RE: [PHP] Best way to put layout, code on pages?

2002-10-11 Thread John W. Holmes

>  include("include.php"); //This contains the database connection
> and whatever other global code, as well as the layout functions.
> doheader(); //This function contains the top of the layout.
> //Do whatever the page does
> dofooter(); //This function contains the bottom of the layout
> ?>
> There are still problems with this, though.  No way to use global code
> at the bottom of the page, for one thing.  I've also considered
> something like:

What do you mean you can't "use global code at the bottom of the page"??
Maybe output buffering could solve your problem. 

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] Best way to put layout, code on pages?

2002-10-10 Thread Jule Slootbeek

What i usually do, is make a file layout.php with a couple of 
functions, header() footer() etc.

then i include ('layout.php') and call the functions when i need them

and i can send things to the header, like the page title etc.

include ('layout.php');

i hope this is about what you mean


On Thursday, Oct 10, 2002, at 23:00 US/Eastern, Leif K-Brooks wrote:

> I've been using php for a while now, and I've made plenty of web sites 
> in that time.  But there's been a nagging problem: the best way to put 
> a
> layout and global code on each page.  My first site had two .txt files 
> with header and footer code which were fopen()ed (with absolute 
> paths!) and eval()ed on each page at the top and bottom - not the best 
> option! Even if I include()d them and made them .php, that approach 
> would still
> have some problems.  No way to get the global code without the layout, 
> and no way to die() and use the layout in functions without knowing 
> what
> variables it needs (for globalizing them).  Right now, I'm doing 
> something like this:
>include("include.php"); //This contains the database connection code
>and whatever other global code, as well as the layout functions.
>doheader(); //This function contains the top of the layout.
>//Do whatever the page does
>dofooter(); //This function contains the bottom of the layout
> There are still problems with this, though.  No way to use global code 
> at the bottom of the page, for one thing.  I've also considered 
> something like:
>$uselayout = true; //Set whether this page wants the layout or not.
>headercode(); //Database connection and whatever other global code
>that goes at the top, as well as the layout if $uselayout is true.
>//Whatever this page does goes here.
>footercode(); //Whatever global code that goes at the bottom goes
>here, as well as the layout if $uselayout is true.
> I can't find any problems with this approach, what are everyone;'s 
> thoughts on this?
> -- 
> The above message is encrypted with double rot13 encoding.  Any
> unauthorized attempt to decrypt it will be prosecuted to the full 
> extent
> of the law.
Jule Slootbeek

PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] Best way to put layout, code on pages?

2002-10-10 Thread Leif K-Brooks

I've been using php for a while now, and I've made plenty of web sites 
in that time.  But there's been a nagging problem: the best way to put a 
layout and global code on each page.  My first site had two .txt files 
with header and footer code which were fopen()ed (with absolute paths!) 
and eval()ed on each page at the top and bottom - not the best option! 
 Even if I include()d them and made them .php, that approach would still 
have some problems.  No way to get the global code without the layout, 
and no way to die() and use the layout in functions without knowing what 
variables it needs (for globalizing them).  Right now, I'm doing 
something like this:

There are still problems with this, though.  No way to use global code 
at the bottom of the page, for one thing.  I've also considered 
something like:

I can't find any problems with this approach, what are everyone;'s 
thoughts on this?

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