end tag macro
$this-str = str_replace(~, ?, $this-str);

// Add PHP close tag to exit PHP mode
$this-str = ? . $this-str;

This loads template files like the folowing:
form enctype=multipart/form-data action=dsp $upload_url ~
pinput type=hidden name=MAX_FILE_SIZE value=900 //p
pUpload new file, max size dsp $max ~:/p
input name=uploaded_file type=file /
input type=submit value=Send File /

th width=180pxFilename/th
th width=60pxLink/th
th width=90pxSize (KB)/th
th width=50pxDelete/th

loop ($files as $file): ~

tddsp $file['Name'] ~/td
tda href=dsp $file['Path'] ~Link/a/td
tddsp $file['Size'] / 1000 ~/td
tda href=dsp $file['d_url'] ~X/a/td

And it can be used like this

$dialogue = new view(template/file_display.tpl);
$dialogue = $dialogue - parse_to_variable(array(
'upload_url' = $upload_url,
'max' = $max_size,
'files' = $files));

the $dialogue var now contains the compiled template, ready for displaying
or integrating into another template.

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Re: [PHP] Converting MP3 to FLV On-The-Fly

2009-06-07 Thread hessiess
 Hi Lista

 I'm trying to figure how I can turn MP3 files into FLV files on the fly
 using PHP.
 I'm having a server and I can install 3rd party software in order to
 accomplish this conversion.

 I have never dealt before with music file comression or anything similar
 I don't know what I should look after or where I should look.

 Any idea would be very appreciated!


You may want to use some sort of caching, converting media formats is very
computationally demanding. You could use FFMPEG to do the conversion.

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Re: [PHP] how to manage permissions for file uploader

2009-06-04 Thread hessiess
 But, if I move the directory a level up, not accessable from outside - how
 can read the image since it's not accessable fro outside? I can't
 inlcude() the image?

You need to do something simmaler to reading files stored in a database,
which is described here:

bit instead of reading the data from the DB, read if from the file using
fopen() and fread(). you may need to read the file in chunks to prevent
running out of RAM, depending on how big the spasific file is.

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[PHP] Why does PHP have such a pain in the a$$ configuration file?

2009-05-26 Thread hessiess
Something that seriously annoys me about PHP is the fact that it has
a configuration file which can *completely* change the behaviour of
the language. Take the following for example:
function parse_to_variable($tplname, $array = array())
$fh = fopen($tplname, 'r');
$str = fread($fh, filesize($tplname));


$result = ob_get_contents();
return $result;

Which would take a template file like this (DTD etc left out):
?php foreach($array as $item): ?

liphp echo($item); ?/li
?php endforeach; ?


The above code loads in the template file, eval()'s it and then saves the
result into a variable, so that it may be intergraed into anouther element
of a dynamic website, which is a hell of a lot cleaner than the:
echo (something . $some_variable . something_else ...);

mess that you find in a lot of PHP code. Not only is it hard to read, but it
also produces awfully indented HTML, unlike the template method which outputs
properly indented code and is much easier to read.

This works perfectly so long as output buffering is enabled, however for some
reason my web host has decided to disable output buffering in the config
rendering the above elegant solution completely useless(*). So, why does PHP
have to have such a pain in the a$$ configuration file. It makes developing
platform and even install independent code a nightmare, I am seriously
moving to a different language because of this.

(*) This could be implemented by saving the variables as XML, making a POST
request to another script, which would then convert the XML back into an
array, eval() the template and send the result back to the first script
`as if' it was sending to a browser. The first script would then capture
the result as a variable. While this would also work, it would be unnecessary
complicated and very slow in comparison, It is *still* dependent on the
in the config file.

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Re: [PHP] problem with PHP simplexml and doxygen generated XML

2009-04-05 Thread hessiess

 On Apr 3, 2009, at 17:52, wrote:

 I have bean trying to right a PHP script to generate XHTML code from
 class documentation xml files created by Doxygen(the HTML it outputs
 invalid, messy and virtually imposable to integrate into another web
 page). One thing has bean causing problems, the tags which start
 with `@',
 for example:

  SimpleXMLElement Object
[...@attributes] = Array
[kind] = function
[id] = classhello_1f06929bd13d07b414a8be07c6db88074
[prot] = private
[static] = no
[const] = no
[explicit] = no
[inline] = yes
[virt] = non-virtual

 I cannot seam to find a way to access these with simplexml, the
 code generates a syntax error for example.



 Any advice would be gratily appreciated.

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 What about first stripping out the @ characters with str_replace and
 then attempting to load the XML? Maybe run it thru a few to do the
 best possible clean up?


Found out what I was doing wrong, the problem has nothing to do with the
XML code, tag attributes are put into the @attributes section, which must
be accsessed with the attributes() function.

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Re: [PHP] problem with PHP simplexml and doxygen generated XML

2009-04-05 Thread hessiess

 On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 4:08 PM, wrote:

  On Apr 3, 2009, at 17:52, wrote:
  I have bean trying to right a PHP script to generate XHTML code from
  class documentation xml files created by Doxygen(the HTML it outputs
  invalid, messy and virtually imposable to integrate into another web
  page). One thing has bean causing problems, the tags which start
  with `@',
  for example:
   SimpleXMLElement Object
 [...@attributes] = Array
 [kind] = function
 [id] = classhello_1f06929bd13d07b414a8be07c6db88074
 [prot] = private
 [static] = no
 [const] = no
 [explicit] = no
 [inline] = yes
 [virt] = non-virtual
  I cannot seam to find a way to access these with simplexml, the
  code generates a syntax error for example.
  Any advice would be gratily appreciated.
  PHP General Mailing List (
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  What about first stripping out the @ characters with str_replace and
  then attempting to load the XML? Maybe run it thru a few to do the
  best possible clean up?

 Found out what I was doing wrong, the problem has nothing to do with the
 XML code, tag attributes are put into the @attributes section, which
 be accsessed with the attributes() function.

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 Best Wishes
 Andrew Williams

Just use the attributes() function, for example:

Also, no need to shout ;)

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[PHP] problem with PHP simplexml and doxygen generated XML

2009-04-03 Thread hessiess
I have bean trying to right a PHP script to generate XHTML code from the
class documentation xml files created by Doxygen(the HTML it outputs is
invalid, messy and virtually imposable to integrate into another web
page). One thing has bean causing problems, the tags which start with `@',
for example:

  SimpleXMLElement Object
[...@attributes] = Array
[kind] = function
[id] = classhello_1f06929bd13d07b414a8be07c6db88074
[prot] = private
[static] = no
[const] = no
[explicit] = no
[inline] = yes
[virt] = non-virtual

I cannot seam to find a way to access these with simplexml, the following
code generates a syntax error for example.



Any advice would be gratily appreciated.

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