Re: [PHP] Working as a PHP/database developer..

2003-12-02 Thread Video Populares et Optimates

First of all, thanks for the input!

 What's the matter with re-using the code and charging the same rate for
 it?  You're a business, and you're supposed to make money.  I currently
 charge by the hour, but I'm trying whereever possible to move away from
 hourly rates into fixed price services.  Why?

Perhaps I stated my views a bit rashly. I'm not of the opinion that it is
wrong to re-use code, merely that I was wondering how to specify the hourly
rate if doing so. Seeing now (even though I couldn't say I have large enough
control group ;-) ) that it is common to re-use and charge as normal,

 a) The client knows exactly what to expect in terms of price and result
 b) I don't spend half my days quoting every last detail of a job
 c) I have the opportunity to re-use code over and over, making a
 PROFIT, rather than braking even all the time

I totally agree with (a) and (b), but what about (c)? Is it that hard to
make a profit if one actually has to put some work into it? I.e. do you
consider PHP/db development to be a large competition-driven field (within
the larger field of software/script dev)?

 Copyright is the simple answer, but it needs to be
 a) observed by your clients
 b) enforced by you when not observed by clients

Yes, I agree. But for (b), how can I enforce it since PHP code resides on
servers. My scenario is this: I develop scripts for the (aforementioned web
designers), cooperation ends and we go separate paths. Now how do I enforce
my copyright when I have no insight into their other projects nor the web
servers they work with?

 You can always compile your scripts, and supply them with compiled
 (encoded) products, rather than source scripts.  This of course would
 depend on the copyright agreement you have with your clients.

This is actually totally new to me. Compiling scripts, storing the (encoded)
products on the server. What are the formats? Standards? Web servers /
RDBM's that recognize these formats?

 There's no decent answer to that -- there's soo many factors to
 take into consideration, like the market, the economic environment,
 your skills, your productivity, your client's budget, etc etc.  The
 only accurate answer is twice as much as half.

Yeah, I know I had that answer coming. *laugh* Guess I'll have to continue
sifting through the market in my area.

 Compiling with Zend encoder or similar, as stated above.

Zend encoder. Okay! Though it partially answers my above question about
encoding scripts, I would be grateful to get some more pointers on the
technical nuts and bolts... (even though I probably can just start using the
Zend encoder - always interested in learning more).

 You obviously aren't confident working with these people, so consider
 NOT working for them.

No can do. The project is much to interesting and the social engineering
implied by it is a hilarious experience. Alea iacta est!

Thank you for the valuable input!


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Re: [PHP] Working as a PHP/database developer..

2003-12-02 Thread Justin French
On Tuesday, December 2, 2003, at 09:45  PM, Video Populares et 
Optimates wrote:

What's the matter with re-using the code and charging the same rate 
it?  You're a business, and you're supposed to make money.  I 
charge by the hour, but I'm trying whereever possible to move away 
hourly rates into fixed price services.  Why?
Perhaps I stated my views a bit rashly. I'm not of the opinion that it 
wrong to re-use code, merely that I was wondering how to specify the 
rate if doing so. Seeing now (even though I couldn't say I have large 
control group ;-) ) that it is common to re-use and charge as normal,
I wouldn't say it's common practice, but it makes good business sense 
to refine your tools to the point where they can be reused over and 
over with a lot less new code for each resale.

a) The client knows exactly what to expect in terms of price and 
b) I don't spend half my days quoting every last detail of a job
c) I have the opportunity to re-use code over and over, making a
PROFIT, rather than braking even all the time
I totally agree with (a) and (b), but what about (c)? Is it that hard 
make a profit if one actually has to put some work into it? I.e. do you
consider PHP/db development to be a large competition-driven field 
the larger field of software/script dev)?
I don't understand the question.

Copyright is the simple answer, but it needs to be
a) observed by your clients
b) enforced by you when not observed by clients
Yes, I agree. But for (b), how can I enforce it since PHP code resides 
servers. My scenario is this: I develop scripts for the 
(aforementioned web
designers), cooperation ends and we go separate paths. Now how do I 
my copyright when I have no insight into their other projects nor the 
servers they work with?
I can't answer that -- you need to talk to lawyers and seek legal 
advice.  All I know is that copyright laws are there to protect.  The 
catch is that enforcing this protection usually takes money.

You can always compile your scripts, and supply them with compiled
(encoded) products, rather than source scripts.  This of course would
depend on the copyright agreement you have with your clients.
This is actually totally new to me. Compiling scripts, storing the 
products on the server. What are the formats? Standards? Web servers /
RDBM's that recognize these formats?

Compiling with Zend encoder or similar, as stated above.
Zend encoder. Okay! Though it partially answers my above question about
encoding scripts, I would be grateful to get some more pointers on the
technical nuts and bolts... (even though I probably can just start 
using the
Zend encoder - always interested in learning more).
Encoded scripts can run on virtually any server running PHP, using the 
optimiser (?).  Of course, you could read about it all on

Justin French

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Re: [PHP] Working as a PHP/database developer..

2003-12-02 Thread Galen
A few suggestions here, from my experience. I offer a variety of 
computer services freelance, and have been focusing on building my web 
development side of things.

Customers love flat rates, but you WILL eat the time WHEN, not if, you 
go over. I offer flat rates for mostly HTML web design services. The 
client gets x number of pages and y number hours photography and we 
meet in the beginning and in the end. The client approves the site and 
I'm done. Any changes, unless I personally feel I made a stupid 
mistake, are billed according to my update policy.

For PHP pages, I don't offer flat rates. I can give an estimate of the 
time it will take, but no more than that. My absolute minimum hourly 
rate is $35/hour and I'm located in Southwestern Washington State, USA. 
When I do work, it's a premium service. I don't claim to be the world's 
best PHP coder, but all my pages are reasonably written, execute 
quickly, and are quite secure. My big thing is that I make everything 
work, and work smoothly. I have a knack for building features that make 
everything easy to use, as simple as possible, yet extremely powerful. 
I write online catalogs that the owners can update and upload pictures 
and everything. I create online scheduling systems that are simple and 
straightforward. All this is perfectly integrated and easy to use.

So as far as code issues go, well, most of the code isn't reusable 
without modification. I don't usually write a lot of comments, so that 
makes it doubly hard to see what's going on. The part that really makes 
me feel better about misuse of my code is that my clients like and 
trust me. They wouldn't switch to another person or company, and they 
lack the skills to work on PHP themselves. For simplicity's sake, I 
just leave source code on their sites.

The only exception is a new area I'm working on: writing code that is 
licensed. I'm developing a church/club/organization database with PHP  
MySQL. I'll license it to people for their use only and include 
limitations on how many people can be in the database through PHP. This 
code I will compile so it can't easily be changed or modified for 
reuse. I also have a few other projects like this in the works.

I'm still learning about the best ways to do all this, but I think you 
might find what I've learned so far helpful.

Galen P. Zink
Computer Consulting  Web Design
(360) 609-2617
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Re: [PHP] Working as a PHP/database developer..

2003-12-02 Thread David T-G
Video, et al --

I've been an independent SysAdmin for about seven years, but have only
been doing independent programming for a couple, so others will certainly
have more coding guidance and experience than I.  All I can definitely say
is that I'm still working on the knack of properly estimating my time! :-/

What I can say, though, is that if for any reason you're not comfortable
with the folks with/for whom you will work then it's probably better to
not or at least best to get it in writing and get as much as you can up
front.  Take the extra time to work out a contract that covers the sorts
of services you'll provide (I would say that it shouldn't bother to
include specifics of a particular bid; submit that separately as a quote
or estimate instead), how and when payments are due (by check or other
and terms like net 15, net 30, upon recepit) and what happens if they
aren't (grace period, late fees, interest, ...), perhaps what happens if
you can't complete your end, and who owns the finished product (unless
that's declared to be specified in each quote).

Unfortunately, it's generally true that if you can trust your partners
(or clients) then you don't need a contract and if you can't then even
the best one won't help you, so that gets you back to the get it up
front part.  For small jobs I require the full payment up front; for
large jobs I do half up front and half upon completion.  For hourly
estimate jobs (or long-term hourly jobs like a 4-month one I did late
this summer) I submit semiweekly invoices as well as, if desired, time
sheets outlining what I did when and sometimes require a starter payment
up front.  All of my invoices have been net 15 but I'm trying to move to
upon receipt :-) and have done so for any sys admin calls that I make.

So that brings us to your licensing questions.  Some of them may be
alleviated by their not being able to do anything with the PHP code
because they are not coders; they'd have to call you to make any changes
for another site anyway.  But otherwise it should be covered in your
quote (which will clearly outline everything you're to do -- which is,
by the way, just like a contract, for the benefit of both both at the
beginning and the end), and you can reasonably argue that code written to
be suitable for reuse takes more time and costs more.

And, finally, down to pricing...  I estimate my time based on the plan
that I'd write everything from scratch, since some if it will be and
other parts of it might still require some modification.  That then gives
me a number that I can perhaps adjust to come up with a quote.  If you're
working on a straight hourly basis, then you might be able to either bill
for some or all of the hours it WOULD take you to write the module you'll
pull out of your toolbox or bill a higher rate for implementing these
library modules of yours.  I tend to lean toward the former, and it's
been OK so far (but, admittedly, I don't have much of a library!).

Another thing that helps is to figure out your client's budget and how
they'll like to spend it -- not so much for the purposes of sucking it
dry :-) but to see things from their point of view.  An example from the
SA world is a client that wanted a hundred machines updated and expected
to pay someone about $5k to someone who could do one per hour, or about
$50/hr.  The guy who got the job confirmed that they were happy with
paying $50 per *machine* and quoted the job -- and then invested about 20
hours of his own time in building and testing a distribution server which
he then used to rebuild the 100 machines in another 20 hours.  He did the
work in less time (and vastly less from the client's perspective) and
everyone was happy even though he got paid a higher rate :-)

Just what sort of job opportunity is this?  Will you be an hourly
employee who does whatever he is told, or a completely independent
contractor implementing something to a set of general specs, or something
in between?  That goes a long way, too, toward your determination of who
should own and control what.

What's a proper pay?  Those spending nearly always think it's lower than
those receiving :-)  As a general rule, if this isn't either a permanent
job or a long-term contract (in which case you shouldn't be worrying
about code ownership, IMHO), you need to bill for about half of the year
to make your desired annual target because the other half will be spent
on training, practicing, and hunting.  Whether you apply that on a code
licensing basis or an hourly work rate basis, make sure that you'll make
enough to be around later!

HTH  HAND  best of luck!

David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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Re: [PHP] Working as a PHP/database developer..

2003-12-01 Thread Richard Davey
Hello Video,

Tuesday, December 2, 2003, 1:04:34 AM, you wrote:

VPeO Now, how do you charge your services? Do you do it on a
VPeO time-slot basis (seems kind of awkard to me since much PHP code
VPeO can be reused a l o t!) or do you do it on the basis of the size
VPeO of projects and whether new code has to be developed etc etc?

That is for you to decide and your client to agree with. Some will
prefer a fixed-cost project, others prefer time sheets. The fact you
are re-using code isn't a bad thing, I mean, you wrote it in the first
place right? and you're not a charity.. so what if you manage to save
yourself a few hours :)

VPeO control the PHP code that I develop. How do I make sure that I'm
VPeO not just used once for a project and thereafter thrown on the
VPeO trashbin, i.e. they take the code and keep using it for many

Get a good contract. Unless they'll allow PHP script encoding (Zend
Encoder, etc) on their server, you have no other choice.

VPeO And what is a proper pay?

Depends on country, location within country, age, experience, etc etc

VPeO obfuscators... but let's get real. They don't come close to
VPeO hiding code (from these web designers and web admins.) as
VPeO compiled software is hidden from end users.

So compile it :)

Best regards,
 Richardmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP] Working as a PHP/database developer..

2003-12-01 Thread Jason Sheets
Turck MMCache is a free optimizer/encoder.  There is a free web based 
front end to the encoding part of it available at

You can find Turck MMCache at

It runs on Windows, Linux, BSD, and most other platforms and works with 
PHP 4 and 5.

That said you should have a discussion with the person making the job 
offer and get a good contract as others have said.  If they want to use 
the code in other projects without paying you each time ask for a higher 
rate.  Also make sure that you maintain the rights to use the code you 
develop in other projects. 

I do work on a per project basis, I base my quote on the number of hours 
I expect it will take me then add 15% I've learned over the years to 
estimate my time well, if you are just starting you will either want to 
quote entirely per project or increase the time by more than 15% (most 
newer people underquote for fear of coming in high and wind up eating it).

If you are quoting based on time you also want to come in slightly ahead 
of schedule, not so much to make them think that you intentionally over 
quoted but enough that it saves them some money and makes you look good.


Richard Davey wrote:
Hello Video,

Tuesday, December 2, 2003, 1:04:34 AM, you wrote:

VPeO Now, how do you charge your services? Do you do it on a
VPeO time-slot basis (seems kind of awkard to me since much PHP code
VPeO can be reused a l o t!) or do you do it on the basis of the size
VPeO of projects and whether new code has to be developed etc etc?
That is for you to decide and your client to agree with. Some will
prefer a fixed-cost project, others prefer time sheets. The fact you
are re-using code isn't a bad thing, I mean, you wrote it in the first
place right? and you're not a charity.. so what if you manage to save
yourself a few hours :)
VPeO control the PHP code that I develop. How do I make sure that I'm
VPeO not just used once for a project and thereafter thrown on the
VPeO trashbin, i.e. they take the code and keep using it for many
Get a good contract. Unless they'll allow PHP script encoding (Zend
Encoder, etc) on their server, you have no other choice.
VPeO And what is a proper pay?

Depends on country, location within country, age, experience, etc etc
VPeO obfuscators... but let's get real. They don't come close to
VPeO hiding code (from these web designers and web admins.) as
VPeO compiled software is hidden from end users.
So compile it :)


PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Working as a PHP/database developer..

2003-12-01 Thread Justin French
On Tuesday, December 2, 2003, at 12:04  PM, Video Populares et 
Optimates wrote:


I'm sitting here, pondering on a problem that has just occurred to me. 
Having a short though intensive period of experience with PHP, I'm now 
in the process of being swallowed up by a group of web designers. 
That is, I've been offered a job opportunity.

Now, how do you charge your services? Do you do it on a time-slot 
basis (seems kind of awkard to me since much PHP code can be reused a 
l o t!) or do you do it on the basis of the size of projects and 
whether new code has to be developed etc etc?
What's the matter with re-using the code and charging the same rate for 
it?  You're a business, and you're supposed to make money.  I currently 
charge by the hour, but I'm trying whereever possible to move away from 
hourly rates into fixed price services.  Why?

a) The client knows exactly what to expect in terms of price and result
b) I don't spend half my days quoting every last detail of a job
c) I have the opportunity to re-use code over and over, making a 
PROFIT, rather than braking even all the time

Another question is: Since they are the owners of the web servers 
(also in control of the web admins.), they effectively control the PHP 
code that I develop. How do I make sure that I'm not just used once 
for a project and thereafter thrown on the trashbin, i.e. they take 
the code and keep using it for many other projects without my 
knowledge. As far as I'm concerned, a proper pay should be for each 
project that my PHP code goes into. Or do you not agree? Very thankful 
for your opinions here!
Copyright is the simple answer, but it needs to be
a) observed by your clients
b) enforced by you when not observed by clients
You can always compile your scripts, and supply them with compiled 
(encoded) products, rather than source scripts.  This of course would 
depend on the copyright agreement you have with your clients.

And what is a proper pay?
There's no decent answer to that -- there's soo many factors to 
take into consideration, like the market, the economic environment, 
your skills, your productivity, your client's budget, etc etc.  The 
only accurate answer is twice as much as half.

I would really like to get some tips on how to specify a partnership 
with these web designers. I know about code obfuscators... but let's 
get real. They don't come close to hiding code (from these web 
designers and web admins.) as compiled software is hidden from end 
Compiling with Zend encoder or similar, as stated above.

Perhaps someone here remembers my last post - which was about security 
of PHP code (from viewing and unauthorized usage). Now, I'm kind of 
put against the wall here. I want to get to it, i.e. get to the work. 
But after some bad experiences *grunt*, I'm not willing to get 
literally squished by blood sucking vampires (*clearing my throat*) 
later on.
You obviously aren't confident working with these people, so consider 
NOT working for them.

Justin French

PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Working as a PHP/database developer..

2003-12-01 Thread Joshua D. Drake

  As a development company who has been profitable for 6 years I suggest
the following:

  1. There are no fixed fees. All time will be billed.
  2. Put everything in writing. If they want you to change the f to F make
them put it in writing.
  3. If you do have a flat fee for something... make it something you 
already have code for or have a procedure for. Even then, make sure
you have a test case for the procedure. If the test case fails it is
time and materials.
  4. Require a downpayment of at least 30% of the total ESTIMATE. Our 
estimates are usually something like:

15,000 - 22,000

7500.00 (we do 50% down) would be required to begin work. When
then hit the 15k they have to pay up to the 15k.


Joshua D. Drake

On Tue, 2 Dec 2003, Justin French wrote:

 On Tuesday, December 2, 2003, at 12:04  PM, Video Populares et 
 Optimates wrote:
  I'm sitting here, pondering on a problem that has just occurred to me. 
  Having a short though intensive period of experience with PHP, I'm now 
  in the process of being swallowed up by a group of web designers. 
  That is, I've been offered a job opportunity.
  Now, how do you charge your services? Do you do it on a time-slot 
  basis (seems kind of awkard to me since much PHP code can be reused a 
  l o t!) or do you do it on the basis of the size of projects and 
  whether new code has to be developed etc etc?
 What's the matter with re-using the code and charging the same rate for 
 it?  You're a business, and you're supposed to make money.  I currently 
 charge by the hour, but I'm trying whereever possible to move away from 
 hourly rates into fixed price services.  Why?
 a) The client knows exactly what to expect in terms of price and result
 b) I don't spend half my days quoting every last detail of a job
 c) I have the opportunity to re-use code over and over, making a 
 PROFIT, rather than braking even all the time
  Another question is: Since they are the owners of the web servers 
  (also in control of the web admins.), they effectively control the PHP 
  code that I develop. How do I make sure that I'm not just used once 
  for a project and thereafter thrown on the trashbin, i.e. they take 
  the code and keep using it for many other projects without my 
  knowledge. As far as I'm concerned, a proper pay should be for each 
  project that my PHP code goes into. Or do you not agree? Very thankful 
  for your opinions here!
 Copyright is the simple answer, but it needs to be
 a) observed by your clients
 b) enforced by you when not observed by clients
 You can always compile your scripts, and supply them with compiled 
 (encoded) products, rather than source scripts.  This of course would 
 depend on the copyright agreement you have with your clients.
  And what is a proper pay?
 There's no decent answer to that -- there's soo many factors to 
 take into consideration, like the market, the economic environment, 
 your skills, your productivity, your client's budget, etc etc.  The 
 only accurate answer is twice as much as half.
  I would really like to get some tips on how to specify a partnership 
  with these web designers. I know about code obfuscators... but let's 
  get real. They don't come close to hiding code (from these web 
  designers and web admins.) as compiled software is hidden from end 
 Compiling with Zend encoder or similar, as stated above.
  Perhaps someone here remembers my last post - which was about security 
  of PHP code (from viewing and unauthorized usage). Now, I'm kind of 
  put against the wall here. I want to get to it, i.e. get to the work. 
  But after some bad experiences *grunt*, I'm not willing to get 
  literally squished by blood sucking vampires (*clearing my throat*) 
  later on.
 You obviously aren't confident working with these people, so consider 
 NOT working for them.
 Justin French

Command Prompt, Inc.
The wheel's spinning but the hamster's dead

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