[Python-Dev] Alternative Python VM

2007-02-16 Thread Sokolov Yura
It could be interesting.

  - pyvm is * 2 times * faster than Python 2.4. In the source code there 
is a collection of benchmarks which includes 65 python scripts collected 
from the internet. At average if Python 2.4 needs 24 hours to do some 
job, pyvm can do it in 12 hours.
  - pyvm is a virtual machine that can run Python 2.3/2.4 bytecode. 
There is a compiler written in python (the 'pyc' program) which is 
executed by the vm to compile source code to bytecode. It is very easy 
to do advanced optimizations in python and the compiler produces 
bytecode of high quality (speed and size).


Sokolov Yura (funny_falcon)
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] str.dedent

2005-11-22 Thread Sokolov Yura
/ msg = textwrap.dedent('''\
// IDLE's subprocess can't connect to %s:%d.  This may be due \
// to your personal firewall configuration.  It is safe to \
// allow this internal connection because no data is visible on \
// external ports.''' % address)
Unfortunately, it won't help, since the 'dedent' method won't treat
those spaces as indentation.

So that it would be usefull to implicit parser dedent on string with 'd' prefix

/ msg = d'''\
// IDLE's subprocess can't connect to %s:%d.  This may be due \
// to your personal firewall configuration.  It is safe to \
// allow this internal connection because no data is visible on \
// external ports.''' % address/

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] (no subject)

2005-11-11 Thread Sokolov Yura

Mixing Decimal and float is nearly ALWAYS a user error. Doing it correctly
requires significant expertise in the peculiarities of floating point

So that I think user should declare floats explicitly (###.###f) - he will fall 
into float space only if
he wish it.

So Python protects the user by throwing exceptions when
attempts are made to mix Decimal and floats.

I hate it. I want to get float when I wish to get float. In that case i would 
like to write #f.
I want to stay with decimals by default. (and I want decimals written in C)

But it just an opinion of young inexperienced/unpractised man.

Excuse my English.

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Unifying decimal numbers.

2005-11-09 Thread Sokolov Yura
Excuse my English

I think, we could just segregate tokens for decimal and real float and 
make them interoperable.
   Most of us works with business databases - all floats are really 
decimals, algebraic operations
should work without float inconsistency and those operations rare so 
speed is not important.
But some of us use floats for speed in scientific and multimedia programs.

from __future__ import Decimal
we could:
a) interpret regular float constants as decimal
b) interpret float constants with suffix 'f' as float (like1.5f
345.2e-5f  etc)
c) result of operation with decimal operands should be decimal
d) result of operation with float operands should be float
e) result of operation with decimal and float should be float (decimal 
converts into float and operation perfomed)

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] PEP 3000 and exec

2005-10-13 Thread Sokolov Yura
 def a():
def b():
print i
return b

 def a():
def b():
exec print i
return b


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Pythonic concurrency - offtopic

2005-10-13 Thread Sokolov Yura

Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]
(C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.

Python 2.4.1 (#65, Mar 30 2005, 09:13:57) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on 
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  from os import fork
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
ImportError: cannot import name fork

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Autoloading? (Making Queue.Queue easier to use)

2005-10-13 Thread Sokolov Yura
May be allow modules to define __getattr__ ?

def __getattr__(thing):
  return __some_standart_way__(thing)
except AttributeError:
  if thing==Queue:
   import sys
   from Queue import Queue
   return Queue

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0

2005-09-27 Thread Sokolov Yura
New keyword is so expensive?
And why special case for 'then' is better than special case for 'take'?

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Adding a conditional expression in Py3.0

2005-09-25 Thread Sokolov Yura
Sorry for looking in every hole.
Just a  suggestion.

A= condition and first or second
problem is in case when first in (None,0,[],).
May be invent new operator 'take'.
take - returns right operator when left evals to True and stops 
computing condidtional expression.
Then we could write:

A = condition take first or second.
A = x==y take w or s
A = z is not None and q!=12 take [] or allowable(z,q) take [(z,q)] or 

Ok, it might looks ugly. But may be not.

Excuse my english.

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP

2005-09-22 Thread Sokolov Yura
Ok. While windows already prefers threads, while linux-2.6 improves 
thread support and speed,
while process startup expensive on time and memory, while we ought to 
dublicate our data
and/or use obscure shared memory,
while it is much simpler to make threaded program with care just about 
locks than multiprocessing
with inventing interchange protocol (which abuses both CPU - sender and 


And on Opterons: you will win with multiprocessing ONLY if OS will bind 
process and processor/memory place pair.
That would be difficult.

Guido van Rossum wrote:
  That's an understatement. I expect that *most* problems (even most
  problems that we will be programming 10-20 years from now) get little
  benefit out of MP.

They are allready here.
Servers they are.
It is so simple to write application server in Python.
It is so difficult to make it scallable in CPython.
Hardware is cheap, development time is expensive.
To make scallable CPython-backed server one needs too much time.
And he goes to Java, .NET and others (and rare to Jython, IronPython (in 
the future)).
CPython will not be wide popular without real multithreading.

--I want my Apache, written in Python !  :-)
--I want my MySQL, written in Python ! ;-)
It is a joke. But every joke has a peace of truth (as russian sayes).
(Excuse my English)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Skiping searching throw dictionaries of mro() members.

2005-09-15 Thread Sokolov Yura
Phillip J. Eby wrote:

 At 09:12 PM 9/14/2005 +0400, Sokolov Yura wrote:

 We could cash looks by this way:
 Store with a class its version. Every time after creation when we change
 a class
 (add,remove or chage class member, including __base__, __bases__ and 
 mro) ,
 we increase the version number. Lets call it VERSION

 FYI, there is already a mechanism for new-style classes that notifies 
 subclasses of changes to the base class; this mechanism could be used 
 to push cache flushes downward, rather than doing version checking 

I didn't know it. So, if this thing works, it should be used.

Another think. I do not really know, how emplemented scopes,
but could this caching be applied to a scope realisation?
So we derive current scope from his outer and cache all lookups, that 
goes out of this scope.
Top scope is derived from a module and module it self derived from 
I think, there not many different deep upper lookups in current 
programs, but many reapeating,
 and not often we change outer scope, so cache will be fine.

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Variant of removing GIL.

2005-09-15 Thread Sokolov Yura
Excuse my English.

I think I know how to remove GIL Obviously I am an idiot.

First about Py_INCREF and Py_DECREF.

We should not remove GIL at all. We should change it.

It must be one writer-many reader in a following semantic:

Lock has a read-counter and a write-counter. Initially both are 0.

When reader tries to acquire lock for read it sleeps until 
write-counter is 0.
When he reader acquires lock, he increase read-counter.
When reader releases lock, he decreases read-counter.
One reader will not block other, since he not increases write-counter.
Reader will sleep, if there is any waiting writers, since they are 
increase write-counter.

When writer tries to acquire lock for write, he increase 
write-counter and
sleeps until read-counter happens 0. For writers lock for write - 
simple lock.
when writer release lock, he decrease write-counter.
When there is no waiting writers, readers arise.

Excuse me for telling obviouse things. I am really reinvent wheel in my 
since I was a bad studient.

I think this kind of lock is native for linux (i saw it in a kernel 
source, but do not know
is waiting writer locks new readers or not?).

Now, every thread keep an queue of objects to decref. It can be 
implemented as array, cause
it will be freed at once.

Initially, every object acquires GIL for read.
Py_INCREF works as usually,
Py_DECREF places a ref into a queue.
When queue has became full or 100 instruction left ( :-) , it usefull),
thread releases GIL for read and acquires for write,
when he acquire it, he decrefs all objects stored in a queue and clear 
After all he acquires GIL for read.

But what could we do with changing objects (dicts,lists and another)?

There should be a secondary one-writer-many-reader public-write GIL 
SGIL ought to be more complicated, since it should work in RLOCK 
semantic for write lock.
Lets call this lock ROWMR(reentreed one writer - many reader)

So semantic for ROWMR can be:

When a thread acquires ROWMR lock, it acquires it at a read level.
Lets name it write-level=0.
While threads write-level=0 it is a reader.
Thread can increase write-level.
When he turns write-level from 0 to 1, he becomes writer.
while write-level0, thread is writer.
Thread can decrease write-level.
When write-level turns from 1 to 0, thread becomes reader.

With PWGIL :
We can mark every _mutable_ object with a creator thread number.
If mark match current thread number, object is private for the thread.
If mark is 0 (or another imposible thread number) object is public.
If mark !=0 and !=current thread number, object is alien.
When we access _mutable_ object, we check is it private?
If it is, we can do anything without locking.
If it is not and we access for read, we check is it public.
   If yes (read of public), then we can read it without locking.
   If no, we increase write-level,
if object is alien, make it public,
if we need to change object, change it,
decrease write-level.
Of couse, when we append object to public collection, we chould make 
it public,
 write-level is already  increased so we do not make many separate 
locks, but
when we then will access thouse object for read, we will not lock for 
make it public.

I don't know, how nested scopes are implemented, but i think it should 
be considered as a mutable object.

So there is a small overhead for a single threaded application
( only for comparing 2 numbers)
 and in a big part of multithreaded, since we are locking only writting on
_mutable_ _public_ objects. Most part of public objects is not 
accessed to write
often: they are numbers, classes and mostly-read collections.
And one can optimize a program by accumulating results in a private 
and then flush it to public one.
Also, there may be a statement for explicit increasing write-level 
around big update
of public object and decreasing after it.

PWGIL also must be released and reacquired with every 100 instructions 
left,but only if write-level=0,
 it conforms to current GIL semantic.
I think, it must be not released with flushing decref queue, since it 
can happen while we are in C code.
And there must be strong think about blocking IO.

Mostly awful situation (at my point of view):
object O is private for a thread A.
thread B accesses O and try to mark it public, so it locks in attempt 
of increasing write-level
thread A starts to change O (it is in write-level 0), and in a C code 
it releases PWGIL
  (around blocking IO, for example).
thread B becomes writer, changes object to public, becomes reader 
and starts to read O,
returning thread A continue to change O , remaining in a write-level=0.

But, I think, well written C code should not attemt to make blocking IO 
inside of changing non-local objects
 (and it does not attempt at the moment, as I guess. Am I mistaken?). 
Or/and, when it returns and continues
to change O, it must check, is it private or it isn't?

I think, big part of checks 

Re: [Python-Dev] Variant of removing GIL.

2005-09-15 Thread Sokolov Yura

Now, every thread keeps one n queue of objects to incref and second 
queue to decref.
Both can be implemented as array, cause they will be freed at once.

Initially, every thread acquires GIL for read.
Py_INCREF places a ref into a incref queue of a thread,
Py_DECREF places a ref into a decref queue of a thread.
When queue has became full or 100 instruction left ( :-) , it usefull),
thread releases GIL for read and acquires for write,
when first process acquire it he:
  walk throw all incref queues in all threads, incref all thouse 
refs, and clear queues.
  then walk throw all decref queues in all threads, decref all 
thouse refs, and clear queues
After all he acquires GIL for read. Other processes could stupidly 
repeat it founding clear queues.
Since there only one thread works as a garbage collector, we will not 
loose any incref and decref.

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Skiping searching throw dictionaries of mro() members.

2005-09-14 Thread Sokolov Yura
Excuse my english.
I have a complex Idea. It can be not worth, but just look at.
It touches the classes and inheritance.
Base point:
We change classes not too often. But every look at a member leads to 
search throw
a __dict__ of  all bases in ierarhy till member found. We could cache 
this search in class.__dict__ itself and check only bases versions.
Lets see:
we have some classes:
class a:
def meth_a(self):
class b:
def meth_b(self):
class c(a,b):
Every class has mro.
[class '__main__.c', class '__main__.a', class '__main__.b', type 
if we call methon from a base class, we look at c.__dict__ and at dict 
of every inherited class till found the method itself.
so c.meth_a() leads to search throw c.__dict__ and a.__dict__
c.meth_b() leads to search throw c.__dict__ , a.__dict__ and b.__dict__

We could cash looks by this way:
Store with a class its version. Every time after creation when we change 
a class
(add,remove or chage class member, including __base__, __bases__ and mro) ,
we increase the version number. Lets call it VERSION
Also store a tuple MRO_VERSION=tuple(base.VERSION for base in self.mro()).
It changes, when  we  touches __base__, __bases__ or self.mro)
Store with every class member a tuple : MEMBER_VERSION=(self.mro 
version,number in mro)
When we add  member to (or change member of) class __dict__ directly,
we store in this tuple (MRO_VERSION,class.mro().index(class)).

When we search a class member:
 and have not found it in class.__dict__, we search it throw mro() by a 
classic way.
If we've found it (in a class _BASE_), we store it in class.__dict__ 
with a tuple
MEMBER_VERSION=(MRO_VERSION, class.mro().index(_BASE_)).
Also we check all of seen base.VERSION to match their cached in 
MRO_VERSION values. If some is not match,
we should update MRO_VERSION (berfore storing founded member in a 
class.__dict__) and adjust VERSION.
If it was not found, we could store a (MRO_VERSION, 
class.mro().index(class)) with an internal value NotFound
 or do not store anything, and report that we have not found anything 
(so we search in an object itself).
When we've found a class member in class.__dict__ we check versions
if MEMBER_VERSION[0]==class.MRO_VERSION (the same object)
   then we just compare MRO_VERSION[i]==class.mro()[i].VERSION for i 
in range(MEMBER_VERSION[1]+1)
  and not search throw mro()[i].__dict__ what we are doing now.
  If all versions concur, we return found member
  (or, if we've found previously stored NotFound, we report 
that we have not found anything)
   if version of MRO_VERSION[j]!=class.mro()[j].VERSION and 
class!=class.mro()[j] (here can be a bug, one must think about it more)
   then we revert to a) point, but search throw [base.__dict__ 
for base in class.mro()[j:]], (and, of cause, update MRO_VERSION)
if  MEMBER_VERSION[0]!=class.MRO_VERSION, we reverts to a) point.

That's all.
PS. We can subclass module from a __builtin__, so we leave one dict lookup.

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