Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3003 - Python Language Moratorium

2009-11-07 Thread Willem Broekema
On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 1:16 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Willem, the rationale for this PEP is to give alternative
 implementations the chance to catch up with CPython.

 Given your statement that CLPython is quite complete on the language
 level, but missing standard library features, how do you think the
 moratorium will help CLPython?

It would be great to have a pause in Python-the-language, so that
CLPython might at the end of the moratorium finally be up to date with
the latest 2.x and 3.x features.

Supporting standard libraries is a bigger challenge, as the ones
written in C need rewriting. Whether or not there is a pause on that
front does not matter too much to that situation.

- Willem
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 3003 - Python Language Moratorium

2009-11-06 Thread Willem Broekema
On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 6:18 AM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 I don't know how mature or active it is, so it may not count as either
 major or complete, but there's also CLPython:

CLPython is in steady development, quite complete and stable on the
language level (somewhere between 2.5 and 2.6), but missing most
built-in library functionality. (It reuses the pure-Python parts of
the stdlib.)

As its developer, I don't care much about being mentioned in
discussions or presentations, as CLPython is not as widely used as
IronPython and Jython. But in a PEP like this, which is directly about
alternative implementations, it deserves to be mentioned, IMHO.

- Willem
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP about sys.implementation and implementation specific user site directory

2009-10-10 Thread Willem Broekema
On Sat, Oct 10, 2009 at 1:29 AM, Christian Heimes wrote:
 I'm proposing two new attributes in the sys module: sys.implementation
 and sys.userdirsuffix.

This seems like a good idea.

I'm not sure this idea will easily be accepted, but I'd like to see
the sys module eventually split up in two parts, so it is very obvious
to both implementers and users which system-specific features are
portable and which are not:

a) implementation details of the C implementation (subversion, _*,
dllhandle, dont_write_bytecode, settscdump, ..) in one module,

b) portable functionality (interpreter name and version etc,
builtin_module_names, copyright, excepthook, settrace, ..) in the

- Willem (CLPython)
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] operator precedence of __eq__, __ne__, etc, if both object have implementations

2009-09-22 Thread Willem Broekema
On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 5:12 PM, Mark Dickinson wrote:
 - Exception to the previous item: if the left operand is an instance
 of a built-in type or a new-style class, and the right operand is an
 instance of a proper subclass of that type or class AND overrides the
 base’s __rop__() method, the right operand’s __rop__() method is tried
 before the left operand’s __op__() method.

The AND above (which I uppercased) is subtle but important. In the x
op y case with y being of a subclass of the class of x, if there is
no class in between x and y (excluding x, including y) that overrides
the __rop__ method, then y,__rop__(x) is *not* tried before

It's easy for other implementations to get this wrong. :)

- Willem
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Avoiding file descriptors leakage in subprocess.Popen()

2009-06-16 Thread Willem Broekema
On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 1:21 PM, Michael wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 01:20:53 pm Cameron Simpson wrote:
 I don't think all pythons do immediate ref-counted GC.

 Jython and IronPython don't. I don't know about PyPy, CLPython, Unladen
 Swallow, etc.

 PyPy doesn't, Unladen Swallow won't.

Also most Lisp implementations, thus CLPython, use a tracing GC.

- Willem
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] yield * (Re: Missing

2009-02-07 Thread Willem Broekema
On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 10:04 AM, Greg Ewing wrote:
  def f():
v = yield *g()
print v

  def g():
yield 42
return spam

Function g violates the current limitation that generators can't
return with a value. So can g only be used using yield * then, or
would that limitation be removed?

- Willem
Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] effect of exec on local scope

2008-10-08 Thread Willem Broekema
The issue came up while trying to get some Sympy code running on CLPython.

class C:
 exec a = 3
 print locals()

1. Is it guaranteed that class C gets an attribute a, i.e. that the
locals printed include {'a': 3}?
2. It it (also) guaranteed if it were in a function scope?

The complete syntax of exec is:
 exec CODE in Y, Z
where Y, Z are optional.

The documentation of exec says if the optional parts are
omitted,the code is executed in the current scope. There are at least
two different interpretations:

 a. The code is executed in the current class scope, so the assignment
must have an effect on the class scope.

 b. The scope defaults to the local scope, by which is meant the
mapping returned by locals(), and of locals() the documentation says
that changes made to it may not influence the interpreter. (The
documentation of exec suggests using globals() and locals() as
arguments to exec, which seems hint at this interpretation.)

The relevant documentation:

- Willem
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] bug or a feature?

2008-06-12 Thread Willem Broekema
On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 2:56 PM, Carl Friedrich Bolz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Of course attribute name lookups are affected, because you can have a
 non-string key that has a __hash__ and __eq__ method to make it look
 sufficiently like a string to the dict. Then the attribute lookup needs
 to take these into account. This makes a method cache implementation
 much more complex, because suddenly arbitrary user code can run during
 the lookup and your classes (and thus your method caches) can change
 under your feed during the lookup. In this situation getting the corner
 cases right is very hard.

I fully agree with this assessment: the theoretical possibilities make
attribute handling very hairy.
Note that besides non-strings, also user-defined subclasses of string
can have their own hash/eq logic.

If namespace keys and attributes could be locked down to only be
regular strings, not of another type and not a string subclass
instance, then implementing attributes becomes a lot less hairy, and
optimizations much more straightforward.

- Willem (CLPython)
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] bug or a feature?

2008-06-12 Thread Willem Broekema
On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 9:46 PM, Guido van Rossum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The intention was for these dicts to be used as namespaces. I think of
 it as follows:

 (a) Using non-string keys is a no-no, but the implementation isn't
 required to go out of its way to forbid it.

That will allow easier and more efficient implementation, good!

 (b) Using non-empty string keys that aren't well-formed identifiers
 should be allowed.


Is it allowed to normalize subclasses of strings to regular string,
e.g. after:

  class mystring(str): pass
  class C: pass

  x = C()
  setattr(x, mystring('foo'), 42)

is it allowed that the dict of x contains a regular string 'foo'
instead of the mystring instance?

- Willem
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Problem with super() usage

2006-07-18 Thread Willem Broekema
 C++ originally specified multiple inheritance, but it wasn't cooperative in
 the sense that super is.  In Lisp, though, where cooperative method dispatch
 originated, call-next-method does basically the same thing in the case where
 there's no next method: it calls no-next-method which signals a generic

Don't forget Lisp's next-method-p, which tests (-p for
predicate) if there is any next method to call. Highly elegant, I'd

- Willem
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Exception Reorg PEP checked in

2005-08-04 Thread Willem Broekema
On 8/4/05, Brett Cannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 OK, once the cron job comes around and is run, will not be a 404 but be the
 latest version of the PEP.

Currently, when the recursion limit is reached, a RuntimeError is
raised. RuntimeError is in the PEP renamed to UserError. UserError is
in the new hierarchy located below StandardError, below Exception.

I think that in the new hierarchy this error should be in the same
critical category as MemoryError. (MemoryError includes general
stack overflow.)

- Willem
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pre-PEP: Exception Reorganization for Python 3.0

2005-08-02 Thread Willem Broekema
On 8/2/05, Stephen J. Turnbull [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't see it that way.  Rather, Raisable is the closest equivalent
 to serious-condition, and CriticalException is an intermediate
 class that has no counterpart in Lisp usage.

That would imply that all raisables are 'serious' in the Lisp sense,
which is defined as all conditions serious enough to require
interactive intervention if not handled. Yet Python warnings are
raisable (as raisable is the root), but are certainly not serious in
the Lisp sense.

(This is complicated by that warnings are raised using 'signal'. More below.)

 I'd prefer the 'condition' and 'error' terminology, and to
 label a keyboard interrupt a condition, not any kind of
 exception or error.

To clarify myself: a 'serious-condition' in CL stands for all
conditions serious enough to require interactive intervention if not
handled; I meant to label KI a 'serious-condition'.

 Now, that does bother me.wink  Anything we will not permit a program
 to ignore with a bare except: pass if it so chooses had better be
 more serious than merely a condition.  Also, to me a condition is
 something that I poll for, it does not interrupt me.  To me, a
 condition (even a serious one) is precisely the kind of thing that I
 should be able to ignore with a bare except!

If I understand your position correctly, it is probably not changed
yet by the above clarification. wink

Maybe it will surprise you, that in Lisp a bare except (ignore-errors)
does not catch non-serious things like warnings. And if left
uncatched, a warning leaks out to the top level, gets printed and
subsequently ignored. That's because non-serious conditions are
(usually) raised using 'signal', not 'error'. The default top-level
warnings handler just prints it, but does not influence the program
control flow, so the execution resumes just after the (warn ..) form.

This probably marks a very important difference between Python and CL.
I think one could say that where in Python one would use a bare except
to catch both non-serious and serious exceptions, in CL one normally
doesn't bother with catching the non-serious ones because they will
not create havoc at an outer level anyway. So in Python a warning must
be catched by a bare except, while in Lisp it would not. And from this
follow different contraints on the hierarchy.

By the way, this is the condition hierarchy in Allegro CL (most of
which is prescribed by the ANSI standard):

- Willem
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pre-PEP: Exception Reorganization for Python 3.0

2005-08-01 Thread Willem Broekema
On 7/31/05, Brett Cannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 7/31/05, Willem Broekema [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I does not seem right to me to think of KeyboardInterrupt as a means
  to cause program halting. An interpreter could in principle recover
  from it and resume execution of the program.
 Same goes for MemoryError as well, but you probably don't want to
 catch that exception either.

Well, an possible scenario is that if allocation of memory fails, then
the interpreter (not the Python program in it) can detect that it is
not caught explicitly and print possible ways of execution, like try
the allocation again or abort the program, letting the user
determine how to proceed. Although in this case immediately retrying
the allocation will fail again, so the user has to have a way to free
some objects in the meantime.

I realize it's major work to add recovery features to the CPython
interpreter, so I don't think CPython will have anything like it soon
and therefore also Python-the-language will not. Instead, my reason
for mentioning this is to get the _concept_ of recoveries across. I
think including (hypothetical, for now) recovery features in a
discussion about exceptions is valuable, because that influences
whether one thinks a label like critical for an exception is

I'm working on an implementation of Python in Common Lisp. The CL
condition system offers recovery features, so this implementation
could, too. Instead of the interpreter handling the interrupt in an
application-specific way, as Fred said, the interpreter could handle
the interrupt by leaving the choice to the user.

Concretely, this is how KeyboardInterrupt is handled by a CL
interpreter, and thus also how a Python interpreter could handle it:

(defun foo () (loop for i from 0 do (format t ~A  i)))
= 0 1 2 3 CTRL-C
Error: Received signal number 2 (Keyboard interrupt)  [condition type:
Restart actions (select using :continue):
 0: continue computation
 1: Return to Top Level (an abort restart).
 2: Abort entirely from this process.
:continue 0
= 4 5 6 ...

 But it doesn't sound like you are arguing against putting
 KeyboardInterrupt under CriticalException, but just the explanation I
 gave, right?

I hope the above makes the way I'm thinking more clear.  Like Phillip
J. Eby, I think that labeling KeyboardInterrupt a CriticalException
seems wrong; it is not an error and not critical.

- Willem
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pre-PEP: Exception Reorganization for Python 3.0

2005-08-01 Thread Willem Broekema
On 8/1/05, Stephen J. Turnbull [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Uh, according to your example in Common LISP it is indeed an error,

I think you are referring to the first word of this line:

Error: Received signal number 2 (Keyboard interrupt)  [condition type:

Well, that refers to the fact that it was raised with (error ...). It
says nothing about the type of a Keyboad interrupt condition. (The
function 'error' vs 'signal' mark the distinction between raising
conditions that must be handled otherwise you'll end up in the
debugger, and conditions that when not handled are silently ignored.)

The CL ANSI standard does not define what kind of condition a Keyboard
interrupt is, so the implementations have to make that decision.

Although this implementation (Allegro CL) has currently defined it as
a subclass of 'error', I'm told it should have been a 
'serious-condition' instead ('error' is a subclass of
'serious-condition', which is a subclass of 'condition'), precisely
because forms like ignore-errors, like a bare except in Python, will
catch it right now when they shouldn't. I assume most of the other
Lisp implementations have already defined it as serious-condition.

So, in short, Keyboard interrupts in Lisp are a serious-condition, not an error.

(And what is labeled CriticalException in this discussion, has in
serious-condition Lisp's counterpart.)

 and if an unhandled signal whose intended interpretation is drop the
 gun and put your hands on your head! isn't critical, what is?wink

Eh, are you serious? wink

 I didn't miss your point, but I don't see a good reason to oppose that
 label based on the usual definitions of the words or Common LISP
 usage, either.

Well, I'm not opposed to KeyboardInterrupt being in a class that's not
a subclass of 'Exception', when the latter is the class used in a bare
'except'. But when CriticalException, despite its name, is not a
subclass of Exception, that is a bit strange. I'd prefer the
'condition' and 'error' terminology, and to label a keyboard interrupt
a condition, not any kind of exception or error.

 It seems to me the relevant question is is it likely that catching
 KeyboardInterrupt with 'except Exception:' will get sane behavior from
 a generic user-defined handler? 

I agree with you that it should not be caught in a bare 'except' (or
an 'except Exception', when that is equivalent).

- Willem
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Pre-PEP: Exception Reorganization for Python 3.0

2005-07-31 Thread Willem Broekema
On 7/31/05, Brett Cannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While we do tend to use KeyboardInterrupt as a way to kill a
 program, is that really control flow, or a critical exception
 that the program needs to stop because an serious event

I does not seem right to me to think of KeyboardInterrupt as a means
to cause program halting. An interpreter could in principle recover
from it and resume execution of the program.

The behaviour of the current Python interpreters is that upon
encountering an uncaught KeyboardInterrupt (as with any uncaught
exception), computation is aborted and a backtrace printed. But that
is not how it /must be/ as there might be alternative interpreters
that upon encountering an uncaught KeyboardInterrupt will pause
execution of the program, but then allow the user to either continue
or abort execution, effectively not stopping but pausing the program.

Because of this possible recovery, thinking of KeyboardInterrupt as
in order to abort the program, the user has caused a keyboard
interrupt is wrong; it should be more like just the user has
interrupted the computation and whether or not the program is
consequently aborted is not predefined.

- Willem
Python-Dev mailing list