Re: [Python-Dev] Community buildbots and Python release quality metrics

2008-07-08 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 12:56 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It looks to me like the main thing that Pybots needs is help with
 maintenance.  Getting someone to set up an individual buildbot is one thing,
 but keeping it working is the important bit and it looks like people are not
 doing that.  The project would also be greatly aided by having dedicated
 people diagnose errors, report bugs against Python core if they're real and
 report bugs against Pybots if they're spurious.

 It would be good to have this effort be centralized and directed because it
 would otherwise be too easy to file duplicate bug reports, or to assume oh,
 this has been failing for months, someone must have filed a bug already.

I agree with all you're saying here. As usual, the devil is in the
details. Finding those 'dedicated people' and also people who would
act as the central point of contact for bug reports etc. turns out to
be very hard in practice. If you have any ideas, I'd be glad to hear

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] buildbots

2008-07-07 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 5:39 AM, Antoine Pitrou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - are more buildbots needed and if so, which kinds of platforms/architectures?

I can't really answer that question for the python code buildbot farm,
but for the Pybots community project, the platforms we currently have
are in a table on this page:

If you are able to offer something that's not on the list, that'd be
good. But any help at all is appreciated.

I believe Windows has traditionally been under-represented in all
buildbot farms, and it's likely to stay that way...

 - for which software? Python itself? third-party apps and libraries?

For Pybots, we're testing third-party apps and libraries against
changes made to Python core. If you're interested in a 3rd party
project, and you're willing to stay on top of that project's buildbot
status, and notify both the project leaders and the Python core devs
whenever you notice an ugly breakage -- then you're exactly the kind
of guy we need on the Pybots project :-)

 - how resource-consuming is it? CPU? memory? disk space? can it run along 
 services fine or does it need the whole machine for itself?

In my experience, buildbot runs fine on newer hardware. It does
consume CPU, so if you have a slow machine, it might start impacting
your other processes.

 - how time-consuming is it (in terms of human work)? I may spend a bit of time
 at the start to set it up but I'd like it to it run quite flawlessly 
 I'm really not a sysadmin at heart...

The initial learning curve can be a bit steep, but I'm here to help.
Once you add your buildslave to the buildbot farm, things should run
fairly smoothly. You will get notified via email / RSS about
breakages, and then you'll have to invest the time to see what kind of
breakage it is, and to notify the interested parties.

 I suppose other interested people could ask themselves the same questions...

 Just my 2 cents.


Thanks for the questions, they really help IMO. I also hope the answers helped.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Community buildbots and Python release quality metrics

2008-07-07 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On Sun, Jul 6, 2008 at 2:09 PM, Grig Gheorghiu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'll send a message to the pybots mailing list asking people whose
 buildbots are turned off if they're still interested in running them.
 Negative or no answers will mean we can remove them from the farm.

OK, I posted a message to the pybots mailing list and I removed 2
slaves. Out of the 6 remaining, 4 are currently active, and one will
hopefully soon be active starting next week. This leaves just one
unanswered for so far. I also got an email from another person
volunteering a buildslave, so we'll soon have 7 machines.

As I said, if anybody else wants to participate in the Pybots project,
please let me know! I'll also post a blog entry on this soon.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Community buildbots and Python release quality metrics

2008-07-06 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On Sun, Jul 6, 2008 at 8:46 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 However, let's say that this were tremendously successful, and lots of
 people start paying attention.  I think needs to be updated to
 say exactly what a participant interested in python testing needs to do,
 beyond here's how you set up a buildbot (a page that is actually a
 daunting-looking blog post which admits it may be somewhat outdated),
 because setting up a buildbot might not be the only thing that the project
 needs.  It's one thing to tell people that they need to be helping out (and
 I'm sure you're right) but it's much more useful to get the message out that
 we really need people to do X, Y, and Z.  One thing I will definitely
 commit to is that if you make a cry for help page, I'll blog about it to
 drive attention to it, and I'll encourage the other, perhaps better-read
 Python bloggers I know to do so as well.

I have posted 'cries for help' repeatedly on my blog, with generally
little success. See .
But I will post again. If you can include here a paragraph of what
your vision of the 'X, Y and Z' above is, that'd help too. I think
I've been pretty clear about the benefits that the Pybots farm can
bring to a given project, so all project leaders on this list should
be aware of them IMO. If not, I'd be happy to rehash them. But the
home page of is pretty self-explanatory I think.

 My personal interest at the moment is to get all of the irrelevant red off
 of the community builders page.  Whether or not you believe in an XP green
 bar philosophy, the large number of spurious failures is distracting.  Who
 is it that is capable of making appropriate changes? Is there something I
 could do to help with that?  Note that I'm committing to say that I can do
 *that*, but, at least you could shut me up by making it my fault ;-).

I'll send a message to the pybots mailing list asking people whose
buildbots are turned off if they're still interested in running them.
Negative or no answers will mean we can remove them from the farm.

 (I'd also like to improve the labels of the build slaves.  What exactly is
 x86 Red Hat 9 trunk testing?  Trunk of what?  What project?)

It's not only a question of changing a static label in this case. A
given buildslave can run the tests for multiple projects, in which
case it becomes tricky to change the label on the fly accordingly. As
an aside, the slave you mention was running on my machine, and I used
it to run the Twisted tests, but I shut it down a while ago because
the buildbot process was taking too many resources. If the Twisted
project can donate a machine, I'd be happy to include it in the Pybots
farm ASAP.

 It would be good to remove the perception that it's somebody else's problem
 as much as possible.  Right now, all these dead buildbots suggest to the
 various communities, oh, I guess that guy who runs that buildbot needs to
 fix it.  The dead bots should just be killed off, and their projects
 removed from the list, so that if someone wants to get involved and set up a
 bot for lxml, they're not put off of it by the fact that it might be rude to
 the guy who is currently (allegedly) running it.

As I said, I'll see what the current owners have to say, and then I'll
report back to this list.

Thanks for offering your help!

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Community buildbots and Python release quality metrics

2008-07-05 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 8:18 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Today on, Doug Hellman announced the June issue of Python
 magazine.  The cover story this month is about Pybots, the fantastic
 automation system that has been put in place to make sure new releases of
 Python software are as robust and stable as possible.

 Last week, there was a beta release of Python which, according to the
 community buildbots, cannot run any existing python software.  Normally I'd
 be complaining here about Twisted, but in fact Twisted is doing relatively
 well right now; only 80 failing tests.  Django apparently cannot even be

 The community buildbots have been in a broken state for months now[1]. I've
 been restraining myself from whinging about this, but now that it's getting
 close to release, it's time to get these into shape, or it's time to get rid
 of them.

Hi all,

Sorry for not replying sooner, I was on vacation when this thread
started and I only got back in town yesterday.

To bring my $0.02 to this discussion: the Pybots 'community buildbots'
turned out largely to be a failure. Why? Because there was never
really a 'community' around it, especially a community of project
leaders who would be interested in the state of their projects' tests.
All the machines donated for the Pybots farm belong to people who just
happen to be interested in given projects, but are not really the
leaders of those projects. The only project who constantly stayed on
top of the buildbot status was Twisted, represented by JP Calderone
(although even there the tests were running on my machine, and not on
a machine contributed by the Twisted folks.)

I still haven't given up, and I hope this thread will spur project
leaders into donating time, or resources, to the Pybots project. It
has been my bitter observation about the Open Source world that people
just LOVE to get stuff for free. As soon as you mention more
involvement from them in the form of time, money, hardware resources,
etc., the same brave proponents of cool things to be done are nowhere
to be found.

To come back to this thread, I don't think it's reasonable to expect
the Python core developers to be that interested in the status of the
community buildbots. It is again up to the project leaders to step up
to the plate, donate machines to Pybots, and stay on top of any
breakages that result from Python core checkins. It seems to me that
the Python core developers have always responded promptly and
favorably to reports of breakages coming from the Pybots farm.

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Error trying to access community buildbot page

2007-07-05 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
When I go to

I get a 503 error Service Temporarily Unavailable.

Can anybody shed some light?



Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] test_pty fails on Sparc Solaris 10 for trunk

2007-04-24 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
This is happening both in the Python buildbot farm, and in the
community buildbot farm.



Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] test_normalization failures across community buildbots

2007-04-16 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
Almost all community buildbots have failed the test step due to a
failure in test_normalization. Here's a link to the community farm for
the trunk:

And here's an example of a failure:

test test_normalization failed -- Traceback (most recent call last):
line 36, in test_main
for line in open_urlresource(TESTDATAURL):
line 271, in open_urlresource
line 94, in requires
raise ResourceDenied(msg)
ResourceDenied: Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] test_normalization failures across community buildbots

2007-04-16 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On 4/16/07, Brett Cannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Don't know what suddenly triggered this (nothing I did), but the code
 basically looks correct.  What should be happening is regrtest should be
 catching that exception and just saying the test was skipped.

 The last commit on regrtest was March 12, test_support was touched April 3,
 and test_normalization on April 5 according to ``svn log -r COMMITTED``.

There's a check-in related to on April 5th that
seems to have triggered the failures:

Sorry I haven't reported this sooner, I've been swamped the last couple weeks.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Policy Decisions, Judgment Calls, and Backwards Compatibility (was Re: splitext('.cshrc'))

2007-03-08 Thread Grig Gheorghiu

 Buildbot has a build this branch feature which could be used to settle
 these discussions more rapidly, except for the fact that the community
 builders are currently in pretty sad shape:

 By my count, currently only 9 out of 22 builders are passing.  The severity
 of these failures varies (many of the builders are simply offline, not
 failing) but they should all be passing.  If they were, rather than debating
 use-cases, we could at *least* have someone check this patch into a branch,
 and then build that branch across all these projects to see if any of them

Titus and I are thinking about mentoring a Google Summer of Code
project that would use the 'buildbot try' feature: set up a bunch of
buildbot slaves and set them up so sending them a patch will trigger a
checkout of the latest Python svn, followed by the application of the
patch, followed by building and running unit tests for Python,
followed by running test suites for various projects (similar to how
it's being done in the community buildbot farm). This will hopefully
give us a better grasp about how good a patch is, and will make the
process of accepting patches more smooth.

What do people think?

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Any value in setting up pybots for py3k?

2007-02-12 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
Sidnei da Silva asked on the pybots mailing list if we should be
testing packages with py3k. I think it's probably too early for that,
but on the other hand I'm sure many package creators/maintainers would
be curious to see how their packages fare with py3k.

So is there any value or interest in setting up a svn notification
hook for py3k commits that would go to the pybots buildbot master?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] test_ucn fails for trunk on x86 Ubuntu Edgy

2006-11-08 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On 11/7/06, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Grig Gheorghiu schrieb:
  One of the Pybots buildslaves running x86 Ubuntu Edgy has been failing
  the unit test step for the trunk, specifically the test_ucn test.

 Something is wrong with the machine. I forced a clean rebuild, and
 now it crashes in test_doctest2:

 So either the compiler or some library has been updated in a strange
 way, or there is a hardware problem. One would need access to the
 machine to find out (and analyzing it is likely time-consuming).


Thanks for looking into it. I'll contact the owner of that machine and
we'll try to figure out what's going on.

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] test_ucn fails for trunk on x86 Ubuntu Edgy

2006-11-07 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
One of the Pybots buildslaves running x86 Ubuntu Edgy has been failing
the unit test step for the trunk, specifically the test_ucn test.
Here's the error:

test test_ucn failed -- Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /home/pybot/pybot/trunk.bear-x86/build/Lib/test/,
line 102, in test_bmp_characters
self.assertEqual(unicodedata.lookup(name), char)
KeyError: undefined character name 'EIGHT PETALLED OUTLINED BLACK FLORETTE'

Here's the entire log for the failed step:

Note that this test passes on all the other plaforms running in the
Pybots farm, including an amd64 Ubuntu Edgy machine.

Looks like the failure started to happen after this checkin:


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python unit tests failing on Pybots farm

2006-10-20 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On 10/19/06, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Grig Gheorghiu schrieb:
  OK, I deleted the checkout directory on one of my buidslaves and
  re-ran the build steps. The tests passed. So my conclusion is that a
  full rebuild is needed for the tests to pass after the last checkins
  (which included files such as configure and

 Indeed, you had to re-run configure. There was a bug where -Werror was
 added to the build flags, causing several configure tests to fail
 (most notably, it would determine that there's no memmove on Linux).

  Maybe the makefiles should be modified so that a full rebuild is
  triggered when the configure and files are changed?

 The makefiles already do that: if configure changes, a plain
 make will first re-run configure.

Well, that didn't trigger a full rebuild on the Pybots buildslaves though.

  At this point, I'll have to tell all the Pybots owners to delete their
  checkout directories and start a new build.

 Not necessarily. You can also ask, at the buildbot GUI, that a
 non-existing branch is build. This should cause the checkouts
 to be deleted (and then the build to fail); the next regular
 build will check out from scratch.

OK, I'll try that next time. Or I can add an extra 'clean checkout
dir' step to the buildmaster -- but that would trigger a full rebuild
every time, which is not what I want, since some of the buildslaves
take a long time to do that.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python unit tests failing on Pybots farm

2006-10-20 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On 10/20/06, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Grig Gheorghiu schrieb:
   Maybe the makefiles should be modified so that a full rebuild is
   triggered when the configure and files are changed?
  The makefiles already do that: if configure changes, a plain
  make will first re-run configure.
  Well, that didn't trigger a full rebuild on the Pybots buildslaves though.

 Can you provide more details? Did it not run configure again, or
 did that not cause a rebuild?

 There is an issue with not doing the rebuilding
 properly if header files change; contributions to fix this are welcome
 (quick-hacked work-arounds are not).

Here are the steps that led to the unit test failures, after your
checkin of configure and

svn update:





Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Python unit tests failing on Pybots farm

2006-10-19 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
The latest trunk checkin caused almost all Pybots to fail when running
the Python unit tests.

273 tests OK.
12 tests failed:
test___all__ test_calendar test_capi test_datetime test_email
test_email_renamed test_imaplib test_mailbox test_strftime
test_strptime test_time test_xmlrpc

Here's the status page:

Not sure why the official Python buildbot farm is all green and
happymaybe a difference in how the steps are running?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python unit tests failing on Pybots farm

2006-10-19 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On 10/19/06, Brett Cannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Possibly.  If you look at the reason those tests failed it is because
 time.strftime is missing for some odd reason.  But none of recent checkins
 seem to have anything to do with the 'time' module, let alone with how
 methods are added to modules (Martin's recent checkins have been for


Could there possible be a side effect of the PyArg_ParseTuple changes?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python unit tests failing on Pybots farm

2006-10-19 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On 10/19/06, Brett Cannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 10/19/06, Grig Gheorghiu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 10/19/06, Brett Cannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Possibly.  If you look at the reason those tests failed it is because
   time.strftime is missing for some odd reason.  But none of recent
   seem to have anything to do with the 'time' module, let alone with how
   methods are added to modules (Martin's recent checkins have been for
  Could there possible be a side effect of the PyArg_ParseTuple changes?

 I doubt that, especially since I just updated my pristine checkout and
 test_time passed fine.


OK, I deleted the checkout directory on one of my buidslaves and
re-ran the build steps. The tests passed. So my conclusion is that a
full rebuild is needed for the tests to pass after the last checkins
(which included files such as configure and

The Python buildbots are doing full rebuilds every time, that's why
they're green and happy, but the Pybots are just doing incremental

Maybe the makefiles should be modified so that a full rebuild is
triggered when the configure and files are changed?

At this point, I'll have to tell all the Pybots owners to delete their
checkout directories and start a new build.

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] down

2006-10-17 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
FYI -- can't do svn checkouts/updates from the trunk at this point.

starting svn operation
svn update --revision HEAD
 in dir /home/twistbot/pybot/trunk.gheorghiu-x86/build (timeout 1200 secs)
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/projects/python/trunk'
svn: PROPFIND of '/projects/python/trunk': could not connect to server


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Promoting PCbuild8 (Was: Python 2.5 performance)

2006-10-17 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On 10/17/06, Kristján V. Jónsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay, a buildbot then doesn't sound quite that scary.  Any info somewhere on 
 how to set one up on a windows box?

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] down

2006-10-17 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On 10/17/06, Anthony Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wednesday 18 October 2006 00:59, Grig Gheorghiu wrote:
  FYI -- can't do svn checkouts/updates from the trunk at this point.
  starting svn operation
  svn update --revision HEAD
   in dir /home/twistbot/pybot/trunk.gheorghiu-x86/build (timeout 1200 secs)
  svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/projects/python/trunk'
  svn: PROPFIND of '/projects/python/trunk': could not connect to server

 It works for me. Can you connect to port 22 on

I can connect with ssh, but svn checkouts fail across the board for
all pybots buildslaves:

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] test_itertools fails for trunk on x86 OS X machine

2006-09-21 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On 9/21/06, Jack Diederich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The python binary is out of step with the version.
 You can generate this same error on your own box by reverting the
 change to itertoolsmodule.c but leaving the new test in

 I don't know why this only happened on that OSX buildslave

Not sure what you mean by out of step. The binary was built out of the
very latest itertoolsmodule.c, and was also updated
from svn. So they're both in sync IMO. That tests passes successfully
on all the other buildslaves in the Pybots farm (x86 Ubuntu, Debian,
Gentoo, RH9, AMD-64 Ubuntu)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] test_itertools fails for trunk on x86 OS X machine

2006-09-21 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On 9/21/06, Jack Diederich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 21, 2006 at 03:28:04PM -0700, Grig Gheorghiu wrote:
  On 9/21/06, Jack Diederich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The python binary is out of step with the version.
   You can generate this same error on your own box by reverting the
   change to itertoolsmodule.c but leaving the new test in
   I don't know why this only happened on that OSX buildslave
  Not sure what you mean by out of step. The binary was built out of the
  very latest itertoolsmodule.c, and was also updated
  from svn. So they're both in sync IMO. That tests passes successfully
  on all the other buildslaves in the Pybots farm (x86 Ubuntu, Debian,
  Gentoo, RH9, AMD-64 Ubuntu)

 When I saw the failure, first I cursed (a lot).  Then I followed the repr
 all the way down into stringobject.c, no dice.  Then I noticed that the
 failure is exactly what you get if the test was updated but the old
 module wasn't.

 Faced with the choice of believing in a really strange platform specific
 bug in a commonly used routine that resulted in exactly the failure caused
 by one of the two files being updated or believing a failure occurred in the
 long chain of networks, disks, file systems, build tools, and operating
 systems that would result in only one of the files being updated -
 I went with the latter.

 I'll continue in my belief until my dying day or until someone with OSX
 confirms it is a bug, whichever comes first.



OK, sorry for having caused you so much griefI'll investigate some
more on the Pybots side and I'll let you know what I find.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] test_itertools fails for trunk on x86 OS X machine

2006-09-21 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On 9/21/06, Grig Gheorghiu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 9/21/06, Jack Diederich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thu, Sep 21, 2006 at 03:28:04PM -0700, Grig Gheorghiu wrote:
   On 9/21/06, Jack Diederich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The python binary is out of step with the version.
You can generate this same error on your own box by reverting the
change to itertoolsmodule.c but leaving the new test in
I don't know why this only happened on that OSX buildslave
   Not sure what you mean by out of step. The binary was built out of the
   very latest itertoolsmodule.c, and was also updated
   from svn. So they're both in sync IMO. That tests passes successfully
   on all the other buildslaves in the Pybots farm (x86 Ubuntu, Debian,
   Gentoo, RH9, AMD-64 Ubuntu)
  When I saw the failure, first I cursed (a lot).  Then I followed the repr
  all the way down into stringobject.c, no dice.  Then I noticed that the
  failure is exactly what you get if the test was updated but the old
  module wasn't.
  Faced with the choice of believing in a really strange platform specific
  bug in a commonly used routine that resulted in exactly the failure caused
  by one of the two files being updated or believing a failure occurred in the
  long chain of networks, disks, file systems, build tools, and operating
  systems that would result in only one of the files being updated -
  I went with the latter.
  I'll continue in my belief until my dying day or until someone with OSX
  confirms it is a bug, whichever comes first.

 OK, sorry for having caused you so much griefI'll investigate some
 more on the Pybots side and I'll let you know what I find.


Actually, that test fails also in the official Python buildbot farm,
on a g4 osx machine. See

So it looks like it's an OS X specific issue.

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] 'with' bites Twisted

2006-09-07 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
When the pybot buildslave for Twisted is trying to run the Twisted test suite via 'trial', it gets an exception:Traceback (most recent call last):  File /tmp/Twisted/bin/trial, line 23, in module
from twisted.scripts.trial import run  File /tmp/Twisted/twisted/scripts/, line 10, in modulefrom twisted.application import app  File /tmp/Twisted/twisted/application/, line 10, in module
from twisted.application import service  File /tmp/Twisted/twisted/application/, line 20, in modulefrom twisted.python import components  File /tmp/Twisted/twisted/python/, line 37, in module
from zope.interface.adapter import AdapterRegistry  File /tmp/python-buildbot/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/zope/interface/, line 201for with, objects in v.iteritems():
   ^SyntaxError: invalid syntaxSo the culprit in this case is really zope.interface.The full log is here:
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] link to community buildbot?

2006-08-31 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
There was a buildbot set up recently to test various external packages(like twisted) against Python's source code.I don't recall where it is,but it would be nice if relevant links to it existed on this page: addition, if a 2.3.6 release is going to happen it seems like it would bea good idea to set up the relevant bits on both buildbots.
Skip___The link is this one:
BTW, I haven't had many takers since I announced this projectSo if anybody on these lists is interested in setting up a buildslave, please let me know. There's also a mailing list here:,Grig
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] uuid test suite failing

2006-07-28 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On 7/28/06, Neal Norwitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 7/27/06, A.M. Kuchling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 05:40:57PM +0200, Georg Brandl wrote:  The UUID test suite, which wasn't run by until now, is
  now failing on some buildbots (and my machine). This should be fixed  before releasing something. Looking at the failures, there seem to be two problems on Unix variants:1) on some, '/sbin/ifconfig' prints a help message; you need 'ifconfig -a'
 to print information about all interfaces.2) on Solaris 9 (the only version in the SF compile farm), I can't figure out how to make ifconfig print MAC addresses at all. Searching online finds the incantation 'arp hostname' to print the
 MAC.This is such a mess.There are so many different ways of determiningthe MAC addr on each flavour of Unix it seems hopeless to try.Ifixed _ifconfig_getnode so it should work on at least:Linux, Tru64,
Solaris, and HP-UX.Who knows how many more variations there are.This only fixes 1 of the 2 failures in test_uuid.The other one isdue to _unixdll_getnode() failing.This is because_uuid_generate_time is None because we couldn't find it in the uuid
library.This is just broken, not sure if it's the code or the testthough.We should handle the case if _uuid_generate_time and theothers are None better.I don't know what to do in this case.Since getnode ignores exceptions, maybe it's the test that is broken?
My 2 cents: since there is no POSIX standard for getting a list of network interfaces, trying to account for all the platform variations is one central location is hopeless. Instead, I think the onus should be on whomever is testing this on a particular platform -- in short, on the buildbot maintainer on that platform. 
There could be another suite, something like for example, which could be composed of highly platform-dependent tests such as These tests would have empty methods such as _ifconfig_getnode, which would then be defined on a per-platform basis by the buildbot maintainer on that platform. The test would obviously fail by default, unless those methods are properly defined. Or these methods could account for just one platform, as an example of what to do on other platforms.
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Community buildbots -- reprise

2006-07-25 Thread Grig Gheorghiu

This message is in response to Glyph's plea

Here's what Glyph said:

I would like to propose, although I certainly don't have time to
implement, a program by which Python-using projects could contribute
buildslaves which would run their projects' tests with the latest
Python trunk.  This would provide two useful incentives: Python code
would gain a reputation as generally well-tested (since there is a
direct incentive to write tests for your project: get notified when
core python changes might break it), and the core developers would have
instant feedback when a small change breaks more code than it was
expected to.

I'm volunteering to organize this effort, is there is enough interest
on this list. In fact, I've done some prep work already:

 * got a domain name:
 * got a $47/month Ubuntu-based VPS from (root access
and everything); it's available at, and it's ready to
be configured as a buildmaster for the pybots
 * got a mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can start configuring the Ubuntu machine as a buildmaster, and I can
also add a buildslave on the same machine that will check out the
latest Python trunk code, build it, then run the automated tests for a
sample project -- let's say for Twisted, since Glyph was the one
requesting this. This will also serve as a sample buildslave for other
people who will be interested in running buildslaves for their own

Apart from the goals stated by Glyph, I see this as a very valuable
effort in convincing people of the value of automated tests,
Python-related or not. A secondary effect I'd like to see would be for
these suites of tests to be invoked in a standard fashion -- maybe
'python test'.

If PSF can contribute some $$$ towards the hosting of the master
server, that would be appreciated, but not required. All that's
required is enough interest from the community.

Please let me know if you're interested.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Community buildbots -- reprise

2006-07-25 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On 7/25/06, Neal Norwitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If you want I can send you the build master cfg I setup on python.organd some simple instructions for how to connect to it.I don't havetime to focus on this at the moment and probably won't until 
2.5 isout.n--Sure. I'm still a bit unclear on whether you want me to coordinate this
by adding buildslaves to the build master cfg, adding build steps etc.
I'll gladly do it if you need help. I'll need access to the server and
proper permissions of course.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Community buildbots -- reprise

2006-07-22 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On 7/22/06, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Grig Gheorghiu wrote: Please let me know if you're interested.As I said earlier: If you need some kind of post-committrigger on the python repository to trigger a build, justlet me know. We currently use a more-or-less plain to trigger our own builds.Wouldn't that put too much of a burden on the python core build system? It would have to be aware of all the buildslaves running specific projects. 
I was thinking about having a dedicated buildmaster machine, such as the one Neal says he already has, and configure that machine to coordinate a small army of buildslaves which will be contributed for people interested in this effort.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Community buildbots -- reprise

2006-07-22 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
On 7/22/06, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Grig Gheorghiu wrote: As I said earlier: If you need some kind of post-commit trigger on the python repository to trigger a build, just let me know. We currently use a more-or-less plain to trigger our own builds. Wouldn't that put too much of a burden on the python core build system? It would have to be aware of all the buildslaves running specific projects.
If there is a single community buildbot, then no. In any case, it'sprimarily administrative overhead, not so much cycles. doesso many things simultaneously, making it trigger an additional build
remotely doesn't hurt. I was thinking about having a dedicated buildmaster machine, such as the one Neal says he already has, and configure that machine to coordinate a small army of buildslaves which will be contributed for people
 interested in this effort.Right. You still need to find out when to rebuild, and getting triggersfrom the source repositories is likely the easiest solution.I seeI guess I was thinking about building periodically (every X hours or at time Y) as opposed to getting svn triggers on each check-in. But if, as you're saying, the overhead on is not too great, we can do what you suggested.Grig--
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Community buildbots -- reprise

2006-07-21 Thread Grig Gheorghiu
Hi,This message is in response to Glyph's plea(
).Here's what Glyph said:I would like to propose, although I certainly don't have time toimplement, a program by which Python-using projects could contributebuildslaves which would run their projects' tests with the latest
Python trunk.  This would provide two useful incentives: Python codewould gain a reputation as generally well-tested (since there is adirect incentive to write tests for your project: get notified whencore python changes might break it), and the core developers would have
instant feedback when a small change breaks more code than it wasexpected to.I'm volunteering to organize this effort, is there is enough intereston this list. In fact, I've done some prep work already:
 * got a domain name: * got a $47/month Ubuntu-based VPS from (root accessand everything); it's available at, and it's ready tobe configured as a buildmaster for the pybots * got a mailing list: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]I can start configuring the Ubuntu machine as a buildmaster, and I canalso add a buildslave on the same machine that will check out thelatest Python trunk code, build it, then run the automated tests for a
sample project -- let's say for Twisted, since Glyph was the onerequesting this. This will also serve as a sample buildslave for otherpeople who will be interested in running buildslaves for their ownprojects.
Apart from the goals stated by Glyph, I see this as a very valuableeffort in convincing people of the value of automated tests,Python-related or not. A secondary effect I'd like to see would be forthese suites of tests to be invoked in a standard fashion -- maybe
'python test'.If PSF can contribute some $$$ towards the hosting of the masterserver, that would be appreciated, but not required. All that'srequired is enough interest from the community.
Please let me know if you're interested.Grig--

Python-Dev mailing list