Re: [Python-Dev] Volunteer

2012-02-06 Thread Mark Lawrence

On 05/02/2012 21:42, Ben Finney wrote:

Blockheads Oi  writes:

I would like to give it another go.

Welcome back.

Your signature shows the name “Mark Lawrence”. It would help with
initial impressions if your ‘From’ field, instead of the pseudonym
currently shown, shows your name. Could you please change it to that?

Done :)


Mark Lawrence.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] distutils 'depends' management

2012-02-06 Thread Matteo Bertini
On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 5:52 PM, Éric Araujo wrote:

 Hi Matteo,

  Now will rebuild all every time, this is because the policy of
 newer_group in build_extension is to consider 'newer' any missing file.

  Here you certainly mean “older”.

No, and this is the problem: newer_group(depends, ext_path, 'newer'))

if (some dep is newer than the target): rebuild

 [...] Can someone suggest me the reason of this choice

  distutils’ notion of dependencies directly comes from make. A missing
 (not existing) target is perfectly normal: it’s usually a generated file
 that make needs to create (i.e. compile from source files).  In this
 world, you want to (re-)compile when the target is older than the
 sources, or when the target is missing.

Here is a simple Makefile that has the behavior I was expecting from
distutils too:

$ cat Makefile
all: missing.dep
echo Done!

$ make
make: *** No rule to make target `missing.dep', needed by `all'.  Stop.

So here your extension module is a target that needs to be created, and
 when distutils does not find a file with the name you give in depends, it
 just thinks it’s another thing that will be generated.

So, if I understand correctly, starting today a better name could be
'generates' instead of 'depends'?

This model is inherently prone to typos; I’m not sure how we can improve
 it to let people catch possible typos.

Yes, perhaps the name of the list and the explanation in the docs are both
a bit confusing:

*depends*, if given, is a list of filenames that all targets depend on. If
 a source file is older than any file in depends, then the source file will
 be recompiled.

Can this be a better explanation? If a source file is older than any file
in depends {+or if some depend is missing+}


Matteo Bertini
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing the XML batteries

2012-02-06 Thread Eli Bendersky
On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 10:02, Stefan Behnel wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I think Py3.3 would be a good milestone for cleaning up the stdlib support
 for XML. Note upfront: you may or may not know me as the maintainer of lxml,
 the de-facto non-stdlib standard Python XML tool. This (lengthy) post was
 triggered by the following kind of conversation that I keep having with new
 XML users in Python (mostly on, which hints at some serious flaw in
 the stdlib.


AFAIU nothing really happened with this. The discussion started with a
lot of +1s but then got derailed. The related Issue 11379 also got
stuck nearly two months ago. It would be great if some sort of
consensus could be reached here, since this is an important issue :-)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing the XML batteries

2012-02-06 Thread Calvin Spealman
On Dec 9, 2011 3:04 AM, Stefan Behnel wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 I think Py3.3 would be a good milestone for cleaning up the stdlib
support for XML. Note upfront: you may or may not know me as the maintainer
of lxml, the de-facto non-stdlib standard Python XML tool. This (lengthy)
post was triggered by the following kind of conversation that I keep having
with new XML users in Python (mostly on, which hints at some
serious flaw in the stdlib.

 User: I'm trying to do XML stuff XYZ in Python and have problem ABC.
 Me: What library are you using? Could you show us some code?
 User: My code looks like this snippet: ...
 Me: You are using minidom which is known to be hard to use, slow and uses
lots of memory. Use the xml.etree.ElementTree package instead, or rather
its C implementation cElementTree, also in the stdlib.
 User (coming back after a while): thanks, that was exactly what [I didn't
know] I was looking for.

 What does this tell us?

 1) MiniDOM is what new users find first. It's highly visible because
there are still lots of ancient Python and XML web pages out there that
date back from the time before Python 2.5 (or rather something like 2.2),
when it was the only XML tree library in the stdlib. It's also the first
hit from the top when you search for XML on the stdlib docs page and
contains the (to some people) familiar word DOM, which lets users stop
their search and start writing code, not expecting to find a separate
alternative in the same stdlib, way further down. And the description as
mini, simple and lightweight suggests to users that it's going to be
easy to use and efficient.

 2) MiniDOM is not what users want. It leads to complicated, unpythonic
code and lots of problems. It is neither easy to use, nor efficient, nor
lightweight, simple or mini, not in absolute numbers (see and following for a recent
discussion). It's also badly maintained in the sense that its performance
characteristics could likely be improved, but no-one is seriously
interested in doing that, because it would not lead to something that
actually *is* fast or memory friendly compared to any of the 'real'
alternatives that are available right now.

 3) ElementTree is what users should use, MiniDOM is not. ElementTree was
added to the stdlib in Py2.5 on popular demand, exactly because it is very
easy to use, very fast, and very memory friendly. And because users did not
want to use MiniDOM any more. Today, ElementTree has a rather straight
upgrade path towards lxml.etree if more XML features like validation or
XSLT are needed. MiniDOM has nothing like that to offer. It's a dead end.

 4) In the stdlib, cElementTree is independent of ElementTree, but totally
hidden in the documentation. In conversations like the above, it's
unnecessarily complex to explain to users that there is ElementTree (which
is documented in the stdlib), but that what they want to use is really
cElementTree, which has the same API but does not have a stdlib
documentation page that I can send them to. Note that the other Python
implementations simply provide cElementTree as an alias for ElementTree.
That leaves CPython as the only Python implementation that really has these
two separate modules.

 So, there are many problems here. And I think they make it unnecessarily
complicated for users to process XML in Python and that the current
situation helps in turning away new users from Python as a language for XML
processing. Python does have impressively great tools for working with XML.
It's just that the stdlib and its documentation do not reflect or even
appreciate that.

 What should change?

 a) The stdlib documentation should help users to choose the right tool
right from the start. Instead of using the totally misleading wording that
it uses now, it should be honest about the performance characteristics of
MiniDOM and should actively suggest that those who don't know what to
choose (or even *that* they can choose) should not use MiniDOM in the first
place. I created a ticket (issue11379) for a minor step in this direction,
but given the responses, I'm rather convinced that there's a lot more that
can be done and should be done, and that it should be done now, right for
the next release.

 b) cElementTree should finally loose it's special status as a separate
library and disappear as an accelerator module behind ElementTree. This has
been suggested a couple of times already, and AFAIR, there was some
opposition because 1) ET was maintained outside of the stdlib and 2) the
APIs of both were not identical. However, getting ET 1.3 into Py2.7 and 3.2
was a U-turn. Today, ET is *only* being maintained in the stdlib by Florent
Xicluna (who is doing a good job with it), and ET 1.3 has basically made
the APIs of both implementations compatible again. So, 3.3 would be the
right milestone for fixing the two libs for one quirk.

 Given that this is the third time during the last couple 

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing the XML batteries

2012-02-06 Thread Eli Bendersky
 What should change?

 a) The stdlib documentation should help users to choose the right tool right
 from the start. Instead of using the totally misleading wording that it uses
 now, it should be honest about the performance characteristics of MiniDOM
 and should actively suggest that those who don't know what to choose (or
 even *that* they can choose) should not use MiniDOM in the first place. I
 created a ticket (issue11379) for a minor step in this direction, but given
 the responses, I'm rather convinced that there's a lot more that can be done
 and should be done, and that it should be done now, right for the next

On one hand I agree that ET should be emphasized since it's the better
API with a much faster implementation. But I also understand Martin's
point of view that minidom has its place, so IMHO some sort of
compromise should be reached. Perhaps we can recommend using ET for
those not specifically interested in the DOM interface, but for those
who *are*, minidom is still a good stdlib option (?).

Tying this doc clarification with an optimization in minidom is not
something that makes sense. This is just delaying a much needed change

 b) cElementTree should finally loose it's special status as a separate
 library and disappear as an accelerator module behind ElementTree. This has
 been suggested a couple of times already, and AFAIR, there was some
 opposition because 1) ET was maintained outside of the stdlib and 2) the
 APIs of both were not identical. However, getting ET 1.3 into Py2.7 and 3.2
 was a U-turn. Today, ET is *only* being maintained in the stdlib by Florent
 Xicluna (who is doing a good job with it), and ET 1.3 has basically made the
 APIs of both implementations compatible again. So, 3.3 would be the right
 milestone for fixing the two libs for one quirk.

This, at least in my view, is the more important point which
unfortunately got much less attention in the thread. I was a bit
shocked to see that in 3.3 trunk we still have both the Python and C
versions exposed and only formally document ElementTree (the Python
version), The only reference to cElementTree is an un-emphasized note:

  A C implementation of this API is available as xml.etree.cElementTree.

Is there anything that *really* blocks providing cElementTree on
import ElementTree and removing the explicit cElementTree for 3.3
(or at least leaving it with a deprecation warning)?

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] need help with frozen module/marshal/gc issue involving sub-interpreters for importlib bootstrapping

2012-02-06 Thread Brett Cannon
So my grand quest for bootstrapping importlib into CPython is damn close to
coming to fruition; I have one nasty bug blocking my way and I can't figure
out what could be causing it. I'm hoping someone here will either know the
solution off the top of their head or will have the time to have a quick
look to see if they can figure it out as my brain is mush at this point.

First, the bug tracking all of this is and
the repo where I have been doing my work is ssh:// (change as needed if
you want an HTTPS checkout). Everything works fine as long as you don't use
sub-interpreters via test_capi (sans some test failures based on some
assumptions which can easily be fixed; the bug I'm talking about is the
only real showstopper at this point).

Here is the issue: if you run test_capi the code triggers an assertion of
``test_subinterps (__main__.TestPendingCalls) ... Assertion failed:
(gc-gc.gc_refs != 0), function visit_decref, file Modules/gcmodule.c, line
327.``. If you run the test under gdb you will discover that the assertion
is related to ref counts when collecting for a generation (basically the
ref updating is hitting 0 when it shouldn't).

Now the odd thing is that this is happening while importing frozen module
code (something I didn't touch) which is calling marshal (something else I
didn't touch) and while it is in the middle of unmarshaling the frozen
module code it is triggering the assertion.

Does anyone have any idea what is going on? Am I possibly doing something
stupid with refcounts which is only manifesting when using
sub-interpreters? All relevant code for bootstrapping is contained in
Python/pythonrun.c:import_init() (with a little tweaking in the _io module
to delay importing the os module and making import.c always use __import__
instead of using the C code). I'm storing the __import__ function in the
PyInterpreterState to keep separate state from the other interpreters (i.e.
separate sys modules so as to use the proper sys.modules, etc.). But as I
said, this all works in a single interpreter view of the world (the entire
test suite doesn't trigger a nasty error like this).

Thanks for any help people can provide me on this now 5 year quest to get
this work finished.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] peps: Update with bugfix releases.

2012-02-06 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Feb 06, 2012, at 07:11 AM, Georg Brandl wrote:

Well, one way to do it would be to release a rc now-ish, giving the community
time to test it, and to already use it productively in critical cases, and
release the final with the OSX fixes after/at PyCon.

That could work well.  I'd be happy to release a 2.6.8 rc next week.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] need help with frozen module/marshal/gc issue involving sub-interpreters for importlib bootstrapping

2012-02-06 Thread Guido van Rossum
Usually this means that you're not doing an INCREF in a place where you
should, and the object is kept alive by something else. Do you know which
object it is? That might really help... Possibly deleting the last
subinterpreter makes the refcount of that object go to zero. Of course it
could also be that you're doing a DECREF you shouldn't be doing... But the
identity of the object seems key in any case.


On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 6:57 AM, Brett Cannon wrote:

 So my grand quest for bootstrapping importlib into CPython is damn close
 to coming to fruition; I have one nasty bug blocking my way and I can't
 figure out what could be causing it. I'm hoping someone here will either
 know the solution off the top of their head or will have the time to have a
 quick look to see if they can figure it out as my brain is mush at this

 First, the bug tracking all of this is 
 the repo where I have been doing my work is ssh:// (change as needed
 if you want an HTTPS checkout). Everything works fine as long as you don't
 use sub-interpreters via test_capi (sans some test failures based on some
 assumptions which can easily be fixed; the bug I'm talking about is the
 only real showstopper at this point).

 Here is the issue: if you run test_capi the code triggers an assertion of
 ``test_subinterps (__main__.TestPendingCalls) ... Assertion failed:
 (gc-gc.gc_refs != 0), function visit_decref, file Modules/gcmodule.c, line
 327.``. If you run the test under gdb you will discover that the assertion
 is related to ref counts when collecting for a generation (basically the
 ref updating is hitting 0 when it shouldn't).

 Now the odd thing is that this is happening while importing frozen module
 code (something I didn't touch) which is calling marshal (something else I
 didn't touch) and while it is in the middle of unmarshaling the frozen
 module code it is triggering the assertion.

 Does anyone have any idea what is going on? Am I possibly doing something
 stupid with refcounts which is only manifesting when using
 sub-interpreters? All relevant code for bootstrapping is contained in
 Python/pythonrun.c:import_init() (with a little tweaking in the _io module
 to delay importing the os module and making import.c always use __import__
 instead of using the C code). I'm storing the __import__ function in the
 PyInterpreterState to keep separate state from the other interpreters (i.e.
 separate sys modules so as to use the proper sys.modules, etc.). But as I
 said, this all works in a single interpreter view of the world (the entire
 test suite doesn't trigger a nasty error like this).

 Thanks for any help people can provide me on this now 5 year quest to get
 this work finished.


 Python-Dev mailing list

--Guido van Rossum (
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Is this safe enough? Re: [Python-checkins] cpython: _Py_Identifier are always ASCII strings

2012-02-06 Thread Jim Jewett
I realize that _Py_Identifier is a private name, and that PEP 3131
requires anything (except test cases) in the standard library to stick
with ASCII ... but somehow, that feels like too long of a chain.

I would prefer to see _Py_Identifier renamed to _Py_ASCII_Identifier,
or at least a comment stating that Identifiers will (per PEP 3131)
always be ASCII -- preferably with an assert to back that up.


On Sat, Feb 4, 2012 at 7:46 PM, victor.stinner wrote:
 changeset:   74772:d2c1521ad0a1
 user:        Victor Stinner
 date:        Sun Feb 05 01:45:45 2012 +0100
  _Py_Identifier are always ASCII strings

  Objects/unicodeobject.c |  5 ++---
  1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

 diff --git a/Objects/unicodeobject.c b/Objects/unicodeobject.c
 --- a/Objects/unicodeobject.c
 +++ b/Objects/unicodeobject.c
 @@ -1744,9 +1744,8 @@
  _PyUnicode_FromId(_Py_Identifier *id)
     if (!id-object) {
 -        id-object = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8Stateful(id-string,
 -                                                  strlen(id-string),
 -                                                  NULL, NULL);
 +        id-object = unicode_fromascii((unsigned char*)id-string,
 +                                       strlen(id-string));
         if (!id-object)
             return NULL;

 Repository URL:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] need help with frozen module/marshal/gc issue involving sub-interpreters for importlib bootstrapping

2012-02-06 Thread Benjamin Peterson
2012/2/6 Brett Cannon
 Thanks for any help people can provide me on this now 5 year quest to get
 this work finished.

Fixed. (_PyExc_Init was behaving badly.)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Is this safe enough? Re: [Python-checkins] cpython: _Py_Identifier are always ASCII strings

2012-02-06 Thread martin

I would prefer to see _Py_Identifier renamed to _Py_ASCII_Identifier,
or at least a comment stating that Identifiers will (per PEP 3131)
always be ASCII -- preferably with an assert to back that up.

Please ... no.

This is a *convenience* interface, whose sole purpose is to make something
more convenient. Adding naming clutter destroys this objective.

I'd rather restore support for allowing UTF-8 source here (I don't think
that requiring ASCII really improves much), than rename the macro.

The ASCII requirement is actually more in the C compiler than in Python.
Since not all of the C compilers that we compile Python with support
non-ASCII identifiers, failure to comply to the ASCII requirement will
trigger a C compilation failure.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] cpython (3.2): remove unused import

2012-02-06 Thread Brett Cannon
On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 19:53, Christian Heimes wrote:

 Am 06.02.2012 01:39, schrieb Brett Cannon:
  I'm going to assume pylint or pyflakes would throw too many warnings on
  the stdlib, but would it be worth someone's time to write a simple
  unused import checker to run over the stdlib on occasion? I bet even one
  that did nothing more than a regex search for matched import statements
  would be good enough.

 Zope 3 has an import checker that uses the compiler package and AST tree
 to check for unused imports. It seems like a better approach than a
 simple regex search.

 The importorder tool uses the tokenizer module to order import statements.

 Both are written by Jim Fulton.

 Ah, but does it run against Python 3? If so then this is something to
suggest on python-mentor for someone to get their feet wet for contributing.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] cpython (3.2): remove unused import

2012-02-06 Thread Christian Heimes
Am 06.02.2012 18:57, schrieb Brett Cannon:
  Ah, but does it run against Python 3? If so then this is something to
 suggest on python-mentor for someone to get their feet wet for contributing.

Probably not, the code was last modified seven years ago. The compiler
package has been removed from Python 3, too.

A similar approach should yield better results than a simple regexp
search. The 2to3 / 3to2 infrastructure could be reused to parse the AST
and search for imports and used names.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] cpython (3.2): remove unused import

2012-02-06 Thread Brett Cannon
On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 13:07, Christian Heimes wrote:

 Am 06.02.2012 18:57, schrieb Brett Cannon:
   Ah, but does it run against Python 3? If so then this is something to
  suggest on python-mentor for someone to get their feet wet for

 Probably not, the code was last modified seven years ago. The compiler
 package has been removed from Python 3, too.

 A similar approach should yield better results than a simple regexp
 search. The 2to3 / 3to2 infrastructure could be reused to parse the AST
 and search for imports and used names.

If that's the case I might as well add it as part of my mnfy project's
verification run I do over the stdlib if someone doesn't beat me to it.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] cpython (3.2): remove unused import

2012-02-06 Thread francis

Hi Brett,
If that's the case I might as well add it as part of my mnfy project's 
verification run I do over the stdlib if someone doesn't beat me to it.

Is that devinabox ?

Thanks in advance !

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Fixing the XML batteries

2012-02-06 Thread Terry Reedy

On 2/6/2012 8:01 AM, Eli Bendersky wrote:

On one hand I agree that ET should be emphasized since it's the better
API with a much faster implementation. But I also understand Martin's
point of view that minidom has its place, so IMHO some sort of
compromise should be reached. Perhaps we can recommend using ET for
those not specifically interested in the DOM interface, but for those
who *are*, minidom is still a good stdlib option (?).

If you can, go ahead and write a patch saying something like that. It 
should not be hard to come up with something that is a definite 
improvement. Create a tracker issue for comment. but don't let it sit 

Tying this doc clarification with an optimization in minidom is not
something that makes sense. This is just delaying a much needed change


This, at least in my view, is the more important point which
unfortunately got much less attention in the thread. I was a bit
shocked to see that in 3.3 trunk we still have both the Python and C
versions exposed and only formally document ElementTree (the Python
version), The only reference to cElementTree is an un-emphasized note:

   A C implementation of this API is available as xml.etree.cElementTree.

Since the current policy seems to be to hide C behind Python when there 
is both, I assume that finishing the transition here is something just 
not gotten around to yet. Open another issue if there is not one.

Is there anything that *really* blocks providing cElementTree on
import ElementTree and removing the explicit cElementTree for 3.3
(or at least leaving it with a deprecation warning)?

If cElementTree were renamed _ElementTree for import from ElementTree, 
then a new could raise the warning and then import 
_ElementTree also.

Terry Jan Reedy

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] importlib quest

2012-02-06 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Mon, 6 Feb 2012 09:57:56 -0500
Brett Cannon wrote:
 Thanks for any help people can provide me on this now 5 year quest to get
 this work finished.

Do you have any plan to solve the performance issue?

$ ./python -m timeit -s import sys; mod='struct' \
  __import__(mod); del sys.modules[mod]
1 loops, best of 3: 75.3 usec per loop
$ ./python -m timeit -s import sys; mod='struct'; from importlib import 
__import__ \
  __import__(mod); del sys.modules[mod]
1000 loops, best of 3: 421 usec per loop

Startup time is already much worse in 3.3 than in 2.7. With such a
slowdown in importing fresh modules, applications using many batteries
(third-party or not) will be heavily impacted.



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] importlib quest

2012-02-06 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Mon, 6 Feb 2012 20:49:48 +0100
Antoine Pitrou wrote:

 On Mon, 6 Feb 2012 09:57:56 -0500
 Brett Cannon wrote:
  Thanks for any help people can provide me on this now 5 year quest to get
  this work finished.
 Do you have any plan to solve the performance issue?
 $ ./python -m timeit -s import sys; mod='struct' \
   __import__(mod); del sys.modules[mod]
 1 loops, best of 3: 75.3 usec per loop
 $ ./python -m timeit -s import sys; mod='struct'; from importlib import 
 __import__ \
   __import__(mod); del sys.modules[mod]
 1000 loops, best of 3: 421 usec per loop

The culprit for the overhead is likely to be PathFinder.find_module:

$ ./python -m timeit -s import sys; mod='struct'; from importlib._bootstrap 
import _DefaultPathFinder; finder=_DefaultPathFinder 
1000 loops, best of 3: 355 usec per loop
$ ./python -S -m timeit -s import sys; mod='struct'; from importlib._bootstrap 
import _DefaultPathFinder; finder=_DefaultPathFinder 
1 loops, best of 3: 176 usec per loop

Note how it's dependent on sys.path length. On an installed Python with
many additional sys.path entries (e.g. because of distribute-based
module installs), import times will be much worse.



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] need help with frozen module/marshal/gc issue involving sub-interpreters for importlib bootstrapping

2012-02-06 Thread Brett Cannon
On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 11:32, Benjamin Peterson wrote:

 2012/2/6 Brett Cannon
  Thanks for any help people can provide me on this now 5 year quest to get
  this work finished.

 Fixed. (_PyExc_Init was behaving badly.)

That did it! Thanks, Benjamin! Doing one more -uall test run before I
declare the bootstrap working.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] cpython (3.2): remove unused import

2012-02-06 Thread Nick Coghlan
On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 4:52 AM, francis wrote:
 Hi Brett,

 If that's the case I might as well add it as part of my mnfy project's
 verification run I do over the stdlib if someone doesn't beat me to it.

 Is that devinabox ?

No, it's Brett's Python minifier:

devinabox is the everything you need to get started with contributing
to CPython and Python standard library development


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Is this safe enough? Re: [Python-checkins] cpython: _Py_Identifier are always ASCII strings

2012-02-06 Thread Victor Stinner
2012/2/6 Jim Jewett
 I realize that _Py_Identifier is a private name, and that PEP 3131
 requires anything (except test cases) in the standard library to stick
 with ASCII ... but somehow, that feels like too long of a chain.

 I would prefer to see _Py_Identifier renamed to _Py_ASCII_Identifier,
 or at least a comment stating that Identifiers will (per PEP 3131)
 always be ASCII -- preferably with an assert to back that up.

_Py_IDENTIFIER(xxx) defines a variable called PyId_xxx, so xxx can
only be ASCII: the C language doesn't accept non-ASCII identifiers. I
thaugh that _Py_IDENTIFIER() macro was the only way to create a
identifier and so ASCII was enough... but there is also

_Py_static_string(name, value) allows to specify an arbitrary string,
so you may pass a non-ASCII value. I don't see any usecase where you
need a non-ASCII value in Python core.

 -        id-object = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8Stateful(id-string,
 -                                                  strlen(id-string),
 -                                                  NULL, NULL);
 +        id-object = unicode_fromascii((unsigned char*)id-string,
 +                                       strlen(id-string));

This is just an optimization.

If you think that _Py_static_string() is useful, I can revert my
change. Otherwise, _Py_static_string() should be removed.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Is this safe enough? Re: [Python-checkins] cpython: _Py_Identifier are always ASCII strings

2012-02-06 Thread Antoine Pitrou
On Mon, 6 Feb 2012 22:57:46 +0100
Victor Stinner wrote:
  -        id-object = PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8Stateful(id-string,
  -                                                  strlen(id-string),
  -                                                  NULL, NULL);
  +        id-object = unicode_fromascii((unsigned char*)id-string,
  +                                       strlen(id-string));
 This is just an optimization.

Is the optimization even worthwhile? This code is typically called once
for every static string.



Python-Dev mailing list