Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 2.0.0 - Spotify Connect for your Squeezebox

2018-01-25 Thread 2eleven

mherger wrote: 
> > I don't think this has been asked before (my search didn't turn up
> any
> > results). Is there a way to unfollow an artist? I couldn't find a
> way,
> I'm sorry, no. This currently isn't available. I'll add it to my list.

Many thanks - it will be much appreciated!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 2.0.0 - Spotify Connect for your Squeezebox

2018-01-24 Thread 2eleven

Thanks so much for the work on this plugin!

I don't think this has been asked before (my search didn't turn up any
results). Is there a way to unfollow an artist? I couldn't find a way,
but it would be a very welcome feature if it's possible.

Thanks again,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty v1.1.0

2017-08-04 Thread 2eleven

First of all - HUGE thanks to Michael for this wonderful plugin. I don't
know what I'd do without Spotify, and I really don't want to leave the
squeezebox universe, so this plugin is a HUGE deal.

Naturally, I'm here to report an issue...

When my home network loses connectivity to Spotify (broadband issues or
similar), LMS gets wedged with this in the server.log:

[17-08-03 18:05:23.3127] Plugins::Spotty::API::getToken (115) Failed to
get Spotify access token: 'true' expected, at character offset 0 (before
"thread 'main' panick...") at
/home/slim/Cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/Spotty/ line 112.

thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value:
Error { repr: Custom(Custom { kind: Other, error: StringError("bytes
remaining on stream") }) }', /checkout/src/libcore/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.

Once this has happened, LMS is still running but unresponsive. The
players are unusable (for Spotify or anything else - local music
included - nothing can connect to LMS). the only solution is to restart
LMS. In my house that means I have to be around so people get cranky
when the music stops and I'm not around to fix it. I've done some
searching and found folks with similar errors but not exactly the same

I'm running LMS 7.9.1 (latest git as of yesterday) on Arch Linux, perl

Anyway, no demands for fixes or anything. Just hoping this helps
identify an issue that can be made more resilient in some way. I speak
perl, so if I can help in some way, let me know.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2016-02-13 Thread 2eleven

mherger wrote: 
> > hello
> > i have download the new plugin
> > but i don' t know make after ...
> > can you explain to me for
> Don't worry about this any more. I just released it as the Spotify 
> Protocol Handler plugin:
> It should show up in your LMS' plugins settings soon. Just select it 
> like any other plugin and you should be fine.
> -- 
> Michael

Big thanks Michael!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2016-02-12 Thread 2eleven

shamot wrote: 
> After some investigation I made it work with Michael's Spotify plugin
> witch is based upon Triode Plugin.
> This is what I did:
> 1) download plugin as .zip from:
> 2) unzip the plugin to LMS under /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/Plugins
> 3) rename the folder TriodeSpotify-ProtocolHandlerOnly to
> SpotifyProtocolHandler (otherwise it can't be used by LMS)
> 4) remove Triode plugin, stop LMS, start LMS
> 5) new plugin is under Plugins as Spotify Protocol Handler and can be
> loaded
> works great so far also with Boom + the Spotify can be accessed directly
> from Boom's menu !
> Thanks for great work Michael !
> Tomas

Thanks - that worked like a charm. For people who run slimserver
directly from git, change steps 1 and 2 to:

1) cd /path/to/slimserver.git/Plugins (make the Plugins dir if it isn't
there yet)
2) git clone -b ProtocolHandlerOnly

I also needed to check "Always Stream via Helper" in the
SpotifyProtocolHandler plugin's settings. After that everything seems to
be working again. Big thanks to Michael and the rest of this community
for keeping the system alive. I still prefer it to alternative systems
in many ways.

Transporter > 2 x 1959 McIntosh MC30 Monoblocks > Proac Tablettes
3 SB3s, 2 SB Radios, 1 SB Touch

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin to power off VFDs?

2014-02-06 Thread 2eleven

I seem to recall seeing mention of a plugin that powers off the VFDs on
ip3k devices to extend their lives since they are no longer replaceable.
I can't for the life of me find it though. Anyone know if this plugin
exists or if I must have been smokin' something when I thought I saw it?

Transporter  2 x 1959 McIntosh MC30 Monoblocks  Proac Tablettes
3 SB3s, 2 SB Radios, 1 SB Touch

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Plugin to power off VFDs?

2014-02-06 Thread 2eleven

Thanks everyone for the replies.

garym wrote: 
 I use the plugin blank saver to blank out my transporter and boom VFDs
 when they are off/paused.

Does that do more than, for example, setting the brightness to 0 for
idle and power off in the player settings? I do the latter, but at night
I can see glow from the sides of the VFDs so I know they are still
powered on. I was hoping to be able to power them off, though Triode has
indicated that doing so through a plugin may be impossible. Anyone know
if there's truth to what Triode mentioned about brightness 0 maybe being
different on the Transporter?

Transporter  2 x 1959 McIntosh MC30 Monoblocks  Proac Tablettes
3 SB3s, 2 SB Radios, 1 SB Touch

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-16 Thread 2eleven

pippin;602502 Wrote: 
 I have completely rewritten that stay-alive code now and hope issues are
 fixed. It's currently testing.

I hate to say it, but the battery drain problem still exists in 1.3.1.
I've downgraded again to 1.2.7, but I'm starting to lose hope. :(

iOS 4.2.1, no jailbreak.



Transporter  2 x 1959 McIntosh MC30 Monoblocks  Proac Tablettes
3 SB3s  various pieces of audio gear not worth mentioning

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-12-19 Thread 2eleven

Doesn't drain in the background either. 1.2.7 works great for me. So:

1.2.7: No battery drain foreground or background
1.2.10: Battery drain in foreground, no drain in background

Someone else mentioned that the battery drain started with 1.2.9 I
think. That's entirely possible - I can't remember exactly when the
problem started for me. I suspect the problem was introduced between
1.2.7 and 1.2.9.



Transporter  2 x 1959 McIntosh MC30 Monoblocks  Proac Tablettes
3 SB3s  various pieces of audio gear not worth mentioning

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-12-17 Thread 2eleven

pippin;595154 Wrote: 
 Hm. Will check again but I have iPeng permanently running on various
 devices now and the battery is stable.
 Did you restart it after setting the keep connection setting was on?
 Does it not happen when iPeng is in the background?

I've never used the keep connection setting, so it was never on
before, but I did double check initially to make sure it had not gotten
accidentally turned on or something.

For me, so far the problem has not happened when iPeng is in the

Is there any way to down-grade iPeng to an earlier version? If not,
I'll need to switch to using one of my old SB controllers for a while
until a fix is available. I can't risk having my phone (with no
swappable battery - thanks apple) dead when I need it. :-(




Transporter  2 x 1959 McIntosh MC30 Monoblocks  Proac Tablettes
3 SB3s  various pieces of audio gear not worth mentioning

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-12-17 Thread 2eleven

Thanks on the tip to down-grade. The previous ipa file was already
trashed, but I found a 1.2.7 ipa on a backup drive and installed it.



Transporter  2 x 1959 McIntosh MC30 Monoblocks  Proac Tablettes
3 SB3s  various pieces of audio gear not worth mentioning

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-12-17 Thread 2eleven

Oh bummer - I don't think I had an issue with 1.2.7 though - the issue
for me was more recent. I'll see how 1.2.7 treats my battery - it's the
only older version I have on hand. :-(



Transporter  2 x 1959 McIntosh MC30 Monoblocks  Proac Tablettes
3 SB3s  various pieces of audio gear not worth mentioning

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-12-17 Thread 2eleven

I just wanted to confirm after having it in the foreground all afternoon
that 1.2.7 does not drain my battery. :-)



Transporter  2 x 1959 McIntosh MC30 Monoblocks  Proac Tablettes
3 SB3s  various pieces of audio gear not worth mentioning

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-12-16 Thread 2eleven

So far, for me, this has only happened to me with iPeng running, and
only when it is left as the foreground app. That is not to say that it
doesn't happen in other situations or when iPeng isn't running - just
that I haven't experienced the problem yet in other situations.

I will try disabling push notifications and see if the behavior



Transporter  2 x 1959 McIntosh MC30 Monoblocks  Proac Tablettes
3 SB3s  various pieces of audio gear not worth mentioning

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-12-16 Thread 2eleven

I can confirm that having notifications turned off has no effect. The
battery drains rapidly if iPeng is left running in the foreground. I am
99.99% sure this is iPeng related, as it only happens when iPeng is
running. It may be indirectly related to a change in iOS 4.2.1, but if
iPeng is killed, the battery drain does not occur (for me).



Transporter  2 x 1959 McIntosh MC30 Monoblocks  Proac Tablettes
3 SB3s  various pieces of audio gear not worth mentioning

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-12-15 Thread 2eleven

Wondering if anyone else has experienced this. Either after the recent
4.2.x iOS update or one of the recent iPeng updates (I have 1.2.10
right now) which happened all around the same time, iPeng has started
sucking my battery dry when left idle. I've double checked that
prevent sleep mode and preserve connection are both off. I have an
iphone 3G S with iOS 4.2.1. If I queue up some music and set the phone
down (now playing screen and ipeng is the foreground app), when I come
back to the phone in a couple of hours, the phone is warm to the touch
and the battery is almost dead (or completely dead if left long
enough). Has anyone else experienced this?

This is definitely new behavior for me, but since I updated the phone
to iOS 4.2.1 and iPeng to 1.2.10 around the same time, I can't be sure
which update changed the behavior. I've tried uninstalling and
reinstalling iPeng with no luck...




Transporter  2 x 1959 McIntosh MC30 Monoblocks  Proac Tablettes
3 SB3s  various pieces of audio gear not worth mentioning

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