Re: [Python-Dev] Bug or not? Different behaviour iterating list and collections.deque

2007-01-08 Thread Christos Georgiou
""Martin v. Löwis"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Christos Georgiou schrieb:
>> Is that intentional?
> It would have helped if you had said what "that" is you are referring
> to, it would also have helped if you had stated an opinion on whether
> you believe that to be a bug. For example, I think I would have phrased
> your post like this:

Yes, you are correct: I see now that I was too cryptic, but being cryptic 
was not my intention; instead, I wanted to avoid a discussion on the issue 
of the algorithm, which I didn't manage to avoid, so obviously my terseness 
was mistaken. I should be clear from the start.

In retrospection, the example code I chose, although it showed the two 
issues I thought important ('list / deque iteration discrepancy' and 'empty 
/ non-empty deque iteration discrepancy') was not as plain as needed, since 
it gave to Josiah, at least, the impression that the matter was about list / 
deque merging.

> """
> If I apply .next() to an iter of a deque that has been modified, I
> get a RuntimeError:
> py> d=collections.deque()
> py> d.append(10)
> py> i=iter(d)
> py> d.append(10)
> py>
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "", line 1, in ?
> RuntimeError: deque mutated during iteration
> Yet when I apply .next() to an iter of an initially-empty deque,
> I get StopIteration:
> py> d=collections.deque()
> py> i=iter(d)
> py> d.append(10)
> py>
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "", line 1, in ?
> StopIteration
> Is this a bug? Shouldn't the second example also raise the RuntimeError
> as the deque has been modified?
> (also, is appending an element a modification or a mutation?)
> """
> To this question (.next on an iterator of a modified deque), my answer
> would be: "yes, that is a bug".

Yes. This behaviour was meant to be shown with the 'special_case' check. I 
will open a bug for this.

> However, I feel you are referring to a different issue, unfortunately,
> I cannot tell from your post what that issue is.

No, you managed to capture large part of the essence of what I was saying, 
but again, this was not your responsibility, but mine. I should be more 

Thank you. 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bug or not? Different behaviour iterating list andcollections.deque

2007-01-07 Thread Christos Georgiou

"Josiah Carlson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> "Christos Georgiou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> [snip]
>> issue, but please understand this is not a question for help to change 
>> the
>> algorithm (this has been done already), so it's not a question of
>> It's a matter of discrepancy.
> [snip]
> [snip Josiah's wordy "it's intentional and not a bug" in the form of a 
> suggestion
> for a change of algorithm]

Like I said, this wasn't a question, even if you thought it deserved 
a answer. In any case, you answered my question, and thank you. It 
not being a bug suits me just fine.

Allow me to make sure we talk about the same thing here, though: both the 
example code I provided and the original one do modify the iterable *only* 
between the following A and B points in time:

Point A: itertools.chain calls iter() on the iterable.

(Appending to the iterable (list, deque) occur here, and only here.)

Point B: itertools.chain starts calling

This is a different case from the one mentioned in the post by Raymond, and 
that is why I asked. For example, if itertools.chain called iter() on its 
arguments when actually needing to iterate over them instead of at the 
beginning, the code would work. But I really, really don't mind whatever the 
function, as long as it's by design, and that's the reason I didn't submit a 
bug in the tracker. That's all. I won't (and never intended) to defend any 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bug or not? Different behaviour iterating list andcollections.deque

2007-01-07 Thread Christos Georgiou
Forgive my piggy backing, but I forgot to include the only related post I 
found, which did not clear things up for me:

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Bug or not? Different behaviour iterating list and collections.deque

2007-01-07 Thread Christos Georgiou
Hello, people. I am not sure whether this is a bug or intentional, so I 
thought checking it with you before opening a bug. I will explain this 
issue, but please understand this is not a question for help to change the 
algorithm (this has been done already), so it's not a question of 
It's a matter of discrepancy.

A list that changes while iterating produces no errors, while a deque fails.

Given the following example code:

#code start
import itertools, collections

def item_is_special(item):
 "Just a dummy check in this example"
 return item % 3 == 0

def item_products(item):
 "Also a dummy function for the example"
 return [item*20+1, item*30+1]

def process_list(items, type_of_que, special_case):
 # we want to process some items, but some of them
 # produce other items to be processed by the
 # same algorithm
 products= type_of_que()
 if special_case: products.append(-1)
 for item in itertools.chain(items, products):
  if item_is_special(item):
   for product in item_products(item):
   print "got", item
#code end

we have the following cases:

>>> process_list(numbers, list, False)
got 1
got 2
got 61
got 91

List works as expected.

>>> process_list(numbers, collections.deque, False)
got 1
got 2

deque does not work, most probably because deque.__iter__ of an empty deque 
ignores later changes. For this reason the `special_case' parameter was 
inserted in the code above, so that there is at least an item when 
itertools.chain calls iter on the deque:

>>> process_list(numbers, collections.deque, True)
got 1
got 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1, in 
  File "", line 17, in process_list
for item in itertools.chain(items, products):
RuntimeError: deque mutated during iteration

Is that intentional? If not, let me know so that I open a bug. 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Tix not included in 2.5 for Windows

2006-09-30 Thread Christos Georgiou
""Martin v. Löwis"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 

> Please submit a bug report to


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Tix not included in 2.5 for Windows

2006-09-29 Thread Christos Georgiou
Does anyone know why this happens? I can't find any information pointing to 
this being deliberate.

I just upgraded to 2.5 on Windows (after making sure I can build extensions 
with the freeware VC++ Toolkit 2003) and some of my programs stopped 
operating. I saw in a French forum that someone else had the same problem, 
and what they did was to copy the relevant files from a 2.4.3 installation. 
I did the same, and it seems it works, with only a console message appearing 
as soon as a root window is created:

attempt to provide package Tix 8.1 failed: package Tix provided 


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] once [was: Simple Switch statementZ]

2006-06-29 Thread Christos Georgiou
I haven't followed the complete discussion about once, but I would assume it 
would be used as such:

once  = 

that is, always an assignment, with the value stored as a cellvar, perhaps, 
on first execution 0f the code.

Typically I would use it as:

def function(a):
once pathjoin = os.path.join

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Visual studio 2005 express now free

2006-05-08 Thread Christos Georgiou

""Martin v. Löwis"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 

> - Paul Moore has contributed a Python build procedure for the
>  free version of the 2003 compiler. This one is without IDE,
>  but still, it should allow people without a VS 2003 license
>  to work on Python itself; it should also be possible to develop
>  extensions with that compiler (although I haven't verified
>  that distutils would pick that up correctly).

AFAIR Paul Moore was based on some other instructions posted previously 
somewhere on the net, which I followed at least a year back; it was a little 
hard to fix all variables etc, but I managed to build for 2.4 an extension 
of mine (haar transformation for image comparisons) successfully using just 
the of my module. 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python Grammar Ambiguity

2006-04-28 Thread Christos Georgiou

"Michael Foord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 

> It worries me that there might be a valid expression allowed here that I
> haven't thought of. My current rules allow anything that looks like
> ``(a, [b, c, (d, e)], f)`` - any  nested identifier list. Would anything
> else be allowed ?

Anything that goes in the left hand side of an assignment:

# example 1
>>> a=[1,2]
>>> for a[0] in xrange(10): pass

# example 2
>>> class A(object): pass

>>> a=A()
>>> for a.x in xrange(10): pass

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Patch or feature? Tix.Grid working for 2.5

2006-04-07 Thread Christos Georgiou

""Martin v. Löwis"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Christos Georgiou wrote:

>> I would like to know if supplying a patch for it sometime in the next 
>> couple
>> of weeks would be considered a patch (since the widget currently is not
>> working at all, its class in contains just a pass statement) or a
>> feature (ie extra functionality) for the 2.5 branch...
> I wouldn't object to including it before beta 1.

Just in case the auto-assignment email still does not work, I have submitted 
the patch since  March 31.  OTOH, if I need to review 5 bugs/patches, I'll 
try to find some time to do that. 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Patch or feature? Tix.Grid working for 2.5

2006-03-19 Thread Christos Georgiou

"Neal Norwitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
On 3/18/06, "Martin v. Löwis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Christos Georgiou wrote:

> > I would like to know if supplying a patch for it sometime in the next 
> > couple
> > of weeks would be considered a patch (since the widget currently is not
> > working at all, its class in contains just a pass statement) or a
> > feature (ie extra functionality) for the 2.5 branch...

> I wouldn't object to including it before beta 1.

Good to have a general deadline (ObRef Douglas Adams: ""I like deadlines; I 
especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by.")

> Nor would I.  I'm not sure if this helps or not, but a general rule of
> thumb is if it's 100 lines it's probably a patch.  If it's 1000 lines,
> it's probably a major feature.  Given such a patch is pure python and
> probably much closer to 100 lines, this should be ok.

It should amount to 100-200 lines as far as I can see, I'm just playing with and writing down how to do stuff, and trying to grok the general 
style of classes interfacing to Tkinter/Tix.  DisplayStyle is already there, 
which is good.  Thankfully the tix docs seem to be complete, so it should be 
only a matter of time.  I will try to update with a demo page 

> BTW, have you contacted the Tix people?  It is a separate project and
> looks like people are working on it.

That's where I got the documentation.  I haven't contacted them, though, 
because I saw that hasn't been modified for 4 years now.  I will 
offer the patch both to the Python and the Tix though, thanks for the 

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Patch or feature? Tix.Grid working for 2.5

2006-03-18 Thread Christos Georgiou
I made a plea for help months ago (just checked, and it was Jan 2004! time 
flies like a fruit or something, ref ) 
about directions to fix the borken Tix.Grid widget; I had no replies.

I finally found some spare time (too little, though, much work, wife 
expecting etc) and I started work on it, and at the moment it can be added 
in a window and has some functionality, but I need a lot more finding my way 
about using tcl/tk --I have almost zero knowledge of the language.

I would like to know if supplying a patch for it sometime in the next couple 
of weeks would be considered a patch (since the widget currently is not 
working at all, its class in contains just a pass statement) or a 
feature (ie extra functionality) for the 2.5 branch...

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] bytes thoughts

2006-03-17 Thread Christos Georgiou

"Josiah Carlson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

"Christos Georgiou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, what's the result of
> bytes([1,0,0])^ bytes([1,0])
> ?  Is it bytes([0,0,0]) (à la little-endian) or is it bytes([1,1,0])
> (straight conversion to base-256)?  Or perhaps throw a ValueError if the
> sizes differ?

> It's a ValueError.  If the sizes matched, it would be a per-element
> bitwise xor.

I agree ("in the face of ambiguity..."), although I understand that it 
obvious that I do from the way I asked the question, which I was expecting
Greg to answer :)

> These details should be considered in the PEP.

> They aren't considered because they are *obvious* to most (if not all)
> sane people who use Python.

I beg to disagree.  I don't know whether you are Dutch or not, but most of
the Python users aren't; one of the reason PEPs exist is to explain what
*should* "be obvious at first" when one is Dutch ;-)  Apart from joking,
PEPs should be a record of beating/thinking the PEP subject to its death:
"The PEP author is responsible for building consensus within the
community and documenting dissenting opinions."

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Switch to MS VC++ 2005 ?!

2006-03-16 Thread Christos Georgiou

"M.-A. Lemburg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Microsoft has recently released their express version of the Visual C++.
> Given that this version is free for everyone, wouldn't it make sense
> to ship Python 2.5 compiled with this version ?!

Link to the middle of a previous thread about the same option:

Link describes hands-on experience by Paul Moore. 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] bytes thoughts

2006-03-16 Thread Christos Georgiou

"Greg Ewing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Baptiste Carvello wrote:
>> while manipulating binary data will happen mostly with bytes objects,
>> some
>> operations are better done with ints, like the bit manipulations with the
>> &|~^
>> operators.

> Why not just support bitwise operations directly
> on the bytes object?

Well, what's the result of

bytes([1,0,0])^ bytes([1,0])

?  Is it bytes([0,0,0]) (à la little-endian) or is it bytes([1,1,0])
(straight conversion to base-256)?  Or perhaps throw a ValueError if the 
sizes differ?

These details should be considered in the PEP.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] fixing log messages

2006-03-08 Thread Christos Georgiou

[Fredrik Lundh]
>> (but alright, as long as you don't call me "Fred"...)

[Steve Holden]
> Did I *ever* do that? That would have been an embarrassing slip ;-)

I know I'm extremely late, but there should be a POTF (Pun Of The 
Fortnight) from now on.

A member of the Mund-SIG

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] buildbot, and test failures

2006-02-23 Thread Christos Georgiou
""Martin v. Löwis"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Anthony Baxter wrote:

>> I
>> have an Ubuntu x86 box here that can become one (I think the only
>> linux, currently, is Gentoo...)
> How different are the Linuxes, though? How many of them do we need?

Actually, we would need enough to cover the libc/gcc combinations that are 
most common.
This isn't feasible, though, so in case we add more Linux machines, at least 
make sure that
the libc/gcc combo is not one already used in the existing ones. 

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Building Python with Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition

2005-11-10 Thread Christos Georgiou
I didn't see any mention of this product in the Python-Dev list, so I 
thought to let you know.

There is also a link for a CD image (.img) file to download.

I am downloading now, so I don't know yet whether Python compiles with it 
without any problems.  So if anyone has previous experience, please reply.

This page ( ) 
says that if you download it until Nov 7, 2006, it's a gift --the Microsoft 
VC++ compiler for free (perhaps a cut-down version).

Bits from the FAQ:

4. Can be used even for commercial products without licensing restrictions
40. It includes the optimizing compiler (without stuff like Profile Guided 
41. Builds both native and managed applications (you 99% need to download 
the SDK too)
42. No MFC or ATL included

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] bool(iter([])) changed between 2.3 and 2.4

2005-10-20 Thread Christos Georgiou

"Guido van Rossum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> [Fred]
>> > think iterators shouldn't have length at all:
>> > they're *not* containers and shouldn't act that way.
>> Some iterators can usefully report their length with the invariant:
>>len(it) == len(list(it)).
>I still consider this an erroneous hypergeneralization of the concept
>of iterators. Iterators should be pure iterators and not also act as
>containers. Which other object type implements __len__ but not

Too late, and probably irrelevant by now; the answer though is


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] list splicing

2005-10-20 Thread Christos Georgiou
"Greg Ewing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Karl Chen wrote:
>> Hi, has anybody considered adding something like this:
>> a = [1, 2]
>> [ 'x', *a, 'y']
>> as syntactic sugar for
>> a = [1, 2]
>> [ 'x' ] + a + [ 'y' ].
> You can write that as
>   a = [1, 2]
>   a[1:1] = a

I'm sure you meant to write:

a = [1, 2]
b = ['x', 'y']
b[1:1] = a

Occasional absence of mind makes other people feel useful!

PS actually one *can* write

a = [1, 2]
['x', 'y'][1:1] = a

since this is not actually an assignment but rather syntactic sugar for a 
function call, but I don't know how one would use the modified list, since

b = ['x','y'][1:1] = a

doesn't quite fulfill the initial requirement ;) 

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and exec

2005-10-10 Thread Christos Georgiou
This might be minor-- but I didn't see anyone mentioning it so far.  If 
`exec` functionality is to be provided, then I think it still should be a 
keyword for the parser to know; currently bytecode generation is affected if 
`exec` is present.  Even if that changes for Python 3k (we don't know yet), 
the paragraph for exec should be annotated with a note about this issue. 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] itertools.chain should take an iterable ?

2005-09-02 Thread Christos Georgiou
"Paolino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 

> What if I want to chain an infinite list of iterables?
> Shouldn't itertools.chain be built to  handle that?

Raymond already suggested a four-line function that does exactly that.

Create your own personal-library modules containing the functions you find 
useful as building blocks, and when you have a large sw base using them, 
present your building blocks along with their use cases as arguments for 
inclusion in the standard library.

> I don't think it is a problem to accept only the second case you paste
> and produce TypeError on the others.

It would break compatibility with the current uses of itertools.chain .  I 
like it (and have used it) as it is. 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Docs/Pointer to Tools/scripts?

2005-08-24 Thread Christos Georgiou
"Reinhold Birkenfeld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi,
> after adding Oleg Broytmann's to Tools/scripts, I wonder
> whether the Tools directory is documented at all. There are many useful
> scripts there which many people will not find if they are not listed
> anywhere in the docs.

AFAIK the only documentation is the README file in said directory. 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] plans for 2.4.2 and 2.5a1

2005-08-12 Thread Christos Georgiou
> At the moment I'm trying to create a minimal file that when imported fails
> with 2.4.1 .  I'll update the case as soon as I have one, but I wanted to
> draw some attention in python-dev in case it rings a bell.

Please ignore my previous message --through gmane I saw only mwh's message, 
and after sending my reply, I got Walter's message. 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] plans for 2.4.2 and 2.5a1

2005-08-12 Thread Christos Georgiou
"Michael Hudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Anthony Baxter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> So I'm currently planning for a 2.4.2 sometime around mid September. I 
>> figure
>> we cut a release candidate either on the 7th or 14th, and a final a week
>> later.
> Cool.  I'm not sure how many outstanding bugs should be fixed before
> 2.4.2.  Some stuff to do with files with PEP 263 style declarations?
> (Walter?  I've lost track of these).

This is a serious issue (spurious syntax errors).

One bug about files with encoding declarations is 
.  So far, it seems that source files having a size of f*n+x (for some small 
indeterminate value of x, and f is a power of 2 like 512 or 1024) 
occasionally fail to compile with spurious syntax errors.  (I once had a 
file show up the line with the "syntax error", and the reported line was 
comprised half from the failing line and half from the line 
above --unfortunately I kept the file for examination in a USB key that some 
colleague formatted).  The syntax errors disappear if the coding declaration 
is removed or if some blank lines are inserted before the failing line.

I think this occurs only on Windows, so it should be something to do with 
line endings and buffering.

At the moment I'm trying to create a minimal file that when imported fails 
with 2.4.1 .  I'll update the case as soon as I have one, but I wanted to 
draw some attention in python-dev in case it rings a bell. 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Terminology for PEP 343

2005-08-12 Thread Christos Georgiou
"Michael Hudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Guard?  Monitor?  Don't really like either of these.

I know I am late, but since guard means something else, 'sentinel' (in the 
line of __enter__ and __exit__ interpretation) could be an alternative. 
Tongue in cheek. 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] List copy and clear (was Re: Inconsistent API forsets.Set and build-in set)

2005-07-07 Thread Christos Georgiou

"Tim Peters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 

> Or my personal favorite,
>while mylist:
>del mylist[::2]
> Then the original index positions with the most consecutive trailing 1
> bits survive the longest, which is important to avoid ZODB cache bugs
> .

This is a joke, hopefully, and in that case, I fell for it.  If not, please 
provide a url with related discussion (for educational purposes :) 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 340 keyword: after

2005-05-16 Thread Christos Georgiou

"Chris Ryland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 

> I hate to add to what could be an endless discussion, but... ;-)
> In this case, "while" is the better time-related prefix, whether
> keyword (hopeless, due to ages-old boolean-controlled loop association)
> or function, since you want to imply that the code block is going
> on *while* the lock is held or *while* the file is open (and you also
> want to imply that afterwards, something else happens, i.e., cleanup).
> while_locked(myLock):
># code that needs to hold the lock

Ah.  You mean 'during' :) 

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Re: Python 2.4 | 7.3 The for statement

2005-03-22 Thread Christos Georgiou
It is easier if we see it beforehand:
leave = False
alist = [1,2,3,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
for item in alist and not leave:
if item is 1: leave = True
Apart from other objections, this is valid Python now, and failing with 
'TypeError: iteration over non-sequence'.

This is not my first Python-dev message, but I never have introduced myself 
so far.  So:

I began my career as a programmer in 1990 working with C and Unify 
Accell/SQL, and continued with various RDBMS systems (Ingres, Oracle) 
creating commercial tailor-made applications (CRM and ERP, but before these 
terms were coined AFAIK).  However, since 1986 (during school) I helped 
older friends (students) with C programs on Unix systems (met Unix before 
IBM compatible machines).  And I won't mention Sinclair ZX Spectrum and 
Sinclair QL use as a kid :)

Along programming, I worked as a sysadm for my companies' systems (and as a 
support sysadm for clients' systems, including SysV/68k, Ultrix, AIX, HP-UX, 
SCO, Irix, and various Linux distros since 2.4 kernel), so I have a thorough 
shell scripting background.  I never liked Perl when I found out about it, 
so I continued my awk usage.  I also had a very good knowledge of Access 97 
at the time (loved the data engine, hated the program itself).

Python I met in 2000 as a script to analyse LaBrea tarpit logs, and reading 
the code instantly clicked for me (it was very close to the language I 
always intended to write myself RSN :).  It was love at first code viewing. 
I have since become a Python advocate.  Personal computer-related interests 
include image processing (and cataloguing), database design, game solving, 
"interconnected" generic information storage and retrieval (attempts in 
which will be superseded soon --hopefully-- by Chandler... :)

My current employment as part of the customer support team for SGI systems 
in EMEA territory leaves little time for Python (attempts at social life 
worsens things too), and often enough this lack of time makes my posts to 
comp.lang.python somewhat sloppy...  Though I won't ever be a called a *bot, 
I surely hope I can contribute a little.  Thanks for reading! 

Python-Dev mailing list