[protobuf] Job.proto:11:18: DescriptorProto is not defined.

2012-10-02 Thread Fahad Madani

I am trying to compile my .proto file using protoc compiler and generate 
java classes for the same.
Below is my Job.proto file

*import google/protobuf/descriptor.proto;

option java_package = com.myfile.test;
option java_outer_classname = JobProto;

message Job{
required string companyName = 1;
required string designation = 2;
required int32 salary = 3;
required DescriptorProto file_prot = 4;

And my protoc command is 

*protoc %Input%\Job.proto --java_out=%Output% --descriptor_set_out=job.desc 
--proto_path=%Input% --proto_path=%protobuf_src_folder%*

where environment variable definition are: 
Input: Folder in which Job.proto file is present
Output: Foldedr where my output classes are generated
protobuf_src_folder: Path till ..\protobuf-2.4.1\src

when i execute the above command i get 
*Job.proto:11:18: DescriptorProto is not defined.*

I have tried copying the discriptor.proto in the same folder and modifying 
the import statement (still i get the same error). Whatever i have browse i 
just found setting --proto_path properly but in my case the path is proper 
but still i am getting the same error. I have also ensure that my protobuf 
source version and protoc version are same 2.4.1

Can anyone tell me whats wrong ?

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Re: [protobuf] Job.proto:11:18: DescriptorProto is not defined.

2012-10-02 Thread Jason Hsueh
To start with you need to use the qualify with the package as
google.protobuf.DescriptorProto. See the section on Name Resolution:

Assuming your paths are set up correctly it should work after that.

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 2:19 AM, Fahad Madani fsmad...@gmail.com wrote:

 I am trying to compile my .proto file using protoc compiler and generate
 java classes for the same.
 Below is my Job.proto file

 import google/protobuf/descriptor.proto;

 option java_package = com.myfile.test;
 option java_outer_classname = JobProto;

 message Job{
 required string companyName = 1;
 required string designation = 2;
 required int32 salary = 3;
 required DescriptorProto file_prot = 4;

 And my protoc command is

 protoc %Input%\Job.proto --java_out=%Output% --descriptor_set_out=job.desc
 --proto_path=%Input% --proto_path=%protobuf_src_folder%

 where environment variable definition are:
 Input: Folder in which Job.proto file is present
 Output: Foldedr where my output classes are generated
 protobuf_src_folder: Path till ..\protobuf-2.4.1\src

 when i execute the above command i get
 Job.proto:11:18: DescriptorProto is not defined.

 I have tried copying the discriptor.proto in the same folder and modifying
 the import statement (still i get the same error). Whatever i have browse i
 just found setting --proto_path properly but in my case the path is proper
 but still i am getting the same error. I have also ensure that my protobuf
 source version and protoc version are same 2.4.1

 Can anyone tell me whats wrong ?

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 Protocol Buffers group.
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