Re: [PHP] WYSIWYG vs. the 'power-user'

2007-04-12 Thread Richard Lynch
On Thu, April 12, 2007 10:48 am, Chetan Graham wrote:
> I'm
> talking about the 'non-compliance of html W3 Spec' in all their files.
> The HTML code is embarrassing to look at, capitalizations, missing end
> tags, added end tags, on and on and on.  And what happened to the
> Doctype?

You should be able to con them into making their pages W3C compliant.

I'll be DW et al even have fancy GUI buttons to check.

If not, put HTML Validator in their FireFox they use to check their
pages,  configure it to kick in, and tell them that they need a green
check in the bottom-right to really be kosher.

There's really no excuse for even DW to dump out invalid code.

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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Re: [PHP] WYSIWYG vs. the 'power-user'

2007-04-12 Thread Robert Cummings
On Thu, 2007-04-12 at 16:07 -0500, Edward Vermillion wrote:
> On Apr 12, 2007, at 2:46 PM, Paul Novitski wrote:
> Can't remember the last time I had to update the machine code because  
> PHP wouldn't run properly... ;)

*PFFT* Newbie!


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Re: [PHP] WYSIWYG vs. the 'power-user'

2007-04-12 Thread Edward Vermillion

On Apr 12, 2007, at 2:46 PM, Paul Novitski wrote:

At 4/12/2007 08:48 AM, Chetan Graham wrote:

WYSIWYG vs. the 'power-user'

Vonda McIntyre used to describe the three stages in the evolution  
of science fiction.  In the first stage it was all about the  
technology, the new gadgets we could dream up; "Look at this cool  
space ship we built!"  In the second stage, writers had accepted  
the wonders of the new technology and started describing what you  
could do with it: "Look where we can go in our space ship!"  And  
the third stage, the one that flowered in the 1960s and 70s when  
Viet Nam and LSD and feminism turned science fiction inside out, we  
were writing about how the technology and our use of it transforms  
those who use it: "Who do we become after a thousand years of FTL  
space travel?"

I can see a similar progression in any technology including  
computer use: from the early gear-smiths to the Univac tube-jockeys  
to the make-it-yourself Atari hounds to the code-it-yourself  
programmers to the mavens of Web 2.0... at each stage there's less  
preoccupation with yesterday's core work; we take those parts for  
granted and focus on how far they can take us tomorrow.

Like you, I grew up coding by hand -- not coding in binary machine  
language on punch cards as my older brother did in the early 60s at  
Columbia, but I cut my programming teeth in the early 80s on BASIC  
and Z-80 Assembler and PL/M.  I remember being appalled when I  
wrote my first disassembler and looked under the hood at the  
machine code produced by the PL/M compiler: it was so incredibly  
inefficient!  The lower-level the language, the more crucial each  
instruction seems.  These days my languages of preference are PHP,  
CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.  Any one instructional unit in these  
scripts surely results in thousands or millions of machine  
instructions.  I used to stipple each dot; now I paint in broad  
strokes.  I have stopped worrying about the low level so much -- to  
whom does it really matter which is more efficient, foreach() or  
while(), if you're not executing tens of thousands of them in a  
single script? -- instead focusing on the much bigger pictures of  
interface design, application design, security, interoperability,  
and user friendliness.

So I don't blame the newcomers for caring less about the nitty  
gritty details under the hood -- we're all that way.  You obviously  
care about how clean your PHP code is, but how much do you care  
about how clean the machine code is that actually executes when  
your script hits the interpreter?  You probably don't.  It's not in  
your field of vision.  You're looking up, and ahead.

I've never used a WYSIWYG HTML editor -- my test drives of many  
editors have produced such gawdawful markup that I happily continue  
to code by hand, quickly and well.  However I have been told by  
many people that Dreamweaver can be set up to produce lean, clean  
XHTML.  I suspect that the way to do it is to turn off nearly all  
of its "intelligence."  Like most of the Microsoft applications,  
its attempts to second-guess our intentions result in garbage out.   
Those apps were apparently build by well-meaning programmers whose  
mandate was to care more about the appearance of what you see than  
the quality of what you get.

...Now that I've had my say... and as dear as this topic is to my  
heart... it's really off-topic for this list.  I'd recommend WD-L

Very good points indeed. The only caveat is that a lot of times you  
need to get at the code that DW/PS produces, either to fix something  
that they can't handle, or to change something that (DW here) won't  
let you change.

Trying to sort out the messes that they create can make you old  
before your time.

Can't remember the last time I had to update the machine code because  
PHP wouldn't run properly... ;)


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Re: [PHP] WYSIWYG vs. the 'power-user'

2007-04-12 Thread Paul Novitski

At 4/12/2007 08:48 AM, Chetan Graham wrote:

WYSIWYG vs. the 'power-user'

Vonda McIntyre used to describe the three stages in the evolution of 
science fiction.  In the first stage it was all about the technology, 
the new gadgets we could dream up; "Look at this cool space ship we 
built!"  In the second stage, writers had accepted the wonders of the 
new technology and started describing what you could do with it: 
"Look where we can go in our space ship!"  And the third stage, the 
one that flowered in the 1960s and 70s when Viet Nam and LSD and 
feminism turned science fiction inside out, we were writing about how 
the technology and our use of it transforms those who use it: "Who do 
we become after a thousand years of FTL space travel?"

I can see a similar progression in any technology including computer 
use: from the early gear-smiths to the Univac tube-jockeys to the 
make-it-yourself Atari hounds to the code-it-yourself programmers to 
the mavens of Web 2.0... at each stage there's less preoccupation 
with yesterday's core work; we take those parts for granted and focus 
on how far they can take us tomorrow.

Like you, I grew up coding by hand -- not coding in binary machine 
language on punch cards as my older brother did in the early 60s at 
Columbia, but I cut my programming teeth in the early 80s on BASIC 
and Z-80 Assembler and PL/M.  I remember being appalled when I wrote 
my first disassembler and looked under the hood at the machine code 
produced by the PL/M compiler: it was so incredibly inefficient!  The 
lower-level the language, the more crucial each instruction 
seems.  These days my languages of preference are PHP, CSS, HTML, and 
JavaScript.  Any one instructional unit in these scripts surely 
results in thousands or millions of machine instructions.  I used to 
stipple each dot; now I paint in broad strokes.  I have stopped 
worrying about the low level so much -- to whom does it really matter 
which is more efficient, foreach() or while(), if you're not 
executing tens of thousands of them in a single script? -- instead 
focusing on the much bigger pictures of interface design, application 
design, security, interoperability, and user friendliness.

So I don't blame the newcomers for caring less about the nitty gritty 
details under the hood -- we're all that way.  You obviously care 
about how clean your PHP code is, but how much do you care about how 
clean the machine code is that actually executes when your script 
hits the interpreter?  You probably don't.  It's not in your field of 
vision.  You're looking up, and ahead.

I've never used a WYSIWYG HTML editor -- my test drives of many 
editors have produced such gawdawful markup that I happily continue 
to code by hand, quickly and well.  However I have been told by many 
people that Dreamweaver can be set up to produce lean, clean 
XHTML.  I suspect that the way to do it is to turn off nearly all of 
its "intelligence."  Like most of the Microsoft applications, its 
attempts to second-guess our intentions result in garbage out.  Those 
apps were apparently build by well-meaning programmers whose mandate 
was to care more about the appearance of what you see than the 
quality of what you get.

...Now that I've had my say... and as dear as this topic is to my 
heart... it's really off-topic for this list.  I'd recommend WD-L



Paul Novitski
Juniper Webcraft Ltd. 

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Re: [PHP] WYSIWYG vs. the 'power-user'

2007-04-12 Thread Eric Butera

On 4/12/07, Chetan Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello to All!
I've been monitoring this emotional listing from the beginning and feel
the need to bring out some of my personal experience on this exciting
matter of

WYSIWYG vs. the 'power-user'

1) I started back when there where no GUI's available anywhere!
In time I became quite comfortable with keystrokes for everything.
Even loved the keystroke!  I would be heard to say even years later, Ahh,
you new kids are spoiled and know not a thing of the way it "should" be;
the power-user way!

2) Times are different now; memory and disk space are not a big deal with
the programmer.  One does not have to account for every byte available.
Hence, the GUI's are in force today and newer professionals are quite
proficient in their use.
The old timer "power-user" is becoming less and less in number.  The new
kids love the GUI.

3) I have noticed a painful quality of the GUI only experience of
Dreamweaver and Photoshop.  That is, new and usually young people invest
their time learning Dreamweaver and Photoshop becoming proficient creating
web pages that look great.
However, they rarely look at the code once the project works in the
browser and is ready for the web.

I am involved with such a situation now and the GUI kids have no idea what
the html code really looks like and are not interested in the coding.  I'm
talking about the 'non-compliance of html W3 Spec' in all their files.
The HTML code is embarrassing to look at, capitalizations, missing end
tags, added end tags, on and on and on.  And what happened to the Doctype?
This comes from spending most of the time mouse clicking instead of typing
in the code (at least after one cuts and pastes into the code we make sure
we look at it and adjust it to fit properly in every aspect, then get rid
of the extra pasted in excess not needed, don't just comment it out.

I do not use Dreamweaver, I prefer a text editor keystrokes to do the work.
I've lost an entire days worth of work because of the fabled DW memory
crash. It is a huge program with parts of it that are buggy and slow.  It
is very powerful as well with its good aspects.  I like the 'clean and
mean' approach.  I know where everything is and there is no wondering
about things.
I go over every piece of code in every page.  It must look good as well as
work to my satisfaction.  When someone clicks on 'view source' they are
looking at the HTML of yours!  You are responsible for every thing you do.
 To some of you I ask, "Did you forget about this or do you just not

Bottom line: Use what ever means necessary that brings you to a quality,
polished, well-coded web app.  And look at the whole App.  Every part of
You will be judged by your output.  Even what you don't want people to
see, if they can see it they will judge you by it.

Also, I do not believe in making fun of people or their views on a subject
even if I feel I know better.  Better a friend than an enemy.

Great Coding and success in life!

Hope I haven't bored anyone out there.

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Just another point... the generated markup is probably going to have
low accessibility which limits screen readers and search engines

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[PHP] WYSIWYG vs. the 'power-user'

2007-04-12 Thread Chetan Graham
Hello to All!
I've been monitoring this emotional listing from the beginning and feel
the need to bring out some of my personal experience on this exciting
matter of

WYSIWYG vs. the 'power-user'

1) I started back when there where no GUI's available anywhere!
In time I became quite comfortable with keystrokes for everything.
Even loved the keystroke!  I would be heard to say even years later, Ahh,
you new kids are spoiled and know not a thing of the way it "should" be;
the power-user way!

2) Times are different now; memory and disk space are not a big deal with
the programmer.  One does not have to account for every byte available.
Hence, the GUI's are in force today and newer professionals are quite
proficient in their use.
The old timer "power-user" is becoming less and less in number.  The new
kids love the GUI.

3) I have noticed a painful quality of the GUI only experience of
Dreamweaver and Photoshop.  That is, new and usually young people invest
their time learning Dreamweaver and Photoshop becoming proficient creating
web pages that look great.
However, they rarely look at the code once the project works in the
browser and is ready for the web.

I am involved with such a situation now and the GUI kids have no idea what
the html code really looks like and are not interested in the coding.  I'm
talking about the 'non-compliance of html W3 Spec' in all their files. 
The HTML code is embarrassing to look at, capitalizations, missing end
tags, added end tags, on and on and on.  And what happened to the Doctype?
This comes from spending most of the time mouse clicking instead of typing
in the code (at least after one cuts and pastes into the code we make sure
we look at it and adjust it to fit properly in every aspect, then get rid
of the extra pasted in excess not needed, don't just comment it out.

I do not use Dreamweaver, I prefer a text editor keystrokes to do the work.
I've lost an entire days worth of work because of the fabled DW memory
crash. It is a huge program with parts of it that are buggy and slow.  It
is very powerful as well with its good aspects.  I like the 'clean and
mean' approach.  I know where everything is and there is no wondering
about things.
I go over every piece of code in every page.  It must look good as well as
work to my satisfaction.  When someone clicks on 'view source' they are
looking at the HTML of yours!  You are responsible for every thing you do.
 To some of you I ask, "Did you forget about this or do you just not

Bottom line: Use what ever means necessary that brings you to a quality,
polished, well-coded web app.  And look at the whole App.  Every part of
You will be judged by your output.  Even what you don't want people to
see, if they can see it they will judge you by it.

Also, I do not believe in making fun of people or their views on a subject
even if I feel I know better.  Better a friend than an enemy.

Great Coding and success in life!

Hope I haven't bored anyone out there.

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