[PHP] Re: password field validation

2009-03-12 Thread Shawn McKenzie
Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have an input field with type="password".
> I am trying to do some error checking to see if the user puts a value in
> after they submit the form (i.e not left it blank)
> Here is what I have:
> on form:
> Password: 
> In PHP error checking:
> if (empty($_POST[PASSSWORD]))
> { $GERROR="TRUE";}
> even though I am putting characters in the field before I submit I am
> always getting TRUE returned.
> This same tactic works for other fields I have that I need to make sure
> they put values in, just I have never done this before with a password
> field.
> What am I doing wrong? I just want to make sure they put something there!
> -Jason

Could it be that your $_POST[PASSSWORD] has three "S"s in it and your
form field name="PASSWORD" only has 2?


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[PHP] Re: Password Protecting a page and email notification

2008-06-17 Thread Jon Drukman

R.C. wrote:

I'm going to ask you PHP gurus if someone can give me a hand in trying to
get this resolved.  I'm fairly new to PHP and learning as I go.

I've got two page "login.php" and video.php.  Video.php is supposed to be
protected i.e. if someone clicks on the direct link or brings up the page in
a browser, it comes back with an error message and a request to link to
"login.php"... they type in their username/pasword and it opens up the
video.php so they can download videos.

I actually managed to accomplish that with the following code which sits at
the top of video.php.  I also created a form on "login.php" for user input.
So far so good.  However, we also need an email to be sent to the site owner
when someone logs in plus their name.  For the hell of me, I can't figure
out how to combine the two elements.  I tried a lot of things sofar, but
nothing works.  It's either the page gets protected OR the email gets sent,
depending on what I leave in the script. I tried using part of Jenny's
script which is great for email forms but I can't combine this whole thing.

/*this is the code that sits at the top of the protected page* which works
actually fine for the protection*/
  echo "Please log in at   HERE to enter your
Username and Password";

Can this be done on one form i.e. login.php?  I have 4 textfields set up:
username, password, email, name (for the person sending the email...)..
some if clause somewhere?


what you have here looks fine.  just put the mail() command in the first 
part of the if...

if (($_SESSION['username'] == 'logon')
 and ($_SESSION['userpass'] == 'password')) {
$_SESSION['authuser'] = 1;
 else {
  echo "I'm sorry, access is denied ";
  echo "Please log in at   HERE to enter your
Username and Password";

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[PHP] Re: Password encryption and password retrieval

2005-05-10 Thread Satyam
Usually passwords are encrypted using one-way algorithms.  Of course, there 
are two-way algorithms which can be reversed, but time and experience has 
shown that not to be necessary for user passwords.

A one-way algorithm is much like the modulus operation:  15 % 4 gives you 3 
but even if you know the result and the divider, there is no way you can 
guess that 15 was the original number. One-way encryption algorithms do 
something like this, they loose some information in the process so the 
original cannot be recovered (no decryption) even though the encryption 
process is perfectly predictable and reproducible.

Though the impossibility of recovery can be seen as a drawback it also means 
that the system administrator nor the programmer can figure out the 
passwords, thus, my password is safe, even from the administrator or his/her 
newbie junior assistant who dreams with becoming a famous hacker.

Thus, if a user gets his/her password lost, you e-mail a new and urge 
him/her to change it ASAP.


"Deep" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Hi evryone,
>  I want to implement a site where i would like to
> encrypt the password of the users and store it into
> mysql
> database. My question is that , In case if the user
> has forgotten the password how can he retrieve the
> password(which is already encrypted and stored...the
> user should be able to get the decrypted password).
> Also which encryption method would you recommend. ie.
> md5,crypt, etc
> Thanx,
> ..Deeps..
> Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your life partner online
> Go to: http://yahoo.shaadi.com/india-matrimony 

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[PHP] Re: password case sensitive

2005-02-23 Thread M. Sokolewicz
William Stokes wrote:
I got my little user authentication to work but now I would like to know how 
to make and check the (upper/lower) case in password. To put it simple. I 
want users password to be case sensitive.

The authentication checks for returned number of rows from DB. If there is 
one matching row the user is authenticated ok.
Is it possible to check the case sensitiviness in this kind of 
authentication or do I need to do this differently.

depending on your database and your query, it probably already checks 

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[PHP] Re: Password Protection

2005-02-17 Thread Kevin Javia
Thank you people.

"Kevin Javia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I am experimenting on my site and I want to make it password protected
> www.realsolution.com.
> If any one enters correct user name and password, only then they will be
> able to enter into my site.
> How can I do that in PHP?
> Any ideas? Thanks a ton in advance.

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[PHP] Re: Password Protection

2005-02-17 Thread Steve
Kevin Javia wrote:
I am experimenting on my site and I want to make it password protected like
If any one enters correct user name and password, only then they will be
able to enter into my site.
How can I do that in PHP?
Any ideas? Thanks a ton in advance.

Try this:

function authenticate() {
  header('WWW-authenticate: basic realm="My protected area"');
  header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
  print 'Please use a correct login!';
function authorize() {
  if( (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']))
 or ($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] == '') ) {
  else {
$login = strtolower($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']);
$passwd = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'];
if (.) { // check $login and $passwd against the list of 
authorized users
  return true;
else {
  return false;

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[PHP] Re: Password protected downloads

2004-06-13 Thread Torsten Roehr
"Maldiv" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I want to make a password protected download possibility on my site. I
> how can I handle normal user login, but how can I protect a download from
> guests?
> I mean if user navigate to www.demo.com/mydownload.zip than he can
> the file without login. How can I prevent this downloads?

One way is to store all your download files outside of the webroot and/or
protect the directory with .htacces. Then use PEAR's HTTP_Download to serve
the files as a download to the user:

Hope this helps. Regards,

Torsten Roehr

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[PHP] Re: Password

2004-04-07 Thread Ligaya Turmelle
You have an error with your brackets.  Your code looks like this

 if (strlen($_POST['password1']) > 0)
 if ($_POST['password1'] ==($_POST['password2']
  $password = TRUE;

 if (strlen($_POST['password1']) > 0)
if ($_POST['password1'] ==$_POST['password2'] ) <= your parenthesis here
was in the wrong place
   $password = TRUE;
}<= and you forgot the closing bracket

Hope that helps.

Ligaya Turmelle

"Erik Gjertsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I try to made a administrator page that I need to writ user name and
> password. But I have problem with the password. There comes one error
> I writ 1..(one)
> I have not made a table on MySql but in the book I read it scowl work.
> Can some one tell me why it not work.
> Here is the code:
>  if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // Handel the form
>   // check for name
>if (strlen($_POST['name']) > 0) {
>$name = TRUE;
>  } else {
>$name = FALSE;
>echo 'you have forgot to enter your name';
>   }
>   // check for email adress
>  if (strlen($_POST['email']) > 0) {
>   $email = TRUE;
>  } else {
>   $email = FALSE;
>   echo 'you have forgot to enter your email adress';
>   }
>  // check for a usermame
>  if (strlen($_POST['usermame']) > 0) {
>   $usermame = TRUE;
>  } else {
>   $usermame = FALSE;
>   echo 'you have forgot to enter your usermame';
>   }
>  //check for a password and match against the comfirmed password.
>  if (strlen($_POST['password1']) > 0) {
> if ($_POST['password1'] ==
>($_POST['password2'] {
>  $password = TRUE;
> 1.. } else {
> $password = FALSE;
> echo ''
> }
>  } else {
>   $password = FALSE;
>   echo 'You forgot to enter your password!';
>  }
>  if ($name && $email && $username && $password)
>  { // if everyting's okayOK.
>   //Register the user.
>   echo 'you are now register.'
>   } else { //Something is not TRUE.
>   echo 'Please go back and try again.'
>  } else {
> ?>
>  Enter your information in the form below
>  Name:  />
>  Email:  />
>  User name:  maxlength="40" />
>  Password:  maxlength="40" />
>  Confirm Password:  size="20" maxlength="40" />
> Thanks fore any help
> Erik Gjertsen

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[PHP] Re: password protection/encryption

2003-12-08 Thread Mike
Chris Mach wrote:

I'm working on a project that involves a password protected area of a
website. Some one also involved brought up the point that this area should
be secure (Whit the lock icon indicating it is encrypted).
In this particular project the password protected area will be a quote
generating system for a company. Users would log in and choose the products
they are interested in purchasing and the site would generate a quote
depending on what they selected from the list of products.
So my question is..

 At what point is encryption necessary? I've always thought encryption was
only needed when dealing with stuff like credit card information, am I
if you are sending passwords over the internet, then they can be sniffed 
in transit, it depends on how paranoid / how important the information 
is.  Unless you encrypt them before sending (client side), but this is 
quite complicated

You probably should just use https to do the encryption, it works the 
same as normal, the HTTP layer deals with all the encryption for you

 How secure is a password protected page done with just PHP?
over http, with no encryption - not very secure
over https - as secure as anything is on the internet
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[PHP] Re: password protection/encryption

2003-12-06 Thread Jas
Some questions to ask yourself...
1. Am I storing personally identifiable information (eg. Names, 
addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, credit card data)?
2. Will this data be stored in a text file or database?
3. Is this text file or database directly connected to the internet?
4. What type of data am I trying to protect?

Answer these questions and you will know if you need to use 
public/private key encryption technology in your application.

You are currently interested (from your post) in encrypting the data 
link layer of your website using SSL (Secure Socket Layer).

The SSL or lock icon as you pointed out only encrypts data in a 
streaming manner (eg. when I click the submit button my username / 
password combination gets passed to the SSL protocol and wrapped in a 
layer of encryption to be decoded on the server).

If you are storing data in a text file / database that would be a "yes" 
answer to the 4 quesitons listed above I would recommend using some sort 
of public / private key encrytion.  PHP has several encryption functions 
for your use and links are listed below.

When in doubt consult the manual at php.net.
Also a great recommendation... google.com is your friend you can find 
all sorts of good tips locating information on various encryption 
techniques and definitions.  A great primer on public / private 
encrytion vs. one-way encryption can be found here...

This site gives you basics of encryption and how it works.
SSL information can be found here.
Hope this helps

Chris Mach wrote:


I'm working on a project that involves a password protected area of a
website. Some one also involved brought up the point that this area should
be secure (Whit the lock icon indicating it is encrypted).
In this particular project the password protected area will be a quote
generating system for a company. Users would log in and choose the products
they are interested in purchasing and the site would generate a quote
depending on what they selected from the list of products.
So my question is..

 At what point is encryption necessary? I've always thought encryption was
only needed when dealing with stuff like credit card information, am I
 How secure is a password protected page done with just PHP?

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RE: [PHP] Re: Password storage system

2003-08-08 Thread Daevid Vincent
Thanks, but I guess I forgot to mention it should be web-interface...
For anyone wanting to look.

> -Original Message-
> Try PMS: Password Management System. I believe it can be found on
> sourceforge.

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RE: [PHP] Re: Password storage system

2003-08-07 Thread Chris W. Parker
> "Daevid Vincent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm in search of an 'enterprise level' password storage system.

Try PMS: Password Management System. I believe it can be found on


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[PHP] Re: Password storage system

2003-08-06 Thread Sek-Mun Wong
(This is a bit off topic, but I though might be helpful to some developers,
it deals more with security concepts than PHP per se)

I may be going out on a limb here, but  I doubt you'll find something in the
GPL/open source domain.

we've built our own and pretty much does what you've described (used to work
for a bank I did)

If I could help to put you on the right track in terms of design, what
you'll need is not just a password system, sounds like you want a authority
system, with groups & roles. You really want to design a system that relies
on resource "objects" for authentication and authorisation. Also to complete
the security jargon, encryption and non-repudiation (mostly means logging &

If you want to look at something that W3C is working on, try SAML, the
security assertion markup lang... but it's in draft last time I looked, and
that deals with authority and authentication. and it's all markup-ish and
xml-ish of course ;-) There should be some tools based on SAML out there, I
haven't looked, possibly not in PHP though.

Back to building it: Think of authentication not only as a passwords,
there's PIN authentication, there's token authentication, (one use tokens or
multi-use tokens) and also digital certs, smart cards, RPGs (random
password/pin gens ala SafeWord), etc (ie, password types)

Then you need to ask, can a user with the right password access this
resource? Does he need a password AND a cert? Does this bank account need
two authorisers to sign off before you allow the money transfer?

Of course one way crypt passwords are a must, but that's so simple it's a

The above are just some things to think about before you embark on you quest
to find the solution :) And it really depends what you want to do and how
robust your solution needs to be.

I can give you a few pointers if you want to take the discussion offline and
email me.

"Daevid Vincent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
I'm in search of an 'enterprise level' password storage system.

I have looked at phpMyPass and it looks promising, but the demo doesn't seem
to have everything I want.
While this one says v2.0
Says 1.0 ??

I need it to be multiuser, have different security levels/access, encrypt
and decrypt on the fly (phpmypass has all the passwords in the rendered HTML
page :-( ), grouping of passwords (i.e. 'internal servers', websites, banks,
clients sites, personal, etc).

Ideally it should use mod_auth_mysql for security. The storage should be
encrypted so that even root can't see the passwords in the database without
the decryption key. Perhaps use a strong crypto algorithm for the important
fields, not just the pw.

I'd like to store: common name, url, username, pw, notes, incept date, last
mod date at least.

I could build this myself, or I could take phpMyPass and run with it, but I
thought I'd see if there were anything else out there before I build this.


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[PHP] Re: Password generator

2003-06-20 Thread Manuel Lemos

On 06/17/2003 06:45 AM, Davy Obdam wrote:
I have to make a password generator, but i have a little problem.
You may also want to try any of these classes:



Manuel Lemos
Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP
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[PHP] Re: Password generator

2003-06-17 Thread Andrei BEJENARU
Here's a little function that could help you...
It uses the ASCII table to generate the characters and it still needs to be
customized for any length
and to deny the use of the special characters...
Don't forget to set the mt seed!

function generatePassword() {
 $passwd = "";
 while(strlen($passwd)<10) {
  switch(mt_rand(1,4)) {
   case 1:
$tmp = chr(mt_rand(33,46));
if ($tmp!="'" && $tmp!="\"") {
 $passwd .= $tmp;
   case 2:
$passwd .= chr(mt_rand(48,57));
   case 3:
$passwd .= chr(mt_rand(65,90));
   case 4:
$passwd .= chr(mt_rand(97,122));
 return $passwd;

"Davy Obdam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi people,
> I have to make a password generator, but i have a little problem.
> - It needs to generate password 8 characters long, and including 1 or 2
> special characters(like #$%&*@).
> - Those special characters can never appear as the first or last
> character in the string... anywhere between is fine.
> I have a password generator script now that does the first thing... but
> the special character can be in front or back of the string wich it
> shouldnt.. i have been looking on the web for this but i havent found
> the answer. Below is my scripts so far..
> Any help is appreciated, thanks for your time,
> Best regards,
> Davy Obdam
> --
>  // A function to generate random alphanumeric passwords in PHP
> // It expects to be passed a desired password length, but it
> // none is passed the default is set to 8 (you can change this)
> function generate_password($length = 8) {
> // This variable contains the list of allowable characters
> // for the password.  Note that the number 0 and the letter
> // 'O' have been removed to avoid confusion between the two.
> // The same is true of 'I' and 1
> $allowable_characters =
> // We see how many characters are in the allowable list
> $ps_len = strlen($allowable_characters);
> // Seed the random number generator with the microtime stamp
> // (current UNIX timestamp, but in microseconds)
> mt_srand((double)microtime()*100);
> // Declare the password as a blank string.
> $pass = "";
> // Loop the number of times specified by $length
> for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
> // Each iteration, pick a random character from the
> // allowable string and append it to the password.
> $pass .= $allowable_characters[mt_rand(0,$ps_len-1)];
> }
> // Retun the password we've selected
> return $pass;
> }
> $password = generate_password();
> echo $password;
> ?>
> -- 
> ---
> Davy Obdam
> Web application developer
> Networking4all
> internet: http://www.networking4all.com
> ---

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2002-08-29 Thread Tony Harrison

I asked a similar question the other day, I was told to use the password
function on the field name, not the value, i havent tested this and its a
weird way to do things, and why cant both work? (if any)

"Mike Tsapenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello, Victor.
> Your queries seem to be OK. The second one has typo: after should be
> quot.
> Anyway this is a problem with MySQL but not with PHP.
> --
> Mike Tsapenko
> Chief of Web-development Dept.
> AlarIT
> http://www.AlarIT.com
> "Victor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ???/ ?  ?:
> 000101c24f92$e7e80fc0$a3a96518@jumpy">news:000101c24f92$e7e80fc0$a3a96518@jumpy...
> > Is PASSWORD() still usable? I used it in my scripts a while ago to
> > encrypt and decript password strings that I stored into databases, but
> > from some time all my scripts don't work (the login part) because I
> > cannot do a mysql query like so:
> >
> > $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$PHP_AUTH_USER' AND
> > password = PASSWORD('$PHP_AUTH_PW')";
> >
> > or:
> >
> > $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username AND password =
> > PASSWORD('$password')";
> >
> > is this wrong?
> >
> > Or am I just hallucinating?
> >
> > - vic
> >
> > __
> > Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca

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2002-08-29 Thread Mike Tsapenko

Hello, Victor.

Your queries seem to be OK. The second one has typo: after should be single
Anyway this is a problem with MySQL but not with PHP.


Mike Tsapenko
Chief of Web-development Dept.

"Victor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ???/ ?  ?:
> Is PASSWORD() still usable? I used it in my scripts a while ago to
> encrypt and decript password strings that I stored into databases, but
> from some time all my scripts don't work (the login part) because I
> cannot do a mysql query like so:
> $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$PHP_AUTH_USER' AND
> password = PASSWORD('$PHP_AUTH_PW')";
> or:
> $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username AND password =
> PASSWORD('$password')";
> is this wrong?
> Or am I just hallucinating?
> - vic
> __
> Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca

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[PHP] Re: Password in script

2002-07-18 Thread Monty

The password code will be parsed out by PHP, so, it won't be viewable in the
HTML source delivered to the browser.

Some advice: set up a user for your database that has the minimal amount of
access necessary to perform queries or writing to the database and use that
in your scripts. Don't ever use your master MySQL username and password.


> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sailom)
> Newsgroups: php.general
> Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:03:02 +0700
> Subject: Password in script
> I am new to PHP and MySQL and never have experience in this area.  I am
> writing a PHP script that connects to MySQL server.  I have to put a
> password of MySQL into the PHP script.  I think it may not be secured.  What
> do you think?  How can I make it more secure?  Thanks.

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[PHP] Re: password=password('$password') <----- ? help me... :P

2002-01-21 Thread Robert V. Zwink

Try this:

 $query = "SELECT username,password FROM users WHERE

MySQL needs all string data wrapped in quotes.  Maybe the backslashes are a
bit confusing at first, but its worth taking the time to understand them.

Robert V. Zwink

-Original Message-
From: LaserJetter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 3:43 PM
Subject: [PHP] Re: password=password('$password') <- ? help me... :P

Forget that last post - sorry!!!

Instead of using password('$password') in the query string, I would insert a
line before connecting to the DB:

$newpass = password($password)<-- dont need quotes round here


$query = "SELECT username,password FROM users WHERE username=$username AND

As $username and $newpass are already inside double quotes you dont need to
put them in again!!


"Hawk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I've been trying to get this to work for a while, and everyone says that I
> should use the same thing, but it doesn't work, can anyone tell me what
> doing wrong?
> from the form on the previous page I have the $username and $password vars
> mysql_connect($host, $user, $pswd);
> mysql_select_db($db);
> $query = "SELECT username,password FROM users WHERE username='$username'
> password=password('$password')";
> $result = mysql_query($query);
> $num = mysql_num_rows($result);
> the $query line is made up from what everyone has told me to write..
> I tried to add a list($usarname, $pessword) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
> and it returned "" .. but when I removed the "AND
> password=password('$password')" part the list showed the username and the
> password in encrypted form
> I don't know how this could help me in any way, but atleast it shows I
> an encrypted password, but the problem is that the line everyone uses
> doesn't work.. maybe I need to change some setting in mysql och php.ini or
> something? anyone have any idea?
> I know I've asked this several times but it doesn't seem like I'm
> with my problem. Hope I will be now.
> Hawk

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[PHP] Re: password=password('$password') <----- ? help me... :P

2002-01-19 Thread LaserJetter

Forget that last post - sorry!!!

Instead of using password('$password') in the query string, I would insert a
line before connecting to the DB:

$newpass = password($password)<-- dont need quotes round here


$query = "SELECT username,password FROM users WHERE username=$username AND

As $username and $newpass are already inside double quotes you dont need to
put them in again!!


"Hawk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I've been trying to get this to work for a while, and everyone says that I
> should use the same thing, but it doesn't work, can anyone tell me what
> doing wrong?
> from the form on the previous page I have the $username and $password vars
> mysql_connect($host, $user, $pswd);
> mysql_select_db($db);
> $query = "SELECT username,password FROM users WHERE username='$username'
> password=password('$password')";
> $result = mysql_query($query);
> $num = mysql_num_rows($result);
> the $query line is made up from what everyone has told me to write..
> I tried to add a list($usarname, $pessword) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
> and it returned "" .. but when I removed the "AND
> password=password('$password')" part the list showed the username and the
> password in encrypted form
> I don't know how this could help me in any way, but atleast it shows I
> an encrypted password, but the problem is that the line everyone uses
> doesn't work.. maybe I need to change some setting in mysql och php.ini or
> something? anyone have any idea?
> I know I've asked this several times but it doesn't seem like I'm
> with my problem. Hope I will be now.
> Hawk

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[PHP] Re: password=password('$password') <----- ? help me... :P

2002-01-19 Thread LaserJetter

Try changing all the single quotes to double quotes (' to "). As far as I
know, PHP only expands the contents of the variable if it inside double
quotes, otherwise it reads it as $variable


"Hawk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I've been trying to get this to work for a while, and everyone says that I
> should use the same thing, but it doesn't work, can anyone tell me what
> doing wrong?
> from the form on the previous page I have the $username and $password vars
> mysql_connect($host, $user, $pswd);
> mysql_select_db($db);
> $query = "SELECT username,password FROM users WHERE username='$username'
> password=password('$password')";
> $result = mysql_query($query);
> $num = mysql_num_rows($result);
> the $query line is made up from what everyone has told me to write..
> I tried to add a list($usarname, $pessword) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
> and it returned "" .. but when I removed the "AND
> password=password('$password')" part the list showed the username and the
> password in encrypted form
> I don't know how this could help me in any way, but atleast it shows I
> an encrypted password, but the problem is that the line everyone uses
> doesn't work.. maybe I need to change some setting in mysql och php.ini or
> something? anyone have any idea?
> I know I've asked this several times but it doesn't seem like I'm
> with my problem. Hope I will be now.
> Hawk

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[PHP] Re: password why?

2001-09-04 Thread _lallous

I didn't look very well at your script,
but it seems that you're calling mysql_numrows() instead of mysql_num_rows()

"Gary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello Everybody,
> I have a script that checks if the password and password confirm are the
> same on a sign up page. It seems that if the password is already in the
> db it prints out passwords do not match like the password and confirm do
> not match. Why?
> //check if passwords match
>   if ($password != $pass_check) {
> echo "Password's don't match!Please use your back
> button and fix the error";
>   } else {
> // Connect To The Database
> $db  = mysql_connect("localhost","user","password") or die ("couldn't
> connect to server");
> mysql_select_db("dbname",$db) or die ("couldn't select database");
> //Find Out If They Are Already In The System
>$sql = "SELECT name,email FROM tablename WHERE
>   name='$name' OR email='$email'";
>  $result=mysql_query($sql);
>  $num=mysql_numrows($result);
>  if ($num > 0)
>  echo "Your Username is already taken.Please
> use your back button and choose another";
> else {
> more code
> Gary

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