Re: When does controllers/template/view get called?

2007-01-26 Thread Max Ischenko


On Jan 26, 6:02 am, Skip Montanaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I modified controllers/template/view to

 def view(self, url):
 raise TypeError, url
 print  sys.stderr, url
 return render_response(/%s.myt % url)

 If I visit (for example)http://localhost:5001/nonexistentI don't see
 anything like a TypeError.  Instead, I get this traceback:

Works just fine here. May be it's the version of Python interpreter
(2.6)? What if you remove raise statement?


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Re: When does controllers/template/view get called?

2007-01-26 Thread Skip Montanaro

 Works just fine here. May be it's the version of
 Python interpreter (2.6)? What if you remove
 raise statement?

The raise statement was only my last attempt to get something to work.
Note also the print and the unprotected call to render_response().  If
I define view() as suggested in its docstring:

def view(self, url):
return render_response('/'+url)
except myghty.exception.ComponentNotFound:
return Response(code=404)

I get the same result.

In case it's a routing issue here's my config/routing.make_map sans

def make_map(global_conf={}, app_conf={}):
root_path =

mapper = Mapper(directory=os.path.join(root_path, 'controllers'))

mapper.connect('error/:action/:id', controller='error')
mapper.connect('', controller='hello', action='index')
mapper.connect('*url', controller='template', action='view')

return mapper


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Re: Another XMLHttpRequest question

2007-01-26 Thread Markm

Many thanks folks!
I'll try use this here.

On 26 jan, 03:45, Uwe Feldtmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Markm wrote:
  I am just begining here ... do you mind if I see that your complete (I
  mean your controller and defs) code? For eg, I did not understand this
  piece of code:

  I'm fighting with the same problem and it'll be very useful if I could
  learn with you!Hi Markus.

 I see that Bob Ippolito has already explained the function() { ... }
 definition  - thanks Bob.

 Most of the code I used was only to test out sending data back and forth
 between the server and the browser withoutusinghtml forms and would be
 more confusing than it's worth so I'll sum up what I've learned from
 experimentation and with the patient assistance of others on this list
 (thank you all).  If anything here is incorrect or could be done better
 then please let us all know.

 Simple rules I read somewhere:-
 Use GET if the data you are sending to the server is less than 512 bytes
 and can be sent on the url.
 Use the POST method if the data is more than 512 bytes or needs to be
 more secure.


 Sending from the browserusingGET:-

 function toServerByGET(url, fct) {
 xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

 xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
 if ( xmlhttp.readyState==4 ) {
fct( xmlhttp.responseText );

 }and is called like this

 urlAndData = /controllerName/methodName/?parm1= + value1 +
 amp;parm2= + value2;
 toServer( urlAndData, responseHandler )


 Sending from the browserusingPOST:-

 function toServerByPOST( url, data, fct ) {
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); POST, url, true );

// note setRequestHeader must appear after .open and is used
// to encode the data as though it came from a form (thanks Robert)
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader( Content-Type,
 application/x-www-form-urlencoded );

xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
 if ( xmlhttp.readyState==4 ) {
 fct( xmlhttp.responseText );

xmlhttp.send( data );

 };and is called like this

 var data = {
 id: 1,
 parm1: value1
 parm2: value2}toServerByPOST( /controllerName/methodName, data, 
 responseHandler );


 The method in the controller is the same in both instances:-

 class ControllerNameController(BaseController):

 def methodName(self):
 value1 = request.params['parm1']
 value2 = request.params['parm2']

 return Response( responseData )
 Hope this helps in some way.

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Small query language?

2007-01-26 Thread Sean Davis
I would like to build a small app akin to a filemaker database, but
web-based, of course.  One nice feature of filemaker is the ability to
search based on pretty much any field (or combination).  I know how to do
the searches, but I would like to make a simple query language (things like
2..3, 3, =3, widge*, etc.).  I have read a bit about tokenizers.
Does using a token system make sense, or is there a better or simpler way?
Of course, I have to validate these things and then create SQL from them, so
any hints from that point of view are also appreciated.


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Re: Small query language?

2007-01-26 Thread Shannon -jj Behrens

On 1/26/07, Sean Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to build a small app akin to a filemaker database, but
 web-based, of course.  One nice feature of filemaker is the ability to
 search based on pretty much any field (or combination).  I know how to do
 the searches, but I would like to make a simple query language (things like
 2..3, 3, =3, widge*, etc.).  I have read a bit about tokenizers.
 Does using a token system make sense, or is there a better or simpler way?
 Of course, I have to validate these things and then create SQL from them, so
 any hints from that point of view are also appreciated.

I did something very similar to this recently.  I implemented search
expressions like food and (cheese or beer) and translated the
expressions into SQL.  I made use of Yapps2.  I've used PLY in the
past.  I liked both of them.  I can send you code if you want.

In the distant past, I wrote an article about writing a programming
language in Python:;jsessionid=NZM4QI22OXGR4QSNDLRSKHSCJUNN2JVN?_requestid=578822

Happy Hacking!


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Re: Pagination research

2007-01-26 Thread Shannon -jj Behrens

On 1/25/07, Christoph Haas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 as some of you may have read on IRC I'm trying to use webhelpers' pagination
 package. That's a pretty frustrating trip that's more a pydoc text adventure
 than something that saves me more time than re-inventing the wheel. Anyway...

 I'm using SQLAlchemy and have defined my Table()s in models/
 To use the pagination I used

   from webhelpers import pagination

 in the lib/

 Then in a controller I'm trying to paginate like this:

   domains_paginator, domain_set = \
   set_count = int(domains_paginator.current)
   total_pages = len(domains_paginator)

 While this works it looks very ugly to me. To get a paginable query object
 of my model I have to call 
 E. So I used the source of webhelpers/pagination/ and found out
 that I can feed the webhelpers.pagination.paginate() function either

  - a Table object or
  - a Query object

 Since the above query object was ugly I tried to feed the Table object 

   domains_paginator, domain_set = \
   set_count = int(domains_paginator.current)
   total_pages = len(domains_paginator)

 This looks a lot cleaner but doesn't work. The traceback I get is:

 File '/home/chaas/projekte/dnsdhcp/dnsdhcp/controllers/', line 12 
 in index
   domains_paginator, domain_set = 
 h.pagination.paginate(model.powerdns_domains_table, page=0, per_page=100)
  line 48 in paginate
   item_count = len(collection)
  line 56 in __len__
   return self.fn([func.count(1)], from_obj=[s])
 NameError: global name 'func' is not defined

 And at least in the webhelpers/pagination/ there is no reference to
 any 'func' object. Might this be a bug? Relevant part of the

 class SQLAlchemyLazyTable(Partial):
 def __getitem__(self, key):
 if not isinstance(key, slice):
 raise Exception, SQLAlchemyLazy doesn't support getitem without 
 limit = key.stop - key.start
 offset = key.start
 fn = self.fn
 self.fn =
 results = self(limit=limit, offset=offset).execute()
 self.fn = fn
 return results

 def __len__(self):
 s =*self.args, **
 return self.fn([func.count(1)], from_obj=[s])   # --- bug?

 Any other attempt to use a 'partial' (whatever that is) leads to the string
 You shouldn't have this (which is not really a helpful error message).

 It appears like paginate() should be able to accept an sqlalchemy.Query()
 object (which in Pylons's context is
 model.session_context.current.query(model.DnsDomain)) or an sqlalchemy.Table()
 object (which in Pylon should mean a models.mymapper coming from 

 Wow, this email is pretty cryptic already. :) I hope someone has an idea on
 how to use pagination correctly. Ben implied on IRC that the pagination stuff
 could use a facelift. Any comments? Should I put this mail into a Trac ticket?
 Does anyone have a good example on how to use pagination? The documentation at is poor.
 I'm willing to send in patches or anything. Just teach me how the holy thing
 works. :) Thanks.

It always seems that no matter where I go using whatever Web
technology, the pager is both difficult to understand and in need of
some loving.  Furthermore, writing your own and getting it just right
isn't easy either.  *sigh*  Perhaps you can be the one who studies the
source and makes it a thing of beauty ;)

Best Regards,


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