Re: [PHPTAL] Variable interpolation inside structure'd expression

2013-05-30 Thread Iván Montes
In the original PhpTal it was not possible to automatically parse 
arbitrary strings, I don't know if this feature has been introduced in 
later releases.

The common approach is to execute the string as a template, introducing 
the result in the actual template context. If this is a pattern that 
repeats itself quite a bit, you can wrap that functionality inside a 
custom modifier so that you can do stuff like this:

div tal:content=structure tpl:product/descr.../div

PHPTAL mailing list

Re: [PHPTAL] while loop in PHPTAL

2010-01-04 Thread Iván Montes
Yeah, I thought about using LimitIterator [1] to avoid the creation of 
temporary arrays but I wasn't sure about the performance of it (does it 
always seek?) or if it works with Traversables.

A custom LimitIterator, without seeking, might of course work, or 
perhaps it's enough to just modify the code and use a SplFixedArray 
object to ensure constant memory usage, without relying on PHP's garbage 
collector to do the job.



On 1/4/10 3:19 PM, Kornel Lesiński wrote:

On 31-12-2009 at 15:23:20 Iván Montes wrote:

I've put together a very simple chunk iterator [1] which works with 
arrays, traversables and iterators. There is also an example tales 

Perhaps it could even be added to the standard PHPTAL code base?


Thank you.

That's a good start, but doesn't avoid creation of arrays yet. What I 
actually had in mind was pair of iterators (one for rows like you've 
created, another for each row) that doesn't create PHP array at any 
point, just passes calls to the innermost iterator. That would ensure 
constant memory usage (rather than 1/number_of_columns) on arbitrarily 
large iterations, which I think is the major reason to use iterators 
instead of (presumably faster) array_chunk(iterator_to_array()).

PHPTAL mailing list

Re: [PHPTAL] while loop in PHPTAL

2009-12-31 Thread Iván Montes


I've put together a very simple chunk iterator [1] which works with 
arrays, traversables and iterators. There is also an example tales 

Perhaps it could even be added to the standard PHPTAL code base?



On 12/31/09 11:02 AM, Kornel Lesiński wrote:

On 31-12-2009 at 04:44:34 romtek wrote:

Thank you very much  for this sample! It's much more elegant, easier to
understand and maintain than what I've come up with. Things like this 
better be published in a special section of documentation. And I hope 
array_chunk() doesn't copy data needlessly. This method does 
introduce more


Kornel, what would you do if data were a collection but not an array
(besides using something like what was suggested by Rasmus Schultz at

If it's small enough to fit in memory, then probably conversion to 
array with iterator_to_array() will be fastest.

Otherwise you could write something like IteratorIterator that ignores reset() and pretends 
it ends every n elements.

PHPTAL mailing list

Re: [PHPTAL] Support for PHP 5.3 closures

2009-12-23 Thread Iván Montes
I fail to see why checking for closures makes variable access much 
slower. As far as I remember, interpolated variable paths are compiled 
to use the $ctx-path() method, and it already does quite a few type 
checking logic already.

Checking for a closure basically would mean adding instanceof 
conditions, being instanceof an operator and as such extremely fast, I 
don't see why it should hurt overall performance.

best regards,

On 12/23/09 6:42 PM, Kornel Lesiński wrote:

In PHP 5.3 you can create function on the fly:

$phptal-variable = function() {
return Hello World;

This looks like a great solution for lazy loading of data - instead of 
loading data up front, you just wrap it in a function that will be 
called in template when needed.

I've hoped to create no-syntax syntax for it, i.e. the code above 
would automatically execute function:

${variable} == Hello World

Although this is doable, it would make some optimisations impossible, 
and in turn make PHPTAL's variable access much slower (basically every 
time any variable is accessed, I'd have to check if it's a closure).

So I'm thinking about alternative syntax for it that would make 
execution of closures explicit.

${variable/invoke} or ${variable/()}? ${variable()} is an option too, 
but harder to implement efficiently.

Zope's TAL has nocall: modifier that makes functions returned as 
objects. Perhaps PHPTAL could have the opposite that makes all 
closures automatically executed?


I've used simple variable in the examples, but I expect more complex 
cases to work as well:

$phptal-array = array('closure'=function(){
return new Object();



PHPTAL mailing list

Re: [PHPTAL] Support for PHP 5.3 closures

2009-12-23 Thread Iván Montes
Ok, I see. Certainly native properties access are faster than using the 
magic __get() method, although I would guess that for the kind of 
loops in templating logic, the difference would be totally negligible.

So I would opt for a change to the context class, and access all 
properties by the magic __get() method, storing the actual values in a 
protected associative array. It won't be as fast as the current 
implementation in synthetic benchmarks but I don't think it'll make any 
difference in real world usage.

Anyway, if a custom syntax is decided I think that the best alternative 
is using a call: modifier, but which was optional when using multiple 
level paths. In example:

${closure}  - $this-closure
${call:closure} - $this-closure()
${closure/foo} - $this-closure()-foo
${call:closure/foo} - $this-closure()-foo()

So basically the call modifier just operates over the last segment of 
the path. Previous segments being closures would be automatically 
executed by Context::path().

By the way, reviewing the Context.php code I noticed the following lines:

public function __get($varname)
if (property_exists($this, $varname)) { // must use property_exists to 
avoid calling own __isset().
return $this-$varname;// edge case with NULL will be 

Since __get() is only called by the PHP engine when no public property 
is found in the object, the property_exists() condition would only make 
sense to retrieve private/protected properties, which I don't think it's 
a desired outcome.


On 12/23/09 8:17 PM, Kornel Lesinski wrote:

On 23 Dec 2009, at 18:27, Iván Montes wrote:

I fail to see why checking for closures makes variable access much 
slower. As far as I remember, interpolated variable paths are 
compiled to use the $ctx-path() method, and it already does quite 
a few type checking logic already.

Checking for a closure basically would mean adding instanceof 
conditions, being instanceof an operator and as such extremely fast, 
I don't see why it should hurt overall performance.

First path of component is optimized to be $ctx-var which reads value 
directly from a property of $ctx object. For simple cases like 
${variable} no function is called at all (not even __get()).

Without any extra syntax, it's not known at compilation time whether 
variable will be real value or a closure, so I won't be able optimize 
those checks away.

PHPTAL mailing list

Re: [PHPTAL] Advanced TALES

2009-11-17 Thread Iván Montes
After looking at the wiki page examples, couldn't we solve this with 
specialized tales modifiers?

option tal:repeat=opt options tal:attributes=selected equals: opt, 

tr tal:repeat=row rows tal:attributes=class ternary:repeat.row.odd, 
'odd', 'even'/

It's a bit more verbose but they are quite declarative and should be 
easy to implement in the current PHPTAL infrastructure.


On 11/17/09 2:05 PM, Kornel Lesiński wrote:

On 17-11-2009 at 12:35:02 Marco Pivetta wrote:

I know it's not an elegant solution, but it's a solution and I 
already use it: what about tal:define?
It is already possible to fix those tales problems wrapping content 
within a tal:omit-tag-ed definer element or directly a tal:define 

I don't understand how does it help.

If you have selected_id variable and want to select option with 
that ID, how would you do it with tal:define? without help of php: 

even/odd classes can be done with pure TALES and tal:omit-tag, but 
it's ugly:

tr class=even tal:omit-tag=repeat/row/odd
tr class=odd tal:omit-tag=repeat/row/even

I'm probably loosing the point of the discussion, but I don't really 
see any reason to make the syntax more complex and also a bit heavyer 
to compute for the parser...

This would be heavier only once during template compilation, so 
performance is not a problem.

PHPTAL mailing list

Re: [PHPTAL] PHPTAL prefilters

2009-09-16 Thread Iván Montes

On 9/16/09 4:56 PM, Kornel Lesiński wrote:
On 16-09-2009 at 14:45:39 Iván -DrSlump- Montes wrote:

// Get the standard instance of the loader
$loader = $tpl-getFilterLoader();
// and add a new location for filters
$loader-addPrefixPath('My_Filter', '/path/to/my/filter');

I'm afraid it doesn't save much work compared to setting prefilter 
objects directly - you still have to load, instantiate and set a 
class, just a different one this time.

Correct but the point is that it separates concerns among different 
classes. PHPTAL is the coordinator while FilterLoader takes care of 
loading filters. This way I could easily change the filters used when 
running unit tests for example. Besides, it improves code re-use in my 
opinion, I can have filters which are used among all the company's 
projects and specific filters for my project.
And overriding of implementations wouldn't be easy with template 
caching. Without loading of filters, I wouldn't know which ones were 
overridden since template was cached, and of course loading of 
prefilters every time is the thing we want to avoid.

I'm not too fond in how the caching works so I might be completely wrong 
here. Why are prefilters needed to compute the caching logic? As I 
understand it, the filters are run at compile time not at run/rendering 

// or, setup PHPTAL with our custom loader
$tpl-setFilterLoader( new Zend_Loader_PluginLoader() );

I probably could support optional use of Zend's loader. That would 
require little code on PHPTAL's side.

I wouldn't recommend it, it'll add another dependency (although 
optional) to PHPTAL which was I was trying to avoid in the first place.

Using only the autoloader/include_path might be a little limiting in my
opinion. It would make it harder to replace a standard filter 
class for example.

Why would you want to do that?

I am planning to ship some standard prefilters with PHPTAL (like 
removal of whitespace or comments), but if someone doesn't want them, 
why wouldn't he simply use addPreFilter(my_better_whitespace_remover)?

That's the whole point of using the loader pattern. Instead of manually 
overriding the filter in the code, the loader would allow to use 
different whitespace removers filters based on the instantiated 
loader. So I can use a dummy filter for development (no whitespace 
removed) and a very aggressive one in production.
For just one filter the benefits are not clear but once you start adding 
filters I think they become obvious.

Besides, implementing a simplified plugin loader wouldn't be that
difficult and it would allow to use it in other parts of PHPTal in the
future, for example, to override the default implementation of standard
namespaces, tales modifiers ...

Standard namespaces and modifiers have clearly defined behavior. I'd 
rather not let users override that, as this could let them create 
standard-looking templates that don't work as documented. It also 
makes it harder for PHPTAL to optimize code generation.

It would however be nice to ease adding of your own namespaces and 

While I agree that encouraging the change of standard functionality is 
not a good idea at all, as an application developer I would like to have 
the possibility to do it, if I absolutely need to, in a clean way. 
Instead of hacking PHPTAL to add my custom code I could have a clean 
interface to add my own logic, and only me would be responsible for 
that. Of course I'll need then to double check my changes when I want to 
upgrade the PHPTAL version but I will not have avoided a branched 
version of the library.

Finally, I'm not implying that this is the only possible way to 
implement this. It's just a common pattern used in other projects which 
works quite well when having a few dependencies (filters in this case) 
and also when having a lot of them.


PHPTAL mailing list

Re: [PHPTAL] PHPTAL prefilters

2009-09-16 Thread Iván Montes

On 9/16/09 6:03 PM, Kornel Lesiński wrote:

On 16-09-2009 at 16:30:35 Iván Montes wrote:

I'm not too fond in how the caching works so I might be completely 
wrong here. Why are prefilters needed to compute the caching logic? 
As I understand it, the filters are run at compile time not at 
run/rendering time.

Whenever prefilters change, template has to be recompiled (or rather 
different cache copy needs to be used), otherwise change won't make 
any effect.

For example if your regular code compiles template with prefilter, and 
then you'll change prefilter implementation in unit test, unit test 
will still use copy cached by regular code.

Right, however I think that it's something the developer should be aware 
of and handle herself. Filters are going to change on the development 
environment so the developer should either disable caching alltogether 
in that environment or flush it when she changes a filter.

Besides, couldn't the loader configuration be added to the cache hashing 
algorithm, that would solve the problem. Although, in my opinion, the 
developer should invalidate the cache manually or disable it if she 
changes the filters.
While I agree that encouraging the change of standard functionality 
is not a good idea at all, as an application developer I would like 
to have the possibility to do it, if I absolutely need to, in a clean 

When do you need to and how?

I'm aware that phptal:cache needs to be configurable, but that's 
rather exceptional. I don't see why anybody would override tal:content 
attribute, not: modifier and such.

The first thing that pops to mind is to create a proxy around the 
standard handler to do rather trivial tasks like logging, profiling or 
change the damn long structure modifier for something shorter :)

However I don't have an strong use case now and honestly I can't easily 
think of one, it's obvious however that there are many hardcoded 
dependencies between PHPTAL and its standard handlers which could be 
replaced with just one dependency with the loader. It just feels better 
at the design level.


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