[Facter - Bug #2060] Inconsistent output in operatingsystemrelease between RedHat and CentOS

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2060 has been updated by Stijn Hoop.

This has regressed:

[stijn@pclinvir020] ~ cat /etc/redhat-release 
CentOS release 6.3 (Final)
[stijn@pclinvir020] ~ facter operatingsystemrelease
[stijn@pclinvir020] ~ rpm -q facter

Bug #2060: Inconsistent output in operatingsystemrelease between RedHat and 

Author: Oliver Hookins
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Category: library
Target version: 1.5.9
Affected Facter version: 

[root@centos ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
CentOS release 5.2 (Final)
[root@centos ~]# facter operatingsystemrelease

[root@rhel ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga)
[root@rhel ~]# facter operatingsystemrelease

It doesn't make sense that one reports the point release version and the other 
doesn't, especially given they are more or less equivalent platforms. If I had 
my way I would prefer without the point release.

You could patch it like this:
--- operatingsystemrelease.rb.orig  2009-03-09 15:16:22.0 +1100
+++ operatingsystemrelease.rb   2009-03-09 15:16:46.0 +1100
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 setcode do
 centos_release = Facter::Util::Resolution.exec(sed -r -e 's/CentOS 
release //' -e 's/ \((Branch|Final)\)//' /etc/redhat-release)
 if centos_release =~ /5/
-release = Facter::Util::Resolution.exec('rpm -q --qf 
\'%{VERSION}.%{RELEASE}\' centos-release | cut -d. -f1,2')
+release = Facter::Util::Resolution.exec('rpm -q --qf 
\'%{VERSION}.%{RELEASE}\' centos-release | cut -d. -f1')
 release = centos_release

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[Facter - Bug #2060] (Re-opened) Inconsistent output in operatingsystemrelease between RedHat and CentOS

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2060 has been updated by Stijn Hoop.

Status changed from Closed to Re-opened
Target version changed from 1.5.9 to 1.6.x

Bug #2060: Inconsistent output in operatingsystemrelease between RedHat and 

Author: Oliver Hookins
Status: Re-opened
Priority: Normal
Category: library
Target version: 1.6.x
Affected Facter version: 

[root@centos ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
CentOS release 5.2 (Final)
[root@centos ~]# facter operatingsystemrelease

[root@rhel ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3 (Tikanga)
[root@rhel ~]# facter operatingsystemrelease

It doesn't make sense that one reports the point release version and the other 
doesn't, especially given they are more or less equivalent platforms. If I had 
my way I would prefer without the point release.

You could patch it like this:
--- operatingsystemrelease.rb.orig  2009-03-09 15:16:22.0 +1100
+++ operatingsystemrelease.rb   2009-03-09 15:16:46.0 +1100
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 setcode do
 centos_release = Facter::Util::Resolution.exec(sed -r -e 's/CentOS 
release //' -e 's/ \((Branch|Final)\)//' /etc/redhat-release)
 if centos_release =~ /5/
-release = Facter::Util::Resolution.exec('rpm -q --qf 
\'%{VERSION}.%{RELEASE}\' centos-release | cut -d. -f1,2')
+release = Facter::Util::Resolution.exec('rpm -q --qf 
\'%{VERSION}.%{RELEASE}\' centos-release | cut -d. -f1')
 release = centos_release

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[Puppet - Feature #11786] `puppet doc` is not compatible with newer RDoc - thus with Ruby 1.9

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #11786 has been updated by Daniele Sluijters.

Actually, I just applied the gist and now I'm stuck with:

RDoc::RDocError is deprecated
Could not generate documentation: uninitialized constant RDoc::RDoc::Generator

This is with rdoc 3.12 and Puppet 2.7. This should also be backported to 2.7 
since 2.7 supports Ruby 1.9.

Feature #11786: `puppet doc` is not compatible with newer RDoc - thus with Ruby 

Author: Justin Stoller
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Category: ruby19
Target version: 3.x
Affected Puppet version: development
Keywords: ruby1.9.3
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/377

The `puppet doc` code depends heavily on RDoc to do the documentation 

Unfortunately, while the Ruby 1.8 series exclusively used RDoc 1.*, the Ruby 
1.9 uses 3.* and 4.* versions.  These are solidly incompatible with the way we 
used and integrated with RDoc in the `puppet doc` application.

We need to support the `puppet doc` features in a way that also works with 
newer Ruby.

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[Puppet - Bug #18370] (Unreviewed) err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: header too long

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #18370 has been reported by Dean Gao.

Bug #18370: err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on 
SERVER: header too long

Author: Dean Gao
Status: Unreviewed
Priority: Normal
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: header too long

The issue happened when i was trying to connect to the puppet server by command 
'puppetd --test --server server.puppet.com'. 

err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: header 
too long
warning: Not using cache on  failed catalog
err: Cloud not retrieve catalog: skipping run

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[Puppet - Feature #16856] puppet should support data in modules

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #16856 has been updated by R.I. Pienaar.

I've pushed to my branch a commit that seems to fix it for me, thanks for 

Feature #16856: puppet should support data in modules

Author: R.I. Pienaar
Status: Needs More Information
Priority: Normal
Assignee: R.I. Pienaar
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/1217

At present there is a way to store data in modules using the puppet backend for 
hiera but it is optional and kind of broken.  The site hierarchy impacts how 
the puppet backend behaves which makes it impossible for module authors to 
supply data in their modules they can rely on

I propose a new hiera backend that loads a hierarchy of data from the 'data' 
directory in the module, this module must always be present in a puppet 
install.  This ability is key to the ability to create configurable forge 
modules that do not have hard coded values thanks to the puppet 3 hiera 

reference the users list thread 

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[Puppet - Bug #7793] setting the $noop metaparameter as class parameter does not work

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #7793 has been updated by Stephen Johnson.

The issues is still present 

class test ($string = hello)
  file {'/tmp/test':
ensure  = file,
content = $string,
  file {'/tmp/test2':
ensure  = file,
content = $string,

class{'test': noop = true}

I expected all the resource in the class to be noop but it is actually still 
applying the resource. 

Bug #7793: setting the $noop metaparameter as class parameter does not work

Author: Michael Grüner
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: metaparameters
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.6.8
Keywords: noop

As explained in https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/6526 I am trying to
set the $noop metaparameter as a class parameter to set a class and all
its resources to $noop. This does not seem to work:

mgruener@lt-mgr:~$ cat test.pp 
class foo($noop=true) {

file{ /tmp/test1:
content = I should not work in noop mode!,

node default {
include foo
mgruener@lt-mgr:~$ envpuppet puppet --version
mgruener@lt-mgr:~$ envpuppet puppet apply test.pp
warning: noop is a metaparam; this value will inherit to all contained resources
notice: /Stage[main]/Foo/File[/tmp/test1]/ensure: defined content as 
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.01 seconds
mgruener@lt-mgr:~$ ls -la /tmp/test1 
-rw-r--r-- 1 mgruener mgruener 31 2011-06-06 11:56 /tmp/test1

I would expect it to work as if the noop parameter was set
directly for the resource.

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[Puppet - Bug #7793] setting the $noop metaparameter as class parameter does not work

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #7793 has been updated by Stephen Johnson.

Affected Puppet version changed from 2.6.8 to 3.0.2

Bug #7793: setting the $noop metaparameter as class parameter does not work

Author: Michael Grüner
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: metaparameters
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 3.0.2
Keywords: noop

As explained in https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/6526 I am trying to
set the $noop metaparameter as a class parameter to set a class and all
its resources to $noop. This does not seem to work:

mgruener@lt-mgr:~$ cat test.pp 
class foo($noop=true) {

file{ /tmp/test1:
content = I should not work in noop mode!,

node default {
include foo
mgruener@lt-mgr:~$ envpuppet puppet --version
mgruener@lt-mgr:~$ envpuppet puppet apply test.pp
warning: noop is a metaparam; this value will inherit to all contained resources
notice: /Stage[main]/Foo/File[/tmp/test1]/ensure: defined content as 
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.01 seconds
mgruener@lt-mgr:~$ ls -la /tmp/test1 
-rw-r--r-- 1 mgruener mgruener 31 2011-06-06 11:56 /tmp/test1

I would expect it to work as if the noop parameter was set
directly for the resource.

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[Puppet - Bug #17613] puppet master ignores config and commandline parameters on SIGHUP

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #17613 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

I think that Option 2 also has a problem if the vardir or confdir are set in 
the config file, then passing them through on the command line will override 
those values. That would mean that a change to those would not be picked up by 
a HUP and it re-reading the `puppet.conf` file.

Bug #17613: puppet master ignores config and commandline parameters on SIGHUP

Author: Tom Fenri
Status: Needs Decision
Priority: Normal
Assignee: eric sorenson
Category: server
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 3.0.1

We are using puppet version 3.0.1 on FreeBSD 8.1, installed from ports. 
$confdir is /home/share/puppet/, puppet master is running as user 'puppet'. 

puppetmaster_flags=--confdir=/home/share/puppet --rundir=/var/run/puppet

When started via /usr/local/etc/rc.d/puppetmaster everything works fine, 
process looks like:

puppet  58577  4.7  0.9 121420 71124  ??  Ss1:05PM   3:18.22 
/usr/local/bin/ruby18 /usr/local/bin/puppet master --confdir=/home/share/puppet 

When reloaded with kill -HUP $pid, which happens sometimes by newsyslog, it 
seems to forget all settings and tries to do things in /root/.puppet:

Nov 14 13:38:22 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: Caught HUP; calling 
Nov 14 13:38:22 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: Restarting with 
'/usr/local/bin/puppet master --confdir=/home/share/puppet 
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: Cannot create 
/root/.puppet/var; parent directory /root/.puppet does not exist
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var]/ensure) change from absent to directory failed: 
Cannot create
  /root/.puppet/var; parent 
directory /root/.puppet does not exist
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/lib]) Dependency File[/root/.puppet/var] has failures: 
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/lib]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/server_data]) Dependency File[/root/.puppet/var] has 
failures: true
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/server_data]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/bucket]) Dependency File[/root/.puppet/var] has 
failures: true
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/bucket]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/reports]) Dependency File[/root/.puppet/var] has 
failures: true
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/reports]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/state]) Dependency File[/root/.puppet/var] has 
failures: true
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/state]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/yaml]) Dependency File[/root/.puppet/var] has 
failures: true
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/yaml]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/rrd]) Dependency File[/root/.puppet/var] has failures: 
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/rrd]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/log]) Dependency File[/root/.puppet/var] has failures: 
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/log]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/log/masterhttp.log]) Dependency 
File[/root/.puppet/var] has failures: true
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/log/masterhttp.log]) Skipping because of failed 
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: Could not prepare for 
execution: Got 2 failure(s) while initializing: Cannot create
  /root/.puppet/var; parent 
directory /root/.puppet does not exist; change from absent to
  directory failed: Cannot 
create /root/.puppet/var; parent directory /root/.puppet does
  not exist

After the last error the 

[Puppet - Feature #11786] (Closed) `puppet doc` is not compatible with newer RDoc - thus with Ruby 1.9

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #11786 has been updated by Daniel Pittman.

Status changed from Accepted to Closed
Assignee deleted (Daniel Pittman)

Hey.  So, the decision was made by the platform team that they wouldn't take 
this change, or a change to simple disable `puppet doc`, in the 2.7 branch.  It 
should be as close to correct as it will get with the 3.x releases.  Sorry.

Feature #11786: `puppet doc` is not compatible with newer RDoc - thus with Ruby 

Author: Justin Stoller
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Category: ruby19
Target version: 3.x
Affected Puppet version: development
Keywords: ruby1.9.3
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/377

The `puppet doc` code depends heavily on RDoc to do the documentation 

Unfortunately, while the Ruby 1.8 series exclusively used RDoc 1.*, the Ruby 
1.9 uses 3.* and 4.* versions.  These are solidly incompatible with the way we 
used and integrated with RDoc in the `puppet doc` application.

We need to support the `puppet doc` features in a way that also works with 
newer Ruby.

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[Puppet - Bug #17844] rename `my` in ruby dsl

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #17844 has been updated by eric sorenson.

Priority changed from Normal to High

Bumping priority to indicate it's in the current workload.

Bug #17844: rename `my` in ruby dsl

Author: Patrick Carlisle
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: High
Assignee: Henrik Lindberg
Category: language
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: ruby dsl backlog

The `my` operator in the ruby dsl is misleading to sysadmins who probably have 
a perl backround. It should be renamed to something like `ruby_eval` (to be 

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[Puppet - Bug #17845] document stability of ruby dsl api

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #17845 has been updated by eric sorenson.

Priority changed from Normal to High
Target version changed from 3.x to 3.1.0

Bumping priority/target to indicate this is something in the current workload.

Bug #17845: document stability of ruby dsl api

Author: Patrick Carlisle
Status: In Topic Branch Pending Review
Priority: High
Assignee: Henrik Lindberg
Category: documentation
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: backlog
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/1298

Add YARD docs to Puppet::Parser::Scope and any other objects related to ruby 
dsl saying what can be considered api and generally marking it as 

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[Puppet - Bug #18023] Puppet needs a public, clearly-defined Ruby API

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #18023 has been updated by eric sorenson.

Priority changed from Normal to High
Target version changed from 3.x to 3.1.0

This is underway as part of the Ruby DSL in #16937. Bumping priority/target to 
indicate it's in the current workload.

Bug #18023: Puppet needs a public, clearly-defined Ruby API

Author: eric sorenson
Status: Accepted
Priority: High
Assignee: eric sorenson
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: backlog

One of the problems people run into using Puppet as part of an infrastructure 
ecosystem is that there isn't a clearly defined Ruby API for it. There are REST 
endpoints that expose some functionality over the network, but they do not 
cover much of the total surface area of what Puppet can do, and things that are 
important for third parties aee probably never going to be exposed over the 
network. (A real-world use case: Foreman wants access to puppet master's 
configuration settings so it can integrate with the CA auth/issuance code). 
Today, people poke directly at internal methods, which both makes it difficult 
to change method signatures and control flow AND provides a crappy experience 
for tool authors. 

So Puppet should have a real, public, published (see #16426) API that the 
development team commits to and the outside world can trust.

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[Puppet - Bug #7316] puppet face applications (subcommands) delivered via modules should work

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #7316 has been updated by eric sorenson.

Priority changed from High to Immediate

Bug #7316: puppet face applications (subcommands) delivered via modules should 

Author: Dan Bode
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: Immediate
Assignee: Andrew Parker
Category: Faces
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 3.0.0
Keywords: face faces subcommand application module plugin pluginsync backlog
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/1319

If you deliver a new face that consists of:

  * application
  * face
  * action for face

via pluginsync, then the application isn't actually found, and worse, it taunts 
you by showing it to you in the list of available subcommands.

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[Puppet - Bug #16753] Need the ability to list all nodes

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #16753 has been updated by eric sorenson.

Priority changed from High to Immediate

Bug #16753: Need the ability to list all nodes

Author: James Turnbull
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: Immediate
Category: indirector
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 3.0.0
Keywords: backlog
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/1317

In Puppet 3.0 we've disabled the default YAML node cache (see 

I use this code (and a number of others in the community use similar) to return 
a list of nodes:

Puppet[:clientyamldir] = Puppet[:yamldir]
  if Puppet::Node.respond_to? :terminus_class
Puppet::Node.terminus_class = :yaml
nodes = Puppet::Node.search(*)
Puppet::Node.indirection.terminus_class = :yaml
nodes = Puppet::Node.indirection.search(*)

This now doesn't work.

We need a method of returning the current list of nodes the master knows about.

Currently available is:

puppet node find 'hostname'

If we had:

puppet node search '*'

That would meet my needs.

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[Puppet - Feature #16937] Improved Ruby DSL

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #16937 has been updated by eric sorenson.

Priority changed from High to Immediate

Feature #16937: Improved Ruby DSL

Author: Andrew Parker
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: Immediate
Assignee: Michael Hall
Category: language
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: ruby, dsl, ruby dsl backlog

This is a tracking ticket for the Ruby DSL rewrite that was done as a Google 
Summer of Code project.

There original GSOC12 wording about this project was:

# Feature Parity for the Ruby DSL

## Project Title

Expand Features set for the Ruby DSL of Puppet

## Description/Benefits

The Ruby DSL for Puppet is missing a few features when compared to the native 
DSL. This project would align the Ruby DSL with the native DSL. Examples of 
missing features in the ruby DSL as it stands today:

 * no defined types
 * issues are symbols vs strings
 * parameterized classes validation
 * Composite namevars
 * inheritance/overrides

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[Puppet - Bug #17844] rename `my` in ruby dsl

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #17844 has been updated by eric sorenson.

Priority changed from High to Immediate

Bug #17844: rename `my` in ruby dsl

Author: Patrick Carlisle
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: Immediate
Assignee: Henrik Lindberg
Category: language
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: ruby dsl backlog

The `my` operator in the ruby dsl is misleading to sysadmins who probably have 
a perl backround. It should be renamed to something like `ruby_eval` (to be 

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[Puppet - Bug #17845] document stability of ruby dsl api

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #17845 has been updated by eric sorenson.

Priority changed from High to Immediate

Bug #17845: document stability of ruby dsl api

Author: Patrick Carlisle
Status: In Topic Branch Pending Review
Priority: Immediate
Assignee: Henrik Lindberg
Category: documentation
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: backlog
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/1298

Add YARD docs to Puppet::Parser::Scope and any other objects related to ruby 
dsl saying what can be considered api and generally marking it as 

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[Puppet - Bug #18023] Puppet needs a public, clearly-defined Ruby API

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #18023 has been updated by eric sorenson.

Priority changed from High to Immediate

Bug #18023: Puppet needs a public, clearly-defined Ruby API

Author: eric sorenson
Status: Accepted
Priority: Immediate
Assignee: eric sorenson
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: backlog

One of the problems people run into using Puppet as part of an infrastructure 
ecosystem is that there isn't a clearly defined Ruby API for it. There are REST 
endpoints that expose some functionality over the network, but they do not 
cover much of the total surface area of what Puppet can do, and things that are 
important for third parties aee probably never going to be exposed over the 
network. (A real-world use case: Foreman wants access to puppet master's 
configuration settings so it can integrate with the CA auth/issuance code). 
Today, people poke directly at internal methods, which both makes it difficult 
to change method signatures and control flow AND provides a crappy experience 
for tool authors. 

So Puppet should have a real, public, published (see #16426) API that the 
development team commits to and the outside world can trust.

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[Puppet - Bug #18023] Puppet needs a public, clearly-defined Ruby API

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #18023 has been updated by R.I. Pienaar.

Which part of that ticket addresses this? I wasnt aware this was part of that, 
I am working on a new Puppet agent for mcollective so would be good to know 
whats up

Bug #18023: Puppet needs a public, clearly-defined Ruby API

Author: eric sorenson
Status: Accepted
Priority: Immediate
Assignee: eric sorenson
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: backlog

One of the problems people run into using Puppet as part of an infrastructure 
ecosystem is that there isn't a clearly defined Ruby API for it. There are REST 
endpoints that expose some functionality over the network, but they do not 
cover much of the total surface area of what Puppet can do, and things that are 
important for third parties aee probably never going to be exposed over the 
network. (A real-world use case: Foreman wants access to puppet master's 
configuration settings so it can integrate with the CA auth/issuance code). 
Today, people poke directly at internal methods, which both makes it difficult 
to change method signatures and control flow AND provides a crappy experience 
for tool authors. 

So Puppet should have a real, public, published (see #16426) API that the 
development team commits to and the outside world can trust.

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[Puppet - Bug #18023] Puppet needs a public, clearly-defined Ruby API

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #18023 has been updated by eric sorenson.

RI - as part of the dsl, henrik and patrick added YARD docs throughout the 
codebase to declare public/private methods and document the method signatures


Bug #18023: Puppet needs a public, clearly-defined Ruby API

Author: eric sorenson
Status: Accepted
Priority: Immediate
Assignee: eric sorenson
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: backlog

One of the problems people run into using Puppet as part of an infrastructure 
ecosystem is that there isn't a clearly defined Ruby API for it. There are REST 
endpoints that expose some functionality over the network, but they do not 
cover much of the total surface area of what Puppet can do, and things that are 
important for third parties aee probably never going to be exposed over the 
network. (A real-world use case: Foreman wants access to puppet master's 
configuration settings so it can integrate with the CA auth/issuance code). 
Today, people poke directly at internal methods, which both makes it difficult 
to change method signatures and control flow AND provides a crappy experience 
for tool authors. 

So Puppet should have a real, public, published (see #16426) API that the 
development team commits to and the outside world can trust.

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[Puppet - Bug #17449] (In Topic Branch Pending Review) auth.conf references path /file while referencing fileserver.conf

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #17449 has been updated by Nick Fagerlund.

Status changed from Accepted to In Topic Branch Pending Review
Branch changed from https://github.com/nfagerlund/puppet/tree/fileserver_conf 
to https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/1369

Pull request sent. 

Bug #17449: auth.conf references path /file while referencing fileserver.conf

Author: Brian Harrington
Status: In Topic Branch Pending Review
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Andrew Parker
Category: server
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 3.0.1
Keywords: redhat linux
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/1369

The default configuration of puppet 3.0.1-1 EL6 uses the stanza:

# unconditionally allow access to all file services
# which means in practice that fileserver.conf will
# still be used
path /file
allow *

while in fileserver.conf the default lists:

# [files]
#  path [relative to distribution]
#  allow *.example.com
#  deny *.evil.example.com
#  allow

While the entry in fileserver.conf is an example, it conflicts with the 
defaults included in auth.conf.  Either auth.conf should be changed or the 
sample in fileserver.conf.

Additionally, if the sample in fileserver.conf is going to be changed, this 
becomes related to Bug ID 16686.

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[Puppet - Bug #17448] (In Topic Branch Pending Review) Sample fileserver.conf still contains references to allow statements by ip

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #17448 has been updated by Nick Fagerlund.

Status changed from Accepted to In Topic Branch Pending Review
Branch changed from https://github.com/nfagerlund/puppet/tree/fileserver_conf 
to https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/1369

Pull request sent.

Bug #17448: Sample fileserver.conf still contains references to allow 
statements by ip

Author: Brian Harrington
Status: In Topic Branch Pending Review
Priority: Low
Assignee: Andrew Parker
Category: server
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 3.0.1
Keywords: redhat linux 
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/1369

In version 3.0.1-1 EL6 of the RPMs the sample fileserver.conf contains 
references to using an allow statement by IP.  As of this time this is still 
not implemented in this file (it's in auth.conf) as per Bug ID:  16686 and 

This should be removed (and possibly a comment mentioning auth.conf added).

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[Puppet - Bug #18023] Puppet needs a public, clearly-defined Ruby API

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #18023 has been updated by R.I. Pienaar.

I totally commented on the wrong ticket, d'oh, ignore that :)

Bug #18023: Puppet needs a public, clearly-defined Ruby API

Author: eric sorenson
Status: Accepted
Priority: Immediate
Assignee: eric sorenson
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: backlog

One of the problems people run into using Puppet as part of an infrastructure 
ecosystem is that there isn't a clearly defined Ruby API for it. There are REST 
endpoints that expose some functionality over the network, but they do not 
cover much of the total surface area of what Puppet can do, and things that are 
important for third parties aee probably never going to be exposed over the 
network. (A real-world use case: Foreman wants access to puppet master's 
configuration settings so it can integrate with the CA auth/issuance code). 
Today, people poke directly at internal methods, which both makes it difficult 
to change method signatures and control flow AND provides a crappy experience 
for tool authors. 

So Puppet should have a real, public, published (see #16426) API that the 
development team commits to and the outside world can trust.

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[Puppet - Bug #17613] (Needs More Information) puppet master ignores config and commandline parameters on SIGHUP

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #17613 has been updated by eric sorenson.

Status changed from Needs Decision to Needs More Information
Assignee changed from eric sorenson to Tom Fenri
Target version changed from 3.1.0 to 3.x

Tom, can you confirm that adding your `vardir` explicitly works around the 
issue for you?

This was under the radar because puppetlabs init scripts do a start/stop on 
webrick even when issuing a 'reload', and the issue only appears when running 
webrick because under passenger, Apache manages the process lifecycle so you 
don't have the changing euid.

I’ve put this ticket’s status into “Needs more Information” and assigned it to 
you. Please either (a) update it with the information I’ve requested and 
re-assign it to me if you need more help, or (b) change the status to “Closed” 
if you were able to resolve the issue on your own.

Bug #17613: puppet master ignores config and commandline parameters on SIGHUP

Author: Tom Fenri
Status: Needs More Information
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Tom Fenri
Category: server
Target version: 3.x
Affected Puppet version: 3.0.1

We are using puppet version 3.0.1 on FreeBSD 8.1, installed from ports. 
$confdir is /home/share/puppet/, puppet master is running as user 'puppet'. 

puppetmaster_flags=--confdir=/home/share/puppet --rundir=/var/run/puppet

When started via /usr/local/etc/rc.d/puppetmaster everything works fine, 
process looks like:

puppet  58577  4.7  0.9 121420 71124  ??  Ss1:05PM   3:18.22 
/usr/local/bin/ruby18 /usr/local/bin/puppet master --confdir=/home/share/puppet 

When reloaded with kill -HUP $pid, which happens sometimes by newsyslog, it 
seems to forget all settings and tries to do things in /root/.puppet:

Nov 14 13:38:22 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: Caught HUP; calling 
Nov 14 13:38:22 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: Restarting with 
'/usr/local/bin/puppet master --confdir=/home/share/puppet 
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: Cannot create 
/root/.puppet/var; parent directory /root/.puppet does not exist
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var]/ensure) change from absent to directory failed: 
Cannot create
  /root/.puppet/var; parent 
directory /root/.puppet does not exist
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/lib]) Dependency File[/root/.puppet/var] has failures: 
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/lib]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/server_data]) Dependency File[/root/.puppet/var] has 
failures: true
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/server_data]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/bucket]) Dependency File[/root/.puppet/var] has 
failures: true
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/bucket]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/reports]) Dependency File[/root/.puppet/var] has 
failures: true
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/reports]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/state]) Dependency File[/root/.puppet/var] has 
failures: true
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/state]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/yaml]) Dependency File[/root/.puppet/var] has 
failures: true
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/yaml]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/rrd]) Dependency File[/root/.puppet/var] has failures: 
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/rrd]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/log]) Dependency File[/root/.puppet/var] has failures: 
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/log]) Skipping because of failed dependencies
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/log/masterhttp.log]) Dependency 
File[/root/.puppet/var] has failures: true
Nov 14 13:38:24 isptsfits21 puppet-master[58577]: 
(/File[/root/.puppet/var/log/masterhttp.log]) Skipping because of failed 

[Puppet - Bug #18376] (Unreviewed) Clean up and unify default fileserver.conf files for packaging

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #18376 has been reported by Nick Fagerlund.

Bug #18376: Clean up and unify default fileserver.conf files for packaging

Author: Nick Fagerlund
Status: Unreviewed
Priority: Low
Assignee: Matthaus Owens
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 

nick@wren:~/Documents/puppet$ find . | grep fileserver.conf

I just had to update all four of these files. They are identical. That's silly. 
We use a unified auth.conf file for all platforms, and we should unify this one 

Haus, could you look into this at some point? 

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[Puppet - Refactor #3691] The Catalog should include both dependency and containment edges

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #3691 has been updated by eric sorenson.

Priority changed from Normal to High
Target version set to 3.x
Keywords set to backlog

Bumping into backlog to propose for Q1'13 engineering efforts.

Refactor #3691: The Catalog should include both dependency and containment edges

Author: Luke Kanies
Status: Accepted
Priority: High
Assignee: eric sorenson
Category: transactions
Target version: 3.x
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.19
Keywords: backlog

Right now, the catalogs sent from the server to the client include only 
containment edges, and the client has to go through some work internally to add 
dependency edges.  In the course of doing so, it removes all of the containment 
edges.  The current mechanism for removing them involves the infamous 'whit', 
which causes plenty of problems, including the need for the 'anchor' pattern.

If we can refactor the catalog creation on the server, and graph sorting on the 
client, so that we can have both kinds of edges in the graph at the same time, 
we can get rid of all of the code around the relationship graph, along with the 
need for whits, and all of the complicated graph stuff involving them, plus the 
need for the anchor pattern.

This will also make integration with other tools, like PuppetDB, easier.

Note that the hard parts about doing this work are twofold:

* Correctly descending dependencies in priority to containment edges.  The edge 
types aren't equal and can't be treated as such.

* Detecting dependency cycles.

It's that last bit that blocked me last time I tried to do this.  I have an 
attempt at this from a long time ago:


But I couldn't get cycle detection working, so I couldn't get it merged.

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[Puppet - Bug #15494] puppet parser validate returns zero on nonexistent file

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #15494 has been updated by Zack Smith.


Bug #15494: puppet parser validate returns zero on nonexistent file

Author: david boldt
Status: Accepted
Priority: Low
Assignee: eric sorenson
Category: executables
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.17
Keywords: errors

% ls -l /foo
/foo: No such file or directory

% puppet parser validate /foo ; echo $?

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[Puppet - Bug #18378] (Accepted) puppet parser validate returns no output on nonexistent file

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #18378 has been reported by Zack Smith.

Bug #18378: puppet parser validate returns no output on nonexistent file

Author: Zack Smith
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: executables
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.19
Keywords: errors

% ls -l /foo
/foo: No such file or directory

% puppet parser validate /foo

This confusing to new users as the command also returns no output when the 
syntax check passes. New students in the puppet fundamentals course who don't 
use tab completion often have trouble with this ( almost every single class ). 
There should be a file not found error message.

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[Puppet - Bug #17449] (Merged - Pending Release) auth.conf references path /file while referencing fileserver.conf

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #17449 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Status changed from In Topic Branch Pending Review to Merged - Pending Release

Merged in 

Bug #17449: auth.conf references path /file while referencing fileserver.conf

Author: Brian Harrington
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Andrew Parker
Category: server
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 3.0.1
Keywords: redhat linux
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/1369

The default configuration of puppet 3.0.1-1 EL6 uses the stanza:

# unconditionally allow access to all file services
# which means in practice that fileserver.conf will
# still be used
path /file
allow *

while in fileserver.conf the default lists:

# [files]
#  path [relative to distribution]
#  allow *.example.com
#  deny *.evil.example.com
#  allow

While the entry in fileserver.conf is an example, it conflicts with the 
defaults included in auth.conf.  Either auth.conf should be changed or the 
sample in fileserver.conf.

Additionally, if the sample in fileserver.conf is going to be changed, this 
becomes related to Bug ID 16686.

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[Puppet - Bug #17448] (Merged - Pending Release) Sample fileserver.conf still contains references to allow statements by ip

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #17448 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Status changed from In Topic Branch Pending Review to Merged - Pending Release

Merged in 

Bug #17448: Sample fileserver.conf still contains references to allow 
statements by ip

Author: Brian Harrington
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: Low
Assignee: Andrew Parker
Category: server
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 3.0.1
Keywords: redhat linux 
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/1369

In version 3.0.1-1 EL6 of the RPMs the sample fileserver.conf contains 
references to using an allow statement by IP.  As of this time this is still 
not implemented in this file (it's in auth.conf) as per Bug ID:  16686 and 

This should be removed (and possibly a comment mentioning auth.conf added).

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[Puppet - Bug #18026] SELinux warnings when using ensure = absent on file

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #18026 has been updated by Alex Cline.

These warnings also show up when a new node is provisioned.  When the catalog 
is compiled, File resources that have 'ensure = present' on them throw the 
warning.  Those resources are then created and the next puppet run doesn't have 
the warnings.

Bug #18026: SELinux warnings when using ensure = absent on file

Author: Malcolm Howe
Status: Unreviewed
Priority: Normal
Category: SELinux
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 3.0.2

When using, for example,  

file {/etc/exclude.systemdump: ensure = absent  }

If the file is already absent Puppet 3.0.2rc1 gives the following warnings not 
seen in Puppet 3.0.1

Warning: /File[/etc/exclude.systemdump]/seluser: Could not stat; No such 
file or directory - /etc/exclude.systemdump
Warning: /File[/etc/exclude.systemdump]/selrole: Could not stat; No such 
file or directory - /etc/exclude.systemdump
Warning: /File[/etc/exclude.systemdump]/seltype: Could not stat; No such 
file or directory - /etc/exclude.systemdump
Warning: /File[/etc/exclude.systemdump]/selrange: Could not stat; No such 
file or directory - /etc/exclude.systemdump

System is running Centos 6 with SELinux in permissive mode.

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[Puppet - Bug #7622] Change confine :true to feature

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #7622 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version changed from 3.x to 3.1.0

Bug #7622: Change confine :true to feature

Author: James Turnbull
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Andrew Parker
Category: plumbing
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 2.6.8
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/1240

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[Puppet - Bug #15214] Get rid of coupling between run_mode and confdir/vardir

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #15214 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (3.x)

Bug #15214: Get rid of coupling between run_mode and confdir/vardir

Author: Chris Price
Status: Duplicate
Priority: Normal
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 

We have an ordering issue in the current code, because the default values for 
confdir and vardir are specified based on the run_mode setting, which is 
specified by individual applications.  However, we need to know where our 
config dir and libdir are before we can even try to load an application.  This 
introduces some very confusing and brittle ordering issues in bootstrapping 
puppet command line apps.

A potential fix is here:


Which is included in the pull request:


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[Puppet - Bug #16210] parenthesize argument(s) for future version warnings on RHEL 5 / Ruby 1.8.5

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #16210 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (3.x)

Bug #16210: parenthesize argument(s) for future version warnings on RHEL 5 / 
Ruby 1.8.5

Author: Dominic Cleal
Status: Closed
Priority: Low
Assignee: Dominic Cleal
Category: compatibility
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: ruby

With Ruby 1.8.5 on RHEL 5, the agent shows these warnings when starting:

/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/provider/package/pacman.rb:17: warning: 
parenthesize argument(s) for future version
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util/windows/registry.rb:23: warning: 
parenthesize argument(s) for future version

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[Puppet - Bug #17747] Inability to use gems as dependencies in custom providers types

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #17747 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (3.x)

Bug #17747: Inability to use gems as dependencies in custom providers  types

Author: Mohit Chawla
Status: Duplicate
Priority: Normal
Assignee: eric sorenson
Category: plug-ins
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.19
Keywords: code_loading

I am using a custom provider that uses an external gem, for eg., json. I am 
seeing this behavior:

1) In the first puppet run - errors would be thrown like :
err: Could not load downloaded file 
/var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/custom_provider/json.rb: no such file to 
load -- json.
However, the catalog compiles and gets executed successfully eventually in the 
same run, as I provide the json lib from my module. 

2) If however, there was some other error in the first run, say a syntax error 
somewhere, and then you try a successive puppet run, it simply doesn't retrieve 
the catalog,  with an error like: 
Could not autoload custom: Could not autoload 
/var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/custom_provider/json.rb: no such file to 
load -- json

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[Puppet - Feature #4388] Remove the namespaceauth.conf file

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #4388 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version changed from 3.x to 3.1.0

Feature #4388: Remove the namespaceauth.conf file

Author: Matt Robinson
Status: Merged - Pending Release
Priority: High
Assignee: Henrik Lindberg
Category: plumbing
Target version: 3.1.0
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: rest api
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/1204

To start puppet agent with --listen you need both the auth.conf and 
namespaceauth.conf.  I don't think the namespaceauth.conf is necessary anymore 
since it seems to do the same thing but less as the auth.conf (both badly named 
security files), so if that's true get rid of it.  Otherwise document it.

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[Puppet - Feature #11786] `puppet doc` is not compatible with newer RDoc - thus with Ruby 1.9

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #11786 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (3.x)

Feature #11786: `puppet doc` is not compatible with newer RDoc - thus with Ruby 

Author: Justin Stoller
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Category: ruby19
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: development
Keywords: ruby1.9.3
Branch: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/pull/377

The `puppet doc` code depends heavily on RDoc to do the documentation 

Unfortunately, while the Ruby 1.8 series exclusively used RDoc 1.*, the Ruby 
1.9 uses 3.* and 4.* versions.  These are solidly incompatible with the way we 
used and integrated with RDoc in the `puppet doc` application.

We need to support the `puppet doc` features in a way that also works with 
newer Ruby.

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[Puppet - Bug #4915] scope.function_extlookup (in templates) takes an array parameter

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #4915 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Removing the target version, since this was done as a documentation change. 
Issue #15756 is the one about making puppet stricter about this.

Bug #4915: scope.function_extlookup (in templates) takes an array parameter

Author: Jordan Sissel
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Nick Fagerlund
Category: documentation
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.6.1

This does not work

  inline_template(%= Puppet::Parser::Functions.autoloader.loadall; 
scope.function_extlookup('hello world') %)

  Failed to parse inline template: extlookup(): wrong number of arguments (11; 
must be = 3) at /home/jls/f.pp:2 on node snack.home

Volcane pointed out that extlookup() expects an array, which made the '11' 
above pretty obvious as 'hello world'.size == 11.

This version works:

  inline_template(%= Puppet::Parser::Functions.autoloader.loadall; 
scope.function_extlookup(['hello world']) %)

notice: Scope(Class[main]): Hello sir!


Possible fix: Make extlookup check if the type given is a string, and if so, 
treat it normally.

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[Puppet - Bug #12540] puppet config print generates invalid log settings if puppet.conf doesn't exist

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #12540 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #12540: puppet config print generates invalid log settings if puppet.conf 
doesn't exist

Author: Josh Cooper
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 

If ~/.puppet/puppet.conf does not exist, then `puppet config print` generates 
an invalid config for settings that are based on $vardir/log:

$ rm ~/.puppet/puppet.conf
$ puppet config print logdir
The Puppet log directory.

Note the value of the logdir property is actually two lines with an embedded 
newline. Other log settings based on logdir have the same problem:

$ puppet config print all | grep vardir/log
httplog = $vardir/logThe Puppet log directory./http.log
logdir = $vardir/logThe Puppet log directory.
masterhttplog = $vardir/logThe Puppet log directory./masterhttp.log
masterlog = $vardir/logThe Puppet log directory./puppetmaster.log
puppetdlog = $vardir/logThe Puppet log directory./puppetd.log
railslog = $vardir/logThe Puppet log directory./rails.log

Now create an empty puppet.conf and all of the logdir settings use the 
interpolated value of $vardir/log:

$ touch ~/.puppet/puppet.conf
$ puppet config print all | grep vardir/log
$ puppet config print logdir

This looks to be an issue with run_mode, see `Puppet::Util::RunMode.logopts`

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[Puppet - Bug #14073] puppet apply cannot find types in modules on Windows

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #14073 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #14073: puppet apply cannot find types in modules on Windows

Author: Jeff McCune
Status: Duplicate
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Patrick Carlisle
Category: modules
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.4
Keywords: autoloader windows module load_path LOAD_PATH RUBYLIB autoload 
require bd

# Overview #

With Puppet 2.7.x (3a4ac604c85952511fd45c2f0699ce956eda3773) and master 
(b02aa930a03a282588e81f65e14f47a138a4b9f0) Puppet is not able to find custom 
types and providers located in a module.

This appears to be a regression.

# Actual Behaivor #

With the 
module installed in the module path, there is an error because the type uses a 
require statement and the $LOAD_PATH is not correct:

Z:\vagrant\modulespuppet describe --modulepath=Z:/vagrant/modules mounttab
Could not run: Could not autoload \
Could not autoload 
Z:/vagrant/modules/mount_providers/lib/puppet/provider/mountpoint/linux.rb: \
  no such file to load -- puppet/type/mountpoint

# Expected Behavior #

The custom type in the mount providers module should be able to require 
additional files with the $LOAD_PATH modified to include the lib directory of 
the module from the module path.

# Steps to reproduce #

Install Puppet 2.7.13 from our MSI.

Modify environment.bat to use PUPPET_DIR and FACTER_DIR pointing at your Git 
working copies.

Install the mount_providers module somewhere.

Use puppet describe --modulepath=Z:/path/to/modules mountpoint

See the exception raised.

This happens on both 2.7.x and master.

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[Puppet - Bug #16573] Gentoo package - resource is failing

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #16573 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #16573: Gentoo package - resource is failing

Author: Marc Richter
Status: Duplicate
Priority: Normal
Assignee: eric sorenson
Category: Gentoo
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.18
Keywords: eix

Running Puppet on a Gentoo Linux, everytime, when a package - resource is 
computed, the eix - command seems to give back a 1 exitcode, which makes the 
Puppetrun fail.

When executing the eix commandline from the logs manually, this works, but on 
the shell I have to surround a specific part with ' :

Let me give an example:

**The Manifest:**

`package { 'media-gfx/exif':
  ensure = installed,

**The result in Puppet-Report:**

`errCould not evaluate: Execution of '/usr/bin/eix --nocolor 
--pure-packages --stable --format category name 
[installedversions:LASTVERSION] [bestversion:LASTVERSION] homepage 
description --exact --category-name media-gfx/exif' returned 1`

**The result when run manually, but sorroundet with ' between --format  and  

`vagrant-funtoo64 /boot # /usr/bin/eix --nocolor --pure-packages --stable 
--format 'category name [installedversions:LASTVERSION] 
[bestversion:LASTVERSION] homepage description' --exact --category-name 
media-gfx exif [] [] http://libexif.sourceforge.net/ Small CLI util to show 
EXIF infos hidden in JPEG filesvagrant-funtoo64 /boot # echo $?
vagrant-funtoo64 /boot #`

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[Puppet - Bug #8311] file { mode = .. } -- investigation into strings, octal, etc --

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #8311 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Removing the target version. We can retarget it if it gets reopened.

Bug #8311: file { mode = .. }  -- investigation into strings, octal, etc --

Author: tgeeky -
Status: Closed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: tgeeky -
Category: file
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.1
Keywords: file, mode, octal

This ticket is meant as an investigation into general problems with the 
following syntax:

file { '/some/file/or/directory':
   mode = _

In theory, any of the following could be entered where  is:

* 0
* 1
* 0
* 0123
* 1365
* '0'
* ''
* '0777'
* 0
* 0123
* 644
* - - - - - - - - - -
* - r w S r w S r w -
* 8000
* 81ff

For instance, what should be valid here? How should puppet store (internally) 
the information you supply? What should happen when invalid input is supplied? 
Because Ruby is a dynamically typed language and because some joker 
decided that prefixing a number with a zero specifies an octal number, Puppet 
is left with some lingering bugs; and, even when a decision on syntax 
is made, backwards compatibility is not an easy task.

This bug report was spurred on by (but is not identical to) my other 
[[bug report#8255]](http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/8255). That bug is 
just for the defaults (which is a puppet system also need of some TLC).

[[This pastie]](http://pastie.org/2181013) represents my first attack at 
actually figuring out what's going on. It is nowhere near sufficient, and it's 
not in test form (since I don't know how to write tests yet).

There are probably several bugs that are caused by this inconsistency. And 
directories are not immune, either.

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[Puppet - Bug #1042] Trailing or extra slashes are not removed from file names when resolving relationships

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #1042 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #1042: Trailing or extra slashes are not removed from file names when 
resolving relationships

Author: Luke Kanies
Status: Accepted
Priority: Low
Category: RAL
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.4

This isn't a huge problem, since it has easy workarounds (remove the slashes 
from the relationship specification).  It also has some difficult design 
aspects, because solving it requires that each resource type get some say in 
how related titles are handled -- i.e., in this case the file type needs to 
provide a method that trims extra slashes.

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[Puppet - Bug #709] crontab type seems to detect the current environment lines wrong

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #709 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #709: crontab type seems to detect the current environment lines wrong

Author: Karl Pietri
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: cron
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.7
Keywords: cronfixit

 environment changed 
 to 'MAILTO=em...@mydomain.com'
The cron provider seems to think there are more MAILTO's then actually are.  As 
listing the crontab shows:
 # Puppet Name: ntpd_check
 */5 * * * * /root/bin/ntpmon  /dev/null 21
This happens everytime puppetd --test is run.

puppet config:
rCron{  ntpd_check:
command=/root/bin/ntpmon  /dev/null 21,
cron{   $name:

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[Puppet - Bug #1372] Class names that match the node name are not evaluated

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #1372 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #1372: Class names that match the node name are not evaluated

Author: Digant Kasundra
Status: Investigating
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Lee Lowder
Category: language
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.4
Keywords: devtriage

If I setup:

class subversion {
  warning(I am class subversion)

and in my nodes.pp I have

node subversion { include subversion }

When i run puppet in verbose mode on subversion, I never see that warning.  

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[Puppet - Bug #1395] puppet memory usage

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #1395 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #1395: puppet memory usage

Author: Peter Meier
Status: Needs More Information
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Category: plumbing
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.1
Keywords: memory leaks

In a recent discussion about using puppetd with xinetd (main 
 ) it came out that there is some investigation needed on puppetd's memory 

Different people noticed that running puppetd is using a lot of footprint 
(links follow), while other noticed that it uses nearly none (links follow)

Notices about high memory usage:
127m/82m:http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-users/msg/a4a43d3edd585c03 64 
version 0.24.4, 64 bit
Notices about low memory usage:
version 0.24.4
version 0.23.1
Personally I can add another memory usage on a 32bit machine, which is rather 
low: 85m virt and 69m res, running 0.24.4

Luke then 
noticed:http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-users/msg/573a76e32fba3eb0 that 
we should investigate on memory usage in the near future.

Besides the memory consumption of puppetd, also the memory consumption of 
puppetmaster was discussed. There Duncan Hill noticed that splitting the 
fileserver off the the main puppetmaster improved the situation 
heavily:http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-users/msg/a7083b931b5c4cda , 
however he 
noticed:http://groups.google.com/group/puppet-users/msg/f68347fdb69b8496 that 
the manifest puppetmaster still consumes a lot of memory.

There have been also other reports about memory usage trashing the master and 
 however this might not be related.

Quick Summary:

We have seen different environments reporting a lot of memory usage. Most of 
them seem to be 64bit machines using 0.24.4. One report about low memory usage 
was a 0.23.1 version. 

Personal additional assumption: And for a first glance it looks like that 64bit 
machines double the memory consumption. (Take care of this assumption)

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[Puppet - Bug #1453] removing a cron parameter does not change the object

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #1453 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #1453: removing a cron parameter does not change the object

Author: Martha Greenberg
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: cron
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.5
Keywords: cron

If you remove a parameter from a cron object, it should change the cron job to 
have * in that field.  However, puppet does not change it unless you specify 
# cat /tmp/1.pp
cron { test:
  command = /bin/echo test,
  hour= 4,
  minute  = 3,

# puppet -v /tmp/1.pp
notice: //Cron[test]/ensure: created

# cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
# (- installed on Sun Jul 27 23:45:24 2008)
# (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 2.13 1994/01/17 03:20:37 vixie Exp $)
# HEADER: This file was autogenerated at Sun Jul 27 23:45:24 +0300 2008 by 
# HEADER: While it can still be managed manually, it is definitely not 
# HEADER: Note particularly that the comments starting with 'Puppet Name' 
should# HEADER: not be deleted, as doing so could cause duplicate cron jobs.
# Puppet Name: test
3 4 * * * /bin/echo test

# cat /tmp/2.pp
cron { test:
  command = /bin/echo test,
  minute  = 5,

# puppet -v /tmp/2.pp
notice: //Cron[test]/minute: minute changed '3' to '5'

# cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
# (- installed on Sun Jul 27 23:51:11 2008)
# (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 2.13 1994/01/17 03:20:37 vixie Exp $)
# HEADER: This file was autogenerated at Sun Jul 27 23:51:11 +0300 2008 by 
# HEADER: While it can still be managed manually, it is definitely not 
# HEADER: Note particularly that the comments starting with 'Puppet Name' 
should# HEADER: not be deleted, as doing so could cause duplicate cron jobs.
# Puppet Name: test
5 4 * * * /bin/echo test

Notice that hour is still set to 4, not *!

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[Puppet - Bug #1531] ssh_authorized_keys should not use the key 'comment' as a unique identifier (name)

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #1531 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #1531: ssh_authorized_keys should not use the key 'comment' as a unique 
identifier (name)

Author: Paul Boven
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Francois Deppierraz
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.4

Currently the ssh authorized keys provider uses the 'comment' section from an 
SSH public key as the 'name'. However, this implies that these comment strings 
must be unique, while SSH itself imposes no such restriction: in fact, it often 
happens that users generate both an RSA and a DSA key, which by default will 
have the same comment.

A better 'name' for a key would perhaps be its fingerprint. There is a very 
small chance of collisions, but using the comment as 'name' is certain to 
generate collisions (for me it already has). Otherwise, the key-string itself 
should perhaps be the 'name' as this is certainly unique.

If a user just changes the 'name' of the key in the Puppet manifest, then the 
other problem is that Puppet (only looking at the 'name', not the contents of 
the key) fails to realize that a key is already in place so you end up with 
duplicates. The current implementation doesn't really manage authorized_keys, 
it only manages the comment section and has no knowledge of the actual key.
Using the key fingerprint would require Puppet to be able to actually extract 
the fingerprint from the key  and would be a non-trivial change.

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[Puppet - Bug #1720] The package resource type doesn't notice installed packages when more than one is installed

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #1720 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #1720: The package resource type doesn't notice installed packages when 
more than one is installed

Author: Trevor Hemsley
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: package
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.6

On Redhat systems using yum as the package provider, we have a class that says

class hpasm {
# This class is meant to keep dependancies for the correct build of the various 
hp/compaq components
package {kernel-smp-devel:
ensure = 2.6.9-67.0.1.EL,

and rpm -q kernel-smp-devel reports


as installed. However puppetd --test --noop says

notice: //Node[basicnode]/hpasm/Package[kernel-smp-devel]/ensure: is 
2.6.9-55.0.9.EL, should be 2.6.9-67.0.1.EL (noop)

I think this is probably a bug since puppet seems to stop looking after the 
first rpm it finds

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[Puppet - Bug #2014] sshkey creates /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts with mode 600

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2014 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2014: sshkey creates /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts with mode 600

Author: Todd Zullinger
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: ssh
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.7
Keywords: ssh known_hosts

Using the sshkey type /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts is created with mode 600 by 
default.  This seems undesirable in most situations.  I think the default 
should be 644.  I didn't see anything obvious in the sshkey code that set it 
strictly on purpose.  Does puppet default to 600 somewhere?  And is there a 
simple way to tweak a type to use a different mode?  This seems like a similar 
issue to #1538.  Of course, it's not an inifile, so the fix will be different.

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[Puppet - Bug #2043] up2date provider should split off architecture to --arch parameter

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2043 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2043: up2date provider should split off architecture to --arch parameter

Author: Derek Whayman
Status: Tests Insufficient
Priority: Normal
Assignee: James Cammarata
Category: package
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.7
Keywords: communitypatch
Branch: https://github.com/jamtur01/puppet/tree/ticket/master/2043


Just came across an issue where I had to install pam.i386 as well as
pam.x86_64 on a RHEL4 machine (via up2date).  With the yum provider
you can simply

package { pam.i386: }

Because the underlying command is understood by yum
yum -y install pam.i386

With up to date this fails
up2date-nox -i pam.i386

You need to
up2date --arch=i386 pam

There has been a lot of discussion in the past (including myself)
about this, none of which came to a satisfactory conclusion.  Packages
are inherently tricky as you have pam, pam.i386 and pam.x86_64
which doesn't sit comfortably with Puppet's concept of unique

So what I propose is something much simpler, rather than solve that
problem simply permit the same kludge within up2date as within yum,
i.e. this patch.

The provider will determine if the name end in an architecture by way of a long 
regexp of known architectures.  Splitting off via the dots is unreliable as 
some package names do have a dot in them.


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[Puppet - Refactor #2064] Checksums should be modeled explicitly in files

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2064 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Refactor #2064: Checksums should be modeled explicitly in files

Author: Luke Kanies
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: file
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.7

Currently, checksums are used all over in files, but they're always passed 
around as strings.  They should instead be passed around as instances of a 
Checksum class, which would greatly simplify the checksum handling.  This 
should be relatively straightforward and would be a big win.

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[Puppet - Bug #2072] File content always prints as checksums

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2072 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2072: File content always prints as checksums

Author: Luke Kanies
Status: Accepted
Priority: Low
Category: file
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.7

This was done in commit:858480b04d84e56aa483c80642dd0512af4fd025 because it 
made the code drastically easier, but it means that, for instance, 'ralsh file 
/foo' prints the checksum instead of the file content, which in turn means 
files are no longer isomorphic with their puppet representation.

This isn't a significant problem today, because only ralsh uses that 
functionality, but it should be fixed.

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[Puppet - Bug #2083] puppet cert errors and messages

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2083 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2083: puppet cert errors and messages

Author: Phil Schwartz
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: usability
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.7

If the puppetmaster is reinstalled each puppetd client's certs will no longer 
work and there is nothing in the puppetmaster log that is useful for 
troubleshooting.  Similarly, the puppetd client's output is less than 
sufficient and doesn't indicate that a potention solution is to remove the ssl 
files from the ssldir.

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[Puppet - Bug #2095] Changing the permissions of /etc/puppet/puppet.conf via puppet crashes puppetmaster

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2095 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2095: Changing the permissions of /etc/puppet/puppet.conf via puppet 
crashes puppetmaster

Author: Trevor Hemsley
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: file
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.7

class puppetperms
file {/etc/puppet/puppet.conf:
owner = root,
group = root,
mode = 600

then invoke puppetd --test --tags puppetperms on the puppetmaster server 
machine. The perms get changed, puppetmaster gets notified then crashes.

In syslog I see this

puppetd[6381]: (//Node[infra]/puppetperms/File[/etc/puppet/puppet.conf]/mode) 
mode changed '644' to '600'
puppetd[6381]: Finished catalog run in 7.08 seconds
puppetmasterd[26866]: Reparsing /etc/puppet/puppet.conf

But puppetmaster is now dead.

Restart puppetmaster and all is OK again. Can happily run puppetd --test --tags 
puppetperms while the perms are correct. Reset them via

chmod 700 /etc/puppet/puppet.conf

and puppetmaster immediately crashes without even running puppetd --test --tags 

BTW, puppetd does not run as a daemon on any of these machines, it's only run 

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[Puppet - Bug #2118] Puppetmasterd should finish operations when restarting

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2118 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2118: Puppetmasterd should finish operations when restarting

Author: Luke Kanies
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: plumbing
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.7

When the master gets a signal to restart, it will stop all open operations and 
restart immediately.  It should instead finish any of those operations before 

I don't really know how this will work - I assume it will require some kind of 
registration process that keeps a counter of open connections, along with a 
lock that prevents new connections.  Thus, a restart will enable this lock, and 
will not restart until the number of open connections has dropped to 0.

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[Puppet - Bug #2156] provider/service/freebsd.rb cannot handle service name containing 'dash'

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2156 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2156: provider/service/freebsd.rb cannot handle service name containing 

Author: Tomoyuki Sakurai
Status: Needs More Information
Priority: Normal
Category: FreeBSD
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.8

the following service creates /etc/rc.conf.d/foo-bar, which is invalid.

service { foo-bar :
 enable = true

- in the file name and variable name must be replaced with _.

 cat /etc/rc.conf.d/foo_bar

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[Puppet - Bug #2158] Nagios files are created mode 600

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2158 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2158: Nagios files are created mode 600

Author: Scott Briggs
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: nagios
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.6

When puppet creates any nagios specific files, it creates them with mode 600 
and owner and group both set to root.  This renders the files unreadable by 
nagios which kind of defeats the purpose of having native nagios resources.  

Creating these files with mode 644 would be perfectly reasonable, however, it 
might be worthwhile to allow owner, group and mode to be set in the same way as 
a file resource if it's not too complicated.


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[Puppet - Bug #2159] Allowingunauthenticated client access to puppetca.getcert

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2159 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2159: Allowingunauthenticated client access to puppetca.getcert

Author: Scott Briggs
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: usability
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.8

We started getting the following error messages on our puppetmaster after I 
changed the name of one of our servers:

Apr 14 14:49:09 puppet-server puppetmasterd[32314]: Allowing
unauthenticated client localhost( access to puppetca.getcert 

It turns out this was caused by the fact that I hadn't signed the cert for the 
server with the new name.

The error message is not helpful at all, it should have the name of the server 
that's trying to authenticate, not localhost.


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[Puppet - Bug #2237] puppetd sometimes does not create $yamlclientdir automatically

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2237 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2237: puppetd sometimes does not create $yamlclientdir automatically

Author: Derek Whayman
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: executables
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.0

Workaround's quite obvious :-)


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[Puppet - Bug #2251] cron provider doesn't correctly employ user property for resource existence checks.

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2251 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2251: cron provider doesn't correctly employ user property for resource 
existence checks.

Author: Marc Fournier
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: cron
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.8
Keywords: cron

If I change the user parameter of a cron{} resource, the previous user will 
still have the cron listed in his crontab.

Assuming the resource name stays the same, I would have expected changing the 
user parameter to be as transparent as changing hour, minute, etc.

This is a possible workaround, but it may not be desirable in every case:
resource { cron: purge = true }

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[Puppet - Bug #2309] Defined resources are not evaluated immediately which can cause ordering problems

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2309 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2309: Defined resources are not evaluated immediately which can cause 
ordering problems

Author: Ohad Levy
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: language
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.8

Because defined resources are queued as they're defined, and only evaluated 
when all other work is done, we can see ordering issues.  In the example below, 
the two classes are evaluated to the level of the defined resource, and then 
stopped.  This results in the variable modification in the defined resource not 
getting called until after the template is evaluated.

The correct behaviour should see the defined resource getting evaluated as soon 
as it is added to the catalog, rather than queueing it for later.

original description:

it seems that templates ignore variable scopes, consider this code:


node default {
include a
include b

class a {
$dirs = 
dir{[/tmp,/tmp/a,/tmp/b]: before = File[/tmp/dirs]}
class b {
file{/tmp/dirs: content = $a::dirs}
#file{/tmp/dirs: content = template(/tmp/dirs.erb)}

define dir() {
$a::dirs +=  $name
file {$name: ensure = directory }
using template the output of the file is , but when dumping the variable 
directly, the content is correct.

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[Puppet - Refactor #2326] Update or replace event-loop

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2326 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Refactor #2326: Update or replace event-loop

Author: James Turnbull
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: plumbing
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.8

Puppet currently uses event-loop as an external library to provide the client 
wakeup loop 
The event-loop library has gone through three releases since we merged it.  We 

a.  Update the library to the current version
b.  Replace the external library with internal code.

Preference is b.

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[Puppet - Bug #2350] Aptitude Provider installs newest version when it can't find the specified one, also doesn't detect several errors

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2350 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2350: Aptitude Provider installs newest version when it can't find the 
specified one, also doesn't detect several errors

Author: Clarence Tso
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: package
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.8
Keywords: aptitude provider package version

While using the Aptitude provider, I found that if you specify a version that 
Aptitude can't find, it tells you this but then just goes ahead and installs 
the latest version. I fixed this by making a dry run to install the package and 
then checking whether it could find it or not, throwing a Puppet error if it 
can't find the version. The dry run is necessary, or else aptitude would 
install it before we can detect that the wrong version was installed.

On a related note, I also added extra stdout checks to look for cases of unmet 
dependencies and 404's from the user's sources. These are all problems I ran 
into when using the Aptitude provider. 

With these fixes, the user is less likely to think that the package was 
installed when it wasn't (due to uncaught errors), and will also be assured of 
what package version they are using. I've submitted my git patch. I originally 
did this in subversion (just started using git, total nub in that respect) 
based on puppet-latest.tgz (got 0.24.8), but figured a git patch would be more 
appropriate, so I forked + cloned lak/puppet/, made the changes there, and 
created the patch. I don't have tests, but I've been using the 
puppet-latest.tgz-modified version on my production servers for the last month.

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[Puppet - Bug #2352] ssh_authorized_key can create files it can't parse

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2352 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2352: ssh_authorized_key can create files it can't parse

Author: Kjetil Torgrim Homme
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: ssh
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.8

I have put all the keys in individual text files, and used template() to fetch 
the value and pass to ssh_authorized_key's key attribute.  The problem with 
this is that my text files contains a trailing newline[1], and this newline was 
copied verbatim into the resulting file, so it became

ssh-rsa B3NzaC1y...ojH2ZMvF+Efw==

That is, it was split across two lines.  On the next run, ssh_authorized_key 
aborts since the file contains a syntax error...[2]

In any case, Puppet should never generate files it can't handle, so there are 
two options IMHO:

  1) strip whitespace from key before writing it to file.  drop the resource 
processing if it's not valid base64.
  2) drop the resource processing if it's not valid base64.

I think my usecase of putting the keys in individual files is common enough 
that whitespace trimming should be done.  It would also allow splitting inline 
values into multi-line strings.

Workaround: use regsubst() to remove the newline from the templated value.

[1] I really don't like text files with no terminating newline, it makes diff 
slightly unhappy etc.
[2] The parser is very fickle in general, it bombs on empty lines, too.  Please 
fix that when you're at it, not worth a separate issue I think :)

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[Puppet - Bug #2384] Provider features are validated at instantiation rather than run time

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2384 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2384: Provider features are validated at instantiation rather than run time

Author: Oliver Hookins
Status: Accepted
Priority: High
Assignee: eric sorenson
Category: RAL
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.8
Keywords: usability

I'm attempting to do the following:
1. Install ruby-shadow
2. Create a user account (with a password)

Unfortunately puppet tends to screw up the order. Here's the test manifest:
package { ruby-shadow: ensure = installed; }
user { testdude:
ensure = present,
gid = users,
password = '$1$loo03Rez$MfxLF/9uMeaeOPCtceYGc0',
require = Package[ruby-shadow],
comment = test account;

Puppet checks for the account's presence before anything, and complains about 
ruby-shadow not being there. IMHO it shouldn't even care about checking 
anything to do with the account, since I have specified a prerequisite. Anyway, 
it installs ruby-shadow, then creates the account *without a password* despite 
ruby-shadow now being on the system. It takes a second run of puppet to set the 
password, which is really not ideal.

Here's the output with debugging and verbose:
[root@test ~]# puppet -d -v test.pp 
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderRpm: Executing '/bin/rpm --version'
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderUrpmi: Executing '/bin/rpm -ql rpm'
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderAptrpm: Executing '/bin/rpm -ql rpm'
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderYum: Executing '/bin/rpm --version'
debug: Failed to load library 'shadow' for feature 'libshadow'
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderAptitude: file /usr/bin/aptitude does not 
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderPkgdmg: file /Library/Receipts does not 
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderFreebsd: file /usr/sbin/pkg_delete does 
not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderSun: file /usr/sbin/pkgrm does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderEasy_install: file easy_install does not 
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderAppdmg: file /Library/Receipts does not 
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderHpux: file /usr/sbin/swinstall does not 
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderOpenbsd: file pkg_delete does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderPorts: file /usr/local/sbin/pkg_deinstall 
does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderGem: file gem does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderSunfreeware: file pkg-get does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderDarwinport: file /opt/local/bin/port does 
not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderFink: file /sw/bin/fink does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderRug: file /usr/bin/rug does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderApple: file /Library/Receipts does not 
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderAptrpm: file apt-get does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderApt: file /usr/bin/apt-get does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderUrpmi: file urpmi does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderUp2date: file /usr/sbin/up2date-nox does 
not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderDpkg: file /usr/bin/dpkg does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderPortage: file /usr/bin/emerge does not 
debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderUser_role_add: file roleadd does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderPw: file pw does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderLdap: true value when expecting false
debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderNetinfo: file nireport does not exist
debug: Puppet::Type::User::ProviderDirectoryservice: file /usr/bin/dscl does 
not exist
info: /User[testdude]: Provider useradd does not support features 
manages_passwords; not managing attribute password
debug: Creating default schedules
debug: Prefetching yum resources for package
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderYum: Executing '/bin/rpm --version'
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderYum: Executing '/bin/rpm -qa 
--nosignature --nodigest --qf '%{NAME} %|EPOCH?{%{EPOCH}}:{0}| %{VERSION} 
debug: /User[testdude]/require: requires Package[ruby-shadow]
debug: Failed to load library 'ldap' for feature 'ldap'
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderYum: Executing '/bin/rpm -q ruby-shadow 
--nosignature --nodigest --qf %{NAME} %|EPOCH?{%{EPOCH}}:{0}| %{VERSION} 
debug: //Package[ruby-shadow]: Changing ensure
debug: //Package[ruby-shadow]: 1 change(s)
debug: Package[ruby-shadow](provider=yum): Ensuring = present
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderYum: Executing '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y 
install ruby-shadow'
debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderYum: Executing '/bin/rpm -q ruby-shadow 
--nosignature --nodigest --qf %{NAME} %|EPOCH?{%{EPOCH}}:{0}| %{VERSION} 

[Puppet - Bug #2449] ralsh when used with the -e flag implements changes even when the file is not saved.

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2449 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2449: ralsh when used with the -e flag implements changes even when the 
file is not saved.

Author: Teyo Tyree
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: executables
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.8

Executing ralsh with the -e flag allows the user to edit a resources' 
parameters using a text editor.  Unfortunately, ralsh will implement changes 
even if the text file is not saved.  This is counter intuitive and could cause 
users to unintentionally make changes on a live system.

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[Puppet - Bug #2471] Puppet.warning doesn't work with a hook in defaults.rb

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2471 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2471: Puppet.warning doesn't work with a hook in defaults.rb

Author: Nigel Kersten
Status: Code Insufficient
Priority: Low
Category: plumbing
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.0

If you try to add a Puppet.warning to a hook in defaults.rb, like:

:reportserver = {
:default = $server,
:desc = (Deprecated) The server to which to send transaction 
:call_on_define = true,
:hook = proc { |value|
  if value
   $stderr.puts This works
   Puppet.warning This will not.
   Puppet.settings[:report_server] = value

you get:

/Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/puppet/util/log.rb:517:in `source=': uninitialized 
constant Puppet::Type (NameError)

I notice :cacrl is using a Puppet.warning in a hook and is subject to the same 

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[Puppet - Bug #2476] The --test option to puppetd is very confusing (and sometimes dangerous)

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2476 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2476: The --test option to puppetd is very confusing (and sometimes 

Author: Ben Hearsum
Status: Investigating
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Nigel Kersten
Category: executables
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.8

The --test option to puppetd is commonly and easily assumed to be show me what 
changes you WOULD make if run without --test. For people new to Puppet, it's 
very easy to make this mistake and sync up with the master before you intend 
to. I think it would be much better to call it something else.

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[Puppet - Bug #2500] puppetmaster should not load certs when not running under webrick

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2500 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2500: puppetmaster should not load certs when not running under webrick

Author: Ohad Levy
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: SSL
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.0rc1

when running with puppetca false option, the following is observed on a client:
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: 
Internal Server Error

and on the server:
pre - - [05/Aug/2009:13:44:02 +0800] GET 
/development/certificate_revocation_list/ca HTTP/1.1 500 9451 - -
Aug  5 13:44:11 hostname puppetd[23354]: Could not retrieve catalog from remote 
server: Error 500 on SERVER: Internal Server Error

this happens when running the puppetmaster and puppetd on the same machine.

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[Puppet - Bug #2555] Problem when ignored files change timestamp of (recursively) copied directory

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2555 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2555: Problem when ignored files change timestamp of (recursively) copied 

Author: Sven Mueller
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: file
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.8

Opening a bug as requested.

Luke Kanies wrote:
On Aug 12, 2009, at 5:28 AM, Sven Mueller wrote:

  I'm wondering wether the following is expected behaviour (and if so,
  wether it can be disabled):
  I have
  which contains a few conf.d files per host that need to be copied to  
  server. The /etc/puppet/files (and all subdirectories of course) is
  managed with subversion and thus (now) contains a .svn subdirectory.
  Situation is that on the server, /etc/httpd/conf.d has been updated  
  after that, the respective conf.d directory has been added/committed  
  subversion. Now the situation looks like this:
  On the server:
  ~ # ls -la /etc/httpd/conf.d
  total 96
  drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Aug  5 14:06 .
  drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jul 30 15:31 ..
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4090 Aug  5 11:58 risk.conf
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6933 Aug  5 10:33 risk.inc
  On the puppet master:
  # ls -la conf.d/
  total 24
  drwxr-xr-x 3 puppet root 4096 Aug 10 09:26 .
  drwxr-xr-x 4 puppet root 4096 Aug 10 09:26 ..
  -rw-r--r-- 1 puppet root 4090 Aug  5 11:50 risk.conf
  -rw-r--r-- 1 puppet root 6933 Aug  5 10:22 risk.inc
  drwxr-xr-x 6 puppet root 4096 Aug 10 09:27 .svn
  As you can see, the .svn and . on the puppet master are newer than on
  the puppet client.
  File type is set up to use checksum=md5 and ignore=.svn (among  
  There is a Service[httpd] (its a RHEL5 or CentOS5 server) subscribed
  to File[/etc/httpd/conf.d]. Now each time puppetd is running on the
  server (we don't let it run as a service, but run it manually with
  --test), it shows something along the lines of:
  notice: //Node[web_node]/httpd/File[/etc/httpd/conf.d]/checksum: is
  {mtime}Wed Aug 05 14:06:12 +0200 2009, should be time (noop)
  info: //Node[web_node]/httpd/File[/etc/httpd/conf.d]: Scheduling  
  of Service[httpd]
  notice: //Node[sn_web_node]/httpd/Service[httpd]: Would have triggered
  refresh from 1 dependencies
  This can be avoided by touching /etc/httpd/conf.d on the server, but I
  think that:
  1) If puppet thinks the newer mtime of the directory on the puppet
server should cause the httpd service to be refreshed, that it  
update the mtime of that directory on the server in the same run (as
to avoid repeatedly refreshing the service).
  2) Alternatively (and in my humble opinion this should be preferred),
only actual changes while processing the File resource should  
the Service resource to be refreshed.
  Now: Is the stuff I described above expected behaviour of puppet? If  
  Can I change it somehow? If not: Is there a workaround other than
  manually touching the directory on the server? And: Is there a fix
  that corrects the behaviour to act more along the lines of the two
  alternatives listed above?

Hmm, this seems like a bug that would only be encountered when files  
you're ignoring are causing the directory's timestamp to be modified.   
Normally that newer file would get copied to the client, which would  
update the local timestamp.

Can you file this as a bug?

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[Puppet - Bug #2556] rrdgraph only holds data for 6.25days in rrd dbs

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2556 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2556: rrdgraph only holds data for 6.25days in rrd dbs

Author: Michael Gebetsroither
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: reports
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.5


i've enabled rrdgraph a few weeks agoand it works great
But the graphs created by puppet never show data beyond about one week.

I've looked at the .rrd db files and they are set up to contain 300 samples, 
with the normal 30min interval.
Whichs gives about 6.25days and seems to be correct.
So it would be nice to not only create graphs for montly and beyond data, but 
also record the needed samples in the db.

I'm really no ruby programmer, but it should be lib/puppet/util/metrics.rb line 
40 and 42:
def create(start = nil)
args.push DS:%s:GAUGE:7200:U:U % [value[0]]
args.push RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:300

software versions:
puppet 0.24.5-3 (debian lenny)
RRDtool http://rubyrrdtool.rubyforge.org/ with own patch to get it working with 
librrd-dev 1.3
patch is at: 


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[Puppet - Refactor #2586] Stacktrace printing should work on Passenger

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2586 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Refactor #2586: Stacktrace printing should work on Passenger

Author: Luke Kanies
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: plumbing
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.8

Most likely, this means building a stack printing service that sends everything 
to the logs, rather than just printing on stdout as is done now.

This also means going through all of the code and fixing the existing calls to 
print traces.

It might make sense to, at the same time, refactor our error handling a bit - 
we currently don't create specific error classes for the various places we 
raise errors, and if we did, we could probably have the error creation 
automatically produce stack traces as appopriate.  This would itself be a good 
bit of work so should probably be considered separately, but it's at least 
worth considering.

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[Puppet - Refactor #2623] authstore.rb needs to be refactored

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2623 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Refactor #2623: authstore.rb needs to be refactored

Author: Markus Roberts
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: network
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.8

As noted in #2620, #2570,  #2531 the authstore.rb system of storing patterns 
as a reversed array of munged segments is needlessly complex and leads to bulky 
code with error prone edge cases.  It needs to be replaced with something 

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[Puppet - Bug #2644] defaults.rb should set Puppet[:config] to /etc/puppet/puppet.conf if user is puppet

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2644 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2644: defaults.rb should set Puppet[:config] to /etc/puppet/puppet.conf if 
user is puppet

Author: defunt Bode
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: package
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.8

The below code from defaults.rb always sets the puppet.conf location to be 
~/.puppet/puppet.conf for the puppet user (who is also the calling user for 
external node classifiers).

This makes it impossible to use the parse_config call to grab config 
information in the node classifier.

as a work around, I had to do the following #ln -s /etc/puppet/puppet.conf 

if name != puppetmasterd and Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.uid != 0
conf = File.expand_path(~/.puppet)
var = File.expand_path(~/.puppet/var)
   conf = /etc/puppet
   var = /var/puppet

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[Puppet - Bug #2701] Memory Leak in Puppet state

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #2701 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #2701: Memory Leak in Puppet state

Author: Greg Boug
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: plumbing
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.8

I have a puppet daemon running tidy to clean up a very busy directory (cleans 
several thousand files each week). Using a tidy object: 

 tidy { /tps/reports:
  age = 1d,
  recurse = true,
  rmdirs = true,
  loglevel = info,
  type = mtime,

The tidy works well, but every file gets recorded into state.yaml, even the 
ones that were removed several months ago. When Puppet reads in this yaml file 
it gets progressively bigger which consumes a significant chunk of memory on 
the host (I just killed a Puppet daemon with approx 900Mb resident, 
for example - this had been running approx. 2 weeks)

My workaround for now is that I wipe the state.yaml file and restart puppet 
periodically - usually every couple of weeks or so... Another workaround I have 
is to run the attached script periodically and restart puppet. The script culls 
all references to Tidy objects from the database - preserving the rest of the 
state database.

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[Puppet - Feature #3014] Make tmp directory location specifiable through the config file

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #3014 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Feature #3014: Make tmp directory location specifiable through the config file

Author: Digant Kasundra
Status: Accepted
Priority: Low
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.2

We have a need to have puppet use a different tmp directory and wish for a way 
to specify that in the config file.

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[Puppet - Feature #3034] puppetdoc -r TYPE NAME would be useful

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #3034 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Feature #3034: puppetdoc -r TYPE NAME would be useful

Author: Dan Bode
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: documentation
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.2

being able to generate documents for specific types would be useful.

#puppetdoc -r type file

should just output docs for the file resource

#puppetdoc -r function template

should ouput the docs for this function

currently these print everything, this is too much info to be useful. filtering 
it could actually make it useful.

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[Puppet - Bug #3047] Cron entries using special parameter lose their title when changed

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #3047 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #3047: Cron entries using special parameter lose their title when changed

Author: James Turnbull
Status: Needs Decision
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Category: cron
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.2
Keywords: cron special
Branch: http://github.com/jes5199/puppet/tree/ticket/0.25.x/3047

When using a special parameter (e.g @reboot ...) to create a cron entry the 
entry is added to with a title comment # Puppet Name: ... just like a regular 
entry. However when the entry is modified the comment is dropped. Because there 
is no longer a comment title if the entry is modified again, instead of 
replacing the old line, it will add a new line complete with comment. The old 
line is now left orphaned.


cron{ test:
command = /bin/echo One  /tmp/puppet.txt,
special = reboot,


# Puppet Name: test
@reboot /bin/echo One  /tmp/puppet.txt

changing to:

cron{ test:
command = /bin/echo Two  /tmp/puppet.txt,
special = reboot,


@reboot /bin/echo Two  /tmp/puppet.txt

changing again to:

cron{ test:
command = /bin/echo Three  /tmp/puppet.txt,
special = reboot,


@reboot /bin/echo Two  /tmp/puppet.txt
# Puppet Name: test
@reboot /bin/echo Three  /tmp/puppet.txt

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[Puppet - Feature #3119] puppet config file syntax errors

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #3119 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Feature #3119: puppet config file syntax errors

Author: Lucas Suggs
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: error reporting
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.3

Currently when puppet.conf has a syntax error (e.g. missing an = sign), it does 
not state that there is an error with the config file, it simply uses a default 
built-in config and it usually breaks (and causes a lot of head scratching and 
confusion). Can there please be a Your config file has an error on line: blah 
printed out when the config is wrong? I'm sure this would help save a lot of 


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[Puppet - Bug #3129] Problem using a number as as class name

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #3129 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #3129: Problem using a number as as class name

Author: Mike Culbertson
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: RAL
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.3

I've run into what looks like a bug when using a number as a class name in a 
nested class.  There are no errors while parsing the class itself, but when the 
manifest gets to the point where I actually include the class, this happens:
err: Could not parse for environment development: Syntax error at ':'; expected 
'}' at /etc/puppet/development/modules/sol/manifests/init.pp:77

The include line is:
include sol::network::10

If I double-quote the class name, the error does not occur.  I've attached 
debug+trace logs from puppetd, puppetmasterd and a (slightly redacted) copy of 
the init.pp from the module in question.  This is the only manifest in this 
particular module.  However, I do have numeric class names elsewhere in other 
modules, and they all erorred out the same way until I quoted the class names, 
so it does not appear to be unique to this module or class.



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[Puppet - Bug #3131] Cannot restrict access to single module in fileserver.conf

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #3131 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #3131: Cannot restrict access to single module in fileserver.conf

Author: Hari Sekhon
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: modules
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.24.8

My fileserver.conf looks like:

allow x.x.x.x

allow y.y.y.y/23

I want to restrict access to modulename to just the one server that needs it, 
x.x.x.x, such that all the other servers that do not require access to the 
module contents, especially the files, are prevented from fetching them.

However, this currently does not work properly at all. A server on another ip 
still has full access to the module's contents.

Possibly this is because it's still getting in through the [modules] section 
after failing the [modulename] section I don't know. If so it might be a very 
simple fix to simply stop at the first match.

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[Puppet - Feature #3140] Hostnames is puppetmaster logs

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #3140 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Feature #3140: Hostnames is puppetmaster logs

Author: Daniel Kerwin
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.4

It would be great if the systems name shows up in the puppetmaster's log. I 
only use puppetrun and look at the puppetmaster's log to review the results. 
It's impossible to determine which node caused a specific message. I'd love 
something like this:
puppetmasterd[8918]: (//mysql/Service[mysql]) Triggering 'refresh' from 1 
puppetmasterd[8918]: (host123//mysql/Service[mysql]) Triggering 'refresh' from 
1 dependencies

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[Puppet - Feature #3138] Improve procedure for enabling rspec tests in modules

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #3138 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Feature #3138: Improve procedure for enabling rspec tests in modules

Author: Mike Pountney
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: testing
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.4
Keywords: rspec 

I'm logging this at the request of James Turnbull:

I've recently started on my first puppet custom type/provider, and decided to 
try to do this a) in a module, and b) with rspec tests.

I was able to get spec tests running, but with quite a bit of hackery, copying 
files from the main puppet repo:



Honestly, I haven't worked out which of these libs are totally required, but 
puppettest.rb is at a minimum. (puppettest/runnable_test.rb seems to be 
unrequired so far, except for being called in spec_helper.rb)

Is there a way that this can be made easier? Developing types in modules seems 
to be a sensible way to go after all - it should allow folk on any client 
version to add a new type, rather than requiring they upgrade to puppet-latest.

My vcsrepo module (based now on James' tutorial at 
http://www.kartar.net/2010/02/puppet-types-and-providers-are-easy/ btw) is 
located at:


Naturally, i'm more than happy to help with this work, but my knowledge of the 
puppet codebase and Rspec framework is very limited.

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[Puppet - Bug #3362] splay drift occurs when passenger/mongrel get too much load.

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #3362 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #3362: splay drift occurs when passenger/mongrel get too much load.

Author: Dan Bode
Status: Needs More Information
Priority: Low
Assignee: Nigel Kersten
Category: plumbing
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.4
Keywords: passenger load splay mongrel connection timeouts
Branch: http://github.com/MarkusQ/puppet/tree/ticket/0.25.x/3362

not sure if this counts as a bug...

I could not concretely prove the assumptions below. I did some investigation 
and this is my best guess as to the cause.

Splay was drifting for hundreds of machines so that over time, most were 
checking in at the same time, while at other times none were checking in. here 
is my theory as to why.

splay only runs the first time after puppet starts.

Assumption: runinterval starts counting only after the client finishes its last 

Here is the chain of events that I think causes this:

1. passenger or mongrel is under heavy load.
2. processes get used up, they start queuing hosts.
3. Once a machine falls into the queue, it gets stuck with the group of 
machines that cause the queue to fill up, since it will now use runinterval and 
check in at the same time as the other machines that were running at that same 
4. Over time, splay drifts so that most machines are checking in at the same 

Basically, once performance starts getting bad, the splaying falls apart so 
that it gets much worse.

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[Puppet - Feature #3371] FileBucket should not keep files in memory

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #3371 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Feature #3371: FileBucket should not keep files in memory

Author: Jesse Wolfe
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: plumbing
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: development

It should not be necessary to load entire files into memory to checksum them.

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[Puppet - Bug #3571] require function should be able to require more than just classes.

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #3571 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #3571: require function should be able to require more than just classes.

Author: Nigel Kersten
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: functions
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.4

The require function only works with classes.

It should be called require_class in that case.

This isn't at all transparent to read:

class one {

I naively expected the syntax to look like:

class one {

and to be able to require any kind of object, but given this function can only 
require classes, I suggest this would be a big improvement.

class one {

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[Puppet - Feature #3764] Add fail parameter to notify resource

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #3764 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Feature #3764: Add fail parameter to notify resource

Author: Alan Barrett
Status: Requires CLA to be signed
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Alan Barrett
Category: functions
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.4

I often want a puppet manifest to result in an error on the client.  This is 
useful for marking to do items, where users should be reminded of 
shortcomings in the manifest.

I have added a fail parameter to the notify resource.  Usage is as follows:

notify { Feature X is not yet implemented:
fail = true,

I attach a patch to implement this feature, but I have not added test cases.

It would be nice to have onlyif and unless parameters, but I have not 
implemented those.

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[Puppet - Bug #3942] inadequate error messages for malformed host types

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #3942 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #3942: inadequate error messages for malformed host types

Author: seph seph
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: error reporting
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.4

When puppet encounters a malformed host type, say because the variable for the 
ip address is unassigned, it produces a hard to debug error messages. Using 
lucid, and the puppet packaged for it:

root@dell-r610-4v0hsl1:~# cat /tmp/host.pp 
host{ test:
   ip = ,
 root@dell-r610-4v0hsl1:~# puppet --version
 root@dell-r610-4v0hsl1:~# puppet -v /tmp/host.pp 
 info: Loading facts in acpi_available
 info: Loading facts in interfaces
 Parameter ip failed: Invalid IP address

I'd really like to see the name of the offending file, and the line. And 
something me it was a host type.

This bug feels pretty much identical to #2633 (which I created awhile ago). 
Which makes me think there's a meta issue around error messages, and not just 
these ad hoc bugs. Judging from the diff in #2633, this ends up being related 
to raising errors, and not calling self.fail? But I'm kinda grasping at straws. 
I suspect someone with more ruby and puppet internals knowledge could grep for 
cases of this.

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[Puppet - Feature #3950] Service notifies should be able to specify a type of restart/reload

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #3950 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Feature #3950: Service notifies should be able to specify a type of 

Author: R.I. Pienaar
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: service
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.5

At puppetcamp we discussed a scenario where you sometimes want to reload a 
service and sometimes want to restart it when sending a notify to a Service 

An example would be reload bind just for adding new zones, but restart bind 
when changing major config options like what address to listen on.  Or reload 
apache for new vhosts but restart it for changes to the main config.

We didnt seem to come to conclusion if this should be a meta ability for all 
resources or just service - I am not sure where else it would make sense.  But 
everyone did agree it would be an important feature to have.

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[Puppet - Feature #3982] please make config_version available as a variable

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #3982 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Feature #3982: please make config_version available as a variable

Author: R.I. Pienaar
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: plumbing
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.5

please make the value set by the config_version script available to manifests 
as a variable, would be useful to put this in motd's or something.

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[Puppet - Bug #4007] 'puppetca' needs feature to remove (/revoke) a pending certificate signing request

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #4007 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #4007: 'puppetca' needs feature to remove (/revoke) a pending certificate 
signing request

Author: Tore L.
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Category: SSL
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.5
Keywords: signing

It is not possible to remove a pending certificate signing request with 
'puppetca --revoke $fqdn':

[root@X puppet]# puppetca --list
[root@X puppet]# puppetca --revoke rhel32bit.x.local
notice: Revoked certificate with serial # Inventory of signed certificates

err: Could not call revoke: Cannot convert into OpenSSL::BN

You have to remove the certificate signing request manually. 'puppetca' should 
(IMO) do this.

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[Puppet - Feature #4068] Native Type for linux sysctl interface

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #4068 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Feature #4068: Native Type for linux sysctl interface

Author: Thomas Hatch
Status: In Topic Branch Pending Review
Priority: Low
Assignee: Thomas Hatch
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: development
Keywords: communitypatch

I have run into many deployments that manage sysctl using the file type, a 
native sysctl type will greatly add to deployment modularity.

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[Puppet - Feature #4072] Add remove/uninstall feature to zypper.rb

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #4072 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Feature #4072: Add remove/uninstall feature to zypper.rb

Author: christian c
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: provider
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.4
Keywords: devtriage

If the forthcomming zypper-provider only supports to install packages it may 
come to such situations:

zypper install -y sendmail
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

Problem: exim-4.69-70.13.x86_64 conflicts with sendmail provided by 
 Solution 1: deinstallation of exim-4.69-70.13.x86_64
 Solution 2: do not ask to install a solvable providing sendmail

Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/C]: c

Puppet will always choose to cancel, so there is no chance to successfully 
install sendmail. 
But if you would remove exim with zypper, zypper would automatically install 
sendmail or postfix.
So with some control mechnanism in the puppet manifest it should be possible to 
install sendmail.

I went through some other package-providers to see how they solve the problem 
and came up with the following for zypper.rb:

def uninstall
 zypper :remove, '-y', @resource[:name]

I tested it by executing some puppetruns and packages could be removed 
successfully - puppetd[ 2088 ]: 
(//allgemein::sendmail/Package[sendmail]/ensure) removed


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[Puppet - Bug #4138] Puppet needs to complain better about resources with blank names

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #4138 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #4138: Puppet needs to complain better about resources with blank names

Author: Lee Whalen
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Assignee: Daniel Pittman
Category: error reporting
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 2.7.9

  I wrote a manifest that had this typo in it:

class ldap_cfg {
  File {  owner = root,
group = root,
mode = 0644

  $ldap_packages = [nss_ldap, openldap-clients]

  include ldap_cfg::install
  include ldap_cfg::config


class ldap_cfg::install {
  package { $ldap_cfg_packages:
ensure = installed


 (note how the variable is created as $ldap_packages and references as 
$ldap_cfg_packages in the ldap_cfg::install class) 

  This threw the error err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: 
Could not intern from pson: Could not convert from pson: Could not find 
relationship target Package[], which was not particularly helpful in 
tracking the rogue code snippet down.  Any chance we could get that tweaked a 
little bit?

Many thanks!

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[Puppet - Bug #4151] defined function should not return true for unrealized virtual resources

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #4151 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #4151: defined function should not return true for unrealized virtual 

Author: Jeff McCune
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: functions
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.5
Keywords: virtual resource defined realized realize function

The defined() function currently returns true when given a reference to a 
resource declared virtually even if the resource has not been realized.

Expected Behavior:
The defined() function should only return true if a resource has been realized.

Actual Behavior:
defined() returns true for unrealized virtual resources

Steps to reproduce:
Acceptance test git branch URI will be added to the ticket once an issue number 
is available.

@notify { hello: }
if (defined(Notify[hello])) { $requires = [ Notify[hello] ] }
notify { goodbye: require = $requires }

The expected result of this puppet manifest snippet is that $requires is unset 
and therefore Notify[goodbye] has no relationship.

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[Puppet - Bug #4192] Puppet changes permissions on /var/run, causing security spam every night from OpenBSD

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #4192 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #4192: Puppet changes permissions on /var/run, causing security spam every 
night from OpenBSD

Author: Joe McDonagh
Status: Investigating
Priority: Normal
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.4

Puppet wants /var/run to be mod 1777 on OpenBSD, but it's mod 755:

debug: /File[/var/run]: Changing mode
debug: /File[/var/run]: 1 change(s)
debug: /File[/var/run]/mode: mode changed '755' to '1777'

I'm not really certain why puppet cares about that folder's permissions. 
Someone on IRC claimed this didn't happen on Linux, however on my Linux boxes 
my /var/run is mod 1777.

The end result of this is that the security reports from OpenBSD come in every 
night, when they should only be coming in when there is a security problem.

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[Puppet - Bug #4239] Function returning binary content trigger sql error with stored config

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #4239 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #4239: Function returning binary content trigger sql error with stored 

Author: Sylvain Avril
Status: Accepted
Priority: High
Category: stored configuration
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.5

To generate SSL certificates on the puppet server and distributing them to 
puppet clients, I have created a small parser function.
Unfortunately, it trigger a SQL exception with stored config :
SQLite3::SQLException: unrecognized token: '7H^É9¸X509KEY: INSERT INTO 
param_values (param_name_id, updated_at, line, resource_id, value, 
created_at) VALUES(5, '2010-07-15 17:35:42', 81, 359, '7H^É9¸X509KEY

It appears that the binary content is not escaped before passing it to the SQL 

Here's a small piece of code which reproduce the problem:
module Puppet::Parser::Functions
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;newfunction(:getBinaryContent, :type = :rvalue) do 
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;filesize = File.size(filename)
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;content = IO.read(filename, 
filesize, 0)
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;return content 

And the manifest :
file {/root/mybinary:
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ensure = present,
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;content = getBinaryContent();

I don't know how exactly store config works but it seem a bad idea to have the 
content param of the file stored in DB. Is the content of all file generated by 
template stored in DB ?

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[Puppet - Feature #4248] Load library plugins that are used by multiple puppet functions and delivered via pluginsync

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #4248 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Feature #4248: Load library plugins that are used by multiple puppet 
functions and delivered via pluginsync

Author: R.I. Pienaar
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: plumbing
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.5
Keywords: autoloader

Because we do not add all module lib directories to Ruby's search path, ruby 
classes that exist only in the modules (because they have not yet been synced 
via pluginsync) cannot be found.  The autoloader correctly loads files from the 
modules, but ruby itself can't load supporting classes.

Old description:

At present we can copy parser functions, types and providers out with plugins 
sync, this works fine.

It seems though we cannot copy out Puppet::Util::* classes - useful for code 
accessed by various parser functions for example.

I need to do something like:

require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../util/foo.rb'

from a parser function since:

require 'puppet/util/foo'

doesnt work.

I am also keen to be able to copy out new application classes that will tie 
into the puppet single executable thing, i guess these 2 features might be in 
the same realm.

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[Puppet - Bug #4253] puppetmaster started in a non accessible directory for the puppet user causing problems

2013-01-04 Thread tickets

Issue #4253 has been updated by Andrew Parker.

Target version deleted (2.7.x)

Bug #4253: puppetmaster started in a non accessible directory for the puppet 
user causing problems

Author: Peter Meier
Status: Accepted
Priority: Normal
Category: file
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 0.25.5
Branch: http://github.com/nicklewis/puppet/tree/ticket/2.6.x/4253

running the following code:

  content = generate(/opt/bin/motd_gen.sh, ${hostname}, ${motd_message}),
  owner = root, group = 0, mode = 0644;

Where @/opt/bin/motd_gen.sh@ has the follwing content:


/usr/bin/figlet $1
/bin/echo -e $2

causes the following problem if puppet is run from a directory (like /root), 
that the puppet user (to which puppet master drops its privileges) doesn't have 
access to:

# pwd 
# puppet master --config /srv/puppet/etc/puppet.conf --no-daemonize 
--masterport 8141 --verbose --debug --trace
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/parser/compiler.rb:21:in `compile'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util.rb:175:in `benchmark'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util.rb:174:in `benchmark'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/indirector/catalog/compiler.rb:34:in `find'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/indirector/indirection.rb:193:in `find'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/indirector.rb:50:in `find'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/network/http/handler.rb:101:in `do_find'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/network/http/handler.rb:68:in `send'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/network/http/handler.rb:68:in `process'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/network/http/webrick/rest.rb:23:in `service'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/httpserver.rb:104:in `service'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/httpserver.rb:65:in `run'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/network/http/webrick.rb:45:in `listen'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:173:in `call'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:173:in `start_thread'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:162:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:162:in `start_thread'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:95:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:92:in `each'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:92:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:23:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/server.rb:82:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/network/http/webrick.rb:42:in `listen'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/network/http/webrick.rb:41:in `initialize'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/network/http/webrick.rb:41:in `new'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/network/http/webrick.rb:41:in `listen'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/network/http/webrick.rb:38:in `synchronize'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/network/http/webrick.rb:38:in `listen'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/network/server.rb:127:in `listen'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/network/server.rb:142:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/daemon.rb:125:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application/master.rb:114:in `main'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application/master.rb:46:in `run_command'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:301:in `run'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:398:in `exit_on_fail'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/application.rb:301:in `run'
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/util/command_line.rb:55:in `execute'
err: Permission denied - /root at 
/srv/puppet/development/modules/public/motd/manifests/client.pp:4 on node 

running @puppet master@ from a directory like @/tmp@ works fine.

Imho puppet shouldn't leak the CWD to its subprocesses, especially if they're 
not accessible to them.

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