Re: [pygame] recommended reading for organizing code / project

2011-09-01 Thread NBarnes
Sean Wolfe wrote:

 I'm looking for something to read about organizing one's code. I'm
 working on a final fantasy-type game, and as the project gets more
 complex I'm starting to think about best practices for development,
 code patterns, code organization and project organization, etc. I'm
 pretty much self taught on python and programming so I missed out on a
 bunch of that I'm sure would be covered by say a CS degree.

 I know there are some great books out there, for example Code Patterns
 and Antipatterns. I personally own 'Game Coding Complete' by Mike
 McShaffry and I'm going to take another pass through that.

 Any recommendations? Anything that's particularly useful for game
 development? Thanks!!

The issue of code organization is one of the core challenges facing
the modern programmer.  Object Oriented Programming is a paradigm more
or less explicitly dedicated to managing the level of complexity that
a programmer has to understand to accomplish a discrete task.  It does
this by providing useful abstractions that allow large sections of the
entire codebase to be understood at a level sufficient to work outside
of them at a minimal cost to the programmer's brain.  Modern
applications (game and otherwise) are far too complex to hold in one's
head all at once, no matter how able a programmer and designer one is.
 So I would answer that the first step in fixing your problem is
working on your grasp of object-oriented design principles.

Re: [pygame] Scrolling background

2011-07-30 Thread NBarnes
Samuel Mankins wrote:

 Forgive me if this is a trivial question.
 What is the nicest way to go about having a background which moves at a
 constant speed in one direction (as in a side-scrolling shooter)? Right now,
 I draw all the sprites onto the background image, which is moving, and then
 draw that onto the screen, but is there a neater way?

You have a background that you want to scroll, so it's bigger than the
screen, right?  However it pleases you to do so, determine which
subsection of the background you want to display that frame, then draw
that onto the screen, then draw the sprites on top of that.

Re: [pygame] Creating sprites on the fly?

2010-04-12 Thread NBarnes
Julian Marchant wrote:

 Hi, I'm somewhat new to Python and very new to Pygame, so please bear with
 me if I sound like an idiot.

 Is it possible to create sprites on-the-fly?

 In my load image function, I would like to add an option to create a simple
 back-up sprite (a black rectangle will suffice) on-the-fly if the requested
 sprite is unavailable, to allow the game to still run.

Couldn't you just load a black rectangle at startup and use that in
place of whatever sprite failed to load?

Re: [pygame] Communicating with an event queue

2009-06-18 Thread NBarnes
Tyler wrote:

 For the movie module, I need to be able to communicate with a process

 The video player in discussion is ffplay(because its the smallest), and it
 has an internal event loop around the SDL event loop. When I use
 subprocess.Popen to open up the video player running a file, with the PIPE
 arguments to all std*'s, only the window spawned responds to commands from
 the keyboard, indicating that the event loop doesn't listen on stdin.

 Is there a way to cause events to be pushed onto the process's internal
 event loop?

I'm not sure what the question is?  I may just be missing data due to
unfamiliarity with the structure in question.  Shouldn't you, as the
developer, be able to insert a method into the movie subsystem wrapper
object that takes a command and places it in queue to be processed by
the subprocess' loop?

Re: [pygame] Pathfinding

2009-01-26 Thread NBarnes
 it seems to me that A* only works on tile-based games.
 What if my game isn't tile-based?

A* works on 'nodes', where a node is just some location defined in the
game space.  Tile-based games have a very obvious node structure to
them, and so A* is very easily adapted to them.  But, really, there's
not necessarily a lot of difference between applying A* to a
tile-based game on the one hand and a network of location-nodes in a
3d space on the other.

Re: [pygame] I'm loving wills book :)

2008-04-02 Thread NBarnes
Wayne Koorts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm having a friend convert it to chm because pdf is slow:(, my friend
   bought me the ebook version off apress,

  Probably much less trouble to just get a better PDF reader.  PDF
  itself isn't necessarily slow, it's just a file format.  If you use
  Windows I can recommend Sumatra:\

FoxIt is also about a million times faster than Adobe's bloatware.