Re: [Puppet-dev] Puppet Dev Status -- week ending Feb 21

2015-02-24 Thread Wil Cooley
On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 2:17 PM, Jeff McCune wrote:

 On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Trevor Vaughan

 Yes please. Moving this out of $vardir/ssl will be quite irritating to
 teach existing users about the new product usage.

 Even if we kept it in $vardir/ssl, this would mean the path is
 /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/cache/ssl rather than /var/lib/puppet/ssl (Please
 note the agent and master vardir's in the specification).  Is your concern
 that SSL data remain in $vardir/ssl or that they remain in
 /var/lib/puppet/ssl ?

It does not seem like a great idea to put $vardir under /opt. /opt is only
sometimes a separate file system from / and could grow much more variably.
If anything, I'd rather see the some of the directories under $vardir to be
moved to /var/cache/puppet, depending on whether the data is transitory or
persistent. (Much of it, in fact, I would expect to be cache, but
'reports', 'bucket' and possibly 'clientbucket' stand out as non-transitory
so kept in 'lib'; if ssl were not in /etc I would expect it to be in 'lib'
as it is not transitory.)

I agree with the hating on '/etc/opt' and '/var/opt' too.

Also, if hiera, c?facter and mco are going to be installed in
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet, why bother with the extra directory level and then
have to bother symlinking into /opt/puppetlabs/bin? I'm guessing that there
is an expectation that other projects/products will go alongside the
'puppet' level, but then it seems weird to put hiera c?facter and mco into
'puppet' instead of their own directories. I guess you're putting ruby into
the 'puppet' directory, so that's why... Hrm

Blue. I say it should be blue!


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Re: [Puppet-dev] Thoughts on Module Namespace Conflicts

2015-02-20 Thread Wil Cooley
On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 4:23 PM, Trevor Vaughan

 I was talking with a few folks today about potential resolutions to module
 namespace issues.

 == Fundamental Issue ==

 puppetlabs_apache -- Installs To -- apache
 example42_apache -- Installs To -- apache
 theforeman_apache -- Installs To -- apache

 You get my point...


 == The First Proposal ==

 Inspired by RVM Gemsets, how about allowing modules to declare which
 version of a given module they will use?


 Then, use could be dictated by something like: include apache@puppetlabs.

 Unfortunately, this really comes down to the parser being able to
 understand the following:

 include apache = See if there are any @'s and use that one
 include apache@puppetlabs = include the Puppetlabs apache
 include apache@puppetlabs  include apache@theforeman = Fail, conflict

 == Alternative ==

 One possible alternative is to just use the metadata.json file to dictate
 which module will be used when loading other modules.

 Again, if there is a conflict, that is a failure but *only* if the code
 attempts to use both at the same time.

 The benefit here is that it should make things very unambiguous while the
 drawback (if it really is) is that you *must* put a metadata.json file in
 every module that you create.

 This is just a set of thoughts that I hope get us moving in a direction
 where this type of thing is possible and I look forward to hearing what
 people think (good, bad, or ugly)!

== Alternative #2: Namespaced Module-Sets ==

Let's call it Namespaced Module-Sets; it's similar to the first proposal
but kinda turned on its end. The concept of the module path is extended
with optional names for any element in the module path. These names can
then be used as a namespace prefix to address classes within a particular
module-set. From within the module-set, references to classes do not need
to be qualified (or perhaps, within a named set must not be) and these
references are local-first, meaning that the set is searched before the
module path is searched.

With this scheme, 3rd party module authors do not need to change the
dependencies of their modules nor the names by which they refer to these
dependencies. Local devadmins have the ability to use multiple modules that
present internally the same top-level namespace and to mix in modules that
are dependent on specific versions of those.

Example: I'll use YAML to represent the namespaced module path, but I'm not
necessarily presenting this as the way it would actually be configured.

  # Our local modules, without an attached name
  - path: /etc/puppet/modules/local
  # PuppetLabs modules and modules that depend on them
  - path: /etc/puppet/modules/puppetlabs
name: puppetlabs

One could have a node defined to use our local apache module and another
node defined to use puppetlabs::apache, which is installed in
/etc/puppet/modules/puppetlabs. Now one could also use puppetlabs/passenger
by installing it to /etc/puppet/modules/puppetlabs. Because scope
references are local-first, passenger/manifests/init.pp's include
'::apache' refers to ::puppetlabs::apache.

The biggest problem I see with this scheme is with Ruby components that are
not Puppet-namespaced. Within a module-set there would be no problem, as
the local-first would still apply, but if, e.g., functions with the same
name were in different module-sets, then the language would need to be
extended to support namespaces in these.

And there are a number of other details that would need to be worked out,
including but not limited to:
  * Hiera lookups; I have a feeling that there is some complexity here that
is escaping me
  * Would it fall back to looking in named module-sets for unqualified
names? If there were an unnamed module-set after a named module-set, which
would be searched first?
  * My feeling is that the use of named module-sets and the names chosen
for them should be a local-only decision. That is, distributed modules
should never assume anything about the existence of module-set names,
either by convention or technical restriction. (So, for example, one would
only expect to use them within a role or profile or node definition.) There
are probably gray areas with this that I am not seeing.
  * A variation would be to not allow unnamed module-sets at the local
level, but this would be a breaking change, whereas the above should be
backwards compatible.
  * Additional complexity for r10k/pmt/etc. probably?

In some ways, this is a lot like environments, but unlike environments,
which are unique at the node-level, these allow the use of multiple
module-sets and are scoping for entities at the manifest-level. As I
understand environments, they can (and probably usually should) be
relatively isolated 

Re: [Puppet-dev] rspec and hiera lookup within puppet functions

2015-02-19 Thread Wil Cooley
On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 4:23 AM, Remi Ferrand wrote:

I want to use hiera as described in
 This mean:

- I want to provide a hierarchy
- I want hiera to use my custom configuration file as described in

 I've already been using the method above for testing puppet code that
 involves hiera lookups, and it worked as expected.

 What I don't want is to stub or mock hiera function.
 I just want that the hiera() lookup actually uses my custom hierarchy
 specified in my configuration file (

 As described in my sample repository README (,
 right now I wasn't able to make it work.

There are a couple of problems with your test because you're doing what
should ordinarily work, rather than slavishly following the docs,
forgetting about the layers and layers of magic that is rspec and

1. You're using the lower-level function interface directly into Puppet
rather than the rspec-puppet function-testing interface, so rspec-puppet
magic does not get called, so the setup that rspec-pupppet does for your
`c.hiera_config = ...` never happens. Instead, try:

context 'Using rspec-puppet wrapper' do

  it 'should work' do

expect(subject).to run.with_params().and_return('plop')



2. Once you've worked that out, you find that you get an *undefined method*

Failure/Error: expect(subject).to run.with_params().and_return('plop')
  undefined method `call' for nil:NilClass

The name of the thing under test w/rspec-puppet *must* be the the top-level
`describe` argument:

describe 'test_hiera', :focus = true do

This is how rspec-puppet knows what function to make available.

Note that you can still use the `scope.function_test_hiera([])` stuff, as
long as you put it after the rspec-puppet-style function call. (If you were
still using rspec-puppet 1.0.1, you might want to duplicate the test with
this style, because rspec-puppet had a bug in the error handler that made
it impossible determine how your method call errored!)

For me, one of the most frustrating aspects of rspec and rspec-puppet is
the amount of magic that goes into making the whole thing seem like a DSL
rather than an API. For example, try changing 'plop' in the test to see it
fail and then run rspec with the --backtrace option -- you'll find no
mention of rspec-puppet at all! And don't bother trying to use ruby -rtracer
either -- I just ran it with your simple test and got a 170MiB file --
750,000 lines long.

Sorry for the rant.


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Re: [Puppet-dev] rspec-puppet issues under Ruby 2

2014-12-03 Thread Wil Cooley
On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 12:15 PM, Jeff McCune wrote:

 I plan to release rspec-puppet 1.1.0 today as per the discussion at

 Scratch that, looks like Tim is the only person who can push new releases
 to  I've tagged the release and got everything ready in the
 master branch but I can't proceed with publication.

Kudos to you for taking this up Jeff! I will be especially happy to not
have to rewrite function tests when they fail so I can actually see the
cause of the failure (PR#142).


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Re: [Puppet-dev] Use of private in module skeleton

2014-11-22 Thread Wil Cooley
On Nov 22, 2014 4:22 AM, Gareth Rushgrove

 I'd love some feedback on this PR, which adds the private function to
 the puppet-module-skeleton that a bunch of people use.

 And I'm on the fence too. Any thoughts?

As a general principle, I'm not crazy about not being able to use the
x::install or x::service classes independent of the main class or whatever
the expected interface is. x::config or auxiliary subclasses I could see.

Being able to use the subclasses is an important feature for migrating to
using the module, either from an unmanaged system, a different module or
even a different configuration management tool.

For example, my work environment is a legacy Cfengine shop and we still
have quite a number of  EL5 systems co-managed with Cfengine[1]. As I add
the ability to manage some service in Puppet, I can easily do so for new,
pure-Puppet systems. But for systems managed originally w/Cfengine, I might
not want to redo the configuration in the way that it's done with the
Puppet module, but I can at least switch the service and package portions
to using Puppet.

Maybe this is just another facet of my belief in don't be a proprietorial
asshole with data and my preference for OO languages that have no
private concept, only naming conventions.

[1]. I have a script that reads /var/lib/puppet/classes.txt and makes
Cfengine classes by prepending puppet_ and transforming :: to
underscores. Then I litter the legacy Cfengine with !puppet_x_service or

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Re: [Puppet-dev] How to run tests on custom report parser

2014-11-07 Thread Wil Cooley
On Nov 4, 2014 6:32 AM, tracyde wrote:

 I am new to ruby development and want to integrate my report parser with
TravisCI. I have read articles and blog posts on how to integrate Puppet
modules with rspec, puppet-lint, and travisci but those are not directly
applicable to modules that do nothing but provide lib instances (facts,
report parsers, etc.)

Alas, I have had my eye out for documentation or utilities for testing
report processors for a while and have seen nothing.  For that matter, even
figuring out what the incoming data looked like room a bit of digging -- I
just read the YAML dump of a 'store' report and assumed I knew what values

My guess is that testing would involve one or more store report YAML files
and just enough framework to deserialize that and pass the resulting data
to your report processor.

Then you'd need to stub the objects  methods your processor calls for

I'm not sure you'd actually need rspec-puppet -- I don't think it provides
any facilities that would be useful in this case.



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Re: [Puppet-dev] Switching from YAML and PSON to JSON

2014-10-24 Thread Wil Cooley
On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 10:25 AM, Andy Parker wrote:

 Pretty printing introduces a significant overhead. On a test catalog that
 we have (the one produced by our many_modules benchmark) it increases the
 space needed by 52% (JSON.pretty_generate(p).size == 141065 and
 JSON.generate(p).size == 92596) and increases the time to serialize by 24%.

Yow! That sounds like a lot! For the master storing stuff for all of the
agents, it certainly could a non-negligible amount of overhead.

But for the agent, which is going to write 3 state files and its catalog at
the end of each run, it seems insignificant.

On the other hand, I'm more likely to try to run grep on the master, which
does not work well with minimized JSON (I'm clever enough that I can do it,
but I would curse under my breath at having to do so). (Yes, I could
probably query PuppetDB for these cases, but...)

I guess it doesn't matter much; the matter is on my mind because was
galling with Cobbler, which stores host data in JSON and nicely commits
changes made through the web UI into a local Git repo, but that's mostly
useless for diff'ing/blame'ing without pretty-printed data. (Until I found
the option to store pretty-printed data.)


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Re: [Puppet-dev] Announce: nightly repos available

2014-08-29 Thread Wil Cooley
On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 9:17 AM, Dominic Cleal wrote:

Another useful addition would be the Puppet gem, as Facter's is already
 there.  I've got another battery of tests that could be run against it.

I was just going to request that too; it would make testing within an RVM
gemset on a non-disposable machine possible.


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Re: [Puppet-dev] Facter version guarantees

2014-08-29 Thread Wil Cooley
On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 2:11 PM, Kylo Ginsberg wrote:

 There are a couple really good issues here, and I'm torn on the answers:

 1) While semver clearly applies to the Facter *API*, I'm not sure if it
 provides guidance on Facter *values*. Yes, on the one hand, I could argue
 that the values are part of the Facter contract, but that seems like a
 contortion of API. I incline toward treating semver as API-only.

From the perspective of direct clients of Facter's Ruby API, such as Puppet
itself, the values might not be part of the API. (But then again they might
-- what if the change broke a provider constraint?)

From the perspective of someone writing manifests, Facter values are part
of the API of the Puppet DSL.  From this perspective, Facter's Ruby API is
meaningless -- only the existence of facts and values are meaningful.
Someone writing a module expects to be able to count on both the existence
and the values of core facts.

 2) More importantly, a strict reading of semver as applied to facts would
 tie our hands (or force more rapid majors). E.g. I add fact 'foo' in 3.0,
 and it turns out to work great on RHEL but is incoherent on, say, Windows.
 But it's now out in the wild, so if I'm completely strict about changes we
 have to leave it be until 4.0, although that may mean that more and more
 Windows users painfully write manifests around the 3.0 behavior.

It would depend on how badly broken it is on a particular platform -- If
it's so broken as to be unusable, then changing it for that platform should
not be a problem. But if it's usable with work arounds or more effort than
really needed, then you're probably suck with that behavior. I realize
there's plenty of room for interpretation there.

Of course, a strict reading of SemVer reveals that it only applies to APIs
-- Not environments, user interfaces, platforms, etc. And that it is not
clear about how it applies to dependencies. So, if, for example, you were
the *user* of a piece of software and if one of the libraries that software
depended on increased a minimum version of one of *its* dependencies, such
that the whole thing ceased to work on, say, the version of a language
interpreter that ships with your OS, well, that's ok and you're out of luck
for several reasons. I found this out myself:


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Re: [Puppet-dev] Re: Replacement for puppet doc

2014-08-12 Thread Wil Cooley
On Aug 12, 2014 1:00 PM, Daniele Sluijters

 Please don't use `dox`. It's like a teenager who wasn't taught enough
English in school, or simply doesn't care, to know that the accepted plural
of doc is docs, not dox, dawg.

I have to agree, if for a different reason -- dox has taken on rather
more specific connotations than just a foulspelling of docs.

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Re: [Puppet-dev] Replacement for puppet doc

2014-08-09 Thread Wil Cooley
On Aug 8, 2014 5:15 PM, Hailee Kenney wrote:

 Right now, Charlie Sharpsteen has an awesome prototype which uses YARDoc
instead of RDoc.

I see that YARD does not impose a specific markup[1] and I cannot tell
from Charlie's prototype which markup is intended -- I would hope that one
of them would be picked as a standard and I would be happiest with
something that uses some flavor of Markdown.

I understand that more semantic markup is desired, but I find the
proliferation of wildly incompatible text markup formats frustrating.
Variations in Markdown implementations[2] are bad enough; having to
mentally switch to RDoc format to write module documentation causes much
wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Is this intended to be used only in Puppet manifests, or would there be
support (in tooling/standards, at least) for using it in Ruby exentions too?

I would also like to express my concern about: Documentation blocks must
immediately precede the documented code with no whitespace. -- I spent
several hours that could better have been spent watching Vanilla Sky or
Gigli to this little bundle of joy in the current implementation --
particularly the with no whitespace bit.

As for names, how about 'moddoc'?


2. Gollum uses Github-flavored with some wiki-specific extensions; Jekyll
by default uses either RedCarpet (1.x) or Kramdown (2.x), which have
incompatible code blocks; then there's the GFMD that Github renders *.md
with; we use Atlassian Stash internally, which renders some flavor, etc.

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Re: [Puppet-dev] Re: Decision: Near future of resource expressions

2014-08-06 Thread Wil Cooley
On Aug 5, 2014 6:41 PM, Reid Vandewiele wrote:

 Example 1 (assuming behavior whereinmerging is OK, and that explicit
parameter specification takes precedence):

 apache::vhost { $servername:
   port = $port,
   ssl  = $ssl,
   attribute_defaults = $extra_opts,

Assuming that the semantics of 'undef' haven't changed to preclude this (I
know there are changes coming but don't quite remember what they are), an
interesting couple of cases are:

$extra_opts = { $ssl = true, ... }
apache::vhost { ...
  ssl = undef,
  attributes = $extra_opts,


$extra_opts = { $ssl = undef, ... }
apache::vhost { ...
  ssl = true,
  attributes = $extra_opts,

My expectation is that in both cases 'undef' means pretend I've said
nothing about thus attribute here and that *true* wins in either case.

But what if what is intended is to explicitly *ignore* the setting in
$extra_opts, so that the type's default is used, as if the attribute had
been mentioned by neither the $extra_opts hash or the apache::vhost
declaration? I guess using a hash operation to copy and filter $extra_opts
would do it.

By the way (since the paint's not dry) I think just *attributes* as the
afforementioned metaparam would be best -- it clearly says what it is, is
short, and is meta-sounding enough that I would not even consider using it
in the field -- when developing a class, defined type, type/provider, etc.

Another alternative that occurs to me that breaks the key = val layout
and so is cognitively distinct is to use something like the facilities that
many modern languages have for passing hashes or arrays as arguments to

apache::vhost { $title:


apache::vhost { $title:


apache::vhost { $tilte:

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Re: [Puppet-dev] PR hiera/137 - recursive hiera data item lookups

2013-07-08 Thread Wil Cooley
On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Eric Sorenson wrote:

 - Reading through Wil's example is really interesting because it also
 touches on module reusability and module APIs. Are others on the thread in a
 similar situation, where you need to compose/abstract common config
 parameters to reduce duplication across your site data hierarchy? (And Wil,
 is there a reason you can't just do that 'ldap_login_server_uris' mapping at
 class declaration time rather than putting the lookups into the class
 definitions themselves?)

Let me make sure I understand what you are suggesting. When I declare
the class, I expressly use the hiera lookup to provide the appropriate
parameter for the class:

  class nss_pam_ldapd::config {
$server_uris = hiera('nss_pam_ldapd::config::server_uris', ...), #
maybe kill explicit hiera() here for simplicity

  node foo {
include nss_pam_ldapd
class { 'nss_pam_ldapd::config':
  server_uris = hiera('ldap_login_server_uris')

Sure, you can do that, but declaring the class is a good deal messier
-- with the hiera-internal reference it would be just include
nss_pam_ldapd. From what I understand, practices are evolving towards
simplifying node declaration by putting more of the complexity in
hiera. If so, then it seems better to appeal to people's
self-interest/laziness by making it easy to do it that way.


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Re: [Puppet-dev] PR hiera/137 - recursive hiera data item lookups

2013-06-26 Thread Wil Cooley
+1 for the feature; I like Jeff's idea about using the existing sigil,
although I like Henrik's nested-function-like suggestion.

I think there is a particular case for this when it comes to lazy/busy
sysadmins integrating 3rd party modules from Puppet Forge (and for
encouraging writing internal modules with a general enough interface that
they can easily be contributed):

Let's say I've got modules for configuring nss_pam_ldapd in EL6 and for
configuring the native Solaris ldap_cachemgr. Both need, among other
things, the list of LDAP server URIs. If I am not too lazy and thinking
seriously about contributing them to PF, I'll write them to do a hiera
lookup using the correct name for automatic parameter lookups (we're still
on 2.7  working towards 3 compatibility):

class nss_pam_ldapd::config {
  $server_uris = hiera('nss_pam_ldapd::config::server_uris', ...),

class ldap_cachemgr::conig {
  $server_uris = hiera('ldap_cachemgr::config::server_uris, ...),

and now I have made more work for myself because I have to duplicate
(correctly) all of the info in hiera:

  - ldaps://
  - ldaps://

  - ldaps://
  - ldaps://

whereas what I would like is:

 - ldaps://...

nss_pam_ldapd::config::server_uris: %{ldap_login_server_uris}
ldap_cachemgr::config::server_uris: %{ldap_login_server_uris}

but since I cannot do this and I am really lazy/busy, I'm going to be dumb
and just lookup 'ldap_login_server_uris' and everyone else who might have
benefited from the module can go stuff it:

class nss_pam_ldapd::config {
  $server_uris = hiera('ldap_login_server_uris')

And I am over-simplifying, because there are more like 8 parameters, almost
all of which apply between both modules and all of which need to be


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Re: [Puppet-dev] Kerberos authentication

2013-06-11 Thread Wil Cooley
On Jun 5, 2013 12:18 PM, Trevor Vaughan wrote:

 Given that you're going to be using client certs for encryption, why
would you bother with Kerberos authentication?

This is what I was wondering as I read this too. One benefit I could see
(but at a much smaller scoped project) is the ability to securely auto-sign

If you're already joining a machine to a Kerberos realm, it would be one
less step if you could use that trust to provide validation for signing
Puppet's client cert. Might be a bigger win for Windows systems, where
Kerberos is all but required.


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Re: [Puppet-dev] Re: Performance regression between 3.2.1-rc1 and 3.1.1?

2013-05-22 Thread Wil Cooley
On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 10:10 AM, Charlie Sharpsteen wrote:

 Thanks a bunch for the info Wil! One additional question: What is the
 hostname that Ruby is using to perform the lookup? I.E., what is the return
 value  of:

   ruby -rsocket -e 'puts Socket.gethostname'

Regardless of which state /etc/hosts is in, it always returns the
short name: coolair.


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[Puppet-dev] Re: Performance regression between 3.2.1-rc1 and 3.1.1?

2013-05-21 Thread Wil Cooley
On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 10:22 PM, Wil Cooley wrote:

 I am noticing a ~10s slow down with 3.2.1-rc1 running 'puppet apply' with
 a manifest that is a single notice() function.

After realizing that even 'puppet --version' took ~10s, I ran the ruby
profiler, noticed there were differences in the number of  calls, extracted
 diff'd those, noticed the addition of Socket#gethostbyname and
Socket#gethostname. Eventually I noticed that my /etc/hosts had
myhostname.local instead of just myhostname which (I presume) was causing a
DNS/mDNS lookup.

So unless anyone else has this problem, forget I said anything.


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Re: [Puppet-dev] Re: Performance regression between 3.2.1-rc1 and 3.1.1?

2013-05-21 Thread Wil Cooley
On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 9:53 AM, Charlie Sharpsteen wrote:

 Could you provide a bit more information on what the entry in your /etc/hosts 
 file looked like? It would be interesting to reproduce this behavior and see 
 if everything is functioning as intended.

Sure; in my /etc/hosts I had the following for my host-only vbox net:   coolair.local coolair

With that in place:

$ time ruby -rsocket -e Socket.gethostbyname(Socket.gethostname)
real 0m10.013s

And when I change it to: coolair

I get:

$ time ruby -rsocket -e Socket.gethostbyname(Socket.gethostname)
real 0m0.032s

After a little tracing, it looks like it's the result of loading
webrick in puppet/util/monkey_patches.rb:

/Library/Ruby/Site/1.8/puppet/util/monkey_patches.rb:419::-: require 'webrick'

Which was added in ec462b7b: (#18781) Be more tolerant of old clients
in WEBrick server

Since this is just twiddling a constant (does that count as
monkey-patching?), wouldn't this maybe be better done in
lib/puppet/network/http/webrick.rb? If I understand it correctly,
these monkey-patches get applied for every invocation of puppet, even
if it's just puppet --version, so it seems like it should be as
minimal as possible.

For that matter, the two previous sections that monkey-patch openssl
seem like they would be better off elsewhere; for example, the section
if that starts on line 398 seems
like it might be better off somewhere in lib/puppet/util/windows*.

(Sorry to gripe w/o a patch; I haven't a Windows system to test on nor
do I know if I have a working setup for running the Puppet unit


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[Puppet-dev] Performance regression between 3.2.1-rc1 and 3.1.1?

2013-05-20 Thread Wil Cooley
I am noticing a ~10s slow down with 3.2.1-rc1 running 'puppet apply' with a
manifest that is a single notice() function. I think I noticed it first
w/'puppet resource' and maybe also with other sub-commands. This slow down
might be just statistical noise in runs with a non-trivial manifest, but
it's intrusive while doing development.

I can provide the outputs of the 'puppet apply' below, but the pause seems
to happen before any output starts and all of the times that are reported
look normal (0.00s for a bunch of built-in automatic resources), with
catalog runs ending with Finished catalog run in 0.0[56] seconds.

In fact, it almost looks like someone put in a sleep(10) somewhere while
debugging and forgot to take it out.

This is on Mac OS X 10.7.5.

$ uname -a
Darwin coolair 11.4.2 Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.2: Thu Aug 23 16:25:48 PDT
2012; root:xnu-1699.32.7~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

$ ruby --version
ruby 1.8.7 (2012-02-08 patchlevel 358) [universal-darwin11.0]

$ facter --version

$ shasum puppet-3.{1,2}*.dmg
2a35e1f2c77049a9cacb5446be1417fa4c69a082  puppet-3.1.1.dmg
995f48bae1d86b6195d2beff30848af1eecf41ff  puppet-3.2.1-rc1.dmg

$ cat test.pp
# Test manifest that does nothing but a little output
notice(This is here.)

`time` outputs:
$ puppet apply --color=false --evaltrace --debug --verbose test.pp
# 3.1.1
real 0m3.392s
user 0m1.580s
sys 0m1.033s

# 3.2.1-rc1
real 0m13.064s
user 0m1.576s
sys 0m0.947s


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Re: [Puppet-dev] Puppet logo for community projects?

2013-01-30 Thread Wil Cooley
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 4:29 PM, Randall Hansen wrote:
 Wil, did we ever solve this for you?

I am going to write to marketing@ per Nan's advice, unfortunately I've
been putting out fires (literally and figuratively).

In fact, I'm going to do that right now.

Thanks Randall!

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[Puppet-dev] Puppet logo for community projects?

2013-01-18 Thread Wil Cooley
I am working on an open-source Puppet-centric web application and
would like to display some sort of Puppet-related logo. Right now I'm
using the main Puppet Labs logo from the web site, but that's not
really appropriate since my app is not actually a PL product (not to
mention trademark issues).

Is there an existing logo/graphic for use by 3rd-party, community
projects? Or a process for becoming authorized to use the logo? Or
should I have just kept my mouth shut and asked forgiveness later?

I am nearly ready to move in to a pre-release phase, but I feel I need
to clear this up before making any announcement.


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