Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2009-10-28 Thread Toni Mueller


On Sun, 27.04.2008 at 11:10:49 -0700, Matthew Dempsky 
 His use case for PDF's DRM was simply to protect students from
 accidentally printing the animated slides instead of the still 4-up

yes, but this is a weak use case. I, for one, would expect students
to have no trouble to read simple notices about appropriate usage of
their learning material, and make an informed decision thereafter.

But maybe I'm just expecting too much when I hear people say that
(University) students need a calculator to compute 6 x 4 these days (no

Kind regards,

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-05-01 Thread Ian McWilliam

On 26 Apr 2008, at 9:30 PM, Marc Espie wrote:

We're talking about stupid, evil, legal DRM here.

The pdf document basically says `oh, you're not supposed to do things
with this document, because I say so'. There's nothing that prevents  

from doing anything with the document.

If anything, our xpdf should probably display a notice that says  
`the author
of the document thought you should not be able to print it... or  

Finally, some sense, thanks. The real issue for me at least is the  
fact that one is prepared to modify (in this case xpdf) away for what  
ever standard it is written against, modified away from the original  
software distribution without documenting the change, informing the  
end user who installs the modified software so they can make an  
informed decision as to whether they still want to use the modified  
version or go off and install the unmodified version.

In the case of xpdf, everyone just wanted to shout we can modify the  
software because we can. If the modification is some where  
documented, then I and others don't sit scratching our heads as to why  
this no longer works the way it should according to the standard or  

But there is no actual protection in the document. It's all stupid  

in software.

This is a case where I strongly believe in freedom: the end user  
should be

able to decide what they can do with the document.

And equality: knowledgeable technical users shouldn't have an edge.
It's completely hypocritical to say `oh, you can recompile the  
software to

remove the restriction', because it shuts down some users.

As far as I'm concerned, you've got two levels of protection: legal  


This `drm' part of pdf is purely legal: you get a document, you are  
you're not supposed to do such and such, and THAT'S IT. There's no  

protection to speak of.

For me, the legal barrier is quite enough. As adult, you can make an  

choice whether or not to obey the spirit of the document author.

Ian McWilliam

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-05-01 Thread Ian McWilliam

On 26 Apr 2008, at 1:34 PM, Iruata Souza wrote:

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 11:25 PM, Ian McWilliam  

Stephan Andre' wrote:

On Friday 25 April 2008 20:49:00 Ian McWilliam wrote:

Ok, Not really wanting to comment on this call me a troll,  
call me

want you want but

The following rant in NOT about GPL licensing.
I am  neither supporting or denying the the said change to xdpf.
This is a discussion about modifying standards..

What is hypocrytical here is the not one person has said the have  
at the standard for PDF to determine the correct behaviour.  
it is for or against peoples wishes, there is a standard  
somewhere and

even the author of xpdf hints that there is one and what you are
removing is against the standard.

... I distribute source code (for Xpdf) under a particular  
license (the
GPL) which depends entirely on users' goodwill for its  
effectiveness. If
any of my users ever decided to violate the license, I would  
never even know about it, much less be able to do anything about  
it. The

only thing I can do is trust the users.

In light of this, it would be very hypocritical of me to, on one  
ask people to honor my licensing restrictions, and, on the other  

bypass (or assist others in bypassing) another author's requested

In addition to all of this, Adobe requires that implementors of  
the PDF

spec adhere to the document permissions.

I haven't read the Adobe PDF sepc or standard and have no  
to. It looks like no body here wants to either. I find that  


According to a recent thread on tech@ recently,

This patch is a joke.  It will never go into OpenSSH since it is
completely incorrect.  The standard is clear --

The version string for an SSH client or server is supposed to be
disclosed.  It is the standard behaviour, and is done for very good

Can anybody explain why is it acceptable to modify a standard for
ports but not not for base?

flame away

Ian McWilliam

P.S I hate DRM as much as the next person.

Because the two are completely different concepts.  The SSH patch
was clueless, both in terms of how OpenSSH works, and the protection
it would(n't) give.

Sorry  STeve but we are not talking directly about the SSH patch in
question. It's the concept of modifying software away from it's  

behaviour / standard.

The removal of the DRM code is has actual benefit, the GPL permits  
and Adobe  *knows* this.  This is useless laywer gobble.  PDF's  
are now

an ISO standard.

So if PDF is now an ISO standrard then what does the standard say  

what being modified?

This still dosn't answer why it is acceptable to modify a piece of  

away from it's standards definition

maybe you are a little confuse about design versus implementation?


Not really, I have no issue with design vs implementation as long as  
it is documented somehow. The issue is that we want to modify software  
away from the original implementation but not document that fact.

Ian McWilliam

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-05-01 Thread Ian McWilliam

On 26 Apr 2008, at 2:30 PM, Nick Holland wrote:

Ian McWilliam wrote:

Can anybody explain why is it acceptable to modify a standard for
ports but not not for base?

I think Standards is a bogus argument here.  That's not what
this is about.

Try this way of looking at it:
The author of xpdf wants DRM in the source code.  That is his right.
Many users find it more useful without it.  That is their right.
We distribute patches to build a version that disables the DRM that
will never be incorporated into the main package. That is our right.
The author distributes it the way they wish to, and OpenBSD
distributes a patch.  Everyone's rights are respected.

Author has freedom, users have freedom, OpenBSD has freedom.

The authors of OpenSSH don't want to hide the version.  That is
their right.
A few users think there is benefit in hiding the version.  That
is their right (you have the right to remain wrong...)
Someone distributes a patch that will never go into the OpenSSH
code.  That is their right.
The authors distribute the code they wish to and users can
distribute a patch.  Everyone's rights are respected.

Authors have freedom, users have freedom, patchers have freedom.

You see a difference.  I see remarkable parallels.

This is real freedom in action.

What you seem to think is that you get a vote or claim on someone
else's work.  No, you don't.  Not here, at least.
 OpenBSD decides what is in OpenBSD,
 The xpdf authors get to decide what is in xpdf,
 The OpenSSH authors get to decide what is in OpenSSH.
And that is how it should be, and that is how it is.

YOU get to decide what you wish to use, too.

Not if you modify that software away from it's original intention and  
not tell me about it. Then I don't get to decide.

You may use OpenBSD or not.
You may use xpdf in patched or unpatched form.

Only if I know it's changed. No body seems prepared to tell me you  
modified it at point of installation.

You may or may not respect the wishes of the author of documents
you look at with xpdf.

wow, you got freedom too.  Amazing how this works. :)

Think about this:
I suspect most developers and users of OpenBSD think the DRM
features of xpdf are stupid and annoying..but I bet virtually
all of them would fight for the RIGHT of the author to decide to
be stupid and annoying, and put whatever they darned well please
into their own code.

There is a difference between wishing and attempting to persuade
someone to do something differently, and demanding or expecting
them to do something differently.  A very large difference, which
is often missed by many.

 I WISH xpdf didn't have silly DRM stuff in it.
 I WISH people didn't distribute silly patches for OpenSSH
 I am glad they can.

By reading this note, you agree to not think of a big red bird
with fuzzy pink feet.

Ian McWilliam

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-05-01 Thread Deanna Phillips
Ian McWilliam [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The real issue for me at least is the fact that one is
 prepared to modify (in this case xpdf) away for what ever
 standard it is written against, modified away from the
 original software distribution without documenting the change,
 informing the end user who installs the modified software so
 they can make an informed decision as to whether they still
 want to use the modified version or go off and install the
 unmodified version.

I'd call it a sane default.  If we made an xpdf-drm FLAVOR of
this port, how many people do you think would choose it?  Would

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-05-01 Thread Marc Espie
On Thu, May 01, 2008 at 08:43:36PM +1000, Ian McWilliam wrote:
 Finally, some sense, thanks. The real issue for me at least is the fact 
 that one is prepared to modify (in this case xpdf) away for what ever 
 standard it is written against, modified away from the original software 
 distribution without documenting the change, informing the end user who 
 installs the modified software so they can make an informed decision as to 
 whether they still want to use the modified version or go off and install 
 the unmodified version.

I don't see any actual reason to have flavors for xpdf.

As far as I'm concerned, the drm part is just some bits in the document.
This is information, we should display it, let's say add a menu that tells
you what protection the document has, possibly add a notice requester that
tells you the author didn't intend for you to print the document, asking
you for confirmation and... that's it.

I only see reasons to tell people they're about to do something that the
original author of the document didn't intend them to, and to let them
choose what they will do, based on technical possibilities.

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-27 Thread Predrag Punosevac

Zvezdan Petkovic wrote:

On Apr 26, 2008, at 7:30 AM, Marc Espie wrote:
If anything, our xpdf should probably display a notice that says `the 
author of the document thought you should not be able to print it... 
or whatever'.

I didn't mean to get into this discussion because it really doesn't 
concern me at all.  Whatever the port maintainer decides I'm fine with 

However, I agree with this comment above from Marc Espie.

I am guilty of using DRM in PDF in the past.
Here's my use case.  I used to teach at the university.
My slides usually had figures with animations in it, resulting in 
multiple pages for each step of animation.

If a student presses a print button in a public lab they may pay a lot 
of money for 200 pages of slides in huge letters and page-by-page 

To prevent an unnecessary expense to a student, I always switched ON 
do not allow printing in PDFs of these lecture slides.  I also 
always posted a 4 up version of the slides with *no* protection -- 4 
slides per page with animations turned into a final picture after the 
last step.

Students than could print 10 to 20 pages of this document as opposed 
to 200.  They could also watch original slides on screen if they 
needed to see steps in the particular figure for better understanding 
of a process.

I also alway explained to students in class why there are two copies 
of the same slides and why is only one of them printable.

So, in my opinion this DRM has its use cases.
I hate to disagree with somebody who sounds like my fellow countryman 
but DRM has NO use. I also teach at the University and I some time 
prepare slides too which use over layers and even more fancy stuff. Any 
decant software for preparing slides (in my case I use Powerdot Latex 
class of presentation) has so called note mode. In note mode you can 
choose to put up to 4 slides on the single sheet of the paper for 
purposes of printing hand outs for your students. You may also include 
additional rule lines for taking the notes. Note mode will ignore over 
layers (which are in essence separate slides) or any other additional stuff.

To stay on the same note I think that scientific publishing is in sorry 
state and is ripe for a Theo De Raadt

of open publishing.

I am so sick to see my students spending hundreds of dollars for books  
that  should  not cost mode than $10.
In an era when the role of publisher is in essence reduced to printing 
already prepared manuscript (yes TeX and computers have revolutionized  
publishing almost as much as Gutenberg printing press)  and maybe market 
it little bit

I see no reasons for their existence in present form.
I am sick of cheap tricks like having new editions every two years or so.
I am sick of extra software that comes with the textbooks that nobody 
uses. I am sadden by a use of high quality
paper for books that kids are not going to keep more than a single 
school year.

Most Kind Regards,

Predrag Punosevac

Replacing a protection with a message of intent of the author is 
probably a good idea.

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-27 Thread Matthew Dempsky
On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 12:53 AM, Predrag Punosevac
  I hate to disagree with somebody who sounds like my fellow countryman but
 DRM has NO use. I also teach at the University and I some time prepare
 slides too which use over layers and even more fancy stuff. Any decant
 software for preparing slides (in my case I use Powerdot Latex class of
 presentation) has so called note mode. In note mode you can choose to put up
 to 4 slides on the single sheet of the paper for purposes of printing hand
 outs for your students. You may also include additional rule lines for
 taking the notes. Note mode will ignore over layers (which are in essence
 separate slides) or any other additional stuff.

Zvezdan did say I also always posted a 4 up version of the slides
with *no* protection -- 4 slides per page with animations turned into
a final picture after the last step.

His use case for PDF's DRM was simply to protect students from
accidentally printing the animated slides instead of the still 4-up

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-27 Thread Zvezdan Petkovic

On Apr 27, 2008, at 12:20 AM, Matthew Dempsky wrote:

In lieu of that, a simpler solution would seem to be to title your
links to the slides as Printer-friendly sides (no animation) and
Screen-friendly slides (animation).  Hopefully university students
can read, and if not, they should learn quickly after paying for a 200
page printout. :-)

Thank you for the comment Matthew.
That is exactly what I did.
The lecture table on the class web site looked something like this.

Lecture title   Slides  Printable 4 up slides

I also agree with you that the message could be too intrusive.
I knew that more advanced students who use Linux or BSDs can go around  
the protection on the slides and I didn't worry about that at all.   
I simply knew that they know enough to take care of themselves.

Best regards,


Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-27 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Predrag Punosevac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Zvezdan Petkovic wrote:
  So, in my opinion this DRM has its use cases.
 I hate to disagree with somebody who sounds like my fellow countryman
 but DRM has NO use.

Actually, he stated a use for it.  Just because there are alternatives
doesn't mean that his use isn't valid.

 To stay on the same note I think that scientific publishing is in
 sorry state and is ripe for a Theo De Raadt of open publishing.

Considering that many researchers post there papers on there own web
pages, there is the arXiv, a second (at least) free textbook publisher
announced on slashdot a few days ago, department made texts at many
Universities (several of my classes had them at my old U) and the
existence of places like, I don't think that we are in such
dire straights as you seem to imply that we are in.  All that I think
needs to happen is that Profs take advantage of the resources that are
already out there.  As in, it's one thing for these texts to exist, but
quite another for them to be used.

But, it does also take man power to create these texts in the first

 I am so sick to see my students spending hundreds of dollars for
 books that  should  not cost mode than $10.
 In an era when the role of publisher is in essence reduced to
 printing already prepared manuscript (yes TeX and computers have
 revolutionized publishing almost as much as Gutenberg printing
 press)  and maybe market it little bit I see no reasons for their
 existence in present form. I am sick of cheap tricks like having
 new editions every two years or so.

In general I agree, but there are some exceptions.  For instance, there
is Dudley's Elementary Number Theory and Nering's Linear Algebra and
Matrix Theory among others (some by Lang and Rudin).  All of those
worth there high price tag.  Let's not ignore corner cases.

But, even then, Profs should start to apply pressure to publishing
houses to lower the prices of (at least) the older texts.  It's not
like they haven't recouped the expenses.

 I am sick of extra software that comes with the textbooks that nobody
 uses. I am sadden by a use of high quality paper for books that kids
 are not going to keep more than a single school year.

Not to mention the glare that comes off that paper that makes it
difficult to read... at least for my older eyes ;)

At any rate, so as to not have this mail completely off topic, if the
maintainer would include a patch to get rid of the DRM in xpdf, I'd
greatly appreciate it.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-26 Thread Johan Zandin

On Sat, 26 Apr 2008, Ian McWilliam wrote:
Whether it is for 
or against peoples wishes, there is a standard somewhere and even the author 
of xpdf hints that there is one and what you are removing is against the 


And we are happy about it!

DRM is in the PDF standard. (Which is bad, but I won't waste time 
trying to fix that...)

OpenBSD is now removing DRM from xpdf. (Which is good.)

So instead of being compliant to the full PDF standard, the new OpenBSD 
version of xpdf will be compliant to the PDF standard, excluding the 
DRM stuff. (Which is better than full compliance, since we are avoiding

a denial-of-service vulnerability in the standard.)
This could be worth meantioning in the man page...


Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-26 Thread Floor Terra

On Sat, 26 Apr 2008, Ian McWilliam wrote:

I haven't read the Adobe PDF sepc or standard and have no intention to. It 
looks like no body here wants to either. I find that puzzling seeing.

The reason those checks are in there are simple: You need to
these functions to comply to the PDF specs.


Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-26 Thread Marc Espie
We're talking about stupid, evil, legal DRM here.

The pdf document basically says `oh, you're not supposed to do things
with this document, because I say so'. There's nothing that prevents anyone
from doing anything with the document.

If anything, our xpdf should probably display a notice that says `the author
of the document thought you should not be able to print it... or whatever'.

But there is no actual protection in the document. It's all stupid shackles
in software.

This is a case where I strongly believe in freedom: the end user should be
able to decide what they can do with the document.

And equality: knowledgeable technical users shouldn't have an edge.
It's completely hypocritical to say `oh, you can recompile the software to
remove the restriction', because it shuts down some users.

As far as I'm concerned, you've got two levels of protection: legal and 

This `drm' part of pdf is purely legal: you get a document, you are informed
you're not supposed to do such and such, and THAT'S IT. There's no technical
protection to speak of.

For me, the legal barrier is quite enough. As adult, you can make an ethical
choice whether or not to obey the spirit of the document author.

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-26 Thread L. V. Lammert
On Sat, 26 Apr 2008, Floor Terra wrote:

 On Sat, 26 Apr 2008, Ian McWilliam wrote:

  I haven't read the Adobe PDF sepc or standard and have no intention to. It
  looks like no body here wants to either. I find that puzzling seeing.
   The reason those checks are in there are simple: You need to
   these functions to comply to the PDF specs.

Since when does this crowd interpret closed, DRM-embodying legal notice
crap as an official spec?

DRM has no place in free software. As others pointed out, the legal
disclaimers are totally sufficient.


 Leland V. Lammert[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Chief ScientistOmnitec Corporation
 Network/Internet Consultants

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-26 Thread Zvezdan Petkovic

On Apr 26, 2008, at 7:30 AM, Marc Espie wrote:
If anything, our xpdf should probably display a notice that says  
`the author of the document thought you should not be able to print  
it... or whatever'.

I didn't mean to get into this discussion because it really doesn't  
concern me at all.  Whatever the port maintainer decides I'm fine with  

However, I agree with this comment above from Marc Espie.

I am guilty of using DRM in PDF in the past.
Here's my use case.  I used to teach at the university.
My slides usually had figures with animations in it, resulting in  
multiple pages for each step of animation.

If a student presses a print button in a public lab they may pay a lot  
of money for 200 pages of slides in huge letters and page-by-page  

To prevent an unnecessary expense to a student, I always switched ON  
do not allow printing in PDFs of these lecture slides.  I also  
always posted a 4 up version of the slides with *no* protection -- 4  
slides per page with animations turned into a final picture after the  
last step.

Students than could print 10 to 20 pages of this document as opposed  
to 200.  They could also watch original slides on screen if they  
needed to see steps in the particular figure for better understanding  
of a process.

I also alway explained to students in class why there are two copies  
of the same slides and why is only one of them printable.

So, in my opinion this DRM has its use cases.
Replacing a protection with a message of intent of the author is  
probably a good idea.

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-26 Thread Matthew Dempsky
On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 6:29 PM, Zvezdan Petkovic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Replacing a protection with a message of intent of the author is probably a
 good idea.

Maybe for the xpdf maintainer (e.g., a --soft-drm configure option),
but that definitely seems way too intrusive a patch for maintainence
within the ports tree.

In lieu of that, a simpler solution would seem to be to title your
links to the slides as Printer-friendly sides (no animation) and
Screen-friendly slides (animation).  Hopefully university students
can read, and if not, they should learn quickly after paying for a 200
page printout. :-)

Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-25 Thread Ian McWilliam
Ok, Not really wanting to comment on this call me a troll, call me 
want you want but

The following rant in NOT about GPL licensing.
I am  neither supporting or denying the the said change to xdpf.
This is a discussion about modifying standards..

What is hypocrytical here is the not one person has said the have looked 
at the standard for PDF to determine the correct behaviour. Whether 
it is for or against peoples wishes, there is a standard somewhere and 
even the author of xpdf hints that there is one and what you are 
removing is against the standard.

... I distribute source code (for Xpdf) under a particular license (the 
GPL) which depends entirely on users' goodwill for its effectiveness. If 
any of my users ever decided to violate the license, I would probably 
never even know about it, much less be able to do anything about it. The 
only thing I can do is trust the users.

In light of this, it would be very hypocritical of me to, on one hand, 
ask people to honor my licensing restrictions, and, on the other hand, 
bypass (or assist others in bypassing) another author's requested 

In addition to all of this, Adobe requires that implementors of the PDF 
spec adhere to the document permissions.


I haven't read the Adobe PDF sepc or standard and have no intention 
to. It looks like no body here wants to either. I find that puzzling 

According to a recent thread on tech@ recently,

This patch is a joke.  It will never go into OpenSSH since it is
completely incorrect.  The standard is clear --

The version string for an SSH client or server is supposed to be
disclosed.  It is the standard behaviour, and is done for very good

Can anybody explain why is it acceptable to modify a standard for 
ports but not not for base?

flame away

Ian McWilliam

P.S I hate DRM as much as the next person.

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-25 Thread Stephan Andre'
On Friday 25 April 2008 20:49:00 Ian McWilliam wrote:
 Ok, Not really wanting to comment on this call me a troll, call me
 want you want but

 The following rant in NOT about GPL licensing.
 I am  neither supporting or denying the the said change to xdpf.
 This is a discussion about modifying standards..

 What is hypocrytical here is the not one person has said the have looked
 at the standard for PDF to determine the correct behaviour. Whether
 it is for or against peoples wishes, there is a standard somewhere and
 even the author of xpdf hints that there is one and what you are
 removing is against the standard.

 ... I distribute source code (for Xpdf) under a particular license (the
 GPL) which depends entirely on users' goodwill for its effectiveness. If
 any of my users ever decided to violate the license, I would probably
 never even know about it, much less be able to do anything about it. The
 only thing I can do is trust the users.

 In light of this, it would be very hypocritical of me to, on one hand,
 ask people to honor my licensing restrictions, and, on the other hand,
 bypass (or assist others in bypassing) another author's requested

 In addition to all of this, Adobe requires that implementors of the PDF
 spec adhere to the document permissions.

 I haven't read the Adobe PDF sepc or standard and have no intention
 to. It looks like no body here wants to either. I find that puzzling

 According to a recent thread on tech@ recently,

 This patch is a joke.  It will never go into OpenSSH since it is
 completely incorrect.  The standard is clear --

 The version string for an SSH client or server is supposed to be
 disclosed.  It is the standard behaviour, and is done for very good

 Can anybody explain why is it acceptable to modify a standard for
 ports but not not for base?

 flame away

 Ian McWilliam

 P.S I hate DRM as much as the next person.

Because the two are completely different concepts.  The SSH patch
was clueless, both in terms of how OpenSSH works, and the protection
it would(n't) give.

The removal of the DRM code is has actual benefit, the GPL permits this,
and Adobe  *knows* this.  This is useless laywer gobble.  PDF's are now
an ISO standard.

Apples and oranges.

--STeve Andre'

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-25 Thread Chris Kuethe
On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 5:49 PM, Ian McWilliam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Can anybody explain why is it acceptable to modify a standard for ports
 but not not for base?

I'm going to guess that the core reason is what helps more users?:

- A pdf spec that's written to sell the illusion that you still have
control over data that you've given to someone else? That's not
helpful, may even be harmful. Insert bad-crypto vs. no-crypto

- A pdf reader that gets in the way of you accessing content or a pdf
reader that lets you get your job done with the minimum of hassle? The
latter. I'm going to assume that if you're looking at a PDF you have
at least some license to access it. At least the password protected
pdfs make you work for it if you're trying to read a pdf without
permission. A non-printable pdf can be trivially screencapped and
printed... more illusions for sale. And what if i'm writing a driver
based on something in a de-permitted pdf? How is the magic 0x8000 I
typed any different from the 0x8000 I could've just copied from the

- An ssh implementation that tries to avoid known (possibly
security-related) bugs or an ssh implementation that just hopes the
other guy got it right too. The former is more helpful. Maybe you'll
be lucky and negotiate secure settings, maybe you'll be slightly
unlucky and fail to connect or maybe you'll be very unlucky and
negotiate cipher none.

Also, (and this may seem a little shallow) the original implementers
(ssh, xpdf, whatever else) probably try to adhere to the spec as
closely as they can. They produce a program with predictable behaviour
- that's helpful. Then they give away the source in hopes that someone
finds it useful... after that, there's nothing stopping their users
who've legitimately acquired the source from saying this is 99.%
of what i need, i just need one more tweak and hacking it up to suit
their own ends.


GDB has a 'break' feature; why doesn't it have 'fix' too?

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-25 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Friday, April 25, Chris Kuethe wrote:
 On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 5:49 PM, Ian McWilliam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Can anybody explain why is it acceptable to modify a standard for ports
  but not not for base?
 I'm going to guess that the core reason is what helps more users?:

Nah, it' because it's right.  There are other places where openbsd does
not follow the letter of the standard/spec in order to enhance security,
or interoperability, or user experience.

If a user disagrees, they are welcome to use other software.  I certainly
won't stop them.  :)


Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-25 Thread Ian McWilliam

Stephan Andre' wrote:

On Friday 25 April 2008 20:49:00 Ian McWilliam wrote:

Ok, Not really wanting to comment on this call me a troll, call me
want you want but

The following rant in NOT about GPL licensing.
I am  neither supporting or denying the the said change to xdpf.
This is a discussion about modifying standards..

What is hypocrytical here is the not one person has said the have looked
at the standard for PDF to determine the correct behaviour. Whether
it is for or against peoples wishes, there is a standard somewhere and
even the author of xpdf hints that there is one and what you are
removing is against the standard.

... I distribute source code (for Xpdf) under a particular license (the
GPL) which depends entirely on users' goodwill for its effectiveness. If
any of my users ever decided to violate the license, I would probably
never even know about it, much less be able to do anything about it. The
only thing I can do is trust the users.

In light of this, it would be very hypocritical of me to, on one hand,
ask people to honor my licensing restrictions, and, on the other hand,
bypass (or assist others in bypassing) another author's requested

In addition to all of this, Adobe requires that implementors of the PDF
spec adhere to the document permissions.

I haven't read the Adobe PDF sepc or standard and have no intention
to. It looks like no body here wants to either. I find that puzzling

According to a recent thread on tech@ recently,

This patch is a joke.  It will never go into OpenSSH since it is
completely incorrect.  The standard is clear --

The version string for an SSH client or server is supposed to be
disclosed.  It is the standard behaviour, and is done for very good

Can anybody explain why is it acceptable to modify a standard for
ports but not not for base?

flame away

Ian McWilliam

P.S I hate DRM as much as the next person.

Because the two are completely different concepts.  The SSH patch
was clueless, both in terms of how OpenSSH works, and the protection
it would(n't) give.

Sorry  STeve but we are not talking directly about the SSH patch in 
question. It's the concept of modifying software away from it's 
documented behaviour / standard.

The removal of the DRM code is has actual benefit, the GPL permits this,
and Adobe  *knows* this.  This is useless laywer gobble.  PDF's are now
an ISO standard.

So if PDF is now an ISO standrard then what does the standard say about 
what being modified?

This still dosn't answer why it is acceptable to modify a piece of 
software away from it's standards definition

Apples and oranges.

--STeve Andre'

Another example.

Why has the 100 character limit filenames stored in a tar archive not 
been modified away from its documented standard. (We all know it's 100 
character limit is arcane in modern terms.

So far no one is coming up with well documented valid arguments for 
modifying away from documented standards.

Ian McWilliam

Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-25 Thread Tobias Weingartner
On Saturday, April 26, Ian McWilliam wrote:
 Why has the 100 character limit filenames stored in a tar archive not 
 been modified away from its documented standard. (We all know it's 100 
 character limit is arcane in modern terms.

Please use google and find out what gnu tar has done in this area.


Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-25 Thread Iruata Souza
On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 11:25 PM, Ian McWilliam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Stephan Andre' wrote:

  On Friday 25 April 2008 20:49:00 Ian McWilliam wrote:
   Ok, Not really wanting to comment on this call me a troll, call me
   want you want but
   The following rant in NOT about GPL licensing.
   I am  neither supporting or denying the the said change to xdpf.
   This is a discussion about modifying standards..
   What is hypocrytical here is the not one person has said the have looked
   at the standard for PDF to determine the correct behaviour. Whether
   it is for or against peoples wishes, there is a standard somewhere and
   even the author of xpdf hints that there is one and what you are
   removing is against the standard.
   ... I distribute source code (for Xpdf) under a particular license (the
   GPL) which depends entirely on users' goodwill for its effectiveness. If
   any of my users ever decided to violate the license, I would probably
   never even know about it, much less be able to do anything about it. The
   only thing I can do is trust the users.
   In light of this, it would be very hypocritical of me to, on one hand,
   ask people to honor my licensing restrictions, and, on the other hand,
   bypass (or assist others in bypassing) another author's requested
   In addition to all of this, Adobe requires that implementors of the PDF
   spec adhere to the document permissions.
   I haven't read the Adobe PDF sepc or standard and have no intention
   to. It looks like no body here wants to either. I find that puzzling
   According to a recent thread on tech@ recently,
   This patch is a joke.  It will never go into OpenSSH since it is
   completely incorrect.  The standard is clear --
   The version string for an SSH client or server is supposed to be
   disclosed.  It is the standard behaviour, and is done for very good
   Can anybody explain why is it acceptable to modify a standard for
   ports but not not for base?
   flame away
   Ian McWilliam
   P.S I hate DRM as much as the next person.
  Because the two are completely different concepts.  The SSH patch
  was clueless, both in terms of how OpenSSH works, and the protection
  it would(n't) give.
  Sorry  STeve but we are not talking directly about the SSH patch in
 question. It's the concept of modifying software away from it's documented
 behaviour / standard.

  The removal of the DRM code is has actual benefit, the GPL permits this,
  and Adobe  *knows* this.  This is useless laywer gobble.  PDF's are now
  an ISO standard.
  So if PDF is now an ISO standrard then what does the standard say about
 what being modified?

  This still dosn't answer why it is acceptable to modify a piece of software
 away from it's standards definition

maybe you are a little confuse about design versus implementation?


Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-25 Thread Nick Holland
Ian McWilliam wrote:
 Can anybody explain why is it acceptable to modify a standard for 
 ports but not not for base?

I think Standards is a bogus argument here.  That's not what
this is about.

Try this way of looking at it:
The author of xpdf wants DRM in the source code.  That is his right.
Many users find it more useful without it.  That is their right.
We distribute patches to build a version that disables the DRM that
will never be incorporated into the main package. That is our right.
The author distributes it the way they wish to, and OpenBSD
distributes a patch.  Everyone's rights are respected.

Author has freedom, users have freedom, OpenBSD has freedom.

The authors of OpenSSH don't want to hide the version.  That is
their right.
A few users think there is benefit in hiding the version.  That
is their right (you have the right to remain wrong...)
Someone distributes a patch that will never go into the OpenSSH
code.  That is their right.
The authors distribute the code they wish to and users can
distribute a patch.  Everyone's rights are respected.

Authors have freedom, users have freedom, patchers have freedom.

You see a difference.  I see remarkable parallels.

This is real freedom in action.

What you seem to think is that you get a vote or claim on someone
else's work.  No, you don't.  Not here, at least.
  OpenBSD decides what is in OpenBSD,
  The xpdf authors get to decide what is in xpdf,
  The OpenSSH authors get to decide what is in OpenSSH.
And that is how it should be, and that is how it is.

YOU get to decide what you wish to use, too.
You may use OpenBSD or not.
You may use xpdf in patched or unpatched form.
You may or may not respect the wishes of the author of documents
you look at with xpdf.

wow, you got freedom too.  Amazing how this works. :)

Think about this:
I suspect most developers and users of OpenBSD think the DRM
features of xpdf are stupid and annoying..but I bet virtually
all of them would fight for the RIGHT of the author to decide to
be stupid and annoying, and put whatever they darned well please
into their own code.

There is a difference between wishing and attempting to persuade
someone to do something differently, and demanding or expecting
them to do something differently.  A very large difference, which
is often missed by many.

  I WISH xpdf didn't have silly DRM stuff in it.
  I WISH people didn't distribute silly patches for OpenSSH
  I am glad they can.

By reading this note, you agree to not think of a big red bird
with fuzzy pink feet.