[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-20 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 2e243f78720e by Ethan Furman in branch 'default':
Issue26988: remove AutoEnum


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-20 Thread Ethan Furman

Changes by Ethan Furman :

stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-19 Thread Vedran Čačić

Vedran Čačić added the comment:

# Just wait until I put the keys to the time machine in their usual place... :-)

Ok, while we're talking about whether declarative style is a good idea, Python 
has already got the initial seed of that style. With Guido's blessing! PEP 526 
enables us to mix declarative and imperative style in "ordinary" code, so we 
can write

class Color:
green: member
yellow: member

without any additional syntax. I think it satisfies everyone: there are no 
parentheses, and there are no assignments. [_And_ there is no misleading 
analogy with existing syntax, because this is a new syntax.:] There are just 
declarations, and the decorator instantiates them.

Decorator is needed because formally we need to exclude the type checking 
semantics, and the only official way currently is through a decorator. But in 
fact we can use the forward references to _actually_ annotate the members with 
their real type:

class Color(Enum):
green: 'Color'
yellow: 'Color'

And once the forward references get a nicer syntax, and the unpacking issues 
are solved, we'll be able to write

class Color(Enum):
green, yellow: Color

And I think finally everyone will be happy. :-)


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-19 Thread David Hagen

David Hagen added the comment:

One solution similar to one proposed by Vedran works with the current Enum:

class Color(Enum):
red = object()
green = object()
blue= object()

I tested this in PyCharm and it is perfectly happy with the autocomplete and 
everything. The main disadvantage is the boilerplate, of course. And perhaps 
"object()" does not show the clearest intent, but it depends on your 
perspective. The repr also looks kind of funny:

>>>  repr(Color.red)

One possibility would be to add an auto() function to enum as a wrapper around 
object(), providing a more explicit name and a cleaner repr:

from enum import Enum, auto

class Color(Enum):
red = auto()
blue = auto()
green = auto()


# auto() means it has no (meaningful) value, so show nothing


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-19 Thread Kenneth Reitz

Kenneth Reitz added the comment:

There's a difference between boiler-plate and "code".

> On Aug 19, 2016, at 10:53 AM, Ethan Furman  wrote:
> Ethan Furman added the comment:
> No magic, but a whole heap of extra boiler-plate.  :(
> --
> ___
> Python tracker 
> ___


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-19 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

No magic, but a whole heap of extra boiler-plate.  :(


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-19 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

Barry A. Warsaw added the comment:

Hey, I just realized that you can get pretty darn close with just a little bit
of extra typing, and existing stdlib:

from enum import Enum
from itertools import count

auto = count()

class Color(Enum):
red = next(auto)
green = next(auto)
blue = next(auto)

Look ma, no magic!


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-19 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

Vedran, you have some very interesting points.  However, if you really want to 
champion this you'll need to take it to Python Ideas.


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-19 Thread Vedran Čačić

Vedran Čačić added the comment:

> For me, it's legit to use a singleton in an enum.

But you cannot explain _why_, right? Like Raymond says, it's not working like 
anything else in Python works.

To me, this looks almost the same as the gripes of those lazy people who want 
"myfile.close" expression to close myfile, or worse, "quit" to exit the Python 
interpreter. An irrational phobia of parentheses. Why not call your object, if 
you expect some code to be executed? [At least a dotted name like myfile.close 
_could_ be made to work using descriptors, but still I think everyone agrees 
it's not a good idea.]

To me, we either want to stay with default type metaclass 
(`style='imperative'`:), and write something like

class Color(Enum):
green = member()
yellow = member()

or we acknowledge that `style='declarative'` has its place under the sun (not 
only for Enums, of course... database models, namedtuples, even ABCs could 
profit from it), and embrace its full power, realizing it's not Python we 
usually see, but it's still Python.

Magic is not something to be afraid of, if you understand it. We are talking 
Py3.6 here... aren't formatted strings a totally insane magic? Yet they ended 
up in the language, because they are immensely better than the alternatives. 
Here the gain is much smaller, but the threshold is much lower too: we don't 
need new syntax at all.


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-19 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

2016-08-19 14:19 GMT+02:00 Vedran Čačić :
> In fact, what _is_ explicit, is this:
> class Color(metaclass=Enum):
> green = object()
> yellow = object()
> I could live with it. :-)

For me, it's legit to use a singleton in an enum. I mean that I expect
that green != yellow. Some remark for an empty tuple.

So I woud really prefer a contant from enum like AUTO_ENUM.


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-19 Thread Vedran Čačić

Vedran Čačić added the comment:

Absolutely. How the hell is `green = None` explicit?!

On the other hand, `class Color(Enum, style='declarative'):` is explicit. 
People must learn something. Why then don't they learn the right thing instead 
of "hey, assigning None inside enums magically does the right thing" - except 
when it doesn't.

Just a hint of a nightmare scenario: you write a method decorator, but you 
forget to return a value from it (happened to me more times than I care to 
admit). Ooops, your method is now next member of your enum. Good luck debugging 
that. :-O

In fact, what _is_ explicit, is this:

class Color(metaclass=Enum):
green = object()
yellow = object()

I could live with it. :-)


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-19 Thread Kenneth Reitz

Kenneth Reitz added the comment:

Explicit is better than implicit :)


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-19 Thread Vedran Čačić

Vedran Čačić added the comment:

I must say I never understood how exactly is assigning a constant better in 
this regard. To me, after


a and b should be the same, right? _Especially_ when SOMETHING is None or (), 
but also when it's some bare identifier like AUTO_ENUM.

Mental models are already broken. We are already "lying" according to semantics 
of type metaclass. There is no reason then to have to sprinkle some magic dust 
over our code, just so it looks like an assignment is the most important thing 
here, when it really isn't.

Either we should embrace Python's power in full and communicate to users that 
there's something weird going on, or we shouldn't have AutoEnum. To me, `green 
= None` is in no way better, in fact it seems more dishonest, than simply 
`green`. Again, _if_ we communicate (e.g. via style='declarative') that the 
semantics is not ordinary. (Alternatively, we might just write `green = 
uuid4()` and be done with it.:)


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-19 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

Would it be possible to use a auto or AUTO_ENUM constant from the enum in
the Enum class? (And drop AutoEnum class.)


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-19 Thread Kenneth Reitz

Kenneth Reitz added the comment:

This addition to Python, specifically the bare assignment-free `red` syntax 
would be a huge mistake for the language. It looks like a syntax error to me, 
and completely destroys my mental model for how Python code either does work or 
should work. 

A simple assignment to `None`, `()`, or imported static `AUTO_ENUM` (or 
similar, akin to subprocess.PIPE) would be *much* preferred.

nosy: +kennethreitz

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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-18 Thread Vedran Čačić

Vedran Čačić added the comment:

I don't think the problem is with (Auto)Enum at all. Problem is in a different 
place, and this is just a symptom.

Problem is that people make too many assumptions about `class` suite. Yes, type 
is default metaclass. But not every class should be constructed by type's rules 
- Python provides a very detailed and powerful mechanism for specifying a 
different set of rules, should you need it. This is what metaclass keyword 
argument should be all about. And that is the true reason why metaclass 
conflict is an issue: every metaclass is a DSL specification, and the same 
suite cannot be interpreted according to two different DSLs at the same time.

But since there's a widespread myth that users don't like to type, implementors 
use a trick, "class Spam(metaclass=SpamMeta): pass", and say to their users: 
"there, just inherit from Spam like you inherit from ordinary classes". That 
way, we spare them a few keystrokes, sparing them also of opportunity to learn 
that metaclasses _do_ change the semantics of what they see indented after the 

I wonder what Raymond's poll result would be if a normal way to write such code 
would expose the metaclass

class Color(metaclass=AutoEnum):

? Raymond has many valid objections, but they all apply to "ordinary" classes, 
instances of type. Color is not an instance of type, or at least conceptually 
it isn't. type (as a metaclass in Python) means a blueprint, a way to construct 
new instances via __call__, and every instance of it has that behavior, some of 
which even customize it by defining __new__ and/or __init__. type is also 
special because its power of creation is transitive: its instances know how to 
produce their instances in almost the same way it does.

But nothing of it is mandatory, and in fact it just stands in the way when we 
try to define Enum (or singletons, or database models, or... whatever that is 
not really a Python type). We do inherit from type because it's easier, and 
then usurp and override its __call__ behavior to do something almost entirely 
different. (Don't you feel something is wrong when your __new__ method doesn't 
construct a new object at all?:) It's completely possible, but it's not the 
only way.

Maybe class is just too tainted a keyword. There was a thread on python-ideas, 
that we should have a new keyword, "make". "make m n(...)" would be a clearer 
way to write what's currently written "class n(..., metaclass=m)", with a much 
more prominent position for the metaclass, obviating the need for "just inherit 
from Spam" trick, and dissociating in people's minds the connections of 
arbitrary metaobjects with type. ("class" keyword could be just a shortcut for 
"make type" in that syntax.) But of course, a new keyword is probably too much 
to ask. (A mild effect can be gained by reusing keywords "class" and "from", 
but it looks much less nice.)

However, there is _another_ underused way metaclasses can communicate with the 
external world of users of their instances: keyword arguments. I wonder if 
Raymond's objections would be as strong if the autovivification was explicitly 

class Color(Enum, style='declarative'):

Of course we can bikeshed about exact keyword argument names and values, but my 
point is that there is an unused communication channel for converting typical 
Python user's surprise "why does this code even work" into "hey, what does that 
style='declarative' mean?"

nosy: +veky

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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-18 Thread John Hagen

John Hagen added the comment:

Ethan, thank you so much for all of your work.  Looking forward to any future 


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-18 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

Thank you, Raymond, David, Barry, John, etc. for your feedback.

While I really like AutoEnum I can see that that much magic doesn't need to 
exist in the stdlib.

Unfortunately, the alternatives aren't very pretty, so I'll leave the 
AutoNumberEnum as a recipe in the docs, and not worry about an 'auto' special 

For those that love AutoEnum, it will be in the aenum third-party package.

resolution: fixed -> rejected
stage: resolved -> 

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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-18 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

Barry A. Warsaw added the comment:

Ethan, the suggestion has come up several times about using a dummy value such 
as the empty tuple to do autonumbering, thus looking more Pythonic.  I'm not a 
huge fan of the empty tuple, and I'm still not sure whether we need this, but I 
wonder if it would be possible to not have a new base class, but to put the 
smarts in the value to which the enums were assigned.  E.g. is this possible (a 
separate question than whether it's good :):

from enum import Enum, auto

class Color(Enum):
red = auto
green = auto
blue = auto

Apologies if this has already been suggested; this tracker thread is too long 
to read the whole thing. :(


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-18 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

Temporarily, marking this as open so that more people can see the new comments.

For John, I'm not sure what I can say that will help you.  The goal of the 
standard libraries modules is to provide tools the use language we have, not to 
invent a new language the isn't really Python or Pythonic.  In the absence of 
an "enum" keyword, you have a number of ways to work within the language.

In this case (wanting auto numbering but not caring what the values are), you 
already have several ways to do it.  I your issue is not where the use case is 
met; instead, you just don't like how their spelled (because it isn't exactly 
how it it looks in C).

This already works:  Animal = Enum('Animal', ['ant', 'bee', 'cat', 'dog']).  
This is very flexible and lets you read the constants from many possible 

If you're attracted to multiline input, that is already possible as well:

Animal = Enum('Animal', '''

It is clear that you're bugged by writing Animal twice, but that is how Python 
normally works and it is a very minor nuisance (it only occurs once when the 
enum is defined).  Note, you already are rewriting "Animal" every time you use 
the enum value (presumably many times):  board_ark(Animal.ant, Animal.bee)

This whole feature request boils down to wanting a currently existing feature 
to be spelled a little differently, in a way that doesn't look like normal 
Python.  Elsewhere, we resisted the temptation to alter the language 
look-and-feel to accommodate small spelling tweaks for various modules (i.e. we 
pass in normal strings to the regex module even though that sometimes requires 
double escaping, we pass in the class name to namedtuples even though that uses 
the class name twice, the xpath notation in passed into XML tools as strings 
even though parts of it look like regular langauge, we don't abuse the | 
operator to link together chains of itertools, etc)

Since the enum module already provides one way to do it, I recommend that we 
stick with that one way.  Creating too many variants does not help users.  
Using the core language in odd ways also does not help users.

status: closed -> open

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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-17 Thread David Hagen

David Hagen added the comment:

> Secondarily, the doesn't seem to be any use case that can't be readily 
> covered by the existing classes.

The use case that doesn't have a clean interface in 3.5 at the moment is the 
most common use case of enums: just a collection of named objects of given 
type; I don't care about the values because they don't really have values apart 
from their object identities.

When writing enums in Rust, Swift, C#, etc., the bare identifier not only saves 
typing--it allows the developer to explicitly indicate that the underlying 
value has no meaning. (It may be better to use "object()" rather than an 
integer on AutoEnum, but that is not very important.)

It was said that Python has this feature already:

> Yes, Python 3.4 too: Animal = Enum('Animal', 'ant bee cat dog')

I will concede that this can do what I want. I hope others will concede that 
this is not a clean interface. The class name is duplicated and the members are 
regexed out of a space-delimited string. This same argument could be made to 
deprecate the unnecessary "class" keyword in favor of the "type" function.

I will also concede that there is some deep magic going on in AutoEnum and that 
magic should be avoided when it obscures. I personally think the only people 
who will be truly surprised will be those who already know Python at a deep 
enough level to know that deep magic must be required here. Everyone else will 
see "Enum" and a list of bare identifiers, and correctly conclude that this is 
your basic enum from everyone other language.

Perhaps an ideal solution would be an enum keyword:

enum PrimaryColor:

But that's not happening ever.

The next best solution is the current implementation:

class PrimaryColor(AutoEnum):

But because of the magic, it only barely beats out what I think is the other 
great solution already mentioned here:

class PrimaryColor(AutoEnum):
red = ()
blue = ()
green = ()

These two solutions are isomorphic. Both save the developer from having to 
provide a (possibly meaningless) value. Both let docstrings be added. Both 
provide the ability to reorganize without renumbering. The last one trades 
magic for boilerplate.

I'll keep using them from the aenum package if they don't make it into 3.6, but 
I think this is a fundamental enough construct that it belongs in the standard 
library. It is hard to convince tool maintainers to fully support these until 
they are blessed here.

nosy: +David Hagen

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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-17 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

> you ran your test script with the -m "run module as script" flag

Right, that was a mistest, so it looks like triple quotes do work.

I did notice that there's also an issue if one line reads, "red='hello'".

But really, the big issue is using a bare-identifier to fiat an attribute into 
existence.  That's a door that really shouldn't be opened.

Secondarily, the doesn't seem to be any use case that can't be readily covered 
by the existing classes.  There is no real need for the witchcraft and the 
departure from Python norms.


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-17 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

Raymond, I appreciate your review and your poll.  I am open to removing 
AutoEnum, but would like to give it a couple more weeks of review.  (I'll post 
on py-dev.)

The only point you made that I will firmly refute is the "unexpected breakage": 
you ran your test script with the -m "run module as script" flag, which is what 
caused the problem.


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-17 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

> Raymond, what are your thoughts about the version of AutoEnum that requires 
> that a bare tuple be used as the value.  It has been in the Python docs since 
> 3.4 and was actually the original request of this issue: 
> https://docs.python.org/library/enum.html#autonumber

Well, I suggest to keep it as a recipe in the doc ;-)


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-17 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

> It's not just C that has enums where you can define a unique group of names 
> and omit the values ...

Yes, Python 3.4 too: Animal = Enum('Animal', 'ant bee cat dog')



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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-17 Thread Emanuel Barry

Emanuel Barry added the comment:

I tend to like all things magic, but the more I think about it, and the less I 
like it being a part of the standard library. I've had a use for this feature 
before, and when I did, I cooked my own 12-lines subclass of EnumMeta and 
_EnumDict. Raymond's points are pretty spot-on, and I also think that this 
shouldn't go in the stdlib. There's still time.

While this particular flavour of magic sounds too, well, magic, for Python or 
even myself, I think a less magical approach can be taken. Namely, something 
like AutoNumberedEnum which requires values to be empty tuples is being 
explicit about what you want and not allowing typos in the class definition. 
Raymond's point about (temporarily) commenting out enum members breaking the 
order highlights this, and while this approach doesn't solve it, it makes it 
obvious that there is *something* that changed.

Another approach, which doesn't exclude the above, is to make EnumMeta and 
_EnumDict public and documented classes (!), thus allowing people like me to 
create their own blueberry-flavoured magic enumerations without any impact on 
the people who don't use my code. Or if I don't feel like reinventing the 
wheel, I can just pip install the module and use that instead.

I think that the whole idea of making enums in Python work like they do in C is 
looking at the problem from the wrong angle. It's true that Python takes some 
of its design from C, but naively trying to replicate C-like behaviour with 
C-like syntax doesn't work all the time. How often do beginners think 'x ^ y' 
means 'x to the power of y', and are then surprised by the behaviour?

I think this version of Enum raises the barrier to entry for new programmers. 
Enum is a nice feature, and it helps new and old programmers alike write 
clean(er) code for various purposes. When a programmer sees this use, they 
won't think "oh this must call __getitem__ and then assign an automatic value", 
they'll wonder "why is this code even running?". And then it's up to the 
Raymonds of this world to explain that Enum uses a metaclass (which, I'm sure, 
is not a topic they'll want to tackle by the time these programmers reach Enum) 
and that the mapping overloads __getitem__.

All in all, this magical approach is just too magical for Python. I understand 
that magic is fun to have and play with, but the standard libary isn't where 
you should keep your toys. I use a throwaway repo for all my magic 
this-is-not-a-good-idea-but-I-wanna-do-it-anyway ideas, and this is where I 
think such magic goes. It definitely doesn't belong in the standard library, 
within an arm's reach of the first curious programmer to wander there.

nosy: +ebarry

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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-17 Thread John Hagen

John Hagen added the comment:

@Raymond, you raise valid concerns to be sure.  Hoping we can work something 

@Ethan, what are your thoughts?

It's not just C that has enums where you can define a unique group of names and 
omit the values for clarity when they are not significant:  

C++: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/enum
C#: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/sbbt4032.aspx
Java: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/enum.html
Rust: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/enums.html

In my experience this is the most common and simple use case for enums.

Raymond, what are your thoughts about the version of AutoEnum that requires 
that a bare tuple be used as the value.  It has been in the Python docs since 
3.4 and was actually the original request of this issue: 

It avoids many of the concerns that you've raised while still providing a way 
to create Enums in the normal class declaration method users would expect with 
a minimum amount of boilerplate.  Note that normally you want to use 
@enum.unique with a normal Enum, but AutoEnum also allows you to omit that 
boilerplate as you can't accidentally alias the values.

class Color(enum.Enum):
aquamarine = 1
blue = 2
fushia = 3
# inserting a member here (perhaps because it's clearest to keep these in 
alphabetic order)
# results in having to increment all following members
green = 40
red = 41


class Color(enum.AutoEnum):
aquamarine = ()
blue = ()
fushia = ()
# inserting a member here (perhaps because it's clearest to keep these in 
alphabetic order)
# results in no refactoring
... (30+ more)
green = ()
red = ()

A big advantage of the class based Enums compared to the functional API is that 
you can clearly document an Enum and its members in way Sphinx can take 
advantage of and developers would be used to.

# Assuming tuple assignment version for this example.
class ClientOperationMode(enum.AutoEnum):
"""Modes of operations of the network client."""

push = ()
"""The client pushes data to the server automatically."""

pull = ()
"""The client pulls commands from the server."""

hybrid = ()
"""The client both pushes data and pulls for commands from the server."""

Sphinx will document this AutoEnum like a normal class, pulling in the class 
docstring, and attribute docstrings.

I don't see an obvious way to do this in the functional API docs: 


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-16 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger added the comment:

The use of a bare identifier as a self-assigning statement is unprecedented in 
the world of Python.  PyFlakes flags it as an error (because prior to now, a 
bare identifier in a class statement was almost always an error).  I suspect 
this will cause issues with other static analysis and refactoring tools as well:

--- tmp_enum_example.py -
from enum import AutoEnum

class Color(AutoEnum):
green = 5


--- bash session 
$ py -m pyflakes tmp_enum_example.py
tmp_enum_example.py:4: undefined name 'red'
tmp_enum_example.py:6: undefined name 'blue'
tmp_enum_example.py:11: undefined name 'yellow'

Also, the usual technique of commenting out blocks with triple quotes 
introduces unexpected breakage:

--- tmp_enum_example2.py -
from enum import AutoEnum

class Color(AutoEnum):
green = 5
''' XXX temporarily comment these out


--- bash session 
$ py -m tmp_enum_example.py
[, , , ]
/Users/raymond/cpython/python.exe: Error while finding spec for
'tmp_enum_example.py' (AttributeError: module 'tmp_enum_example'
has no attribute '__path__')

I worry that this proposal is worse than just being non-idiomatic Python.  In a 
way, it undermines pillars of the language and conflict everyone's mental model 
of how the language works.  Historically, a bare variable name raised a 
NameError if undefined and would otherwise act as a expression who's result was 
discarded.  However, as used here, it fiats an attribute into existence and 
assigns it a value.  That to my eyes looks like a new language that isn't 
Python.  This is really weird and undermines my expectations.

The need for the "ignore" parameter for the "shielded set" is a hint that the 
patch is working against the grain of the language and is not in harmony with 
Python as a coherent whole.  It is a harbinger of problems to come.

Lastly, I question whether there is any real problem being solved.  You already 
have "Color = IntEnum('Animal', 'red green blue')" that works well enough, 
doesn't mess with language norms, that works nicely with triple quotes for 
multiline entries, and that extends easily to hundreds of constants.

It seems to me that too much magic and unidiomatic weirdness are being leveled 
at too small of a problem.  Plus we already have one way to do it.

In teaching people to make effective use of the language, a key learning point 
is learning the portents of trouble to come and recognizing that that not 
everything that can be made to work should actually be done.

Please reconsider whether you really want to open this Pandora's box.  Right 
now, it's not too late.  No doubt that you will find some people who like this 
(it reminds them of C), but you will also find some very experienced developers 
who are made queasy by the bare identifier transforming from an expression into 
an assigning statement.  This more than an "if you don't like it, don't use it" 
decision, I think an important and invisible line is being crossed that we will 

P.S.  A lesson I learned from maintaining the itertools module is that adding 
more variants of a single idea tends to make the overall toolkit harder to 
learn and impairs usability.  Users suffer when given too many choices for 
closely related tasks.  The "one way to do it" line in the Zen of Python is 
there for a reason.

nosy: +rhettinger

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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-16 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

FYI Raymond Hettinger started a discussion on Twitter about this feature, and 
the feedback may not be as good as you expected:

(I dislike this new magic thing, but I also never used the enum module, so I'm 
not sure that my opinion matters ;-))

nosy: +haypo

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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-16 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

added missing '#'


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-16 Thread John Hagen

John Hagen added the comment:

I think there is a small typo in the Changelog / What's New.  The Issue isn't 



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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-08 Thread Ethan Furman

Changes by Ethan Furman :

resolution:  -> fixed
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-05 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 7ed7d7f58fcd by Ethan Furman in branch 'default':
Add AutoEnum: automatically provides next value if missing.  Issue 26988.

nosy: +python-dev

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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-02 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

Okay, I think I'm done making changes unless any more mistakes are found.

Thanks everyone for the pushing, prodding, and feedback!

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43986/issue26988.stoneleaf.05.patch

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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-02 Thread John Hagen

John Hagen added the comment:


I reviewed your latest patch.  I think it's a good step forward in terms of 
simplicity.  Most of my comments were not major.

Even before this patch, I was mulling around how enum.Unique, enum.UniqueEnum, 
and enum.unique seemed to violate the "There should be one obvious way to do 
it" principle, so I like that you omitted those in the latest patch.

Looks good to me, thanks for all of your work!


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-08-02 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

The 80-column thing isn't fixed yet, but I redid the patch:

- removed AutoNameEnum since there was some question of casing, etc
- redid the methodology of auto-generating values:
instead of adding it all to the prepared namespace or the metaclass, I
now look for a special method in the Enum class, and if present use
- removed settings (no AutoNumber, AutoName, nor Unique)
- redid AutoEnum to use the _generate_next_value_ technique
- updated docs

Let me know what you think!

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43972/issue26988.stoneleaf.03.patch

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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-15 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

Oh, and yes, I'll fix the whole 80-column thing.  ;)


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-15 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

Okay, here's an updated patch with the doc changes.

Once the main patch is committed I'm going to reorganize the docs a bit, but 
that's later.

assignee:  -> ethan.furman
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43743/issue26988.stoneleaf.02.patch

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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-12 Thread John Hagen

John Hagen added the comment:

I like the addition of UniqueEnum.  It's the default use case often.


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-11 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

Here's the code.  I'll do the doc changes next.

keywords: +patch
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43694/issue26988.stoneleaf.01.patch

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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-11 Thread John Hagen

John Hagen added the comment:

>class BaseZeroEnum(Enum, start=0):
>   "initial integer is 0"
>   ...

I also think this looks better.


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-11 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

Barry A. Warsaw added the comment:

On Jul 11, 2016, at 07:05 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:

>class BaseZeroEnum(Enum, start=0):
>   "initial integer is 0"
>   ...
>?  Oh, and yes if you specify a starting number you also activate the
>AutoNumber feature.

I like the way this one looks.


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-11 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

If you are constructing your own base Enum type, which would you rather do?

class BaseZeroEnum(Enum):
   "initial integer is 0"
   _start_ = 0


class BaseZeroEnum(Enum, start=0):
   "initial integer is 0"

?  Oh, and yes if you specify a starting number you also activate the 
AutoNumber feature.


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-10 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

That brings up a really good point -- this feature requires the __prepare__ 
method of the metaclass, so it won't work in Python 2 any way.

So, yeah, bug-fix-mostly mode for enum34.  :)


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-10 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

Barry A. Warsaw added the comment:

On Jul 11, 2016, at 12:27 AM, Ethan Furman wrote:

>Not sure.  At this point I have the stdlib enum, enum34 enum, and aenum enum.
>In terms of capability, aenum is the most advanced, followed by the stdlib
>enum, and finally enum34 (really the only difference between stdlib and
>enum34 is the automatic definition order).
>The only advantage of enum34 over aenum is if it works in enum34 it will
>definitely work in the stdlib, whilst aenum has features not in the stdlib
>(speaking from a user point of view).
>So I haven't decided, but at this moment I'm not excited about the prospect.
>What I'll probably do is put enum34 in bug-fix only mode.

It's been useful to have a standalone version of the stdlib module, and in
fact, I maintain the enum34 package in Debian.  However, we only support that
for Python 2 since we don't have to worry about any Python 3 versions before
3.4 (and even there, 3.5 is the default for Stretch and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS).

We do have reverse dependencies for python-enum34, but given that we *really*
want people to port to Python 3, I'm not sure I really care too much any more
about enum34 in Debian.


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-10 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

Yeah, I think the public interface will just be the AutoEnum and AutoNameEnum 


> Will these features go into enum34?

Not sure.  At this point I have the stdlib enum, enum34 enum, and aenum enum.

In terms of capability, aenum is the most advanced, followed by the stdlib 
enum, and finally enum34 (really the only difference between stdlib and enum34 
is the automatic definition order).

The only advantage of enum34 over aenum is if it works in enum34 it will 
definitely work in the stdlib, whilst aenum has features not in the stdlib 
(speaking from a user point of view).

So I haven't decided, but at this moment I'm not excited about the prospect.

What I'll probably do is put enum34 in bug-fix only mode.


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-10 Thread John Hagen

John Hagen added the comment:

To me, class Color(AutoEnum) and class Color(AutoEnum, IntEnum) is a little 
more straightforward.  It makes usage of AutoEnum similar to IntEnum, and I 
would expect it to be at least as popular as it.

A enum-related side question, since the plan is for this to go into the stdlib, 
would it also go into enum34 since that is the official back port of the stdlib 


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-10 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

Barry A. Warsaw added the comment:

On Jul 10, 2016, at 05:42 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:

>class Color(Enum, settings=AutoNumber):
>class Color(Enum, settings=AutoName):

I guess `settings` would take an AutoType enum.  But that can't also be
autonumbered or it would be autos all the way down. :)


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-10 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

I like AutoEnum.

Another auto-related thought:  one of the more common Enum questions on 
StackOverflow is how to automatically have the value be the stringified version 
of the name:

class Huh(Enum):

Huh.this.name == Huh.this.value
# True

So the question then becomes: is there a way to easily support both auto-number 
and auto-string values?

While I don't have the auto-string feature yet in aenum, the system I am using 
to specify optional settings looks like this:

class Color(Enum, settings=AutoNumber):

class Color(IntEnum, settings=AutoNumber):

class Color(Enum, settings=AutoName):

The other option, of course, is to just stick with the prebuilt method of doing 

class Color(AutoEnum):

class Color(AutoEnum, IntEnum):

class Color(AutoNameEnum):


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-10 Thread John Hagen

John Hagen added the comment:

Some ideas for the new stdlib class:

BasicEnum - This helps emphasize that it is a simpler version of Enum that 
doesn't support all of the Enum features (like assigning values). It also helps 
communicate that if you don't need values this is a better fit.

AutoEnum - This new version (compared with AutoNumberEnum in the docs) does 
more than just auto number, since it does even the value assignment. Auto helps 
communicate that this is automatically creating much of the class internals for 


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-09 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

I need names.  `aenum` already has an `AutoNumberEnum` (the one from the docs, 
no magic) so I hate to use the same name for the stdlib version with different 

So I either need a different name for the stdlib version, or a different name 
for the aenum version.

Any ideas?

Hmmm... maybe SequentialEnum for the aenum version...


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-09 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

The problem with testing the type of object a name refers to outside the class 
is it then becomes more difficult to make that an Enum member:

class AddressType(Enum):
mailbox  # third-party po box

Having to assign a value to `property` pretty much negates the value of the 

I'll go with `_ignore_`.


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-09 Thread John Hagen

John Hagen added the comment:

> What happens with `property`?
> - `property` is looked up in the class namespace

Perhaps you've already considered this, I'm not intimately familiar with how 
classes are parsed and constructed but is it possible to determine if the 
object is a decorator?  It already determines to stop auto-numbering when it 
hits the first method, could it stop when it hits the first decorator or method?

Being able to use temporaries is an interesting side effect, but I feel like 
that would be used less often than a @staticmethod, @property, or @classmethod 
over a method, in which case it becomes a little more complex.

That being said, I think either solution is valid.


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-09 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

A standard feature of Enum is that either space separated strings or a list of 
strings is accepted any where either is.

_sunder_ names are the ones reserved for Enum use (such as _value_, _name_, and 
soon _order_ (for py2/py3 compatible code).


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-09 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

Barry A. Warsaw added the comment:

On Jul 09, 2016, at 03:20 PM, Ethan Furman wrote:

>As far as I can tell there is only one "good" way around this:
>- store any names you don't want auto-numbered into an `_ignore_`
>  attribute (this only needs to be global and built-in names that
>  are used before the first method is defined)

Seems reasonable, though why not a dunder, e.g. __ignore__?

>_ignore_ = 'Period i'

Why space separated names inside a string instead of a sequence of strings?


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-09 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

There is one wrinkle with auto-numbering.  Consider the following code:

class Color(AutoNumberEnum):
  def cap_name(self):
return self.name.upper()

What happens with `property`?

- `property` is looked up in the class namespace
- it's not found, so is given the number 4
- it's then called to handle `cap_name`
- an exception is raised

As far as I can tell there is only one "good" way around this:

- store any names you don't want auto-numbered into an `_ignore_`
  attribute (this only needs to be global and built-in names that
  are used before the first method is defined)

another option is to build a proxy around any found global/built-in objects and 
decide what to do based on whether those objects are immediately called, but 
that fails when the object is simply assigned for later use.

So, barring any other ideas to handle this problem, the above example should 
look like this:

class Color(AutoNumberEnum):
  _ignore_ = 'property'
  def cap_name(self):
return self.name.upper()

Another advantage of using ignore is the ability to have temporary variables 
automatically discarded:

  class Period(timedelta, Enum):
different lengths of time
_ignore_ = 'Period i'
Period = vars()
for i in range(31):
  Period['day_%d' % i] = i, 'day'
for i in range(15):
  Period['week_%d' % i] = i*7, 'week'
for i in range(12):
  Period['month_%d' % i] = i*30, 'month'
OneDay = day_1
OneWeek = week_1
def __new__(self, value, period):

and the final enumeration does not have the temp variables `Period` nor `i`.



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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-07-09 Thread John Hagen

John Hagen added the comment:

Is this something we want to get in before the next alpha in two days?  Just 
wanted to bring up the deadline since this may be a feature people want to play 
around with during the alpha phase.

Ethan, I'm happy to help with documentation or anything else.


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-06-29 Thread John Hagen

John Hagen added the comment:

@Ethan/Barry what needs to be done now to accept or reject this for Python 3.6? 
 Should I propose it onto python-dev?  If accepted, would be nice to get it in 
before alpha 3 (~2 weeks).  What's nice about this proposal is Ethan has 
already written the code, so it's just a matter of getting consensus to add it.


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-05-10 Thread John Hagen

John Hagen added the comment:

@Ethan, I hadn't tried to use the aenum AutoNumberEnum that way, but I agree 
with Barry that I like it.  To me that is the ideal case we should shoot for as 
I think it's the best* long term and deviate only if practical concerns prevent 

So I am +1 for empty member assignment and if that is rejected, +1 for = () 
assignment as at least it is a big step forward.  I feel both solutions already 
have some "magic", so would lean toward the one that leads to the least amount 
of boilerplate.

As for the empty assignment, I have played around with something similar before 
and will throw out one con for it: static analyzers get really confused.  
PyCharm, for example, thinks this is has unresolved references in it:

class Color(AutoNumberEnum):

But the counter point is that if this is in the stdlib, static analyzer authors 
are much more likely to add a special case for it than if in a "non-official" 
third party package (PyCharm example: 

Another piece of evidence to support inclusion is that Python already provides 
specialized Enum subclasses (like IntEnum).  I've written a lot of Python code 
that uses Enums and haven't personally needed IntEnum yet, but would have used 
an AutoEnum many, many times.

* I am assuming here that a true "enum" keyword is out of the question at this 
point for Python, which would probably be even better.


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-05-09 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

It's in _EnumDict.__getitem__; there's some duplication in __setitem__ for 
supporting Python 2 (although with 2 you have to use either the empty tuple, or 
some other handy thing that may go in the __doc__ attribute, for example).


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-05-09 Thread Barry A. Warsaw

Barry A. Warsaw added the comment:

Wow Ethan, that's quite interesting.  I'm not sure if I like it or not. :)

It's better than having to assign a dummy value to the enum items, and if we 
did require that, I'd suggest just throwing away the values for autonumbering.

But not having to specify any values at all is probably better, although it 
does look weird!

/me goes to look at the magic you're using...


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-05-09 Thread Ethan Furman

Ethan Furman added the comment:

On the other hand, if you use aenum you can do:

class Color(AutoNumber):

And isn't that better*?  ;)

* For those in danger of swallowing their tongue over the magic involved: The 
magic is turned off as soon as any descriptor is defined (property, function, 


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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-05-09 Thread Ethan Furman

Changes by Ethan Furman :

nosy: +barry, eli.bendersky

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[issue26988] Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib

2016-05-09 Thread John Hagen

New submission from John Hagen:

I suggest that the AutoNumberedEnum be added to the standard library for the 
following reasons:

1) Provides a fundamental tool for defining a unique, abstract set of coupled 
2) Avoids boilerplate @enum.unique for a very common use case of enumerations
3) The code already exists in the Python documentation, so it has been vetted 
at some level

The AutoNumberedEnum also allows the developer to make a clearer distinction
between enumerations whose values have special meaning and those that do not.


class Color(enum.Enum):
red = 1
blue = 2
green = 3

class Shape(enum.Enum):
"""Member values denote number of sides."""
circle = 1
triangle = 3
square = 4

With AutoNumberedEnum it's possible to better express the intent that 
the value of Color members does not hold special meaning, while
Shape members do:

class Color(enum.AutoNumberedEnum):
red = ()
blue = ()
green = ()

class Shape(enum.Enum):
"""Member values denote number of sides."""
circle = 1
triangle = 3
square = 4

For enumerations with many members (10s), there becomes a maintenance
issue when inserting new enumerations into the list:

class Color(enum.Enum):
aquamarine = 1
blue = 2
fushia = 3
# inserting a member here (perhaps because it's clearest to keep these in 
alphabetic order)
# results in having to increment all following members
green = 40
red = 41

Most other languages have support for naming enumerations
without explicitly declaring their values (albeit with 
specialized syntax that makes it cleaner):

C++: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/enum
C#: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/sbbt4032.aspx
Java: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/enum.html
Rust: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/enums.html

Currently, a developer can copy the code from the Python docs into
his or her project, or add a dependency on aenum.  I would argue
that it belongs in the standard library.

If there are objections to it being too magical, I would argue
it's already spelled out in the docs, so it's being prescribed
as a solution already.  I think it should be very clear when you
derive from "AutoNumberedEnum" what is going on.

The code is very simple, so I would
hope maintenance would not be difficult.

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 265214
nosy: John Hagen, ethan.furman
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add AutoNumberedEnum to stdlib
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.6

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