Re: Protobuf's Missing Features

2008-11-15 Thread Greg Copeland

On Nov 15, 7:57 am, Greg Copeland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The interface really needs some tweaking too.
 From the tutorial:

 That's overly complicated. That should read as:
     tutorial::Person::PhoneNumber* phone_number = person-add_phone
 ( number );

 Or better yet:
     tutorial::Person::PhoneNumber* phone_number = person-add_phone
 ( number, type );

 Like I said, I'm just getting started but I've already identified some
 PB short comings. Hopefully PB will continue to improve over time.  I
 may yet create my own tool but until then, I'll be playing more with
 PB to get a feel for additional pros and cons. I may yet create my own
 tool but

Hmmm. I'm not sure what happened, but my post was destroyed. Perhaps
firefox sneezed or I hit something right before I submitted. Sorry
about that. Sorry again for I'm replying to my self.

As for the counter XML argument, I believe it to be fairly weak. Yes,
XML is more verbose yet I'd gladly trade it for not having to manually
enumerate each and every field in PB-IDL when 99+% its obvious and
needlessly tedious. Additionally, Google's own comments to require a
pure python implementation is justification alone to use XML as the
IDL rather than the PB-IDL. It is the same argument. XML is ubiquitous
in just about every language's library that matters. It can be readily
validated, has *many* rich tools, and regardless of the
implementation's performance, its only a compile time cost, never a
runtime cost - save only for perhaps dynamic message generation at
runtime. And even then, that's unlikely to be a performance issue for
any well written application. Once you consider the number of XML
editors and the number of users which can already, manually, easily
grok a well structured format like XML, its difficult to imagine the
need for yet another IDL (PB-IDL). Doubly so once once you consider
IDLs represents an almost ideal use-case for XML in the first place.

And believe me, that's saying a lot from me considering I believe XML
is one of the most overused technologies to date. In fact, I'd argue
XML is commonly used where is makes absolutely no sense what so ever
to even be considered for a project, let alone become the ubiquitous
interface - in whatever form it takes.

 The interface really needs some tweaking too.
 From the tutorial:

Should read:
tutorial::Person::PhoneNumber* phone_number = person-add_phone() ;

And while I'm at it, I'll go ahead and offer a couple more comments.

Message Type is frequently mentioned in the documentation yet there
appears to be no available message type information available; as is,
no message type is available. Rather, there are message instances and
message classes which are referred to as types. I say this because
there does not appear to be anything which actually specifies a type
as commonly understood from a protocol perspective. The closest thing
I have identified would be a user created field which requires manual
population. Perhaps a default value would help reduce human errors,
but that seems kludged at best. If I'm even close here, there is no
such thing as a message type in PBs; only classes and instances.

Also, I may have identified a significant weakness which may in it
self be a complete show stopper. Please tell me I'm wrong. It appears
there exists no mechanism to automatically generate message types or
parse multiple potential messages from an ambiguous stream or buffer.
The tutorials are really lacking here too as they only deal with
single message classes at any given time; almost entirely negating the
need for something like PB in the first place. There currently exists
no examples which address this issue. At least none that I've found.
Some of the documentation directly addresses the issue but I've yet to
see it provide a real solution without lots of additional work.

Let's say I have three message classes whereby their sizes alone make
message disambiguation impossible. I have a single input stream. How
can I automatically do something like the following pseudo code.

// Factory invokes the handler registered for a given message type
factory.register( Msg1, handler1 ) ;
factory.register( Msg2, handler2 ) ;
factory.register( Msg3, handler3 ) ;
factory  stream ; // I don't know of any existing factory - nor have
I found one
factory.dispatch() ; // invoke the proper message handler

Or maybe something like this:

Message *baseMsg = factory  stream ; // I don't know of any existing
factory - nor have I found one
switch( baseMsg.type() ) {
   case msg1.type:
  Msg1 *msg = reinterpret_castMsg1 *( baseMsg ) ;
  break ;

   case msg2.type:
  Msg2 *msg = reinterpret_castMsg2 *( baseMsg ) ;
  break ;

   case msg3.type:
  Msg3 *msg = reinterpret_castMsg3 *( baseMsg ) ;
  break ;

// Let our registered handler for the given message be invoked
myReactor.dispatch( msg ) 

Re: Protobuf's Missing Features

2008-11-09 Thread codeazure

On Nov 8, 2:06 pm, Kenton Varda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 1. XML vs. Yet-Another-Proprietary-File-Format
  The arguments against using XML at the wire-level are well documented,
  but why, oh why, couldn't you have made the message definition format
  (.proto) XML-based?

 Because XML is too verbose and, frankly, really hard to read.
 message name=Foo
   field name=foo number=1 type=int32 label=optional/
   field name=bar number=2 type=string label=repeated/
 message Foo {
   optional int32 foo = 1;
   optional string bar = 2;

I agree - both PB  XML are machine parsable, but PB is much more
human parsable. Maybe some people really like reading XML, but I'm not
a member of that club :-) XML is a tool that is invaluable in some
situations, but it is inappropriate to try and apply it to everything.
As another poster has suggested, you can convert proto files into XML
 then do what you like with them.

  This is my single biggest complaint, and the one reason protobuf is
  unsuitable for my project:  the message definitions need to include
  enough information to dynamically generate the user interface for both
  displaying and composing messages.

 You can do this with custom options.  For example, to annotate fields with
 descriptions for use in a UI:

   import google/protobuf/descriptor.proto;
   extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
 optional string description = 12345;

   message Foo {
 optional int32 foo = 1 [(description) = The foo field.];
 repeated string bar = 2 [(description) = The bar field.];

 This is a new feature and I admit it is not adequately documented at the

This is a _really_ nice feature, very handy. I can see you put this
comment in the SVN logs, but it would be worth updating the main docs
soon so more people can find out about it.

  2. Message Inheritance (vs. Extensions?)
  Perhaps I just don't grok Extensions, but they seem more like a safety
  feature than a re-usability mechanism.

 Our feeling about case 1 is that the best way to accomplish it is to simply
 embed an instance of the base message into your derived message. Sure,
 we could add a whole lot of code generation which makes this look like
 inheritance, but it does not seem worth the effort.

I'm fine with this - even though it's not real inheritance, it
fulfils the data structuring needs I have. I would have some
misgivings about being able to make a more complex inheritance scheme
as portable to as many languages as PB is. It is so easy to have
converters into JSON and simple data systems like that  it would be a
shame to make that harder or impossible. PB keeps things simple but

 The most obvious problem with using inheritance in this case is that we
 would need multiple inheritance even just to cover existing use cases. Many
 people object to multiple inheritance for many reasons.

This is a powerful argument to not go there. I use C++ all the time 
like the power and flexibility of the language, but oh my does it come
at a cost of complexity to handle things like this. If you only ever
intended to have PB connections between C++, Java, and other languages
of similar power, then it might make sense to consider inheritance,
but not with the wide range of language support that currently exists.

  3. Typedefs
  E.g., UUID=string, Timestamp=double, etc.  Syntactic sugar is
  always good.

 Even many fully-featured programming languages -- e.g. Java -- don't provide

True, but it doesn't mean it's a bad idea. I would suggest using the C
preprocessor to add #define for the typedefs you want. This way, it
doesn't interfere with PB, but allows you to add typedefs to your
data. I wouldn't mind seeing something like this in PB natively, but
it's not a major thing.

I suppose you could use that extend FieldOptions feature you
described to add meta-data describing the type, but it seems a bit of

 4. Built-un UUID Type

  There are lots of other built-in types I'd like to have, but I think
  this one's a must for a message encoder.

 What's wrong with defining your own UUID message?  What would we gain from
 having it built-in?

Agreed - this type is way too specialized to build into the language.
It may be common in some classes of application development, but
there's plenty of people like me who never use them. If PB added UUID,
then there would be calls for all kinds of application specific types
to be built in, such as date/time. In particular, since UUID is a
string, there seems little sense adding type handling for a formatted

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Re: Protobuf's Missing Features

2008-11-08 Thread Marc Gravell

Re point 1: no, you don't.

To illustrate, protobuf-net's protogen actually re-writes the
descriptor as xml. If you want, you can use this as is, just add a
new xslt and you're done:

protogen -i:foo.proto -o:bar.whatever -t:yourlanguage

Or if you want them as xml, this already exists:

protogen -i:foo.proto -o:foo.xml -t:xml

You are more than welcome to use protogen to extract the data you want
as xml

Re point 2: again, you can get around this if you need on an
implementation basis. protobuf-net will spoof inheritance as

Re point 4: again, trivial via a bytes - no need for bespoke
support... protobuf-net will handle Guid data automatically

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Re: Protobuf's Missing Features

2008-11-08 Thread Marc Gravell

(I've recently added protogen to the download section, here):

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Re: Protobuf's Missing Features

2008-11-07 Thread Alain M.

code_monkey_steve escreveu:
 This is my single biggest complaint, and the one reason protobuf is
 unsuitable for my project:  the message definitions need to include
 enough information to dynamically generate the user interface for both
 displaying and composing messages.

I am new to this discussion, but it looks to me that all that 
information should be *inside* your message and not in the structure of 
the message. The is how I figure that PB was made for.

 3. Typedefs : Timestamp=double

That is good for you, I intend to use machines without hardware 
floating-point and that would be a huge problem. (remember that PCs are 
2% of world's computers)

just my 2c,

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