Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: SB Player, a software Squeezebox player app for Android.

2018-11-19 Thread wt0

RonM wrote: 
> I don't use SBPlayer a whole lot, although it's far and away my fave for
> my Android players, so hadn't noticed until this evening that the tracks
> are playing pretty much continuously with no gap. While this is
> desirable for some albums, it's not for others.
> Is it possible to control this behavior? I can't find a way. 
> R.

There's no way to do this and nobody has ever asked for that.  It's
usually the other way around. Instead, I would recommend opening your
server's settings and going to the audio settings for your SB Player
(the app will need to be connected for you to see the page), then
setting crossfade to "Fade in and Fade out".  If you then set a short
duration for the fade, it should simulate a gap.

Squeezebox apps for webOS, Android and Windows Phone,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control is now available as a UWP app for Windows 10.

2018-11-19 Thread wt0

dolodobendan wrote: 
> I encountered two bugs:
> 1. Minimizing and restoring will reset Squeeze Control to the home
> screen. That one's really annoying. I doesn't happen all the time but
> most of the time.
> Reproduce:
> >   > a  > 
  - In Squeeze Control click on anything (like Album Artists)
  - Minimize Squeeze Control to "taskbar" (it's not in the taskbar but
  > "in" Squeeze Control's pinned quickstart button on the left)
  - Restore Squeeze Control from taskbar
  - Home screen is loaded instead of last open screen (here: Album
  > Artists). One can see the old screen for a split second before the
  > home screen is loaded.
  > > > 
> 2. Squeeze Control sometimes has to be restarted because there's no
> player selected anymore and I cannot select any players (or anything
> else for that matter) either. I don't know when this happens, but it
> happens quite regularly. Maybe when it's idle.
> Just as I tried the instructions to reproduce the bug, I encountered
> the second.
> I wrote an email to the address mentioned on the angrygoat website but
> only got a mailer demon.

Squeeze Ctrl is a Windows UWP app and UWP apps are not allowed to run in
the background.  On a desktop PC, running in the background means
minimizing the app.  When you minimize the app, it has to disconnect
from the server. Once you restore the app, it makes a new connection so
it goes back to the home screen.  This is just a limitation of Windows
UWP apps.

Not sure what may cause the second problem, but my guess is that the
constant disconnecting and reconnecting may be causing the app to be
locked into some sort of infinite loop. I'm not sure if this is
something I can fix. Since it's not crashing, it will be next to
impossible to find out exactly where the problem is.  Running on a
debugger won't help either since suspend and restore behavior is
different in debug. There's even a chance that it's a bug in the API.

BTW, My old webhost got bought out and I had to switch to a different
one in July. I tested sending to that email from my other addresses and
it seemed to work, but apparently something is wrong.

Squeezebox apps for webOS, Android and Windows Phone,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2018-11-19 Thread cpd73

Main changes:
-  Only list players that are connected
-  Respect genre/artist filtering when adding albums/artists to
-  Add a setting to specify application layout; auto, desktop,
-  Add optional grid view for artists, albums, and SlimBrowse
-  Fix durations longer than 24hrs.
-  Add plugin update info to Information dialog.
-  When listing a genre's items, ask whether to list Artists or
-  Always send volume up commands, even if at 100% already.
-  List all artists of a track in toolbar, queue, and now playing.

Please note that the new grid view is not 100% perfect; especially when
a row has more than 1 item but not enough to fill completely, then the
items are spread evenly which might look odd.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2018-11-19 Thread wt0

RonM wrote: 
> I think it might be "Now Playing At Show". Will check it out.
> R.

Sorry, been lazy about checking the forums.

The app only jumps to the default player after it connects.  So most
likely when your phone sleeps the app is disconnecting for some reason. 
You probably disabled "Always Connected" in General Settings.  Also
since Android 6, you need to disable Battery Optimization for Squeeze
Ctrl for the app to stay connected in the background.

BTW, my old webhost got bought out and I had to switch hosts in July.  I
tested sending to the address from my other
addresses and it works, but I have noticed that I haven't been getting
any other email to that address, not even spam. I'm going to have to see
what's going on.

What exactly does it say when you tried it?

Squeezebox apps for webOS, Android and Windows Phone,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2018-11-19 Thread mherger

Did you bump the version number in install.xml and update the repository

Michael - Spotty, MusicArtistInfo

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: SB Player, a software Squeezebox player app for Android.

2018-11-19 Thread wt0

Harald654 wrote: 
> Hello,
> I use the SB Player on a Nvidia Shield and it works great until the
> Autostart after a reboot.
> I have enabled "launch when device start" and "always connect" but the
> app does not start after a reboot. I change all parameters (like "auto
> connect delay") with no effect. If I startet the app once manually it
> works great 24/7 (Until the next time I reboot the shield). Sleeping of
> the Shiled is also no problem, only after areboot.
> Can you help me?I'll have to check, but it's likely that Android TV doesn't 
> allow apps
to auto launch at boot. The whole Android TV experience seems to be
designed around the Home screen so it won't surprise me if this was the

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

Squeezebox apps for webOS, Android and Windows Phone,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2018-11-19 Thread wt0

jstraw wrote: 
> I manage my ports through my VPN service and they're already configured.
> I use a different port that 9000. It all works fine with the
> Squeezeplayer and the controller app I've been using. I wanted to try
> yours. I also maintain a host name for my server on I tried
> configuring with both the host name and with the IP number for my
> server. Neither worked. There's a place to put in a port number on SB
> Player but not on Squeeze Ctrl.

You new to add a manual server definition into Squeeze Ctrl.  Go to
Preferences > Servers and tap Add New Server, then tap on the newly
added server to edit the details.

Squeezebox apps for webOS, Android and Windows Phone,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2018-11-19 Thread cpd73

mherger wrote: 
> Did you bump the version number in install.xml and update the repository
> file?

Oops! Forgot to commit those changes! Bad idea to make a release late a
night... Should be fixed now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2018-11-19 Thread jstraw

The clock was ticking on my Play Store purchase so I had to return both
Squeeze Ctrl and SB Player. I could get it to work on wifi with the
local server but had no joy getting it to play nice with my server over
a data connection. SB Player would claim to be connected but Squeeze
Ctrl couldn't access the saved server.

Any thoughts?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2018-11-19 Thread jstraw

wt0 wrote: 
> You need to open ports 3483 {SB Player) and 9000 (Squeeze Ctrl) on your
> router. 
> Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

I manage my ports through my VPN service and they're already configured.
I use a different port that 9000. It all works fine with the
Squeezeplayer and the controller app I've been using. I wanted to try
yours. I also maintain a host name for my server on I tried
configuring with both the host name and with the IP number for my
server. Neither worked. There's a place to put in a port number on SB
Player but not on Squeeze Ctrl.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2018-11-19 Thread jstraw

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2018-11-19 Thread wt0

You need to open ports 3483 {SB Player) and 9000 (Squeeze Ctrl) on your
router. jstraw wrote: 
> The clock was ticking on my Play Store purchase so I had to return both
> Squeeze Ctrl and SB Player. I could get it to work on wifi with the
> local server but had no joy getting it to play nice with my server over
> a data connection. SB Player would claim to be connected but Squeeze
> Ctrl couldn't access the saved server.
> Any thoughts?

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

Squeezebox apps for webOS, Android and Windows Phone,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2018-11-19 Thread Michael Herger

Oops! Forgot to commit those changes! Bad idea to make a release late a
night... Should be fixed now.

Better late than never - happens to me all the time :-)

Great release, thanks a lot!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2018-11-19 Thread Michael Herger

Apparently this is being fixed in the next release.

Ok, good to know. Wasn't sure whether this was a server side issue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2018-11-19 Thread Michael Herger

Well the image URL I'm using is
"/imageproxy/mai/artist/$ARTIST_ID/image_300x300_o" But most artist
images are not coming out square. Just had a thought, is the "_o"
required? Or does that mean "original", as in don't crop???

There's this: I 
know it's outdated on some aspects. But it describes _o as:

"o: original - This is being used when any unknown parameter or a legacy 
parameter (see below) is being specified. Ignore height if given, resize 
only based on width. The resulting image will not be padded but 
transparent areas cropped to match the input images' aspect ratio."


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 2.6.x - Spotify Connect for your Squeezebox

2018-11-19 Thread mherger

iMartyn wrote: 
> My reading of the log is that it's getting the same track twice from
> spotify connect and stopping because it's just played it.

That's correct. And it's totally different from a disconnect you
mentioned in your first mail... I've seen this reported once or twice

Did you by any chance play with Squeezelite's buffer size?

Michael - Spotty, MusicArtistInfo

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2018-11-19 Thread cpd73

mherger wrote: 
> > out too much (but I have *no* idea how to fix this). b) I'd like the
> > images to be aligned on the bottom of their square, not top (so that
> the
> > artist image is nearer the text - most artist mages are not square,
> so
> > there is a gap between the image and text). Probably just some CSS
> magic
> > for this bit.
> But you're requesting square images right now, aren't you? Poor bass 
> player on the far left always gets cropped out :-)

Well the image URL I'm using is
"/imageproxy/mai/artist/$ARTIST_ID/image_300x300_o" But most artist
images are not coming out square. Just had a thought, is the "_o"
required? Or does that mean "original", as in don't crop???

mherger wrote: 
> BTW: as I said I only tested with FF, Chrome, Safari. How's Material 
> support for MS browsers?

I have absolutely no idea - I don't use windows, and even if I did not
sure I'd use an MS browser.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2018-11-19 Thread Peter Galbavy

I've come across odd behaviour on Chrome on Android and I cannot
reproduce it at will, but it has happened more than once. I will unlock
my tablet/phone or re-open Chrome from the "all running apps" button and
Material will demand auth details again, Chrome fills them in as I have
saved the details but then pops-up yet another auth dialogue without
pre-filled details, ad infinitum - regardless of Cancel or re-submit, I
then have to go back to my home screen and kill Chrome as there is no
way out.

If I find a way to re-produce this I will detail more. Doesn't happen on
Windows 10 / Chrome, just Android.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2018-11-19 Thread cpd73

Peter Galbavy wrote: 
> I've come across odd behaviour on Chrome on Android and I cannot
> reproduce it at will, but it has happened more than once. I will unlock
> my tablet/phone or re-open Chrome from the "all running apps" button and
> Material will demand auth details again, Chrome fills them in as I have
> saved the details but then pops-up yet another auth dialogue without
> pre-filled details, ad infinitum - regardless of Cancel or re-submit, I
> then have to go back to my home screen and kill Chrome as there is no
> way out.

What auth details? Is your server password protected? Never tried with
that. My guess is that the timers in the background are firing
repeatedly, causing the auth to be prompted for. Seeing as LMS is not
secured via HTTPS, what is the point of password protecting it?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2018-11-19 Thread Peter Galbavy

It's pretty standard, especially if you want to access it outside the
home network. Protecting the external access with TLS is possible via a

I believe it's a requirement, in fact, for the settings at least - there
are other threads about that too.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2018-11-19 Thread cpd73

Peter Galbavy wrote: 
> It's pretty standard, especially if you want to access it outside the
> home network. Protecting the external access with TLS is possible via a
> proxy.
> I believe it's a requirement, in fact, for the settings at least - there
> are other threads about that too.

Yeah, I was just looking at that. Still, not sure what I can do. The
skin can't be loaded until a connection is made, by entering
username+password, and this is all handled by the browser. There is no
way for my code to get the auth details, so I can't use any existing
auth for new calls. If I could somehow access the username+password,
then I could simply add these to all the JSONRPC calls - which is
trivial to do. But, I cannot get access to it, without re-asking the
user for username+password for the skin to store - which seems silly.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2018-11-19 Thread Peter Galbavy

Ah! Now I understand the problem. Yes, without an "unprotected" place to
be loaded from you can't bootstrap. Hmm.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2018-11-19 Thread Michael Herger

I love the total playing time which appears on the playlist. I find it
very useful when compiling lists for specific periods of time,
particularly when I am listening to an Audio book. The duration is
restricted to 24 hours.

Is this a limitation of the Material skin?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2018-11-19 Thread Shozzer

mherger wrote: 
> > I love the total playing time which appears on the playlist. I find
> it
> > very useful when compiling lists for specific periods of time,
> > particularly when I am listening to an Audio book. The duration is
> > restricted to 24 hours.
> Is this a limitation of the Material skin?
> -- 
> Michael

Apparently this is being fixed in the next release.

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