Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2012-08-20 Thread danny041

Thanks again for the help. I managed to figure out what it was with your
guidance, and posting it here if anyone runs into the same kind of

A couple of days ago I installed a ftp-server called CrushFTP. The
server automatically runs on port 8080 and 9090. The error messages have
been solely due to this conflict between CLI (Command line interface)
and the FTP-server. Once I killed the FTP, everything is back to normal
again and works as a charm. 

A bit irritating though that the error messages displayed are so
inconsistent in the squeezebox UI. Makes it hard to target the error. 

Anyway: Thanks for a great plugin. I don't think I have listened to a
local mp3-file in almost two years due to this!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2012-08-19 Thread danny041

Hi Triode,
I have had your app (and the official one) working as a charm since day
one. Never had any problems at all, until yesterday?! Now nothing works
at all, and I get different errors all the time so it is hard to do a
good root cause analysis of the problem. 

Background: Have not changed or altered anything. I am running Logitech
media server on a mac mini updated to Mountain lion a couple of days
ago, so maybe that could be the error. I have an airport extreme as a
router. The firewall is off (and has always been). I have two squeezebox
duet and one squeezebox radio.

One time i get the error can' play file type when trying to play
spotify songs. The other time the track starts playing (no sound output
though) and after between 3-5 secs it skips to next track. This
continues and I can't even paus it. Need to soft-shut-down the player in
order to make this loop stop. Also when doing this, the web interface
for LMS becomes really slow. I have run the auto self test which gives
me different answers randomly. It clears the four first steps (most of
the time. Some time it says that helper app isn't installed, usually
when the server response time is really slow) but it always fail on the
last step, giving the reason that the player is unable to connect, or
that it can't stream due to that always stream via helper isn't enabled.

I have tried both changing port (between 9000 and 9005, which I have
never had any problem with before.
I have also tried checking and unchecking the always stream via helper
(which has never been checked before). 
I have tried to uninstall both the offical and your app through
unchecking them in the web interface, but I realize that this is not a
full uninstall since it remember my login details when i check them
I have then tried to install just one of the apps, then both, but to no
help. I have managed to get the official app to work, but only on my
squeezebox radio, not when trying to synchronize with more players
(never a problem before).

I have tried searching online, which is why I have done the above trial
and error-things. 

I am therefore in a really bad spot, and would really appreciate some
help. Any help, or tip, at all. If someone just tell me what kind of
logs they would like to see, I will post them. I have gone through the
log-reports myself but it doesn't tell me much, other than that it does
not work (for some reason.

Thanks in advance for any tip, clue, guidance or assistance that could
help me out of this mess, that has created itself out of thin air.

Best Regards

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2012-08-19 Thread danny041

posting parts from server.log if that coudl help anyone

[12-08-19 17:42:45.7075] Slim::Control::XMLBrowser::_cliQuery_error
(1653) Error: While retrieving
[]: [Timed out waiting
for data]
[12-08-19 17:42:53.5463]
Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::handleDirectError (331) stream failed
- bad player: -1
[12-08-19 17:42:58.5115] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(213) error fetching track data: Timed out waiting for data
[12-08-19 17:42:59.2205] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(213) error fetching track data: Timed out waiting for data
[12-08-19 17:42:59.] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(213) error fetching track data: Timed out waiting for data
[12-08-19 17:42:59.2224] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::relogin (211)
requesting relogin
[12-08-19 17:42:59.2241] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(213) error fetching track data: Timed out waiting for data
[12-08-19 17:42:59.2251] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(213) error fetching track data: Timed out waiting for data
[12-08-19 17:43:33.5148] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(213) error fetching track data: Timed out waiting for data
[12-08-19 17:43:34.2276] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(213) error fetching track data: Timed out waiting for data
[12-08-19 17:43:34.2287] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(213) error fetching track data: Timed out waiting for data
[12-08-19 17:43:34.2295] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(213) error fetching track data: Timed out waiting for data
[12-08-19 17:43:34.2296] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::relogin (211)
requesting relogin
[12-08-19 17:43:34.2309] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(213) error fetching track data: Timed out waiting for data
[12-08-19 17:44:01.7543]
Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::handleDirectError (331) stream failed
- bad player: -1
[12-08-19 17:44:08.5180] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(213) error fetching track data: Timed out waiting for data
[12-08-19 17:44:09.2331] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(213) error fetching track data: Timed out waiting for data
[12-08-19 17:44:09.2467] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(213) error fetching track data: Timed out waiting for data
[12-08-19 17:44:09.2477] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(213) error fetching track data: Timed out waiting for data
[12-08-19 17:44:09.2485] Plugins::Spotify::ProtocolHandler::__ANON__
(213) error fetching track data: Timed out waiting for data
[12-08-19 17:44:09.2486] Plugins::Spotify::Spotifyd::relogin (211)
requesting relogin

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spotify Premium Plugin (Beta)

2012-08-19 Thread danny041

Triode wrote: 
 First error message is related to the official plugin, not this one.
 The bad player message is because cli is not working - make sure that
 the server cli plugin is enabled and the helper app is able to make cli
 queries to the server through your firewall.

Thanks for quick answer. Sorry for maybe not being initiated - what is
cli and how do i ensure it works/how do I enable it?

Some more log talking about other things, if that could help?
0:12:56.459271] main:1529 relogin requested
[20:12:56.459309] main:1558 resetting streambuf
[20:12:56.459323] _streambuf_reset:84 state IDLE - IDLE
[20:12:56.459813] main:493 new connection
[20:12:56.459856] main:539 req: cover.jpg res:
spotify:image:cef62d1150b4e09f884ca8946c8f5ebbc99a4dd5 par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[20:12:56.459869] main:565 waiting for logout to complete
[20:12:57.460894] main:565 waiting for logout to complete
[20:12:58.461996] main:565 waiting for logout to complete
[20:12:59.464414] main:565 waiting for logout to complete
[20:12:59.484433] log_message:80 log: 18:12:59.484 I [offline-mgr:2090]
0 files are locked. 0 images are locked
[20:12:59.484469] log_message:80 log: 18:12:59.484 I [offline-mgr:2116]
0 files unlocked. 0 images unlocked
[20:12:59.489012] logged_out:60 logged out
[20:13:00.490726] main:618 relogging in as user: danny041
[20:13:00.491718] log_message:80 log: 18:13:00.491 I [ap:1766]
Connecting to AP
[20:13:00.494196] log_message:80 log: 18:13:00.494 I [ap:1224] Connected
to AP:
[20:13:00.506203] log_message:80 log: 18:13:00.506 E [session:856] Not
all tracks cached
[20:13:00.509644] logged_in:53 logged in
[20:13:00.509698] metadata_updated:85 new meta
[20:13:01.512814] write_cover:96 cover fetch: No error
[20:13:01.512930] main:493 new connection
[20:13:01.512964] main:539 req: cover.jpg res:
spotify:image:d7c450ca7b6fb0b06bf3c7ab9defc115c2b01a6a par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[20:13:01.513579] write_cover:96 cover fetch: No error
[20:13:01.513660] main:493 new connection
[20:13:01.513687] main:539 req: stream.flc res:
spotify:track:2NDXCksGEDJCRxOKBCREq3 par:
player=00%3A04%3A20%3A16%3A77%3A56start=0sync=2id=54 prot:
SPOTSTREAM/1.0 auth: (null)
[20:13:01.513723] main:727 newstream connection from
[20:13:01.513740] main:763 streamid: 0 newid: 54 type: FLAC
[20:13:31.546985] check_player:192 cli connection closed unexpectedly
[20:13:31.547023] main:785 unable to play on this player: -1
[20:13:31.547036] _streambuf_reset:84 state IDLE - IDLE
[20:13:31.547397] main:493 new connection
[20:13:31.547423] main:539 req: stream.flc res:
spotify:track:2NDXCksGEDJCRxOKBCREq3 par:
player=00%3A04%3A20%3A16%3A46%3A20start=0sync=2id=54 prot:
SPOTSTREAM/1.0 auth: (null)
[20:13:31.547453] main:727 newstream connection from
[20:13:31.547468] main:763 streamid: 0 newid: 54 type: FLAC

Best Regards

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