Jira (PUP-11204) puppet lookup --facts {filename} fails if filename does not contain a dot

2021-08-09 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-11204  
  puppet lookup --facts {filename} fails if filename does not contain a dot   


Issue Type: 
Affects Versions: 
 PUP 6.23.0  
 2021/08/09 7:41 AM  
 Reinhard Vicinus  


 puppet lookup --facts dummy keyX  
 Error: Could not parse application options: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
  Fails because the code that verifies the filename expects, that the filename contains a dot:  
   option('--facts FACT_FILE') do |arg|  
 if %w{.yaml .yml .json}.include?(arg.match(/\.[^.]*$/)[0])  

Jira (PUP-10726) hiera lookup removes duplicate array elements during deep merge

2020-10-22 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10726  
  hiera lookup removes duplicate array elements during deep merge   


Issue Type: 
Affects Versions: 
 PUP 6.19.0  
 Hiera & Lookup  
 2020/10/22 6:45 AM  
 Reinhard Vicinus  


 Puppet Version: 6.19.0 Puppet Server Version: not installed OS Name/Version: Ubuntu 20.04 hiera lookup removes duplicate array elements during deep merge. hiera.yaml:  
 version: 5  
   data_hash: yaml_data  
   datadir: data  

Jira (PUP-10383) File resource unable to download external https source

2020-03-24 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (Jira)
Title: Message Title



 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10383  
  File resource unable to download external https source   


Issue Type: 
Affects Versions: 
 PUP 6.14.0  
 2020/03/24 8:28 AM  
 Reinhard Vicinus  


 Puppet Version: 6.14.0 Puppet Server Version: - OS Name/Version: Ubuntu With puppet agents version prior to 6.14.0 the following was possible:  
 > puppet apply -e 'file { "/tmp/download": source => "https://getcomposer.org/download/1.5.2/composer.phar" }'  
 Notice: Compiled catalog for test.example.com in environment production in 0.01 seconds  
 Error: certificate verify failed [unable to get local issuer certificate for CN=DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA,O=DigiCert Inc,C=US]  
 Error: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/download]/ensure: change from 'absent' to 'file' failed: certificate verify failed [unable to get local issuer certificate for CN=DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA,O=DigiCert Inc,C=US]  

Jira (PDB-4641) resource_events partitioning migration failure

2020-02-03 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-4641  
  resource_events partitioning migration failure   


Issue Type: 
Affects Versions: 
 PDB 6.8.1  
 2020/02/03 11:55 AM  
 Reinhard Vicinus  


 Trying to upgrade from puppetdb 6.7.3 to puppetdb 6.8.1 and as far as I can tell I still get the same error as described in PDB-4626: ERROR [p.p.s.migrate] Caught SQLException during migration java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Batch entry 0 INSERT INTO resource_events_20200124Z ( event_hash, report_id, certname_id, status, timestamp, resource_type, resource_title, property, new_value, old_value, message, file, line, containment_path, containing_class, corrective_change, name ) VALUES (...) was aborted: ERROR: relation "resource_events_20200124z" does not exist  



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Jira (PUP-10098) String.new without formater does not convert ruby binary string to puppet string

2019-10-10 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10098  
  String.new without formater does not convert ruby binary string to puppet string   


Issue Type: 
 2019/10/10 8:38 AM  
 Reinhard Vicinus  


 Puppet Version: 6.10 Puppet Server Version: 6.10 OS Name/Version: Ubuntu 18.04 I would expect that both String.new($binary_string) and String.new($binary_string, '%s') convert the binary string to a puppet string. But the first one does not. Here is an example:  
 $x = { 'y' => 'test'}  
 # This is a really ugly hack to create ASCII-8BIT encoded data:  
 inline_template('<% @x["y"] = "test".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT")  %>')  
 $v = $x['y']  
 $converts_string = String.new($v, '%s')  

Jira (PDB-4548) Exporting and importing resources with binary data in parameters encodes the data base64

2019-10-10 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue  



 PuppetDB /  PDB-4548  
  Exporting and importing resources with binary data in parameters encodes the data base64   


Issue Type: 
Affects Versions: 
 PDB 6.7.0  
 2019/10/10 8:24 AM  
 Reinhard Vicinus  


 With puppet 6 the agent can now store binary data in the catalog, but the puppetdb can not. Because the catalog needs to be UTF-8 encoded, binary data gets base64 encoded in the catalog. The value gets stored base64 encoded in the puppetdb database but the information that it is base64 encoded is not stored. That results in that binary values of exported resources are base64 encoded on importing. Here is an example:  
 $x = { 'y' => 'test'}  
 # This is a really ugly hack to create ASCII-8BIT encoded data:  
 inline_template('<% @x["y"] = "test".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT")  %>')  
 $v = $x['y']  

Jira (PUP-10096) Parameters of resources are base64 encoded in puppetdb if created as raw byte strings by ruby functions

2019-10-09 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-10096  



  Re: Parameters of resources are base64 encoded in puppetdb if created as raw byte strings by ruby functions   


 Henrik Lindberg Ok, the reason why the value was not binary encoded in the catalog on the node is that there is still a puppet 5 agent running. With a puppet 6 agent the value is binary encoded. This is a case were afterwards I am asking myself why I spend hours debugging the puppetserver/puppetdb part and did not try what happened if I updated the puppet agent on the node... I'll change the ruby function as suggested by Josh Cooper: Thanks for looking up the correct way to encode DNS domain names. But I tested some things and I found a further problem: The puppetdb does not store, that the value was binary encoded. So if you export a resource with a binary string value and import it on another node the value is base64 encoded, because in the puppetdb postgresql database is no information stored, that the value was binary in the catalog and only the base64 value is stored:  
 $v = rdnslookup('')  
 case $::fqdn {  
   'node1': {  
 @@file { $v:  
   path => '/tmp/test.txt',  
   content => $v,  
   'node2': {  

Jira (PUP-10096) Parameters of resources are base64 encoded in puppetdb if created as raw byte strings by ruby functions

2019-10-08 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-10096  



  Re: Parameters of resources are base64 encoded in puppetdb if created as raw byte strings by ruby functions   


 I don't know if the return value should be auto converted. But in my opinion whatever is done should be done consistently and at the moment, the parameter value gets base64 encoded but the title does not even if it is the same value. Also I would expect that there is no difference between the catalog submitted to the puppetdb and the catalog stored under /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/client_data/catalog/${fqdn}.json but at the moment there are no base64 encoded values in the node catalog, only in the puppetdb catalog.  



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 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v7.7.1#77002-sha1:e75ca93)  





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Jira (PUP-10096) Parameters of resources are base64 encoded in puppetdb if created as raw byte strings by ruby functions

2019-10-08 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-10096  
  Parameters of resources are base64 encoded in puppetdb if created as raw byte strings by ruby functions   


Issue Type: 
Affects Versions: 
 PUP 6.9.0  
 2019/10/08 11:29 AM  
 Reinhard Vicinus  


 Puppet Version: 6.10.0 Puppet Server Version: 6.7.0 PuppetDB Version: 6.7.0 OS Name/Version: Ubuntu 18.04. If a ruby function returns a raw byte string, the puppet server handles it without problems, but if the returned value is used as the value of a parameter of a resource the parameter is stored base64 encoded in the puppetdb even if it only contains utf-8 conform characters. This issue only appears with puppet 6, puppet 5 is not affected. To reproduce this issue you need a puppetserver with a puppetdb. Then you need to place the ruby function were the puppetserver can find it:  
 require 'resolv'  
 module Puppet::Parser::Functions  
   newfunction(:rdnslookup, :type => :rvalue) do |args|  

Jira (PUP-9968) Parser does not allow comma after last element in nested Variant Types

2019-08-20 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue  



 Puppet /  PUP-9968  
  Parser does not allow comma after last element in nested Variant Types   


Issue Type: 
Affects Versions: 
 PUP 6.7.2  
 2019/08/20 4:45 AM  
 Reinhard Vicinus  


 Puppet Version: 6.7.2 Puppet Server Version: 6.5.0 OS Name/Version: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS The following code does not parse:  
 type A = Variant[Pattern[/a/]]  
 type B = Variant[  

Jira (PUP-8067) Selector expression ignored in some scenarios

2018-02-17 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-8067  



  Re: Selector _expression_ ignored in some scenarios   


 Sorry, if my comment sounded a little bit harsh, but i got somewhat scared after stumbling over the "silent" breakage. But as far as I can tell this was the only case (the code calculates a nagios threshold value, x is the fact processorcount, the formular works good for processor counts bigger then 4, smaller numbers need some tweeking). The other cases were all in the form:  $config_hash + $config_hash_value ? { undef => {}, default => { config_hash_key => $config_hash_value } } And produced an error and were therefore easily fixed. The reason that there were so many cases was that the code got copied and pasted a lot. All occurrences was in our roles and profiles code which isn't on forge. Regarding the change itself, in my opinion there is no more correct way to precedence ordering. But it makes sense to adhere to standards even if they are only informal. So if other languages have established an informal standard to another precedence ordering, it makes sense to comply.  



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Jira (PUP-8067) Selector expression ignored in some scenarios

2018-02-16 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-8067  



  Re: Selector _expression_ ignored in some scenarios   


 Is there a reason why this change wasn't listed in the breaking changes section of the puppet 5.4 release notes? Because it breaks our code left and right and sometimes in subtle ways, like this:  
 $x = 3  
 $y = 10 + $x ? { default => $x/2, 1 => 4}
  Now this quietly returns 1 were prior puppet versions returned 11. The breakages can be easily fixed by adding parenthesis but finding all occurrences is a bitch...  



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Jira (PUP-7941) Autogenerated custom types never get all properties set

2017-09-12 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-7941 
  Autogenerated custom types never get all properties set  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.10.7 




 2017/09/12 12:57 AM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
Don't know if I missed something, but as far as I can tell via prefetch autogenerated resources of custom types never get all properties set. 
Here is a simple example: 
Puppet::Type.newtype(:touchfile) do 

Jira (PUP-7935) Prefetching custom types not possible if namevar is not "name"

2017-09-11 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-7935 
  Prefetching custom types not possible if namevar is not "name"  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.10.7 




 2017/09/11 1:21 PM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
Is it a bug or a feature that it is not possible to prefetch custom types if the namevar parameter is not named "name", because in puppet/provider.rb: @property_hash[:name] is hardcoded. 
Here an simple example for clarification of the issue: 
Puppet::Type.newtype(:touchfile) do 

Jira (PUP-7929) No ensure property default value for types without any other property set

2017-09-10 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-7929 
  No ensure property default value for types without any other property set  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.10.7 




 2017/09/10 9:02 AM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
Don't know if this behavior is a bug or not, but as it took me a long time to figure it out I thought I report it so that at least the documentation can be improved. On custom types the default value of the ensure property is only set to present if the type has any other property set. 
Simple example: 
Puppet::Type.newtype(:touchfile) do 

Jira (PUP-7800) alias parameter fails with package resources

2017-07-22 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-7800 
  alias parameter fails with package resources  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 5.0.1 




 2017/07/22 2:24 AM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
package { 'a': 
  ensure => 'absent', 
  alias => 'b', 

Jira (PUP-7436) regression: lookup of fact values for epp parameters

2017-04-07 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-7436 
  regression: lookup of fact values for epp parameters  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.10.0, PUP 4.9.4 




 2017/04/07 8:34 AM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
with puppet 4.8.3 and older versions the following code generated an empty notice: 
notice(inline_epp('<%- | Optional[String] $path = undef, | -%><%= $path %>', {}))
with 4.10.0 and at least 4.9.4 the value of the fact 'path' is returned. 

Jira (PUP-7291) no hiera class parameter lookup debug information

2017-03-03 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-7291 

  Re: no hiera class parameter lookup debug information  
What i'm missing with puppet 4.9.x is the following output for every class parameter, which is available with puppet 4.8.3. The example shows a lookup of the class parameter postgresql::globals::postgis_version which is not found: 
Debug: Performing a hiera indirector lookup of postgresql::globals::postgis_version with options {:variables=>Scope(Class[Postgresql::Globals]), :merge=>#>, @value_type=#]>>>]>, @options={}>} 
Debug: hiera(): Using Hiera 1.x backend API to access instance of class Hiera::Backend::Eyaml_backend. Lookup recursion will not be detected 
Debug: hiera(): [eyaml_backend]: Set option: datadir = /data/user-environments/rv4/modules/hieradata 
Debug: hiera(): [eyaml_backend]: Set option: extension = yaml 
Debug: hiera(): [eyaml_backend]: Set option: pkcs7_private_key = /etc/puppetlabs/eyaml/private_key.pkcs7.pem 
Debug: hiera(): [eyaml_backend]: Set option: pkcs7_public_key = /etc/puppetlabs/eyaml/public_key.pkcs7.pem 
Debug: hiera(): [eyaml_backend]: Looking up postgresql::globals::postgis_version in eYAML backend 
Debug: hiera(): [eyaml_backend]: Looking for data source nodes/dash 

Jira (PUP-7284) hiera-eyaml option 'extension' is ignored

2017-03-02 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-7284 

  Re: hiera-eyaml option 'extension' is ignored  
I added your commit https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet/commit/239c2e9f31b3ba20eafbf902f6ff45413df506fc to my puppet 4.9.3 test server and now have the problem, that lookups inside hiera data structures now longer work in all cases. Presumably because the eyaml backend is to greedy looking up data values. Here is an small example: 
  - eyaml 
  - yaml 
  - common 
  :datadir: "." 

Jira (PUP-7291) no hiera class parameter lookup debug information

2017-03-02 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-7291 
  no hiera class parameter lookup debug information  

Change By:
 Reinhard Vicinus 

 no hiera class  paramater  parameter  lookup debug information 

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Jira (PUP-7291) no hiera class paramater lookup debug information

2017-03-02 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-7291 
  no hiera class paramater lookup debug information  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.9.3 




 2017/03/02 2:16 AM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
With puppet 4.9.x hiera class parameter lookups are no longer explained when debug is enabled. Explicit lookup calls are explained still. 

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Jira (PUP-7286) hiera array merge behaviour changed

2017-03-01 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-7286 
  hiera array merge behaviour changed  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.9.3 




 2017/03/01 8:03 AM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
We still use the hiera version 3 (i.e. unversioned/classic) hiera.yaml format. 
With puppet 4.8.x and older versions class parameter lookups in hiera had the default merge behavior 'first', even if the option 'merge_behavior' 'deep' was active. With puppet 4.9.x class parameters of type array are now merged if the option 'merge_behavior' 'deep' is active. 
A simple reproducer: 

Jira (PUP-7284) hiera-eyaml option 'extension' is ignored

2017-02-28 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-7284 

  Re: hiera-eyaml option 'extension' is ignored  
We still use the hiera version 3 (i.e. unversioned/classic) hiera.yaml format. 

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Jira (PUP-7284) hiera-eyaml option 'extension' is ignored

2017-02-28 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-7284 
  hiera-eyaml option 'extension' is ignored  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.9.3 




 2017/02/28 1:32 PM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
The option :extension: 'yaml' from the hiera eyaml backend is ignored with puppet 4.9.x and files with the extension 'eyaml' are searched during key lookups. Worked without problems with puppet 4.8.x 

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Jira (PUP-7209) puppet 4.9.1 still breaks hiera-eyaml

2017-02-12 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-7209 

  Re: puppet 4.9.1 still breaks hiera-eyaml  
Sorry, if I should have rather reopened 

. I was not sure which was the correct way to address this issue. 

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Jira (PUP-7209) puppet 4.9.1 still breaks hiera-eyaml

2017-02-12 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-7209 
  puppet 4.9.1 still breaks hiera-eyaml  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.9.1 




 2017/02/12 1:45 AM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
hiera-eyaml is still broken with puppet 4.9.1. 

 only fixed the first part of the bug introduced with puppet 4.9.0. The second problem now is that if you configure a merge_behavior like deep or deeper then this is used for all lookups as default and forces a hash lookup in old v1 backends, which fails for non hash values. 
Here is a simple reproducer: 

Jira (PUP-6861) [regression] Mount options not idempotent

2016-11-14 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-6861 

  Re: [regression] Mount options not idempotent  
Linux systems with upstart instead of systemd are also affected by this bug (like Ubuntu 14.04.). Also on this systems /etc/mtab is a regular file and not a link, so option two will not work there. 

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Jira (PUP-6422) puppet changed undef handling on resources

2016-06-29 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-6422 

  Re: puppet changed undef handling on resources  
I reduced the code as much as possible to only show the problem. If you add the parameter ensure => file or something similar then /tmp/a gets created as expected, with puppet version 4.5.0: 
puppet apply  -e 'ensure_resource("file", "/tmp/a", { ensure => file, owner => undef }) ensure_resource("file", "/tmp/a", { ensure => file, owner => undef })' 
Notice: Compiled catalog for test in environment production in 0.21 seconds 
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/tmp/a]/ensure: created 
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.20 seconds
But defined_with_params only works in puppet version 4.5.0 with resources created with create_resources and not via standard puppet code declaration. 
with create_resources: 
puppet apply  -e 'create_resources("file", { "/tmp/a" => { ensure => file, owner => undef }}) if defined_with_params(File["/tmp/a"], { ensure => file, owner => undef }) { notice("fine") } else { notice("not fine") }' 
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): fine 
Notice: Compiled catalog for test in environment production in 0.18 seconds 

Jira (PUP-6422) ensure_resource not longer working with undef parameters

2016-06-24 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-6422 

  Re: ensure_resource not longer working with undef parameters  
Sorry to bother but is any information still needed? Also does the change of the scrum team to modules mean, that stdlib module needs to be updated? If so the defined_with_params function works this way: 
ret = false 
if resource = findresource(reference.to_s) 
  matches = params.collect do |key, value| 
resource[key] == value 
  ret = params.empty? || !matches.include?(false) 
The problem is, that :undef is compared to nil. So I changed defined_with_params to work again as expected this way: 

Jira (PUP-6422) ensure_resource not longer working with undef parameters

2016-06-22 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-6422 

  Re: ensure_resource not longer working with undef parameters  
The code in questions extends the file resource and has the same parameters as the file resource with default value undef which are passed to the file resource. To work perfectly, my code would need that puppet could magically determine the intention of a value undef. I know that this is not possible. 
At the moment with puppet 4.5.0 and older versions, default values set with 
File { owner => 'root' }
do not work, so the parameter is explicitly set to undef with puppet 4.5.0 and older versions. That is the expected behavior which seems to have changed between puppet 4.5.0 and 4.5.2. 
For a deeper understanding for what I do look at the create parent directories example. 

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Jira (PUP-6422) ensure_resource not longer working with undef parameters

2016-06-22 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-6422 

  Re: ensure_resource not longer working with undef parameters  
Internally ensure_resource works like this: 
if !function_defined_with_params(["#{type}[#{item}]", params]) 
  function_create_resources([type.capitalize, { item => params }]) 
The documentation of create_resources doesn't say anything how it handles undef. I would expect, that it means that the attribute is set to undef, but I'm not sure. 

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Jira (PUP-6422) ensure_resource not longer working with undef parameters

2016-06-21 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-6422 
  ensure_resource not longer working with undef parameters  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.5.2 




 2016/06/21 7:32 AM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
With 4.5.2 the using ensure_resource not longer works with parameters which have the value undef: 
puppet apply -e 'ensure_resource("file", "/tmp/a", { owner => undef }) ensure_resource("file", "/tmp/a", { owner => undef })' 
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Function Call, Duplicate declaration: File[/tmp/a] is already declared; cannot redeclare  at line 1:55 on node test

Jira (PUP-6328) Parsing of strings changes with puppet 4.5.0

2016-05-19 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-6328 
  Parsing of strings changes with puppet 4.5.0  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.5.0 






 2016/05/19 2:15 PM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
With Puppet 4.4.2 the following two code snippets work both: 
puppet apply -e 'notice(ubuntu)' 
Notice: Scope(Class[main]): ubuntu

Jira (PUP-6048) error running puppet with non existing and non default environment

2016-03-22 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-6048 

  Re: error running puppet with non existing and non default environment   
I would at least also update the following section of the documentation: 
Assigning Environments Via the Agent’s Config File 
In puppet.conf on each agent node, you can set the environment setting in either the agent  
or main config section.
And make it clear, that if the agent has no directory based environments, because it is no master node and uses only remote environments from the master nodes, then the environment should be set in the agent section of puppet.conf. Conversely if there are directory based environments, then setting the environment via the main section is the correct approach. I'm not sure if there are exceptions to this rule, at the moment I can't think of any. 
I closed the pull request and removed the link to it. Please let me know if that was a mistake, that I won't repeat it the next time. 

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Jira (PUP-6078) The command line parameter --test has precendence over --no-show_diff

2016-03-21 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-6078 
  The command line parameter --test has precendence over --no-show_diff  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.3.2 

 Kylo Ginsberg 




 2016/03/21 4:19 PM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
It's possible to disable show diff on the command line with --show_diff --no-show_diff. But --test --no-show_diff will not disable show diff. The later case would be useful, because sometimes you just don't want diffs but all other options included in the --test options. 

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Jira (PUP-6048) error running puppet with non existing and non default environment

2016-03-15 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-6048 

  Re: error running puppet with non existing and non default environment   
The environment does exist, but only on the puppet master nodes, on non puppet master nodes there is no need for environments at all (other then the configuration which environment on the puppet master should be used).  

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Jira (PUP-6048) error running puppet with non existing and non default environment

2016-03-15 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-6048 

  Re: error running puppet with non existing and non default environment   
My problem is, that as far as i can tell, it is a supported approach to configure on all puppet nodes, via the main section in the puppet.conf file, the environment to something other then production. If that is the case then, in my opinion, there should not be the need to setup the configured environment to use puppet help etc. on non puppet master nodes. 

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Jira (PUP-6048) error running puppet with non existing and non default environment

2016-03-13 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-6048 

  Re: error running puppet with non existing and non default environment   
It's easily testable: 

install puppet agent on a new vm/computer

test that puppet help works

append non existing environment to configuration: 
 echo "[main]" >> /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf 
 echo "environment=test" >> /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf


test that puppet help no longer works

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Jira (PUP-6048) error running puppet with non existing and non default environment

2016-03-13 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-6048 

  Re: error running puppet with non existing and non default environment   
Here is a part of your environment documentation: 
Assigning Environments Via the Agent’s Config File 
In puppet.conf on each agent node, you can set the environment setting in either the agent or main config section.
I would expect that if I assign a environment via the main config section, that then puppet help etc. will still work. 

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Jira (PUP-6048) error running puppet facts with non existing and non default environment

2016-03-13 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-6048 

  Re: error running puppet facts with non existing and non default environment   
Only background information to this problem: We sometimes do a little consulting and a customer, for historical reasons, has no environment named production and therefore to be sure that production is never tried to use, all puppet nodes are setup with the following configuration: 
environment = master
That's were I found this problem, because running puppet facts on a node other then the puppet masters (where the environment master is present) throws this error. Running instead puppet facts --environment=production works even if there is no environment production present. Which is in my opinion not a sane behavior. But I have no problem if a other solution is preferred as long as the problem get fixed. 

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Jira (PUP-6048) error running puppet facts with non existing and non default environment

2016-03-13 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-6048 
  error running puppet facts with non existing and non default environment   

Change By:
 Reinhard Vicinus 
 Running:{noformat}puppet facts --environment=test{noformat}throws the following error if the environment directory don't exists:{noformat}/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/environments.rb:38:in `get!': Could not find a directory environment named 'test' anywhere in the path: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments. Does the directory exist? (Puppet::Environments::EnvironmentNotFound){noformat}But if you remove /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production it still works for production because in puppet.rb a basic default environment is only created if the environment is named production: {code:java} # in case the configured environment (used for the default sometimes)  # doesn't exist  default_environment = Puppet[:environment].to_sym  if default_environment == :productionloaders << Puppet::Environments::StaticPrivate.new(  Puppet::Node::Environment.create(default_environment,   basemodulepath,   Puppet::Node::Environment::NO_MANIFEST))  end{code}I'm no expert on the puppet code, so I could miss something, but in my opinion a basic default environment should be created in every case. 

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Jira (PUP-6048) error running puppet facts with non existing and non default environment

2016-03-13 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-6048 
  error running puppet facts with non existing and non default environment   

Change By:
 Reinhard Vicinus 
 Running: {noformat} puppet facts --environment=test {noformat}   throws the following error if the environment directory don't exists: {noformat} /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/environments.rb:38:in `get!': Could not find a directory environment named 'test' anywhere in the path: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments. Does the directory exist? (Puppet::Environments::EnvironmentNotFound) {noformat}   But if you remove /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production it still works for production because in puppet.rb a basic default environment is only created if the environment is named production:  {code:java}   # in case the configured environment (used for the default sometimes)  # doesn't exist  default_environment = Puppet[:environment].to_sym  if default_environment == :productionloaders << Puppet::Environments::StaticPrivate.new(  Puppet::Node::Environment.create(default_environment,   basemodulepath,   Puppet::Node::Environment::NO_MANIFEST))  end {code}   I'm no expert on the puppet code, so I could miss something, but in my opinion a basic default environment should be created in every case. 

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Jira (PUP-6048) error running puppet facts with non existing and non default environment

2016-03-13 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus assigned an issue to Reinhard Vicinus 

 Puppet /  PUP-6048 
  error running puppet facts with non existing and non default environment   

Change By:
 Reinhard Vicinus 

 Reinhard Vicinus 

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Jira (PUP-6048) error running puppet facts with non existing and non default environment

2016-03-13 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-6048 
  error running puppet facts with non existing and non default environment   

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.3.2 




 2016/03/13 3:26 AM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
puppet facts --environment=test 
throws the following error if the environment directory don't exists: 
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/environments.rb:38:in `get!': Could not find a directory environment named 'test' anywhere in the path: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments. Does the directory exist? (Puppet::Environments::EnvironmentNotFound) 
But if you remove /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production it still works for production because in puppet.rb a basic default environment is only created if the environment is named production: 

in case the configured environment (used for the default sometimes)

doesn't exist default_environment = Puppet[:environment].to_sym if default_environment == :production loaders << Puppet::Environments::StaticPrivate.new( Puppet::Node::Environment.create(default_environment, basemodulepath, Puppet::Node::Environment::NO_MANIFEST)) end

Jira (PUP-5979) function regsubst: allow a hash as replacement parameter

2016-02-25 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus assigned an issue to Reinhard Vicinus 

 Puppet /  PUP-5979 
  function regsubst: allow a hash as replacement parameter  

Change By:
 Reinhard Vicinus 

 Reinhard Vicinus 

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Jira (PUP-5979) function regsubst: allow a hash as replacement parameter

2016-02-25 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-5979 
  function regsubst: allow a hash as replacement parameter  

Change By:
 Reinhard Vicinus 
 With puppet 3.x and a ruby version newer then 1.8 it was possible to give a hash as the replacement parameter to the function _regsubst_. As puppet 4.x ships with ruby 2.1 it would work now generally, but the parameter validation only accepts a String as replacement parameter.For example the following worked with puppet 3.x and will throw an error with puppet 4.x: {code:java} puppet apply -e 'notice(regsubst("tuto", "[uo]", { "u" => "o", "o" => "u" }, "G"))' {code} 

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Jira (PUP-5979) function regsubst: allow a hash as replacement parameter

2016-02-25 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-5979 
  function regsubst: allow a hash as replacement parameter  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.0.0 






 2016/02/25 1:33 PM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
With puppet 3.x and a ruby version newer then 1.8 it was possible to give a hash as the replacement parameter to the function regsubst. As puppet 4.x ships with ruby 2.1 it would work now generally, but the parameter validation only accepts a String as replacement parameter. 
For example the following worked with puppet 3.x and will throw an error with puppet 4.x: 
puppet apply -e 'notice(regsubst("tuto", "[uo]",  { "u" => "o", "o" => "u" } 
, "G"))' 

Jira (PUP-4911) Parameters on exported resources consiting of an array with a single element are "de-arrayified"

2016-02-14 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-4911 

  Re: Parameters on exported resources consiting of an array with a single element are "de-arrayified"  
From my site, this can be closed. I switched to puppet 4.x and there it works. 

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Jira (PUP-4911) Parameters on exported resources consiting of an array with a single element are "de-arrayified"

2016-02-14 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-4911 

  Re: Parameters on exported resources consiting of an array with a single element are "de-arrayified"  
Spontaneously I would say I run it with future parser off, because I'm pretty sure I would have mentioned if the future parser was active. But it's quite some time in the past and I don't have a puppet 3.x setup anymore for testing it. 

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Jira (PUP-5898) Data types seems to be messed up on hash parameters

2016-02-13 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-5898 
  Data types seems to be messed up on hash parameters  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.3.2 






 2016/02/13 3:48 AM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
The following code: 
define test ($b) { 
  $a = { key => undef } 
  notice("a: $a") 

Jira (PUP-5898) Data types seems to be messed up on hash parameters

2016-02-13 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-5898 
  Data types seems to be messed up on hash parameters  

Change By:
 Reinhard Vicinus 
 The following code:{code :java }define test ($b) {  $a = { key => undef }  notice("a: $a")  notice("b: $b")  $a.each |Array $values| {notice("a values: $values")  }  $b.each |Array $values| {notice("b values: $values")  }}$a = { key => undef }test { "test":  b => $a,}{code}generates the following output if run with puppet apply:{code :java }puppet apply test.ppNotice: Scope(Test[test]): a: {key => }Notice: Scope(Test[test]): b: {key => }Notice: Scope(Test[test]): a values: [key, ]Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Method call, block parameter 'values' expects an Array value, got Tuple at /home/rvicinus/test.pp:8:5  at /home/rvicinus/test.pp:14 on node puppetmaster{code}I would expect that the second each statement would run like the first, because the supplied hash is absolutely equally created like the one provided to the first each statement. I think somehow assigning the hash to a parameter messes up the data types, because the code works as expected if the Array keyword in the second each statement is removed. This is also the workaround that I use. 

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Jira (PUP-5898) Data types seems to be messed up on hash parameters

2016-02-13 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-5898 
  Data types seems to be messed up on hash parameters  

Change By:
 Reinhard Vicinus 
 The following code:{code :java }define test ($b) {  $a = { key => undef }  notice("a: $a")  notice("b: $b")  $a.each |Array $values| {notice("a values: $values")  }  $b.each |Array $values| {notice("b values: $values")  }}$a = { key => undef }test { "test":  b => $a,}{code}generates the following output if run with puppet apply:{code}puppet apply test.ppNotice: Scope(Test[test]): a: {key => }Notice: Scope(Test[test]): b: {key => }Notice: Scope(Test[test]): a values: [key, ]Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Method call, block parameter 'values' expects an Array value, got Tuple at /home/rvicinus/test.pp:8:5  at /home/rvicinus/test.pp:14 on node puppetmaster{code}I would expect that the second each statement would run like the first, because the supplied hash is absolutely equally created like the one provided to the first each statement. I think somehow assigning the hash to a parameter messes up the data types, because the code works as expected if the Array keyword in the second each statement is removed. This is also the workaround that I use. 

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Jira (PUP-5734) Value of the key dependencies in the metadata.json of modules isn't checked

2016-01-21 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus assigned an issue to Reinhard Vicinus 

 Puppet /  PUP-5734 
  Value of the key dependencies in the metadata.json of modules isn't checked  

Change By:
 Reinhard Vicinus 

 Reinhard Vicinus 

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Jira (PUP-5734) Value of the key dependencies in the metadata.json of modules isn't checked

2016-01-21 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-5734 
  Value of the key dependencies in the metadata.json of modules isn't checked  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.3.1 






 2016/01/21 8:29 AM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
With the following metadata.json in a module: 
  "name": "", 

Jira (PUP-5635) accessing facts via another scope

2015-12-28 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-5635 

  Re: accessing facts via another scope  
tested with puppet version 4.2.3. 

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Jira (PUP-5639) "free" parameter $name not useable for resource collection

2015-12-28 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-5639 
  "free" parameter $name not useable for resource collection  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.2.3 




 2015/12/28 11:58 AM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
The "free" parameter $name that every resource along with $title gets and that defaults to $title if nothing is set can't be used for resource collection (if the default value is used). Here an example: 
when using "name" during resource collection, the parameter p doesn't get updated: 
puppet apply -e 'define test ($p) { notice("$name $p") } test { "a": p => "a" } Test <| name == "a" |> { p => "aa" }' 
Notice: Scope(Test[a]): a a

Jira (PUP-5635) accessing facts via another scope

2015-12-28 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-5635 
  accessing facts via another scope  

Change By:
 Reinhard Vicinus 

Affects Version/s:
 PUP 4.2.3 

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Jira (PUP-5635) accessing facts via another scope

2015-12-22 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-5635 
  accessing facts via another scope  

Issue Type:




 2015/12/22 1:36 PM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
It's possible to access a fact via another scope other then the currently active or top scope: 
class test::params {} 
class test  ( 
  timezone = $test::params::timezone, 
) inherits params { 

Jira (PUP-5592) hiera lookup regression in resource like class definitions with undef parameter

2015-12-10 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-5592 
  hiera lookup regression in resource like class definitions with undef parameter  

Change By:
 Reinhard Vicinus 
 Another regression with hiera lookups if classes are defined resource like and a parameter is configured undef. With prior versions a hiera lookup happened for this parameter. With 4.3.x no lookup occurs. Short reproducer:* hiera.yaml:{code:java}---:backends:  - yaml:hierarchy:  - global:yaml:  :datadir: "/etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera"{code}* /etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera/global.yaml:{code:java}test::p: 'hiera value'{code}* test module: /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/test/manifests/init.pp:{code:java}class test (  $p = 'default module value',) {  notice($p)}{code}with puppet 4.3.1:{code:java}puppet apply --hiera_config [..]/hiera.yaml --modulepath=/etc/puppetlabs/code/modules -e 'class { "test": p => undef }'Notice: Scope(Class[Test]): default module valueNotice: Compiled catalog for puppet4.3.1 in environment production in 0.10 seconds{code}with puppet 4.2.3:{code:java}puppet apply --hiera_config [..]/hiera.yaml --modulepath=/etc/puppetlabs/code/modules -e 'class { "test": p => undef }'Notice: Scope(Class[Test]): hiera valueNotice: Compiled catalog for puppet4.2.3 in environment production in 0.65 seconds{code}And an example were this happens in the wild is the module jfryman-nginx with the  parameter  migration from  parameters like server_tokens from  init.pp to config.pp  (an example parameter is server_tokens among others) . 

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 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.4.12#64027-sha1:e3691cc) 

Jira (PUP-5592) hiera lookup regression in resource like class definitions with undef parameter

2015-12-10 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-5592 
  hiera lookup regression in resource like class definitions with undef parameter  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.3.1, PUP 4.3.0 




 2015/12/10 2:45 AM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
Another regression with hiera lookups if classes are defined resource like and a parameter is configured undef. With prior versions a hiera lookup happened for this parameter. With 4.3.x no lookup occurs. Short reproducer: 


Jira (PUP-5590) No error on duplicate parameters on classes and resources

2015-12-09 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-5590 
  No error on duplicate parameters on classes and resources  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.3.0, PUP 3.8.2 






 2015/12/09 7:38 AM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
I think that the following is a bug: 
class test ( 
  $a = 'first', 

Jira (PUP-5525) Hiera special pseudo-variables breaking with puppet 4.3

2015-11-20 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus updated an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-5525 
  Hiera special pseudo-variables breaking with puppet 4.3  

Change By:
 Reinhard Vicinus 

 hiera  Hiera special pseudo-variables breaking with puppet 4.3 

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Jira (PUP-5525) hiera

2015-11-20 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-5525 

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 4.3.0 




 2015/11/20 5:00 AM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
puppet 4.3.0 breaks hiera Special Pseudo-Variables like calling_module. 
hiera.yaml: — :backends: 


modules/% {calling_module}

:yaml: :datadir: "/etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera" 
/etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera/modules/test.yaml: test::p1: 'hiera value' 
test module: /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/test/manifests/init.pp: class test ( $p1 = "default module value" )  { notice($p1) } 
with puppet 4.3.0: puppet apply --hiera_config [...]/hiera.yaml --modulepath=/etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera/modules -e 

Jira (PUP-4911) Parameters on exported resources consiting of an array with a single element are de-arrayified

2015-07-21 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-4911 
  Parameters on exported resources consiting of an array with a single element are de-arrayified  

Issue Type:

Affects Versions:

 PUP 3.8.1 




 2015/07/21 8:59 AM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
If a exported resource with a parameter consisting of an array with a single value is defined on one puppet node and then collected on another puppet node the array with the single value is de-arrayified.  
define profiles::vres ( $dummy, ) { if is_array($dummy) { notify  { array_$title: message = join($dummy, '_'), } 
 } else { notify  { nonarray_$title: message = NOT AN ARRAY: $dummy, } 
 } } 
on one server: 
@@profiles::vres  { arraywithonevalue: dummy = [ a, ], } 
on another server: 
Profiles::Vres | | 
result of collecting the resource: 
Notice: NOT AN ARRAY: a Notice: /Stage[main]/Roles::Collectvres/Profiles::Vres[arraywithonevalue]/Notify[nonarray_arraywithonevalue]/message: defined 'message' as 'NOT AN ARRAY: a' 
This is probably related to 


Jira (PUP-4806) Add a variable with the chosen environmentpath

2015-07-03 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus commented on  PUP-4806 

  Re: Add a variable with the chosen environmentpath  
I think you misunderstood my intention or I wasn't clear enough. So let me explain further what I do and how I think this feature would improve puppet. I have different hierdata for every environment. To do this I had configured in the hiera.yaml: 
:datadir: /etc/puppet/environments/%{::environment}/hieradata 
Now for some reasons I'm forced to use different environment locations with the environmentpath configuration value in puppet.conf and the above isn't working anymore. But I'm able to do it with some not so clean configuration still: 
In the manifests of every environment i define (exists is a ruby function which checks if a file exists on the puppet master): 
if exists(/etc/puppet/environmentpath1/$environment)  { $environmentpath = /etc/puppet/environmentpath1 } 
 elsif exists(/etc/puppet/environmentpath2/$environment)  { $environmentpath = /etc/puppet/environmentpath2 } 
 else  { $environmentpath = /etc/puppet/environments } 
and in the hiera.yaml: 
:datadir: %{::environmentpath}/%{::environment}/hieradata 
It certainly works but it's a pain in the ass and it would be a lot cleaner if a puppet run knew which environment path was used instead to have to determine it. Also it would be needed in the environment.conf, because in the past I was able to use: 
config_version = /usr/bin/git --git-dir /etc/puppet/environments/$environment/.git describe --long --all 
now I'm forced to use a shell script to replicate the same environment path determination as is done in the manifests file. 

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 This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA (v6.4.5#64020-sha1:78acd6c) 

Jira (PUP-4806) Add a variable with the chosen environmentpath

2015-07-01 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title
 Reinhard Vicinus created an issue 

 Puppet /  PUP-4806 
  Add a variable with the chosen environmentpath  

Issue Type:
  New Feature 

Affects Versions:

 PUP 3.8.1 




 2015/07/01 1:55 AM 


 Reinhard Vicinus 
It's possible to define multiple paths in the environmentpath configuration value, where puppet looks for environments. But afterwards during a puppet run, it isn't possible to determine easily which path was chosen. But there are at least two occurrences where the absolute path to a environment is needed: 1.) Configure hiera datadir per environment 2.) Configure config_version per environment 
I would suggest, that a variable is added to the top scope which contains the chosen path to the environment from the environmentpath configuration value and is also useable in the per environment environment.conf. 

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Jira (HI-120) Allow wildcards in hierarchy

2013-12-29 Thread Reinhard Vicinus (JIRA)
Title: Message Title


 Reinhard Vicinus commented on an issue

  Re: Allow wildcards in hierarchy 

I'm only another puppet/hiera user who stumbled upon your feature request and have no standing with puppetlabs whatsoever. But there are some problems I see with your request:
1.) Puppet multi master setups can generate different catalogs for the same node, because Dir.glob returns the files in an order dependent on the system it is run on. As far as i can tell, the result of Dir.glob isn't sorted in any way in your pull request, so on different masters the order can be different and therefore the hierachy. 2.) This change breaks all other hiera backends (yaml, etc) as far as I can tell. 3.) I can see only one valid use case for this behavior: To realize two or more independent projects on one node. I concede that this isn't possible at the moment, as far as I know, because it isn't possible to redeclare variables in puppet (with the exception, if all projects are configured in independent puppet modules the special variable %calling_module can be used in the hierarchy). I wrote my own puppet hiera connector to solve (among others) this problem. I considered your approach also, but discarded it because as the count of projects increase the performance will get terrible (for every hiera lookup up every time all projects have to be questioned). Also there is no hierarchy between independent projects, why create one?


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 Hiera /  HI-120

  Allow wildcards in hierarchy 

 It would be great to allow wildcards when defining the hierarchy in hiera.yaml.   Example:  In want to have a directory tree like this:  hiera/project-name/common.json  hiera/project-name/webservers.json   But the number of projects is variable.   So I want to define a hiera.yaml like:   :backends:  - json  :json:  :datadir: /tmp/pruebas-hiera/hie...