Re: [PLUG] re : socket help

2005-09-27 Thread Swapnil Nagle

something of that sort we replaced the function
pointers of default  functions ( many TCP / IP
specific functions like tcp_accept , tcp_connect )with
the function pointers to our functions and built a
module and when inserted it'd work by calling our
funcs instead of TCP's default ( more like TSR in

How will it capture UDP packets ?

with these there are 2 dinctinct advantages 
1 u don't have to compile kernel everytime you do

something even very small

Kernel does not have to be recompiled for either netfilter or raw sockets.

   TCP's default function which gets the socket out of
the queue is ( get_sock... something ) so in here you
can do some alterations and write code to check
whatever you want to check or validate etc don't write
the whole func just copy paste it in your file ( of
which you'll build a module later ) and above or below
or inbetween the main default code within the func
type in your code to validate or call the functions
which do this 

Internal kernel functions may use functions/macros that may not be 
exported. Copying them in your module will not help in that case.

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Re: [PLUG] Problem with FC3 gst-thumbnail

2005-08-18 Thread Swapnil Nagle

i found that this program gst-thubnail is eating up all thre resources
like it was taking 800+ mb of memory.

when i killl that process i am back on track and the processor usage
again gets down to 5-6%   does anyone know abt this stuff. Thank You

gst-thumbnail generates thumbnails for images  movies. It can be 
disabled by editing nautilus preferences.

Second link with search string gst-thumbnail :

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Re: [PLUG] FC4 errors

2005-08-13 Thread Swapnil Nagle

I have installed FC4 but sometimes on
start up after Nash version i get errors like
mknod: failed to create /dev/null:17
mknod: failed to create /dev/console:17
mknod: failed to create /dev/zero:17
this does not occur on all boots.

Yeah, I was also getting it on an fc4 machine. The errors were ignored 
since everything seemed to work fine :)

If 17 is the errno, then it maps to EEXIST, which means the device file 
is already present.

Anybody know of some app for FC4 which will
mount graphically win fat and ntfs partitions?

Not that I know of, but you can try this :

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Re: [PLUG] 2 suggestions PLUG

2005-08-12 Thread Swapnil Nagle

I know that messages get rejected just because the reply starts at the
top rather than *after* the original post (which in itself is
ridiculous rule, but I respect it none-the-less)

Why is it ridiculous ?

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Re: [PLUG] Programming in Linux

2005-08-02 Thread Swapnil Nagle

   Can anyone tell the things to consider while moving from TC
compiler to gcc/g++ or from windows to linux platform .

Got these links from plug archives : [ this is not working right now ]

in programming in linux and windows) is explained.I want to know all
the basic thing like what is using namespace etc

AFAIK namespaces etc are not linux specific.

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Re: [PLUG] Hotmail accout on evolution

2005-08-02 Thread Swapnil Nagle
Hey i use evolution as my email client 

it's works nicely with gmail but i also want to use my hotmail
account. I think it does not supportHTTP ! is there something i
can do so that i can set up my mail client !

gmail uses pop3 while outlook express-hotmail link uses the httpmail 
protocol. To access your hotmail account through evolution etc., use 
something like

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Re: [PLUG] Kate not commenting the Bash script code.

2005-08-02 Thread Swapnil Nagle

  I find that the kate is not understanding the code commenting for Bash 
script. When I use the shortcut or the menu to comment the line or block it 
is doing nothing. It is putting the # in the start which was expected. Let me 

kate expects bash scripts to have mime type text/x-shellscript. Edit 
Settings-Configure kate-Editor-highlighting-highlighting modes.

Or set it manaully through Tools-Highlight modes-scripts-bash.

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Re: [PLUG] problem booting

2005-07-30 Thread Swapnil Nagle

  I downloaded kernel 2.6.5 from and
When booted from the kernel got the message:

VFS: cannot mount root fs from unknown block(0,0)

Have you enabled support for your root fs type ?
Is the root= option in grub correct ?


I m using FC 3 (kernel 2.6.9) on Intel 915 board, P
IV, Seagate SCSI harddisk using SATA, root partition
is EXT3

I tried many combinations of SCSI and SATA but all
cant figure out the problem

Narender kumar

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Re: [PLUG] Personal Folder (PST)- Mails

2005-07-22 Thread Swapnil Nagle

I have one query, I use MS Outlook at my Office and keep all my mails
on my Harddisk( it get stored as .pst files), So is there any utlity
or software that can access these .pst files?

Try libPST at :

And can i store my mails on my HardDisk in Linux? and if yes then


where it gets stored and in which file?

That depends on the mail client you use.

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Re: [PLUG] About Voip Technology : RTP over TCP

2005-05-14 Thread Swapnil Nagle
I found that there are some disadvantages of TCP, some are
1) TCP doesn't support multicasting.
I think multicasting is done by IP, not TCP.
2) Through TCP is reliable, it heavily depends on retransmission of 

   lost or corrupted packets. That increases Delay. Our aim is real 

   time delivery of packets not reliability. 

Why not use UDP then ?
3) TCP congestion control mechanism decreases the congestion window

when packet losses are detected.
What are the other options ?
Apart from these flaws i am interested in implementing RTP over TCP
Is it possible ? 
What is feasibility of implementing RTP over TCP ?

AFAIK, RTP is a transport like protocol for real-time audio video data. 
What is the advantage of implementing it over TCP ?

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Re: [PLUG] Platform independent language

2005-03-27 Thread Swapnil Nagle

I have to write a layer of glue which will accept the
download TCP requests from the webserver and then
download the files using say wget.
So, basically which language should I use? Java and
Python are the choices that I am looking at.
Consider perl too. The interpreter is available for many platforms 
and can be invoked from the web page using something like 

Theory is when you know something, but it doesn't work.Practice 
is when something works, but you don't know why.Programmers 
combine theory and practice: Nothing works and they don't know why 
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Re: [PLUG] poll_wait related

2005-03-24 Thread Swapnil Nagle
  Please let me know what is the trigger I need to 
  provide from kernel after my string is put into 
The poll routine should return the correct poll mask. That should be enough.
  What is the signal, select() or poll_wait() has to
  receive from kernel so that application starts 
  reading my charaters from tty-read_buf ?
AFAIK, the driver poll() routine should give the right poll flags.
So your poll will look like :
   poll_wait(wait_queue, poll_table)
   return poll_mask
poll_wait() will add the current process to given wait_queue. To 
asynchronously signal some data ready condition, use something like 

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Re: [PLUG] need help with kernel coding .. imp !!

2005-03-07 Thread Swapnil Nagle
   first of all I am coding it in Linux kernel 2.6
... I have to read data payload of SKB structure
(Struct sk_buff) and modify it  ... now when i try to
do this .. always kernel panics. Now .. what all
Why don't you use uml or kgdb for debugging. Makes life much easier. 
Atleast use ksymoops to give a sensible backtrace.

things do I have to take care of while doing this. The
data payload is basically stored in pages .. so when i
try to read or write into that page .. kernel goes to
panic state. how can i do it?? i tried locatin page
using kmap funtion ... n all ... then memcpy(), I also
What do you want to do exactly ? Modify skb-data ? Is kmap() needed here ?
tried using skb_copy finction to make skb Writable
etc. but all in vain. I'll be really glad if someone
skb_copy() should give you a private copy to work with. Why does it fail ?
PS: Also try the kernelnewbies list. Or linux-net if you are very desperate.
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Re: [PLUG] help on recv()

2005-03-07 Thread Swapnil Nagle

In one thread I am waiting for data in recv () call.
What kind of thread ? pthreads ? fork() ?
Form other thread due to some reason I close socket
on which recv () is waiting.
But recv () is not coming back from call.
I don't about pthreads, but a fork() will replicate the fds. So 
each thread has its own copy of socket fd.

Try this for fun :
sock = accept()
pid = fork()
if (pid)
Send some data to this socket. Check whether the parent process 
receives it or the child process.

What should I do so that as soon as I close socket
recv () will give error or come back from blocking
Some form of IPC ?
Theory is when you know something, but it doesn't work.Practice 
is when something works, but you don't know why.Programmers 
combine theory and practice: Nothing works and they don't know why 
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Re: [PLUG] Adjusting number of loopback devices allowed.

2005-03-06 Thread Swapnil Nagle
How can i increase the number of loopback devices which can be
mounted at one time ?
If the loopback driver is compiled-in, use max_loop=n kernel 
commandline parameter from grub/lilo. If its compiled as a module, use 
modprobe loop max_loop=n.

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Re: [PLUG] Free Linux Website Hosting

2005-02-25 Thread Swapnil Nagle
Can anyone let me know some vendors who provide free Linux Hosting as
well as good web space and Band Width.
Google search term: linux hosting

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Re: [PLUG] How to find out used PORT numbers??

2005-02-22 Thread Swapnil Nagle

I would like to know list of used port numbers on
Linux box..
netstat -a ?
Theory is when you know something, but it doesn't work.Practice 
is when something works, but you don't know why.Programmers 
combine theory and practice: Nothing works and they don't know why 
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Re: [PLUG] DNS resolving through http_proxy

2005-02-03 Thread Swapnil Nagle
Now most browsers know this and when using proxy won't try to resolve
the address by themselves. Unfortunately wget and others like ftp
don't seem to have knowledge about this. So when i ask wget to fetch
an address it tries to resolve the domain name first without even
consulting proxy _even_if_ http_proxy variable is set. Which basically
$ wget -e http_proxy=ip url
address. But there is no way in linux to reroute th system dns request
to http_proxy :-(.
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Re: [PLUG] RE:Sendmail Problems

2005-01-30 Thread Swapnil Nagle
Is it possible that I maintain single address for
both internal as well as external communication?

All your problems can be solved by qmail as i have
done many setup like yours one on Qmail and i havent
uese Sendmail that much so Just Check out the docs of
sendmail for Smarthost, mail routing !!
So using qmail  smarthost, mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be automagically 
routed to either the local mailserver or the external mailserver 
depending on whether a.b is in office ? How ?

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Re: [PLUG] Sendmail Problems

2005-01-27 Thread Swapnil Nagle
Right now our addressing scheme is [EMAIL PROTECTED] for internal 
mail communication. And [EMAIL PROTECTED] for external communication.
Is it possible that I maintain single address for both internal 
as well as external communication?
But I would like to keep single email Id. And if there is local 
mail it should be distributed locally. If it is external mail it 
should distributed globally.
How will a mailserver know whether a mail is to be distributed 
locally or globally ?

BTW, what do you mean by local distribution ? Is it through a nfs 
mounted /var/spool/mail ? POP3 ? IMAP ?

You said you have an external mailserver. Why can't everybody 
access their mails through that mailserver ? So it will not matter 
whether they are touring or in office.

Otherwise, all mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] can be CC'ed to 

Theory is when you know something, but it doesn't work.Practice 
is when something works, but you don't know why.Programmers 
combine theory and practice: Nothing works and they don't know why 
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Re: [PLUG] booting with Kgdb

2005-01-06 Thread Swapnil Nagle
i have successfully installed kgdb connection with
proper msg waiting for remote gdb connection ,
kernel panic VFS:cannot find mount point /dev/hdc7 
ive tried all options for the /dev/hdc.. but havnt
Does it boot without the gdb/kgdbwait option ?
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Re: [PLUG] Help setting up postfix

2004-12-26 Thread Swapnil Nagle
The Problem : 
I 've configured postfix. I could send mails from one domain to
another but only by telneting machine x on port 25
I couldn't send a mail   not even on the same machine x using the
command mail -s 'test' guest@the ip address of machine x.

Whats the error ? Does the mail bounce ? Also, try mail -s 'test' guest 
on x.

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Re: [PLUG] down?

2004-12-14 Thread Swapnil Nagle
I'm trying to connect with since half hour, but it's just not 
working! Was it scheduled to be down or anything? Any such news? Maintenance 
Works for me. You can try these mirrors :
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Re: [PLUG] kernel 2.4.21-99 with suse 9.0

2004-11-25 Thread Swapnil Nagle

If I compile kernel 2.4.21-99(suse 9.0 default kernel) and use it 
suse 9.2, will it be ok? Or will it break any softwares?

modutils can break I think. But apart from that, there should not 
any problems.

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Re: [PLUG] Reliance CDMA phones as modems

2004-11-24 Thread Swapnil Nagle
 One more question, has anyone gotten one of these
 phones to work under
 linux (using any distribution)?  If so how good are
 the transfer
 speeds?  Thanks.  Gus.

I get around 7-8 KBps on a good day. But the latency


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Re: [PLUG] text console

2004-11-15 Thread Swapnil Nagle
I am using SuSE 8.1 and from my graphical window(FVWM2),
I can shift to a text console using the key combination
of ctrlshiftF-number.
I belive that is ctrlaltFn, but maybe its different.
Instead of using the key combination, I would like to use
a command. Is there one?
Try chvt console number. But it needs superuser privileges.
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Re: [PLUG] snort as NIDS

2004-11-08 Thread Swapnil Nagle
Also if anybody knows Linux based Opensource IPS(Intrusion Prevention
System) ...

iptables ?
About iptables it is just a packet filtering firewall and would not do 
any  intrusion detection or prevention, its' just going to log, drop or 
accept  packets depending upon your network policies. You have a tool 
Wouldn't that also prevent network intrusion ? Can you give some 
examples where iptables will not be enough for intrusion prevention ?

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Re: [PLUG] snort as NIDS

2004-11-06 Thread Swapnil Nagle
Also if anybody knows Linux based Opensource IPS(Intrusion Prevention
System) ...
iptables ?
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Re: Moderators: Guidelines For Posting. Re: [PLUG] Improper threading of messages in Kmail 1.6.2

2004-11-02 Thread Swapnil Nagle
I request the moderators to ban mails which are
directed at people.
I also request the moderators to send mail to the
group telling the guidelines to post mails.
IIRC the guidelines are included in the welcome mail. They were also put 
up on, but I cannot find them now.

The experience with this group is really v. bad. The
v. 1st mail that I sent was asking for help on lycoris
linux. And the replies that I got were so demeaning!
Hence in the 2nd mail that I asked for modem help, I
clearly mentioned not to act too smart!
A mailing list is stateless. People don't remember who posted what 
problems, and how others responded. They respond to individual mails  

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Re: [PLUG] Geexbox problems...

2004-10-31 Thread Swapnil Nagle
I know this is not the right forum to post reg this, but just wanted to ppl. 
to know that geexbox has problem booting on Intel boards.
I trried to boot it on an Intel 845 and Intel 865gbf(my) comp.

On both m/c, I get a mssg loading mplayer and then terminated and the CD gets 
Same problem on my 865 box.
The GeeXBox FAQ mentions this. Try rebuilding ISO without vidix support; 
whatever that is.


Thats what normally happens too, but the u get the startup menu, which dosen't 
show up on my m/c.

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Re: [PLUG] modutils are not working !!

2004-10-25 Thread Swapnil Nagle

Yes thats the 2nd link on google when you give it QM_MODULES:
Function not implemented including the quotes.
I was waiting for someone to say STFW...
It took less keystrokes to copy-paste the link :)
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Re: [PLUG] modutils are not working !!

2004-10-23 Thread Swapnil Nagle
I have downloaded the kernel version 2.6.8 from internet. I compiled
it, installed it to boot. Now it is booting properly, but the preblem
it could not load and kernel moudles, i mean it says that rmmod,
insmod, lsmod, modprobe functions are not implemented.
Is modules support compiled in ? What does
# grep CONFIG_MODULES .config
say ?
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Re: [PLUG] Regarding always on internet access.

2004-10-19 Thread Swapnil Nagle
 Just wanted your opinion on an always on internet

Broadband etc Which has the fastest speed and more
importantly which is most stable. How much actual
download speed can you get etc
Check out
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Re: [PLUG] Please Help: postcat command

2004-10-02 Thread Swapnil Nagle
Please read on if you are good with postfix
program. Otherwise kindly ignore this mail.
I am not good with postfix. But I will  read on nevertheless :)
Kindly tell me if command postcat requires root
priviledge. Also I am not able to use this command properly. I have checked man pages. 
Is it like:
  $ postcat queueID
On my (default redhat 9) system, postcat is in /usr/sbin. Commands in 
/usr/sbin/ generally need root privileges. But I feel postcat can be 
used by non root user as long as the mail spool is accessible.

man postcat says :
 postcat [-v] [files...] where files are postfix queue files. Nowhere 
does it mention that we can give the queue id directly.

where queueID is the ID of the message you get from output of mailq command.
This isn't working. Please tell me if something is wrong. I want to view the mail message that is currently present in mail queue 
(command mailq gives that info).

- get the queue id from mailq
- search for a file named queueid in /var/spool/postfix
- postcat filename
But this seems like a hackish way to do it. There must be a better way.
It would be great if you can give a sample of the output of postcat command.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] maildrop]# postcat CF92E9C348
-- Swapnil
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2004-09-07 Thread Swapnil Nagle
Database File System; It is a new type of file system that does away with 
places where you store your files. Actually do not think of it as a file 
system, instead think of it as a document system. And while being precise, it 
A group from PICT had developed a similar thing last year. IIRC it was 
called the Orion file system...

-- Swapnil.
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