Re: [pypy-dev] Pypy bugs

2011-05-08 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Elefterios,

On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Elefterios Stamatogiannakis wrote:
 You are exactly right, and i've more or less used code like the one you
 presented. My only problem is that i believe that pypy shouldn't have
 answered at my first example (In [12]:...) above that cElementTree
 exists in xml.etree .Or maybe it should short circuit cElementTree to
 point at ElementTree. To declare that something exists, and then when
 somebody tries to use it, to throw an exception, isn't that nice.

Nothing we can do: the module cElementTree is actually written in
Python also in CPython --- it is --- but it import
internally _elementtree.  So there is no way PyPy can know that
cElementTree cannot be imported before actually trying to.

The workaround to write try: import cXxx; except ImportError: import
xxx is the general solution.  It works in other cases too (cProfile,
cPickle, cStringIO, etc).  And also, it works in case the version of
CPython you are running on misses some C extension modules.  For
example you would get the exact same error as you got on PyPy if you
are running on a CPython where the C module _elementree was not

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] rlb.parsing left recursion support ?

2011-05-08 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Gustavo,

On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Gustavo Kuerten wrote:
 I noticed that there is a test in which seems to suggest
 that the parser supports left recursion.

 a: a : | b;

I cannot find this test anywhere.  Can you tell more precisely where
it is from?  I looked in pypy/rlib/parsing/test/

 So, does it or does it not support left recursion ?

It does not, as far as I know.


Re: [pypy-dev] rlb.parsing left recursion support ?

2011-05-08 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Gustavo,

On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 2:53 PM, Gustavo Kuerten wrote:
 This seems to indicate that it does support left recursion.

Ah, sorry.  I have no real clue, so I can just answer from looking at
the source code, which I'm sure you did already for longer than me.
There seems to be two classes called PackratParser.  You are getting
the error from the one in, but test_pypackrat uses the one
in  Even if you want to use the class in, it
takes an argument check_for_left_recursion which you can try setting
to False.  Well, it's probably obvious to you; if so, sorry not to
be more useful.


Re: [pypy-dev] PyPy Assembler SQRT Patch

2011-05-07 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Joe,

On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 6:15 AM, Joe wrote:
 My mistake.  There was a bug so it appeared as though SQRTSD wasn't
 being used while running the tests.  It turns out the first patch I
 posted probably worked.  After benchmarking, SQRTSD is definitely the
 cause of the speedup.  Sorry for the confusion.

Sorry, the confusion probably came from my side.  I missed that
running the tests with interp_operations() would not set
supports_floats=True :-(  That's fixed now.  Thank you again for your


Re: [pypy-dev] Allow subclassing `staticmethod` and `classmethod`

2011-05-03 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Cool-RR,

On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 1:38 PM, cool-RR wrote:
 Cool. Is there gonna be a 1.5.1 release with stuff like this?

Yes, very likely.  Note that the 1.5 release is just one of the
nightly binaries :-)


Re: [pypy-dev] PyPy Assembler SQRT Patch

2011-05-03 Thread Armin Rigo

On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 1:20 PM, Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:
 Sorry it took so long to review, long weekend and whatnot. The test
 for x86 backend actually fails for -1.0 on 64bit. Can you

I fixed it, it was really a bug about FINISH(ConstFloat(...)).  But
the patch, at least as applied now, does not have the intended effect;
SQRTSD is never generated because ll_math_sqrt() is called with a
residual call.  Joe, can you fix it?  I can try to if you don't have
the time.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] PyPy Assembler SQRT Patch

2011-05-03 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Alex,

On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 6:23 PM, Alex Gaynor wrote:
 Another thing is it would be useful to test that the SQRTSD is generated, I
 don't know a good way to do that though.

In the test, you can hack genop_math_sqrt() in-place to set a flag,
and test that the flag is set...

And another place it should also be tested is in
(pypy.module.pypyjit.test_pypy_c), i.e. you should write a test that
checks that in a full translated pypy-c, the code corresponding to the
Python source math.sqrt(x) indeed ends up being a CALL(sqrt_wrapper)
and not a CALL(ll_math_sqrt).

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] cpyext: Detecting pypy and other issues

2011-05-02 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Roger,

On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 6:55 AM, Roger Binns wrote:
 The pypy site also doesn't say where to communicate for cpyext - I assumed
 this mailing list was the right place.


  static PyObject *themodule=Py_InitModule3(...);

 Later in one of the methods called back from Python I call
 PyObject_AttrString(themodule, foo) which is crashing.  If I incref
 themodule in init then this problem doesn't occur.

Indeed, it's an edge case.  What you must realize is that your module
object is of course kept alive in PyPy, even if its refcount drops to
zero.  More precisely, in PyPy, every object accessed by the C
extensions is actually accessed via a wrapper, which is declared as
PyObject.  A wrapper holds just the refcount and a reference to the
real object, which is not a PyObject at all (it's an object that can
be moved by our GC, to start with).  When the refcount drops to zero
we assume that the C extension doesn't  need the object any more, and
we free the PyObject wrapper.  This may or may not cause the real
object within PyPy to be freed.  It may even be the case that later we
want again to pass a reference to the same object to the C extension;
in this case, we make a new wrapper.

So the refcount of -- in your case -- the module object is never zero;
it's just that as soon as the main function of your C extension module
finishes, the refcount is decremented and reaches zero, so the
PyObject wrapper is freed.  It is arguably a bug in your module, even
though in that case it is hard to write an example that triggers the
bug, because it is impossible in CPython to free a loaded extension
module.  The point is that if it is was possible, then doing so in
CPython would cause the module to see its refcount drop to zero, and
be freed, which makes the pointer in the static global variable
invalid.  That's what I meant by saying that such issues are, somehow,
showing bugs in the C extension module, although admittedly they are
often bugs that cannot possibly cause an issue in practice.

A bientôt,


[pypy-dev] virtualenv 1.6.1 now released

2011-05-01 Thread Armin Rigo

If you are using virtualenv, note that PyPy 1.5 requires virtualenv
1.6.1.  It has been released a few hours *after* PyPy 1.5.  For those
who did not find it, it's there now :-)


Re: [pypy-dev] cpyext: Detecting pypy and other issues

2011-05-01 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Roger,

A first warning: even if you manage to compile your C extension with
PyPy, the interfacing is much slower than with CPython.  Keep that in
mind, given that according to what you write you care enough about
performance to try to squeeze a few percents.

On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Roger Binns wrote:
  It looks like PYPY_VERSION being #defined will work
 but I'd rather use the official way whatever that is.

That's the official way.

 I need the api PyRun_StringFlags as it is used to execute a Python string
 and attach the results to the module.

If it's not already provided, then you are welcome to contribute it to
PyPy in pypy/module/cpyext/.  It is known that we don't have 100%
coverage even of Python.h (not to mention other headers like
compile.h, which will probably never be supported).

 Do I have to add an incref for everything that has a static pointer to it?

It depends on details of exactly what you do, but it is likely.  The
exact rule is, like CPython, that any object is freed as soon as its
reference counter goes down to zero; but unlike CPython, this does
*not* include places like a reference stored in the module's
dictionary.  In other words, if it seems to work on CPython but not on
PyPy, then it is likely that there is actually a (potentially very
rare) bug in the CPython version too.  For example, the object you
have in the static variable could be meant to be kept alive by being
also stored in the module's dictionary.  If so, what if a user
actually delete it from your module's dictionary?  Then you get a
crash on CPython too.

 My next problem is a list allocated with PyList_New(0).  I later call 
 PyList_GET_SIZE on it
 and get a SIGSEGV.  I put an assertion before that of PyList_Check but that 
 crashes too.
 Unfortunately I can't really do much with the pypy/gdb output:

You get easier-to-read tracebacks if you run it without the JIT: pypy
--jit threshold=-1.  Of course in order to get the details of, say,
the local variables, then you need a custom pypy built with debugging

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] virtualenv 1.6.1 now released

2011-05-01 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi all,

On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 5:22 PM, Armin Rigo wrote:
 I can only guess that you have some older virtualenv or some older pypy 

For reference, I just installed now the pypy 1.5 release as the
default pypy on tannit and tannit32.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] virtualenv 1.6.1 now released

2011-05-01 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Holger,

On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 8:07 PM, holger krekel wrote:
 i use pypy 1.5 from opt.  However, /usr/bin/virtualenv on tannit is at
 version 1.4.5 and maybe that is the problem.

I assumed that you got virtualenv 1.6.1, because you replied to my
message that was saying precisely virtualenv 1.6.1 is needed, use
that version.  :-)

I will update it on tannit too.


[pypy-dev] PyPy 1.5 released

2011-04-30 Thread Armin Rigo
PyPy 1.5: Catching Up

We're pleased to announce the 1.5 release of PyPy. This release updates
PyPy with the features of CPython 2.7.1, including the standard library. Thus
all the features of `CPython 2.6`_ and `CPython 2.7`_ are now supported. It
also contains additional performance improvements. You can download it here:

What is PyPy?

PyPy is a very compliant Python interpreter, almost a drop-in replacement for
CPython 2.7.1. It's fast (`pypy 1.5 and cpython 2.6.2`_ performance comparison)
due to its integrated tracing JIT compiler.

This release includes the features of CPython 2.6 and 2.7. It also includes a
large number of small improvements to the tracing JIT compiler. It supports
Intel machines running Linux 32/64 or Mac OS X.  Windows is beta (it roughly
works but a lot of small issues have not been fixed so far).  Windows 64 is
not yet supported.

Numerous speed achievements are described on `our blog`_. Normalized speed
charts comparing `pypy 1.5 and pypy 1.4`_ as well as `pypy 1.5 and cpython
2.6.2`_ are available on our benchmark website. The speed improvement over 1.4
seems to be around 25% on average.

More highlights

- The largest change in PyPy's tracing JIT is adding support for `loop invariant
  code motion`_, which was mostly done by Håkan Ardö. This feature improves the
  performance of tight loops doing numerical calculations.

- The CPython extension module API has been improved and now supports many more
  extensions. For information on which one are supported, please refer to our
  `compatibility wiki`_.

- These changes make it possible to support `Tkinter and IDLE`_.

- The `cProfile`_ profiler is now working with the JIT. However, it skews the
  performance in unstudied ways. Therefore it is not yet usable to analyze
  subtle performance problems (the same is true for CPython of course).

- There is an `external fork`_ which includes an RPython version of the
  ``postgresql``.  However, there are no prebuilt binaries for this.

- Our developer documentation was moved to Sphinx and cleaned up.
  (click 'Dev Site' on .)

- and many small things :-)


Carl Friedrich Bolz, Laura Creighton, Antonio Cuni, Maciej Fijalkowski,
Amaury Forgeot d'Arc, Alex Gaynor, Armin Rigo and the PyPy team

.. _`CPython 2.6`:
.. _`CPython 2.7`:

.. _`our blog`:
.. _`pypy 1.5 and pypy 1.4`:
.. _`pypy 1.5 and cpython 2.6.2`:

.. _`loop invariant code motion`:
.. _`compatibility wiki`:
.. _`Tkinter and IDLE`:
.. _`cProfile`:
.. _`external fork`:

Re: [pypy-dev] stackless over ctypes - threading

2011-04-28 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Brett,

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 9:45 AM, Hart's Antler wrote:
 I have an example of using a compiled Rpython extension module in Python 
 using stackless (rcoroutines).  From ctypes i can safely read the values of a 
 shared-object (shared between CPython and RPython), but i can not in a 
 thread-safe way set values on the shared object so that RPython can see them. 
  I was wondering what is the best way to handle the thread locking.

Sorry, no clue.  We don't know exactly what you are doing, but I can
tell you that poking around with CPython's ctypes in the GC objects of
a translated PyPy will just get you randomness.  It might work a bit
by chance with today's version of PyPy (e.g. as long as there are not
multithreading issues, as long as you are on 32-bits and not 64-bits
or vice-versa, as long as you use only the default GC options, etc.).
It's not something that we want to support.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] cpyext reference counting and other gc's

2011-04-26 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Dima,

On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 9:53 PM, Dima Tisnek wrote:

Can you explain a bit more what are the advantages of the solution you
propose, compared to what is already implemented in cpyext?  Your
description is far too high-level for us to know exactly what you

It seems that you want to replace the currently implemented solution
with a very different one.  I can explain it in a bit more details,
but I would first like to hear what goal you are trying to achieve.
Here is a quick reply based on guessing.  The issue with your version
is that Py_INCREF() and Py_DECREF() needs to do a slow dictionary
lookup, while ours doesn't.  Conversely, I believe that your version
doesn't need a dictionary lookup in other cases where ours needs to.
However it seems to me that if you add so much overhead to Py_INCREF()
and Py_DECREF(), you loose all other speed advantages.

A bientôt,


[pypy-dev] Release 1.5 preparation

2011-04-25 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi all,

We are starting to prepare the release PyPy 1.5.  Note that we are
doing it in the default branch of mercurial, because it's more
convenient to run tests (notably codespeed's).  So please, *any*
development that you don't explicitly intend to be included in the 1.5
release must go to the branch post-release-1.5, which we will merge
back with default after the release is done.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Problem with large allocation in test

2011-04-21 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Vincent,

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 2:02 PM, Vincent Legoll wrote:
 Wouldn't a big read only mmap from /dev/zero before the to be jumped
 adress allow for not really trying to allocate the big chunk of RAM ?

 That may be a good fix, still allowing the test for far jumps...

It's not needed; mmap() can optionally take a position argument,
allowing us to choose the position of the small pieces of requested

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Problem with large allocation in test

2011-04-21 Thread Armin Rigo

On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 12:33 PM, wrote:
 i am assuming this is the correct course of action, if i should
 instead not be replacing the original alloc function and just create
 a new alloc_with_hint function and keep/use both let me know

Indeed, you should keep the original function too: the hint parameter
is not used anywhere else in the source code, but it's convenient for
debugging because it means that the JIT-generated code will be
allocated at a known address, instead of randomly.  That's this
function's purpose.

I'm fine if you create another function.  Or if you prefer, you can
change the existing function to take an optional base_addr argument.
This arguments would default to NULL, and if it is NULL then the
function would use the hintp as it does now.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Problem with large allocation in test

2011-04-19 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Joe,

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 8:23 AM, Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:
 Anyway, after I went into and set far_regions to True

This is a correct workaround, indeed.  As you found out the problem
comes from the fact that your OS reserves actual RAM from mmap()
eagerly.  As Maciej points out, it's useful to test e.g. jumps over
more than +/-2GB.  But the same result could potentially be obtained
in a different way: instead of allocating a single block of 20GB, we
could mmap 10 blocks of (say) 20MB for the test, but taking care of
placing the blocks so that they start 2GB apart from each other.  This
could be done using pypy.rlib.rmmap.alloc() or a variant.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] thinking about the EuroPython sprint

2011-04-12 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Laura,

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 12:13 AM, Laura Creighton wrote:
 yes, I was hoping to catch Alex Gaynor for that, as he is attending
 EuroDjango earlier the same month.   My point is that we need to decide
 what we are doing very, very soon.  else everybody will have their
 plane tickets already, since we will have to announce what we are
 doing differently.

Then what about a short week's sprint before the conference, plus the
two days after?


Re: [pypy-dev] translationmodules option failing

2011-04-12 Thread Armin Rigo

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 12:34 PM, wrote:
 -     struct, _md5, cStringIO, array]))
 +     struct, _md5, cStringIO, array, thread]))

Uh, we can't import ctypes if we have no thread module?  That looks
obscure and should be fixed...


Re: [pypy-dev] Waf benchmark

2011-04-11 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Maciej,

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:
 I propose the waf benchmark removal.

Given that its speed is at 1 for CPython, 1 for PyPy without JIT, 1
for PyPy with JIT, it seems rather pointless indeed, at least for us.


Re: [pypy-dev] translationmodules option failing

2011-04-11 Thread Armin Rigo

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 1:44 PM, wrote:
 -     struct, md5, cStringIO, array]))
 +     struct, _md5, cStringIO, array]))

Thanks!  Applied.


Re: [pypy-dev] File overwriting (--output flag to

2011-04-11 Thread Armin Rigo

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 2:45 PM, wrote:
 +        # Ensure the file does not exisit else we fail at end of translation
 +        if os.path.isfile(drv.exe_name):
 +            raise ValueError('File ' + drv.exe_name+ ' already exisits 

Sadly everyone so far has his own additional hacks to categorize
multiple translated versions.  Mine is to ignore the pypy-c entirely
and copy the executable from the /tmp, after it has been produced
there.  I also copy the C sources (but not the other files produced by
gcc).  Anyway, my point is that the particular change you are
proposing would actually harm me, because I always have a pypy-c and
I'm fine if it gets overwritten by every translation :-)

We need to think of some better solution...


Re: [pypy-dev] Pre sprint beer session Sunday 24th of April

2011-04-11 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Bea,

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 8:27 PM, Antonio Cuni wrote:
 session at Bishops Arms pub in central Gothenburg, Sunday 24th of April,

Good, it will be nice to see you again Bea!


Re: [pypy-dev] thinking about the EuroPython sprint

2011-04-11 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Laura,

On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Laura Creighton wrote:
 2 days after the conference is not a lot of time.  Do we want to rent some
 space to have a longer sprint?  Or is it too late, people will already
 have booked their plane tickets, or ...

As far as I'm concerned, I think a sprint should be a bit longer to be
useful.  Wasn't there also talk about having the sprint (or *a*
sprint) done before the conference?


Re: [pypy-dev] Thoughts on multithreading in PyPy

2011-04-10 Thread Armin Rigo

On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 1:33 PM, wrote:
 What i am wondering about is if some of the base services provided by
 pypy can be moved into another thread, eg GC and JIT compilation and
 how much of a benfiit there would be to doing so

It would be possible to move the GC or the JIT to another thread,
introducing a lot of complexity but keeping it hidden to the Python
programmer.  You would end up with a program that can use maybe 1.2
core instead of just 1.  That sounds like a lot of work for a minimal

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] jit.backend.test.test_random

2011-04-10 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Matthew,

On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 2:46 PM, Matthew Woodcraft wrote:
 +    cpu.setup_once()

Thanks, fixed.  We did not notice this failure because
pypy/jit/backend/x86/test/ provides its own
interface over calling directly with --backend=x86.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Thoughts on multithreading in PyPy

2011-04-09 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Jacob,

On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 10:50 PM, Jacob Hallén wrote:
 So, in a second step, we provide for special data types that can be shared
 between threads. These would typically be allocated in non-movable memory, to
 avoid the complexity of garbage collection of memory with shared use. You can
 make simple fifo structures for communication between the threads and complex
 structures with advanced algorithms for dealing with shared access.

That's where the real issue is.  You can come up with some reasonable
API to communicate with other threads, but precisely, they will be
some API, which means that they will only work in programs written
specifically to use them.  Designing a new API (at the level of the
Python language) is something we carefully avoided so far in PyPy; but
it's possible that this issue is important enough for us to break that
rule :-)

What you are describing sounds similar to the multiprocessing module
in CPython, which achieves the same goal using separated processes
(and tons and tons of hacks), and requires the program to use a custom
API.  The advantage of doing it in PyPy rather than CPython is
probably limited to the fact that it would be easier in PyPy (but
still some work) to make sure that the multiple threads have no shared
state.  You still have to design some custom API.

There is also another possible goal with more pypy-like goals and
results, which would be to use some technique to weave a solution in
the interpreter transparently for the Python programmer (so, a
solution that works without requiring the Python programmer to learn
another system than threads).  I can imagine a Software Transactional
Memory solution that would in theory work very nicely, but in practice
have completely dreadful performance, because it would do large
amounts of checked memory access for each bytecode.  As far as I know
it means that that approach does not work, but it may one day, if
Hardware Transactional Memory really shows up and supports that scale.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] PyPy in the benchmarks game - yes or no?

2011-04-05 Thread Armin Rigo

On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 2:23 AM, Isaac Gouy wrote:
 A simple yes / no question.
 Do you want PyPy to be shown in the benchmarks game or not?

Sorry for missing general knowledge of what you mean by benchmarks
game.  According to Google, it is probably what I know as the
language shootout (  Is it the case?

Assuming it is, then my position is pretty much the same as William
Leslie: I have little interest if the benchmarks that PyPy runs with
are written in completely non-idiomatic ways, super hand-optimized for
CPython, for the reasons explained in detail by William.  It would be
interesting, however, if you accept versions rewritten in just plain

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] PyPy in the benchmarks game - yes or no?

2011-04-05 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Isaac,

If you're not interested in this discussion and just want a Yes or No
answer to precisely the following question:

should PyPy be added to the benchmarks game's site, with no changes
whatsoever to any of the Python benchmarks that are there so far?

then the answer is No.  We are not interested in the results of PyPy
on such skewed benchmarks, and publishing them would only add to the
general confusion.


Re: [pypy-dev] PyPy in the benchmarks game - yes or no?

2011-04-05 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Dima,

On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 9:30 PM, Dima Tisnek wrote:
 A more pragmatic approach is to go through the list of benchmarks and
 either accept current python code for pypy or fail on purpose if
 python code is too un-pypy-like.

 Later on, hopefully, someone volunteers to rewrite problem benchmarks.

Several of us already went down that road.  However, as I said, the
unresolved issue right now is if the maintainer (Isaac?) is willing to
accept or not any new, simpler, more portable version of the
benchmarks programs.  If not, then that's the end of this discussion,
I fear.


Re: [pypy-dev] minimum system requirements, build configuration

2011-04-05 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Dima,

On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 9:52 PM, Dima Tisnek wrote:
 What I mean
 to say is that there's gotta be a more clever way where gc thresholds
 depend on e.g. size of working set or rate of new allocations or
 something yet smarter.

Yes, it does in PyPy; we do a full collection when the total amount of
data reaches 1.82 times (by default) the amount of live data at the
end of the previous collection, with additional tweaks to improve
performance in various cases -- and one such tweak is to set the
minimum threshold to 16MB (actually, now I think it is not fixed to
16MB but it depends on the amount of L2 cache).  It was all reached by
various benchmarks on various desktop machines, including the minimum
threshold.  You can see the various thresholds and their defaults at
the start of pypy/rpython/memory/gc/ (and that's only if
you are using minimark, our default GC).

Of course all the numbers -- and even half of the algorithms -- are
going to be bogus if you start to think about very different machines.
 That's what I meant when I said that there is open work to do, and
you or anyone with an interest in the area (and corresponding
hardware) is welcome to attack it.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Pypy custom interpreter JIT question

2011-03-29 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Andrew,

On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 7:21 PM, Andrew Brown wrote:
 When the optimizer encounters a pure function, it must compare the objects
 promote - promote the argument from a variable into a constant. Could this
 be an appropriate alternate to the @purefunction solution? Or, I'm guessing,
 does it just mean the name bracket_map won't change bindings, but does not
 impose a restriction on mutating the dictionary?

One point of view on 'promote' is to mean this variable was red, but
now turn it green (i.e. make it constant).  It has no effect on a
variable that is already green (= a constant).

We have no support for considering that a dict is immutable, so it
needs to be done with @purefunction.  But to be effective,
@purefunction must receive constant arguments; so in one or two places
in the source code of PyPy you will find a construction like:

   x = hint(x, promote=True)   # turn x into a constant
   some_pure_function(x) # call this pure function on x

Indeed, Carl Friedrich's blog series explains it nicely, but it should
also mention that when the hints described in the blog are applied not
to integer but to pointers, they apply only to the pointers
themselves, not on the fields of the objects they point to.

A bientôt,


[pypy-dev] Next sprint

2011-03-27 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi all,

The next sprint will most probably occur in Gothenburg, April 25th to
May 1st.  A proper sprint announcement should follow shortly.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Runtime module loading

2011-03-26 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Timothy,

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 4:00 PM, Timothy Baldridge wrote:
 I have a program written in RPython. Is there a built-in way to import
 other RPython modules at runtime?

No, and that's not obviously fixed; for example, the GC relies on
having a table of all the RPython types in the program.  In order to
load dynamically new RPython extension modules, we would need to do
something about that.  Nothing unsolvable, but there are quite a few
such places around.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Thinking about the GIL

2011-03-25 Thread Armin Rigo

On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 1:44 AM, wrote:
 (...) Wrapping each bytecode in an STM
 transaction would give you an as-if-serial execution order, again with no 
 about which order. You get transaction overheads instead of lock/unlock 
 but some STM systems can be quite efficient for short transactions that rarely

Yes, I also thought about this as one of the solutions that would fit
the model of PyPy by not needing changes all over the place.
However, I am unsure that the performance of STM is good enough for
that application so far.  Maybe I'm wrong, but I fear (a priori, with
no precise experience) that it would be really too slow to wrap *all*
memory reads and writes with the STM machinery.

I would be interested in learning if I'm wrong, or if there are
hardware solutions around the corner ready to be tried.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Pypy custom interpreter JIT question

2011-03-25 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Andrew,

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 5:47 PM, Andrew Brown wrote:
 Thanks, it does indeed work now!

The next step is to have a look at the traces produced (run with
PYPYLOG=jit-log-opt:logfile), and spot the obvious missing
optimizations.  The biggest issue seems to be the fact that the
dictionary 'bracket_map' is green, but it is not enough to ensure that
it is a constant dict (it could be mutated behind the JIT's back); so
in the end, every trace contains reads from it.  You could fix it by
moving the line

newpc = bracket_map[pc]

to a new function to which you apply the decorator @pypy.rlib.jit.pure_function.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Pypy custom interpreter JIT question

2011-03-24 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Andrew,

On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 8:27 PM, Andrew Brown wrote:
 However, the version that didn't work before still does not run
 correctly. It seems like I'm still left with the same problem as before.

Ah.  Looking more closely, it turns out to be a bug in the
optimization step of the JIT which just never showed up so far :-/

Working on it, by cleaning up optimizeopt/


Re: [pypy-dev] Pypy custom interpreter JIT question

2011-03-24 Thread Armin Rigo

On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 5:11 PM, Armin Rigo wrote:
 Working on it, by cleaning up optimizeopt/

Done, at least as far as fixing the bug is concerned.  Now your
original version (with can_enter_jit removed) works.


Re: [pypy-dev] Pypy custom interpreter JIT question

2011-03-22 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Andrew,

On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 8:44 PM, Andrew Brown wrote:

can_enter_jit() is not correct.  For it to work, it must be called
just before jit_merge_point().  It's wrong that there are two
intermediate instructions here: pc+=1 and the pc  len(program)

As a first attempt, you should just not call can_enter_jit() at all.
Nowadays, if can_enter_jit is never called, it's done automatically
for you; moreover, a misplaced can_enter_jit can give nonsensical
results, as opposed to many other hints, which cannot give a result
worst than terribly bad performance (like the greens/reds variable
separation --- which seems correct in your example).

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] [pypy-svn] pypy fold_intadd: Changed test to reflect my optimizeopt's decision to emit int_sub(iX, -x) when x 0

2011-03-20 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Anto, hi Ademan,

On Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 10:07 AM, Antonio Cuni wrote:
 what happens when you are on 32 bit and see int_add(i0, -2147483648)?

It probably works, because -(-2147483648) == -2147483648, and
int_add(i0, -2147483648) and int_sub(i0, -2147483648) do the same
thing.  However I have no clue why this replacement is giving you
anything.  If anything at all I would say that replacing int_add(i0,
-128) with int_sub(i0, 128) is a (very marginally) bad idea on x86
because the constant -128 fits in 8 bits but the constant 128 doesn't.
 Well, I suppose that it makes it easier for me, the human, to
understand it is a valid reason after all.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] GC Tuning script values

2011-03-17 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Chris,

On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 4:34 PM, Chris Mulligan wrote:
 Just installed PyPy on my Macbook Pro per Bob Ippolito's instructions. Very

Thanks for the feedback.  The results make it clear that we should
somehow tune the number according to the load of the machine --
picking up the right number for the load can easily make a 20% speed
difference (at least on Mac OS X, but I strongly suspect the same is
true on other platforms).

Ideally, it should dynamically adapt its nursery size in order to
minimize the cache misses.  If anyone has a suggestion on how to
implement that, preferably in a non-OS-specific way (e.g. by reading
some x86 CPU counters), I'd welcome it :-)

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] wrong precedence of __radd__ vs list __iadd__

2011-03-13 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Philip,

On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 5:21 PM, Philip Jenvey wrote:
 Jython passes the first example. Shouldn't pypy's inplace_add__List_ANY be 
 returning NotImplemented (or whatever the pypy equiv. would be, 
 FailedToImplement?) instead of raising the exception? To allow the binop 
 rules to continue.

Good idea.  Right now, both on CPython and on PyPy,  [].__iadd__(5)
raises TypeError (instead of returning NotImplemented), but
[].__add__(5)  already behaves differently: it raises TypeError on
CPython and returns NotImplemented on PyPy, with the result that
[]+Bar()  does call the __radd__() method on Bar().  So having the
same difference in the __iadd__() method looks like a useful
compromise.  This is particularly true given that it already works on
all sequence types different from lists, because these don't have an
__iadd__() method at all.


Re: [pypy-dev] wrong precedence of __radd__ vs list __iadd__

2011-03-13 Thread Armin Rigo

Checked in 72ce40f4803c.

Greg, about the second example you reported:

class C(object):
 def __rmul__(self, other):
 other *= 2
 return other
 def __index__(self):
 return 3
print [1] * C()   # - CPython: [1,1]  PyPy: [1,1,1]

This is obscure.  It works that way because in that particular case,
CPython first tries __mul__/__rmul__ and then tries the internal
sq_repeat slot of the list (which calls C.__index__()).  I think there
is just no way to reproduce this behavior while remaining sane :-/


Re: [pypy-dev] tooling/sandboxing (remarks from Ikai Lan)

2011-03-11 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Holger,

Yes, that's what all three representatives of alternate VMs said at
the panel: sandboxing at the VM level is cool and supported, but we
don't want sandboxing at the language level.  As far as I can tell,
Ikan Lan just misunderstood it and got the opposite message.


Re: [pypy-dev] wrong precedence of __radd__ vs list __iadd__

2011-03-10 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Greg,

On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 7:13 PM, Greg Price wrote:
 The following program works in CPython, but fails in PyPy:

This is (if we are positive) an internal implementation detail and (if
we are negative) a bug in CPython.  There is no way to define in pure
Python a list-like type that would have the exact same behavior.  We
already have one such special case for __add__/__radd__ on subclasses
of strings and unicodes, which appears to be the use case that people
rely on most often, but I don't see the point in duplicating this
strange behavior for lists, tuples, and so on, unless there are really
several programs out there that rely on it.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Yelp RSVP

2011-03-05 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Dan,

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Dan Roberts wrote:
 Apparently I missed the memo about RSVPing to the Yelp talk, and we're
 having trouble getting in the door, assuming the situation can be rectified,
 can someone help out?

For (un?)interested readers of this mailing list, the situation was
eventually solved.


Re: [pypy-dev] EBNF translation error

2011-03-05 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Timothy,

On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 5:14 AM, Timothy Baldridge wrote:
 I hope this is the right place for this question.
 pypy.rpython.error.TyperError: don't know how to convert from
 InstanceRepr for pypy.rlib.parsing.tree.Node to PyObjRepr *

Basically, it worked all right, except that you are trying to return
from the main translated function an instance of Node, which the
translator doesn't know how to convert back to Python level.  You can
only return simple types, like ints, strings, and so on.

In real usage, i.e. translating a stand-alone program with
pypy/translator/goal/, the main translated function needs
anyway to have a specific signature, similar to the main() function in
C code: takes a list of strings (argv), and returns an integer (exit

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Couple of questions...

2011-02-23 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Luke,

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Luke Taylor wrote:
 if there are any plans to make PyPy implement Python 3.x ?

There are no plans at the moment, though I imagine that such plans
will emerge at one point.  Indeed, we are almost done with supporting
2.7, which is on the way there.

 Why don't extension modules for Python with bits written in C (eg. SciPy)
 work with PyPy?

You can't generalize like that; some of them do, thanks to the cpyext
module of PyPy.  But not SciPy, which is using a lot of fonctionality
of CPython that is semi-internal.  Moreover, cpyext is slow, so it's
rather meant to support C extensions like wxWindow that are not there
for performance but for functionality.  We can improve performance a
bit, but it's unlikely to ever get at a level where it's appropriate
for NumPy or SciPy.  Instead, what needs to be done there is rewrite
some parts in a more PyPy-friendly way.  (For NumPy there is a project
at that is
likely to be useful for us too.)

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] further pypy repo migrations

2011-02-18 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Laura,

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 5:43 PM, Laura Creighton wrote:
 I just found a surprising number (at least it surprised me) of references
 in my own stuff to /svn/user/arigo/hack/somethings

I moved this part of the repository to .


[pypy-dev] Fwd: [codespeak-ann] termination of services end FEB 2011

2011-02-10 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi all,

It seems that Codespeak is going down sooner rather than later.  Here
is a copy of the start of holger's announce:

-- Forwarded message --
From: holger krekel
Date: Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 9:45 AM
Subject: [codespeak-ann] termination of services end FEB 2011

hi users, (sorry if you get mail twice, i wanted to make sure ...)

after 8 years of operation services are bound to
terminate, starting


As far as PyPy is concerned, we need to move somewhere else:

* the mailing lists pypy-dev, pypy-svn, pypy-z (also the history, please :-)

* the remainings parts that are in Subversion: at least
svn/pypy/extradoc, svn/pypy/benchmarks, svn/pypy/lang, which should
all be converted to Mercurial I suppose (help needed here)

* the developers web site (from pypy/doc/)

* the users web site (

* the buildmaster

* the issue tracker

* the svn/user/xxx directory for people like me that use it a lot

* something else?

It's not like we weren't warned plenty of times.  It still looks like
a lot of work.  The timing is a bit bad, because I wanted to finish
fixing the 2.7 test failures in time to do a PyPy 1.5 release for
PyCon, but it looks a bit more unlikely right now :-(   (Not too
important, we can do a pre-release any time, and should do one soon

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Fwd: [codespeak-ann] termination of services end FEB 2011

2011-02-10 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Laura,

On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 12:40 PM, Laura Creighton wrote:
 We can move things to Open End if people are interested.  But there is a
 lot to be said for moving to a place where the whole hosting matter is
 somebody else's problem.

I agree, but I still think that we will take your offer for *some* of
the services I described.  At least the buildmaster should be moved to
Open End (I doubt there is an existing provider that supports
customized buildbot masters like we need).


Re: [pypy-dev] pypy jit

2011-02-04 Thread Armin Rigo

On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 7:44 AM, Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:
 I disagree a bit. The example would be newstylization of classes. This
 is making your code more JIT friendly and it's not trivial to optimize
 this from the JIT standpoint.

We know there is an issue there but we don't want to invest the large
efforts to improve it because it's really the Python program's fault
for using a mixture of deprecated and modern features...  Sure, you
have a point.  I was taking a rather theoretical point of view in my
previous e-mail.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Link errors while translating with VS2010 and 64bit

2011-02-03 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Tasos,

On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 1:15 AM, Tasos Vogiatzoglou wrote:
 You are right. My mistake. It was picking the 2.6 32bit python. Now is
 working and tests are passing

A few extra notes.  What is needed to make this work is three-fold:

* make sure that in the C code, intptr_t is generated instead of
long for lltype.Signed, and similarly uintptr_t instead of
unsigned long for lltype.Unsigned.  This involves mainly fixing
translator/c/ to declare types using intptr_t instead of
long, and probably fixing a number of other uses of long in the
.py files in that directory.

* make sure that in the hand-written headers translator/c/src/*.h, we
use intptr_t instead of long whenever it's needed (mostly
everywhere, I suppose, but not absolutely everywhere, e.g. not in
calls to external C functions that are declared to take or return a

The changes above should fix the generation of code.  Now the third
part is the longest, probably.  You need to distinguish the two types
used in RPython, which are lltype.Signed and rffi.LONG, and which are
equal so far.  Of course rffi.LONG should remain equivalent to the C
long.  This probably needs looking around in all modules and in
pypy/rlib/, to make sure that we use the correct one, either
lltype.Signed or rffi.LONG.  Fortunately, errors resulting from this
confusion will probably just give translation-time errors, so we can
fix the places one after the other.  But you need to carefully check
the declaration of external functions that are implemented in
translator/c/src/*.h, like pypy/module/signal/ (this
one happens to use mostly rffi.INT, so it should work right now, with
the exception of LONG_STRUCT that uses a lltype.Signed).

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] pypy jit

2011-02-03 Thread Armin Rigo

On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 4:48 PM, Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:
 As of now there is no such guide. However, the rule of thumb is simple
 is better than complex.

To some extend that is true; however, note that the second rule is
but even on messily complicated code the JIT can do something :-)
For example, was not written with the JIT in mind at
all, but turns out to be twice as fast on PyPy.

To get a better summary, I think that we can say that, to some extent,
there is little point in spending ages tweaking your Python code to
make it more JIT-friendly.  If there is any Python code that would get
seriously faster by some trivial tweaking, then it's somehow a bug,
and we need to fix it.  Of course, if you use introspection of the
stack frames or even pdb (the Python debugger) all over the place, you
need to expect the code to be hard to optimize for us.  But I guess
that it should somehow be clear.  For the rest, any decision that can
be resolved locally can nicely be optimized by the JIT, whatever the
answer is (for example, is this '+' going to just add integers, or
does it invoke some __add__() method?).

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] OSError: [Errno 10] No child processes

2011-01-13 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Amaury,

On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 2:49 AM, Paolo Giarrusso wrote:
 I propose that PyPy keeps reporting the error for files opened in any
 write mode

I would also think that it's better to keep reporting errors (and for
all files instead of just write mode files).  In my opinion, it would,
if nothing else, give users the message: we got an error when
close()ing this file automatically, but you should really close it
explicitly yourself in the first place.  Maybe it can even be written
in that sense in the error message.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] OSError: [Errno 10] No child processes

2011-01-13 Thread Armin Rigo

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 1:25 PM, Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:
 close()ing this file automatically, but you should really close it
 explicitly yourself in the first place.  Maybe it can even be written
 in that sense in the error message.

 How about a link to differencies between pypy and cpython, especially
 about closing files?

Yes please :-)


Re: [pypy-dev] OSError: [Errno 10] No child processes

2011-01-11 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Amaury,

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 4:41 PM, Amaury Forgeot d'Arc wrote:
 It's probably related to our file.__del__ which does not silence
 errors raised by close().

Indeed, it seems to be the case.  Arnd, to answer the original
question: there is a file that you are not explicitly closing, and
when its __del__ method is (later) invoked, it raises an OSError which
is printed and ignored.  The real problem you have there is that you
should close your files (in this case, an fdopen file, so I guess
it's actually a pipe returned by os.popen*()).

The secondary problem that we have is what to do when file.__del__
gets an exception from calling close().  Is it ok to just ignore it?
FWIW in CPython, file.__del__ also prints an error message if close()
raises an exception.  So from that point of view there is nothing to
fix in PyPy, apart maybe making the error message a bit more explicit
(CPython prints close failed in file object destructor:...).

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] 1.4.1 threading

2011-01-01 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Paolo,

Although I'm sure that your post is very interesting with the right
mindset, I have a problem understanding the connection with Python.  I
know that it's exactly what you are complaining about, i.e. that
Python developers appear not to care much about this deep Java/C++
issue.  However, if you mean to do anything about it, you need to
first understand yourself why it is so -- and the following reason is
by far not enough:

 As a matter of fact, this work is unsurprisingly often totally ignored
 in many discussions about Python's memory model. I'm not surprised
 because it's complex stuff, and understanding it doesn't matter for
 today's Python programming.

The most obvious misunderstanding, in my opinion, is that in Java or
C++ it's about fields reads and writes, whereas in Python it's about
any operation on any built-in type -- which can be for example reading
or writing attributes, or insert()ing in a list, or doing setdefault()
on a dictionary, or... any complex operation.  This means that you
cannot *at all* reduce the problem to field reads and field writes.
As long as the discussion at the level of Java or C++ is only about
fields, it's going to be ignored as mostly uninteresting by the
Python folks.

On the other hand, the links you posted about nonblockinghashmap are
indeed interesting in this context.  From a Python point of view, what
is left to discuss is whether these hash maps offer enough
consistency behavior to be usable on Python's default memory model.
Or maybe it's not that interesting any more now that PyPy tends not to
use a lot of dictionaries any more (the attributes of objects are not
in a hash map, internally).  I am myself just expressing vague,
uninformed opinions again.  But the final point is that this really
needs someone motivated to experiment with PyPy (or CPython), and as
long as no-one shows up, it will mostly be just moving air around,
i.e. wasting time to discuss this too much in depth.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] pypy GC on large objects Re: funding/popularity?

2010-12-25 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi René,

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 8:30 PM, Dima Tisnek wrote:
 Basically collecting this is hard:


I think you missed the point of my original email.  I was talking
about GC-referenced objects that hold a reference to a large piece of
memory allocated outside the GC.  There is none here, and any GC
(including PyPy's) will do a correct job in collecting this.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Building PyPy on Windows

2010-12-23 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Seung,

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 6:51 AM, Seung Soo, wrote:
 An interesting article came up on python planet:

I think the official documentation needs to state also how to build it
with the missing modules (expat etc.). has some hints,
but is not complete as far as I can tell (e.g. it doesn't say how to
arrange for the .h files to be found).


Re: [pypy-dev] pypy GC on large objects Re: funding/popularity?

2010-12-23 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi René,

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 2:33 PM, René Dudfield wrote:
 I think this is a case where the object returned by
 ctypes.create_string_buffer() could use a correct __sizeof__ method
 return value.  If pypy supported that, then the GC's could support
 extensions, and 'opaque' data structures in C too a little more

I think you are confusing levels.  There is no way the GC can call
some app-level Python method to get information about the objects it
frees (and when would it even call it?).  Remember that our GC is
written at a level where it works for any interpreter for any
language, not just Python.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] funding/popularity?

2010-12-23 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Paolo,

On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 3:09 PM, Paolo Giarrusso wrote:
 From your description, I guess that what you describe as raw memory
 is not accounted in the stats triggering GC. That would explain the
 behavior you describe, and suggest an easy fix. Indeed, one could wrap
 the raw-memory allocator to create and update such stats; then the
 heap-overflow check could consider them to decide whether to trigger
 GC. The details of the modified heap-overflow check would probably not
 be entirely trivial, but still doable.

Absolutely.  I will write it down in extradoc/planning/ for now.


Re: [pypy-dev] long.__itemsize__

2010-12-21 Thread Armin Rigo

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 9:58 AM, Arnd Rechenburg wrote:
 In my code I need something like


 in Python.

I suppose the question is why?  This is supposed to be the size in
bytes occupied by one element of the type, and one element of long
happens to be 15 bits, so that's why long.__itemsize__ is 2.  It has
no other meaning.  If you are interested in an estimate of how many
bytes some actual object takes, we have some functions in the 'gc'
module, but even that is incomplete -- there are cases were it's hard
to come up with a definitive answer, like objects based on mapdicts.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] long.__itemsize__

2010-12-21 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi René,

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 1:24 PM, René Dudfield wrote:

Ah, thank you, didn't know about it.  It's a 2.6 feature only though.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Interpretor for vectorized langugage

2010-12-17 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Alex,

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 8:28 PM, Alex Gaynor wrote:
 Regarding this - I was thinking about haveing a + b - c create a
 bytecode that would be executed using small interpreter with a
 jit-merge-point and a hint can be vectorized.

 That seems like a pretty big special case, why not work at the larger idea
 of cross-loop optimizations?

We have cross-loop optimizations.  Unless I'm misunderstanding you, we
have already done it.  That's how for example map(f, somelist) gets
JITted: it is a small loop that contains a call to the normal loop
of the interpreter for f().  This is JITted as the loop from map()
containing inline code from the interpreter loop.

I am a bit unsure however what is being discussed here, because
fijal's comment is very terse and contains hidden issues, like when to
create the bytecode (at runtime? but how can it be a green constant
then?  And what is the hint can be vectorized?).

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Can't run PyPy due to missing

2010-12-17 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Gary,

On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 5:08 PM, Gary Robinson wrote:
 As a quick experiment, I tried temporarily renaming it to   
 /lib/ but that didn't change the result.

It's strange, what I would expect on a system is that there is a
symlink from to  Adding it should be
enough -- did you run ldconfig after trying to rename?  It is needed
to refresh Linux's caches.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Interpretor for vectorized langugage

2010-12-16 Thread Armin Rigo

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 6:21 PM, René Dudfield wrote:
 Is pypy suitable for writing interpretor of vectorized language like
 Matlab, R etc which vector and matrix are first class objects? This includes
 matrix shape inference, and efficient linear algebra code generation.

 have you seen numpy/scipy?

The first aspect is simply if RPython would be suitable for writing an
interpreter for, say, Matlab.  The answer is probably yes: PyPy
would be suitable for such dynamic languages, giving you a JIT
compiler for free.  I don't really know how complex the core of these
languages are, but I suspect not too much.

Of course you are then going to hit the same problems that Ademan
tries to solve for numpy/scipy, notably how to implement at least the
basic linear algebra operations in such a way that the JIT can improve
them.  There are various goals there, e.g. to turn Python (or Matlab)
code like A+B+C, adding three matrices together, into one matrix
operation instead of two (as it is now: (A+B)+C).  This is all a bit
experimental so far.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] import errors when calling pypy

2010-12-16 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Arnd,

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Arnd Rechenburg wrote:

  I have problems to start pypy.

It is explained (or rather, at least hinted) here:

In more words, though, the important point is that you need to *not* split
up the zip or tbz2 archive that you are getting.  PyPy looks for its
libraries starting from the location of the pypy executable.  You can put
the uncompressed constant of the archive anywhere, but don't move pypy
outside it.  (It's fine to install a symlink to it from somewhere else.)

We may rectify this situation when we have more of a clue about the
directory layout that people would really expect, possibly including a
Makefile to perform installation, for example.  The current situation was
deemed sufficient so far.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] error from

2010-12-16 Thread Armin Rigo

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 1:35 PM, Arnd Rechenburg wrote:
     return cdll.ptr(, argshapes, resshape, self._flags_)

 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'ptr'

That's a very indirect way of crashing because
ctypes.util.find_library('c') returned None, i.e. it did not find your
C library.  I agree that this could be improved by at least reporting
a clearer error.

To understand the error, first note that it occurs in standard code
from CPython's ctypes.util module.  Look in
lib-python/modified-2.5.2/ctypes/  On Linux it seems to call
/sbin/ldconfig -p and look in the result for /libc.*.  On my
machine it would first find /lib/ in this way, which is
correct.  In general it all looks pretty hackish, but it's not clear
if any particular piece of code is to blame, given the way that the
system of libraries is designed, which is not really adapted for fully
dynamic lookups like needed here...

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] setrecursionlimit deprecation?

2010-12-12 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Dan,

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 8:17 PM, Dan Stromberg wrote:
 I originally wrote the code ( ) for CPython, where
 the recursion depth was too low out of the box.  It sounds like on
 pypy, I might actually be decreasing the recursion depth.

 There probably should be a set recursion depth to at least...
 function.  Or I should getrecursiondepth and inspect before

PyPy throws a RuntimeError anyway when the stack is getting too big,
i.e. when it uses more than N kilobytes.  On the other hand,
setrecursiondepth() on CPython (and previously on PyPy) is based on
counting the recursion depth, which is a different measure which only
approximates the real stack size.  We decided that it doesn't make
sense to provide both on PyPy, so we killed the one that is an
approximation (and makes the JIT a little bit slower).  That's all.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Trunk failing to build?

2010-12-11 Thread Armin Rigo

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 5:46 AM, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
 Yep. Hopefully fixed in r79965.

Sorry, my fault.


Re: [pypy-dev] setrecursionlimit deprecation?

2010-12-11 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Benjamin,

On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 6:10 PM, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
 FWIW, I disagree with the deprecation. I think should just be a no-op.

But then people are going to complain that their app seems to hang up
on pypy, and neither they nor we have any clue what is going on ---
until we figure out that they used sys.setrecursionlimit() to put a
bound on recursion and catch the RuntimeError.  That's at least the
reason for which I suggested that calling sys.setrecursionlimit()
should at least print a warning.  Now I agree that maybe the message
of the warning is not the clearest one.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] [pypy-svn] r79938 - in pypy/trunk/pypy: module/posix module/posix/test rpython/module translator/c/test

2010-12-10 Thread Armin Rigo

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 2:45 AM, Benjamin Peterson wrote:
 2010/12/9 Maciej Fijalkowski
 Do we *really* need those functions available on RPython level?

 Even if we don't, I'd say the consistency is nice, rather than having
 ll implementations all over creation.

Agreed.  Consistency is probably better than having pypy/module/posix
be half written in the way it is now and half written in a
lltype-specific way.

A bientôt,


[pypy-dev] Leysin Winter sprint: Jan 16-22

2010-12-09 Thread Armin Rigo
 PyPy Leysin Winter Sprint (16-22nd January 2011)

As announced on,
the next PyPy sprint will be in Leysin, Switzerland, for the
seventh time.  This is a fully public sprint: newcomers and topics
other than those proposed below are welcome.

Goals and topics of the sprint

* Now that we have released 1.4, and plan to release 1.4.1 soon
  (possibly before the sprint), the sprint itself is going to be
  mainly working on fixing issues reported by various users. Of
  course this does not prevent people from showing up with a more
  precise interest in mind.  If there are newcomers, we will gladly
  give introduction talks.

* We will also work on polishing and merging the long-standing
  branches that are around, which could eventually lead to the
  next PyPy release.  These branches are notably:

  - fast-forward (Python 2.7 support, by Benjamin, Amaury, and others)
  - jit-unroll-loops (improve JITting of smaller loops, by Hakan)
  - arm-backend (a JIT backend for ARM, by David)
  - jitypes2 (fast ctypes calls with the JIT, by Antonio).

* And as usual, the main side goal is to have fun in winter sports :-)
  We can take a day off for ski.

Exact times

The work days should be 16-22 January 2011.  People may arrive on
the 15th already and/or leave on the 23rd.

Location  Accomodation

Leysin, Switzerland, same place as before.  Let me refresh your
memory: both the sprint venue and the lodging will be in a very spacious
pair of chalets built specifically for bed  breakfast:  The place has a good ADSL Internet connexion
with wireless installed.  You can of course arrange your own
lodging anywhere (as long as you are in Leysin, you cannot be more than a
15 minutes walk away from the sprint venue), but I definitely recommend
lodging there too -- you won't find a better view anywhere else (though you
probably won't get much worse ones easily, either :-)

Please *confirm* that you are coming so that we can adjust the reservations
as appropriate.  The rate so far has been around 60 CHF a night all included
in 2-person rooms, with breakfast.  There are larger rooms too (less
expensive) and maybe the possibility to get a single room if you really want

Please register by svn:

or on the pypy-sprint mailing list if you do not yet have check-in rights:

You need a Swiss-to-(insert country here) power adapter.  There will be
some Swiss-to-EU adapters around -- bring a EU-format power strip if you
have one.

Armin Rigo

Re: [pypy-dev] os.major? os.minor?

2010-12-09 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Dan,

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 5:25 PM, Dan Stromberg wrote:
 What would be the best way to add os.major and os.minor to the os module?

It's amazing the kind of stuff there is in the 'os' module that I've
never heard about before. :-)

 They appear to be C macros on some systems, so I'm guessing most FFI's
 aren't going to see them without a wrapper.

Indeed.  See for example pypy.rlib._rsocket_rffi.FD_ZERO, which is
also typically a macro.  There is a bit of workaround code to write,
I'm afraid.  This is mostly to support direct testing; if the goal is
only to have it work after translation, then it does not matter that
it is actually a macro.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] os.major? os.minor?

2010-12-09 Thread Armin Rigo

I have opened an issue about the missing functions from the 'os' module:

I will probably get around to implement a part of them in the next few
days.  If you plan to do more than os.major() and os.minor(), let's
coordinate there.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] os.major? os.minor?

2010-12-09 Thread Armin Rigo

Sorry for the series of mails.  I just wanted to add that after
looking more at the code, it's fine if you implement major() and
minor() the same way as the other posix functions (see e.g. r79941
adding os.fchdir()), calling the major() and minor() functions in C.
 If you add tests in the same places I did in r79941, then it should
work even if the functions are actually macros.  One place where it
would not work is in translated code running on the llinterp; the
other place might be the JIT trying to get the address of the
function.  (If that's the case, we should fix that a bit more

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Windows source link

2010-12-03 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Seung,

On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 11:19 AM, Seung Soo, wrote:

 Down for everyone or is it just me?

Works for me.  Try again?

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] pyopengl on pypy

2010-12-01 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Renaud,

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 2:21 PM, renaud blanch wrote:
 We'd need to find a mechanism in PyPy that would give us that direct
 memory-pointer access to be able to use it.  Note: a compacting garbage
 collector (or anything else that can move memory locations) will cause
 problems there, so we may need to find a way to signal PyPy not to move
 a given object, and to use contiguous data-arrays for their storage.

Indeed, this part from Mike Fletcher got the cause right, but the
solution we recommend is different.  It's kind of impossible in PyPy
to mark objects as non-moving (pin them, as the garbage collection
language goes).  Instead you need to just use the official ctypes API,
create_string_buffer().  It's equivalent, but requires one extra copy
of the data.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] -A behavior

2010-11-29 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Dan,

On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 5:47 AM, Dan Roberts wrote:
 I'm having trouble running the applevel tests on a translated pypy-c
 (without jit).  I have this problem with recent trunk and my psycopg2
 compatibility branch. Translating both with:

 python --withmod-cpyext

 and running tests with:

 translator/goal/pypy-c -A

We run these tests nightly, and they seem to pass.  You'll have to
come to IRC to discuss this, or else post much more details about your
problem -- e.g. does it work in a plain trunk without your
compatibility branch?

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] [pypy-svn] r79480 - pypy/trunk/pypy/jit/tool

2010-11-25 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Anto,

On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 9:24 AM, Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:
 For the same reason why we don't put extradoc in checkout I guess.

I tend to agree with fijal that this file should be in extradoc/somepath...


Re: [pypy-dev] [pypy-svn] r79382 - pypy/trunk/pypy/config

2010-11-24 Thread Armin Rigo

On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 1:19 AM, wrote:
 I guess it should just be another log category, like jit-summary.
 Then you can get the effect you want by setting (in the shell) PYPYLOG
 to jit-summary:-.

 This or an env variable.

The PYPYLOG solution I described *is* an environment variable.  What
do you mean?

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Memory consumption of pypy-c

2010-11-17 Thread Armin Rigo

(Answering here in addition to on IRC, for reference.)

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 9:53 PM, Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:
 * 31M of mmaped code blocks for assembler
 * about 150M I can account for that is jit resume data
 * about 150M of the rest I can account for.

 Where is everything else? Can GC trash some memory (like a lot).

Everything else is memory that has been freed, but not returned to the
OS.  (You get the same effect with CPython 2.5.) That's a bit
unexpected, because we call the C-level free() on it, but it is still
not returned to the OS; it seems to be caused by only a few mallocs()
that occur from time to time and stay alive for long (e.g. a few 4KB
pages needed by the GC for its various AddressStacks).  I verified it
in a custom C program that does the same calls to malloc() and free().
 If at the end we force free() on the remaining few 4KB blocks, then
the total memory use suddenly drops from (in this example) more than
200MB to almost 0.

This seems to be the main difference between the way pypy-c and
CPython 2.6 call the C-level malloc() and free().  Unsure how to fix
it.  (If the same program then asks for more memory again, it will
reuse this memory -- the libc malloc() at least ensures this, of

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] gdbm

2010-11-16 Thread Armin Rigo

On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 5:27 PM, Dan Stromberg wrote:
 So, if I understand correctly you are saying that we should rename our to, and write a new which can use either bsdb or gdbm?

 I think it's anydbm that can use whatever among dbm, bsddb, gdbm and
 dumbdbm, as it sees fit.  TTBoMK, it's not until python 3.x that dbm becomes
 a sort of unifying module hierarchy.

Yes, in Python 2.x, is very specifically an interface to the
Unix dbm library (see e.g. man dbm_open).  At the level of C, the gdbm
interface is some kind of extension of that.  It's not related to
bsddb, which has a very different interface.

 Would sharing based on inheritance or a more functional approach be

I think either is fine (or even not sharing at all if it turns out to
be too much of a mess in practice).

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Release 1.4

2010-11-16 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Phyo,

On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 9:18 PM, Phyo Arkar wrote:
 Is python-mysql gonna work in 1.4 ? i cant wait to run my webserver via

Yes, you can use the CPython C extension module.  It's a feature that
already worked more or less since PyPy 1.3.  See explanations in .  Note
that _mysql.c first needs a small patch in order to work, which is


[pypy-dev] Release 1.4

2010-11-12 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi all,

We are preparing for the next release of PyPy.

A branch was already created, twice, but it may get
thrown away and re-created again.  I have 3 things that I would like
to fix before the release:

1. Mac OS/X 64.  We have there an issue with asmgcc not finding the gc roots.

2. Try to understand if there is a leak in pypy-c-jit or not.  The
issue is that it consumes quite a lot of memory and fijal could not,
so far, really figure out where it comes from.

3. Optionally, depending on 2, implement freeing old JIT-generated
assembler and supporting objects.

For 3, I have in mind the following lightweight plan: put an age
counter on each TreeLoop object, reset it to zero whenever we run the
corresponding code, and create an extension of the asmgcc root finder
that also resets to zero the counter of loops found in the stack.
After every GC collection we increment the age counter.  This should
ensure that the age of any live loop never goes past 1; on the other
hand, loops whose age reach some limit (like 20 or so) have not been
run for a long time, and are freed.  If we do it right it would free
all supporting data structures, and with a __del__ somewhere we could
also free the assembler itself (which may only account for 25% of ram

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] pypy_g_action_dispatcher

2010-11-03 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Hakan,

On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 10:13 PM, Hakan Ardo wrote:
 after 1016420 iterations of the loop below, pypy_g_action_dispatcher()
 is called for the first time. After that it is called every 100
 iterations or so. Is this intentional?

No, strange.


[pypy-dev] Next sprint: Düsseldorf, end of O ctober

2010-10-01 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi all!

Düsseldorf PyPy sprint October 25th-31st 2010

The next PyPy sprint will be held in the Computer Science department of
Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf from the 25th to the 31st of
October 2010. This is a fully public sprint, everyone is welcome to
join us.

Topics and goals

Open. (to be defined more precisely)


The sprint will take place in a seminar room of the computer science
department.  It is in the building 25.12 of the university campus. For
travel instructions see


If you'd like to come, please subscribe to the `pypy-sprint mailing
list`_ and drop a note about your interests and post any questions.
More organisational information will be send to that list.  We'll keep a
list of `people`_ which we'll update (which you can do so yourself if
you have codespeak commit rights).

.. _`pypy-sprint mailing list`:
.. _`people`:

Re: [pypy-dev] Question on the future of RPython

2010-09-30 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Maciej,

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 10:51 AM, Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:
 Other big issues are about RPython
 itself. Do we want RPython to be python3 compatible? How?

No, I'm pretty sure that even if we want to support python3 at some
point, RPython will remain what it is now, and will
remain a python2 tool.


Re: [pypy-dev] Question on the future of RPython

2010-09-30 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Paolo,

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 8:33 AM, Paolo Giarrusso wrote:
 My proposal, here, would be a virtual guard, (...)

Yes, this proposal makes sense.  It's an optimization that is
definitely done in regular JITs, and we have a to-do task about it
in (where they
are called out-of-line guards).


Re: [pypy-dev] Fwd: Question on the future of RPython

2010-09-30 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Terrence,

I think that what you are describing is found in informal discussions
about LLVM/HLVM, and more formally in the plans for Unladen Swallow at .  See in
particular the section about Feedback-Directed Optimization.  Maybe
you want to discuss these ideas with the Unladen Swallow guys instead


Re: [pypy-dev] PyPy JIT C extensions, greenlet

2010-09-30 Thread Armin Rigo

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 11:39 PM, Andrew Francis wrote:
 I talked briefly with Armin at EuroPython about Stackless and JIT.
 I poke around pypy-dev and use However I am very interested
 in learning about how the stackless transform works and how pypy works so
 I could help. I have been at Stackless for about five years now and I 
 wouldn't mind
 spending a year learning pypy.

Maybe I should expand on an idea posted on #pypy by fijal.  He
mentioned that he would like to try to support Stackless in PyPy
without using the stackless transform, just by using the same
low-level stack hacks that are done by greenlet.c and optionally by
Stackless Python.  This means that there would be two different
approaches we can consider to support Stackless in PyPy:

stackless transform (done)  C-level stack switching

approach from Stackless Python 1approach from Stackless Python 2

10-20% speed penalty in the no speed penalty
whole interpreter

JIT support needed  JIT supports comes for free
(missing so far)

fully portable  needs a little bit of assembler

some issues to integrate with   easy to integrate with C code
non-PyPy C code

tasklet-switching Python code   tasklet-switching Python code
becomes a single loop inbecomes N loops with residual calls
machine codeto switch() functions
(potentially very good) (less good)

As you can see from the above summary, the main issue with the 2nd
approach would be that Python tasklet-switching loops do not turn into
a form that is as efficient as what we would get in the 1st approach.
Nevertheless it is an interesting approach because it makes basic JIT
support and integration easier.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] PyPy JIT C extensions, greenlet

2010-09-30 Thread Armin Rigo

I forgot to mention that the improvement over the stackless
transform approach for PyPy might be to not apply the stackless
transform on the interpreter, but replace it with resuming C code
using the blackhole interpreter that we have anyway in the JIT.

Also, any final long-term approach that anyone should at least
consider if taking all of this seriously might be a mix of the two
approaches, similar to Stackless Python 3 which combines both
Stackless Python 1 and Stackless Python 2 features.


Re: [pypy-dev] External RPython mailing list

2010-09-13 Thread Armin Rigo

On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 9:58 PM, Bea During wrote:
 Maybe we should be clear in our documentation somewhere on
 where we stand regarding RPython

What about renaming it first?  There is at least one other project
that uses the name RPython.  What about something like InterpPy or
InterpPython to make it clear that it's supposed to be used to write
interpreters?  It doesn't sound terrific but I don't really care --
so, comments welcome, but please no infinite discussion on the pros
and cons of various names.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] PyPy JIT C extensions, greenlet

2010-09-13 Thread Armin Rigo
Hi Andy,

On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 7:21 AM, Andy wrote:
 Does that mean PyPy will not work with greenlet/gevent/etc?

Sorry if I wasn't clear.  PyPy contains greenlet support (since
2005-6).  It's part of the same package that we call pypy-stackless.


Re: [pypy-dev] External RPython mailing list

2010-09-13 Thread Armin Rigo

On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:
 I don't think it's hideable.

Sorry, I wasn't clear.  I'm not really trying to hide it.  But I'm
also not really trying to push it forward (which seems to be what
creating a website for it would do).


Re: [pypy-dev] PyPy JIT C extensions, greenlet

2010-09-13 Thread Armin Rigo

On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Antonio Cuni wrote:
 yes, but it must also be said that at the moment, pypy-stackless and pypy-jit
 do not work together.

Oups, sorry. I missed the word JIT in the original message of this
thread :-(  Sorry for the confusion.

To answer the original question: it would be nice if someone would
show up and help contribute JIT support for Stackless builds of PyPy.
I think that the status is that no-one of us is ready to invest a lot
of time there, but we can definitely give pointers and get people
started and follow their progress.

A bientôt,


Re: [pypy-dev] Question on the future of RPython

2010-09-07 Thread Armin Rigo

On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 8:27 PM, Saravanan Shanmugham
 Is there a wish list of RPython enhancements somewhere that the
 PyPy team might be considering?
 Stuff that would benefit RPython users in general.

I feel like I am repeating myself so that's my last mail to this
thread.  There are no enhancements we are considering to benefit other
RPython users because *there* *are* *no* *other* *RPython* *users.*
There is only us and RPython suits us just fine for the purpose for
which it was designed.

Again, feel free to make a fork or a branch of PyPy and try to develop
a version of RPython that is more suited to writing general programs
in.  I don't know if there is a wish list of what is missing, but
certainly I haven't given it much thoughts myself.  Personally, I
think that writing RPython programs is kind of fun, but in a perverse
way -- if I could just write plain Python that was as fast or mostly
as fast, it would be perfect.

A bientôt,


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