Re: GitHub sold out to Microsoft

2018-06-05 Thread Philipp Geyer
Yes, that was my point, I will be sticking with Github for some time
because of the social aspect, but I want to self host for other

I don't think that Github's data mining or social features are
particularly disgusting. Due to the nature of what it is, and the data
that is provided to it, it cannot be as intrusive as most social
networks. I don't particularly care that it may get leaked that I code
mostly in C, and only star repositories with punny names.

My worry about Github is not this, but that Microsoft may attempt to
"streamline" the experience later, or change the featureset, require
ones that are relied upon to be paid for or whatever. This is not an
issue with Github right now, and it may not be an issue with Github in
the future, but it is a risk as Microsoft has done similar things with
Skype for example. This is one of the reasons why I will be switching to
self hosting and using Github as a mirror, as a backup in case the
features that I do use become unavailable in future.

At the end of the day, Github is still a great solution, a lot of people
are leaving it on principle, whether this is a sensible move or not is
for each person to weigh up, but there are plenty of options available.



Re: GitHub sold out to Microsoft

2018-06-05 Thread Philipp Geyer
If you really want security then self hosting is the way to go.

Everyone offers a self hosted solution, although some are more pricey
than others. Github and Bitbucket self hosting. Github is $2.5k /10
users / year, Bitbucket is $2 / user / month. Gitlab also costs money if
you don't want the community version which is missing a bunch of
features (starting at $4/user/month)

Gitlab is also not totally free software.

"Better" solutions if you want to self host git with a web frontend
appears to be gogs, or the more featureful fork, gitea. Personally, I
will be setting up a gitea instance at some point, as it was something I
have been meaning to do for a long time, but I'll still keep the
majority of my code on github, at least as a mirror, for now, as the
social aspect means it's easier for people to see it (not that many
people are interested in my projects, but still)



Re: Follow-up last email

2018-04-17 Thread Philipp Geyer
Ahh, so my suggestion won't work then.

Does WSL have 'file'? Could you try running
file ./picolisp
and seeing what it spits out?



Re: PicoLisp on Windows WSL first tryout fails ...

2018-04-17 Thread Philipp Geyer
Hi Arie,

pil is just a wrapper around picolisp, it loads a few libraries etc as
standard, but it relies on the intepreter being at /usr/bin/picolisp,
which it is not in your case. You can either try changing the shebang at
the top of pil from
#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l
or, you can just try running picolisp and loading lib.l and the other
libraries which pil loads afer that manually



Re: PicoLisp on Windows

2018-04-16 Thread Philipp Geyer
Based on the instructions on the site, it looks like the next steps are
to build pil on Linux, and then run the linux binary on Windows through

I have not tried pil in WSL yet (my only Windows text machine is Win7),
and I don't think that's a solution for my specific problem (to have a
simple environment for an end user with no technical experience) but I
have had some luck building pil with mingw/msys which provide a POSIX
compatibility layer on top of Windows. I have not (yet) managed to get
anything 100% working, but I'm optimistic. Currently if I build with
msys2, I can get an executable which I believe passed the tests, but
requires msys2.dll to be in the library path (which includes the
executable directory of course) but I believe that if you build with
mingw without msys, it builds against msvcrt directly, and links in the
compatibility layer. This is what I haven't managed yet.

As I said though, I'm optimistic, and it's something I need for my

Philipp Geyer/Nistur


PicoLisp tshirts!

2018-04-16 Thread Philipp Geyer
Now I've got my brief introduction out of the way, on to more important
things than who I am.

I was hoping that there may be PicoLisp tshirts for sale already, but it
seems that's not the case, so I've asked and been told I was allowed to
put some designs up myself if I wanted, and that other people may be

I've had a look at a few different sites which allow for this and (for
now) settled on teespring as it allowed the most flexibility, despite
being a little awkward with their sale/campaign stuff. So, I present to
you, my first PicoLisp design tshirt

I shall certainly be ordering one myself. I believe the way that
teespring works is that they print batches every 3 days, so the
countdown is to the next batch and not a total design lifetime, but I am
not sure about this at this point.

I have made the prices as low as it will let me, which is practically at
cost (I think there may be $0.05 profit in a couple of them) but I am
not doing this to get money out of PicoLisp, it is just because I wanted
a tshirt, and I thought it'd be nice for other people to get some too if

Let me know what you think

Philipp Geyer/Nistur



2018-04-16 Thread Philipp Geyer
Hello Philipp Geyer <> :-)
You are now subscribed

Greetings lispers

I have recently begun using picolisp for a couple of things, and have
been pestering people on IRC for help and solutions.

Despite having used emacs for about 10 years and written (and rewritten)
my configuration a number of times, I'm still fairly new to lisp in
general and spend most of my (at least professional) time in C++ and
C#. I am enjoying PicoLisp and will almost certainly continue using it
for future projects.

Philipp Geyer / Nistur
