Re: [Python-Dev] Thoughts on stdlib evolvement

2005-06-06 Thread Josiah Carlson
Fernando Perez wrote:
> Josiah Carlson wrote:
>>Fernando Perez wrote:
>>>I've wondered if it wouldn't be better if the std lib were all stuffed into
>>>its own namespace:
>>>from std import urllib
>>>If a more structured approach is desired, it could be
>>>from std.www import urllib
>>This generally brings up the intersection of stdlib and nonstdlib naming
>>hierarchy.  More specifically, what does "import email" mean?
>>Presumably it means to import the email module or package, but from the
>>current module directory, or from the standard library?
> Well, I've thought of this (ligthly) mostly as a py3k thing, since it would
> require that 'import email' in the naked fails, as it would become 'import
>', or 'import' or whatever.  A plain 'import email'
> would then refer to some third-party 'email' module, not part of the standard
> library.
> Since this would mean a massive break of exisiting code, it would necessarily 
> be
> a py3k issue.  But nonetheless the idea of confinign the stdlib to the 'std'
> namespace does have some appeal, at least to me.

Actually no.

Re: std.*
If there were a single path (or set of paths) know at install time where 
standard library modules are, then that can be placed in a PYSDTLIB 
environment variable (or some other specified place).  Inside Python, 
whenever an import is done relative to std, one merely examines the 
paths offered via the PYSTDLIB environment variable for the looked-for 
module.  For modules/packages in site-packages, one could use another 
name, perhaps "packages" or somesuch, to refer to it.  sys.path is not 
usable as-is because it can contain the path of the module named 
__main__, and is (not uncommonly) modified by user code.

This can be used with a proper import hook, which is turned on 
per-module via a __future__ import, hence no backwards compatibility issues.

What I had been working on is the use of special import semantics for 
non-stdlib/site-packages modules.  Specifically if you were to write 
'' and import your other module '' in the 
same path, you would use "from . import myothermodule".  It doesn't 
solve any problems with standard library naming, but it does allow one 
to do cousin imports... "from ..uncle import cousin", as well as all 
sorts of other things, which allows (in writing software) for modules 
and packages to be shared by other packages.

  - Josiah
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Thoughts on stdlib evolvement

2005-06-06 Thread Fernando Perez
Josiah Carlson wrote:

> Fernando Perez wrote:

>> I've wondered if it wouldn't be better if the std lib were all stuffed into
>> its own namespace:
>> from std import urllib
>> If a more structured approach is desired, it could be
>> from std.www import urllib
> This generally brings up the intersection of stdlib and nonstdlib naming
> hierarchy.  More specifically, what does "import email" mean?
> Presumably it means to import the email module or package, but from the
> current module directory, or from the standard library?

Well, I've thought of this (ligthly) mostly as a py3k thing, since it would
require that 'import email' in the naked fails, as it would become 'import', or 'import' or whatever.  A plain 'import email'
would then refer to some third-party 'email' module, not part of the standard

Since this would mean a massive break of exisiting code, it would necessarily be
a py3k issue.  But nonetheless the idea of confinign the stdlib to the 'std'
namespace does have some appeal, at least to me.



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Thoughts on stdlib evolvement

2005-06-06 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
> "Skip" == Skip Montanaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Skip> If you provide the necessary namespace structure for them to
Skip> nestle into, I suspect most of them could be maintained
Skip> outside the stdlib just fine.

FWIW, this has worked well for XEmacs; it's one of our most popular
features vis-a-vis GNU Emacs.  Users like it because we do provide a
centralized directory of modules (with many mirrors) that they can
download updates from, as well as a "batteries included" library
distribution (which we call "SUMO tarballs" for historical reasons).
Package developers like it because they can maintain closer control,
yet have up-to-date versions distributed from our repository.  Finally
the core maintainers like it because there's a clear delegation of

We provide a centralized repository, which is mirrored by a couple
score sites; I'm not sure how much harder it would be to make it
distributed.  The essential feature is the centralized directory.

We do have problems.  One is the megapackage issue that Phillip Eby
referred in his reply to Bob Ippolito
packaging system doesn't work well for them.  Some of the problems are
our fault, but I think it's actually a hard problem; we could fix up
some details, but not really address the core issues of megapackages.

The other one is that our initial division into "core" and "package"
was pretty radical, and several core developers still want to pull
certain packages back into core.  But this creates backward
compatibility problems.  I think this would be less of a problem for
Python.  Creating the package repository could be more conservative:
Python's standard library has plenty of modules that would not present
such problems.  In any case, Python has better facilities for dealing
with backward compatibility issues (such as deprecation warnings and
the like) than we do, and the language itself is simply more suited to
preserving modularity than Emacs Lisp is (with its single dynamically
scoped namespace).

Our package namespace structure is trivial (it's basically flat); what
is more important than the namespace structure, I think, is provision
of package organization and directory utilities as Phillip Eby
mentions.  If they're reasonably flexible and Python invests some
effort in helping package maintainers with different current
distribution methods to adapt, I think this would work well for Python
too.  One thing we have found is that it takes only a small amount of
incremental work to maintain the package directory and repository as
such, even as it has grown dramatically.  By contrast, I find the Zope
wiki-based organization of Products quite annoying to work with.

Of course the packaged code itself can and does bitrot if the external
maintainer goes AWOL, or simply doesn't like hanging out with XEmacs
people.  In such cases we've found that users will often step up to
help with the nitty-gritty management of "their" package, such as
tracking bug reports, liaison with an "unsociable" upstream,
regression testing, and integrating changes (anybody can run make and
patch), even if they have to ask for help with code-related work.  Ie,
the fact that there is a well-defined package requiring specific
management tasks encourages them to take on the work they can handle.

For XEmacs the effort of separating out the packages was moderately
large; it took about a year, with three or four developers spending a
substantial fraction of their time on it, either organizing the
repository or creating infrastructure.  It was a very worthwhile
investment.  Python's investment probably would be proportionately
smaller, as much of the necessary infrastructure seems to be already

For XEmacs, I think the main returns come from creating well-defined
chunks that people can "own" and take responsibility for.  This helps
to mitigate the "dormant bug" problem, and generally keeps the
packaged code fresher than it was in the old days, even though we have
a much larger volume of code and probably less manpower now.

School of Systems and Information Engineering
University of TsukubaTennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
   Ask not how you can "do" free software business;
  ask what your business can "do for" free software.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Thoughts on stdlib evolvement

2005-06-06 Thread Josiah Carlson
Fernando Perez wrote:
> Skip Montanaro wrote:
>>I wouldn't mind a stdlib that defined a set of top-level packages (some of
>>which might be wholly unpopulated by modules in the standard distribution)
>>It might, for example, define a gui package and gui.Tkinter and gui._tkinter
>>modules, leaving the remainder of gui namespace available for 3rd party
>>modules.  Such a scheme would probably work best if there was some fairly
>>lightweight registration/approval process in the community to avoid needless
>>collisions.  For example, it might be a bit confusing if two organizations
>>began installing their packages in a subpackage named gui.widgets.  An
>>unsuspecting person downloading an application that used one version of
>>gui.widgets into environment with the conflicting gui.widgets would run into
> I've wondered if it wouldn't be better if the std lib were all stuffed into 
> its
> own namespace:
> from std import urllib
> If a more structured approach is desired, it could be 
> from std.www import urllib

This generally brings up the intersection of stdlib and nonstdlib naming 
hierarchy.  More specifically, what does "import email" mean? 
Presumably it means to import the email module or package, but from the 
current module directory, or from the standard library?

I posted about this months ago, and got to writing an import hook that 
used a method suggested by Guido by naming things (sys.modules names) 
based on whether they were imported relative to the module with a 
__name__ of '__main__', and using the prefix dot semantics for 
package-relative imports to mean any relative imports.

I eventually got hung up on some nested import bits, and got busy with 
work.  I may have time to hack on it next week to finish the 'proof of 
concept' (currently in the Bay area for work), but if someone wants or 
needs more explanation, I would be happy to offer it.

  - Josiah
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Thoughts on stdlib evolvement

2005-06-06 Thread Fernando Perez
Skip Montanaro wrote:

> I wouldn't mind a stdlib that defined a set of top-level packages (some of
> which might be wholly unpopulated by modules in the standard distribution)
> It might, for example, define a gui package and gui.Tkinter and gui._tkinter
> modules, leaving the remainder of gui namespace available for 3rd party
> modules.  Such a scheme would probably work best if there was some fairly
> lightweight registration/approval process in the community to avoid needless
> collisions.  For example, it might be a bit confusing if two organizations
> began installing their packages in a subpackage named gui.widgets.  An
> unsuspecting person downloading an application that used one version of
> gui.widgets into environment with the conflicting gui.widgets would run into
> trouble.

I've wondered if it wouldn't be better if the std lib were all stuffed into its
own namespace:

from std import urllib

If a more structured approach is desired, it could be 

from std.www import urllib

for example.  But having std. as the top-level namespace for the stdlib, could
simplify (I think) life a lot in the long run.  If a decision for a more
structured namespace is made, then it might be nice to have the same top-level
structure in site-packages, albeit empty by default:

from std.www import foo  -> standard library www packages

from www import bar  -> third-party www packages

Third-party packages can still be put into base site-packages, of course, but
developers could be encouraged to transition into putting things into these

This would also ease the process of 'staging' a module as external for a while
before deciding whether it meets the requirement for being put into the

Just an idea (sorry if it's been discussed and shot down before).



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Thoughts on stdlib evolvement

2005-06-06 Thread Skip Montanaro

Tim> On 6/6/05, Reinhold Birkenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> - Flat namespace: Should we tend to a more hierarchic library (e.g.
>> inet.url, inet.http, inet.nntp)? This would increase clarity when
>> searching for a module.

Tim> -1. I feel the opposite way: when trying to figure out where
Tim> something "lives", I prefer Python's flat namespace to (for
Tim> example) Java's hierarchy.

I think Reinhold's suggestion (e.g., inet.*) was for a flatter namespace
than Java's scheme, but for a slightly more structured namespace than the
current standard library provides.  Some amount of structure helps to
collect modules together whose names don't obviously suggest who their
neighbors are in the functionality space.  For example, to the naive user it
might not be obvious that these groups of modules and packages are related:

* getopt and optparse
* bsddb, gdbm and anydbm
* email, mhlib, quopri
* heapq, collections
* user, site, sitecustomize
* profile, hotshot, pstats
* pipes, subprocess, os

I wouldn't mind a stdlib that defined a set of top-level packages (some of
which might be wholly unpopulated by modules in the standard distribution)
It might, for example, define a gui package and gui.Tkinter and gui._tkinter
modules, leaving the remainder of gui namespace available for 3rd party
modules.  Such a scheme would probably work best if there was some fairly
lightweight registration/approval process in the community to avoid needless
collisions.  For example, it might be a bit confusing if two organizations
began installing their packages in a subpackage named gui.widgets.  An
unsuspecting person downloading an application that used one version of
gui.widgets into environment with the conflicting gui.widgets would run into
trouble.  Is the CPAN namespace wide open?  If I wanted to create a Perl
module to fit into the HTML namespace is there some procedure involved or is
it an example of squatters' rights?

>> - 3rd party modules: There are many superb modules out there, some of
>>   which really do have a "standard" character. Examples include PIL,
>>   numarray, ElementTree, [wxPython - I know this is a hairy issue],

Tim> I think the most important question for each of these is "is the
Tim> module's release schedule at least as stable as Python's?".  For
Tim> many of these, I suspect the answer is "no".

If you provide the necessary namespace structure for them to nestle into, I
suspect most of them could be maintained outside the stdlib just fine.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Thoughts on stdlib evolvement

2005-06-06 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 03:17 PM 6/6/2005 -0700, Bob Ippolito wrote:
>Personally I'd like to see the standard library get smaller rather
>than larger.  There's a whole lot of bit rot in there, and since
>sys.path prefers the standard library over anything else it's a
>really huge pain to integrate patches on a faster release schedule
>than Python's while remaining sane at the same time.

You know, before you said that, it hadn't occurred to me that the Python 
standard library is subject to the same economic forces that cause 
mega-packages like Twisted, SciPy, Zope, etc. to develop.  Specifically, 
the cost incurred by relying on an externally-distributed dependency causes 
anyone with non-trivial needs to create "batteries included" libraries.

One of my goals for Python Eggs and EasyInstall was to lower this 
dependency-cost barrier by reducing the "dependency cost" to zero at the 
point of installation, by making it as easy to install ten packages as 
one.  (Another was to reduce the dependency cost for the developer, who 
need only add package metadata for the dependency to be fulfilled at 
installation time.)

Now that you've pointed out the parallel between the stdlib and the other 
modules, I wonder if Python 3.0 might be able to take a more minimalist 
approach to the standard library, if it included the equivalents of 
easy_install and pkg_resources.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Thoughts on stdlib evolvement

2005-06-06 Thread Tim Lesher
On 6/6/05, Reinhold Birkenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - Flat namespace: Should we tend to a more hierarchic library (e.g.
>   inet.url, inet.http, inet.nntp)? This would increase clarity when
>   searching for a module.

-1. I feel the opposite way: when trying to figure out where something
"lives", I prefer Python's flat namespace to (for example) Java's hierarchy.

> - 3rd party modules: There are many superb modules out there, some of which
>   really do have a "standard" character. Examples include PIL, numarray,
>   ElementTree, [wxPython - I know this is a hairy issue],

I think the most important question for each of these is "is the
module's release schedule at least as stable as Python's?".  For many
of these, I suspect the answer is "no".

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Thoughts on stdlib evolvement

2005-06-06 Thread Bob Ippolito

On Jun 6, 2005, at 3:10 PM, Raymond Hettinger wrote:

>>> If Fred were up for it, I think ElementTree would be a wonderful,
>>> must-have addition.
>> I might be missing fine details of the English language here
>> (what does "to be up for something" mean?), however, I believe
>> ElementTree is an unlikely addition to the standard library.
> Rewritten:
> If Fredrik Lundh were supportive of the idea, I think the Standard
> Library would benefit greatly from incorporating ElementTree.

Personally I'd like to see the standard library get smaller rather  
than larger.  There's a whole lot of bit rot in there, and since  
sys.path prefers the standard library over anything else it's a  
really huge pain to integrate patches on a faster release schedule  
than Python's while remaining sane at the same time.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Thoughts on stdlib evolvement

2005-06-06 Thread Raymond Hettinger
> > If Fred were up for it, I think ElementTree would be a wonderful,
> > must-have addition.

> I might be missing fine details of the English language here
> (what does "to be up for something" mean?), however, I believe
> ElementTree is an unlikely addition to the standard library.


If Fredrik Lundh were supportive of the idea, I think the Standard
Library would benefit greatly from incorporating ElementTree.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Thoughts on stdlib evolvement

2005-06-06 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Raymond Hettinger wrote:
>>  ElementTree, [wxPython - I know this is a hairy issue],
> If Fred were up for it, I think ElementTree would be a wonderful,
> must-have addition.

I might be missing fine details of the English language here
(what does "to be up for something" mean?), however, I believe
ElementTree is an unlikely addition to the standard library.

I also might be confusing people: AFAIK, ElementTree is
Fredrik Lundh's work, not Fred Drake's, so it would be
Fredrik who would need to contribute. My understanding is
that Fredrik has indicated a dislike to contribute certain
pieces of work, primarily out of fear to lose control. My
experience with integrating his work without his explicit
cooperation (specifically: sgmlop in PyXML) show that
he won't object to somebody else doing such integration,
but also won't try to cooperate afterwards.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Thoughts on stdlib evolvement

2005-06-06 Thread Eric Nieuwland
Skip Montanaro wrote:
> The main technical challenge seems to be
> backward compatibility.  You need to support both flat ("import 
> urllib") and
> packaged namespaces ("from www import urllib"), possibly within the 
> same
> application.  That is, postulating a www package, if I execute
> import urllib
> from www.urllib import urlopen
> the module-level code should only be executed once, and
> urlopen == urllib.urlopen
> should evaluate to True.

from __future__ import new_std_library

and we don't allow mixed use within the same module.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Thoughts on stdlib evolvement

2005-06-06 Thread Skip Montanaro
> "Barry" == Barry Warsaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Barry> On Mon, 2005-06-06 at 14:38, Skip Montanaro wrote:
>> import urllib
>> from www.urllib import urlopen
>> the module-level code should only be executed once, and
>> urlopen == urllib.urlopen
>> should evaluate to True.

Barry> Not to mention "urlopen is urllib.urlopen"

Whoops, yeah.  I was thinking in terms of module-level functions and
classes, where I think == is sufficient:

>>> import foo2
>>> foo2.f

>>> g = foo2.f
>>> reload(foo2)

>>> foo2.f == g

Obviously, for data objects "is" is what you want.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Thoughts on stdlib evolvement

2005-06-06 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Mon, 2005-06-06 at 14:38, Skip Montanaro wrote:

> import urllib
> from www.urllib import urlopen
> the module-level code should only be executed once, and
> urlopen == urllib.urlopen
> should evaluate to True.

Not to mention "urlopen is urllib.urlopen"


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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Thoughts on stdlib evolvement

2005-06-06 Thread Skip Montanaro

Reinhold> - Flat namespace: Should we tend to a more hierarchic library
Reinhold>   (e.g.  inet.url, inet.http, inet.nntp)? This would increase
Reinhold>   clarity when searching for a module.

We've talked about this before.  The main technical challenge seems to be
backward compatibility.  You need to support both flat ("import urllib") and
packaged namespaces ("from www import urllib"), possibly within the same
application.  That is, postulating a www package, if I execute

import urllib
from www.urllib import urlopen

the module-level code should only be executed once, and

urlopen == urllib.urlopen

should evaluate to True.

Reinhold> - 3rd party modules: There are many superb modules out there,
Reinhold>   some of which really do have a "standard"
Reinhold>   character. Examples include PIL, numarray, ElementTree,
Reinhold>   [wxPython - I know this is a hairy issue],

I think a good first step would be deciding on a package hierarchy.  Third
party packages could plug in wherever they fit best.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Thoughts on stdlib evolvement

2005-06-06 Thread Raymond Hettinger
> - 3rd party modules: There are many superb modules out there, some of
> which
>   really do have a "standard" character. Examples include PIL,
>   ElementTree, [wxPython - I know this is a hairy issue],

If Fred were up for it, I think ElementTree would be a wonderful,
must-have addition.

Raymond Hettinger
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Thoughts on stdlib evolvement

2005-06-06 Thread Reinhold Birkenfeld

I am currently having some thoughts about the standard library, with regard
to Python 2.5 and 3.0. Since I don't want to withhold them from you, here
are they ;)

- Flat namespace: Should we tend to a more hierarchic library (e.g.
  inet.url, inet.http, inet.nntp)? This would increase clarity when
  searching for a module.

- 3rd party modules: There are many superb modules out there, some of which
  really do have a "standard" character. Examples include PIL, numarray,
  ElementTree, [wxPython - I know this is a hairy issue],

- User interface: Tkinter may be "the" standard, but other Toolkits deserve
  notice, notably wxPython and PyGtk, the latter of which might be even
  easier to package.

Reinhold, please don't hit me!

Mail address is perfectly valid!

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 343 rewrite complete

2005-06-06 Thread Nick Coghlan
Paul Moore wrote:
> Unfortunately, I don't have a better naming suggestion (other than
> simply "template", which is probably too general to work), so I just
> raise this as something you should expect to need to clarify a few
> times...

PEP 346 used "statement_template" for the generator decorator. That 
could be shortened to "stmt_template" without losing much in 
readability ("stmt" being a fairly common abbreviation of "statement").

Avoiding the problem with the English meaning of the phrases "do 
template" and "with template" was part of the reason for PEP 346's 
choice of name (the other part being that the name tied in nicely with 
that PEP's "user defined statement" terminology).


Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list