South Texas county indicts Cheney, Gonzales.............animals

2008-11-20 Thread Lone Wolf

South Texas county indicts Cheney, Gonzales
By Alex Lantier
20 November 2008

A grand jury in southern Texas' Willacy County has indicted US Vice
President Dick Cheney and former US attorney general Alberto Gonzales
on state charges of misconduct involving private prisons. The
indictment, brought by District Attorney Juan Angel Guerra, also names
several local officials.

The indictment alleges conflict of interest stemming from an $85
million investment by Cheney in the Vanguard Group, a company that
holds shares in private companies running federal detention centers,
noting that Cheney had influence over the federal contracts awarded to
the prison companies held by the Vanguard Group. The indictment also
names Cheney as responsible for at least misdemeanor assaults at
these prisons. The indictment accuses Gonzales of intervening, as US
Attorney General in 2006, to stop an investigation into abuses at
private prisons.

As of this writing, the presiding judge has declined to sign the
indictment, halting any further action on the case.

Willacy County hosts a series of federal, state and county prisons,
some of which are outsourced to private prison companies such as MTC
and the GEO Group (formerly Wackenhut). These prisons have a long
history of corruption and misconduct. In 2005 Guerra obtained guilty
pleas from three former county commissioners while investigating
bribery charges related to MTC's federal prison contracts.

In 2006, a Willacy County jury ordered GEO Group to pay a $47.5
million fine in a civil judgment on a 2001 case, when Wackenhut guards
allowed other inmates to beat inmate Gregorio de la Rosa Jr. to death
with padlocks stuffed into socks.

Guerra told the Associated Press the current indictment is a national
issue and that experts from around the country had testified before
the grand jury. The indictment reportedly refers to the de la Rosa

The indicted officials brushed off the charges. Agence France-Presse
wrote, Cheney's spokeswoman [Megan Mitchell] declined to comment
because his office had not yet received a copy of the indictment.
Mitchell arrogantly added, Let's wait and see if we even receive

Gonzales' attorney George Terwilliger III said, This is obviously a
bogus charge on its face, as any good prosecutor can recognize,
adding that he hoped Texas authorities would stop this abuse of the
criminal justice system.

Michael Cowen--the attorney for State Senator Eddie Lucio, who is also
named in the indictment--issued a statement declaring, It is a shame
that Guerra has chosen to dedicate his energy to fighting with his
fellow public servants, rather than actually prosecuting criminals.
In a revealing comment, Cowen added that Guerra dismissed so many
cases that local officials disparagingly called him The Great
Emancipator--a common name of respect for President Abraham Lincoln,
whose Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves after the US Civil
War. Cowen added that his office was planning to file a motion to
quash the indictment.

The pose of incredulity and aggrieved innocence struck by Cheney and
Gonzales reeks of hypocrisy and bad faith. Far from clearing them,
their record as members of the Bush administration suggests that
accusations of misconduct directed against them deserve due

Cheney is hated in the US and around the world for framing and
executing the Bush administration's policy of aggressive war, most
notably in Iraq, in flagrant violation of international law. His
longstanding policy is to shield himself from public oversight,
notably evading Congressional attempts to obtain records of his 2001
Energy Task Force meetings on Iraq with the grotesque claim that his
office is not part of the executive branch.

As for Gonzales, he resigned as Attorney General in disgrace last
year, after refusing to answer Congressional inquiries into the
Department of Justice's improper firings of US attorneys. As White
House counsel during the first Bush administration, he played a key
role in promoting the National Security Agency's warrantless
wiretapping program and helped draft legal memoranda arguing that the
Geneva Convention's provisions were quaint and need not be applied
to Taliban and al-Qaeda prisoners. Gonzales also requested the
torture memo that defined torture so narrowly as to permit US forces
to use abusive interrogation methods banned by US and international

District Attorney Guerra, on the other hand, has been the continuing
target of a campaign of official harassment, facing bogus charges of
extorting money from a bail bond company and using his office for
personal business.

In March 2007 Guerra was jailed during a grand jury investigation of
these charges. Two special prosecutors were appointed in the
investigation: former US attorney Mervyn Mosbacker and Gus Garza, who
ran against and lost to Guerra for the position of District Attorney
in 1992. Since 1996, notes the Harlingen, Texas Valley Morning Star,
Guerra has won three 

Mitt Romney another conservative animal

2008-11-20 Thread Lone Wolf

At the same time, there continues to be a torrent of media
commentaries opposing the bailout and demanding that Detroit's Big
Three automakers declare bankruptcy in order to rip up existing union
contracts and dump their pension and healthcare obligations. These
commentaries have come from the same people who enthusiastically
supported handing over more than a trillion dollars, with no strings
attached, to Wall Street.

In an op-ed column in Tuesday's New York Times, entitled, Let Detroit
Go Bankrupt, Mitt Romney, former Massachusetts governor and contender
for the Republican presidential nomination, insisted a managed
bankruptcy may be the only path to the fundamental restructuring the
industry needs in order to rid itself of insurmountable labor and
pension burdens.

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Re: the drive by media are comparing nobama to Lincoln

2008-11-20 Thread mark

obama and lincoln bwahahahahahahahahah

On Nov 19, 10:20 pm, Travis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No.  Linclon would prefer Atilla the Hun or ghingis Khan.

 On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 8:22 PM, rigsy03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Get a grip, Travis. I doubt Lincoln would compare himself to Obama!

  On Nov 19, 8:11 pm, Travis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   That was the only one left after comparisons to God and Jesus.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 1:44 PM, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED]

bwahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha God is that funny. nobama and
Lincoln. bwahahahahahahahah
the only thing they have in common is they are both from illinois. oh
wait, I forgot, nobama is from kenya, so they have nothing in common.


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for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread mark

for 8 yrs the dems and the liberal drive by media have stood in the
President's way while trying to fight the war on terror.  these fools
have made scurrilous and unproven statements, as well as committed
traitorous acts.  they have done more harm, and aided the enemy.  now
all of a sudden they want us all to rally behind der furher as he
fights the war on terror.  and to think, the ignorant people actually
put more of these idiots in congress.  unbelievable.  we are doomed
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Re: Anyone who feels I have unfairly moderated them, please let me know here.

2008-11-20 Thread mike [move on] 532

[ as you can see i did not wish to post this on here but your email
does not work so here is what you asked
for ! ]
show details 5:49 AM (1 hour ago) Reply

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

Delivery to the following recipients failed.


Final-Recipient: rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.5.0
Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 Requested action not taken: mailbox
unavailable (-715969955:3232:-2147467259)

-- Forwarded message --
From: mike 532 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 05:49:33 -0500
Subject: Fwd: message board
JGG1000 this is a copy of an email from WNCS .  you are free to do as
you wish but i will not post or respond to anything on garrs board
until WNCS is reinstated as a member in good standing and moderator if
she still wishes to do that .

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: message board
To: mike 532 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey mike,
Well we've had our differences but basically I always liked you. You
were right about Gaar and I was evidently wrong, I guess I wanted to
give him the benefit of the doubt.
I am banned from there already.
Thanks again for the kind words.

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 4:26 PM, mike 532 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

wncs !  if garr forces you off the board i will be leaving also . he
has very few people who post on the board travis , jgg, mark , herman,
you , himself, hollywood and maybe four or five more . and of those
only you hollywood and i post anything other than  conservative
talking points . with out you , hollywood and I his board will die .
without a counter point debate turns into a circle jerk . anyway if
you leave please send me an email and let me know either at this
address or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Any ship can be a minesweeper once ! mike532

On Nov 19, 12:03 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mike you aRE not lIBERAL BUT ILL INFORMED...   I can say that about
 many so called Conservatives...   You are NOT of a moderate POV
 either...  If anyone is here, I am Moderate-Conservative...   Your POV
 is on the Far LW of American Politics...

 Second, If what you say is true, provide a detailed post with links, I
 would join you...

 Third, I have done very publicly stood up to owners of forums,
 including demanding they ban me if what I said was untrue (the old NYT
 forum at the NYT)...   I was never booted, but in fact was one of the
 few posters who got a public post from the moderator asking me why
 THEY WERE WRONG  Which I replied publicly and privately...  My
 point here is you make a claim, now PROVE IT Publicly by links and
 quotes from actual posts...

 On Nov 19, 4:25 am, mike [move on] 532 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  it is obvious what garr is doing here . and i call for everyone on
  this board to boycott it until WNCS is reinstated as a moderator and
  member in good standing . i would also add unless you want this board
  to die as it did before . because of garr and his former moderators
  antics of banning anyone who disagreed with them until there was no
  one left .                                         when all of the
  liberal or moderate voices are silenced you will end up with five
  conservatives all telling each other how right they are !

  On Nov 18, 10:42 am, wncs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Thanks.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: where is the change????????????????

2008-11-20 Thread mark

now he adds a regurgitated washed up ex senator.  still do not see any
change.  what a farce.  the sheep have been fleeced and don't even
know it.

On Nov 19, 7:09 pm, rigsy03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone America elected this election is bound to fail. Republicans are
 relieved to lose this one.

 On Nov 19, 5:08 am, jenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  you sound like another stinking racist. give up. your guy lost and the
  Dems are in charge again. its time to clean up the huge mess Bushy has
  left us. bring on health care for all, and the end to stupid endless
  wars. jenius

  On Nov 18, 3:30 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   der furher has appointed 47 people so far for his fourth reich, and 37
   of them worked for clinton. sure doesn't look like change to me.
   looks like the same old same old.- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -
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Re: Soros-Funded Democratic Idea Factory Becomes Obama Policy

2008-11-20 Thread mark

it took him a while but soros finally managed to buy the presidency.

On Nov 19, 8:35 pm, Travis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Travis
 Subject: Soros-Funded Democratic Idea Factory Becomes Obama Policy
 Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008,

 Soros-Funded Democratic Idea Factory Becomes Obama Policy Font
 By Edwin Chen
  [image: Enlarge
 Nov. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Three blocks from the White House, on the 10th floor
 of a sleek glass building, young workers pound at computers, with giant
 flat-screen TVs overhead. It has the look and feel of a high-tech startup.
 In many ways it is. The product is ideas.
 Thanks in part to funding from benefactors such as billionaire George Soros,
 the Center for American Progress has become in just five years an
 intellectual wellspring for Democratic policy proposals, including many that
 are shaping the agenda of the new Obama administration.
 Much as the Heritage Foundation provided intellectual heft for the
 Republican Party in the 1980s, CAP has been an incubator for liberal thought
 and helped build the platform that triumphed in the 2008 campaign.
 ``What CAP has done is recapture the role of ideas as an important political
 force, something the Republicans had been better at for 25 years,'' said
 Walter Isaacson, president of the Aspen Institute, a non-partisan
 policy-research organization in Washington.
 CAP's president and founder, John Podesta, 59, former chief of staff to
 President Bill Clinton, is one of three people running the transition team
 for president-elect Barack Obama, 47. A squadron of CAP experts is working
 with them.
 Some of the group's recommendations already have been adopted by the
 Withdrawal of Troops
 These include the center's call for a gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops from
 Iraq and a buildup of forces in Afghanistan, a plan for universal health
 coverage through employer plans and proposals to create purchasing pools
 that allow small businesses to spread the cost among a larger group of
 workers. Obama has endorsed much of a CAP plan to create ``green jobs''
 linked to alleviating global climate change.
 CAP also is advocating the creation of a ``National Energy Council'' headed
 by an official with the stature of the national security adviser and who
 would be charged with ``transforming the energy base'' of the U.S. In
 addition, CAP urges the creation of a White House ``office of social
 entrepreneurship'' to spur new ideas for addressing social problems.
 To help promote its ideas, CAP employs 11 full-time bloggers who contribute
 to two Web sites, ThinkProgress and the Wonk Room; others prepare daily
 feeds for radio stations. The center's policy briefings are standing-room
 only, packed with lobbyists, advocacy-group representatives and reporters
 looking for insights on where the Obama administration is headed.
 `Premier Progressive'
 ``The center is the premier progressive think tank in Washington,'' said
 Mark Green, head of the New Democracy Project, an urban-affairs institute in
 New York.
 Just eight days after the Nov. 4 election, CAP released a 300,000-word
 volume called ``Change for America: A Progressive Blueprint for the 44th
 President'' that offers advice on issues such as economic revival and fixing
 the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Work on the book began almost a
 year ago.
 CAP, which has 180 staffers and a $27 million budget, devotes as much as
 half of its resources to promoting its ideas through blogs, events,
 publications and media outreach.
 The center's future was far from certain in 2003, when wealthy donors such
 as Soros and film producer Stephen Bing gave $10 million or more to fill
 what they believed was an intellectual void in the Democratic Party and
 create a vehicle to produce an agenda for the party's eventual return to
 Heritage Foundation
 Podesta modeled the center on the Heritage Foundation, which became the
 go-to policy-research organization in 1981 when newly elected President
 Ronald Reagan embraced its conservative ideas embodied in a book called
 ``Mandate for Leadership.'' Heritage was just seven years old.
 CAP and Heritage have something else in common.
 ``Others strive to be objective, we don't,'' said Jennifer Palmieri, CAP's
 vice president for communications.
 Podesta likes to say, ``we're not a think tank, we're an action tank,'' said
 Dan Weiss, an environmental activist who joined CAP last year.
 CAP isn't the only Democratic-leaning research organization in Washington
 with enhanced cachet after Obama's election.
 The 92-year-old Brookings Institution, for example, has advisers in Obama's
 inner circle, including economist Jason Furman and foreign-policy expert
 Susan Rice. Others are working either part-time or full-time in the Obama

Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread Travis
At the rate we are going, this country's got maybe 10 years.

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 6:14 AM, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 for 8 yrs the dems and the liberal drive by media have stood in the
 President's way while trying to fight the war on terror.  these fools
 have made scurrilous and unproven statements, as well as committed
 traitorous acts.  they have done more harm, and aided the enemy.  now
 all of a sudden they want us all to rally behind der furher as he
 fights the war on terror.  and to think, the ignorant people actually
 put more of these idiots in congress.  unbelievable.  we are doomed


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Does Anyone Have Our Back In the Carribean?

2008-11-20 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: 2008/11/19
Subject: Does Anyone Have Our Back In the Carribean?


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Re: Socialism and Medicine

2008-11-20 Thread Doc Holliday

I'll say it again LW, The quick fix for our economy is debt
forgiveness. What makes the economical world go round? The SOB at the
top are immune from the plight of depression(s) so for them this is
their way of putting us on our knees and licking their boots. This is
not about money for THEM it is about control! Human resources: to
them we are nothing but expendable rusource, and for the ones who are
in the know a thorn in their side. WE have no power unless we
forget about our special interest (gay marriage, bigotry, abortion
etc) and reform our minds and re-dedicate ourselves as a nation /eg
The Barn Raising Days and the gold standard. rant


On Nov 20, 1:00 am, \Lone Wolf\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I agree completely, the same applies to education, the banking system
 and public utilities. When the American dream was a valid term, the
 nominal tax rate for business was 75%.  Whether that is alot, or
 whether it is not, it was what was required to achieve social harmony
 and an equilibrium between the classes. At the end of the day business
 was still making money and the populace was generally content.

 Now you have a situation where 60% of business, pays no tax at all
 (after Bushes, tax cuts/breaks) so free health care and education go
 out the window at the same time wages and jobs are being slashed. How
 can an economy operate when the bottom 40% of the population owns 0.2%
 of total wealth and are carrying a debt burden of nearly 200% of their
 yearly income? What good is it giving money to the banks to pay off
 their debts, when no one has money to continue to use the credit
 facility the banks offer so they can continue to make profits?

 Obama is no socialist and he really has no intention of redistributing
 wealth, but for all those that are screaming Marxist, none of them
 have put up a viable alternative.

 Your a smart guy Doc. The richest 1% of Americans own more wealth than
 the bottom 90%. If they have all the wealth, then how does the economy
 function? You just can't print more money.

 On Nov 20, 12:34 pm, Doc Holliday [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  In itself Medicine should not be affiliated with a capitalist agenda.
  Medicine should be at everyone's disposal. Physician heel thyself
  and the damned FDA should be abolished etc! We are taught how not to
  have healthy habits etc and the for profit and drug co aren't that
  upset about it either. As long as we remain sick they shake the
  coins out of this piggy bank society along with all the other
  leeches / insurance co etc. What the hell is wrong with manufacturing
  etc to make a RESPECTABLE living instead of raping sick, suffering
  and dying people. I can understand charging for face lifts etc but for
  health issues, it's criminal


  On Nov 19, 6:35 pm, \Lone Wolf\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   You can't have socialized medicine in a capitalist world moron

   Any way you and you brain dead buddies are about find out what
   socialism is after Obama behaves more like a conservative than a
   democrat, after all there are all conservative misanthropes.

   On Nov 20, 7:17 am, M.A. Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Socialism and Medicineby William L. Anderson,Posted August 18, 2008This 
article originally appeared in the May, June, July and August 2008 
edition ofFreedom Dailypart I 
-- of 
Michael Moore’s latest “documentary,” calledSicko,is an indication of 
popular sentiment in this country, then the United States seems to be 
ready for what once was calledsocialized medicine,but today is better 
known as “single-payer medicine.” All of the candidates running for the 
Democratic nomination for president of the United States this year 
promised programs similar to what exists in countries such as Canada, 
France, and Great Britain. The Republicans are promising “socialism 
lite.” Both parties promise that the government will be paying much, 
much more.
Any discussion of medical care and its availability can stir emotions 
like nothing else. Any time I write on this subject in a public venue, 
I am assured of receiving strong hate mail from people who are 
convinced that I want only the rich to receive health care. Other 
people try to defend what exists in the United States today, which is 
not easily defended, at least not from a free-market point of view.
As I see it, the subject of medical care is extremely complex, not 
because of the nature of health care, but rather because of the vast 
number of government regulations and policies that already govern what 
currently exists. Government intervention into nearly every aspect of 
our lives is so common that people often lose sight of how things would 
operateabsentthe intervention. Furthermore, people seem to be convinced 
that government really is the answer when it comes to medical 

Re: Soros-Funded Democratic Idea Factory Becomes Obama Policy

2008-11-20 Thread Doc Holliday

What is Fascism; the lesser of the two evils? I don't think so. What
did we (who are the people) do to Benito Mussolini? The republican
are too loosing their head!


On Nov 19, 7:35 pm, Travis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Travis
 Subject: Soros-Funded Democratic Idea Factory Becomes Obama Policy
 Date: Tuesday, November 18, 2008,

 Soros-Funded Democratic Idea Factory Becomes Obama Policy Font
 By Edwin Chen
  [image: Enlarge
 Nov. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Three blocks from the White House, on the 10th floor
 of a sleek glass building, young workers pound at computers, with giant
 flat-screen TVs overhead. It has the look and feel of a high-tech startup.
 In many ways it is. The product is ideas.
 Thanks in part to funding from benefactors such as billionaire George Soros,
 the Center for American Progress has become in just five years an
 intellectual wellspring for Democratic policy proposals, including many that
 are shaping the agenda of the new Obama administration.
 Much as the Heritage Foundation provided intellectual heft for the
 Republican Party in the 1980s, CAP has been an incubator for liberal thought
 and helped build the platform that triumphed in the 2008 campaign.
 ``What CAP has done is recapture the role of ideas as an important political
 force, something the Republicans had been better at for 25 years,'' said
 Walter Isaacson, president of the Aspen Institute, a non-partisan
 policy-research organization in Washington.
 CAP's president and founder, John Podesta, 59, former chief of staff to
 President Bill Clinton, is one of three people running the transition team
 for president-elect Barack Obama, 47. A squadron of CAP experts is working
 with them.
 Some of the group's recommendations already have been adopted by the
 Withdrawal of Troops
 These include the center's call for a gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops from
 Iraq and a buildup of forces in Afghanistan, a plan for universal health
 coverage through employer plans and proposals to create purchasing pools
 that allow small businesses to spread the cost among a larger group of
 workers. Obama has endorsed much of a CAP plan to create ``green jobs''
 linked to alleviating global climate change.
 CAP also is advocating the creation of a ``National Energy Council'' headed
 by an official with the stature of the national security adviser and who
 would be charged with ``transforming the energy base'' of the U.S. In
 addition, CAP urges the creation of a White House ``office of social
 entrepreneurship'' to spur new ideas for addressing social problems.
 To help promote its ideas, CAP employs 11 full-time bloggers who contribute
 to two Web sites, ThinkProgress and the Wonk Room; others prepare daily
 feeds for radio stations. The center's policy briefings are standing-room
 only, packed with lobbyists, advocacy-group representatives and reporters
 looking for insights on where the Obama administration is headed.
 `Premier Progressive'
 ``The center is the premier progressive think tank in Washington,'' said
 Mark Green, head of the New Democracy Project, an urban-affairs institute in
 New York.
 Just eight days after the Nov. 4 election, CAP released a 300,000-word
 volume called ``Change for America: A Progressive Blueprint for the 44th
 President'' that offers advice on issues such as economic revival and fixing
 the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Work on the book began almost a
 year ago.
 CAP, which has 180 staffers and a $27 million budget, devotes as much as
 half of its resources to promoting its ideas through blogs, events,
 publications and media outreach.
 The center's future was far from certain in 2003, when wealthy donors such
 as Soros and film producer Stephen Bing gave $10 million or more to fill
 what they believed was an intellectual void in the Democratic Party and
 create a vehicle to produce an agenda for the party's eventual return to
 Heritage Foundation
 Podesta modeled the center on the Heritage Foundation, which became the
 go-to policy-research organization in 1981 when newly elected President
 Ronald Reagan embraced its conservative ideas embodied in a book called
 ``Mandate for Leadership.'' Heritage was just seven years old.
 CAP and Heritage have something else in common.
 ``Others strive to be objective, we don't,'' said Jennifer Palmieri, CAP's
 vice president for communications.
 Podesta likes to say, ``we're not a think tank, we're an action tank,'' said
 Dan Weiss, an environmental activist who joined CAP last year.
 CAP isn't the only Democratic-leaning research organization in Washington
 with enhanced cachet after Obama's election.
 The 92-year-old Brookings Institution, for example, has advisers in Obama's
 inner circle, including economist Jason Furman and 

U.S. Initial Jobless Claims Rose to 542,000 Last Week

2008-11-20 Thread Lone Wolf

U.S. Initial Jobless Claims Rose to 542,000 Last Week (Update1)

By Bob Willis

 Nov. 20 (Bloomberg) -- First-time claims for U.S. unemployment
insurance unexpectedly rose last week to the highest level since 1992,
a sign the labor market is deteriorating as the economic slump

Initial jobless claims increased by 27,000 to a higher- than-forecast
542,000 in the week ended Nov. 15, from 515,000 the prior week, the
Labor Department said today in Washington. The number of people
staying on benefit rolls the prior week rose to 4.012 million, the
most since December 1982.

Job losses in the U.S. have totaled 1.2 million this year as the
economy entered a downturn exacerbated by the worst credit crisis in
seven decades. More firings will weigh on the economy and consumer
spending, putting pressure on President- elect Barack Obama and
Congress to agree on legislation that will stimulate growth.

``Layoffs are picking up at a more rapid pace,'' said Jonathan Basile,
an economist at Credit Suisse Holdings Inc. in New York. ``This is a
reflection of the level of caution that hit the economy in October.
Payrolls are likely to get worse before they get better.''

Treasuries rose, pushing yields lower. The benchmark 10- year note
yielded 3.21 percent as of 8:45 a.m. in New York, down 12 basis points
from yesterday. Stock-index futures were lower.

Economists surveyed by Bloomberg had anticipated a reading of 505,000,
based on the median of 40 projections in a Bloomberg News survey, from
the originally reported 516,000 in the prior week. Estimates ranged
from 490,000 to 550,000 initial claims.

Four-Week Average

The four-week moving average of initial claims, a less volatile
measure, increased to 506,500 last week from 490,750 a week earlier.
So far this year, weekly claims have averaged 404,000, compared with
an average of 321,000 for all of 2007, when the economy added a total
of 1.1 million jobs.

The unemployment rate among people eligible for benefits, which tends
to track the jobless rate, rose to 3 percent, the highest since June
2003. These data are reported with a one-week lag.

Forty-three states and territories reported an increase in new claims,
while 10 reported a decrease.

Initial jobless claims averaged 416,000 a week during the last
recession, from March 2001 to November 2001, and rose to a high of
517,000 in the last week of September after the terrorist attacks on
New York and Washington.

The jobless rate rose to 6.5 percent in October, a 1.5 percentage
point jump from six months earlier and one sign the economy may have
entered a recession. The economy contracted 0.3 percent in the third
quarter and economists surveyed by Bloomberg forecast negative growth
of about 1 percent for the next six months.

Banks, Automakers

Companies are trimming staff as consumer spending is forecast to fall
through at least March, according to economists surveyed by Bloomberg
early this month. Banks, faced with mounting losses and writeoffs as
the financial crisis spread over the past year, have been sacking
thousands of workers.

Citigroup Inc., the fourth-largest U.S. bank, will eliminate 52,000
jobs over the next year, twice the target announced last month, as
loan losses surge and the economy shrinks, the company said Nov. 17.

``We thought last year the bottom had been reached, but it hasn't,''
Citigroup Chairman Win Bischoff said in a conference in Dubai. ``Most
responsible companies are getting into a planning cycle with more
pessimistic budgets than they have been in the past.''

Carmakers are also shedding workers. Ford Motor Co. plans temporary
shutdowns at nine North American plants this quarter, idling as many
as 23,000 workers, as it slashes production after an 18 percent drop
in U.S. sales this year, the company said Nov. 12.

To contact the reporter on this story: Bob Willis in Washington at

Last Updated: November
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Re: The coming Apocalypse

2008-11-20 Thread rigsy03

I predicted 7500- maybe that was too optimistic. Your post is
realistic. Obama's celebrity will last only so long esp as he appoints
retreads to his cabinet.//How does one un-spoil brats?

On Nov 19, 8:18 pm, Jim Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gee Wally; though I am hesitant to say I told you so, I did. As the
 Dow races to 7000 my prophetic, prescient, almost clairvoyant
 predictions of an economic apocalypse are tragically coming to
 fruition. Yet, it will get much, much worse; trust me. The vaunted
 $700 billion, “shuck and jive” has been as effective in loosening
 credit markets as Al Gore has been at losing weight. He’s still a fat
 bastard and our financial markets are circling the bowl. Here’s what
 you need to know.

 It’s too late to prop up our financial markets. The fire started by
 Democrat holdovers, flunkies and thieves in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
 has spread from our financials to industrials and even to internet
 advertising; ala Google’s dive today. Also note Yahoo is almost free
 and CBS is on life support at $5.00 a share. My point; every sector of
 our economy is in full nose dive.

 Just for kicks, let’s quickly stroll down memory lane and examine the
 cause of this winter of our discontent. Democrat hacks at Fannie and
 Freddie used sex, lies and videotape to cook the books, receive
 millions in target bonus’s and got congress to look the other way by
 bribing Democrats in the senate, “when republicans were in charge” and
 by bribing a lot of Democrats when they were in charge. Who said
 public service doesn’t pay? As republicans and President Bush were
 ringing the bell and shouting fire, democrats and the media minimized
 the alarm while shouting, “Racists pigs”.

 Fannie and Freddie currently hold $6 trillion dollars in toxic
 mortgages but, that doesn’t tell the whole story. Through the halls of
 these evil twins passed $50 trillion dollars in toxic mortgages. These
 mortgages were explicitly given to unqualified buyers, bundled
 together in hundreds of billions of dollar packages and securities
 were sold around the world with the collateral being these toxic,
 worthless mortgages. All the while, Democrats fiddled, as the world
 burned. As these mortgages defaulted, the securities backed by them
 became worthless. Companies holding these securities, overnight had
 seen their balance sheets lose trillions. The financial markets went
 into freefall. As the tsunami swept through the financials credit
 markets froze. Industries hadn’t the ability to short term borrow.
 Major stock indexes tanked; oil futures spiraled and even deflation of
 macro commodities ensued. It turned out to be an excrement sandwich.
 And, it’s only begun. It will get biblical; trust me, I have predicted
 this all.

 As expected, Democrats will bail out the car companies, insuring that
 they will indeed fail. This will spike unemployment into double digits
 and continue the domino sequential falling of economic indicators.
 While deflation will headline on the world stage, briefly, our most
 merciful government, under the messiah, “Barry O” massive capital
 infusions into the economy will rush, “fresh of the printing presses”
 into the economy, causing inflation percentages of 1000 percent;
 minimum. Prime Fed rates will approach 25% in an effort to curb
 inflation. The housing market will be destroyed, along with the seven
 or eight hundred businesses’s relying on it.

 A world wide depression will ensue. Yet, it will be a gradual decline;
 much like easing into a too hot bathtub. At the height of the second
 great depression America will have a 70% unemployment rate. Most
 workers, “still employed” will be employed by the government. There
 will be a 30% homeless rate and the end of western civilization will
 be at hand. In the first great depression America was much more rural,
 more self sufficient. Today we are more urban, more dependent on
 government, more hapless. We’ve lost that rugged individualism that
 our founders embodied and this nation was born with. We are spoiled,
 rich and sassy; unable to hunt, to fish, to grow our own food.
 Still, pause and reflect if you will, for in every calamity there is a
 teachable moment. Perhaps, just perhaps, as the phoenix rises from the
 ashes, whenever that future time is, it will be ingrained into the
 American psyche and told around the campfires dotted across these
 fruited plains. Liberalism is not tenable, it never was.
 Conservative Springfield 20 NOV 08
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Re: where is the change????????????????

2008-11-20 Thread rigsy03

And a female border governor who has swamped this country with
impoverished drug-running Mexicans!

On Nov 20, 6:39�am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 now he adds a regurgitated washed up ex senator. �still do not see any
 change. �what a farce. �the sheep have been fleeced and don't even
 know it.

 On Nov 19, 7:09 pm, rigsy03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Anyone America elected this election is bound to fail. Republicans are
  relieved to lose this one.

  On Nov 19, 5:08 am, jenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   you sound like another stinking racist. give up. your guy lost and the
   Dems are in charge again. its time to clean up the huge mess Bushy has
   left us. bring on health care for all, and the end to stupid endless
   wars. jenius

   On Nov 18, 3:30 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

der furher has appointed 47 people so far for his fourth reich, and 37
of them worked for clinton. sure doesn't look like change to me.
looks like the same old same old.- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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The drop in oil prices

2008-11-20 Thread rigsy03

may be a move to disempower Russia.
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Re: Socialism and Medicine

2008-11-20 Thread rigsy03

Don't count on Democrats to deal with illegal Hispanics as they now
have them as supporters/voters.

On Nov 20, 7:10 am, Doc Holliday [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'll say it again LW, The quick fix for our economy is debt
 forgiveness. What makes the economical world go round? The SOB at the
 top are immune from the plight of depression(s) so for them this is
 their way of putting us on our knees and licking their boots. This is
 not about money for THEM it is about control! Human resources: to
 them we are nothing but expendable rusource, and for the ones who are
 in the know a thorn in their side. WE have no power unless we
 forget about our special interest (gay marriage, bigotry, abortion
 etc) and reform our minds and re-dedicate ourselves as a nation /eg
 The Barn Raising Days and the gold standard. rant


 On Nov 20, 1:00 am, \Lone Wolf\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I agree completely, the same applies to education, the banking system
  and public utilities. When the American dream was a valid term, the
  nominal tax rate for business was 75%.  Whether that is alot, or
  whether it is not, it was what was required to achieve social harmony
  and an equilibrium between the classes. At the end of the day business
  was still making money and the populace was generally content.

  Now you have a situation where 60% of business, pays no tax at all
  (after Bushes, tax cuts/breaks) so free health care and education go
  out the window at the same time wages and jobs are being slashed. How
  can an economy operate when the bottom 40% of the population owns 0.2%
  of total wealth and are carrying a debt burden of nearly 200% of their
  yearly income? What good is it giving money to the banks to pay off
  their debts, when no one has money to continue to use the credit
  facility the banks offer so they can continue to make profits?

  Obama is no socialist and he really has no intention of redistributing
  wealth, but for all those that are screaming Marxist, none of them
  have put up a viable alternative.

  Your a smart guy Doc. The richest 1% of Americans own more wealth than
  the bottom 90%. If they have all the wealth, then how does the economy
  function? You just can't print more money.

  On Nov 20, 12:34 pm, Doc Holliday [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   In itself Medicine should not be affiliated with a capitalist agenda.
   Medicine should be at everyone's disposal. Physician heel thyself
   and the damned FDA should be abolished etc! We are taught how not to
   have healthy habits etc and the for profit and drug co aren't that
   upset about it either. As long as we remain sick they shake the
   coins out of this piggy bank society along with all the other
   leeches / insurance co etc. What the hell is wrong with manufacturing
   etc to make a RESPECTABLE living instead of raping sick, suffering
   and dying people. I can understand charging for face lifts etc but for
   health issues, it's criminal


   On Nov 19, 6:35 pm, \Lone Wolf\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You can't have socialized medicine in a capitalist world moron

Any way you and you brain dead buddies are about find out what
socialism is after Obama behaves more like a conservative than a
democrat, after all there are all conservative misanthropes.

On Nov 20, 7:17 am, M.A. Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Socialism and Medicineby William L. Anderson,Posted August 18, 
 2008This article originally appeared in the May, June, July and 
 August 2008 edition ofFreedom Dailypart I 
 Michael Moore’s latest “documentary,” calledSicko,is an indication of 
 popular sentiment in this country, then the United States seems to be 
 ready for what once was calledsocialized medicine,but today is better 
 known as “single-payer medicine.” All of the candidates running for 
 the Democratic nomination for president of the United States this 
 year promised programs similar to what exists in countries such as 
 Canada, France, and Great Britain. The Republicans are promising 
 “socialism lite.” Both parties promise that the government will be 
 paying much, much more.
 Any discussion of medical care and its availability can stir emotions 
 like nothing else. Any time I write on this subject in a public 
 venue, I am assured of receiving strong hate mail from people who are 
 convinced that I want only the rich to receive health care. Other 
 people try to defend what exists in the United States today, which is 
 not easily defended, at least not from a free-market point of view.
 As I see it, the subject of medical care is extremely complex, not 
 because of the nature of health care, but rather because of the vast 
 number of government regulations and policies that already govern 
 what currently exists. Government intervention into nearly 

The Imminent Downfall Of The United States

2008-11-20 Thread RW

Here's a link to the latest prophecy of prophetess Linda Newkirk about
the imminent downfall of the United States:
The Bible said in the last days it will be like Sodom and Gomorrha
again. Now they're trying to legalize same sex marriage. But also why
do the Republicans want to bail out crooked banks and insurance
companies but then not want to give any help to our auto industry that
employs 3 million people? AIG is getting $85 billion. They threw a
huge party after billionaire Henry Paulson II announced this. Remember
AIG's commercials in the last couple years? They advertised that
Progressive and Geico auto insurance was cheap, but call them and you
might save $300 or more over them. Almost like they knew they were
going to go bankrupt and the government was going to bail them out so
go ahead and throw sound business practices to the wind. Remember all
this bailout money is being borrowed from China and Japan. We're
getting where we can't hardly pay the interest on our huge national
debt. But Bush wants to veto extending unemployment benefits. He
should have been impeached several years ago. But the rapture of the
bride of Christ is near, so prepare my friends. The Bible said the
gospel must be preached in all the world unto all nations and then
shall the end come. Jimmy Swaggart just announced last Sunday that his
programs will now be on television in good time slots in Israel,
Egypt, Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran. Countries that have
never allowed the preaching of the gospel before. And it is prophesied
that there will be a revival in Israel about the time of the rapture
where all Israel will be saved. Romans 12.
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Re: where is the change????????????????

2008-11-20 Thread rigsy03

Obama is already stale and he hasn't even been sworn into office! lol

On Nov 20, 8:29�am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 same old spin. �he promised change. �his whole new testament was based
 on change. �this is turning into nothing more than a third clinton
 term. �no change. �just more lies and deceptions. �the sheep have been

 On Nov 20, 8:45 am, margareth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Would you really have preferred Paulsen, Cheney Haliburton, and Palin?
  Of course he would be expected to find his executive from the
  Democratic party, particularly those who have supported him through
  the campaign.

  On Nov 20, 7:39 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   now he adds a regurgitated washed up ex senator. �still do not see any
   change. �what a farce. �the sheep have been fleeced and don't even
   know it.

   On Nov 19, 7:09 pm, rigsy03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anyone America elected this election is bound to fail. Republicans are
relieved to lose this one.

On Nov 19, 5:08 am, jenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 you sound like another stinking racist. give up. your guy lost and the
 Dems are in charge again. its time to clean up the huge mess Bushy has
 left us. bring on health care for all, and the end to stupid endless
 wars. jenius

 On Nov 18, 3:30 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  der furher has appointed 47 people so far for his fourth reich, and 
  of them worked for clinton. sure doesn't look like change to me.
  looks like the same old same old.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: the drive by media are comparing nobama to Lincoln

2008-11-20 Thread rigsy03

Instead he got Robert E. Lee. No doubt about the final outcome of our
Civil War with all the northern manufacturing versus the agrarian
South. The CW solved nothing.

On Nov 19, 9:20�pm, Travis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 No. �Linclon would prefer Atilla the Hun or ghingis Khan.

 On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 8:22 PM, rigsy03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Get a grip, Travis. I doubt Lincoln would compare himself to Obama!

  On Nov 19, 8:11 pm, Travis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   That was the only one left after comparisons to God and Jesus.

  � On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 1:44 PM, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED]

bwahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha God is that funny. nobama and
Lincoln. bwahahahahahahahah
the only thing they have in common is they are both from illinois. oh
wait, I forgot, nobama is from kenya, so they have nothing in common.


 *~@):~{- Hide quoted text -

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Al Franken is another Gore

2008-11-20 Thread Philobealo
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Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread mark

ya know holly you really need to get a new load of crap cause the same
old one you kept hauling is really tarting to stink.  the dems blocked
everything when the republicans were in control.  ever hear of a
filibuster proof congress?  well the republicans never had that and
the dems stood in the way.  so now that der furher is about to start
the fourth reich, the dems want everyone to just get along.  well I
hope the republicans grow some balls, and tell the dems to go pound
sand.  the need to stand in the way of everything the socialist want
to do.  turn about is fair game, eh?

On Nov 20, 10:46 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Let's see ,the Democrats have been able to do all these naughty things
 with a Republican in the White House and Republicans controlling
 Congress for 6 of the 8 years.
 Gee, I guess that would make Republicans impotent, incompetent fucks,
 wouldn't it?

 On Nov 20, 6:14 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  for 8 yrs the dems and the liberal drive by media have stood in the
  President's way while trying to fight the war on terror.  these fools
  have made scurrilous and unproven statements, as well as committed
  traitorous acts.  they have done more harm, and aided the enemy.  now
  all of a sudden they want us all to rally behind der furher as he
  fights the war on terror.  and to think, the ignorant people actually
  put more of these idiots in congress.  unbelievable.  we are doomed
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Re: where is the change????????????????

2008-11-20 Thread rigsy03

Governor Janet Napolitano-AZ- Homeland Security.

On Nov 20, 9:11�am, rigsy03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And a female border governor who has swamped this country with
 impoverished drug-running Mexicans!

 On Nov 20, 6:39 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  now he adds a regurgitated washed up ex senator. still do not see any
  change. what a farce. the sheep have been fleeced and don't even
  know it.

  On Nov 19, 7:09 pm, rigsy03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Anyone America elected this election is bound to fail. Republicans are
   relieved to lose this one.

   On Nov 19, 5:08 am, jenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

you sound like another stinking racist. give up. your guy lost and the
Dems are in charge again. its time to clean up the huge mess Bushy has
left us. bring on health care for all, and the end to stupid endless
wars. jenius

On Nov 18, 3:30 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 der furher has appointed 47 people so far for his fourth reich, and 37
 of them worked for clinton. sure doesn't look like change to me.
 looks like the same old same old.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread Hollywood


The truth is the truth lad. You keep making the same bullshit
statements and I'll keep giving you the same answers.

Aww, boo-fucking-hoo.

On Nov 20, 10:06 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ya know holly you really need to get a new load of crap cause the same
 old one you kept hauling is really tarting to stink.  the dems blocked
 everything when the republicans were in control.  ever hear of a
 filibuster proof congress?  well the republicans never had that and
 the dems stood in the way.  so now that der furher is about to start
 the fourth reich, the dems want everyone to just get along.  well I
 hope the republicans grow some balls, and tell the dems to go pound
 sand.  the need to stand in the way of everything the socialist want
 to do.  turn about is fair game, eh?

 On Nov 20, 10:46 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Let's see ,the Democrats have been able to do all these naughty things
  with a Republican in the White House and Republicans controlling
  Congress for 6 of the 8 years.
  Gee, I guess that would make Republicans impotent, incompetent fucks,
  wouldn't it?

  On Nov 20, 6:14 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   for 8 yrs the dems and the liberal drive by media have stood in the
   President's way while trying to fight the war on terror.  these fools
   have made scurrilous and unproven statements, as well as committed
   traitorous acts.  they have done more harm, and aided the enemy.  now
   all of a sudden they want us all to rally behind der furher as he
   fights the war on terror.  and to think, the ignorant people actually
   put more of these idiots in congress.  unbelievable.  we are doomed- Hide 
   quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: Al Franken is another Gore

2008-11-20 Thread Zebnick

As much as I dislike Gore and think he is bad, bad, bad for this
country, I would never insult him by comparing him to that steaming
pile of fetid dog shit, Al Frankin.

On Nov 20, 10:51 am, Philobealo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
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Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread Zebnick

Holly, you fucking don't pay fucking attention , do you? The fucking
media, along with fucking obstructionist fucking Democrats in fucking
Congress did everything they fucking could to undermine the
administration and the fucking foreign policy of this country. Do you
fucking understand?

On Nov 20, 10:46 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Let's see ,the Democrats have been able to do all these naughty things
 with a Republican in the White House and Republicans controlling
 Congress for 6 of the 8 years.
 Gee, I guess that would make Republicans impotent, incompetent fucks,
 wouldn't it?

 On Nov 20, 6:14 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  for 8 yrs the dems and the liberal drive by media have stood in the
  President's way while trying to fight the war on terror.  these fools
  have made scurrilous and unproven statements, as well as committed
  traitorous acts.  they have done more harm, and aided the enemy.  now
  all of a sudden they want us all to rally behind der furher as he
  fights the war on terror.  and to think, the ignorant people actually
  put more of these idiots in congress.  unbelievable.  we are doomed- Hide 
  quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread Hollywood


Let's see ,the Democrats have been able to do all these naughty things
with a Republican in the White House and Republicans controlling
Congress for 6 of the 8 years.
Gee, I guess that would make Republicans impotent, incompetent fucks,
wouldn't it?

On Nov 20, 6:14 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 for 8 yrs the dems and the liberal drive by media have stood in the
 President's way while trying to fight the war on terror.  these fools
 have made scurrilous and unproven statements, as well as committed
 traitorous acts.  they have done more harm, and aided the enemy.  now
 all of a sudden they want us all to rally behind der furher as he
 fights the war on terror.  and to think, the ignorant people actually
 put more of these idiots in congress.  unbelievable.  we are doomed
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Re: Anyone who feels I have unfairly moderated them, please let me know here.

2008-11-20 Thread mike [move on] 532

JGG1000 this is a copy of an email from WNCS .  you are free to do as
you wish but i will not post or respond to anything on garrs board
until WNCS is reinstated as a member in good standing and moderator
she still wishes to do that .

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: message board
To: mike 532 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey mike,
Well we've had our differences but basically I always liked you. You
were right about Gaar and I was evidently wrong, I guess I wanted to
give him the benefit of the doubt.
I am banned from there already.
Thanks again for the kind words.

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 4:26 PM, mike 532 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

wncs !  if garr forces you off the board i will be leaving also . he
has very few people who post on the board travis , jgg, mark ,
you , himself, hollywood and maybe four or five more . and of those
only you hollywood and i post anything other than  conservative
talking points . with out you , hollywood and I his board will die .
without a counter point debate turns into a circle jerk . anyway if
you leave please send me an email and let me know either at this
address or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Any ship can be a minesweeper once ! mike532

On Nov 20, 7:33 am, mike [move on] 532 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 [ as you can see i did not wish to post this on here but your email
 does not work so here is what you asked
 for ! ]
 show details 5:49 AM (1 hour ago) Reply

 This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

 Delivery to the following recipients failed.


 Final-Recipient: rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Action: failed
 Status: 5.5.0
 Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 Requested action not taken: mailbox
 unavailable (-715969955:3232:-2147467259)

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: mike 532 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 05:49:33 -0500
 Subject: Fwd: message board

 JGG1000 this is a copy of an email from WNCS .  you are free to do as
 you wish but i will not post or respond to anything on garrs board
 until WNCS is reinstated as a member in good standing and moderator if
 she still wishes to do that .

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 5:42 PM
 Subject: Re: message board
 To: mike 532 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hey mike,
 Well we've had our differences but basically I always liked you. You
 were right about Gaar and I was evidently wrong, I guess I wanted to
 give him the benefit of the doubt.
 I am banned from there already.
 Thanks again for the kind words.

 On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 4:26 PM, mike 532 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 wncs !  if garr forces you off the board i will be leaving also . he
 has very few people who post on the board travis , jgg, mark , herman,
 you , himself, hollywood and maybe four or five more . and of those
 only you hollywood and i post anything other than  conservative
 talking points . with out you , hollywood and I his board will die .
 without a counter point debate turns into a circle jerk . anyway if
 you leave please send me an email and let me know either at this
 address or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Any ship can be a minesweeper once ! mike532

 On Nov 19, 12:03 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Mike you aRE not lIBERAL BUT ILL INFORMED...   I can say that about
  many so called Conservatives...   You are NOT of a moderate POV
  either...  If anyone is here, I am Moderate-Conservative...   Your POV
  is on the Far LW of American Politics...

  Second, If what you say is true, provide a detailed post with links, I
  would join you...

  Third, I have done very publicly stood up to owners of forums,
  including demanding they ban me if what I said was untrue (the old NYT
  forum at the NYT)...   I was never booted, but in fact was one of the
  few posters who got a public post from the moderator asking me why
  THEY WERE WRONG  Which I replied publicly and privately...  My
  point here is you make a claim, now PROVE IT Publicly by links and
  quotes from actual posts...

  On Nov 19, 4:25 am, mike [move on] 532 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   it is obvious what garr is doing here . and i call for everyone on
   this board to boycott it until WNCS is reinstated as a moderator and
   member in good standing . i would also add unless you want this board
   to die as it did before . because of garr and his former moderators
   antics of banning anyone who disagreed with them until there was no
   one left .                                         when all of the
   liberal or moderate voices are silenced you will end up with five
   conservatives all telling each other how right they are !

   On Nov 18, 10:42 am, wncs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks.- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread mark

so holly, since the dems have been in control for the last 2 yrs, then
they are to blame for everything that has happened right?  the
economy, the gas prices, the stock market, and on and on.  right?
they are in charge, right?

On Nov 20, 11:55 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Oh the drama! Everyone's against me, it's a conspiracy!
 Mw, they won't let me do what I want for any reason I want to
 anyone I want! They keep, like, asking me questions n'stuff and
 criticizing me. W!

 On Nov 20, 10:27 am, Zebnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Holly, you fucking don't pay fucking attention , do you? The fucking
  media, along with fucking obstructionist fucking Democrats in fucking
  Congress did everything they fucking could to undermine the
  administration and the fucking foreign policy of this country. Do you
  fucking understand?

  On Nov 20, 10:46 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   Let's see ,the Democrats have been able to do all these naughty things
   with a Republican in the White House and Republicans controlling
   Congress for 6 of the 8 years.
   Gee, I guess that would make Republicans impotent, incompetent fucks,
   wouldn't it?

   On Nov 20, 6:14 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

for 8 yrs the dems and the liberal drive by media have stood in the
President's way while trying to fight the war on terror.  these fools
have made scurrilous and unproven statements, as well as committed
traitorous acts.  they have done more harm, and aided the enemy.  now
all of a sudden they want us all to rally behind der furher as he
fights the war on terror.  and to think, the ignorant people actually
put more of these idiots in congress.  unbelievable.  we are doomed- 
Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -
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Re: where is the change????????????????

2008-11-20 Thread Cold Water

Something most will not remember - Janet Napolitiano represented Anita Hill.


- Original Message - 
From: rigsy03 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PoliticalForum
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 10:55
Subject: Re: where is the change

Governor Janet Napolitano-AZ- Homeland Security.

On Nov 20, 9:11�am, rigsy03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And a female border governor who has swamped this country with
 impoverished drug-running Mexicans!

 On Nov 20, 6:39 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  now he adds a regurgitated washed up ex senator. still do not see any
  change. what a farce. the sheep have been fleeced and don't even
  know it.

  On Nov 19, 7:09 pm, rigsy03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Anyone America elected this election is bound to fail. Republicans are
   relieved to lose this one.

   On Nov 19, 5:08 am, jenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

you sound like another stinking racist. give up. your guy lost and 
Dems are in charge again. its time to clean up the huge mess Bushy 
left us. bring on health care for all, and the end to stupid endless
wars. jenius

On Nov 18, 3:30 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 der furher has appointed 47 people so far for his fourth reich, 
 and 37
 of them worked for clinton. sure doesn't look like change to me.
 looks like the same old same old.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread Cold Water

You are talking his language now Zeb.


- Original Message - 
To: PoliticalForum
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 11:27
Subject: Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

Holly, you fucking don't pay fucking attention , do you? The fucking
media, along with fucking obstructionist fucking Democrats in fucking
Congress did everything they fucking could to undermine the
administration and the fucking foreign policy of this country. Do you
fucking understand?

On Nov 20, 10:46 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Let's see ,the Democrats have been able to do all these naughty things
 with a Republican in the White House and Republicans controlling
 Congress for 6 of the 8 years.
 Gee, I guess that would make Republicans impotent, incompetent fucks,
 wouldn't it?

 On Nov 20, 6:14 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  for 8 yrs the dems and the liberal drive by media have stood in the
  President's way while trying to fight the war on terror. these fools
  have made scurrilous and unproven statements, as well as committed
  traitorous acts. they have done more harm, and aided the enemy. now
  all of a sudden they want us all to rally behind der furher as he
  fights the war on terror. and to think, the ignorant people actually
  put more of these idiots in congress. unbelievable. we are doomed- Hide 
  quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread Cold Water

Marks makes a valid point and by denying it's validity you lose any 
credibility in the discussion.

Let's try something crazy here Woody and actually have an honest discussion. 
I tend to believe that divided government was the original intent of the 
framers for so many obvious reasons not the least of which is that 
compromise and a consensus-driven government will produce the checks and 
balances the founders intended.  Are you saying the paradoxical circumstance 
we now face of having the Democrats in charge of both elected branches will 
provide more balanced and effective governance than the split governments we 
have so recently endured?

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China hacking US defense secrets

2008-11-20 Thread Philobealo
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U.S. Economy: Jobless Claims Approach Highest Level Since 1982

2008-11-20 Thread Lone Wolf

U.S. Economy: Jobless Claims Approach Highest Level Since 1982

By Bob Willis and Shobhana Chandra

Nov. 20 (Bloomberg) -- The number of Americans filing for unemployment
benefits approached a 26-year high, and a gauge of the economy's
future performance dropped, sending yields on benchmark Treasuries to
record lows.

Initial jobless claims climbed to a higher-than-forecast 542,000 in
the week ended Nov. 15, the Labor Department said today in Washington.
The Conference Board's index of leading economic indicators declined
0.8 percent, and a measure of manufacturing in the Philadelphia region
fell to an 18-year low.

The U.S. stock market's benchmark index headed for its biggest annual
decline on record, and yields on two-, five- and 30-year Treasuries
posted historic lows as confidence in the economic outlook evaporated.
The turmoil may intensify pressure on the Federal Reserve and incoming
President Barack Obama's administration to take fresh steps to shore
up the economy.

``The economic contraction appears to be worsening,'' said Sal
Guatieri, a senior economist at BMO Capital Markets in Toronto. ``The
stock markets are plunging, people are retrenching and manufacturing
activity is virtually falling off a cliff. The increase in layoffs can
only worsen the economic downturn.''

First-time jobless claims last week were the highest since 1982, with
the exception of a one-week jump in filings in July 1992 caused by
temporary layoffs at General Motors Corp. The number of people staying
on benefit rolls rose to 4.012 million, the most since December 1982,
in the week to Nov. 8.

Economists' Forecasts

Economists surveyed by Bloomberg News had anticipated a reading of
505,000 for last week, based on the median of 40 projections. Claims
for the prior week were revised to 515,000 from 516,000.

``This is a reflection of the level of caution that hit the economy in
October,'' said Jonathan Basile, an economist at Credit Suisse
Holdings Inc. in New York. He added that payroll losses, already
totaling 1.2 million this year, will likely ``get worse before they
get better.''

The Standard  Poor's 500 Stock Index fell 1.5 percent to 794.48 at
11:53 a.m. in New York, and at one point headed for an annual decline
of 47 percent. Ten-year Treasury yields dropped to 3.18 percent from
3.32 percent late yesterday, and two-year yields slid below 1

Companies are trimming staff as consumer spending is forecast to fall
through at least March, according to economists surveyed by Bloomberg
early this month. Banks, faced with mounting losses and write-offs as
the financial crisis spread over the past year, have been sacking
thousands of workers.

Citigroup Losses

Citigroup Inc., the fourth-largest U.S. bank, will eliminate 52,000
jobs over the next year, twice the target announced last month, as
loan losses surge and the economy shrinks, the company said Nov. 17.
The company's shares today reached the lowest level since 1994.

``We thought last year the bottom had been reached, but it hasn't,''
Citigroup Chairman Win Bischoff said in a conference in Dubai. ``Most
responsible companies are getting into a planning cycle with more
pessimistic budgets than they have been in the past.''

Carmakers are also firing workers. Ford Motor Co. plans temporary
shutdowns at nine North American plants this quarter, idling as many
as 23,000 workers, as it slashes production after an 18 percent drop
in U.S. sales this year, the company said Nov. 12.

Forty-three states and territories reported an increase in new claims,
while 10 reported a decrease. The unemployment rate among people
eligible for benefits, which tends to track the jobless rate, rose to
3 percent, the highest since June 2003. These data are reported with a
one-week lag.

Initial jobless claims averaged 416,000 a week during the last
recession, from March 2001 to November 2001.

Philadelphia Index

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia's general economic index was
minus 39.3 this month, weaker than forecast and the lowest reading
since October 1990, from minus 37.5 in October, the bank said today.
Negative readings signal contraction. The index averaged 5.1 last

The deepening credit crisis and economic slump are forcing companies
to trim payrolls, investment and production. Slowing global demand is
weighing on manufacturing, which accounts for about 12 percent of the
U.S. economy.

``Manufacturers are getting hit by several different forces,'' Dean
Maki, co-chief global economist at Barclays Capital Markets in New
York, said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. ``Exports are
being hit pretty hard because the slowdown is heading abroad as

Component Measures

Six of the 10 indicators in today's Conference Board report dragged
the index down, led by plunging stock prices, which subtracted 0.89
percentage point. The Standard  Poor's 500 index dropped 20 percent
last month from September.

The index was forecast to decline 0.6 percent, according to 

DON'T WORRY ABOUT MYTHICAL GW. Earth recovering from mini ice age and volcanic eruptions.

2008-11-20 Thread Hank Kroll

The increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
are not the only factors influencing climate. Explosive volcanic
eruptions can inject enormous amounts of sulfur dioxide and ash into
the atmosphere. Aerosol particles injected into the stratosphere can
result in climate changes lasting up to several years. Observed
climatic responses to the Mt. Pinatubo eruption have included
tropospheric cooling, stratospheric warming, and an overall drop of
about 0.5°C in the global average surface temperature.

The IPCC base their whole theory of global warming on a global
temperature rise of .4 degrees C over a period of five decades and are
blaming it on the human release of aerosol gases and the trace gas
CO2. Do you see the disparity here?

“There are not yet comprehensive estimates of how the effects of
changes in aerosol concentrations, changes in land cover and land use,
and changes in concentrations of greenhouse gases will combine with
natural influences to alter the global climate. Examination of the
temperature record of the last 100 years does show a warming of about
0.5°C, only temporarily reversed recently by the volcanic influence of
Mt. Pinatubo, suggesting that the enhanced greenhouse effect is
exerting the primary influence. The fact that this warming is somewhat
less and different in timing than that predicted by computer models
emphasizes the need for continuing research directed toward gaining a
better understanding of both human and natural influences such as
solar variability on the climate system.” –Global Cooling Google

“It is estimated that when Mount Pinatubo erupted the ash spread in
the upper atmosphere lowering global temperatures .5 degrees C. Mount
Pinatubo, active volcano in the Philippines, in the central part of
the island of Luzon, at the juncture of Tarlac, Zambales, and Pampanga
provinces. Mount Pinatubo is almost 90 km (55 mi) north of Manila and
about 24 km (about 16 mi) east of Angeles, where the United States Air
Force Base known as the Clark Air Base was located. Until 1991, Mount
Pinatubo was classified as inactive because it had been dormant for at
least 600 years. In June and July of that year, the volcano erupted
several times, throwing millions of tons of ash and other volcanic
material over 15,000 m (almost 50,000 ft) high into the atmosphere.
Much of this volcanic material spread around the world in the upper
atmosphere. Locally, the ash reached a depth of more than 3 m (10 ft).
Heavy tropical rains turned the ash to mud and triggered massive
mudslides. By late August 1991 it was estimated that 550 people had
died because of the eruption and its aftermath. In addition, more than
650,000 people had lost their livelihood, and 100,000 hectares (almost
250,000 acres) of agricultural land had been devastated. The ash
covered nearby Clark Air Base and sped up the U.S. pullout from Clark,
which was until 1991 one of the largest U.S. Air Force bases outside
of the United States. Mount Pinatubo erupted again in August 1992,
causing more destruction. Mount Pinatubo is 1,780 m (5,840 ft) high.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All
rights reserved.
“Krakatau, also Krakatoa or Rakata, small volcanic island,
southwestern Indonesia, in the Sunda Strait, between Java and Sumatra.
Until the night of August 26-27, 1883, Krakatau had an area of 47 sq
km (18 sq mi); at that time, a volcanic eruption and its consequent
explosions destroyed most of the island, so the present area is only
15 sq km (6 sq mi). The eruption produced huge ocean waves called
tsunamis that reached an estimated height of 30 m (100 ft) and
traveled 13,000 km (8,000 mi); these waves drowned about 34,000 people
along the coasts of Java and Sumatra and destroyed incalculable
amounts of property. In addition, pyroclastic flows of hot volcanic
ash traveled more than 40 km (25 mi) across the surface of the sea and
fatally burned at least 2,000 people. An explosion in the eruption
series produced one of the loudest noises in history; it was heard at
a distance of 4,800 km (3,000 mi). The material ejected was in the
form of fine dust, which was diffused by aerial currents throughout
the upper atmosphere; for three years thereafter, observers all over
the world reported brilliant colorations of sunrise and sunset, caused
by the refraction of the rays of the sun by these tiny particles. The
island displayed volcanic activity again in 1927, and the inhabitants
were evacuated; the island is now uninhabited. Microsoft ® Encarta ®
2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

When Novarupta erupted making a crater three miles wide it dumped six-
feet of ash on Kodiak Island and over a foot of ash on the city of
Anchorage Alaska 250 miles to the Northeast lowering global
temperatures three 

Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread Zebnick

Just putting the fucks in there so you have something to relate to,
Holly. I know how hard it is for you to communicate without a liberal
dose of fucks.

On Nov 20, 11:55 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Oh the drama! Everyone's against me, it's a conspiracy!
 Mw, they won't let me do what I want for any reason I want to
 anyone I want! They keep, like, asking me questions n'stuff and
 criticizing me. W!

 On Nov 20, 10:27 am, Zebnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Holly, you fucking don't pay fucking attention , do you? The fucking
  media, along with fucking obstructionist fucking Democrats in fucking
  Congress did everything they fucking could to undermine the
  administration and the fucking foreign policy of this country. Do you
  fucking understand?

  On Nov 20, 10:46 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   Let's see ,the Democrats have been able to do all these naughty things
   with a Republican in the White House and Republicans controlling
   Congress for 6 of the 8 years.
   Gee, I guess that would make Republicans impotent, incompetent fucks,
   wouldn't it?

   On Nov 20, 6:14 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

for 8 yrs the dems and the liberal drive by media have stood in the
President's way while trying to fight the war on terror.  these fools
have made scurrilous and unproven statements, as well as committed
traitorous acts.  they have done more harm, and aided the enemy.  now
all of a sudden they want us all to rally behind der furher as he
fights the war on terror.  and to think, the ignorant people actually
put more of these idiots in congress.  unbelievable.  we are doomed- 
Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread Hollywood


Yeah, but he's not as fucking creative as I am.

On Nov 20, 12:40 pm, Cold Water [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You are talking his language now Zeb.


 - Original Message -
 From: Zebnick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: PoliticalForum
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 11:27
 Subject: Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

 Holly, you fucking don't pay fucking attention , do you? The fucking
 media, along with fucking obstructionist fucking Democrats in fucking
 Congress did everything they fucking could to undermine the
 administration and the fucking foreign policy of this country. Do you
 fucking understand?

 On Nov 20, 10:46 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Let's see ,the Democrats have been able to do all these naughty things
  with a Republican in the White House and Republicans controlling
  Congress for 6 of the 8 years.
  Gee, I guess that would make Republicans impotent, incompetent fucks,
  wouldn't it?

  On Nov 20, 6:14 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   for 8 yrs the dems and the liberal drive by media have stood in the
   President's way while trying to fight the war on terror. these fools
   have made scurrilous and unproven statements, as well as committed
   traitorous acts. they have done more harm, and aided the enemy. now
   all of a sudden they want us all to rally behind der furher as he
   fights the war on terror. and to think, the ignorant people actually
   put more of these idiots in congress. unbelievable. we are doomed- Hide
   quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread Hollywood


We've already experienced what happen when the Republicans control
both the WH and the Congress, haven't we?
How much worse can the Democrats fuck up?

On Nov 20, 1:02 pm, Cold Water [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Marks makes a valid point and by denying it's validity you lose any
 credibility in the discussion.

 Let's try something crazy here Woody and actually have an honest discussion.
 I tend to believe that divided government was the original intent of the
 framers for so many obvious reasons not the least of which is that
 compromise and a consensus-driven government will produce the checks and
 balances the founders intended.  Are you saying the paradoxical circumstance
 we now face of having the Democrats in charge of both elected branches will
 provide more balanced and effective governance than the split governments we
 have so recently endured?
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Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread Cold Water

I don't know Woody.  The Republicans never had a filibuster proof majority. 
We are going in circles now. dizzy


- Original Message - 
From: Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: PoliticalForum
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 04:03
Subject: Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way


We've already experienced what happen when the Republicans control
both the WH and the Congress, haven't we?
How much worse can the Democrats fuck up?

On Nov 20, 1:02 pm, Cold Water [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Marks makes a valid point and by denying it's validity you lose any
 credibility in the discussion.

 Let's try something crazy here Woody and actually have an honest 
 I tend to believe that divided government was the original intent of the
 framers for so many obvious reasons not the least of which is that
 compromise and a consensus-driven government will produce the checks and
 balances the founders intended. Are you saying the paradoxical 
 we now face of having the Democrats in charge of both elected branches 
 provide more balanced and effective governance than the split governments 
 have so recently endured?

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So who still believes that the tax cuts to the rich works?

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

So who still believes that the tax cuts to the rich works?

November 20, 2008
Sean Lewis

Bush Republicans the country is now suffering from the arrogant
incompetence of an ignorant President and a self serving Republican
Administration and Republican controlled Congress.

I repeatedly warned of the Economic Cascade Effect that would occur,
and now we are unfortunately seeing these warning played out.

Years from now I wonder how many of you who voted for Bush TWICE
will actually admit this to your children, family and friends.

The Bush Presidency has done what the 9/11 attacks did not achieve,
destroyed the Preeminence of the United States financially,
ethically, politically and militarily.

Bin Laden could not have asked for a better Ally!

You don't believe me? Then read my posts from the past

There are more but you get the point!
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Re: where is the change????????????????

2008-11-20 Thread Hollywood


Wow, and all this time I thought it was the responsibility of the
Federal Govt. to secure our international borders. Silly me.

On Nov 20, 9:11 am, rigsy03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And a female border governor who has swamped this country with
 impoverished drug-running Mexicans!

 On Nov 20, 6:39 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  now he adds a regurgitated washed up ex senator. still do not see any
  change. what a farce. the sheep have been fleeced and don't even
  know it.

  On Nov 19, 7:09 pm, rigsy03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Anyone America elected this election is bound to fail. Republicans are
   relieved to lose this one.

   On Nov 19, 5:08 am, jenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

you sound like another stinking racist. give up. your guy lost and the
Dems are in charge again. its time to clean up the huge mess Bushy has
left us. bring on health care for all, and the end to stupid endless
wars. jenius

On Nov 18, 3:30 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 der furher has appointed 47 people so far for his fourth reich, and 37
 of them worked for clinton. sure doesn't look like change to me.
 looks like the same old same old.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: Anyone who feels I have unfairly moderated them, please let me know here.

2008-11-20 Thread jgg1000a

jgg1000 is an old email account...  Yes for your information jgg1000
ia alive and well...   Sorry you were unable to clutter my emial

On Nov 20, 7:33 am, mike [move on] 532 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 [ as you can see i did not wish to post this on here but your email
 does not work so here is what you asked
 for ! ]
 show details 5:49 AM (1 hour ago) Reply

 This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.

 Delivery to the following recipients failed.


 Final-Recipient: rfc822;[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Action: failed
 Status: 5.5.0
 Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 Requested action not taken: mailbox
 unavailable (-715969955:3232:-2147467259)

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: mike 532 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 05:49:33 -0500
 Subject: Fwd: message board

 JGG1000 this is a copy of an email from WNCS .  you are free to do as
 you wish but i will not post or respond to anything on garrs board
 until WNCS is reinstated as a member in good standing and moderator if
 she still wishes to do that .

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 5:42 PM
 Subject: Re: message board
 To: mike 532 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hey mike,
 Well we've had our differences but basically I always liked you. You
 were right about Gaar and I was evidently wrong, I guess I wanted to
 give him the benefit of the doubt.
 I am banned from there already.
 Thanks again for the kind words.

 On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 4:26 PM, mike 532 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 wncs !  if garr forces you off the board i will be leaving also . he
 has very few people who post on the board travis , jgg, mark , herman,
 you , himself, hollywood and maybe four or five more . and of those
 only you hollywood and i post anything other than  conservative
 talking points . with out you , hollywood and I his board will die .
 without a counter point debate turns into a circle jerk . anyway if
 you leave please send me an email and let me know either at this
 address or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Any ship can be a minesweeper once ! mike532

 On Nov 19, 12:03 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Mike you aRE not lIBERAL BUT ILL INFORMED...   I can say that about
  many so called Conservatives...   You are NOT of a moderate POV
  either...  If anyone is here, I am Moderate-Conservative...   Your POV
  is on the Far LW of American Politics...

  Second, If what you say is true, provide a detailed post with links, I
  would join you...

  Third, I have done very publicly stood up to owners of forums,
  including demanding they ban me if what I said was untrue (the old NYT
  forum at the NYT)...   I was never booted, but in fact was one of the
  few posters who got a public post from the moderator asking me why
  THEY WERE WRONG  Which I replied publicly and privately...  My
  point here is you make a claim, now PROVE IT Publicly by links and
  quotes from actual posts...

  On Nov 19, 4:25 am, mike [move on] 532 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   it is obvious what garr is doing here . and i call for everyone on
   this board to boycott it until WNCS is reinstated as a moderator and
   member in good standing . i would also add unless you want this board
   to die as it did before . because of garr and his former moderators
   antics of banning anyone who disagreed with them until there was no
   one left . when all of the
   liberal or moderate voices are silenced you will end up with five
   conservatives all telling each other how right they are !

   On Nov 18, 10:42 am, wncs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks.- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -
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When will the Left accept this fact

2008-11-20 Thread jgg1000a

an Iraqi-American alliance because a majority of Iraqi perfer us as
allies to countries like Saudi Arabia, Syria, or Iran...

 I think the fact that prominent Sadrist leader Hazim Aaraji said they were 
 shocked by the developments reflects the complexity of Iran’s manipulation 
 of Sadr and the SIIC by letting the latter agree on the deal while 
 encouraging the former to oppose it — a miniature carrot-and-stick game. I 
 doubt the Iranians are happy with the agreement per se; they are only happy 
 with their self-proclaimed ability to play Iraqi Shiite parties against one 
 another. I would even say that Iranians are doing exactly what diplomacy 
 textbooks would instruct regarding presenting one’s own chips. What they 
 didn’t understand of the textbooks, though, is that they also need to know 
 how much the person across the table is interested in those chips. In fact, 
 Iran is overlooking the fact that across the table sit more than America 
 alone, when it comes to the nuclear question.

What the Iranians don’t understand is that their carrots and sticks
are not big enough to change world opinion on their nuclear ambitions.
There is a multitude of states that couldn’t care less about American
success in Iraq but to whom Iran’s going nuclear is a red line — the
nuclear issue is not a U.S.-Iran duel on Iraqi soil.

Anyway, I think the Iraqi decision to accept the deal was a result of
the tough stance of the American administration. This actually
surprised Iraqis who were used to a softer American tone. Moreover,
many parties in Baghdad have matured to deal pragmatically and
realistically with the issue of a strategic partnership with America —
America is the best ally we could possibly have. Even though Iran
holds a few strings, most of the strings now are in more capable Iraqi
hands backed by the mighty United States of America.
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Americans With No Abilities Act (AWNAA)

2008-11-20 Thread mark

WASHINGTON, DC - Congress is considering sweeping legislation, which
provides new benefits for many Americans. President Elect Obama will
have the opportunity to sign the The Americans With No Abilities Act
(AWNAA) which is being hailed as a major legislation by advocates of
the millions of Americans who lack any real skills or ambition.

‘Roughly 50 percent of Americans do not possess the competence and
drive necessary to carve out a meaningful role for themselves in
society,’ said California Senator Barbara Boxer.

We can no longer stand by and allow People of Inability to be
ridiculed and passed over. With this legislation, employers will no
longer be able to grant special favors to a small group of workers,
simply because they do a better job, or have some idea of what they
are doing.”

Approximately 74 percent of postal employees lack any job skills,
making this agency the single largest U.S employer of Persons of

The President pointed to the success of the US Postal Service, which
has a long-standing policy of providing opportunity without regard to
performance. Approximately 74 percent of postal employees lack job
skills, making this agency the single largest US employer of Persons
of Inability.

Private sector industries with good records of nondiscrimination
against the Inept include retail sales (72%), the airline industry
(68%),and home improvement “warehouse” stores (65%) The DMV also has a
great record of hiring Persons of Inability. (63%)

Under The Americans With No Abilities Act, more than 25 million
‘middle man’ positions will be created, with important-sounding titles
but little real responsibility, thus providing an illusory sense of
purpose and performance.

Mandatory non-performance-based raises and promotions will be given,
to guarantee upward mobility for even the most unremarkable employees.
The legislation provides substantial tax breaks to corporations which
maintain a significant level of Persons of Inability in middle
positions, and gives a tax credit to small and medium businesses that
agree to hire one clueless worker for every two talented hires.

Finally, the AWNA ACT contains tough new measures to make it more
difficult to discriminate against the Non-abled, banning
discriminatory iinterview questions such as “Do you have any goals for
the future?” or “Do you have any skills or experience which relate to
this job?”

‘As a Non-abled person, I can’t be expected to keep up with people
who have something going for them,’ said Mary Lou Gertz, who lost her
position as a lug-nut twister at the GM plant in Flint, Michigan.

“This new law should really help people like me.” With the passage of
this bill, Gertz and millions of other untalented citizens can finally
see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Said Senator Ted Kennedy, “It is our duty as lawmakers to provide each
and every American citizen, regardless of his or her adequacy, with
some sort of space to take up in this great nation.
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Re: where is the change????????????????

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

You need someone who understands the ways things are done
to make the change.

The Clinton Administration accomplished a positive change for
the US economy after the first Bush.

With the mess the second Bush is now leaving, this is not the
time to have neophytes trying to find where the rest rooms are.

This is about Competence, Intelligence, Accountability and
and understanding how to get things done, and done CORRECTLY!

On Nov 18, 12:30 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 der furher has appointed 47 people so far for his fourth reich, and 37
 of them worked for clinton.  sure doesn't look like change to me.
 looks like the same old same old.
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Re: So who still believes that the tax cuts to the rich works?

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

First you cut the taxes to the people who NEED it, the
middle class, once things stabilize THEN you raise taxes
to the Wealthy.

It is not rocket science. However it seems beyond the grasp
of the ignorant Bush Republicans.

On Nov 20, 1:20 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 and who are the idiots who believe raising taxes will turn things

 On Nov 20, 4:09 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  So who still believes that the tax cuts to the rich works?

  November 20, 2008
  Sean Lewis

  Bush Republicans the country is now suffering from the arrogant
  incompetence of an ignorant President and a self serving Republican
  Administration and Republican controlled Congress.

  I repeatedly warned of the Economic Cascade Effect that would occur,
  and now we are unfortunately seeing these warning played out.

  Years from now I wonder how many of you who voted for Bush TWICE
  will actually admit this to your children, family and friends.

  The Bush Presidency has done what the 9/11 attacks did not achieve,
  destroyed the Preeminence of the United States financially,
  ethically, politically and militarily.

  Bin Laden could not have asked for a better Ally!

  You don't believe me? Then read my posts from the past

  There are more but you get the point!- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: When will the Left accept this fact

2008-11-20 Thread Lone Wolf

The US interference in Iraqi politics makes the Iraqi puppet
government illegal under UN law. An occupying force MUST NOT influnce
domestic politics or the running of the economy--the US has done both.
In fact the US drafted the Iraqi constitution.

Lets rubber stamp an imperialist occupation.

On Nov 21, 8:19 am, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 an Iraqi-American alliance because a majority of Iraqi perfer us as
 allies to countries like Saudi Arabia, Syria, or Iran...

  I think the fact that prominent Sadrist leader Hazim Aaraji said they 
  were shocked by the developments reflects the complexity of Iran’s 
  manipulation of Sadr and the SIIC by letting the latter agree on the deal 
  while encouraging the former to oppose it — a miniature carrot-and-stick 
  game. I doubt the Iranians are happy with the agreement per se; they are 
  only happy with their self-proclaimed ability to play Iraqi Shiite 
  parties against one another. I would even say that Iranians are doing 
  exactly what diplomacy textbooks would instruct regarding presenting 
  one’s own chips. What they didn’t understand of the textbooks, though, is 
  that they also need to know how much the person across the table is 
  interested in those chips. In fact, Iran is overlooking the fact that 
  across the table sit more than America alone, when it comes to the 
  nuclear question.

 What the Iranians don’t understand is that their carrots and sticks
 are not big enough to change world opinion on their nuclear ambitions.
 There is a multitude of states that couldn’t care less about American
 success in Iraq but to whom Iran’s going nuclear is a red line — the
 nuclear issue is not a U.S.-Iran duel on Iraqi soil.

 Anyway, I think the Iraqi decision to accept the deal was a result of
 the tough stance of the American administration. This actually
 surprised Iraqis who were used to a softer American tone. Moreover,
 many parties in Baghdad have matured to deal pragmatically and
 realistically with the issue of a strategic partnership with America —
 America is the best ally we could possibly have. Even though Iran
 holds a few strings, most of the strings now are in more capable Iraqi
 hands backed by the mighty United States of America.
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Re: When will the Left accept this fact

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

The Iranians are just one more example of a missed opportunity
cause by the errant war of unprovoked aggression in Iraq.

Yet you myopic ignorant Bush Republicans can't see the damage
you caused with your 'enlightened' policies.

You had your chance, you FUCKED EVERYTHING UP,
now shut the fuck up and let others who know what they are
doing fixed the huge fucking mess you guys created!

On Nov 20, 1:19 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 an Iraqi-American alliance because a majority of Iraqi perfer us as
 allies to countries like Saudi Arabia, Syria, or Iran...

  I think the fact that prominent Sadrist leader Hazim Aaraji said they 
  were shocked by the developments reflects the complexity of Iran’s 
  manipulation of Sadr and the SIIC by letting the latter agree on the deal 
  while encouraging the former to oppose it — a miniature carrot-and-stick 
  game. I doubt the Iranians are happy with the agreement per se; they are 
  only happy with their self-proclaimed ability to play Iraqi Shiite 
  parties against one another. I would even say that Iranians are doing 
  exactly what diplomacy textbooks would instruct regarding presenting 
  one’s own chips. What they didn’t understand of the textbooks, though, is 
  that they also need to know how much the person across the table is 
  interested in those chips. In fact, Iran is overlooking the fact that 
  across the table sit more than America alone, when it comes to the 
  nuclear question.

 What the Iranians don’t understand is that their carrots and sticks
 are not big enough to change world opinion on their nuclear ambitions.
 There is a multitude of states that couldn’t care less about American
 success in Iraq but to whom Iran’s going nuclear is a red line — the
 nuclear issue is not a U.S.-Iran duel on Iraqi soil.

 Anyway, I think the Iraqi decision to accept the deal was a result of
 the tough stance of the American administration. This actually
 surprised Iraqis who were used to a softer American tone. Moreover,
 many parties in Baghdad have matured to deal pragmatically and
 realistically with the issue of a strategic partnership with America —
 America is the best ally we could possibly have. Even though Iran
 holds a few strings, most of the strings now are in more capable Iraqi
 hands backed by the mighty United States of America.
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Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Hey stupid, the war of terror was NEVER in Iraq.
IT BECAME a war in Iraq after the ignorant Bush
Republicans decided to make it a war on terror.

You dumbasses were warned.

Bush Sr. even wrote a book telling why he did not invade

But you ignorant dumbasses thought you knew better,

Look at the fucking mess we now have to deal with.

STFU and get the Fuck out of the way, you had your chance!

On Nov 20, 4:14 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 for 8 yrs the dems and the liberal drive by media have stood in the
 President's way while trying to fight the war on terror.  these fools
 have made scurrilous and unproven statements, as well as committed
 traitorous acts.  they have done more harm, and aided the enemy.  now
 all of a sudden they want us all to rally behind der furher as he
 fights the war on terror.  and to think, the ignorant people actually
 put more of these idiots in congress.  unbelievable.  we are doomed
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Re: U.S. Economy: Jobless Claims Approach Highest Level Since 1982

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

The Bush Tax cuts was suppose to create 15 million jobs.

If we are lucky we may still have the same number of Americans
employed as we did in 2001 when Bush was elected.

Bush is erasing all of the gains of the Clinton Administration!

On Nov 20, 11:32 am, \Lone Wolf\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 U.S. Economy: Jobless Claims Approach Highest Level Since 1982

 By Bob Willis and Shobhana Chandra

 Nov. 20 (Bloomberg) -- The number of Americans filing for unemployment
 benefits approached a 26-year high, and a gauge of the economy's
 future performance dropped, sending yields on benchmark Treasuries to
 record lows.

 Initial jobless claims climbed to a higher-than-forecast 542,000 in
 the week ended Nov. 15, the Labor Department said today in Washington.
 The Conference Board's index of leading economic indicators declined
 0.8 percent, and a measure of manufacturing in the Philadelphia region
 fell to an 18-year low.

 The U.S. stock market's benchmark index headed for its biggest annual
 decline on record, and yields on two-, five- and 30-year Treasuries
 posted historic lows as confidence in the economic outlook evaporated.
 The turmoil may intensify pressure on the Federal Reserve and incoming
 President Barack Obama's administration to take fresh steps to shore
 up the economy.

 ``The economic contraction appears to be worsening,'' said Sal
 Guatieri, a senior economist at BMO Capital Markets in Toronto. ``The
 stock markets are plunging, people are retrenching and manufacturing
 activity is virtually falling off a cliff. The increase in layoffs can
 only worsen the economic downturn.''

 First-time jobless claims last week were the highest since 1982, with
 the exception of a one-week jump in filings in July 1992 caused by
 temporary layoffs at General Motors Corp. The number of people staying
 on benefit rolls rose to 4.012 million, the most since December 1982,
 in the week to Nov. 8.

 Economists' Forecasts

 Economists surveyed by Bloomberg News had anticipated a reading of
 505,000 for last week, based on the median of 40 projections. Claims
 for the prior week were revised to 515,000 from 516,000.

 ``This is a reflection of the level of caution that hit the economy in
 October,'' said Jonathan Basile, an economist at Credit Suisse
 Holdings Inc. in New York. He added that payroll losses, already
 totaling 1.2 million this year, will likely ``get worse before they
 get better.''

 The Standard  Poor's 500 Stock Index fell 1.5 percent to 794.48 at
 11:53 a.m. in New York, and at one point headed for an annual decline
 of 47 percent. Ten-year Treasury yields dropped to 3.18 percent from
 3.32 percent late yesterday, and two-year yields slid below 1

 Companies are trimming staff as consumer spending is forecast to fall
 through at least March, according to economists surveyed by Bloomberg
 early this month. Banks, faced with mounting losses and write-offs as
 the financial crisis spread over the past year, have been sacking
 thousands of workers.

 Citigroup Losses

 Citigroup Inc., the fourth-largest U.S. bank, will eliminate 52,000
 jobs over the next year, twice the target announced last month, as
 loan losses surge and the economy shrinks, the company said Nov. 17.
 The company's shares today reached the lowest level since 1994.

 ``We thought last year the bottom had been reached, but it hasn't,''
 Citigroup Chairman Win Bischoff said in a conference in Dubai. ``Most
 responsible companies are getting into a planning cycle with more
 pessimistic budgets than they have been in the past.''

 Carmakers are also firing workers. Ford Motor Co. plans temporary
 shutdowns at nine North American plants this quarter, idling as many
 as 23,000 workers, as it slashes production after an 18 percent drop
 in U.S. sales this year, the company said Nov. 12.

 Forty-three states and territories reported an increase in new claims,
 while 10 reported a decrease. The unemployment rate among people
 eligible for benefits, which tends to track the jobless rate, rose to
 3 percent, the highest since June 2003. These data are reported with a
 one-week lag.

 Initial jobless claims averaged 416,000 a week during the last
 recession, from March 2001 to November 2001.

 Philadelphia Index

 The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia's general economic index was
 minus 39.3 this month, weaker than forecast and the lowest reading
 since October 1990, from minus 37.5 in October, the bank said today.
 Negative readings signal contraction. The index averaged 5.1 last

 The deepening credit crisis and economic slump are forcing companies
 to trim payrolls, investment and production. Slowing global demand is
 weighing on manufacturing, which accounts for about 12 percent of the
 U.S. economy.

 ``Manufacturers are getting hit by several different forces,'' Dean
 Maki, co-chief global economist at Barclays Capital Markets in New
 York, said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. ``Exports are
 being hit 

Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread Zebnick

The war with al Queda had been going on for years before we ever went
into Iraq. President Bubba was too busy getting his johnson polished
by interns to notice though. What's your excuse?

On Nov 20, 4:30 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey stupid, the war of terror was NEVER in Iraq.
 IT BECAME a war in Iraq after the ignorant Bush
 Republicans decided to make it a war on terror.

 You dumbasses were warned.

 Bush Sr. even wrote a book telling why he did not invade

 But you ignorant dumbasses thought you knew better,

 Look at the fucking mess we now have to deal with.

 STFU and get the Fuck out of the way, you had your chance!

 On Nov 20, 4:14 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  for 8 yrs the dems and the liberal drive by media have stood in the
  President's way while trying to fight the war on terror.  these fools
  have made scurrilous and unproven statements, as well as committed
  traitorous acts.  they have done more harm, and aided the enemy.  now
  all of a sudden they want us all to rally behind der furher as he
  fights the war on terror.  and to think, the ignorant people actually
  put more of these idiots in congress.  unbelievable.  we are doomed- Hide 
  quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: The Imminent Downfall Of The United States

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

This was not prophecy it was common sense...

I wrote about it myself in December of 2005

Wednesday, September 21, 2005
The Collapse of American Preeminence, The Bush Legacy

The Collapse of American Preeminence, The Bush Legacy

In the Next three years we will see the cascade effect of the errant
Bush policies collapse the economic strength of the US.

With hard won economic strategies America entered the 21st century in
financial health to dominate the century. Bush squandered this
strength and in doing so condemned this nation to potential financial

Any organization should always anticipate the unknown. You set up a
catastrophe fund, a rainy day fund, an emergency fund. We have none.

America had an Annual Budget surplus that gave America the option to
pay down long term debt, or address any emergency that arose. The long
term debt were both the Social Security Bond Redemption the US
treasury has to honor, and the Treasury bonds issue to the public.
Bush took this 'surplus' and used it to buy his Presidency at the cost
of America's future.

The Tax cuts during a time of war are fiscally irresponsible.

Now we will suffer the long term effects of this fiscal
irresponsibility. The long term pain this country will suffer will far
out weight the short term benefit of the tax cuts. Tax cuts the
MAJORITY of America did not benefit from.

Alone these tax cuts did not weaken this nation, but when two wars,
rampant deficit spending by Republicans, TWO natural disasters Katrina
and Rita and the resultant higher energy prices this nation was dealt
a potentially crippling series of devastating lethal blows.

Had Bush not chosen to continue with the irresponsible Tax cuts and
the War of Choice in Iraq, and the Republicans had shown some fiscal
responsibility they always claimed they had, this country could have
weathered the TWO hurricanes with little fiscal turbulence.

The cure now will be painful and severe. We are looking at an annual
deficit of $700 Billion a year. That is a conservative estimate. It
will take each American paying an additional $7000 a year to pay off
this deficit or we can slash ALL spending a flat rate equivalent to
the Deficit. This is the cure.

If we do not do this, the Depression will look like a pleasant dream.

On Nov 20, 7:27 am, RW [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here's a link to the latest prophecy of prophetess Linda Newkirk about
 the imminent downfall of the United 
 The Bible said in the last days it will be like Sodom and Gomorrha
 again. Now they're trying to legalize same sex marriage. But also why
 do the Republicans want to bail out crooked banks and insurance
 companies but then not want to give any help to our auto industry that
 employs 3 million people? AIG is getting $85 billion. They threw a
 huge party after billionaire Henry Paulson II announced this. Remember
 AIG's commercials in the last couple years? They advertised that
 Progressive and Geico auto insurance was cheap, but call them and you
 might save $300 or more over them. Almost like they knew they were
 going to go bankrupt and the government was going to bail them out so
 go ahead and throw sound business practices to the wind. Remember all
 this bailout money is being borrowed from China and Japan. We're
 getting where we can't hardly pay the interest on our huge national
 debt. But Bush wants to veto extending unemployment benefits. He
 should have been impeached several years ago. But the rapture of the
 bride of Christ is near, so prepare my friends. The Bible said the
 gospel must be preached in all the world unto all nations and then
 shall the end come. Jimmy Swaggart just announced last Sunday that his
 programs will now be on television in good time slots in Israel,
 Egypt, Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran. Countries that have
 never allowed the preaching of the gospel before. And it is prophesied
 that there will be a revival in Israel about the time of the rapture
 where all Israel will be saved. Romans 12.
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Re: When will the Left accept this fact

2008-11-20 Thread Zebnick

Stupid analyis. Totally wrong. Don't bother trying again.

On Nov 20, 4:24 pm, \Lone Wolf\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The US interference in Iraqi politics makes the Iraqi puppet
 government illegal under UN law. An occupying force MUST NOT influnce
 domestic politics or the running of the economy--the US has done both.
 In fact the US drafted the Iraqi constitution.

 Lets rubber stamp an imperialist occupation.

 On Nov 21, 8:19 am, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  an Iraqi-American alliance because a majority of Iraqi perfer us as
  allies to countries like Saudi Arabia, Syria, or Iran...

   I think the fact that prominent Sadrist leader Hazim Aaraji said they 
   were shocked by the developments reflects the complexity of Iran’s 
   manipulation of Sadr and the SIIC by letting the latter agree on the 
   deal while encouraging the former to oppose it — a miniature 
   carrot-and-stick game. I doubt the Iranians are happy with the 
   agreement per se; they are only happy with their self-proclaimed 
   ability to play Iraqi Shiite parties against one another. I would even 
   say that Iranians are doing exactly what diplomacy textbooks would 
   instruct regarding presenting one’s own chips. What they didn’t 
   understand of the textbooks, though, is that they also need to know how 
   much the person across the table is interested in those chips. In fact, 
   Iran is overlooking the fact that across the table sit more than 
   America alone, when it comes to the nuclear question.

  What the Iranians don’t understand is that their carrots and sticks
  are not big enough to change world opinion on their nuclear ambitions.
  There is a multitude of states that couldn’t care less about American
  success in Iraq but to whom Iran’s going nuclear is a red line — the
  nuclear issue is not a U.S.-Iran duel on Iraqi soil.

  Anyway, I think the Iraqi decision to accept the deal was a result of
  the tough stance of the American administration. This actually
  surprised Iraqis who were used to a softer American tone. Moreover,
  many parties in Baghdad have matured to deal pragmatically and
  realistically with the issue of a strategic partnership with America —
  America is the best ally we could possibly have. Even though Iran
  holds a few strings, most of the strings now are in more capable Iraqi
  hands backed by the mighty United States of America.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Jesuit Infiltration Of Judaism, Including Zionism

2008-11-20 Thread Visual Purple

Jesuit Infiltration Of Judaism, Including Zionism

I highly recommend this video in its entirety. But please, at the very
least, see last few minutes of this part n in which a 7th Day
Adventist confirms that the Jesuits infiltrated Judaism and the
Zionist movement, inter alia.

Let there be no mistakes. I am not a Christian of any kind. I am an
observant Jew and I am a Zionist in the original sense of the word.

I have to offer these sites for information only because there are no
comparable Jewish sites. The Jews, in every stream of Judaism, are so
deeply infiltrated and brainwashed that they do not even know this is
transpiring. So, I have no choice but to turn to a Christian source
for the information.

Needless to say, you'll not find this information in Hebrew.

I urge you to also see this site:

You'll see that the Jesuits infiltrated Islam and the Arabs as well.

Shimon Peres is said to be a Jesuit operative and eight of the 13
Prime Ministers of Israel have been high level Freemasons (including
Ben Gurion, Peres, Rabin Netanyahu and Olmert) . The then Knights
Templar, now the Knights of Malta subsequently associated with the
Jesuits, infiltrated Freemasonry and completely overran it. *Please*
research the significance of this.

Doreen Ellen Bell-Dotan, Tzfat, Israel

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Re: When will the Left accept this fact

2008-11-20 Thread Zebnick

 let others who know what they are doing

You mean you cowardly, limp-wristed, fifth column, anti-American,
adolescent lib/Dems? ROTFLMAO

On Nov 20, 4:27 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The Iranians are just one more example of a missed opportunity
 cause by the errant war of unprovoked aggression in Iraq.

 Yet you myopic ignorant Bush Republicans can't see the damage
 you caused with your 'enlightened' policies.

 You had your chance, you FUCKED EVERYTHING UP,
 now shut the fuck up and let others who know what they are
 doing fixed the huge fucking mess you guys created!

 On Nov 20, 1:19 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  an Iraqi-American alliance because a majority of Iraqi perfer us as
  allies to countries like Saudi Arabia, Syria, or Iran...

   I think the fact that prominent Sadrist leader Hazim Aaraji said they 
   were shocked by the developments reflects the complexity of Iran’s 
   manipulation of Sadr and the SIIC by letting the latter agree on the 
   deal while encouraging the former to oppose it — a miniature 
   carrot-and-stick game. I doubt the Iranians are happy with the 
   agreement per se; they are only happy with their self-proclaimed 
   ability to play Iraqi Shiite parties against one another. I would even 
   say that Iranians are doing exactly what diplomacy textbooks would 
   instruct regarding presenting one’s own chips. What they didn’t 
   understand of the textbooks, though, is that they also need to know how 
   much the person across the table is interested in those chips. In fact, 
   Iran is overlooking the fact that across the table sit more than 
   America alone, when it comes to the nuclear question.

  What the Iranians don’t understand is that their carrots and sticks
  are not big enough to change world opinion on their nuclear ambitions.
  There is a multitude of states that couldn’t care less about American
  success in Iraq but to whom Iran’s going nuclear is a red line — the
  nuclear issue is not a U.S.-Iran duel on Iraqi soil.

  Anyway, I think the Iraqi decision to accept the deal was a result of
  the tough stance of the American administration. This actually
  surprised Iraqis who were used to a softer American tone. Moreover,
  many parties in Baghdad have matured to deal pragmatically and
  realistically with the issue of a strategic partnership with America —
  America is the best ally we could possibly have. Even though Iran
  holds a few strings, most of the strings now are in more capable Iraqi
  hands backed by the mighty United States of America.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

BULL SHIT, Bush used the signing statements to get around
Congress and the Republicans hid legislation in Budget Bills
and the War finance Bills.

On Nov 20, 8:06 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ya know holly you really need to get a new load of crap cause the same
 old one you kept hauling is really tarting to stink.  the dems blocked
 everything when the republicans were in control.  ever hear of a
 filibuster proof congress?  well the republicans never had that and
 the dems stood in the way.  so now that der furher is about to start
 the fourth reich, the dems want everyone to just get along.  well I
 hope the republicans grow some balls, and tell the dems to go pound
 sand.  the need to stand in the way of everything the socialist want
 to do.  turn about is fair game, eh?

 On Nov 20, 10:46 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Let's see ,the Democrats have been able to do all these naughty things
  with a Republican in the White House and Republicans controlling
  Congress for 6 of the 8 years.
  Gee, I guess that would make Republicans impotent, incompetent fucks,
  wouldn't it?

  On Nov 20, 6:14 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   for 8 yrs the dems and the liberal drive by media have stood in the
   President's way while trying to fight the war on terror.  these fools
   have made scurrilous and unproven statements, as well as committed
   traitorous acts.  they have done more harm, and aided the enemy.  now
   all of a sudden they want us all to rally behind der furher as he
   fights the war on terror.  and to think, the ignorant people actually
   put more of these idiots in congress.  unbelievable.  we are doomed- Hide 
   quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Nice try, But when Clinton did try to get Al qaida the
Republicans started saying the term 'Wag the Dog

Remember that asshole?

Of course not!

On Nov 20, 1:35 pm, Zebnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The war with al Queda had been going on for years before we ever went
 into Iraq. President Bubba was too busy getting his johnson polished
 by interns to notice though. What's your excuse?

 On Nov 20, 4:30 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hey stupid, the war of terror was NEVER in Iraq.
  IT BECAME a war in Iraq after the ignorant Bush
  Republicans decided to make it a war on terror.

  You dumbasses were warned.

  Bush Sr. even wrote a book telling why he did not invade

  But you ignorant dumbasses thought you knew better,

  Look at the fucking mess we now have to deal with.

  STFU and get the Fuck out of the way, you had your chance!

  On Nov 20, 4:14 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   for 8 yrs the dems and the liberal drive by media have stood in the
   President's way while trying to fight the war on terror.  these fools
   have made scurrilous and unproven statements, as well as committed
   traitorous acts.  they have done more harm, and aided the enemy.  now
   all of a sudden they want us all to rally behind der furher as he
   fights the war on terror.  and to think, the ignorant people actually
   put more of these idiots in congress.  unbelievable.  we are doomed- Hide 
   quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: When will the Left accept this fact

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Unlike you dumb ass I have a written history of being correct.

This is from December 2003

Right now we are in Iraq for the duration, for better or  worse. I
believe if the outcome should be negative, no WMDs or connection to
the 9/11 terrorists, World opinion will not be against the American
people or
this country, but against the Bush administration.

The flip side would  be a tremendous boost to the Administration.
Should irrefutable evidence of a  connection between the 9/11
terrorists and Saddam's active participation to  aide, arm and
facilitate this
attack, Bush will win in a landslide.

The  finding of WMDs in and of itself would not be enough however to
justify the  war, and the expenditure of men, money and resources if
no connection to bin-Laden is made.

Far worst, if the United States should sustain an  attack from al-
Quada, this could mean a substantial and irreconcilable error  for
the administration, especially if no tie to bin-Laden, Saddam and WMDs

Other concerns are looming in the distance, Wall Street is
rebounding, but this may not translate to the economy.

We are facing a  number of factors that can stop the recovery from

If the  falling dollar continues unabated, confidence in investing in
American Markets will dissipate. Any returns Foreign Investors will
receive in the US Stock Markets or other monetary US investments will
be negated by the currency differential. Add to this the need to
finance our
growing National Debt by foreign investors and you begin to see a
precipice just ahead. If the fall of the dollar is not curtailed soon,
the need to
raise rates and lower initial Bond price offerings will occur so that
foreigners will
be enticed to buy our Bonds.This increase of rates could put a quick
to this recovery. With no recovery, a lower tax base due to the recent
the largest deficit  spending in history, and unfunded or underfunded
liabilities such as Social  Security and Medicare benefits for the
Baby Boomers
and you have the making  for problems for the American people and the

In the past this  was not a problem because the US economy was the
engine for the world. This is  no longer the case. Jobs run the
and we have been exporting jobs to the  new rising engine in the
speaking countries in the Asian Hemisphere.  In the pass we only
exported the
low paying manufacturing jobs, but now we  export the higher earning
manufacturing, technical service and  customer service jobs.

Ultimately this will mean a lowering of the  standard of living for
Americans in an effort to be competitive in the World  job market.

This will mean even less money for the Government in the form of
taxes. Also
the issue of tax collection for the large multinationals occurs.
can effectively move their domicile to a tax friendly country  paying
majority of their taxes there and place business components through
out the world
as it becomes bottom line appropriate.

This is just one  Scenario. It need not occur. Speaking about it,
helps it not  happen.

There is a reason Gold is going up.

On Nov 20, 1:39 pm, Zebnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  let others who know what they are doing

 You mean you cowardly, limp-wristed, fifth column, anti-American,
 adolescent lib/Dems? ROTFLMAO

 On Nov 20, 4:27 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The Iranians are just one more example of a missed opportunity
  cause by the errant war of unprovoked aggression in Iraq.

  Yet you myopic ignorant Bush Republicans can't see the damage
  you caused with your 'enlightened' policies.

  You had your chance, you FUCKED EVERYTHING UP,
  now shut the fuck up and let others who know what they are
  doing fixed the huge fucking mess you guys created!

  On Nov 20, 1:19 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   an Iraqi-American alliance because a majority of Iraqi perfer us as
   allies to countries like Saudi Arabia, Syria, or Iran...

I think the fact that prominent Sadrist leader Hazim Aaraji said they 
were shocked by the developments reflects the complexity of Iran’s 
manipulation of Sadr and the SIIC by letting the latter agree on the 
deal while encouraging the former to oppose it — a miniature 
carrot-and-stick game. I doubt the Iranians are happy with the 
agreement per se; they are only happy with their self-proclaimed 
ability to play Iraqi Shiite parties against one another. I would 
even say that Iranians are doing exactly what diplomacy textbooks 
would instruct regarding presenting one’s own chips. What they didn’t 
understand of the textbooks, though, is that they also need to know 
how much the person across the table is interested in those chips. In 
fact, Iran is overlooking the 

Re: When will the Left accept this fact

2008-11-20 Thread jgg1000a

 World opinion will not be against the American people or this country, but 
 against the Bush administration.

What total BS...  If the issue was not Iraqi, our opponents would have
made another issue...   Why are they our opponents???  Our National
interests clash...

On Nov 20, 4:46 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Unlike you dumb ass I have a written history of being correct.

 This is from December 2003

 Right now we are in Iraq for the duration, for better or  worse. I
 believe if the outcome should be negative, no WMDs or connection to
 the 9/11 terrorists, World opinion will not be against the American
 people or
 this country, but against the Bush administration.

 The flip side would  be a tremendous boost to the Administration.
 Should irrefutable evidence of a  connection between the 9/11
 terrorists and Saddam's active participation to  aide, arm and
 facilitate this
 attack, Bush will win in a landslide.

 The  finding of WMDs in and of itself would not be enough however to
 justify the  war, and the expenditure of men, money and resources if
 no connection to bin-Laden is made.

 Far worst, if the United States should sustain an  attack from al-
 Quada, this could mean a substantial and irreconcilable error  for
 the administration, especially if no tie to bin-Laden, Saddam and WMDs

 Other concerns are looming in the distance, Wall Street is
 rebounding, but this may not translate to the economy.

 We are facing a  number of factors that can stop the recovery from

 If the  falling dollar continues unabated, confidence in investing in
 American Markets will dissipate. Any returns Foreign Investors will
 receive in the US Stock Markets or other monetary US investments will
 be negated by the currency differential. Add to this the need to
 finance our
 growing National Debt by foreign investors and you begin to see a
 precipice just ahead. If the fall of the dollar is not curtailed soon,
 the need to
 raise rates and lower initial Bond price offerings will occur so that
 foreigners will
 be enticed to buy our Bonds.This increase of rates could put a quick
 to this recovery. With no recovery, a lower tax base due to the recent
 the largest deficit  spending in history, and unfunded or underfunded
 liabilities such as Social  Security and Medicare benefits for the
 Baby Boomers
 and you have the making  for problems for the American people and the

 In the past this  was not a problem because the US economy was the
 engine for the world. This is  no longer the case. Jobs run the
 and we have been exporting jobs to the  new rising engine in the
 speaking countries in the Asian Hemisphere.  In the pass we only
 exported the
 low paying manufacturing jobs, but now we  export the higher earning
 manufacturing, technical service and  customer service jobs.

 Ultimately this will mean a lowering of the  standard of living for
 Americans in an effort to be competitive in the World  job market.

 This will mean even less money for the Government in the form of
 taxes. Also
 the issue of tax collection for the large multinationals occurs.
 can effectively move their domicile to a tax friendly country  paying
 majority of their taxes there and place business components through
 out the world
 as it becomes bottom line appropriate.

 This is just one  Scenario. It need not occur. Speaking about it,
 helps it not  happen.

 There is a reason Gold is going 

 On Nov 20, 1:39 pm, Zebnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   let others who know what they are doing

  You mean you cowardly, limp-wristed, fifth column, anti-American,
  adolescent lib/Dems? ROTFLMAO

  On Nov 20, 4:27 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   The Iranians are just one more example of a missed opportunity
   cause by the errant war of unprovoked aggression in Iraq.

   Yet you myopic ignorant Bush Republicans can't see the damage
   you caused with your 'enlightened' policies.

   You had your chance, you FUCKED EVERYTHING UP,
   now shut the fuck up and let others who know what they are
   doing fixed the huge fucking mess you guys created!

   On Nov 20, 1:19 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

an Iraqi-American alliance because a majority of Iraqi perfer us as
allies to countries like Saudi Arabia, Syria, or Iran...

 I think the fact that prominent Sadrist leader Hazim Aaraji said 
 they were shocked by the developments reflects the complexity of 
 Iran’s manipulation of Sadr and the SIIC by letting the latter 
 agree on the deal while encouraging the former to oppose it — a 
 miniature carrot-and-stick game. I doubt the Iranians are happy 
 with the agreement per se; they are only happy with their 

Re: When will the Left accept this fact

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis


I wrote this in February 2003.

Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 10:02 PM
Subject: One Man's Humble Opinion

Preface, here are a series of email comments posted on the Internet in
regard to current political and global events.

It seems we have two types of law. One for domestic matters and one
for international matters. As a country we need congruence in how we
handle events of these types. The American people are use to one type
of justice. This justice is based on cause and effect, action and
reaction. The action the President wants to take is proactive. In a
country where you are innocent before you are proven guilty, there is
no connect.


The offer of exile looks good on paper. For a dictator of a country
with enemies on all sides, he may see this as a death sentence. Listen
I was downtown September 11. I watched the planes hit the towers from
my conference room 2 blocks away. Viewing this act of terrorism from
this vantage point creates a desire for revenge. I just want to think
things through several moves ahead. I don't want to find this country
painted into a corner by a foreign policy or military action that
leaves us alone with no allies and a larger threat of terrorism than
before. This action could united the Arab world against us. Our
borders are too large to fence.


War as a cavalier solution should not be taken lightly. We can conquer
Iraq quickly. That should not be a problem. We will kill Saddam. That
is a given. Now the dangerous part.

We will have an occupying army in a US hostile part of the world. We
will either be supported or unsupported by our allies. If we are
supported the costs to the United States will not be a great and the
logistics for war and occupation easier. Without support it will be
much more difficult. Our troops will also be exposed to constant
danger to ambush. There will be high casualties from this. It will
come from many terrorists sources.

While we are saber rattling it gave the Iraqis time to slip their own
terror cells into our country. Don't kid yourselves, they are here.
The President gave them plenty of advance warning. So now we have
Iraq, Iran, and Al Qaeda terror cells in the US. The seratin found in
England was probably distributed through out the NATO countries and
the United States. Upon our attack it will probably be released.

While the war is going on it will be expensive to finance. So we will
have to issue Treasuries to pay for the expense. The last treasury
auction went badly. We had to offer the notes at discount prices. The
yields had to be higher so that the bonds would be bought. During this
war interest rates for bonds will rise to finance the war. this will
cause interest rates for all loans rise. The cost to use money will
rise. The recovery will be postponed. The deficit will be a huge
burden for years to come. This is not the same scenario as the last
Iraq war.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. So before you say lets do this
and get it over with, just know what the cost of a war could be.

I am for defending this country against all threats. I just understand
what that actually means.


On Nov 20, 1:39 pm, Zebnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  let others who know what they are doing

 You mean you cowardly, limp-wristed, fifth column, anti-American,
 adolescent lib/Dems? ROTFLMAO

 On Nov 20, 4:27 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The Iranians are just one more example of a missed opportunity
  cause by the errant war of unprovoked aggression in Iraq.

  Yet you myopic ignorant Bush Republicans can't see the damage
  you caused with your 'enlightened' policies.

  You had your chance, you FUCKED EVERYTHING UP,
  now shut the fuck up and let others who know what they are
  doing fixed the huge fucking mess you guys created!

  On Nov 20, 1:19 pm, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   an Iraqi-American alliance because a majority of Iraqi perfer us as
   allies to countries like Saudi Arabia, Syria, or Iran...

I think the fact that prominent Sadrist leader Hazim Aaraji said they 
were shocked by the developments reflects the complexity of Iran’s 
manipulation of Sadr and the SIIC by letting the latter agree on the 
deal while encouraging the former to oppose it — a miniature 
carrot-and-stick game. I doubt the Iranians are happy with the 
agreement per se; they are only happy with their self-proclaimed 
ability to play Iraqi Shiite parties against one another. I would 
even say that Iranians are doing exactly what diplomacy textbooks 
would instruct regarding presenting one’s own chips. What they didn’t 
understand of the textbooks, though, is that they also need to know 
how much the person across the table 

Re: So who still believes that the tax cuts to the rich works?

2008-11-20 Thread Lone Wolf

When the American dream was a valid term, the nominal tax rate for
business was 75%.  Whether that is a lot, or whether it is not, it was
what was required to achieve social harmony and equilibrium between
the classes. At the end of the day business was still making money and
the populace was generally content.
Now you have a situation where 60% of business pays no tax at all
(after Bushes, tax cuts/breaks) so free health care and education go
out the window at the same time wages and jobs are being slashed.

How can an economy operate when the bottom 40% of the population owns
0.2% of total wealth and are carrying a debt burden of nearly 200% of
their yearly income? What good is it giving money to the banks to pay
off their debts, when no one has money to spend and continue to use
the credit facility the banks offer so they can continue to make

Obama is no socialist and he really has no intention of redistributing
wealth, but for all those that are screaming Marxist, none of them
have put up a viable alternative.
If the richest 1% of Americans owns more wealth than the bottom 90%,
if they have all the wealth, then how does the economy function? You
just can't print more money.

On Nov 21, 8:20 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 and who are the idiots who believe raising taxes will turn things

 On Nov 20, 4:09 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  So who still believes that the tax cuts to the rich works?

  November 20, 2008
  Sean Lewis

  Bush Republicans the country is now suffering from the arrogant
  incompetence of an ignorant President and a self serving Republican
  Administration and Republican controlled Congress.

  I repeatedly warned of the Economic Cascade Effect that would occur,
  and now we are unfortunately seeing these warning played out.

  Years from now I wonder how many of you who voted for Bush TWICE
  will actually admit this to your children, family and friends.

  The Bush Presidency has done what the 9/11 attacks did not achieve,
  destroyed the Preeminence of the United States financially,
  ethically, politically and militarily.

  Bin Laden could not have asked for a better Ally!

  You don't believe me? Then read my posts from the past

  There are more but you get the point!- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Learn how to read, I said the Republicans hid,
Not Bush, the Republicans in Congress.

On Nov 20, 1:41 pm, Zebnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hid legislation? DId he use invisable ink?

 On Nov 20, 4:39 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  BULL SHIT, Bush used the signing statements to get around
  Congress and the Republicans hid legislation in Budget Bills
  and the War finance Bills.

  On Nov 20, 8:06 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   ya know holly you really need to get a new load of crap cause the same
   old one you kept hauling is really tarting to stink.  the dems blocked
   everything when the republicans were in control.  ever hear of a
   filibuster proof congress?  well the republicans never had that and
   the dems stood in the way.  so now that der furher is about to start
   the fourth reich, the dems want everyone to just get along.  well I
   hope the republicans grow some balls, and tell the dems to go pound
   sand.  the need to stand in the way of everything the socialist want
   to do.  turn about is fair game, eh?

   On Nov 20, 10:46 am, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Let's see ,the Democrats have been able to do all these naughty things
with a Republican in the White House and Republicans controlling
Congress for 6 of the 8 years.
Gee, I guess that would make Republicans impotent, incompetent fucks,
wouldn't it?

On Nov 20, 6:14 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 for 8 yrs the dems and the liberal drive by media have stood in the
 President's way while trying to fight the war on terror.  these fools
 have made scurrilous and unproven statements, as well as committed
 traitorous acts.  they have done more harm, and aided the enemy.  now
 all of a sudden they want us all to rally behind der furher as he
 fights the war on terror.  and to think, the ignorant people actually
 put more of these idiots in congress.  unbelievable.  we are doomed- 
 Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread Zebnick

So all you have to do to stop a President in his tracks from doing the
right thing is say wag the dog? You are truely a moron and I'm sure
Clinton would be embarrassed to have you as his defender.

On Nov 20, 4:41 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nice try, But when Clinton did try to get Al qaida the
 Republicans started saying the term 'Wag the Dog

 Remember that asshole?

 Of course not!

 On Nov 20, 1:35 pm, Zebnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The war with al Queda had been going on for years before we ever went
  into Iraq. President Bubba was too busy getting his johnson polished
  by interns to notice though. What's your excuse?

  On Nov 20, 4:30 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hey stupid, the war of terror was NEVER in Iraq.
   IT BECAME a war in Iraq after the ignorant Bush
   Republicans decided to make it a war on terror.

   You dumbasses were warned.

   Bush Sr. even wrote a book telling why he did not invade

   But you ignorant dumbasses thought you knew better,

   Look at the fucking mess we now have to deal with.

   STFU and get the Fuck out of the way, you had your chance!

   On Nov 20, 4:14 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

for 8 yrs the dems and the liberal drive by media have stood in the
President's way while trying to fight the war on terror.  these fools
have made scurrilous and unproven statements, as well as committed
traitorous acts.  they have done more harm, and aided the enemy.  now
all of a sudden they want us all to rally behind der furher as he
fights the war on terror.  and to think, the ignorant people actually
put more of these idiots in congress.  unbelievable.  we are doomed- 
Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: So who still believes that the tax cuts to the rich works?

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

I understand this and so now do the majority of America,
it is just the Bush Republicans who think a good ol boy
was a good choice to run the country because they
thought he was a good person to have a beer with.

What a qualification to pick a President by, look how well
that has turned out for the country.

On Nov 20, 1:39 pm, \Lone Wolf\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When the American dream was a valid term, the nominal tax rate for
 business was 75%.  Whether that is a lot, or whether it is not, it was
 what was required to achieve social harmony and equilibrium between
 the classes. At the end of the day business was still making money and
 the populace was generally content.
 Now you have a situation where 60% of business pays no tax at all
 (after Bushes, tax cuts/breaks) so free health care and education go
 out the window at the same time wages and jobs are being slashed.

 How can an economy operate when the bottom 40% of the population owns
 0.2% of total wealth and are carrying a debt burden of nearly 200% of
 their yearly income? What good is it giving money to the banks to pay
 off their debts, when no one has money to spend and continue to use
 the credit facility the banks offer so they can continue to make

 Obama is no socialist and he really has no intention of redistributing
 wealth, but for all those that are screaming Marxist, none of them
 have put up a viable alternative.
 If the richest 1% of Americans owns more wealth than the bottom 90%,
 if they have all the wealth, then how does the economy function? You
 just can't print more money.

 On Nov 21, 8:20 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  and who are the idiots who believe raising taxes will turn things

  On Nov 20, 4:09 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   So who still believes that the tax cuts to the rich works?

   November 20, 2008
   Sean Lewis

   Bush Republicans the country is now suffering from the arrogant
   incompetence of an ignorant President and a self serving Republican
   Administration and Republican controlled Congress.

   I repeatedly warned of the Economic Cascade Effect that would occur,
   and now we are unfortunately seeing these warning played out.

   Years from now I wonder how many of you who voted for Bush TWICE
   will actually admit this to your children, family and friends.

   The Bush Presidency has done what the 9/11 attacks did not achieve,
   destroyed the Preeminence of the United States financially,
   ethically, politically and militarily.

   Bin Laden could not have asked for a better Ally!

   You don't believe me? Then read my posts from the past

   There are more but you get the point!- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

You Republicans Blocked him and turned public opinion.

Once again you Bush Republicans did what was in the
best interest of the Republican party and not what was
in the best interest of the Country!

On Nov 20, 1:54 pm, Zebnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So all you have to do to stop a President in his tracks from doing the
 right thing is say wag the dog? You are truely a moron and I'm sure
 Clinton would be embarrassed to have you as his defender.

 On Nov 20, 4:41 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Nice try, But when Clinton did try to get Al qaida the
  Republicans started saying the term 'Wag the Dog

  Remember that asshole?

  Of course not!

  On Nov 20, 1:35 pm, Zebnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   The war with al Queda had been going on for years before we ever went
   into Iraq. President Bubba was too busy getting his johnson polished
   by interns to notice though. What's your excuse?

   On Nov 20, 4:30 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey stupid, the war of terror was NEVER in Iraq.
IT BECAME a war in Iraq after the ignorant Bush
Republicans decided to make it a war on terror.

You dumbasses were warned.

Bush Sr. even wrote a book telling why he did not invade

But you ignorant dumbasses thought you knew better,

Look at the fucking mess we now have to deal with.

STFU and get the Fuck out of the way, you had your chance!

On Nov 20, 4:14 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 for 8 yrs the dems and the liberal drive by media have stood in the
 President's way while trying to fight the war on terror.  these fools
 have made scurrilous and unproven statements, as well as committed
 traitorous acts.  they have done more harm, and aided the enemy.  now
 all of a sudden they want us all to rally behind der furher as he
 fights the war on terror.  and to think, the ignorant people actually
 put more of these idiots in congress.  unbelievable.  we are doomed- 
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  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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An example on how Minn Democrats do NOT want to count every vote

2008-11-20 Thread jgg1000a

And compare it to the debate in Flordia 2000
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Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread Hollywood


And the Democrats have at some point during the past 8 years?

Face it people BOTH the Democrats and Republicans are lying, thieving,
self-centered, self-absorbed and greedy assholes. All ANY of us ever
do is vote for the guys we hate a little bit less than the other guys
at any given point in time.
 THAT'S the reality of the political situation in this country.

On Nov 20, 3:07 pm, Cold Water [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't know Woody.  The Republicans never had a filibuster proof majority.
 We are going in circles now. dizzy


 - Original Message -
 From: Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: PoliticalForum
 Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 04:03
 Subject: Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way


 We've already experienced what happen when the Republicans control
 both the WH and the Congress, haven't we?
 How much worse can the Democrats fuck up?

 On Nov 20, 1:02 pm, Cold Water [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Marks makes a valid point and by denying it's validity you lose any
  credibility in the discussion.

  Let's try something crazy here Woody and actually have an honest
  I tend to believe that divided government was the original intent of the
  framers for so many obvious reasons not the least of which is that
  compromise and a consensus-driven government will produce the checks and
  balances the founders intended. Are you saying the paradoxical
  we now face of having the Democrats in charge of both elected branches
  provide more balanced and effective governance than the split governments
  have so recently endured?
  CW- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: The coming Apocalypse

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Interesting because I was writting this in 2005!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005
The Collapse of American Preeminence, The Bush Legacy

The Collapse of American Preeminence, The Bush Legacy

In the Next three years we will see the cascade effect of the errant
Bush policies collapse the economic strength of the US.

With hard won economic strategies America entered the 21st century in
financial health to dominate the century. Bush squandered this
strength and in doing so condemned this nation to potential financial

Any organization should always anticipate the unknown. You set up a
catastrophe fund, a rainy day fund, an emergency fund. We have none.

America had an Annual Budget surplus that gave America the option to
pay down long term debt, or address any emergency that arose. The long
term debt were both the Social Security Bond Redemption the US
treasury has to honor, and the Treasury bonds issue to the public.
Bush took this 'surplus' and used it to buy his Presidency at the cost
of America's future.

The Tax cuts during a time of war are fiscally irresponsible.

Now we will suffer the long term effects of this fiscal
irresponsibility. The long term pain this country will suffer will far
out weight the short term benefit of the tax cuts. Tax cuts the
MAJORITY of America did not benefit from.

Alone these tax cuts did not weaken this nation, but when two wars,
rampant deficit spending by Republicans, TWO natural disasters Katrina
and Rita and the resultant higher energy prices this nation was dealt
a potentially crippling series of devastating lethal blows.

Had Bush not chosen to continue with the irresponsible Tax cuts and
the War of Choice in Iraq, and the Republicans had shown some fiscal
responsibility they always claimed they had, this country could have
weathered the TWO hurricanes with little fiscal turbulence.

The cure now will be painful and severe. We are looking at an annual
deficit of $700 Billion a year. That is a conservative estimate. It
will take each American paying an additional $7000 a year to pay off
this deficit or we can slash ALL spending a flat rate equivalent to
the Deficit. This is the cure.

If we do not do this, the Depression will look like a pleasant dream.

On Nov 19, 6:18 pm, Jim Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gee Wally; though I am hesitant to say I told you so, I did. As the
 Dow races to 7000 my prophetic, prescient, almost clairvoyant
 predictions of an economic apocalypse are tragically coming to
 fruition. Yet, it will get much, much worse; trust me. The vaunted
 $700 billion, “shuck and jive” has been as effective in loosening
 credit markets as Al Gore has been at losing weight. He’s still a fat
 bastard and our financial markets are circling the bowl. Here’s what
 you need to know.

 It’s too late to prop up our financial markets. The fire started by
 Democrat holdovers, flunkies and thieves in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
 has spread from our financials to industrials and even to internet
 advertising; ala Google’s dive today. Also note Yahoo is almost free
 and CBS is on life support at $5.00 a share. My point; every sector of
 our economy is in full nose dive.

 Just for kicks, let’s quickly stroll down memory lane and examine the
 cause of this winter of our discontent. Democrat hacks at Fannie and
 Freddie used sex, lies and videotape to cook the books, receive
 millions in target bonus’s and got congress to look the other way by
 bribing Democrats in the senate, “when republicans were in charge” and
 by bribing a lot of Democrats when they were in charge. Who said
 public service doesn’t pay? As republicans and President Bush were
 ringing the bell and shouting fire, democrats and the media minimized
 the alarm while shouting, “Racists pigs”.

 Fannie and Freddie currently hold $6 trillion dollars in toxic
 mortgages but, that doesn’t tell the whole story. Through the halls of
 these evil twins passed $50 trillion dollars in toxic mortgages. These
 mortgages were explicitly given to unqualified buyers, bundled
 together in hundreds of billions of dollar packages and securities
 were sold around the world with the collateral being these toxic,
 worthless mortgages. All the while, Democrats fiddled, as the world
 burned. As these mortgages defaulted, the securities backed by them
 became worthless. Companies holding these securities, overnight had
 seen their balance sheets lose trillions. The financial markets went
 into freefall. As the tsunami swept through the financials credit
 markets froze. Industries hadn’t the ability to short term borrow.
 Major stock indexes tanked; oil futures spiraled and even deflation of
 macro commodities ensued. It turned out to be an excrement sandwich.
 And, it’s only begun. It will get biblical; trust me, I have predicted
 this all.

 As expected, Democrats will bail out the car companies, insuring that
 they will indeed fail. This will 

Re: When will the Left accept this fact

2008-11-20 Thread Hollywood


Be so kind as to point out where and how LW is wrong.
Your just saying he is does not mean jack shit.

On Nov 20, 3:37 pm, Zebnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Stupid analyis. Totally wrong. Don't bother trying again.

 On Nov 20, 4:24 pm, \Lone Wolf\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  The US interference in Iraqi politics makes the Iraqi puppet
  government illegal under UN law. An occupying force MUST NOT influnce
  domestic politics or the running of the economy--the US has done both.
  In fact the US drafted the Iraqi constitution.

  Lets rubber stamp an imperialist occupation.

  On Nov 21, 8:19 am, jgg1000a [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   an Iraqi-American alliance because a majority of Iraqi perfer us as
   allies to countries like Saudi Arabia, Syria, or Iran...

I think the fact that prominent Sadrist leader Hazim Aaraji said they 
were shocked by the developments reflects the complexity of Iran’s 
manipulation of Sadr and the SIIC by letting the latter agree on the 
deal while encouraging the former to oppose it — a miniature 
carrot-and-stick game. I doubt the Iranians are happy with the 
agreement per se; they are only happy with their self-proclaimed 
ability to play Iraqi Shiite parties against one another. I would 
even say that Iranians are doing exactly what diplomacy textbooks 
would instruct regarding presenting one’s own chips. What they didn’t 
understand of the textbooks, though, is that they also need to know 
how much the person across the table is interested in those chips. In 
fact, Iran is overlooking the fact that across the table sit more 
than America alone, when it comes to the nuclear question.

   What the Iranians don’t understand is that their carrots and sticks
   are not big enough to change world opinion on their nuclear ambitions.
   There is a multitude of states that couldn’t care less about American
   success in Iraq but to whom Iran’s going nuclear is a red line — the
   nuclear issue is not a U.S.-Iran duel on Iraqi soil.

   Anyway, I think the Iraqi decision to accept the deal was a result of
   the tough stance of the American administration. This actually
   surprised Iraqis who were used to a softer American tone. Moreover,
   many parties in Baghdad have matured to deal pragmatically and
   realistically with the issue of a strategic partnership with America —
   America is the best ally we could possibly have. Even though Iran
   holds a few strings, most of the strings now are in more capable Iraqi
   hands backed by the mighty United States of America.- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: The coming Apocalypse

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Bush Jr used the same people as Bush Sr.
after 4 years of failed governance under Bush the
elder, is it any wonder 8 years with the same idiots
created expodentially worst results?

Obama is tapping on the individuals who fixed the
mess from the first Bush administration to fix
the bigger mess from the second Bush Administration!

On Nov 20, 7:08 am, rigsy03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I predicted 7500- maybe that was too optimistic. Your post is
 realistic. Obama's celebrity will last only so long esp as he appoints
 retreads to his cabinet.//How does one un-spoil brats?

 On Nov 19, 8:18 pm, Jim Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Gee Wally; though I am hesitant to say I told you so, I did. As the
  Dow races to 7000 my prophetic, prescient, almost clairvoyant
  predictions of an economic apocalypse are tragically coming to
  fruition. Yet, it will get much, much worse; trust me. The vaunted
  $700 billion, “shuck and jive” has been as effective in loosening
  credit markets as Al Gore has been at losing weight. He’s still a fat
  bastard and our financial markets are circling the bowl. Here’s what
  you need to know.

  It’s too late to prop up our financial markets. The fire started by
  Democrat holdovers, flunkies and thieves in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
  has spread from our financials to industrials and even to internet
  advertising; ala Google’s dive today. Also note Yahoo is almost free
  and CBS is on life support at $5.00 a share. My point; every sector of
  our economy is in full nose dive.

  Just for kicks, let’s quickly stroll down memory lane and examine the
  cause of this winter of our discontent. Democrat hacks at Fannie and
  Freddie used sex, lies and videotape to cook the books, receive
  millions in target bonus’s and got congress to look the other way by
  bribing Democrats in the senate, “when republicans were in charge” and
  by bribing a lot of Democrats when they were in charge. Who said
  public service doesn’t pay? As republicans and President Bush were
  ringing the bell and shouting fire, democrats and the media minimized
  the alarm while shouting, “Racists pigs”.

  Fannie and Freddie currently hold $6 trillion dollars in toxic
  mortgages but, that doesn’t tell the whole story. Through the halls of
  these evil twins passed $50 trillion dollars in toxic mortgages. These
  mortgages were explicitly given to unqualified buyers, bundled
  together in hundreds of billions of dollar packages and securities
  were sold around the world with the collateral being these toxic,
  worthless mortgages. All the while, Democrats fiddled, as the world
  burned. As these mortgages defaulted, the securities backed by them
  became worthless. Companies holding these securities, overnight had
  seen their balance sheets lose trillions. The financial markets went
  into freefall. As the tsunami swept through the financials credit
  markets froze. Industries hadn’t the ability to short term borrow.
  Major stock indexes tanked; oil futures spiraled and even deflation of
  macro commodities ensued. It turned out to be an excrement sandwich.
  And, it’s only begun. It will get biblical; trust me, I have predicted
  this all.

  As expected, Democrats will bail out the car companies, insuring that
  they will indeed fail. This will spike unemployment into double digits
  and continue the domino sequential falling of economic indicators.
  While deflation will headline on the world stage, briefly, our most
  merciful government, under the messiah, “Barry O” massive capital
  infusions into the economy will rush, “fresh of the printing presses”
  into the economy, causing inflation percentages of 1000 percent;
  minimum. Prime Fed rates will approach 25% in an effort to curb
  inflation. The housing market will be destroyed, along with the seven
  or eight hundred businesses’s relying on it.

  A world wide depression will ensue. Yet, it will be a gradual decline;
  much like easing into a too hot bathtub. At the height of the second
  great depression America will have a 70% unemployment rate. Most
  workers, “still employed” will be employed by the government. There
  will be a 30% homeless rate and the end of western civilization will
  be at hand. In the first great depression America was much more rural,
  more self sufficient. Today we are more urban, more dependent on
  government, more hapless. We’ve lost that rugged individualism that
  our founders embodied and this nation was born with. We are spoiled,
  rich and sassy; unable to hunt, to fish, to grow our own food.
  Still, pause and reflect if you will, for in every calamity there is a
  teachable moment. Perhaps, just perhaps, as the phoenix rises from the
  ashes, whenever that future time is, it will be ingrained into the
  American psyche and told around the campfires dotted across these
  fruited plains. Liberalism is not tenable, it never was.
  Conservative Springfield 20 NOV 08- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

I am will do all that is in my power to take my country back.

You can be sure I will be going against the old Democrat guard
who may want business as usual.

I want my country back!

On Nov 20, 2:16 pm, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 And the Democrats have at some point during the past 8 years?

 Face it people BOTH the Democrats and Republicans are lying, thieving,
 self-centered, self-absorbed and greedy assholes. All ANY of us ever
 do is vote for the guys we hate a little bit less than the other guys
 at any given point in time.
  THAT'S the reality of the political situation in this country.

 On Nov 20, 3:07 pm, Cold Water [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I don't know Woody.  The Republicans never had a filibuster proof majority.
  We are going in circles now. dizzy


  - Original Message -
  From: Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: PoliticalForum
  Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 04:03
  Subject: Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way


  We've already experienced what happen when the Republicans control
  both the WH and the Congress, haven't we?
  How much worse can the Democrats fuck up?

  On Nov 20, 1:02 pm, Cold Water [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Marks makes a valid point and by denying it's validity you lose any
   credibility in the discussion.

   Let's try something crazy here Woody and actually have an honest
   I tend to believe that divided government was the original intent of the
   framers for so many obvious reasons not the least of which is that
   compromise and a consensus-driven government will produce the checks and
   balances the founders intended. Are you saying the paradoxical
   we now face of having the Democrats in charge of both elected branches
   provide more balanced and effective governance than the split governments
   have so recently endured?
   CW- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: So who still believes that the tax cuts to the rich works?

2008-11-20 Thread mark

it's called soaking the taxpayers to enlarge the government, and
spread the wealth to the worthless.

On Nov 20, 5:22 pm, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's called paying your bills and reducing debt.

 On Nov 20, 3:20 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  and who are the idiots who believe raising taxes will turn things

  On Nov 20, 4:09 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   So who still believes that the tax cuts to the rich works?

   November 20, 2008
   Sean Lewis

   Bush Republicans the country is now suffering from the arrogant
   incompetence of an ignorant President and a self serving Republican
   Administration and Republican controlled Congress.

   I repeatedly warned of the Economic Cascade Effect that would occur,
   and now we are unfortunately seeing these warning played out.

   Years from now I wonder how many of you who voted for Bush TWICE
   will actually admit this to your children, family and friends.

   The Bush Presidency has done what the 9/11 attacks did not achieve,
   destroyed the Preeminence of the United States financially,
   ethically, politically and militarily.

   Bin Laden could not have asked for a better Ally!

   You don't believe me? Then read my posts from the past

   There are more but you get the point!- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -
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Re: for 8 yrs the dems have stood in the way

2008-11-20 Thread Cold Water

Woody said:  CW,

And the Democrats have at some point during the past 8 years?

CW Wrote:

No, I didn't say that!!  In fact, the end of the  Bush Administration will 
mark the end of a 40-year period during which, for thirty of those years, 
the White House and at least one House of Congress were controlled by 
different parties.

When the government's boot is on your throat, whether it is a left boot or a 
right boot is of no consequence.-- Gary Lloyd

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Re: So who still believes that the tax cuts to the rich works?

2008-11-20 Thread Hollywood


You prefer speading the wealth to the already wealthy?
Right, as if the Republicans never enlarge the govt.

On Nov 20, 4:54 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 it's called soaking the taxpayers to enlarge the government, and
 spread the wealth to the worthless.

 On Nov 20, 5:22 pm, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  It's called paying your bills and reducing debt.

  On Nov 20, 3:20 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   and who are the idiots who believe raising taxes will turn things

   On Nov 20, 4:09 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So who still believes that the tax cuts to the rich works?

November 20, 2008
Sean Lewis

Bush Republicans the country is now suffering from the arrogant
incompetence of an ignorant President and a self serving Republican
Administration and Republican controlled Congress.

I repeatedly warned of the Economic Cascade Effect that would occur,
and now we are unfortunately seeing these warning played out.

Years from now I wonder how many of you who voted for Bush TWICE
will actually admit this to your children, family and friends.

The Bush Presidency has done what the 9/11 attacks did not achieve,
destroyed the Preeminence of the United States financially,
ethically, politically and militarily.

Bin Laden could not have asked for a better Ally!

You don't believe me? Then read my posts from the past

There are more but you get the point!- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: Obama Coronation Extravaganza May Bankrupt DC

2008-11-20 Thread Travis
I heard there may be as many as 4 million now.

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 6:28 PM, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:


 Great! The tourism board in that city will be delighted, everyone from
 resturants to cab-drivers to hotels and bar-tenders will be thrilled.
 You're a spoil-sport.

 On Nov 19, 10:12 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Obama will be getting off to an early start bankrupting the country —
  literally with his inauguration:
  Soaring costs expected to accompany huge crowds in town for the
  Jan. 20 inauguration of Barack Obama could stick cash-strapped
  Washington, D.C., with a record-breaking bill for services.
  Security and capacity measures recommended by the District's
  congressional delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton and others will almost
  certainly surpass the $15 million the federal government gives to the
  District each year to defray the cost of events, Norton said.
  In 2005, with an estimated 300,000 in attendance, the second
  inauguration of President Bush cost the city more than $17 million,
  some of which was reimbursed with federal funds. This year, officials
  estimate nearly five times that many people for the swearing in of
  President-elect Barack Obama.
  But no expense is too great to commemorate this crucial moment in
  history: The Year America Went Off the Rails. The price DC pays is
  nothing to what this train wreck will cost us all before the smoke


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New Al Gore Movie...very serious

2008-11-20 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Subject: New Al Gore Movie...very serious

 Click here:


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Re: Al Franken is another Gore

2008-11-20 Thread Travis
Please don't insult dogs.

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 10:22 AM, Zebnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As much as I dislike Gore and think he is bad, bad, bad for this
 country, I would never insult him by comparing him to that steaming
 pile of fetid dog shit, Al Frankin.

 On Nov 20, 10:51 am, Philobealo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


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Fwd: Americans With No Abilities Act (AWNAA)

2008-11-20 Thread Travis
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 3:19 PM
Subject: Americans With No Abilities Act (AWNAA)
To: PoliticalForum

WASHINGTON, DC - Congress is considering sweeping legislation, which
provides new benefits for many Americans. President Elect Obama will
have the opportunity to sign the The Americans With No Abilities Act
(AWNAA) which is being hailed as a major legislation by advocates of
the millions of Americans who lack any real skills or ambition.

   'Roughly 50 percent of Americans do not possess the competence and
drive necessary to carve out a meaningful role for themselves in
society,' said California Senator Barbara Boxer.

We can no longer stand by and allow People of Inability to be
ridiculed and passed over. With this legislation, employers will no
longer be able to grant special favors to a small group of workers,
simply because they do a better job, or have some idea of what they
are doing.

   Approximately 74 percent of postal employees lack any job skills,
making this agency the single largest U.S employer of Persons of

The President pointed to the success of the US Postal Service, which
has a long-standing policy of providing opportunity without regard to
performance. Approximately 74 percent of postal employees lack job
skills, making this agency the single largest US employer of Persons
of Inability.

Private sector industries with good records of nondiscrimination
against the Inept include retail sales (72%), the airline industry
(68%),and home improvement warehouse stores (65%) The DMV also has a
great record of hiring Persons of Inability. (63%)

   Under The Americans With No Abilities Act, more than 25 million
'middle man' positions will be created, with important-sounding titles
but little real responsibility, thus providing an illusory sense of
purpose and performance.

Mandatory non-performance-based raises and promotions will be given,
to guarantee upward mobility for even the most unremarkable employees.
The legislation provides substantial tax breaks to corporations which
maintain a significant level of Persons of Inability in middle
positions, and gives a tax credit to small and medium businesses that
agree to hire one clueless worker for every two talented hires.

Finally, the AWNA ACT contains tough new measures to make it more
difficult to discriminate against the Non-abled, banning
discriminatory iinterview questions such as Do you have any goals for
the future? or Do you have any skills or experience which relate to
this job?

   'As a Non-abled person, I can't be expected to keep up with people
who have something going for them,' said Mary Lou Gertz, who lost her
position as a lug-nut twister at the GM plant in Flint, Michigan.

This new law should really help people like me. With the passage of
this bill, Gertz and millions of other untalented citizens can finally
see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Said Senator Ted Kennedy, It is our duty as lawmakers to provide each
and every American citizen, regardless of his or her adequacy, with
some sort of space to take up in this great nation.


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Re: Americans With No Abilities Act (AWNAA)

2008-11-20 Thread Travis
This is really much needed legislation. I hope it is quickly passed and
properly funded.

On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 3:19 PM, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 WASHINGTON, DC - Congress is considering sweeping legislation, which
 provides new benefits for many Americans. President Elect Obama will
 have the opportunity to sign the The Americans With No Abilities Act
 (AWNAA) which is being hailed as a major legislation by advocates of
 the millions of Americans who lack any real skills or ambition.

'Roughly 50 percent of Americans do not possess the competence and
 drive necessary to carve out a meaningful role for themselves in
 society,' said California Senator Barbara Boxer.

 We can no longer stand by and allow People of Inability to be
 ridiculed and passed over. With this legislation, employers will no
 longer be able to grant special favors to a small group of workers,
 simply because they do a better job, or have some idea of what they
 are doing.

Approximately 74 percent of postal employees lack any job skills,
 making this agency the single largest U.S employer of Persons of

 The President pointed to the success of the US Postal Service, which
 has a long-standing policy of providing opportunity without regard to
 performance. Approximately 74 percent of postal employees lack job
 skills, making this agency the single largest US employer of Persons
 of Inability.

 Private sector industries with good records of nondiscrimination
 against the Inept include retail sales (72%), the airline industry
 (68%),and home improvement warehouse stores (65%) The DMV also has a
 great record of hiring Persons of Inability. (63%)

Under The Americans With No Abilities Act, more than 25 million
 'middle man' positions will be created, with important-sounding titles
 but little real responsibility, thus providing an illusory sense of
 purpose and performance.

 Mandatory non-performance-based raises and promotions will be given,
 to guarantee upward mobility for even the most unremarkable employees.
 The legislation provides substantial tax breaks to corporations which
 maintain a significant level of Persons of Inability in middle
 positions, and gives a tax credit to small and medium businesses that
 agree to hire one clueless worker for every two talented hires.

 Finally, the AWNA ACT contains tough new measures to make it more
 difficult to discriminate against the Non-abled, banning
 discriminatory iinterview questions such as Do you have any goals for
 the future? or Do you have any skills or experience which relate to
 this job?

'As a Non-abled person, I can't be expected to keep up with people
 who have something going for them,' said Mary Lou Gertz, who lost her
 position as a lug-nut twister at the GM plant in Flint, Michigan.

 This new law should really help people like me. With the passage of
 this bill, Gertz and millions of other untalented citizens can finally
 see a light at the end of the tunnel.

 Said Senator Ted Kennedy, It is our duty as lawmakers to provide each
 and every American citizen, regardless of his or her adequacy, with
 some sort of space to take up in this great nation.


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The Navy's Floating Fiasco

2008-11-20 Thread Travis
From: *Travis*
Date: Tue, Nov 18, 2008
Subject:  The Navy's Floating Fiasco

 If all the info below is true, it's got to be outright shame to SECDEF,
SECNAV, Dept of the Navy, Aquisition, Budget, GAO, and our professional
inspectors for signing off and accepting this canoe in the name of the
U.S. Navy

   *The Navy's Floating Fiasco*

Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2008

[image: The USS San Antonio is seen docked at Naval Station Ingleside,

The USS San Antonio is seen docked at Naval Station Ingleside, Texas.


- The maiden voyage of the taxpayer's newest nearly $2 billion warship
  stalled for two days in August. That's when the stern gate of the USS San
  Antonio — needed to roll vehicles on and off the nearly 700-foot vessel —
  wouldn't work. The Navy eventually got the gate fixed in time
for the vessel
  to leave Norfolk and sail to the Persian Gulf, where its mission
is to hunt
  down smugglers. But now the San Antonio has been forced into
port in Bahrain
  for at least two weeks of repairs to leaks in the hefty pipes
feeding fuel
  to two of its four engines. Hinting at the seriousness of the
problem, the
  Navy has just dispatched a team of 40 workers — including engineers,
  pipe-fitters and welders — to Bahrain to make the San Antonio shipshape.
  Forty technicians — that's ludicrous, says Norman Polmar, an
  naval expert. It means the problems are major, because the ship has
  mechanics, metal smiths and other people on board as part of the
crew, and
  they're supposed to take care of minor problems. And you
thought McHale's
  Navy was cancelled back in 1966.

  The San Antonio is the first in a new class of amphibious ships —
blue-water buses — each of which carries 350 sailors and is responsible for
ferrying 700 Marines and their gear to global hot spots. And the ship's sad
plight represents in miniature all that is wrong with the way the Pentagon
buys its weapons. The pattern of haste and waste accelerated in the Cold
War's wake, and simply exploded following 9/11. It highlights the challenge
facing President-elect Barack Obama as he contemplates retooling an
Industrial Age 
primed for state-on-state warfare — into the more agile force better
suited for 21st Century conflicts of the type now being waged in Afghanistan
and Iraq.

Navy inspections of the San Antonio have found a raft of problems so baked
into its design that many Navy officials fear it can never be made right,
despite its price tag having risen from $644 million to $1.8 billion. Some
significant fraction of the welds in that ship were flawed and had to be
redone, John Young, the Pentagon's top weapons buyer, told Congress in
June. I shouldn't be forced to pay on behalf of=2 0taxpayers any price for
any level of deficient performance. Still, that's just what the Navy did,
forking over an additional $100 million to make it seaworthy *after *the
Navy had taken delivery of the vessel from its builder, Northrop Grumman, in
2006. The service said it needed the new ship to replace an older one it was
retiring, and could finish the work more cheaply in its own shipyard. The
Navy has blamed Northrop Grumman for poor work; the company has blamed the
Navy for a constantly-changing design, and Hurricane Katrina, which hit the
Gulf yards in which the ship was built.

Navy officials have said the San Antonio has so many problems because it is
the first ship in its class, a claim Polmar dismisses. We've been building
these kinds of ships since 1943, he says. It has no big missiles, no
advanced radar, and no nuclear propulsion. Government Accountability Office
said last year that the San Antonio's woes began because the Navy relied on
immature computer blueprints that infected its entire construction. That
led to delays that cost up to five times as much as it would have cost if
the work had been done in proper sequence. The GAO found that the ship had
been delivered to the war fighter incomplete and with numerous mechanical
failures including safety concerns related to personnel, equipment,
ammunition, navigation, and flight activities. Navy officials say the
leaking oil that forced San Antonio into port in Bahrain poses no safety
threat to its crew — a=2 0claim viewed dubiously by some sailors.

Navy inspectors also recently criticized the USS New Orleans, the second
vessel in the San Antonio's class. It cannot support embarked troops, cargo
or landing craft — its primary mission — according to a report obtained by
the independent *Navy Times*. Navy officials say the third and fourth
vessels are performing much better. The rush to produce the fleet might make
military sense if they were needed, but the last time Marines stormed ashore
— the key reason the taxpayer is spending $14 billion on the San Antonio,
and at least eight more ships just like it — was nearly 60 years ago, at

Re: where is the change????????????????

2008-11-20 Thread rigsy03

You're right, Hollywood. However, state and local officials can help.

On Nov 20, 3:11�pm, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wow, and all this time I thought it was the responsibility of the
 Federal Govt. to secure our international borders. Silly me.

 On Nov 20, 9:11�am, rigsy03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  And a female border governor who has swamped this country with
  impoverished drug-running Mexicans!

  On Nov 20, 6:39 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   now he adds a regurgitated washed up ex senator. still do not see any
   change. what a farce. the sheep have been fleeced and don't even
   know it.

   On Nov 19, 7:09 pm, rigsy03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anyone America elected this election is bound to fail. Republicans are
relieved to lose this one.

On Nov 19, 5:08 am, jenius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 you sound like another stinking racist. give up. your guy lost and the
 Dems are in charge again. its time to clean up the huge mess Bushy has
 left us. bring on health care for all, and the end to stupid endless
 wars. jenius

 On Nov 18, 3:30 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  der furher has appointed 47 people so far for his fourth reich, and 
  of them worked for clinton. sure doesn't look like change to me.
  looks like the same old same old.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: The coming Apocalypse

2008-11-20 Thread Doc Holliday

Doc reiterates

You folks are blind as shit. Can't you see that all this financial
business is happening for a reason. Do you think these financial
giants are so damned stupid they could not forecast this disaster.
THEY' have cause this disaster and it is our disaster not theirs
because that's the way they planned it! This god damned false flag
financial disaster only empowers the elitist bastards and usurps our
rights. You bunch of dumb shits!

They need an excuse to move their operations overseas, they've been
doing it now for years. My question is; how much money have all these
giants made of the military / war? I think they have most all their
facilities overseas that build military vehicles etc. Might they be
hiding profits that are paid under the table? The boys at the top
don't give a shit about Americans. Putting up a pseudo false flag
fight looks good now so they can complete the cycle of moving their
operations and utilize the the human resources / slave labor / wage
slavery outside the US, but they have to put on a good show; don't
they? And is this not the perfect storm for the globalist to level the
playing fields / pay scales so they may have all of us on a global
scale under their thumbs so as to control how much investment they
have in their human resources as in human blood sweat and
tears Wake the fuck up!!

 Capital must protect itself in every way...Debts must be
collected and loans and mortgages
foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law the
common people have lost their
homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the
strong arm of the law applied
by the central power of leading financiers. People without homes will
not quarrel with their leaders.
This is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an
imperialism of capitalism to
govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend
their energies in fighting over
questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common
Taken from the Civil Servants' Year Book, The Organizer January

...I am convinced that the agreement [Bretton Woods] will enthrone a
world dictatorship of private
finance more complete and terrible than and Hitlerite dream. It offers
no solution of world problems, but quite blatantly sets up controls
which will reduce the smaller nations to vassal states and make every
government the mouthpiece and tool of International Finance.  It will
undermine and destroy the democratic institutions of this country - in
fact as effectively as ever the Fascist forces could have done -
pervert and paganise our Christian ideals; and will undoubtedly
present a new menace, endangering world peace. World collaboration of
private financial interests can only mean mass unemployment, slavery,
misery, degradation and financial destruction. Therefore, as freedom
loving Australians we should reject this infamous proposal. -- Labor
Minister of Australia, Eddie Ward, during the inception of the World
Bank and Bretton Woods, he gave this warning.


On Nov 19, 8:18 pm, Jim Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gee Wally; though I am hesitant to say I told you so, I did. As the
 Dow races to 7000 my prophetic, prescient, almost clairvoyant
 predictions of an economic apocalypse are tragically coming to
 fruition. Yet, it will get much, much worse; trust me. The vaunted
 $700 billion, “shuck and jive” has been as effective in loosening
 credit markets as Al Gore has been at losing weight. He’s still a fat
 bastard and our financial markets are circling the bowl. Here’s what
 you need to know.

 It’s too late to prop up our financial markets. The fire started by
 Democrat holdovers, flunkies and thieves in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
 has spread from our financials to industrials and even to internet
 advertising; ala Google’s dive today. Also note Yahoo is almost free
 and CBS is on life support at $5.00 a share. My point; every sector of
 our economy is in full nose dive.

 Just for kicks, let’s quickly stroll down memory lane and examine the
 cause of this winter of our discontent. Democrat hacks at Fannie and
 Freddie used sex, lies and videotape to cook the books, receive
 millions in target bonus’s and got congress to look the other way by
 bribing Democrats in the senate, “when republicans were in charge” and
 by bribing a lot of Democrats when they were in charge. Who said
 public service doesn’t pay? As republicans and President Bush were
 ringing the bell and shouting fire, democrats and the media minimized
 the alarm while shouting, “Racists pigs”.

 Fannie and Freddie currently hold $6 trillion dollars in toxic
 mortgages but, that doesn’t tell the whole story. Through the halls of
 these evil twins passed $50 trillion dollars in toxic mortgages. These
 mortgages were explicitly given to 

Re: Obama Coronation Extravaganza May Bankrupt DC

2008-11-20 Thread Hollywood


Even better.

On Nov 20, 6:40 pm, Travis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I heard there may be as many as 4 million now.

 On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 6:28 PM, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:


  Great! The tourism board in that city will be delighted, everyone from
  resturants to cab-drivers to hotels and bar-tenders will be thrilled.
  You're a spoil-sport.

  On Nov 19, 10:12 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Obama will be getting off to an early start bankrupting the country —
   literally with his inauguration:

       Soaring costs expected to accompany huge crowds in town for the
   Jan. 20 inauguration of Barack Obama could stick cash-strapped
   Washington, D.C., with a record-breaking bill for services.

       Security and capacity measures recommended by the District's
   congressional delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton and others will almost
   certainly surpass the $15 million the federal government gives to the
   District each year to defray the cost of events, Norton said.

       In 2005, with an estimated 300,000 in attendance, the second
   inauguration of President Bush cost the city more than $17 million,
   some of which was reimbursed with federal funds. This year, officials
   estimate nearly five times that many people for the swearing in of
   President-elect Barack Obama.

   But no expense is too great to commemorate this crucial moment in
   history: The Year America Went Off the Rails. The price DC pays is
   nothing to what this train wreck will cost us all before the smoke

 *~@):~{- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: The coming Apocalypse

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

And the US bombed the towers on 9/11...

On Nov 20, 7:15 pm, Doc Holliday [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You folks are blind as shit. Can't you see that all this financial
 business is happening for a reason. Do you think these financial
 giants are so damned stupid they could not forecast this disaster.
 THEY' have cause this disaster and it is our disaster not theirs
 because that's the way they planned it! This god damned false flag
 financial disaster only empowers the elitist bastards and usurps our
 rights. You bunch of dumb shits!

 They need an excuse to move their operations overseas, they've been
 doing it now for years. My question is; how much money have all these
 giants made of the military / war? I think they have most all their
 facilities overseas that build military vehicles etc. Might they be
 hiding profits that are paid under the table? The boys at the top
 don't give a shit about Americans. Putting up a pseudo false flag
 fight looks good now so they can complete the cycle of moving their
 operations and utilize the the human resources / slave labor / wage
 slavery outside the US, but they have to put on a good show; don't
 they? And is this not the perfect storm for the globalist to level the
 playing fields / pay scales so they may have all of us on a global
 scale under their thumbs so as to control how much investment they
 have in their human resources as in human blood sweat and
 tears Wake the fuck up!!

      Capital must protect itself in every way...Debts must be
 collected and loans and mortgages
 foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law the
 common people have lost their
 homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the
 strong arm of the law applied
 by the central power of leading financiers. People without homes will
 not quarrel with their leaders.
 This is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an
 imperialism of capitalism to
 govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend
 their energies in fighting over
 questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common
 Taken from the Civil Servants' Year Book, The Organizer January

 ...I am convinced that the agreement [Bretton Woods] will enthrone a
 world dictatorship of private
 finance more complete and terrible than and Hitlerite dream. It offers
 no solution of world problems, but quite blatantly sets up controls
 which will reduce the smaller nations to vassal states and make every
 government the mouthpiece and tool of International Finance.  It will
 undermine and destroy the democratic institutions of this country - in
 fact as effectively as ever the Fascist forces could have done -
 pervert and paganise our Christian ideals; and will undoubtedly
 present a new menace, endangering world peace. World collaboration of
 private financial interests can only mean mass unemployment, slavery,
 misery, degradation and financial destruction. Therefore, as freedom
 loving Australians we should reject this infamous proposal. -- Labor
 Minister of Australia, Eddie Ward, during the inception of the World
 Bank and Bretton Woods, he gave this warning.


 On Nov 19, 8:18 pm, Jim Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Gee Wally; though I am hesitant to say I told you so, I did. As the
  Dow races to 7000 my prophetic, prescient, almost clairvoyant
  predictions of an economic apocalypse are tragically coming to
  fruition. Yet, it will get much, much worse; trust me. The vaunted
  $700 billion, “shuck and jive” has been as effective in loosening
  credit markets as Al Gore has been at losing weight. He’s still a fat
  bastard and our financial markets are circling the bowl. Here’s what
  you need to know.

  It’s too late to prop up our financial markets. The fire started by
  Democrat holdovers, flunkies and thieves in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
  has spread from our financials to industrials and even to internet
  advertising; ala Google’s dive today. Also note Yahoo is almost free
  and CBS is on life support at $5.00 a share. My point; every sector of
  our economy is in full nose dive.

  Just for kicks, let’s quickly stroll down memory lane and examine the
  cause of this winter of our discontent. Democrat hacks at Fannie and
  Freddie used sex, lies and videotape to cook the books, receive
  millions in target bonus’s and got congress to look the other way by
  bribing Democrats in the senate, “when republicans were in charge” and
  by bribing a lot of Democrats when they were in charge. Who said
  public service doesn’t pay? As republicans and President Bush were
  ringing the bell and shouting fire, democrats and the media minimized
  the alarm while shouting, “Racists pigs”.

  Fannie and Freddie currently hold $6 trillion dollars in toxic
  mortgages but, that 

Re: Obama Coronation Extravaganza May Bankrupt DC

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Are Republicans this stupid? After the crap Bush and the
Republican Controlled Congress did from Terri Schiavo to
outing a CIA agent, illegal black operations, lying about the
NIE, doubling the national debt, they have the nerve to point fingers?


On Nov 19, 8:12 am, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Obama will be getting off to an early start bankrupting the country —
 literally with his inauguration:

     Soaring costs expected to accompany huge crowds in town for the
 Jan. 20 inauguration of Barack Obama could stick cash-strapped
 Washington, D.C., with a record-breaking bill for services.

     Security and capacity measures recommended by the District’s
 congressional delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton and others will almost
 certainly surpass the $15 million the federal government gives to the
 District each year to defray the cost of events, Norton said.

     In 2005, with an estimated 300,000 in attendance, the second
 inauguration of President Bush cost the city more than $17 million,
 some of which was reimbursed with federal funds. This year, officials
 estimate nearly five times that many people for the swearing in of
 President-elect Barack Obama.

 But no expense is too great to commemorate this crucial moment in
 history: The Year America Went Off the Rails. The price DC pays is
 nothing to what this train wreck will cost us all before the smoke
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Re: The coming Apocalypse

2008-11-20 Thread Doc Holliday

FEMA camps fully staffed  ready to go
Posted September 29th, 2008
EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995allows the government to seize and control the
communication media.EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997allows the government to take
over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998allows the government to seize all means of
transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any
kind and total control over all highways, seaports, and waterways.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10999allows the government to take over all food
resources and farms.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000allows the government to mobilize civilians into
work brigades under government supervision.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001allows the government to take over all health,
education and welfare functions.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002designates the Postmaster General to operate a
national registration of all persons.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports
and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to
relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate
areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005allows the government to take over railroads,
inland waterways and public storage facilities.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051specifies the responsibility of the Office of
Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders
into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic
or financial crisis.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310grants authority to the Department of Justice to
enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial
support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all
aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise
and assist the President.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049assigns emergency preparedness function to
federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive
Orders issued over a fifteen year period.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency
to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of
production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries,
credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any
undefined national emergency.


On Nov 20, 10:17 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And the US bombed the towers on 9/11...

 On Nov 20, 7:15 pm, Doc Holliday [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  You folks are blind as shit. Can't you see that all this financial
  business is happening for a reason. Do you think these financial
  giants are so damned stupid they could not forecast this disaster.
  THEY' have cause this disaster and it is our disaster not theirs
  because that's the way they planned it! This god damned false flag
  financial disaster only empowers the elitist bastards and usurps our
  rights. You bunch of dumb shits!

  They need an excuse to move their operations overseas, they've been
  doing it now for years. My question is; how much money have all these
  giants made of the military / war? I think they have most all their
  facilities overseas that build military vehicles etc. Might they be
  hiding profits that are paid under the table? The boys at the top
  don't give a shit about Americans. Putting up a pseudo false flag
  fight looks good now so they can complete the cycle of moving their
  operations and utilize the the human resources / slave labor / wage
  slavery outside the US, but they have to put on a good show; don't
  they? And is this not the perfect storm for the globalist to level the
  playing fields / pay scales so they may have all of us on a global
  scale under their thumbs so as to control how much investment they
  have in their human resources as in human blood sweat and
  tears Wake the fuck up!!

       Capital must protect itself in every way...Debts must be
  collected and loans and mortgages
  foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law the
  common people have lost their
  homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the
  strong arm of the law applied
  by the central power of leading financiers. People without homes will
  not quarrel with their leaders.
  This is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an
  imperialism of capitalism to
  govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend
  their energies in fighting over
  questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common
  Taken from the Civil Servants' Year Book, The Organizer January

  ...I am convinced that the agreement [Bretton Woods] will enthrone a
  world dictatorship of private
  finance more complete and terrible than and Hitlerite dream. It offers
  no solution 

Re: So who still believes that the tax cuts to the rich works?

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

LMAO, it was BUsh and the Republicans who gave money
to companies to offshore american jobs push for trade
agreements that allowed uS companies to offshore these jobs
and cut the taxes on the thieves who run the Hedge Funds

Do you really believe that saying such asinine BS mean anything
outside of the Coulter/Limbaugh believers circle?

We have brains and use them.

We knew there were no WMD's.

We knew that trickle down does not work.

We knew Bush did not send enough troops to Iraq.

We knew Terri Schiavo was Brain Dead.

How many times are you going to fall for the same types
of lies from the same sources? Are you really that dUMB!

On Nov 20, 2:54 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 it's called soaking the taxpayers to enlarge the government, and
 spread the wealth to the worthless.

 On Nov 20, 5:22 pm, Hollywood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  It's called paying your bills and reducing debt.

  On Nov 20, 3:20 pm, mark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   and who are the idiots who believe raising taxes will turn things

   On Nov 20, 4:09 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So who still believes that the tax cuts to the rich works?

November 20, 2008
Sean Lewis

Bush Republicans the country is now suffering from the arrogant
incompetence of an ignorant President and a self serving Republican
Administration and Republican controlled Congress.

I repeatedly warned of the Economic Cascade Effect that would occur,
and now we are unfortunately seeing these warning played out.

Years from now I wonder how many of you who voted for Bush TWICE
will actually admit this to your children, family and friends.

The Bush Presidency has done what the 9/11 attacks did not achieve,
destroyed the Preeminence of the United States financially,
ethically, politically and militarily.

Bin Laden could not have asked for a better Ally!

You don't believe me? Then read my posts from the past

There are more but you get the point!- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Was Obama the Only Socialist Running?

2008-11-20 Thread M.A. Johnson

Obama the Only Socialist Running? 
Posted by
Mike Tennant at
12:41 PM 


 Will doesn't think so. In fact, says he, spreading [wealth] is
mostly what Washington does. Here, the Constitution is an afterthought;
the supreme law of the land is the principle of concentrated benefits and
dispersed costs.

GOP must admit it has spread
By George Will
Washington Post Writers Group
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Washington ­- Conservatism’s current intellectual chaos reverberated in
the GOP ticket’s end-of-campaign crescendo of surreal warnings that big
government ­- verily, “socialism” ­- would impend were Democrats elected.
John McCain and Sarah Palin experienced this epiphany when Barack Obama
told a plumber that he would “spread the wealth around.”
America can’t have that, exclaimed the Republican ticket while
Republicans ­- whose prescription drug entitlement is the largest
expansion of the welfare state since President Lyndon Johnson’s Great
Society gave birth to Medicare in 1965; a majority of whom in Congress
supported a lavish farm bill at a time of record profits for the less
than 2 percent of the American people-cum-corporations who farm ­- and
their administration were partially nationalizing the banking system,
putting Detroit on the dole and looking around to see whether some bit of
what is smilingly called “the private sector” has been inadvertently left
off the ever-expanding list of entities eligible for a bailout from the
$1 trillion or so that is to be “spread around.”
The seepage of government into everywhere is, we are assured, to be
temporary and nonpolitical. Well.
Probably as temporary as New York City’s rent controls, which were born
as emergency responses to the Second World War, and which are still
distorting the city’s housing market. The Depression, which FDR failed to
end but which Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor did end, was the excuse for
agriculture subsidies that have lived past three score years and
The distribution of a trillion dollars by a political institution ­- the
federal government ­- will be nonpolitical? How could it be? Either
markets allocate resources, or government ­- meaning politics ­-
allocates them. Now that distrust of markets is high, Americans are
supposed to believe that the institution they trust least ­- Congress ­-
will pony up $1 trillion and then passively recede, never putting its 10
thumbs, like a manic Jack Horner, into the pie? Surely Congress will
direct the executive branch to show compassion for this, that and the
other industry. And it will mandate “socially responsible” spending ­- an
infinitely elastic term ­- by the favored companies.
Detroit has not yet started spending the $25 billion that Congress has
approved but already is, like Oliver Twist, holding out its porridge bowl
and saying, “Please, sir, I want some more.”
McCain and Palin, plucky foes of spreading the wealth, must have known
that such spreading is mostly what Washington does. Here, the
Constitution is an afterthought; the supreme law of the land is the
principle of concentrated benefits and dispersed costs. Sugar import
quotas cost the American people approximately $2 billion a year, but that
sum is siphoned from 300 million consumers in small, hidden increments
that are not noticed.
Conservatives rightly think, or once did, that much, indeed most,
government spreading of wealth is economically destructive and morally
dubious ­- destructive because, by directing capital to suboptimum uses,
it slows wealth creation; morally dubious because the wealth being spread
belongs to those who created it, not government. But if conservatives
call all such spreading by government “socialism,” that becomes a
classification that no longer classifies: It includes almost everything,
including the refundable tax credit on which McCain’s health care plan
Hyperbole is not harmless; careless language bewitches the speaker’s
intelligence. And falsely shouting “socialism!” in a crowded theater such
as Washington causes yawning. This is the only major industrial society
that has never had a large socialist party ideologically, meaning
candidly, committed to redistribution of wealth. This is partly because
Americans are an aspirational, not an envious people. It is also because
the socialism we do have is the surreptitious socialism of the strong,
e.g. sugar producers represented by their Washington hirelings.
In America, socialism is un-American. Instead, Americans merely do
rent-seeking ­- bending government for the benefit of private factions.
The difference is in degree, including the degree of candor. The
rehabilitation of conservatism cannot begin until conservatives are
candid about their complicity in what government has become.
As for the president-elect, he promises to change Washington. He will, by
making matters worse. He will intensify rent-seeking by finding new ways
­- this will not be easy ­- to expand, even more than the current
administration has, 

Re: The coming Apocalypse

2008-11-20 Thread Doc Holliday

“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the
Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”

“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case
that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s
just a goddamned piece of paper!”

I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they
all confirm that the President of the United States called the
Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.”


On Nov 20, 10:28 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Do you have propellers on your tin foil hat?

 On Nov 20, 8:25 pm, Doc Holliday [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  FEMA camps fully staffed  ready to go
  Posted September 29th, 2008
  EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995allows the government to seize and control the
  communication media.EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997allows the government to take
  over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

  EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998allows the government to seize all means of
  transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any
  kind and total control over all highways, seaports, and waterways.

  EXECUTIVE ORDER 10999allows the government to take over all food
  resources and farms.

  EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000allows the government to mobilize civilians into
  work brigades under government supervision.

  EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001allows the government to take over all health,
  education and welfare functions.

  EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002designates the Postmaster General to operate a
  national registration of all persons.

  EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports
  and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

  EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to
  relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate
  areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

  EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005allows the government to take over railroads,
  inland waterways and public storage facilities.

  EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051specifies the responsibility of the Office of
  Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders
  into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic
  or financial crisis.

  EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310grants authority to the Department of Justice to
  enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial
  support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all
  aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise
  and assist the President.

  EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049assigns emergency preparedness function to
  federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive
  Orders issued over a fifteen year period.

  EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency
  to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of
  production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries,
  credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any
  undefined national


  On Nov 20, 10:17 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   And the US bombed the towers on 9/11...

   On Nov 20, 7:15 pm, Doc Holliday [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


You folks are blind as shit. Can't you see that all this financial
business is happening for a reason. Do you think these financial
giants are so damned stupid they could not forecast this disaster.
THEY' have cause this disaster and it is our disaster not theirs
because that's the way they planned it! This god damned false flag
financial disaster only empowers the elitist bastards and usurps our
rights. You bunch of dumb shits!

They need an excuse to move their operations overseas, they've been
doing it now for years. My question is; how much money have all these
giants made of the military / war? I think they have most all their
facilities overseas that build military vehicles etc. Might they be
hiding profits that are paid under the table? The boys at the top
don't give a shit about Americans. Putting up a pseudo false flag
fight looks good now so they can complete the cycle of moving their
operations and utilize the the human resources / slave labor / wage
slavery outside the US, but they have to put on a good show; don't
they? And is this not the perfect storm for the globalist to level the
playing fields / pay scales so they may have all of us on a global
scale under their thumbs so as to control how much investment they
have in their human resources as in human blood sweat and
tears Wake the fuck up!!

     Capital must protect itself in every way...Debts must be
collected and loans and mortgages
foreclosed as 

Re: The coming Apocalypse

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

So which is it, Bush is detroying the economy
or the US Corporation are destroying the economy
or are the two working together?

Did US jets shot down the third passenger plane?

On Nov 20, 9:54 pm, Doc Holliday [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 “I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the
 Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”

 “Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case
 that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”

 “Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s
 just a goddamned piece of paper!”

 I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they
 all confirm that the President of the United States called the
 Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.”


 On Nov 20, 10:28 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Do you have propellers on your tin foil hat?

  On Nov 20, 8:25 pm, Doc Holliday [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   FEMA camps fully staffed  ready to go
   Posted September 29th, 2008
   EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995allows the government to seize and control the
   communication media.EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997allows the government to take
   over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

   EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998allows the government to seize all means of
   transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any
   kind and total control over all highways, seaports, and waterways.

   EXECUTIVE ORDER 10999allows the government to take over all food
   resources and farms.

   EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000allows the government to mobilize civilians into
   work brigades under government supervision.

   EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001allows the government to take over all health,
   education and welfare functions.

   EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002designates the Postmaster General to operate a
   national registration of all persons.

   EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 allows the government to take over all airports
   and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

   EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to
   relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate
   areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

   EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005allows the government to take over railroads,
   inland waterways and public storage facilities.

   EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051specifies the responsibility of the Office of
   Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders
   into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic
   or financial crisis.

   EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310grants authority to the Department of Justice to
   enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial
   support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all
   aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise
   and assist the President.

   EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049assigns emergency preparedness function to
   federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive
   Orders issued over a fifteen year period.

   EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency
   to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of
   production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries,
   credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any
   undefined national


   On Nov 20, 10:17 pm, VT Sean Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

And the US bombed the towers on 9/11...

On Nov 20, 7:15 pm, Doc Holliday [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 You folks are blind as shit. Can't you see that all this financial
 business is happening for a reason. Do you think these financial
 giants are so damned stupid they could not forecast this disaster.
 THEY' have cause this disaster and it is our disaster not theirs
 because that's the way they planned it! This god damned false flag
 financial disaster only empowers the elitist bastards and usurps our
 rights. You bunch of dumb shits!

 They need an excuse to move their operations overseas, they've been
 doing it now for years. My question is; how much money have all these
 giants made of the military / war? I think they have most all their
 facilities overseas that build military vehicles etc. Might they be
 hiding profits that are paid under the table? The boys at the top
 don't give a shit about Americans. Putting up a pseudo false flag
 fight looks good now so they can complete the cycle of moving their
 operations and utilize the the human resources / slave labor / wage
 slavery outside the US, but they have to put on a good show; don't
 they? And is this not the perfect storm for the globalist to level the
 playing fields / pay scales so they may have all of us on a 

Re: Was Obama the Only Socialist Running?

2008-11-20 Thread VT Sean Lewis

Funny how Republicans are just now coming to their fiscal senses after
8 years
of near comatose governnance.

On Nov 20, 8:34 pm, M.A. Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Was Obamathe Only Socialist Running?Posted byMike Tennantat 12:41 
 PMGeorgeWill doesn't think so.In fact, says he, spreading [wealth] is mostly 
 what Washington does. Here, the Constitution is an afterthought; the supreme 
 law of the land is the principle of concentrated benefits and dispersed 
 costs.GOP must admit it has spread wealthBy George Will
 Washington Post Writers Group
 Sunday, November 16, 2008
 Washington - Conservatism’s current intellectual chaos reverberated in the 
 GOP ticket’s end-of-campaign crescendo of surreal warnings that big 
 government - verily, “socialism” - would impend were Democrats elected. John 
 McCain and Sarah Palin experienced this epiphany when Barack Obama told a 
 plumber that he would “spread the wealth around.”
 America can’t have that, exclaimed the Republican ticket while Republicans - 
 whose prescription drug entitlement is the largest expansion of the welfare 
 state since President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society gave birth to Medicare 
 in 1965; a majority of whom in Congress supported a lavish farm bill at a 
 time of record profits for the less than 2 percent of the American 
 people-cum-corporations who farm - and their administration were partially 
 nationalizing the banking system, putting Detroit on the dole and looking 
 around to see whether some bit of what is smilingly called “the private 
 sector” has been inadvertently left off the ever-expanding list of entities 
 eligible for a bailout from the $1 trillion or so that is to be “spread 
 The seepage of government into everywhere is, we are assured, to be temporary 
 and nonpolitical. Well.
 Probably as temporary as New York City’s rent controls, which were born as 
 emergency responses to the Second World War, and which are still distorting 
 the city’s housing market. The Depression, which FDR failed to end but which 
 Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor did end, was the excuse for agriculture 
 subsidies that have lived past three score years and 10.
 The distribution of a trillion dollars by a political institution - the 
 federal government - will be nonpolitical? How could it be? Either markets 
 allocate resources, or government - meaning politics - allocates them. Now 
 that distrust of markets is high, Americans are supposed to believe that the 
 institution they trust least - Congress - will pony up $1 trillion and then 
 passively recede, never putting its 10 thumbs, like a manic Jack Horner, into 
 the pie? Surely Congress will direct the executive branch to show compassion 
 for this, that and the other industry. And it will mandate “socially 
 responsible” spending - an infinitely elastic term - by the favored companies.
 Detroit has not yet started spending the $25 billion that Congress has 
 approved but already is, like Oliver Twist, holding out its porridge bowl and 
 saying, “Please, sir, I want some more.”
 McCain and Palin, plucky foes of spreading the wealth, must have known that 
 such spreading is mostly what Washington does. Here, the Constitution is an 
 afterthought; the supreme law of the land is the principle of concentrated 
 benefits and dispersed costs. Sugar import quotas cost the American people 
 approximately $2 billion a year, but that sum is siphoned from 300 million 
 consumers in small, hidden increments that are not noticed.
 Conservatives rightly think, or once did, that much, indeed most, government 
 spreading of wealth is economically destructive and morally dubious - 
 destructive because, by directing capital to suboptimum uses, it slows wealth 
 creation; morally dubious because the wealth being spread belongs to those 
 who created it, not government. But if conservatives call all such spreading 
 by government “socialism,” that becomes a classification that no longer 
 classifies: It includes almost everything, including the refundable tax 
 credit on which McCain’s health care plan depended.
 Hyperbole is not harmless; careless language bewitches the speaker’s 
 intelligence. And falsely shouting “socialism!” in a crowded theater such as 
 Washington causes yawning. This is the only major industrial society that has 
 never had a large socialist party ideologically, meaning candidly, committed 
 to redistribution of wealth. This is partly because Americans are an 
 aspirational, not an envious people. It is also because the socialism we do 
 have is the surreptitious socialism of the strong, e.g. sugar producers 
 represented by their Washington hirelings.
 In America, socialism is un-American. Instead, Americans merely do 
 rent-seeking - bending government for the benefit of private factions. The 
 difference is in degree, including the degree of candor. The rehabilitation 
 of conservatism cannot begin until conservatives are candid about their 
 complicity in what