Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2018-12-02 Thread mr nick

bpa wrote: 
> Do you get the error with any other letter ?
> "Special" network setups such as VPNs, smartDNS etc can also influence
> this sort of behaviour

I get this error on every letter on every station - nothing at all works
for me on the BBCiPlayerExtra.

And in terms of 'special' setup, I have nothing unusual - straight
broadband connection, albeit I'm in Australia. Doesn't matter what time
of day and how long I leave it in between attempts - same error every
time :(

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2018-12-01 Thread mr nick

bpa wrote: 
> On LMS the BBCiPlayerExtra (which takes info from a different feed -
> same as BBC web interface )  plays the Kermode program OK.

I haven't really ever used BBCiPlayerExtra but having just tried it, I
get the following error when trying to access the program lists:

There was an error loading the remote feed for : (Redirection limit

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2018-12-01 Thread mr nick

Not sure if this is a problem unique to me or if it's affecting others
too? For the most part everything is working fine on my setup but there
seem to be a limited number of listen again programs that refuse to play
- when I click them they show "connecting" and then nothing happens.
Most notably I see this on the Kermode and Mayo program and Fighting
Talk, both on 5 Live. I can access both streams using the BBC Sounds web
page but no luck via LMS.

I'm located outside the UK but that hasn't affected listening to these
programs in the past but we've not been able to access either of these
programs for a number of weeks now so it seems this isn't a temporary
glitch. Is anybody else experiencing issues with these programs or are
there any suggestions as to why they may be particular troublesome
whilst the majority of other programs play perfectly?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-19 Thread mr nick

majones wrote: 
 There are people on the forum far better qualified to help you with the
 world of Pi, but until they chip-in ... I'm wondering whether HLS
 processing is a challenge for some systems. Did you try the
 PlayHLS/ffmpeg way of getting the BBC live streams to work, and how did
 that compare?

Yes, I tried this and it worked well - got the occasional re-buffer but
certainly not a problem. The only problem was the lack of Listen Again,
hence my attempts to get the alpha plugin working. It just seems odd
that the Banana Pi which is technically better specced than my old
Raspberry Pi is struggling to the point of absolute failure.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-18 Thread mr nick

utgg wrote: 
 The alpha plugin does seem a bit flaky to me - what are you running LMS
 on? The start-up processor load is very high on my ARM based NAS, which
 is no slouch (1.6GHz), and I suspect this is the reason the streams
 often don't start first time for me. They will usually go if you then
 press 'play' again.
 If you revert back to the old plugin with patches, you may need to reset
 the plugin settings/preferences, and also delete cache.db to clear the
 cached LA listing data.

So, after multiple failed attempts to get this working on my current LMS
setup on a Banana Pi I dug out an old Raspberry Pi and installed the
alpha plugin on there to see if it was any different - and sure enough I
got working live and LA streams, albeit with quite a bit of
re-buffering. I then went back to the Banana Pi and had another go but
no matter what I try I just cannot get it to work. No idea whether this
is a hardware or configuration issue but it's beginning to get me a bit
ruffled now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-03-16 Thread mr nick

Not sure what I've done wrong but things are not working for me. I had
previously got live streams working but no LA so I tried the RTMP fix
but that did not give me the LA streams. I then installed the alpha
plugin update and now I can get neither live nor LA streams - both just
show me Connecting and then Stopped after about 5 seconds. I think I
shall be feeling the full wrath of my missus when she gets home :(

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-26 Thread mr nick

bpa wrote: 
 After changing permissions - did you check that it had changed - chmod
 may silently ignore the request if it is not able to do it.

Yes, I have confirmed that the changes have stuck but to no avail. The
fact that so many people have been able to do this without any problem
leads me to think that it is something stupid I've done wrong but with
so few steps I can't figure out what it may be.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: BBCiPlayer Plugin (UK only)

2015-02-25 Thread mr nick

expectingtofly wrote: 
 If you type ffmpeg from the command line  (you will need to ssh onto
 your pi).  It will tell you the version. I suspect it will be version
 0.8. This version works (in the sense it will transcode) but it has a
 serious problem in that it won't close down.
 You will need an up-to-date build of ffmpeg.  I've created one.  I've
 made it available here. :
 Copy the unzipped ffmpeg into your /usr/bin/ folder replacing the
 version placed there by the apt-get

I'm trying to swap out the copy of ffmpeg on my Pi but when I do, the
live streams stop working and when I type the ffmpeg command I get met
with a command not found: ffmpeg error. I've altered the permissions
to 0755 and restarted the server a few times but it still refuses to
work for me. Has anybody got any tips for me about what I may be doing

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPlayer rebuffering

2014-08-06 Thread mr nick

Sorry I've not responded to this earlier - I didn't get a notification
of a reply and the problem hadn't reoccurred until today whe the power
blipped again and my settings got reset again.

It seems the only settings that aren't getting saved are the iPlayer
ones - all the standard LMS settings are retained properly. From what I
can remember, the installation was done using *squeezeplug_rpi_707* and
then iPlayer was added using the standard LMS webinterface to add a new

Not sure if you need any more info or not to advise what may be causing
the settings not to be saved.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPlayer rebuffering

2014-07-26 Thread mr nick

I'm running LMS on the Pi and the players are a Classic and a Boom - the
classic is the one that we see the problem with most but that is because
it is the one that gets most use, especially for listen again streams.

I didn't realise that the transcoding things was neccessarily needed -
it was just that the description states Deselect this for low powered
servers so I assumed that as I was going from a quad-core Xeon server
to a Pi that this was where the problem lay.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPlayer rebuffering

2014-07-25 Thread mr nick

I have recently run into this issue with frequent rebuffering. It seems
to only happen on listen again streams in my case. The problem coincided
with me changing the platform I was running the software on - moved from
a full-blown Dell server to a Raspberry Pi. On the Dell unit there was
never a problem but after moving to the Pi it was almost impossible to
get more than 20 seconds of a listen again stream before rebuffering.

After reading a few posts about similar problems, I turned off the
'Allow Transcoding' option and this seemed to do the trick but the issue
has re-surfaced since. What I then found when I went back to the iPlayer
setting was the transcoding option had turned back on. It seems that
despite using the 'save settings' button, the settings are actually only
saved as long as the server is running and after I reboot the setting
reverts back to the default 'on'. As I'm using a Pi it ordinarily stays
running 24/7 but we tend to suffer a lot of power blips here which drop
out our power for a second or two and thus the server gets inadvertently
rebooted, often without me knowing - until I play a listen again and
find it to be rebuffering.

So my question is Does the allow transcoding option turn back on by
design or is this a bug? If it is a bug, is it common to all platforms
or is it specific to the Raspberry Pi? Is it likely down to a
permissions issue on a particular file?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer refuses to install

2010-11-09 Thread mr nick

I finally discovered the cause and it was of my own doing. I have an app
installed on my PC which forcibly checks for updates and updates itself
whether I want it to or not - and unfortunately the latest release is
buggy so in order to stop the forced update I put a block on the
GoogleCode IP address in my router and as a result this then blocked
the BBC iPlayer plugin from downloading.

I temporarily unblocked the IP while I updated the plugin and it all
went nice and smoothly. I've put the block back on the IP address now
but I'll certainly remember to unblock it next time I want to carry out
any updates.

mr nick

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC iPlayer refuses to install

2010-11-07 Thread mr nick

I originally posted this query in the Squeezebox Server section but got
no feedback so I've posted here in the hope I get something. Sorry if
this is considered 'cross-posting'.

Anyway, I'm running SBS 7.5.1 on WHS. I am trying to enable the BBC
iPlayer plugin but when I check the box to enable the plugin, when I
restart the server the plugin is just sitting in the Updated plugins
available section and remains disabled. I've rebooted the server and
this still doesn't allow me to enable the plugin. I have been able to
succesfully enable and disable other plugins while trying to get this
working and everything works just fine apart from the BBC apps.

I then tried installing SBS on my Win7 box to see if that responded any
differently but it behaves exactly the same and refuses to install.

Any ideas?

mr nick

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] SlimNAS Internet Radio Issues

2009-09-07 Thread mr nick

I have been running SC on Windows Server 2003 for years now with no
issues but I've decided to get rid of the server box and replace it with
a FreeNAS unit instead. 

I have installed FreeNAS 0.69 and SC7.3.3 and the music streaming side
of things works without a hitch but I can't fathom out how to get the
radio working. When I look at my SC homepage on the FreeNAS box I see a
very different list of options:


If I use the 'Tune In' option, I get timeout errors all the time. I
have also noticed that if I try and use the extension downloader then
the list comes up blank so I'm guessing there is some sort of issue with
the internet link but when I use the FreeNAS ping tool it will happily
ping Google etc so it looks like it's OK.

I'm hoping it's just me being exceptionally numb and missing something
blindingly simple - is anyone able to shed some light on these issues?

mr nick

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] SlimNAS Internet Radio Issues

2009-09-07 Thread mr nick

The IP was initially set by DHCP and the DNS server etc appeared to be
correctly picked up. The fact I can ping external IP addresses from the
FreeNAS box would appear to back this up but just in case I altered the
settings from DHCP to manual and put in everything by hand but I still
got the same results. This is why I thought I must be missing something
simple elsewhere and posted my query.

mr nick

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBC Radio Outside the UK

2008-12-01 Thread mr nick

Five Live has recently stopped working for me in Australia - when I play
it on my Squeezebox I get a recorded message saying 'Sorry, we can't
bring you the program you requested'. I can play Five Live with no
problems on my PC so hopefully it will be possible to get it back on my
Squeezebox - anybody able to offer any guidance?

mr nick

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC with SlimServer 7.1 Problems

2008-08-07 Thread mr nick

Can anybody confirm that this works on the latest build of
Squeezecentre? I have just upgraded to 7.1 - 22170 and loaded AlienBBC
but it doesn't seem to get recognised. On the Alien page, it says it
has been confirmed to work with build 21348 and may not function on
later builds. Has anybody got it running on 22170?

mr nick

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC with SlimServer 7.1 Problems

2008-08-07 Thread mr nick

bpa;326945 Wrote: 
 Are you sure you have installed the version of AlienBBC for 7.1 and not
 one for 7.0 by mistake ?
 What platform ? 

I have installed 'alienbbc-windows-v2.01b1_7.1' and it's running on
Windows Server 2003. It has installed to the correct directory but
refuses to appear even after rebooting the system.

mr nick

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC with SlimServer 7.1 Problems

2008-08-07 Thread mr nick

bpa;326984 Wrote: 
 Did you use the .exe or the .zip to install ?

I initially used the exe and when that didn't work I then tried the zip
- same result :(

mr nick

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC with SlimServer 7.1 Problems

2008-08-07 Thread mr nick

I've just found out the cause. For some reason when I closed
SqueezeCentre down there was still an instance running in the
backgroung (found via taskmanager). I then closed this instance and
restarted SqueezeCentre and now AlienBBC is back in place.

Thanks for the input.

mr nick

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] AlienBBC with SlimServer 7.1 Problems

2008-08-07 Thread mr nick

bpa;326992 Wrote: 
 Did you restart SC ?
 With Windows it is sometimes worthwhile to reboot the PC as Windows
 seems to cache some files.
 Did you go through the post installation checklist as detailed in the
 wiki ?

See my post above - for some reason I had a rogue instance of
SqueezeCenter running in the background.

mr nick

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