Re: [PLUG] No space left on device

2017-10-27 Thread Michael
On 2017-10-27 10:28, Steve Dum wrote:
> I have to chime in with my tip, although john has solved the issue.
> First, the biggest issue with / as john saw was that there are lots of
> mount points created in the root partition. If somehow one doesn't get
> made and then later is made, you can't find the problem easily as some
> space use is hidden under the mount. Second, normal du traverses all 
> the
> mount points meaning you have to ignore lots of du output, making it
> difficult to see what's going on. finally du prints data as it's seen,
> and you want to focus attention on big things.  Here is my solution and
> since it's / it must be done as root
>   sudo du  -d 2 -x / |sort -n

But you can sort human readable output
 sudo du -d 2 -x -h / | sort -h

My preference for its abbreviated output is:
 sudo du -sh /* | sort -h

and then descend the directory tree as needed.

   Michael Rasmussen, Portland Oregon
 Be Appropriate && Follow Your Curiosity
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] No space left on device

2017-10-27 Thread Steve Dum
I have to chime in with my tip, although john has solved the issue.
First, the biggest issue with / as john saw was that there are lots of 
mount points created in the root partition. If somehow one doesn't get  
made and then later is made, you can't find the problem easily as some 
space use is hidden under the mount. Second, normal du traverses all the 
mount points meaning you have to ignore lots of du output, making it 
difficult to see what's going on. finally du prints data as it's seen, 
and you want to focus attention on big things.  Here is my solution and 
since it's / it must be done as root

  sudo du  -d 2 -x / |sort -n

The -x prevents recursing into the mounted file systems, -d 2 prints 
data for the top 2 directory levels, (unfortunately you cant use -h 
because the human readable sizes don't sort well), but this du with 
sort, shows directories sorted by size (usually k bytes), so little 
things like
 36  /etc/logwatch
come first and the big this last
so you can easily target which subtrees are of interest. Unfortunately, 
du doesn't (and shouldn't) unmount things to see whats under the mount 
points, so the tip off for that, is to look at the final total
and if it doesn't match what df says, you know the rest is in the hidden 
mounts. in my case df / says
Filesystem  1K-blocks   Used   Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda451475068   42424736   6412508  87% /
which is close.

Once you have a few big directories to look at, can  drill down another 
level to see what's using the space, of course if the du and df's 
disagree by a lot your stuck with the fact that it's probably a 
directory hidden under a mount.  So at least the search is narrowed, to 
reflecting on mount activity, and checking things like usb mounts that 
don't exist from boot to shutdown.

Russell Johnson wrote:
>> On Oct 24, 2017, at 10:18, John Jason Jordan  wrote:
>> I recently encountered this and it turns out that my / partition was,
>> indeed, full. At the last Clinic I added ~50GB of free space on the
>> drive to /, making now a total of 84GB. And now it is happening again.
>> Something in / has eaten the entire new space.
>> Note that ~/ is on the same drive, but a different partition. According
>> to Thunar the ~/ partition is only 64% used, 138GB of free space.
>> The device is a 480GB SSD. Palimpsest shows both partitions and no
>> unallocated space.
>> I used Thunar to check Properties on everything in / and found nothing
>> out of the ordinary. I need some command line tools to find the pig
>> that is using all my space. Also I need to find out what is causing the
>> pig to be so hungry. Suggestions?
>> ___
>> PLUG mailing list
> This is way more complicated than you need, but I use it all the time to find 
> where space has gone. When you run this as root or sudo, it will list each 
> directory and how much space it takes.
> FWIW, without reading the thread, I suspect /var/log.
> Everyone be gentle. I wrote this years ago before I learned much about 
> scripting, and it works, so I haven’t messed with success.
> #!/bin/bash
> OUTFILE=/tmp/dirs.$$
> SORTED_OUTFILE=/tmp/sorteddirs.$$
> IFS=$'\n'
> for each in `ls -1A`; do
>   echo "Processing $each..."
>   du -ksx $each >> $OUTFILE
> done
> echo "Directory usage for `date +%m%d%y%H%M%S`" > $SORTED_OUTFILE; echo >> 
> —
> Russell Johnson
> ___
> PLUG mailing list

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] No space left on device

2017-10-26 Thread Russell Johnson

> On Oct 24, 2017, at 10:18, John Jason Jordan  wrote:
> I recently encountered this and it turns out that my / partition was,
> indeed, full. At the last Clinic I added ~50GB of free space on the
> drive to /, making now a total of 84GB. And now it is happening again.
> Something in / has eaten the entire new space.
> Note that ~/ is on the same drive, but a different partition. According
> to Thunar the ~/ partition is only 64% used, 138GB of free space.
> The device is a 480GB SSD. Palimpsest shows both partitions and no
> unallocated space.
> I used Thunar to check Properties on everything in / and found nothing
> out of the ordinary. I need some command line tools to find the pig
> that is using all my space. Also I need to find out what is causing the
> pig to be so hungry. Suggestions?
> ___
> PLUG mailing list

This is way more complicated than you need, but I use it all the time to find 
where space has gone. When you run this as root or sudo, it will list each 
directory and how much space it takes.  

FWIW, without reading the thread, I suspect /var/log.

Everyone be gentle. I wrote this years ago before I learned much about 
scripting, and it works, so I haven’t messed with success. 




for each in `ls -1A`; do
echo "Processing $each..."
du -ksx $each >> $OUTFILE

echo "Directory usage for `date +%m%d%y%H%M%S`" > $SORTED_OUTFILE; echo >> 






Russell Johnson

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] No space left on device

2017-10-25 Thread Dale Snell
On Wed, 25 Oct 2017 15:04:18 -0700, in message
20171025150418.059d1ba7@Devil-Bonobo, John Jason Jordan wrote:

> On Wed, 25 Oct 2017 14:07:59 -0700
> Dale Snell  dijo:
> >> According to ls there are 16 files in /media and 436 files
> >> in /media/jjj. Why do they not appear when I use 'ls -la'? I also
> >> tried as root, but got the same output. And for what it's worth,
> >> Thunar (Xfce GUI file manager) also does not display them. 
> >
> >The "total " lines in a long directory listing do not
> >report the number of files in a directory.  Rather, they report
> >the total disk allocation (i.e., the number of blocks) for all
> >files in that directory.
> Ah, that helps. I was wondering about those numbers, because 436 files
> would be a couple of terabytes. 
> >If you know the name of one of the files, you should be able to
> >find it with the find(1) command.  cd to /media and try
> >
> >find . -name movie_name -print
> >
> >If  is excessively long, or you don't remember all of
> >it, use a wildcard like \* at one end or the other.  E.g., "Star
> >Trek\*" (w/o the quotes, natch) should find anything Star Trekish.

Actually, you need the double quotes in the example given, since
the file name has a space in it.  Or you can escape the space with
a backslash: Star\ Trek\*  *sigh*  I need more caffeine. 

> When I ran the rsync command at a time when the Synology was unplugged
> rsync added a lot of files to wherever it put them, and they were all
> in alphabetical order. Rsync got through the As before failing. That
> is 164 movies, where each is a folder with the name of the movie, and
> inside is the movie, usuallly as an MKV file. So all I need to do is
> pick a movie file that starts with an A and it should work. I tried
> several such movies, from /, from /media, and from /media/jjj, but all
> I got was 'no such file or directory.'

Ah, okay.  You'll have to unplug the Synology in order to find
those movies.  They're in whatever filesystem the Synology mounts
in.  Say you have a directory "/mnt/storage/".  If you do an
"ls /mnt/storage", nothing will show up.  When you mount your new
filesystem (say, the Synology) on /mnt/storage, doing the
"ls /mnt/storage" will report whatever is in the new filesystem.
If you create files in /mnt/storage/ _before_ mounting the
Synology, and _then_ mount the Synology, you won't see those
files, just the Synology's.

One thing I learned to do in a previous life, when I helped
administer a Sun III, was to mark unmounted filesystems.  Use
mkdir as usual to create the mountpoint directory (mkdir blorfl),
then immediately do a "touch blorfl/not_mounted".  When you do
a directory listing of blorfl, it should show "not_mounted" only.
If there are other files there, you've got a problem.

> >Another thing you might do is cd to / and run the following
> >command:
> >
> >du -hl --sync --output=source,itotal,iused,iavail
>   du -hl --sync --output=source,itotal,iused,iavail
>   du: unrecognized option '--sync'
>   du: unrecognized option '--output=source,itotal,iused,iavail'
> Not sure what went wrong here. 

Simple.  I have the bad habit of mumbling at the keyboard.  The
command should be df, not du.

A graphical tool you may be interested in is filelight.  It scans
very quickly, and makes it fairly obvious where your disk space is
going.  The downside is that it's a KDE program.  If you don't
have any other KDE programs installed (I have a bunch of games),
you may not want to install it; it'll probably drag in a bunch of
stuff you won't otherwise need.

Another tool you might want is logwatch.  Easy to install, doesn't
take up much room.  Runs in the early AM, and sends you an email
telling you the status of your system.  Very nice little utility.

Sorry for the screw-up.


Be comforted, that in the face of all aridity and disillusionment,
And despite the changing fortunes of time,
There is always a big future in computer maintenance.
--National Lampoon, “Deteriorata” (excerpt)
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] No space left on device

2017-10-25 Thread John Jason Jordan
On Wed, 25 Oct 2017 13:26:10 -0700 dijo:

>It sounds like something has the file or directory open, but has also
>deleted it. (So the process is still holding onto the file, but the
>system does not show it since it is marked as deleted.) Sometimes
>programs will do this as a way to secure the data from the rest of the
>Have you tried rebooting to see if the process and/or kernel will
>release the space? I am not certain of lsof will show what process is
>hanging onto it.

The computer was rebooted yesterday. Just now I tried lsof but all I
got was a list of five processes:

bash 3657  jjj  cwd  DIR   8,17   4096 1444985 /media/jjj 
bash26652  jjj  cwdDIR   8,17 4096 1444985 /media/jjj 
bash26956  jjj  cwdDIR 8,17  4096 1444985 /media/jjj 
lsof 32601  jjj  cwd DIR   8,17  4096 1444985 /media/jjj 
lsof 32602  jjj cwd  DIR   8,17 4096 1444985 /media/jjj

I should probably be giving lsof some options. I tried to read the man
page but it was too much.
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] No space left on device

2017-10-25 Thread John Jason Jordan
On Wed, 25 Oct 2017 14:07:59 -0700
Dale Snell  dijo:

>> I found at least part of the problem. During remodeling work
>> apparently the power plug to the Synology disk station was unplugged.
>> Thus, when rsync tried to sync the Mediasonic USB drive to the
>> Synology it failed. But at least a couple of times recently I ran the
>> command manually (Instead of waiting for cron to do it at 2am), and I
>> watched in the terminal as it did so. It copied a lot of movies from
>> the USB, and then failed. Now I know why it failed.
>> The part I don't know is where rsync put those files. They are
>> somewhere in /media, because the du command listed /media as having
>> 56GB. 
>>  jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/$ cd /media
>>  jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/media$ ls -la
>>  total 16
>>  drwxr-xr-x   4 jjj  jjj  4096 Apr 16  2017 .
>>  drwxr-xr-x  25 root root 4096 Oct 24 21:46 ..
>>  drwxr-x---+  5 jjj  jjj  4096 Oct 24 20:59 jjj
>>  drwxr-x---+  2 root root 4096 Apr 16  2017 root
>>  jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/media$ cd jjj
>>  jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/media/jjj$ ls -la
>>  total 436
>>  drwxr-x---+5 jjj jjj   4096 Oct 24 20:59 .
>>  drwxr-xr-x 4 jjj jjj   4096 Apr 16  2017 ..
>>  drwxrwxrwx 6 jjj jjj   4096 Oct 24 21:08 128GB
>>  drwxr-xr-x  2311 jjj jjj 270336 Oct 25 11:17 Movies
>>  drwxr-xr-x  2311 jjj jjj 159744 Oct 25 08:00 Synology
>> According to ls there are 16 files in /media and 436 files
>> in /media/jjj. Why do they not appear when I use 'ls -la'? I also
>> tried as root, but got the same output. And for what it's worth,
>> Thunar (Xfce GUI file manager) also does not display them. 
>The "total " lines in a long directory listing do not
>report the number of files in a directory.  Rather, they report
>the total disk allocation (i.e., the number of blocks) for all
>files in that directory.

Ah, that helps. I was wondering about those numbers, because 436 files
would be a couple of terabytes. 

>If you know the name of one of the files, you should be able to
>find it with the find(1) command.  cd to /media and try
>find . -name movie_name -print
>If  is excessively long, or you don't remember all of
>it, use a wildcard like \* at one end or the other.  E.g., "Star
>Trek\*" (w/o the quotes, natch) should find anything Star Trekish.

When I ran the rsync command at a time when the Synology was unplugged
rsync added a lot of files to wherever it put them, and they were all in
alphabetical order. Rsync got through the As before failing. That is
164 movies, where each is a folder with the name of the movie, and
inside is the movie, usuallly as an MKV file. So all I need to do is
pick a movie file that starts with an A and it should work. I tried
several such movies, from /, from /media, and from /media/jjj, but all
I got was 'no such file or directory.'

>Another thing you might do is cd to / and run the following
>du -hl --sync --output=source,itotal,iused,iavail

du -hl --sync --output=source,itotal,iused,iavail
du: unrecognized option '--sync'
du: unrecognized option '--output=source,itotal,iused,iavail'

Not sure what went wrong here. 
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] No space left on device

2017-10-25 Thread Dale Snell
On Wed, 25 Oct 2017 12:57:55 -0700, in message
20171025125755.1e654906@Devil-Bonobo, John Jason Jordan wrote:

> I found at least part of the problem. During remodeling work
> apparently the power plug to the Synology disk station was unplugged.
> Thus, when rsync tried to sync the Mediasonic USB drive to the
> Synology it failed. But at least a couple of times recently I ran the
> command manually (Instead of waiting for cron to do it at 2am), and I
> watched in the terminal as it did so. It copied a lot of movies from
> the USB, and then failed. Now I know why it failed.
> The part I don't know is where rsync put those files. They are
> somewhere in /media, because the du command listed /media as having
> 56GB. 
>   jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/$ cd /media
>   jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/media$ ls -la
>   total 16
>   drwxr-xr-x   4 jjj  jjj  4096 Apr 16  2017 .
>   drwxr-xr-x  25 root root 4096 Oct 24 21:46 ..
>   drwxr-x---+  5 jjj  jjj  4096 Oct 24 20:59 jjj
>   drwxr-x---+  2 root root 4096 Apr 16  2017 root
>   jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/media$ cd jjj
>   jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/media/jjj$ ls -la
>   total 436
>   drwxr-x---+5 jjj jjj   4096 Oct 24 20:59 .
>   drwxr-xr-x 4 jjj jjj   4096 Apr 16  2017 ..
>   drwxrwxrwx 6 jjj jjj   4096 Oct 24 21:08 128GB
>   drwxr-xr-x  2311 jjj jjj 270336 Oct 25 11:17 Movies
>   drwxr-xr-x  2311 jjj jjj 159744 Oct 25 08:00 Synology
> According to ls there are 16 files in /media and 436 files
> in /media/jjj. Why do they not appear when I use 'ls -la'? I also
> tried as root, but got the same output. And for what it's worth,
> Thunar (Xfce GUI file manager) also does not display them. 

The "total " lines in a long directory listing do not
report the number of files in a directory.  Rather, they report
the total disk allocation (i.e., the number of blocks) for all
files in that directory.

If you know the name of one of the files, you should be able to
find it with the find(1) command.  cd to /media and try

find . -name movie_name -print

If  is excessively long, or you don't remember all of
it, use a wildcard like \* at one end or the other.  E.g., "Star
Trek\*" (w/o the quotes, natch) should find anything Star Trekish.

Another thing you might do is cd to / and run the following

du -hl --sync --output=source,itotal,iused,iavail

This will list all your filesystems and display the total number
of inodes, the number of inodes used, and the number if inodes
available.  You may not be running out of inodes, but it's good to
check, just in case.

Hope this helps.


“Always do right -- this will gratify some and astonish the rest.”
-- Mark Twain (1835-1910) 
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] No space left on device

2017-10-25 Thread alan

> On Tue, 24 Oct 2017 10:18:47 -0700
> John Jason Jordan  dijo:
>>I recently encountered this and it turns out that my / partition was,
>>indeed, full. At the last Clinic I added ~50GB of free space on the
>>drive to /, making now a total of 84GB. And now it is happening again.
>>Something in / has eaten the entire new space.
>>Note that ~/ is on the same drive, but a different partition. According
>>to Thunar the ~/ partition is only 64% used, 138GB of free space.
>>The device is a 480GB SSD. Palimpsest shows both partitions and no
>>unallocated space.
>>I used Thunar to check Properties on everything in / and found nothing
>>out of the ordinary. I need some command line tools to find the pig
>>that is using all my space. Also I need to find out what is causing the
>>pig to be so hungry. Suggestions?
> I found at least part of the problem. During remodeling work apparently
> the power plug to the Synology disk station was unplugged. Thus, when
> rsync tried to sync the Mediasonic USB drive to the Synology it failed.
> But at least a couple of times recently I ran the command manually
> (Instead of waiting for cron to do it at 2am), and I watched in the
> terminal as it did so. It copied a lot of movies from the USB, and then
> failed. Now I know why it failed.
> The part I don't know is where rsync put those files. They are
> somewhere in /media, because the du command listed /media as having
> 56GB.
>   jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/$ cd /media
>   jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/media$ ls -la
>   total 16
>   drwxr-xr-x   4 jjj  jjj  4096 Apr 16  2017 .
>   drwxr-xr-x  25 root root 4096 Oct 24 21:46 ..
>   drwxr-x---+  5 jjj  jjj  4096 Oct 24 20:59 jjj
>   drwxr-x---+  2 root root 4096 Apr 16  2017 root
>   jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/media$ cd jjj
>   jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/media/jjj$ ls -la
>   total 436
>   drwxr-x---+5 jjj jjj   4096 Oct 24 20:59 .
>   drwxr-xr-x 4 jjj jjj   4096 Apr 16  2017 ..
>   drwxrwxrwx 6 jjj jjj   4096 Oct 24 21:08 128GB
>   drwxr-xr-x  2311 jjj jjj 270336 Oct 25 11:17 Movies
>   drwxr-xr-x  2311 jjj jjj 159744 Oct 25 08:00 Synology
> According to ls there are 16 files in /media and 436 files
> in /media/jjj. Why do they not appear when I use 'ls -la'? I also tried
> as root, but got the same output. And for what it's worth, Thunar (Xfce
> GUI file manager) also does not display them.

It sounds like something has the file or directory open, but has also
deleted it. (So the process is still holding onto the file, but the system
does not show it since it is marked as deleted.) Sometimes programs will
do this as a way to secure the data from the rest of the OS.

Have you tried rebooting to see if the process and/or kernel will release
the space? I am not certain of lsof will show what process is hanging onto

perl -pe 's/^\s+//g' *.py

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] No space left on device

2017-10-25 Thread John Jason Jordan
On Tue, 24 Oct 2017 10:18:47 -0700
John Jason Jordan  dijo:

>I recently encountered this and it turns out that my / partition was,
>indeed, full. At the last Clinic I added ~50GB of free space on the
>drive to /, making now a total of 84GB. And now it is happening again.
>Something in / has eaten the entire new space.
>Note that ~/ is on the same drive, but a different partition. According
>to Thunar the ~/ partition is only 64% used, 138GB of free space.
>The device is a 480GB SSD. Palimpsest shows both partitions and no
>unallocated space.
>I used Thunar to check Properties on everything in / and found nothing
>out of the ordinary. I need some command line tools to find the pig
>that is using all my space. Also I need to find out what is causing the
>pig to be so hungry. Suggestions?

I found at least part of the problem. During remodeling work apparently
the power plug to the Synology disk station was unplugged. Thus, when
rsync tried to sync the Mediasonic USB drive to the Synology it failed.
But at least a couple of times recently I ran the command manually
(Instead of waiting for cron to do it at 2am), and I watched in the
terminal as it did so. It copied a lot of movies from the USB, and then
failed. Now I know why it failed.

The part I don't know is where rsync put those files. They are
somewhere in /media, because the du command listed /media as having

jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/$ cd /media
jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/media$ ls -la
total 16
drwxr-xr-x   4 jjj  jjj  4096 Apr 16  2017 .
drwxr-xr-x  25 root root 4096 Oct 24 21:46 ..
drwxr-x---+  5 jjj  jjj  4096 Oct 24 20:59 jjj
drwxr-x---+  2 root root 4096 Apr 16  2017 root
jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/media$ cd jjj
jjj@Devil-Bonobo:/media/jjj$ ls -la
total 436
drwxr-x---+5 jjj jjj   4096 Oct 24 20:59 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 jjj jjj   4096 Apr 16  2017 ..
drwxrwxrwx 6 jjj jjj   4096 Oct 24 21:08 128GB
drwxr-xr-x  2311 jjj jjj 270336 Oct 25 11:17 Movies
drwxr-xr-x  2311 jjj jjj 159744 Oct 25 08:00 Synology

According to ls there are 16 files in /media and 436 files
in /media/jjj. Why do they not appear when I use 'ls -la'? I also tried
as root, but got the same output. And for what it's worth, Thunar (Xfce
GUI file manager) also does not display them. 
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] No space left on device

2017-10-25 Thread David Bridges
IIRC early in the thread it was said that no partition seems to be out
of space using du / file manager.

I find it unlikely on a desktop system but it is possible that a file
system is out of inodes.

You can use the following to check for inode usage

df -i


On Wed, 2017-10-25 at 06:44 -0700, Tomas Kuchta wrote:
> As mentioned already before, use:
> df -h
> du -sh /*
> in order to see what disk and partition is lacking free disk space.
> And
> which top level directory consumes it. Once you find the top level
> directory on the full disk/partition - drill down by using
> du -sh /suspectDir/*
> and so on and so forth.
> You can also take short cut by skipping ahead like this:
> du -sh /*/*
> More examples here
> es/
> or: man du
> Do not forget about fishing in the .dirName (hidden directories)
> I would not use any gui file manager to chase disk space - I assume
> that
> Thunar is ...
> Best luck, Tomas
> On Oct 25, 2017 11:02 AM, "John Jason Jordan"  wrote:
> > On Tue, 24 Oct 2017 15:24:48 -0700
> > Bill Barry  dijo:
> > 
> > > Unfortunately, Thunar just displays all the movies in Movies
> > > without
> > > telling me if they are really on the USB drive or whether they
> > > are
> > > on /media/jjj/Movies. There are over 1400 folders (one for each
> > > movie),
> > > so checking each one individually would be ridiculous. I need a
> > > more
> > > efficient way to figure this out. Any suggestions?
> > > 
> > > Umount / disconnect the external drive  and then check to see if
> > > anything is still in the directory where the drive was mounted.
> > 
> > Argh! Too simple. I was looking for something more difficult. :)
> > 
> > However, having unmounted and disconnected Movies I discovered that
> > I
> > lied. It is not mounted at /media/jjj/Movies. It is mounted
> > at /media/jjj, and 'Movies' is just the label of the device. When
> > it is
> > not mounted there is no folder 'Movies.' I think my theory just
> > crashed
> > and burned.
> > 
> > I also rebooted, but I see no difference in available space on /.
> > 
> > This leads me to Data (sda). This has long been a weird device. It
> > appears in Thunar as 'Data,' which is the label that I put on its
> > sole
> > partition. But when mounted it appears as 'Data1,' yet 'Data' also
> > appears. I have a cron job that copies my mail folder to 'Data'
> > every
> > night, yet it appears in Data1; Data is empty. I tried to delete
> > Data1but got the error message that it could not be deleted because
> > itwas busy. I totally do not understand any of this.
> > 
> > Other than the copy of my mail folder (about 700MB), there is
> > nothing on
> > the device sda. So right now I deleted its partition and am
> > creating a
> > new one (with no label). I used Palimpsest for this action, and I
> > told
> > it to erase everything with zeros. Just now I looked and it said it
> > would take 16 hours longer. I probably didn't need to be so
> > thorough.
> > 
> > Some time tomorrow I will see what happened. In the meantime if
> > anyone
> > has any additional suggestions I'm all ears, er, eyes.
> > ___
> > PLUG mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> ___
> PLUG mailing list
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Re: [PLUG] No space left on device

2017-10-25 Thread Tomas Kuchta
As mentioned already before, use:
df -h
du -sh /*
in order to see what disk and partition is lacking free disk space. And
which top level directory consumes it. Once you find the top level
directory on the full disk/partition - drill down by using
du -sh /suspectDir/*
and so on and so forth.

You can also take short cut by skipping ahead like this:
du -sh /*/*

More examples here
or: man du

Do not forget about fishing in the .dirName (hidden directories)

I would not use any gui file manager to chase disk space - I assume that
Thunar is ...

Best luck, Tomas

On Oct 25, 2017 11:02 AM, "John Jason Jordan"  wrote:

> On Tue, 24 Oct 2017 15:24:48 -0700
> Bill Barry  dijo:
> >Unfortunately, Thunar just displays all the movies in Movies without
> >telling me if they are really on the USB drive or whether they are
> >on /media/jjj/Movies. There are over 1400 folders (one for each movie),
> >so checking each one individually would be ridiculous. I need a more
> >efficient way to figure this out. Any suggestions?
> >
> >Umount / disconnect the external drive  and then check to see if
> >anything is still in the directory where the drive was mounted.
> Argh! Too simple. I was looking for something more difficult. :)
> However, having unmounted and disconnected Movies I discovered that I
> lied. It is not mounted at /media/jjj/Movies. It is mounted
> at /media/jjj, and 'Movies' is just the label of the device. When it is
> not mounted there is no folder 'Movies.' I think my theory just crashed
> and burned.
> I also rebooted, but I see no difference in available space on /.
> This leads me to Data (sda). This has long been a weird device. It
> appears in Thunar as 'Data,' which is the label that I put on its sole
> partition. But when mounted it appears as 'Data1,' yet 'Data' also
> appears. I have a cron job that copies my mail folder to 'Data' every
> night, yet it appears in Data1; Data is empty. I tried to delete
> Data1but got the error message that it could not be deleted because
> itwas busy. I totally do not understand any of this.
> Other than the copy of my mail folder (about 700MB), there is nothing on
> the device sda. So right now I deleted its partition and am creating a
> new one (with no label). I used Palimpsest for this action, and I told
> it to erase everything with zeros. Just now I looked and it said it
> would take 16 hours longer. I probably didn't need to be so thorough.
> Some time tomorrow I will see what happened. In the meantime if anyone
> has any additional suggestions I'm all ears, er, eyes.
> ___
> PLUG mailing list
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] No space left on device

2017-10-24 Thread alan

> On Oct 24, 2017 5:07 PM, "John Jason Jordan"  wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Oct 2017 10:23:55 -0700
> dijo:
>>> I used Thunar to check Properties on everything in / and found
>>> nothing out of the ordinary. I need some command line tools to find
>>> the pig that is using all my space. Also I need to find out what is
>>> causing the pig to be so hungry. Suggestions?
>>du -h --max-depth=1 /
>>You can then look in the directory using the most space with the same
>>command until you find what you want. You might need to run it under
>>sudo to avoid the "cannot access directory" error messages.
> I did this and the only thing that looked suspicious was 55016
> for /media. I have a hunch that /media is where the problem is, like
> what if stuff was supposed to go to a device mounted there but instead
> it went to a folder in /media?
> This computer has two drives,
> sdb 480GB partitioned as / 84G and the remainder as /home
> sda 1GB, one partition, label Data, mounted at /media/jjj/Data
> However, there are also two external drives that are always mounted,
> Movies (14TB, USB) and Synology (16TB, NAS). I suspect that Movies is
> the problem. It is mounted at /media/jjj/Movies, but I think that there
> must be some movies there that are not on the drive. Perhaps I moved
> some movies to Movies when the drive was not actually mounted. The
> Synology is just a backup mirror of Movies (rsync).
> Unfortunately, Thunar just displays all the movies in Movies without
> telling me if they are really on the USB drive or whether they are
> on /media/jjj/Movies. There are over 1400 folders (one for each movie),
> so checking each one individually would be ridiculous. I need a more
> efficient way to figure this out. Any suggestions?
> Umount / disconnect the external drive  and then check to see if anything
> is still in the directory where the drive was mounted.

df -h

will show you what drives are mounted and how much space they have left.
(The -h flag is "human readable".)

perl -pe 's/^\s+//g' *.py

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] No space left on device

2017-10-24 Thread Bill Barry
On Oct 24, 2017 5:07 PM, "John Jason Jordan"  wrote:

On Tue, 24 Oct 2017 10:23:55 -0700 dijo:

>> I used Thunar to check Properties on everything in / and found
>> nothing out of the ordinary. I need some command line tools to find
>> the pig that is using all my space. Also I need to find out what is
>> causing the pig to be so hungry. Suggestions?
>du -h --max-depth=1 /
>You can then look in the directory using the most space with the same
>command until you find what you want. You might need to run it under
>sudo to avoid the "cannot access directory" error messages.

I did this and the only thing that looked suspicious was 55016
for /media. I have a hunch that /media is where the problem is, like
what if stuff was supposed to go to a device mounted there but instead
it went to a folder in /media?

This computer has two drives,

sdb 480GB partitioned as / 84G and the remainder as /home
sda 1GB, one partition, label Data, mounted at /media/jjj/Data

However, there are also two external drives that are always mounted,
Movies (14TB, USB) and Synology (16TB, NAS). I suspect that Movies is
the problem. It is mounted at /media/jjj/Movies, but I think that there
must be some movies there that are not on the drive. Perhaps I moved
some movies to Movies when the drive was not actually mounted. The
Synology is just a backup mirror of Movies (rsync).

Unfortunately, Thunar just displays all the movies in Movies without
telling me if they are really on the USB drive or whether they are
on /media/jjj/Movies. There are over 1400 folders (one for each movie),
so checking each one individually would be ridiculous. I need a more
efficient way to figure this out. Any suggestions?

Umount / disconnect the external drive  and then check to see if anything
is still in the directory where the drive was mounted.

PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] No space left on device

2017-10-24 Thread John Jason Jordan
On Tue, 24 Oct 2017 10:23:55 -0700 dijo:

>> I used Thunar to check Properties on everything in / and found
>> nothing out of the ordinary. I need some command line tools to find
>> the pig that is using all my space. Also I need to find out what is
>> causing the pig to be so hungry. Suggestions?
>du -h --max-depth=1 /
>You can then look in the directory using the most space with the same
>command until you find what you want. You might need to run it under
>sudo to avoid the "cannot access directory" error messages.

I did this and the only thing that looked suspicious was 55016
for /media. I have a hunch that /media is where the problem is, like
what if stuff was supposed to go to a device mounted there but instead
it went to a folder in /media? 

This computer has two drives, 

sdb 480GB partitioned as / 84G and the remainder as /home
sda 1GB, one partition, label Data, mounted at /media/jjj/Data

However, there are also two external drives that are always mounted,
Movies (14TB, USB) and Synology (16TB, NAS). I suspect that Movies is
the problem. It is mounted at /media/jjj/Movies, but I think that there
must be some movies there that are not on the drive. Perhaps I moved
some movies to Movies when the drive was not actually mounted. The
Synology is just a backup mirror of Movies (rsync).

Unfortunately, Thunar just displays all the movies in Movies without
telling me if they are really on the USB drive or whether they are
on /media/jjj/Movies. There are over 1400 folders (one for each movie),
so checking each one individually would be ridiculous. I need a more
efficient way to figure this out. Any suggestions?
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] No space left on device

2017-10-24 Thread Robert Citek
On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 10:23 AM,   wrote:
>> I recently encountered this and it turns out that my / partition was,
>> indeed, full. At the last Clinic I added ~50GB of free space on the
>> drive to /, making now a total of 84GB. And now it is happening again.
>> Something in / has eaten the entire new space.
>> Note that ~/ is on the same drive, but a different partition. According
>> to Thunar the ~/ partition is only 64% used, 138GB of free space.
>> The device is a 480GB SSD. Palimpsest shows both partitions and no
>> unallocated space.
>> I used Thunar to check Properties on everything in / and found nothing
>> out of the ordinary. I need some command line tools to find the pig
>> that is using all my space. Also I need to find out what is causing the
>> pig to be so hungry. Suggestions?
> du -h --max-depth=1 /

You may also want to limit the recursion to that single filesystem:

sudo du -maxd 1 /

... or you could descend the entire tree and see the top 10 storage hogs:

sudo du -max | sort -rn | head

That said, you could have a process that is spewing data to a file
that has been deleted.  But that's an edge case to tackle later.

- Robert
PLUG mailing list

Re: [PLUG] No space left on device

2017-10-24 Thread alan

> I recently encountered this and it turns out that my / partition was,
> indeed, full. At the last Clinic I added ~50GB of free space on the
> drive to /, making now a total of 84GB. And now it is happening again.
> Something in / has eaten the entire new space.
> Note that ~/ is on the same drive, but a different partition. According
> to Thunar the ~/ partition is only 64% used, 138GB of free space.
> The device is a 480GB SSD. Palimpsest shows both partitions and no
> unallocated space.
> I used Thunar to check Properties on everything in / and found nothing
> out of the ordinary. I need some command line tools to find the pig
> that is using all my space. Also I need to find out what is causing the
> pig to be so hungry. Suggestions?

du -h --max-depth=1 /

You can then look in the directory using the most space with the same
command until you find what you want. You might need to run it under sudo
to avoid the "cannot access directory" error messages.

perl -pe 's/^\s+//g' *.py

PLUG mailing list

[PLUG] No space left on device

2017-10-24 Thread John Jason Jordan
I recently encountered this and it turns out that my / partition was,
indeed, full. At the last Clinic I added ~50GB of free space on the
drive to /, making now a total of 84GB. And now it is happening again.
Something in / has eaten the entire new space.

Note that ~/ is on the same drive, but a different partition. According
to Thunar the ~/ partition is only 64% used, 138GB of free space.
The device is a 480GB SSD. Palimpsest shows both partitions and no
unallocated space.

I used Thunar to check Properties on everything in / and found nothing
out of the ordinary. I need some command line tools to find the pig
that is using all my space. Also I need to find out what is causing the
pig to be so hungry. Suggestions?
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