Re: [PHP] Re: How to re-order an array

2006-06-13 Thread Paul Novitski

At 07:53 PM 6/11/2006, jekillen wrote:

I force the user to have javascript enabled


Unless you're working IT in a penal colony, I suspect that what you 
really mean is that you choose to serve broken pages or no content at 
all to users who don't have JavaScript enabled, whether by choice or 
network requirement or software availability.

It's an interesting decision, excluding browsers with JavaScript 
turned off.  I can see making it in cases of specialty audiences, 
such as the aforementioned penal colony, customized intranets, and 
others where all of the user agents are not only predictable but 
legislatable.  For public websites, I feel we need to set barriers to 
entrance only when necessary -- and when is that? -- consciously and 
deliberately, focusing not so much on Look at the cool things we can 
do with JavaScript! but Whom shall we exclude from this 
site?  Look a user in the eye, say, You can't come in, and reflect 
on how cool that is.

Although I still love to write client-side script, most of the energy 
I used to expend on JavaScript I now devote to PHP.  The server is 
the great leveler of the playing field, rendering our pages 
accessible to all user agents *if* our designs are sufficiently 
clever.  These days I mostly add JavaScript to perform functions that 
are already performed server-side by PHP, purely for the advantage of 
speed, but my best pages perform perfectly with JavaScript turned off.

Aside, the whole client-side/server-side debate depends on today's 
internet connection response time being as slow as it is.  In a few 
years a seemingly sexy technology like Ajax, which appears useful 
today in pages so heavy with content that whole-page reloads seem 
onerous, will be one of the unbelievable jokes of yesteryear, like 
RAM measured in kilobytes, 8 floppy discs, and punch cards.


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Re: [PHP] Re: How to re-order an array

2006-06-13 Thread tedd
At 11:26 PM -0700 6/12/06, Paul Novitski wrote:
Aside, the whole client-side/server-side debate depends on today's internet 
connection response time being as slow as it is.  In a few years a seemingly 
sexy technology like Ajax, which appears useful today in pages so heavy with 
content that whole-page reloads seem onerous, will be one of the unbelievable 
jokes of yesteryear, like RAM measured in kilobytes, 8 floppy discs, and 
punch cards.

Now, there's the way to think !

Don't confine yourself to the limitations of today, but rather open to the 
expectations of tomorrow.


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Re: [PHP] Re: How to re-order an array

2006-06-12 Thread Rafael

jekillen wrote:
Well, I asked you for the actual (JS) code you're using (the one 
that didn't work in all the intended browsers), that way someone might 
be able to help you (I will if I can)

Array.push(), Array.pop(), Array.shift(), Array.unshift().

	Ok, so what are your intended browsers?  According to what I found, 
these functions are part of ECMAS 3 standard, and are available in FF 
1.0, Netscape 4, e IE 5.5 (unshift until IE 6) --as always, M$ gives the 

You might try to implement them yourself, such as...
  // object detection for shift function
  if ( undefined == Array.prototype.shift ) {
Array.prototype.shift = function( ) {
  var  val = this[0];
  for ( var  i = 0;  i  this.length - 1;  i ++ ) {
this[i] = this[i + 1];
  this.length --;
  return  val;
} // shift()
  // object detection for unshift function
  if ( undefined == Array.prototype.unshift ) {
Array.prototype.unshift = function( ) {
  var  args = arguments,
   len  = this.length + args.length;
  this.length = len;
  for ( var  i = len - 1;  i = args.length;  i -- ) {
this[i] = this[i - args.length];
  for ( i = 0;  i  args.length;  i ++ ) {
this[i] = args[i];
} // unshift()

  var  x = new Array( 'z', 'b', 'c', 'd' ),
   y = null;
  document.write(rarr; + x.toString() +br /\n);
  y = x.shift();
  x.unshift('A', 'a');
  document.write(rArr; + y + rArr; [+ x.toString() +]);

Note: tested only in Fx (as _shift  _unshift) with secuential
  arrays (and not associative/hash arrays)

I thought that if I used Ajax, php could use its push and pop, shift and 
unshift functions, but not all browsers support the asymetric requests.

	Well, that seems too complex to solve your problem, but if you want to 
try it, you may use the same object detection above and implement 
those methods with PHP (e.g. unshift in IE 5.5, or all of the functions 
you mentioned in IE 5.0)

I do screen in the server. But I force the user to have javascript 
enabled and force the form to submit using javascipt, and have a unique 
id as a javascript variable
that is sent along with the form in a hidden field to identify the 
source of the form data. I never use get requests unless they are 
appended to anchor tags, even
in  forms that are not processed by the server (I.E. running javascript 
code with user supplied arguments to functions via form fields, in which 
case an action attribute

isn't even necessary, and like wise a post or get method).

	It's basically the same problem, you shouldn't rely on javascript for 
your page to actually do something.  If I don't have JS enabled (for 
whatever the reason) I won't be able to do anything on it.  JS should be 
used only to _add or complement_ functionality.

Atentamente / Sincerely,
J. Rafael Salazar Magaña

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Re: [PHP] Re: How to re-order an array

2006-06-11 Thread Rafael

jekillen wrote:
You misunderstand my question. I know the limitations of javascript. The 
server won't respond to events registered in the browser. I write tons 
of forms that are all processed
by the client with javascript. I have written ferocious regex filters 
that hack apart form submissions before they even leave the client. I 
have set it up so if the client doesn't
have javascript enabled, the form won't submit if it is going to the 
server. That is why as much as possible I shift form processing to the 
client as much as possible, for
security and to off load work to the client. I use php to dynamically 
write js files when necessary, anticipating what data will be requested.

	I didn't (misunderstood), what I told you is that you cannot rely on 
javascript (actually, that would be anything coming from the client) 
You need to do validate on the server, and it doesn't matter if you 
already did it on the client or not (simply because you cannot know that 
for sure)

This is a problem that is more a matter of programming theory. I have 
posted to javascript forums and lists and have never got a response.
I will be applying this to dhtml which the server won't and can't do but 
may help things along with Ajax.
Just a simple suggestion about how to reorder arrays if you have a few 
words and suggestions. I'm not looking for free training.
I have been learning and using php and javascript for some five years 
and have developed my own approach to testing and debugging
and such. So I am not really a newby. I have made the dumb mistakes of 
asking for help from forums and lists when it was just a dumb
syntax error that I couldn't expect anyone but my self to find, which i 
have in 99.9% of the cases. Some times it is nice to get some
quick help from a list and I will try to return the favor when ever 
possible to the next person looking for help that I have some answers for.

	Well, I asked you for the actual (JS) code you're using (the one that 
didn't work in all the intended browsers), that way someone might be 
able to help you (I will if I can)

Atentamente / Sincerely,
J. Rafael Salazar Magaña

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Re: [PHP] Re: How to re-order an array

2006-06-11 Thread jekillen

On Jun 11, 2006, at 1:21 PM, Rafael wrote:

jekillen wrote:
You misunderstand my question. I know the limitations of javascript. 
The server won't respond to events registered in the browser. I write 
tons of forms that are all processed
by the client with javascript. I have written ferocious regex filters 
that hack apart form submissions before they even leave the client. I 
have set it up so if the client doesn't
have javascript enabled, the form won't submit if it is going to the 
server. That is why as much as possible I shift form processing to 
the client as much as possible, for
security and to off load work to the client. I use php to dynamically 
write js files when necessary, anticipating what data will be 

	I didn't (misunderstood), what I told you is that you cannot rely on 
javascript (actually, that would be anything coming from the client) 
You need to do validate on the server, and it doesn't matter if you 
already did it on the client or not (simply because you cannot know 
that for sure)

This is a problem that is more a matter of programming theory. I have 
posted to javascript forums and lists and have never got a response.
I will be applying this to dhtml which the server won't and can't do 
but may help things along with Ajax.
Just a simple suggestion about how to reorder arrays if you have a 
few words and suggestions. I'm not looking for free training.
I have been learning and using php and javascript for some five years 
and have developed my own approach to testing and debugging
and such. So I am not really a newby. I have made the dumb mistakes 
of asking for help from forums and lists when it was just a dumb
syntax error that I couldn't expect anyone but my self to find, which 
i have in 99.9% of the cases. Some times it is nice to get some
quick help from a list and I will try to return the favor when ever 
possible to the next person looking for help that I have some answers 

	Well, I asked you for the actual (JS) code you're using (the one that 
didn't work in all the intended browsers), that way someone might be 
able to help you (I will if I can)

Array.push(), Array.pop(), Array.shift(), Array.unshift().
I thought that if I used Ajax, php could use its push and pop, shift 
and unshift functions, but not all browsers support the asymetric 
I do screen in the server. But I force the user to have javascript 
enabled and force the form to submit using javascipt, and have a unique 
id as a javascript variable
that is sent along with the form in a hidden field to identify the 
source of the form data. I never use get requests unless they are 
appended to anchor tags, even
in  forms that are not processed by the server (I.E. running javascript 
code with user supplied arguments to functions via form fields, in 
which case an action attribute

isn't even necessary, and like wise a post or get method).

Atentamente / Sincerely,
J. Rafael Salazar Magaña

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[PHP] Re: How to re-order an array

2006-06-10 Thread Rafael
	Since you asked for some theory... theorically, you won't rely on 
javascript to prepare/validate/whatever some data to the server, that's 
what server-side scripts are for.
Note: you may use JS to make things quicker if possible, or to 
pre-digest the data, but you shall not rely entirely on JS.

	You say that not all browsers support the javascript functions you 
pretend to use, and that not all them support Ajax either.  That sounds 
just like saying that not all browser will have javascript enabled 
--that's why you shouldn't rely on javascript

	Although, this isn't a javascript list, why don't you send whatever you 
were trying to solve this issue? the code that uses JS functions not 
supported for all the browsers that will potentially run the script (as 
well as what these browsers are)  Most likely someone will be able to 
help you this way.

jekillen wrote:

i'm scratching my head with a difficulty.
The situation is this.
A script begins with one indexed array (not associative) and one other 
indexed array

with the same values in a different order, the final order.
I want to create an interim array and progressively re order the array 
until it matches
slot for slot one of the original arrays. At this point the script is 
considered completed.
One important factor is that I'm looking to write this in javascript and 
the interim

array will be altered by the actions of a web page user.
Why am I asking the php list? Because I have a better chance of getting 
an answer
here. I'm not looking for help with javascript, specifically, just how 
one would go about
this task. Answer with php code and some theory if you wish and I will 
try to translate

it into javascript.
Some javascript functions I might use aren't supported in all the 
browsers that will

potentially run the script.
I might resort to using Ajax and let php keep track for me. But, then 
again not all

browsers will do the Ajax either (as I understand it).

Atentamente / Sincerely,
J. Rafael Salazar Magaña

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Re: How to re-order an array

2006-06-10 Thread jekillen

On Jun 10, 2006, at 5:32 PM, Rafael wrote:

	Since you asked for some theory... theorically, you won't rely on 
javascript to prepare/validate/whatever some data to the server, 
that's what server-side scripts are for.
Note: you may use JS to make things quicker if possible, or to 
pre-digest the data, but you shall not rely entirely on JS.
You misunderstand my question. I know the limitations of javascript. 
The server won't respond to events registered in the browser. I write 
tons of forms that are all processed
by the client with javascript. I have written ferocious regex filters 
that hack apart form submissions before they even leave the client. I 
have set it up so if the client doesn't
have javascript enabled, the form won't submit if it is going to the 
server. That is why as much as possible I shift form processing to the 
client as much as possible, for
security and to off load work to the client. I use php to dynamically 
write js files when necessary, anticipating what data will be 
This is a problem that is more a matter of programming theory. I have 
posted to javascript forums and lists and have never got a response.
I will be applying this to dhtml which the server won't and can't do 
but may help things along with Ajax.
Just a simple suggestion about how to reorder arrays if you have a few 
words and suggestions. I'm not looking for free training.
I have been learning and using php and javascript for some five years 
and have developed my own approach to testing and debugging
and such. So I am not really a newby. I have made the dumb mistakes of 
asking for help from forums and lists when it was just a dumb
syntax error that I couldn't expect anyone but my self to find, which i 
have in 99.9% of the cases. Some times it is nice to get some
quick help from a list and I will try to return the favor when ever 
possible to the next person looking for help that I have some answers 

	You say that not all browsers support the javascript functions you 

'scuse me, did i pretend to use something??

to use, and that not all them support Ajax either.  That sounds just 
like saying that not all browser will have javascript enabled --that's 
why you shouldn't rely on javascript

	Although, this isn't a javascript list, why don't you send whatever 
you were trying to solve this issue? the code that uses JS functions 
not supported for all the browsers that will potentially run the 
script (as well as what these browsers are)  Most likely someone will 
be able to help you this way.

Thanks for the attitude.

jekillen wrote:

i'm scratching my head with a difficulty.
The situation is this.
A script begins with one indexed array (not associative) and one 
other indexed array

with the same values in a different order, the final order.
I want to create an interim array and progressively re order the 
array until it matches
slot for slot one of the original arrays. At this point the script is 
considered completed.
One important factor is that I'm looking to write this in javascript 
and the interim

array will be altered by the actions of a web page user.
Why am I asking the php list? Because I have a better chance of 
getting an answer
here. I'm not looking for help with javascript, specifically, just 
how one would go about
this task. Answer with php code and some theory if you wish and I 
will try to translate

it into javascript.
Some javascript functions I might use aren't supported in all the 
browsers that will

potentially run the script.
I might resort to using Ajax and let php keep track for me. But, then 
again not all

browsers will do the Ajax either (as I understand it).

Atentamente / Sincerely,
J. Rafael Salazar Magaña

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Re: [PHP] Re: How to re-order an array

2006-06-10 Thread Larry Garfield
On Saturday 10 June 2006 21:08, jekillen wrote:

 You misunderstand my question. I know the limitations of javascript.
 The server won't respond to events registered in the browser. I write
 tons of forms that are all processed
 by the client with javascript. I have written ferocious regex filters
 that hack apart form submissions before they even leave the client. I
 have set it up so if the client doesn't
 have javascript enabled, the form won't submit if it is going to the
 server. That is why as much as possible I shift form processing to the
 client as much as possible, for
 security and to off load work to the client. I use php to dynamically
 write js files when necessary, anticipating what data will be

...shift form processing to the client as much as possible, for security...

Client-side security isn't.  Your server has no way of telling if the data 
it's receiving is from a properly setup client that did the correct JS 
filtering, or if it's from someone writing as simple bot/script/program 
that's just sending GET and POST requests to you.  Your PHP should never 
trust the client to be benign.

Larry Garfield  AIM: LOLG42

If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of 
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, 
which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to 
himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession 
of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it.  -- Thomas 

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