[Proto-Scripty] Re: :nth-child help prototype

2011-11-16 Thread shellster
First thing is that you aren't passing the right arguments to
setStyle.  Second, you should be using the Javascript css attribute
format, and not the style sheet version.  Finally, I recommend setting
the border to none:

$$(.category-silo ul  li:nth-child(4n+4)).invoke(setStyle,
{borderRight: 'none'});

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Prototype's evolution

2011-08-18 Thread shellster
Well written.

As an opensource developer (aside from my day job), I am aware of the
danger of caring too much about what the user thinks.
I am also aware of the potential dangers of forking a project.

What I want is some sort of answer from the Prototype devs on how they
want the community to pitch in.  Do they want us to develop our own
plugin websites, or do they want us to create an interface for their
main site?  Do they want to develop it?  Do they want us to develop a
comprehensive library as an extension of Prototype or as part of
Prototype?  Will they ever official endorse such efforts (assuming
certain obvious caveats)?  Unfortunately, it seems that the devs don't
care to provide any feedback on any of these issues.  I am not
expecting anything more from the devs, but as a matter of courtesy I
would like them to explain how they would like us to get involved
instead of users just doing their own thing.

Also, the answer of submit a patch for consideration doesn't really
cut it in this case, because I've personally seen patches never get
acknowledged, let alone get added.  I've yet to see a patch get
added.  Users aren't going to waste their time writing and cleaning up
code, if there's not at least a good chance of their patch being

In short PrototypeJS needs to address these questions before the
project either falls into disuse or the users take matters into their
own hands and strike out willy-nilly and fully fork the project.

On Aug 17, 8:04 am, Phil Petree phil.pet...@gmail.com wrote:
 This is the same old discussion that's been going on for months and I wonder
 if it will ever get resolved to the satisfaction of those of us who use the
 tool to enhance our sites.

 From what I can tell, there seems to be an uber-geek philosophy of make it
 better and they will come and, to a degree that's correct. The problem is,
 history is filled with technically superior products that ultimately failed
 because of poor marketing and/or not listening to their users (betamax vs
 vhs and myspace vs facebook for two glowing examples).

 My fear is that prototype will ultimately face the same fate...  be a
 technically superior product with a few guys pitching in and carrying the
 weight (anyone who follows this feed knows who the guys are who always pitch
 in with an answer) while marketing, support, easy access to developed libs
 and all the other goodies go ignored which causes adoption of the product to
 dwindle because these things exist on another platform.

 Why is this important?  I have a buddy that has a very successful site
 written in cold fusion, he developed the site just to familiarize himself
 with the language.  Turns out, the site took off, he quit is day job, ran
 the site, and recently got a contract for heaps and tons of $$$ for the
 site.  The catch?  He has to rewrite the site in either .php or .net because
 the buyer won't take it as a CF site.

 Does anyone want to end up with a site that, when its time to sell, will be
 told, that's all great but we're a jquery shop so you have to get rid of
 prototype... nobody uses that anymore!

 From a product standpoint, I'm sure the developers have their hands full and
 they do a really great job delivering a product that, for the most
 part, takes us away from browser level coding in a reliable and consistent
 manner. Personally, I am extremely appreciative of their efforts and I hope
 they keep up the good work!

 We all know what the but is... But I do think they need to set some
 community direction and allow the product to grow.

 On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 8:11 AM, shellster shellsterd...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm seriously considering building my own site to start adding things
  like community documentation, additions to prototype, and plug-ins.
  While the Prototype Dev's certainly don't owe me anything, I've been
  pretty disappointed in there response time to user requests and even
  submitted patches.  I think if someone were to essentially fork the
  project (me), but still give prototype all the credit it deserves, it
  might be the best thing for the community.  If I could generate enough
  community buzz, and add a bunch of well written features to prototype,
  perhaps then, the devs would start pulling some of the changes back
  into prototype's core.

  On Aug 13, 4:43 pm, Cantrelle Vincent vcantre...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hi all,

   I'm happy to see that the topic is not dead and that some ideas are
   coming out ...
   (too much work sometimes)

   @Sander: maybe I'm missing something (sorry in this case), but do you
   have finally any answer (from Prototype's side) concerning your email
   your decribed on th 20 Jul ?


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Prototype's evolution

2011-08-17 Thread shellster
I'm seriously considering building my own site to start adding things
like community documentation, additions to prototype, and plug-ins.
While the Prototype Dev's certainly don't owe me anything, I've been
pretty disappointed in there response time to user requests and even
submitted patches.  I think if someone were to essentially fork the
project (me), but still give prototype all the credit it deserves, it
might be the best thing for the community.  If I could generate enough
community buzz, and add a bunch of well written features to prototype,
perhaps then, the devs would start pulling some of the changes back
into prototype's core.

On Aug 13, 4:43 pm, Cantrelle Vincent vcantre...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm happy to see that the topic is not dead and that some ideas are
 coming out ...
 (too much work sometimes)

 @Sander: maybe I'm missing something (sorry in this case), but do you
 have finally any answer (from Prototype's side) concerning your email
 your decribed on th 20 Jul ?


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Prototype Json Editor

2011-08-16 Thread shellster
I don't know what you are asking.  There are certainly editors which
help you write valid json, but it isn't complicated.  Prototype should
accept any valid JSON that you write.  Typically what you want to do
is to build a structure or array of data in your server scripting
language, then use an appropriate library to serialize the structure
or array into JSON which you return to the browser.

For how to write proper JSON as well as a list of various JSON
libraries in multiple languages, go to json.org

On Aug 15, 12:10 pm, kstubs kst...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm looking for a Json editor for the Admin side of my website written for
 Prototype.  Any recommendations?

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[Proto-Scripty] Themes, UI Controls, and the Future of Prototype/Scriptaculous

2011-08-10 Thread shellster
As a veteran PrototypeJS and Scriptaculous user, I'm curious about the
future of these great libraries.  As a web developer, I'm also no
stranger to JQuery.  One of the nice things about JQuery is that it
provides a one-size-fits-all javascript library which provides
virtually everything you need to develop 99% of your web
applications.  It provides autocomplete drop-downs, multi-selects, div
dialogues, alerts, and modal boxes, as well as datepickers.  It also
provides a nice theme system which makes it incredibly easy to
customize these UI elements to match my color theme on a website.

I personally much prefer the PrototypeJS way of doing things in
general.  However, I've spent a great deal of time rounding up
scripts, or writing my own, to do all the things that JQuery has
effectively built in.  I've seen some efforts to provide these UI type
features by MadRobby in his scripty2 library.  Though I've already
incorporated his work into several sites I've developed, the
documentation is rough, and there doesn't seem to be much progress
being made on this library.  I know MadRobby is incredibly busy, and I
am sure he's working on it whenever he has a chance.

There have also been many attempts to create repositories for
PrototypeJS libraries.  However, none of them are very user friendly,
and most of them appear to be run-down and not up-to-date.  As a
PrototypeJS advocate, this makes PrototypeJS much less accessible for
new developers.  A lot of developers pass over the amazing
functionality of of PrototypeJS and Scriptaculous/Scripty2 for
libraries such as JQuery.

That's the current lay of the land as far as I can tell.  So here are
my questions:

Is there any master plan for eventually creating some sort of unified
complete Javascript library with a UI component (probably via

Is there a plan to create a more official website for tracking
PrototypeJS extension libraries?

Is there a plan to make Scripty2 ui elements themeable?

I recognize that PrototypeJS and Scripty2 are a community effort, and
maintained by donated time from very busy individuals.  What is the
best way for me to get involved to either improve current
functionality of the libraries or add new functionality?  I'm a pretty
skill javascript developer, and I would love to contribute to the
PrototypeJS universe.

Is there some sort of experimental branch for PrototypeJS and/or
Scripty2 where developers can submit more out there functionality
for consideration?  When I look at the Ticket Tracker for PrototypeJS,
I see a lot of patches submitted which never get added because they
don't really fit the current goals of the project, or add
functionality which is too far out of the base line for the current
version of PrototypeJS.  This is certainly a valid reason to not add
functionality, but is also potentially kills a lot of innovation.

Thanks for any answers from either the PrototypeJS team or madrobby/
anyone involved with Scripty2.  Please don't take any of the above as
a negative critique of PrototypeJs or Scripty2.  I love both projects,
and I very much want to see them flourish, and I am just curious to
see where the current developers see the project moving in the future.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: script.aculo.us autocomplete: Restrict to list

2010-01-19 Thread shellster
Just do an onkeypress event.  Check the value of the field, and if it
doesn't match what you want, delete the last character and loop until
the form field value returns results from your list of acceptable
words.  You will want to loop in case they somehow get multiple
letters entered before your script has a chance to check the field

On Jan 12, 5:06 pm, Strider strid...@gmail.com wrote:
 So I was looking at something that would only let them type values
 that appear in the autocomplete list.  So, say it was a state list
 (for example).  If you type in cal you would have California showing
 up in the list.  Current autocomplete behavior allows them to type in
 Calasdfasdfasdfasdf or whatever.  I'm curious if there is a solution
 already implemented that would let them type CAL and would ignore
 everything else until they typed the IFORNIA in the correct order.  In
 other words, they're restricted to only the items on the autocomplete
 list.  If we have , AAAB, AAAC then after they type AAA the only
 options allowed to type would be A, B, or C.

 On Jan 11, 7:34 am, shellster shellsterd...@gmail.com wrote:

  Should be pretty simple:

  var array = //your array of acceptable values;

  $('field).observe('keyup', checkword);

  function checkword()
  var string = '/^' + RegExp.escape($('field').value) + '.*/';
  if(array.grep(string).length == 0)
  return false;
  return true;


  Is a rough start of something.

  On Jan 6, 2:38 pm, Strider strid...@gmail.com wrote:

   Has anyone implemented a restrict-to-list option in the autocompleter
   or know any of the pitfalls I should watch out for?

    I would like to implement this option, for say State names, or such,
   and I would rather restrict to the list than doing post-selection
   error messages.  It seems like a feature that should be included (for
   things like state names, or other limited lists.)

   Does such a feature already exist (and I missed it in my search) or
   has anyone already implemented it?


   StriderA- Hide quoted text -

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Element feature Requests

2010-01-13 Thread shellster
Ok, I'll do that.  Thanks for the reply.

On Jan 12, 9:48 am, david david.brill...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi shellster,

 I think what you do is good.
 If you think it could be usefull for others, create a prototype plug-
 in that will does that and send it to everybody with scripteka.


 On 6 jan, 19:02, shellster shellsterd...@gmail.com wrote:


  First let me say that prototype js is a godsend.  I use it on every
  project I do now.

  I repeatedly find myself having to do something like this:

  var firstDiv = new Element('div', {
                          id: 'theID',
                          className: 'theClassName'

  var replacement = new Element('div').update(firstDiv);

  oldElement = htmlText.replace(RegExp.escape(searchString),

  Or sometimes I want to find how long the text of the new element will
  be.  In both cases I end up having to create a wrapper div, then call
  innerHTML on the new div to get the text content of the original
  element.  What I would like to see (unless I don't know of a feature
  that already exists) would be a replication of IE's outerHTML
  feature.  Maybe call the method htmlText().  Using firstDiv from
  above, it would work like this:

  firstDiv.htmlText()  or Element.htmlText(firstDiv) would return  div
  id=\theID class=\theClassName\[content]/div

  The closest feature I can find to this is Element.inspect(), but it
  only returns (in this example):  div id=\theID class=\theClassName

  Thanks, in advance.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: problem with iterating

2010-01-11 Thread shellster
Also here's the prototype page that deals with the for...in construct:

On Jan 10, 6:12 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 On Jan 5, 1:02 pm, Jake jgarfi...@earthlink.net wrote:

  I have learned the problem is not with iterationg, but if I do
  something like this:

          var markers =  transport.responseText.evalJSON(true)
          thisObj.adjustResultsForMovement.bind(thisObj, markers)();

  If markers is  an empty array [], then whenadjustResultsForMovement is
  called, prototype changes the markers array and adds all of the
  prototype functions.  It doesn't do this when markers has elements.

  Is there a way I can stop it from adding all of these functions?

 No, but there's also no reason to. `for..in` does *not* loop through
 the indexes of an array; it loops through the property names of an
 object (see the JavaScript spec*) leaving out those marked as non-
 enumerable. Using `for..in` to loop through arrays is incorrect,
 regardless of whether you're using Prototype. It *seems* to work in
 bland environments because all of the default properties of the Array
 type other than its indexes are marked non-enumerable, but it breaks
 as soon as you do something like this (which is perfectly valid when
 using a dynamic language like JavaScript):

     var a = [];
     a.baggage = Something info I want to carry with the array,
 alongside its elements;

 ...because `baggage` then shows up in the loop. Your best bet is is to
 use a normal everyday `for` loop. More 

 * Right now linking to the latest JavaScript spec is a real pain; grab
 the latest tc39--xxx.pdf file from 

 T.J. Crowder
 Independent Software Consultant
 tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: problem with iterating

2010-01-10 Thread shellster
One of the side-effects(indeed the only negative one I am aware of) of
using prototype is the problem you have described.  The only way to
pass an array as you have described, would be to hash the array, or
pass it as json, or something.  However, I think you would be better
off modifying your loop.  With prototype you can't really use the for-
in looping construct.  You need to either loop through the array
numerically or use prototype's Enumerable.each.

Good Luck,

On Jan 5, 5:02 am, Jake jgarfi...@earthlink.net wrote:
 On Jan 5, 7:35 am, Jake jgarfi...@earthlink.net wrote:

  I am using prototype  All I am trying to do is get the
  results from evalJSON and iterate through them. I have an Ajax
  request, and on success it does something like:


 I have learned the problem is not with iterationg, but if I do
 something like this:

         var markers =  transport.responseText.evalJSON(true)
         thisObj.adjustResultsForMovement.bind(thisObj, markers)();

 If markers is  an empty array [], then whenadjustResultsForMovement is
 called, prototype changes the markers array and adds all of the
 prototype functions.  It doesn't do this when markers has elements.

 Is there a way I can stop it from adding all of these functions?  If I
 want to pass an empty array using bind, is there no way I can do that?

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: setOpacity has no effect in IE8

2010-01-10 Thread shellster
I just used setOpacity today for a Strict IE8 page and it seemed to

On Dec 31 2009, 4:00 pm, Paul Kim kimba...@gmail.com wrote:
 I do not experience your problem of having Element.setOpacity not working in
 IE8 w/o compatibility mode. Here is a pastie that demonstrates
 Element.setOpacity working in IE8:http://pastie.org/762888. If you view
 this in IE8 w/o compatibility mode, you will notice that the setOpacity
 makes the black background of the div#myelement opaque. I got this example
 from the Prototype API:http://www.prototypejs.org/api/element/setOpacity. I
 think that your problem lies in your code,not Prototype Javascript library.

 On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 3:15 PM, drewB dbats...@gmail.com wrote:
  I have a site that is working well in FF3 and IE7 but when I test it
  in IE8 all calls to setOpacity don't have any impact.  If I set the
  browser to IE7 compatibility mode it works fine.

  Has another else every experienced this problem?  Did you find a


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Pause on MouseOver

2010-01-10 Thread shellster
I would also suggest checking out prototypes PeriodicalExecuter
instead of using setInterval, but it is really a personal choice

On Jan 5, 3:19 pm, Ralph Brickley i...@topsoftweb.com wrote:
 This would be easy. setInterval returns in ID handle to that particular

 Your code would change to: ( Make sure to declare var intervalID in the
 global scope )

 intervalID = setInterval ( )

 Then use onmouseOver and onmouseOut events to control the interval


 onMouseOut=intervalID = setInterval( ... )

 Ralph Brickley

 435 NE Evans St Ste 115  -  P.O. Box 510  McMinnville, OR 97128
 (503) 583-1830 Cell  |  (503) 472-7914 Office  |  (800) 986-0276 

 -Original Message-
 From: a1anm [mailto:alanmoor...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 2:53 PM
 To: Prototype  script.aculo.us
 Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Pause on MouseOver

 I'm using this simple slideshow and wondered if anyone knew how to make it
 pause when I moved my mouse over it and then start again if I move my mouse
 off the image?

 There is a demo of the slideshow 

 This is the main code:

   var imgs = $$('.fadein img'),
    visible = imgs.findAll(function(img){ return img.visible(); });
   if(visible.length1) visible.last().fade({ duration: 1 });
     else imgs.last().appear({ duration: 1,
       afterFinish: function(){ imgs.slice(0,imgs.length-1).invoke
 ('show');  } });
 }, 2000);

 Thanks!- Hide quoted text -

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