Re: [Pws] Where's the Edit Button?

2008-10-19 Thread Derrel Fincher
Aniweb and CoWeb users are not done in the same way. AniWeb is stored 
in the default/users folders. CoWeb is part of the security settings. 
If you create a security profile while creating the aniweb, you may 
have a problem. Delete any security profile in the Admin panel. When 
you click Sign In, do you see a place to create a new account? If so, 
create the account. Also, explore ALL folders in your swiki directory 
to understand how these are arranged.


Pws mailing list

Re: [Pws] Where's the Edit Button?

2008-10-16 Thread Derrel Fincher
The admin password has nothing to do with the Aniwebs. Go to the 
Users tab and see who is there--make one of those the owner.   Try 
creating an account on the sign in page and have it mail you your 
password. If you don't have email enabled (that will make it tough!) 
go to the Swiki installation and find the users folder in default 
(dig through the directories). Users are just 1, 2, 3, ... etc. Open 
the file--you'll see the password in plain text. Try that.

Also, create another Aniweb and try that. Make sure it inherits from 
Ani and not Refs. Also create a CoWeb using Refs and see if that works.


At 06:22 PM 10/16/2008, Donald MacQueen wrote:
I downloaded and installed I created a test
AniAniWeb and took all the defaults. The page comes up just fine.

The docs by Je77 say to use the Edit button to change the page, but my
page has only buttons for print home change search and sign in. sign in
gives me an error logging in as admin even though I have no security

I've spent most of the afternoon on this.

Thanks in advance.


PS Sorry if this got posted twice.
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Re: [Pws] Swiki - questions

2008-09-09 Thread Derrel Fincher
The one thing that has kept me from being too eager to move on is the 
Add to the page feature of Swiki--just about the most useful wiki 
feature that I've ever seen! Has anybody seen this in other wiki software?


At 03:27 AM 9/9/2008, Beat Rubischon wrote:

Surprisingly I have still subscribed to this list, even I stopped using
Swiki for about 1 1/4 years :-)

If someone is interested in a conversion from Swiki to Dokuwiki, I put my
converter on my website [1]. Be sure to use it as a starting point and not
as a final solution when converting your stuff!


Am 08.09.08 16:58 schrieb Mark Guzdial unter [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  1. The only way I know to remove pages is to delete the .xml and .old files
  for a given page, then restart the server.

Don't do this. As the sever uses the numbers in sequential order, you
loose all pages with higher numbers. When you really need to delete a
page, clean out all text in the Wiki formlar and delete afterwards the .old
file. Restart the server to make sure the history is also cleaned out in


  \|/   Beat Rubischon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
( 0^0 )
Meine Erlebnisse, Gedanken und Traeume:

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Re: [Pws] Fwd: Help! Our Swiki stopped working and our content is inside

2007-06-27 Thread Derrel Fincher
Go into your ComSwiki folder and delete the SqueakDebug.log, then try 
starting Squeak again. Now post the contents of Squeak.ini and also 
the contents of SqueakDebug.log file. That will help. In the 
meantime, you can  copy the entire ComSwiki folder to another machine 
and try it there. If you have a PC, download ComSwiki for the PC and 
try your files with the Squeak.exe from the PC.


At 08:49 AM 6/26/2007 +0200, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
Begin forwarded message:

From: Randy Siler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: June 26, 2007 2:30:03  GMT+02:00
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], The general-purpose Squeak developers list
Cc: Irina Gendelman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Help! Our Swiki stopped working and our content is inside
Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list squeak- 

Hi all,
 I'm afraid I'm in a rather stupid spot and I don't know how to
pull myself out of it, or even write intelligently for help from
some kind soul.

 Months ago, maybe a year ago, one of my colleagues wanted to learn
about wikis and so I figured out how to bring up a swiki in a
squeak image and I set it up on her Mac to play with. In the course
of playing she got some of our other colleagues using it for
collaboration. Everything went swimmingly and it got used more and
more but never in such a way that I worried to document what I had

 Now something has gone wrong and we haven't the slightest idea
what, nor do we have much recollection even of what we were using.
Below is a picture of what it looked like when it was working. And
I vaguely remember having to write about 4 lines of code to get it
started and then we just had to save and quit and from then on it
would automatically startup when we started squeak.  Problem is,
now we just get a grey screen and I can't find reference to what I
need to do to get the swiki running again. I expect our content is
safe in the image if we could get the swiki serving  again.

 If anyone can help us out we would be greatly appreciative.
Cheers, and thanks so much,

Content-Type: image/png; x-mac-type=0; x-unix-mode=0644; x-mac-creator=0;
 name=Picture 3.png
Content-Disposition: inline;
 filename=Picture 3.png

- Bert -

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Re: [Pws] Problem starting Swiki server

2007-06-21 Thread Derrel Fincher
Move the refs and default folders to the Linux box and try again. 
Also, try another port.


At 05:03 PM 6/21/2007 -0700, Christopher Adams wrote:
I have recently moved a Swiki from Windows to Linux. I simply moved 
the swiki folder, minus the Refs and Default folders, to the ComSwiki folder.

 From the terminal, I run 'squeak squeak.image'. The window comes 
 up and I change the port to 8080 and Save and Exit. Then I start it 
 again and click Start Server. After a bit, I get a Squeak message 
 window that says Message Not Understood and rssFormatter. I 
 have the opportunity to debug, but I have no idea what to look for. 
 Nothing I do allows me to start the server.

Can someone point me in the right direction so that I can get this 
going again? Thank you.

Christopher Adams

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Re: [Pws] moving Swiki from Windows to Linux

2006-09-20 Thread Derrel Fincher

IF you are running the same versions, you should just be able to move the
folders of the CoWebs you have created (not refs, ani, or default) in
Windows to the Linux server for most cases. 
You will run into problem IF you are using Swikis based on Ani in both
sites. In this case you have to move the users in default/users, but the
user file numbers will overlap when you move them. In this case, you need
to get a file renaming program and just rename the users so they are
numbered sequentially. If you have the identical users in both Swikis,
the one with the higher file number is the one that gets used. 
At 08:25 AM 9/20/2006 -0700, Christopher Adams wrote:
I have
a Swiki running on Red Hat Linux. I have another Swiki running under
Windows 2000 Server. Is there a way to move the Swiki files from the
Windows server to the Linux server and retain all functionality?

Christopher Adams
Library Systems Analyst
Oregon State Library
503-932-1004 (general support)

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Re: [Pws] Running the swiki in Windows as a service to start automatically

2006-08-02 Thread Derrel Fincher
Check out


At 01:10 PM 8/2/2006 -0300, Natalia Esteban wrote:
I install comanche 7.0.2 on Win Server 2003 Standard Edition.
I was trying to configure the webserver as a service to start 
automatically when I restart the system.
So I saved the image started and then I close all and entered a command 
line like

c:\Program Files\ComSwiki\squeak  -service: Swiki c:\Program 

And  in the squeak.ini file, I add the line

All ok, but the service is stop and when I try to start it I get the 
following error:

Could not start the Swiki service on Local Computer
Error 193: 0xc1

What can I do?


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Re: [Pws] how create an ani swiki?

2006-06-29 Thread Derrel Fincher

Hi James,

The users you create in the admin panel really don't have anything to do 
with Aniwebs. First, you have to create an account on the sign-in page, 
then it will email you the account password and username. You then go to 
the users section of the admin panel to make the user an owner if that 
person will have full privileges in the site. (The owner can change the 
looks and assign access to other users).

That means your email has to be set up on your local machine and how you do 
that depends on your OS. If you are running inside a firewall and you 
already have an SMTP server you can connect to, just enter that name in the 
admin panel. Users are tracked by Email, not username.

You can also find the password by opening in the appropriate XML file 
(probably 1.xml) in /swiki/default/users. Once you log in, you can change 
the password.


At 10:21 AM 6/29/2006 +0100, James Frew wrote:

Apologies in advance for the newbitude of this question, but:

How do I create an ani swiki on my own server?

I set up a swiki exactly like my personal swiki, only inheriting from
ani instead of refs. Same exact settings, including the
usernames:passwords on the admin/security forms.

I get an ani swiki that I can't sign in to. Its /account page won't let
me sign in using the name:password from its security page (That
combination of AniAniWeb ID and Password is not valid). Neither will it
let me sign up for a new account (unable to send confirmation

I've Googled extensively but can't find *anything* related to *setting
up* an ani swiki. Any advice welcome.

/James Frew

Pws mailing list

Re: [Pws] problem starting Squeak

2006-06-27 Thread Derrel Fincher

Linux also needs to know where the squeak.image file is as well, e.g.,

./squeak ./squeak.image

The line I used in a script to start swiki as headless was:

/home/dfincher/ComSwiki/squeak -headless -memory 64m 


At 01:20 PM 6/27/2006 -0700, Christopher Adams wrote:

I have installed a Swiki on a Linux machine.

From the ComSwiki directory, I issued this command:

./squeak squeak.image

The resulting message is:

Could not open display `(null)'

I have used this Swiki on a Windows machine before but not on Linux.

Can someone provide some guidance?

Christopher Adams

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Re: [Pws] Swiki Rendering, codes in titles, launching MediaPlayer

2006-05-31 Thread Derrel Fincher

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for looking into rendering; I swear it worked on Winterlong. I have 
had rendering halt after writing a few pages on earlier versions, but that 
was usually traced to mismatched asterisks as my sixth graders tried to use 
them to illustrate multiplication procedures.

As far as putting code into the title, you basically can't. Several
things are not allowed through the Swiki syntax (@:*). These are
pretty ingrained into the system, so I don't see any way around that.

I've found everything from inline styles to javascript embedded in the 
titles. The eighth graders are particularly fond of setting each letter to 
a different color on their page so the *Who Is* page has all the different 
colors. I'll fix it when one of the little tykes uses onmouseover in the 
title so that simply mousing over their link in the *Who Is* page  loads 
their page. Highly annoying. And if they use a font tag to change their 
font in the title some will forget to close the tag, which means the 
changes page below their page takes on that font. I remember Mark 
describing Swiki as anarchic at CSCL 2002. It surely is but our teachers 
don't have a problem with that.

As far as IE vs. Firefox, that's a really tricky one. It sounds like
Firefox is downloading the file and then opening up MediaPlayer on the
file. Since FireFox has permission to get the file, this works. IE, on
the other hand, is just forwarding the URL to MediaPlayer. Since
MediaPlayer does not have the authentication, it has to ask for it. Could
you perhaps reconfigure IE to download the video before it passes it on
to MediaPlayer. Otherwise, this seems pretty difficult to solve.

We'll investigate IE configuration but your explanation sounds logical.

Another thing you could try is, if you know all the IPs in the classroom,
just give all of those IPs read or read/write access to the site.

Hmm, interesting idea. This is on our external server so all of the 900 
computers in the school appear as the same IP but maybe we can work with 
that. I'll pass that on to the lower school IT coordinator and see if it 
works for him.

Thanks for your help. I've trained our other IT Coordinators in basic 
operations so that when I leave for my new school they can continue the 
Swikis next year to satisfy the demand by teachers.


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[Pws] Swiki Rendering, codes in titles, launching MediaPlayer

2006-05-26 Thread Derrel Fincher

I have several  issues that maybe somebody has some thoughts on.

First, I'm trying to render a site of some 950 pages and it won't render. 
In past verisions, generally a few pages would render and I could find an 
error in the next page that I could fix. However, no pages are showing up 
in the rendered folder. I've move the swiki to a different machine, also 
running one of these days. (The first machine is Windows Server 2003 and 
the second is XP), and I still haven't gotten it to render. When I turn on 
the log, it just fills up with forbidden messages as though I have a 
permissions problem. However, in the browser it properly accepts the 
username and password used for rendering and never asks for them again. The 
explorer icon will spin and spin, and the log file will fill up with the 
same message indicating a permissions problem. Any suggestions? The swiki 
runs One Of These Days and is based on refs.

The second has to do with the title of the page. We are working with middle 
school students and it takes them about 10 minutes to start putting code in 
the title. This isn't a problem (unless they fail to properly close the 
tag) but when the page is edited again it doesn't have the proper opening 
tag in the title box. Any hints on curing that problem?

Third, we are running into an interesting IE permissions issue when view 
videos. Our fifth graders are creating short podcasts based on their 
research and uploading them to their swiki. It's a password protected site 
where the default is deny all. Each student has his own ID and has upload 
ability. Our issue is that when an MP3 link is selected, MediaPlayer opens 
(good), but then a password box pops up that requires that the 
authentication information to be entered again. However with Firefox, 
MediaPlayer still opens, but does not ask for a password box. Any ideas on 
this issue?



Pws mailing list

Re: [Pws] how to force authentication

2006-02-05 Thread Derrel Fincher

You might consider switching to the AniWebs. They support Login and
logout. You also have much more granular control over
At 11:04 PM 2/4/2006 -0600, Dan Ringrose wrote:
Fellow list members - here's my
current swiki quest:
One way we've deployed swikis is on wireless laptops used in different
class settings. Usually the laptops are put to sleep after each
session, often with all the programs running, including the
browser. Unfortunately, this means that often those browsers
remember the last login info for particular swiki pages,
which is less than ideal with shared equipment.
Can anyone suggest a way to include a log out button on each
of my swiki pages? I'd like it to bring up the username/password
dialog. This would make it easy to switch between authenticated
users on the same machine, or for me to login with higher level
authority, make changes, and then log out. One might also think of
this button as an authenticate button. I'm looking for
an alternative to clearing the browser cache, quitting the browser, and
restarting it each time - a task that is different on each browser and
not intuitive to most of my users.
Any thoughts?

Daniel Ringrose, Department of History,
Minot State University, Minot, ND
email: daniel.ringrose at

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Re: [Pws] body onload-...

2006-01-29 Thread Derrel Fincher
What about putting the script block as the first part of the window, then 
have the onload=(...) in a div tag?


At 02:28 PM 1/29/2006 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Anyone know how to add an onload=(...) clause to the body tag of a Swiki 


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[Pws] Using Swiki with double-byte characters

2006-01-25 Thread Derrel Fincher
Any suggestions for getting Swiki to work with double-byte character sets? 
This would be ideal in our Mandarin and Japanese courses, but we need to be 
able to use double-byte characters.



Pws mailing list

Re: [Pws] Capturing Both Username and IP Address

2006-01-18 Thread Derrel Fincher
I found that this works great with the classic Refs swikis, but for some 
reason the change appeared to keep AniWebs from saving. Changes would be 
cached in memory, but new pages could not be edited and the pages were not 
created. I'll look into this some more.


At 12:21 AM 1/18/2006 +0900, Uchida Yasuo wrote:

It seems that my mailer program can't handle underlines in
a message.

This version uses ':=' instead.
Get the IP Name (such as from the
IP Address (such as
| ipCache user cacheEntry return ipName username |
ipCache := shelf modulesAt: 'ipCache'.
ipName := (user := request user)
ifNil: [This sometimes happens during upload requests
'not available']
ifNotNil: [(cacheEntry := ipCache at: user ifAbsent:
ifNil: [(return := NetNameResolver nameForAddress: user
timeout: 15)
ifNil: [NetNameResolver stringFromAddress: user]
ifNotNil: [ipCache at: user put: (Array with: Time
totalSeconds with: return).
ifNotNil: [((Time totalSeconds - (cacheEntry at: 1)) 
ifTrue: [Refresh cache after 20 hours
ipCache removeKey: user.
(return := NetNameResolver 
nameForAddress: user

timeout: 15)
ifNil: [NetNameResolver 
stringFromAddress: user]

ifNotNil: [
ipCache at: user put: 
(Array with: Time totalSeconds

with: return).
ifFalse: [cacheEntry at: 2]]].
username := request security ifNotNil: [request security
user] ifNil: ['unknown'].
username, ':', ipName

--- Uchida Yasuo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hello, I'm glad you liked it.

 You can concatenate two Strings with the binary

 Here is a modified version of the getIPName.
 Get the IP Name (such as from
 IP Address (such as
 | ipCache user cacheEntry return ipName username |
 ipCache _ shelf modulesAt: 'ipCache'.
 ipName _ (user _ request user)
   ifNil: [This sometimes happens during upload
   'not available']
   ifNotNil: [(cacheEntry _ ipCache at: user ifAbsent:
   ifNil: [(return _ NetNameResolver nameForAddress:
 timeout: 15)
   ifNil: [NetNameResolver stringFromAddress: user]
   ifNotNil: [ipCache at: user put: (Array with:
 totalSeconds with: return).
   ifNotNil: [((Time totalSeconds - (cacheEntry at:
   ifTrue: [Refresh cache after 20 hours
   ipCache removeKey: user.
   (return _ NetNameResolver nameForAddress: 

 timeout: 15)
   ifNil: [NetNameResolver 

   ifNotNil: [
   ipCache at: user put: 
(Array with: Time

 with: return).
   ifFalse: [cacheEntry at: 2]]].
 username _ request security ifNotNil: [request
 user] ifNil: ['unknown'].
 username, ':', ipName

 Truly yours,
 Yasuo Uchida

 --- Derrel Fincher [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

 I figured it would be easy: just concatenate the
 of currentpage 22 in the swiki with the code given
 However, as I tried it Irealized I didn't know
 Squeak to make it work. Can anybody provideany
 suggestions about how to do this?

 Pws mailing list

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Re: [Pws] Capturing Both Username and IP Address

2006-01-17 Thread Derrel Fincher
Thanks again! This is working well and satisfies our needs for the classic 
Swiki function. We are about to turn 200 eighth graders loose in a CoWeb 
and we need to track users because it helps us find those who are having 
problems and don't know it.

Can this code be incorporated in future releases (default\ddresses\22) please?



At 12:21 AM 1/18/2006 +0900, Uchida Yasuo wrote:

It seems that my mailer program can't handle underlines in
a message.

This version uses ':=' instead.
Get the IP Name (such as from the
IP Address (such as
| ipCache user cacheEntry return ipName username |
ipCache := shelf modulesAt: 'ipCache'.
ipName := (user := request user)
ifNil: [This sometimes happens during upload requests
'not available']
ifNotNil: [(cacheEntry := ipCache at: user ifAbsent:
ifNil: [(return := NetNameResolver nameForAddress: user
timeout: 15)
ifNil: [NetNameResolver stringFromAddress: user]
ifNotNil: [ipCache at: user put: (Array with: Time
totalSeconds with: return).
ifNotNil: [((Time totalSeconds - (cacheEntry at: 1)) 
ifTrue: [Refresh cache after 20 hours
ipCache removeKey: user.
(return := NetNameResolver 
nameForAddress: user

timeout: 15)
ifNil: [NetNameResolver 
stringFromAddress: user]

ifNotNil: [
ipCache at: user put: 
(Array with: Time totalSeconds

with: return).
ifFalse: [cacheEntry at: 2]]].
username := request security ifNotNil: [request security
user] ifNil: ['unknown'].
username, ':', ipName

Pws mailing list

[Pws] Capturing Both Username and IP Address

2006-01-14 Thread Derrel Fincher

Uchida Yasuo gave us a good tip on how to record a users name in the page
history in a swiki using One of These Days instead of just the IP
address, to wit: 
1. With your text editor,
replace all the lines of the
file 'swiki/default/address/22' with the line shown below.
request security ifNotNil: [request security user] ifNil:
This works great! Now, I've had a request to concatenate the IP and
domain information to the username that's displayed so that Swikis where
everybody logs in with the same username will show some information. That
is, the user would show as: 
Page 22 currently returns
The modified code from Yasuo returns Username. 
I figured it would be easy: just concatenate the results of current
page 22 in the swiki with the code given above. However, as I tried it I
realized I didn't know enough Squeak to make it work. Can anybody provide
any suggestions about how to do this? 

Pws mailing list

[Pws] User management

2005-12-13 Thread Derrel Fincher
First, great job on the software JE77! My head is still spinning with 
possibilities for the AniAniWeb. I also checked out some pages on In particular caught my eye as that is an example of 
good design.

Just a couple of questions:

When I Click update identity in the Users page in admin, I get a ComSwiki 
not found message saying (http://myurl/admin/updateUserIdentity) was not 
found on this server. Any ideas?

How do we delete a user?

On the technical side, what are the limits for number of pages in a site 
and number of sites created within a single instance of Squeak?

Also, I'm working with one of our teachers to research the uses of the 
coweb in a 9-12 environment with an eye to publishing. His research has 
been publishing mostly in social studies journals and we were wondering 
what other journals might be a good fit. Any suggestions?


Pws mailing list

Re: [Pws] Questions on swiki page

2005-12-10 Thread Derrel Fincher
Thanks! I finally got around to trying it out. I can't believe it was that 


At 12:53 AM 11/8/2005 +0900, Uchida Yasuo wrote:


How about modifying the 'getIPName' priv address which
returns the machine name?

Here is how to do this.

1. With your text editor, replace all the lines of the
file 'swiki/default/address/22' with the line shown below.
request security ifNotNil: [request security user] ifNil:

2. Restart your Swiki.

At first I tried the SwikiBrowser, but I couldn't do the
editing. (I don't know why.) So I used a text editor to
change the file directly.

Truly yours,
Yasuo Uchida

--- Derrel Fincher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Will this enhancement work with Winterlong? When I
 initially ran it, it was
 based on Docs and not Refs. Can we just file it in?
 This is a problem for
 me as we have 800 students who all have the same IP
 address when they are
 in school, and then have dynamic IPs when they are
 not in school. IP
 logging, like IP Blocking, doesn't provide
 interpretable information.


 At 12:00 PM 11/6/2005 +0200, MrWorm wrote:
 You will need to add a enhancement. This link will
 tell you how to do it:
 - Original Message - From: Agatino La
 Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2005 10:52 PM
 Subject: [Pws] Questions on swiki page
 Hello everybody
 I am setting up a swiki page for internal editing
 of a document by few
 users and I have two questions. The page is set to
 individual logging
 setting and it allows all to a small list of
 First question. After editing the page, the
 history of the page shows the
 machine from where the edits were made. How can I
 set the history so that
 the list under the User field shows the user login
 name and not the machine?
 Second question. Is there a way users can change
 their own password? If
 not, what could be the best way to manage users's
 password by the
 administrator (me in this case)? (i.e. assign the
 same pword to all users
 or set the password individually for each user?).
 Thank you and best regards
 Agatino  La Rosa, Ph.D
 Assistant Professor of GIS
 Co-Director of GIS Programs
 Geography Division of SGACJ Department
 120 Social Science Building
 Kennesaw State University
 1000 Chastain Road
 Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591
 (770) 420-4735
 (770) 499-3423 (fax)
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 Pws mailing list

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Re: [Pws] Questions on swiki page

2005-11-06 Thread Derrel Fincher
Will this enhancement work with Winterlong? When I initially ran it, it was 
based on Docs and not Refs. Can we just file it in? This is a problem for 
me as we have 800 students who all have the same IP address when they are 
in school, and then have dynamic IPs when they are not in school. IP 
logging, like IP Blocking, doesn't provide interpretable information.


At 12:00 PM 11/6/2005 +0200, MrWorm wrote:

You will need to add a enhancement. This link will tell you how to do it:

- Original Message - From: Agatino La Rosa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2005 10:52 PM
Subject: [Pws] Questions on swiki page

Hello everybody

I am setting up a swiki page for internal editing of a document by few 
users and I have two questions. The page is set to individual logging 
setting and it allows all to a small list of users.

First question. After editing the page, the history of the page shows the 
machine from where the edits were made. How can I set the history so that 
the list under the User field shows the user login name and not the machine?

Second question. Is there a way users can change their own password? If 
not, what could be the best way to manage users's password by the 
administrator (me in this case)? (i.e. assign the same pword to all users 
or set the password individually for each user?).

Thank you and best regards

Agatino  La Rosa, Ph.D
Assistant Professor of GIS
Co-Director of GIS Programs
Geography Division of SGACJ Department
120 Social Science Building
Kennesaw State University
1000 Chastain Road
Kennesaw, GA 30144-5591
(770) 420-4735
(770) 499-3423 (fax)

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[Pws] RSS Function problems

2005-10-26 Thread Derrel Fincher

I am trying to use the RSS function using the default settings shown in
the help file (?rss
src="" href="" eudora="autourl"> However, the message I get
is RSS function unable to contact Yet when I put the RS URL
in the browser on the server, the RSS XML shows up just fine. This is
happening on a Windows 2003 server at school and a Redhat Linux server I
have at home. The software is Winterlong (Squeak3.6, Comanche 6.2, Swiki
1.4 according to the help file.) Any suggestions? 
P.S. For those who are trying to get Coweb to run as a service on Windows
2003, follow the suggestions to get the Server 2003 Resource Kit from
Microsoft Downloads and follow the directions in the kit for srvany.exe.

Pws mailing list

[Pws] Running Winterlong on Server 2003

2005-10-04 Thread Derrel Fincher

I tested Winterlong on my XP machine as a service and it performed
admirably. Then I ported it to our Windows 2003 server so that we could
run it on the web. We have IIS on port 80, but I wouldn't expect that to
interfere. However, when I try to start Swiki, I get the following
Error: no content to install with a debug message under
Codeloader installSourceFile: t1
That is immediately followed by another window with
Error: a primitive has failed in the Socket(object)
(Can I save the debug messages?)
This is the same setup that works fine on my Windows XP. I have tried
compatibility mode without any success. 
Any suggestions on what the errors may mean and where to start my

Pws mailing list

Re: [Pws] Running the swiki in Windows as a service to start automatically

2005-09-23 Thread Derrel Fincher

As I understand it, the full procedure to run Swiki as a service is:

1. Run Swiki first to choose the port and then start the service. Click
Save and Exit while the service is running.
2. In a command window, enter a command similar to the
D:\Winterlong\ComSwiki\squeak -log:
D:\Winterlong\ComSwiki\log\log.txt -service:
where the -log: D:\Winterlong\ComSwiki\log\log.txt is
3. In the squeak.ini file, add the line


How about posting this in the Swiki swiki so that others can see how to
do it? I know others would find this very useful. 
At 05:50 PM 9/20/2005 -0700, David Klosowski wrote:
I'm running Comanche 6.2 / Swiki 1.4 and I've been trying to set up
Swiki to start as a service on a Windows 2003 Server box. I can
Squeak to run as a service using the following command line:
D:\Winterlong\ComSwiki\squeak -log:
-service: Swiki
I've looked at a couple ways of getting the Swiki to actually start
running as soon as the service starts:
1) Have the ComSwiki launcher in the state where the server is
and then pressing save  exit
2) Creating a startUp message for the ComSwikiLauncher class:
ports _
I'm not sure if this approach was completely correct. I realize
class needs to be added to the SystemDictionary, but
seems to already be added. It shows up when I do a 
Does anyone else have any suggestions? Thanks for any
Pws mailing list

Pws mailing list

Re: [Pws] swiki for 60 students

2005-09-01 Thread Derrel Fincher
I've used a Swiki with over a 100 students, and I've had 20 editing 
simultaneously in a lab. These were middle school students and they were 
able to figure it out. Use Je77's suggestions about how to reduce edit 
conflicts. Because Swiki maintains an easy-to-access list of changes, 
nothing is ever really gone.

On a related note, I really like Winterlong but is there a place where it 
matches username to IP address? Since we are behind a NAT when most of the 
work is done, every change shows exactly the same information, which is not 
helpful for troubleshooting or assisting students. Christian Noack's 
enhancements worked passably well in the previous version, but Winterlong 
really has some benefits.


At 09:05 AM 8/20/2005 -0400, Paul Wittenbraker wrote:
I've used swiki (with great results) with groups of 10-15 students in a 
seminar studio format. This year i'm considering using it for 3 sections 
of 20 students. Some of the time they'd be in a lab and posting simultaneously.

Any concerns or problems with this application. I'm a bit worried about 
edit conflicts and could keep that to somewhat of a minimum by not asking 
them to all post to the same page, but some is inevitable. I sometimes 
have edit conflicts with myself. Any more detailed information about how 
and why this happens might be helpful. What is the window of time that 
swiki flags?

Are there stability issues? I have it running on a mac g4.

Paul Wittenbraker
GVSU michigan

Pws mailing list

Pws mailing list

[Pws] Swiki status?

2004-05-10 Thread Derrel Fincher
Just out of curiosity, what is the current status for Swiki? Is it being 
worked on at Georgia Tech anymore and are future releases planned?

I was disappointed that it did not make it into the article on Wikis in a 
recent PC Magazine as it is by far the simplest and easiest to get up and 
running. My standard demo consists of downloading from Minnow, extracting, 
starting Swiki, and having the person put in the IP address of whatever my 
machine I'm using to see Swiki pop up in their browser ready to roll. All 
this takes five minutes or less if I am on a fast connection. Try that with 
any other Wiki!


Pws mailing list

Re: [Pws] last * on swiki pages trouble

2003-10-24 Thread Derrel Fincher
I don't know if this is applies in your situation, but I found a similar 
problem in a few of my pages. I looked at the pages pretty carefully and 
realized that further up in the page the asterisks weren't properly paired. 
Check a page with problems and make sure that asterisks come in pairs.

At 08:03 PM 10/24/2003, ulf freyhoff wrote:
hi all,
on various pages on various swikis i'm using, the last * on the page gets 
cut away pretty often. i tried figuring out why this happens, but didn't 
find any way to prevent the swiki from doing so. anyone got an idea ???
any hints appreciated.

grtx ulf.
   Derrel Fincher, Mathematics and Technology
   Middle School, The American School in Japan
 1-1-1 Nomizu, Chofu-shi, Tokyo 182-0031 Japan
Phone: +81-42-234-5300 x422 Fax: +81-42-234-5303

Pws mailing list

[pws] User logging feature request

2003-02-10 Thread Derrel Fincher
This came up on the list before, but it would be very helpful to have all 
changes to the Swiki, including text boxes, identified by the user who made 
the change as it is much more helpful than the computer name that is 
currently used. I've used the patch, but then page locking doesn't work and 
it doesn't track people who make additions to a text box.


Re: [pws] Christian Noacks enhancements with ComSwiki 1.3

2002-12-07 Thread Derrel Fincher
Thanks for the help! I was filing in the files backwards. Since all of my 
Swikis are refs Swikis, I changed advancedDocs to inherit from refs, then 
changed my existing Swikis to inherit from advancedDocs. Because I wanted 
to use existing schemes rather than just the advanced project scheme, I 
edited the actions in advancedDocs to remove the portions that listed 
references or the password buttons. Otherwise you end up with the message 
of missing alternate tag in the toolbar.


At 03:50 AM 12/6/2002 +0900, you wrote:

I mentioned about HarvestMoonEnhnaced in my previous posting
because AdvancedDocs inherits from Docs swiki. If you alread
made AdvancedDocs inherit from Refs, it is not required.

You must first file-in Christian Noack's changeset before
my new changeset. Mine is just small patch (fix? I'm not sure yet. :-)
over his new features. Do the same for my changset as you did
for Noack's.

To say about myself, I was using old com47swiki12 version
until recently. And just start learning about new features and
other enhancements. My changeset seems to work for myself
right now, but not tested enough, of course.
You'd better waiting Christian Noack's next release
if more problem happens after update. :-)

By the way, I found some more problems using AdvancedDocs
and added another patches into the changset. I'll attach my
new changeset to this posting.

Have a nice day.

On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 10:04:24PM +0900, Derrel Fincher wrote:

 My ignorance of the workings of the Swiki and Squeak is going to show, but
 I'm not quite sure what to do with the change set that was attached. I 
 Doc, Image, and Forward from Harvest Moon Enhanced in the Swiki. Is this
 intended to be filed in without Christian Noack's enhancements or with
 them? I have moved his AdvancedDocs into the Swiki and made it inherit 
 Refs as per the change set, but when I save, unknown is recorded for the
 user who is logged in. However, if I file in Noack's change set, the
 AdvancedDocs does not work at all.

 I must be doing something wrong. Any suggestions? I'm trying this with
 Swiki 1.3

Re: [pws] Christian Noacks enhancements with ComSwiki 1.3

2002-12-05 Thread Derrel Fincher

My ignorance of the workings of the Swiki and Squeak is going to show, but 
I'm not quite sure what to do with the change set that was attached. I have 
Doc, Image, and Forward from Harvest Moon Enhanced in the Swiki. Is this 
intended to be filed in without Christian Noack's enhancements or with 
them? I have moved his AdvancedDocs into the Swiki and made it inherit from 
Refs as per the change set, but when I save, unknown is recorded for the 
user who is logged in. However, if I file in Noack's change set, the 
AdvancedDocs does not work at all.

I must be doing something wrong. Any suggestions? I'm trying this with 
Swiki 1.3


At 04:19 PM 12/5/2002 +0900, you wrote:

Try the attached changeset I just made.

I guess you must also install HarvestMoonEnh.tar.gz from . (You already did, aren't you?)

Re: Fw: , Fwd: Re: [pws] Christian Noacks enhancements with ComSwiki 1.3

2002-12-05 Thread Derrel Fincher
Thanks for sending it on. I did get it through the list, but I don't quite 
understand it so I've sent another message to the list. The frustrating 
part is that Squeak and Swiki are really designed for programmers to work 
with so changes are difficult without support.



At 10:47 AM 12/5/2002 +0100, you wrote:

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 16:29:23 +0900
Subject: Fwd: Re: [pws] Christian Noacks enhancements with ComSwiki 1.3


Since pws@ mailing list normally ignores my posting (maybe because of
my e-mail address?), I forward this message to your personal e-mail
address, too.

I wish this will help you.

Serge Stinckwich - )
Université de CaenCNRS UMR 6072GREYCMAD/~\   (/  |
Smalltalkers do: [:it | All with: Class, (And love: it)] _|_/
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 16:19:42 +0900
Subject: Re: [pws] Christian Noacks enhancements with ComSwiki 1.3
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=X1bOJ3K7DJ5YkBrT
Content-Disposition: inline
User-Agent: Mutt/1.4i


Try the attached changeset I just made.

I guess you must also install HarvestMoonEnh.tar.gz from . (You already did, aren't you?)

On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 03:54:03PM +0100, Serge Stinckwich wrote:
 Hi all,

 i'm trying to use the Chris Noacks enhancements with ComSwiki 1.3 :
 When i try to create an advancedDocs Wiki with the Wiki adminstration 
interface, nothing happens, the Wiki is never created ...
 Do you have any ideas ?

 Best regards,

 Serge Stinckwich - 
 Universit? de CaenCNRS UMR 6072GREYCMAD/~\   (/  |
 Smalltalkers do: [:it | All with: Class, (And love: it)] _|_/

Re: [pws] Christian Noacks enhancements with ComSwiki 1.3

2002-12-04 Thread Derrel Fincher
I couldn't get it to work with ComSwiki 1.3 either. I did figure out a 
work-around that involved creating it as another type (refs), then manually 
editing the file to change it to advanced Docs, then restarting the Swiki.

The main feature I was interested in was being able to tie a username 
directly to a change as I work with middle school students and its easier 
to track down students who are having difficulty.


At 03:54 PM 12/4/2002 +0100, you wrote:
Hi all,

i'm trying to use the Chris Noacks enhancements with ComSwiki 1.3 :
When i try to create an advancedDocs Wiki with the Wiki adminstration 
interface, nothing happens, the Wiki is never created ...
Do you have any ideas ?

Best regards,

Serge Stinckwich - )
Université de CaenCNRS UMR 6072GREYCMAD/~\   (/  |
Smalltalkers do: [:it | All with: Class, (And love: it)] _|_/

Re: [pws] Cheat Sheet for Editing

2002-10-30 Thread Derrel Fincher
It's got my vote for both! I'm using CoWebs with 11-year-old's and it would 
help to have the cheat sheet right there when they are editing.

At 05:38 PM 10/30/2002 -0500, Jochen F. Rick wrote:
I'd like to get people's feedback on what they think of having a cheat
sheet on the edit page to help people remember the editing rules. I came
up with an example cheat sheet. Check it out:

I would like both feedback on the idea of a cheat sheet and particular
feedback on the example cheat sheet.

Peace and Luck!


Re: [pws] Lock and unlock problem in Docs Swiki?

2002-02-14 Thread Derrel Fincher

I know I'm chewing up bandwidth here, but I've got another problem:

I'm running the Aqua scheme, but I get an error in the browser, and 
Netscape shows:
The requested URL ( was 
not found on this server.

This appears to be the wrong URL and only seems to affect the Aqua color 
scheme. Other schemes with javascript work fine and they point to the 
/schemes folder instead of /files.

Any idea on which file to modify to fix this?



[pws] Lock and unlock problem in Docs Swiki?

2002-02-13 Thread Derrel Fincher

I have a problem where my users try to lock pages,and they get a Cannot 
find server or DNS error.  However, when they go back to their pages, they 
are locked and neither their password nor the administration password 
works. However, when I stop and start the server, their pages are all 
unlocked. Any ideas what the problem might be or how to work around it? 
(I'm working with 7th and 8th grade students in a protected Swiki and they 
need to protect their personal pages from the others.) I'm running Linux 
using a version downloaded and installed in early February.

At 05:54 PM 2/10/2002 -0500, Jochen F. Rick wrote:
Are you using a 'docs' swiki? If so, that may be your problem. I've yet
to investigate the problem, but there is one in (un)locking those pages.

Re: [pws] Lock and unlock problem in Docs Swiki?

2002-02-13 Thread Derrel Fincher

Thanks! Changing to a Refs Swiki (where can I find out the specific 
differences between that and docs?) fixed the lock problem. However, the 
administration password will not unlock a page, which means if one of my 
darlings forgets his password, I'm not quite sure how to unlock it. Could 
the problem be that I've added myself as a user to the swiki using the same 
username and password? Or do I just need to plan on editing a file if they 
forget their password?

At 10:02 AM 2/13/2002 -0500, Jochen F. Rick wrote:
Again, are you using a docs swiki? If so, then this is your problem. You
can tell that it is a docs swiki by that it has a button for locking the

To change the swiki to be a refs swiki, stop the server, and manually
edit the setup.xml file in your swiki's directory to replace docs with refs.

Peace and Luck!


On Wed, Feb 13, 2002 at 08:32:11PM +0900, Derrel Fincher wrote:
  I have a problem where my users try to lock pages,and they get a Cannot
  find server or DNS error.  However, when they go back to their pages, 
  are locked and neither their password nor the administration password
  works. However, when I stop and start the server, their pages are all
  unlocked. Any ideas what the problem might be or how to work around it?
  (I'm working with 7th and 8th grade students in a protected Swiki and they
  need to protect their personal pages from the others.) I'm running Linux
  using a version downloaded and installed in early February.
  At 05:54 PM 2/10/2002 -0500, Jochen F. Rick wrote:
  Are you using a 'docs' swiki? If so, that may be your problem. I've yet
  to investigate the problem, but there is one in (un)locking those pages.

Re: [pws] Lock and unlock problem in Docs Swiki?

2002-02-13 Thread Derrel Fincher

You were right--I misunderstood the inheritance of the admin:password pair, 
so it turned out that the swiki was still set to admin:password. I 
changed it to mine and it worked. It looks like both peace and luck are 
with me. :-)


At 06:36 PM 2/13/2002 -0500, you wrote:
For me, the admin password did work, so I don't know the problem. I
wonder if it could be that we mean different admin passwords. I mean the
one under settings for the swiki, while you might mean the password to
access the adminTool?

Peace and Luck!


On Thu, Feb 14, 2002 at 07:44:09AM +0900, Derrel Fincher wrote:
  Thanks! Changing to a Refs Swiki (where can I find out the specific
  differences between that and docs?) fixed the lock problem. However, the
  administration password will not unlock a page, which means if one of my
  darlings forgets his password, I'm not quite sure how to unlock it. Could
  the problem be that I've added myself as a user to the swiki using the 
  username and password? Or do I just need to plan on editing a file if they
  forget their password?
  At 10:02 AM 2/13/2002 -0500, Jochen F. Rick wrote:
  Again, are you using a docs swiki? If so, then this is your problem. You
  can tell that it is a docs swiki by that it has a button for locking the
  To change the swiki to be a refs swiki, stop the server, and manually
  edit the setup.xml file in your swiki's directory to replace docs with 
  Peace and Luck!
  On Wed, Feb 13, 2002 at 08:32:11PM +0900, Derrel Fincher wrote:
I have a problem where my users try to lock pages,and they get a 
find server or DNS error.  However, when they go back to their pages,
are locked and neither their password nor the administration password
works. However, when I stop and start the server, their pages are all
unlocked. Any ideas what the problem might be or how to work around it?
(I'm working with 7th and 8th grade students in a protected Swiki 
 and they
need to protect their personal pages from the others.) I'm running 
using a version downloaded and installed in early February.
At 05:54 PM 2/10/2002 -0500, Jochen F. Rick wrote:
Are you using a 'docs' swiki? If so, that may be your problem. 
 I've yet
to investigate the problem, but there is one in (un)locking those 