[issue46153] function fails in exec when locals is given

2021-12-23 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun  added the comment:

> You seem to be arguing that a description in the docs is "misleading", 
> not because it misleads, but because it don't describe a situation 
> which has nothing to do with the situation that the docs are describing.

To me it's misleading to say "the code will be executed as if it were embedded 
in a class definition" because that is not always the case. The example with 
print(a) shows that. One can take it another level to compare function 
definitions in a class definition compared to exec(). A function defined in an 
exec() is not compiled to bind its free variables to the outer lexical scope in 
the context of the exec() call, while a function defined in a class definition 
does. For example:


def f():
   a = 2
   class C:
   def g(): print(a)
   return C.g

>>> a = 1
>>> g = f()
>>> g()


def f():
   a = 2
   l = {}
   exec('def g(): print(a)', globals(), l)
   return l['g']

>>> a = 1
>>> g = f()
>>> g()

You asked what I would say in its place, but I don't have a simple answer that 
can take the place of the one-liner in the docs. Here's something, but I'm sure 
you won't be happy with it:

The code will be executed in a manner that's similar to a class definition with 
regard to the use of separate locals and globals scopes. However, there can be 
significant differences in certain contexts with regard to how the same code is 
compiled for an exec() call compared to a class definition. In particular, code 
in a class definition is compiled to bind its free variables to the lexical 
scopes of outer function calls in the defining context, which isn't possible 
with exec(). Also, the top-level code in a class definition supports `nonlocal` 
declarations, which is a syntax error with exec().


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[issue46153] function fails in exec when locals is given

2021-12-23 Thread Quentin Peter

Quentin Peter  added the comment:

Maybe a note could be added to 

Something along the lines of:

Note: If exec gets two separate objects as `globals` and `locals`, the code 
will not be executed as if it were embedded in a function definition. For 
example, any function or comprehension defined at the top level will not have 
access to the `locals` scope.

PS: It would be nice for my usecase to have a way around this, maybe a flag in 
`compile` or `exec` that would produce "function code" instead of "module 
code". My workaround for this problem consist in wrapping my code in a function 

I think this means https://bugs.python.org/issue41918 should be closed as well?


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[issue46153] function fails in exec when locals is given

2021-12-23 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Steven D'Aprano  added the comment:

On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 05:47:33AM +, Eryk Sun wrote:
> Eryk Sun  added the comment:
> > That's taken straight out of the documentation.
> Yes, but it's still a misleading comparison.

I asked how you would re-word the docs, but you haven't responded.

The description given in the docs exactly explains the observed 
behaviour. Without recognising that, the observed behaviour is 
perplexing to the point that it suggested to at least one person that it 
was a bug in the language.

If you're not prepared to suggest an improvement to the documentation, 
then I don't think that this conversation is going anywhere and maybe 
we should just let the discussion die.

But for the record, in case you, or anyone else, does want to continue 
the discussion in the hope of reaching additional insight to the 
problem, my further comments are below.

> Saying that code will be "executed as if it were embedded in a class 
> definition" is correct only so far as the fact that globals and locals 
> are different in this case. 

So it's correct in all the ways that matter:

- different globals and locals;
- and the behaviour is different.

and incorrect in no ways at all (see below). I don't think that supports 
a charge of "misleading".

The bottom line here is that the description in the docs that you call 
"misleading" did not mislead me, but lead me directly to the solution of 
why the code behaved as it did, and why that was the intentional 
behaviour rather than a bug.

So un-misleading, if you will.

> But it's also misleading because the code 
> gets compiled as module-level code, not as class code.

Obviously there is no actual "class code" involved. That is why the 
description says that it is executed *as if* it were embedded inside a 
class statement, rather than by having an actual class statement added 
to your source string.

I don't understand your comment about "compiled as module-level ... not 
as class code". What's class code? (Aside from the actual class 
statement itself, which is a red herring.)

If you look at the disassembly of the following two snippets:

a = 1
def f():
return a


class C:
a = 1
def f():
return a

the generated bytecode for the lines `a = 1` etc is the same, putting 
aside the code for the actual class statement part. You get the same 
code for `a = 1`


the same code for both the body of the function:


and the `def f()` statement:


and the same code for the call to print:

 LOAD_CONST   (None)

Obviously the offsets and locations of constants will be different, but 
aside from those incidental details, the code generated for the block is 
the same whether it is inside a class statement or not.

So I don't understand what you consider to be the difference between 
code compiled at module-level and code compiled at class-level. They 
seem to me to be identical (aside from the incidentals).

The visible difference in behaviour relates to the *execution* of the 
code, not to whether (quote):

"the code gets compiled as module-level code [or] as class code".

There is no distinct "class code". The difference in behaviour is in the 
execution, not to the compilation.

> It should be pretty obvious why the following fails:
> exec("a = 1\ndef f(): return a\nprint(f())", {}, {})

Yes, it is obvious why it fails, in the same sense as the maths joke 
about the professor who stares at the equations on the blackboard for 
twenty minutes before exclaiming "Yes, it is obvious!".

It takes a sophisticated understanding of Python's scoping rules to 
understand why that fails when the other cases succeed.

> Assignment is local by default, unless otherwise declared. Function 
> f() has no access to the local scope where `a` is defined

With the same dict used for globals and locals, execution runs the 
statements `a = 1`, the `def f` and the print in the same scope, which 
is *both* global and local. This is what happens when you run code at 
the module level: locals is globals.

Consequently, the statement `a = 1` assigns a to the local namespace, 
which is the global namespace. And the call to f() retrieves a from the 
global namespace, which is the local namespace.

This is what happens when you execute the code at module-level.

With different dicts, the three statements still run in the same scope, 
the local scope, but the call to f() attempts to retrieve a from the 
global namespace, which is distinct from local namespace.

[issue46153] function fails in exec when locals is given

2021-12-22 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun  added the comment:

> That's taken straight out of the documentation.

Yes, but it's still a misleading comparison.

> Until I understood that exec with two different mapping objects as 
> globals and locals behaves as if the code where embedded inside a 
> class, I found the reported behaviour totally perplexing.

The basic execution model of Python is that a frame that executes with 
non-optimized locals -- in module and class definitions -- can use the same 
mapping for globals and locals. Indeed, that's how the interpreter executes 
modules. However, exec() is generalized to allow executing module code with 
separate globals and locals. 

Saying that code will be "executed as if it were embedded in a class 
definition" is correct only so far as the fact that globals and locals are 
different in this case. But it's also misleading because the code gets compiled 
as module-level code, not as class code.

It should be pretty obvious why the following fails:

exec("a = 1\ndef f(): return a\nprint(f())", {}, {})

Assignment is local by default, unless otherwise declared. Function f() has no 
access to the local scope where `a` is defined because Python doesn't support 
closures over non-optimized locals, particularly because we emphatically do not 
want that behavior for class definitions. 

It should be equally clear why the following succeeds:

exec("global a\na = 1\ndef f(): return a\nprint(f())", {}, {})

> because a class definition intentionally supports nonlocal closures, 
>I don't know what you mean by that. Classes are never closures. Only 
>functions can be closures.

I didn't say that a class can be a closure. That's never the case because a 
class uses non-optimized locals. But a class definition does support free 
variables that are bound to an enclosing scope. exec() does not support this, 
so the exact same code can execute differently in the context of a class 

> It is equivalent to code executed inside a class scope.

That depends on the code and the context. Please refer to my first example in 
comparison to the following:

a = 1
def f():
a = 2
exec('print(a)', globals(), {})

>>> f()

It's different behavior for print(a) because both exec() and compile(source, 
filename, 'exec') produce module code, not class code. The free variable `a` 
gets bound to the global scope for the exec() example, while for the class 
definition free variable `a` is bound to the local `a` in the frame of the 
function call.

To implement this different behavior, the code object for a class definition 
uses bytecode operations such as COPY_FREE_VARS and LOAD_CLASSDEREF, which are 
never used for module-level code. For example, from the original example, 
here's the class definition code:

>>> dis.dis(f.__code__.co_consts[2])
  2 LOAD_NAME0 (__name__)
  4 STORE_NAME   1 (__module__)
  6 LOAD_CONST   0 ('f..C')
  8 STORE_NAME   2 (__qualname__)

  4  10 LOAD_NAME3 (print)
 18 LOAD_CONST   1 (None)


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[issue46153] function fails in exec when locals is given

2021-12-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Steven D'Aprano  added the comment:

On Thu, Dec 23, 2021 at 12:15:29AM +, Eryk Sun wrote:
> Eryk Sun  added the comment:
> > If exec gets two separate objects as globals and locals, 
> > the code will be executed as if it were embedded in a 
> > class definition.
> That's a misleading comparison 

That's taken straight out of the documentation.

I don't think it is misleading, it is the opposite of misleading. Until 
I understood that exec with two different mapping objects as globals and 
locals behaves as if the code where embedded inside a class, I found the 
reported behaviour totally perplexing.

If you think it is wrong, how would you explain the observed behaviour, 
and how would you word the documentation?

> because a class definition intentionally supports nonlocal closures, 

I don't know what you mean by that. Classes are never closures. Only 
functions can be closures. (*Be* closures? *Have* a closure? The 
terminology is ambiguous.)

>>> def f():
... a = 1
... class C:
... nonlocal a
... a = 999
... print(a)
... return C
>>> C = f()
>>> C.__closure__
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
AttributeError: type object 'C' has no attribute '__closure__'. Did you mean: 

I don't know what terminology is appropriate here, but "closure" is 
surely not it.

> which exec() doesn't support and shouldn't support. For example:
[snip examples]

Neither of those cases are relevant to the example here.

> exec() executes as module code. Using separate globals and locals 
> mappings doesn't magically change how the code is compiled and 
> executed to make it equivalent to a class definition.

Neither I nor the documentation said it was equivalent to a class 
definition. It is equivalent to code executed inside a class scope.

> To understand 
> the case of separate globals and locals, just remember that assigning 
> to a variable by default makes it a local variable, unless it's 
> declared as a global. Also, class and function definitions are 
> implicitly an assignment, which by default will be local.

Neither of those facts explain why the example code

"""a = 1
def f():
return a

behaves differently when given two distinct dicts as the globals and 
locals parameters, versus all the other cases (no arguments provided, or 
one argument, or the same dict repeated twice).

Only the case where the provided globals and locals dicts are distinct 
behaves differently, and it behaves exactly the same as if you embedded 
that chunk of code inside a class definition and then executed it.


Python tracker 

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[issue46153] function fails in exec when locals is given

2021-12-22 Thread Eryk Sun

Eryk Sun  added the comment:

> If exec gets two separate objects as globals and locals, 
> the code will be executed as if it were embedded in a 
> class definition.

That's a misleading comparison because a class definition intentionally 
supports nonlocal closures, which exec() doesn't support and shouldn't support. 
For example:

a = 1

def f():
a = 2
class C:

def g():
a = 2
class C:
nonlocal a
a = 3

>>> f()
>>> g()

exec() executes as module code. Using separate globals and locals mappings 
doesn't magically change how the code is compiled and executed to make it 
equivalent to a class definition. To understand the case of separate globals 
and locals, just remember that assigning to a variable by default makes it a 
local variable, unless it's declared as a global. Also, class and function 
definitions are implicitly an assignment, which by default will be local.

nosy: +eryksun

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[issue46153] function fails in exec when locals is given

2021-12-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Steven D'Aprano  added the comment:

"Expected" is a strong word. It took me a lot of careful reading of the 
documentation and experimentation to decide that, yes, I expect the 
second case to fail when the first case succeeds.

Which reminds me of a common anecdote from mathematics:



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[issue46153] function fails in exec when locals is given

2021-12-22 Thread Quentin Peter

Quentin Peter  added the comment:

Thank you for your explaination. Just to be sure, it is expected that:

exec("a = 1\ndef f(): return a\nprint(f())", {})

Runs successfully but

exec("a = 1\ndef f(): return a\nprint(f())", {}, {})



Python tracker 

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[issue46153] function fails in exec when locals is given

2021-12-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Steven D'Aprano  added the comment:

> I now want to define a closure with exec. I might want to do something like:
> exec("def f(): return a", globals(), locals())

That doesn't create a closure.

> I would expect f() to look for a in the locals().

I'm sorry, but your expectation that f() will look for a in the locals dict is 
not correct. That's not how name resolution in Python works. a is looked up as 
a global. You can't turn it into a local variable just by providing locals.

The names of the parameters are unfortunately confusing. The globals parameter 
is always the global namespace. But locals is *never* the function's local 
namespace. Nor is it a surrounding scope (nested functions), but it may be 
treated as a surrounding *class* scope.

I agree that the behaviour is surprising and complex, but if you work through 
the documentation carefully, it is behaving as designed.

What we need to realise is that locals describes the namespace where the *def 
statement* runs, not the namespace used by the body of the function. The 
function body's locals is always created when the function is called, it is 
inaccessible from outside the function, and it most certainly does not use the 
so-called "locals" parameter given to exec().


Python tracker 

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[issue46153] function fails in exec when locals is given

2021-12-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Steven D'Aprano  added the comment:

Here is the key phrase in the docs:

"If exec gets two separate objects as globals and locals, the code will be 
executed as if it were embedded in a class definition."


And sure enough:

>>> class C:
... a = 1
... def f():
... return a  # This looks for global a, not C.a
... print(f())
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "", line 5, in C
  File "", line 4, in f
NameError: name 'a' is not defined

which is intentional behaviour. Functions defined inside a class do not have 
direct access to the variables inside the class. I thought there was a FAQ 
about this but I can't find it now.

So there is no bug here. By passing two distinct dicts as the globals and 
locals to exec, the interpreter treats the code as if it were being executed 
inside the body of a class statement. Both the a and the f get created in the 
locals dict, not the globals dict:

>>> g = {'__builtins__': None}
>>> l = {}
>>> exec("""a = 1
... def f():
... return a
... """, g, l)
>>> g
{'__builtins__': None}
>>> l
{'a': 1, 'f': }

But when you call f(), it is looking for a in the globals dict.

resolution:  -> not a bug
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue46153] function fails in exec when locals is given

2021-12-22 Thread Quentin Peter

Quentin Peter  added the comment:

The reason I am asking is that I am working on a debugger. The debugger stops 
on a frame which is inside a function. Let's say the locals is:
locals() == {"a": 1}
I now want to define a closure with exec. I might want to do something like:
exec("def f(): return a", globals(), locals())
But this doesn't work because of the issue I describe.I would expect f() to 
look for a in the locals().

Even more surprising is that if I use the second argument of exec, the code in 
the above comment starts to fail.


Python tracker 

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[issue46153] function fails in exec when locals is given

2021-12-22 Thread Steven D'Aprano

Steven D'Aprano  added the comment:

The function you use in exec is not a closure. The function:

def f():
return a

does not capture the top-level variable "a", it does a normal name lookup for 
a. You can check this yourself by looking at f.__closure__ which you will see 
is None. Or you can use the dis module to look at the disassembled bytecode.

To be a closure, you have to insert both the "a" and the `def f()` inside 
another function, and then run that:

code = """
def outer():
a = 1
def f():
return a
return f

f = outer()
exec(code, {}, {})

prints 1 as expected.

components: +Interpreter Core
nosy: +steven.daprano
title: closure fails in exec when locals is given -> function fails in exec 
when locals is given
type: crash -> behavior

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