Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-22 Thread Georg Brandl
Am 21.01.2010 04:33, schrieb Ben Finney:
 Georg Brandl writes:
 But I've no intention to restrict feature releases to every 18-24
 months. What now?
 Now we take further discussion to the ‘python-ideas’ forum.

Whoever we is.  You can be assured I've not planned any further
discussion on this matter.


Thus spake the Lord: Thou shalt indent with four spaces. No more, no less.
Four shall be the number of spaces thou shalt indent, and the number of thy
indenting shall be four. Eight shalt thou not indent, nor either indent thou
two, excepting that thou then proceed to four. Tabs are right out.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-20 Thread Matthieu Brucher
 That's only two points. :-)

In French, we say that several starts with 2 ;)

 On 1; If that's true, I won't mention git again.

I tis, you can check on the git repository (it's a mix of C, perl,
shell scripts, Python, ...)

 On 2; Who knows what their life cycle is.

You can check on their websites, their cycles are far shorter than
Python minor releases (several months vs several years).

Information System Engineer, Ph.D.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-20 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Barry Warsaw writes:

  (Besides, git in the stdlib doesn't make much sense :).

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-20 Thread Antoine Pitrou
David Lyon david.lyon at writes:
 I think I'll have better chances with PEPs.
 Being honest, if wonderful libraries like Sphinx and Mercurial
 and Git and BZR can't make it into the stdlib, then there is
 no hope for even newer code to get in there.

This is python-ideas material, can you take it there? Thank you.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-20 Thread Nick Coghlan
David Lyon wrote:
 On 2; Who knows what their life cycle is. CVS is pretty much
   dead, and svn looks like it is on the way out.
   I can't think of how anything could be better than
   mercurial or bzr but I know I will be proved wrong.

I believe you misunderstood what Matthieu meant by life cycle there:
think release cycle. If a project pushes out new releases
significantly more often than every 18-24 months (as is currently true
for all of the major SCM tools), then that fact alone makes it a very
bad fit for the Python standard library.

And centralised source control will be going strong for years. The DVCS
approach may be great for the open source world, but the gains are far
more limited in a closed source shop (especially a group writing
internal corporate applications which doesn't need to keep many, if any,
maintenance branches going).

If we weren't dealing with 4 active branches, the DVCS discussion would
have got a lot less traction with the core developers - aside from
better handling of multiple lines of development, most of the benefits
of the switch to a DVCS accrue to people without commit access to the
SVN repository.

Anyway, we've wandered far afield from legit python-dev topics now. Any
further ideas about super_mega_easy_install functionality that can pull
code from source control systems and build it rather than requiring
prebuild source tarballs should be directed to python-ideas (they
probably need to bake more even before they make an appearance on


P.S. As Jesse said... your enthusiasm is great, but please don't assume
that some inherent conservatism on the part of other developers is
automatically evil or the result of a failure to see your point. A lot
of people around the world rely on our stuff every day. We owe it to
them to be measured in our actions and to put serious thought into any
major changes or additions we make to the language and the standard
library. For the current stage of its development, Python 3 is in a good
place from our point of view - its major carrot has really always been
the better Unicode support it offers, and the ever-increasing
globalisation of the web will create more and more pressure pushing
developers in that direction as the years go by. Sure, Python 3 cleans
up assorted other things as well, but the change to the text processing
model is the big one that is fundamentally incompatible with the
architecture of the 2.x series. Compared to that change, everything else
is just tinkering.

Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-20 Thread Georg Brandl
Am 20.01.2010 03:43, schrieb David Lyon:

 Barry was talking about mirrors of the python code. It is true a
 package manager could be developed based on a SCM, however you need
 to implement this far away from the stdlib and get traction with it
 within the community long before inclusion would be considered.
 I think I'll have better chances with PEPs.
 Being honest, if wonderful libraries like Sphinx and Mercurial
 and Git and BZR can't make it into the stdlib, then there is
 no hope for even newer code to get in there.

But I've no intention to restrict feature releases to every 18-24
months. What now?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-20 Thread Ben Finney
Georg Brandl writes:

 But I've no intention to restrict feature releases to every 18-24
 months. What now?

Now we take further discussion to the ‘python-ideas’ forum.

 \   “We must respect the other fellow's religion, but only in the |
  `\   sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his |
_o__) wife is beautiful and his children smart.” —Henry L. Mencken |
Ben Finney

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-19 Thread Barry Warsaw
I've just updated the Launchpad mirrors for the 4 active Python branches,
trunk, py3k, 2.6, and 3.1.  These used to mirror the defunct Bazaar branches
on but it's probably been 7 months or so since those were
regularly updated.  Now the Launchpad branches sync against the read-only
Subversion branches at, so they should remain up-to-date
(within the re-sync timeframe of about 4 hours).

This means you can once again use Bazaar to get local branches of Python, and
you can of course push your own branches to Launchpad.  I believe you can even
use the bzr-svn plugin to commit changes back to the Subversion master, though
I have not yet tried this.

To get a local branch, just do any of the following:

% bzr branch lp:python (for trunk)
% bzr branch lp:python/2.6
% bzr branch lp:python/py3k
% bzr branch lp:python/3.1

(It's fairly easy to create new mirrors for other Subversion branches,
e.g. Python 2.5; just drop me an email if you want them.)

If you're going to create a lot of branches you probably want to put them in a
shared repository.  E.g.

% bzr init-repo pythonbzr
% cd pythonbzr
% bzr branch lp:python/py3k

Bazaar 2.0 or better is recommended.  For me, it took about 5m to check the
first branch out from Launchpad, and then about 30s or so for each subsequent


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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-19 Thread David Lyon

Hi Barry,

That looks very interesting...

So does that mean we could update the stdlib for a given
python version using this ?


 I've just updated the Launchpad mirrors for the 4 active Python branches,
 trunk, py3k, 2.6, and 3.1.  These used to mirror the defunct Bazaar
 on but it's probably been 7 months or so since those were
 regularly updated.  Now the Launchpad branches sync against the read-only
 Subversion branches at, so they should remain
 (within the re-sync timeframe of about 4 hours).

 This means you can once again use Bazaar to get local branches of Python,
 you can of course push your own branches to Launchpad.  I believe you can
 use the bzr-svn plugin to commit changes back to the Subversion master,
 I have not yet tried this.

 To get a local branch, just do any of the following:

 % bzr branch lp:python (for trunk)
 % bzr branch lp:python/2.6
 % bzr branch lp:python/py3k
 % bzr branch lp:python/3.1

 (It's fairly easy to create new mirrors for other Subversion branches,
 e.g. Python 2.5; just drop me an email if you want them.)

 If you're going to create a lot of branches you probably want to put them
 in a
 shared repository.  E.g.

 % bzr init-repo pythonbzr
 % cd pythonbzr
 % bzr branch lp:python/py3k

 Bazaar 2.0 or better is recommended.  For me, it took about 5m to check
 first branch out from Launchpad, and then about 30s or so for each

 Python-Dev mailing list

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-19 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Jan 20, 2010, at 10:16 AM, David Lyon wrote:

Hi Barry,

That looks very interesting...

Hi David,

So does that mean we could update the stdlib for a given
python version using this ?

In a sense, yes (if I understand your question correctly).

You can use Bazaar to branch any of the 4 Python series and use all the modern
DVCS goodness to develop your updates.  You can share your branches with
others via e.g. Launchpad and even request reviews (called merge proposals)
to get feedback from others.

The one thing I am unsure about, mostly because I have not tried it, is
whether your Bazaar branch can be used to commit directly back to the Python
Subversion master branches.  I /think/ the answer is yes, assuming of course
that you have permission to do so, and that you have a modern version of
Bazaar and the bzr-svn plugin.

It might even be possible to commit your Bazaar branch to a local Subversion
branch, and then commit the latter to get it pushed up to

At worst, you would use Bazaar's features to get your patch into a state you
and your reviewers are happy with, then you would generate a diff for
application to your copy of the branch.


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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-19 Thread David Lyon
 On Jan 20, 2010, at 10:16 AM, Barry wrote:

 So does that mean we could update the stdlib for a given
 python version using this ?

 In a sense, yes (if I understand your question correctly).

Yeah, it just needs an implementation.

 The one thing I am unsure about, mostly because I have not tried it, is
 whether your Bazaar branch can be used to commit directly back to the
 Python Subversion master branches.  I /think/ the answer is yes,
 assuming of course that you have permission to do so...

Well I'm too Senior and my stuff is too forward looking to qualify
for that just yet.

I'd be happy to see bzr and mercurial and git all made it together
into the stdlib for python 3. That would give a superb updating
mechanism for python that would propel python well beyond
the dinosaur badlands of CPAN and other languages.

I was actually reading from

Rather than requiring all desired functionality to be built into the
language's core, Python was designed to be highly extensible. .. .. This
design of a small core language with a large standard library and an
easily extensible interpreter was intended by Van Rossum from the very
start because of his frustrations with ABC (which espoused the opposite

To me, the source code control systems seem to be fully in tune
with the original design of python. That is, to be able to
easily pull external libraries in.

I think what has changed is that the mechanisms now (the SCMs)
are way more highly developed than before. Apart from that
though, after reading the full wikipedia article I'm left
with the distinct impression that things are still pretty
much the same (in that python design philosophy is advanced),
just that the landscape (of external C libraries) has changed.

Now all the libraries are external (on the internet) and
all externally managed.

So with just a tiny amount of work, imho we could pull
it all together to bring python 3 *back* to being that
cool tool that it once was (not saying it isn't now).

Were you offering me an experimental branch somewhere
for python 3 SCM integration ?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-19 Thread Jesse Noller
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 7:51 PM, David Lyon wrote:
 On Jan 20, 2010, at 10:16 AM, Barry wrote:

 So does that mean we could update the stdlib for a given
 python version using this ?

 In a sense, yes (if I understand your question correctly).

 Yeah, it just needs an implementation.

 The one thing I am unsure about, mostly because I have not tried it, is
 whether your Bazaar branch can be used to commit directly back to the
 Python Subversion master branches.  I /think/ the answer is yes,
 assuming of course that you have permission to do so...

 Well I'm too Senior and my stuff is too forward looking to qualify
 for that just yet.

 I'd be happy to see bzr and mercurial and git all made it together
 into the stdlib for python 3. That would give a superb updating
 mechanism for python that would propel python well beyond
 the dinosaur badlands of CPAN and other languages.

i sincerely doubt that a source control system will be included in the
standard library in the future. Especially 3. A SCM is not a package
management system.

Barry was talking about mirrors of the python code. It is true a
package manager could be developed based on a SCM, however you need
to implement this far away from the stdlib and get traction with it
within the community long before inclusion would be considered.

The decision to move python's source control from SVN to mercurial was
controversial enough; including 3 or more scm libraries into core
would be an intractable uphill mountain of bike sheds.

 So with just a tiny amount of work, imho we could pull
 it all together to bring python 3 *back* to being that
 cool tool that it once was (not saying it isn't now).

Python 3 is still modularized, still has a standard library, etc. If
you're really interested in helping with the standard library, get on
stdlib-sig, and get ready to write code and PEPs.

 Were you offering me an experimental branch somewhere
 for python 3 SCM integration ?

Barry made bzr mirrors of the python svn tree. Not a python with bzr included.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-19 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Jan 19, 2010, at 08:09 PM, Jesse Noller wrote:

The decision to move python's source control from SVN to mercurial was
controversial enough; including 3 or more scm libraries into core
would be an intractable uphill mountain of bike sheds.

I'd be surprised if any of the big 3 DVCS developers would actually /want/
their stuff in the stdlib.  Being in the stdlib has its advantages and
disadvantages.  I think for rapidly developing technology, the latter can
actually outweigh the former.

(Besides, git in the stdlib doesn't make much sense :).

Barry made bzr mirrors of the python svn tree. Not a python with bzr included.


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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-19 Thread David Lyon

 On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 7:51 PM, Jesse Noller wrote:

 Python 3 is still modularized, still has a standard library, etc. If
 you're really interested in helping with the standard library, get on
 stdlib-sig, and get ready to write code and PEPs.

Thank you for your direction to move these items forward to PEPs
and Code.

 i sincerely doubt that a source control system will be included in the
 standard library in the future. Especially 3.

Yeah and who twenty years ago thought you would get a 1GB memory
card for $3 when all we had was 10Meg hard disks and they were
the full 8 platter.

 A SCM is not a package management system.

Exactly. It almost makes the need for a package management system
pretty much obsolete if you can update your code directly from
the developers sources.

That's what all these SCMs provide. Plus it's addictive. It's
hard to go back to 'package' style technology once you have
all your code on an SCM based feed.

 Barry was talking about mirrors of the python code. It is true a
 package manager could be developed based on a SCM, however you need
 to implement this far away from the stdlib and get traction with it
 within the community long before inclusion would be considered.

I think I'll have better chances with PEPs.

Being honest, if wonderful libraries like Sphinx and Mercurial
and Git and BZR can't make it into the stdlib, then there is
no hope for even newer code to get in there.

Plus, promoting all sorts of new and fangled tools however
good they may or may not be just confuses users and ends
up being a waste of time imho. It isn't good management
of volounteers time and effort.

If you could imagine disaster relief coordinated this
way, it would just be a disaster in itself.

That's why it has taken some 5 years to get PEP-345 done.

 The decision to move python's source control from SVN to mercurial was
 controversial enough; including 3 or more scm libraries into core
 would be an intractable uphill mountain of bike sheds.

Not at all.

It would be a very fair thing to do. Not to mention being
great for users.

 Barry made bzr mirrors of the python svn tree. Not a python with bzr

I can't resist asking for that again.. I heard it only in Monty
speek. Did you just say ?:

 Barry made a bizarre mirror of the python suvern tree. Not a
  python with a buzzer included.

Anyway.. Maybe I do get what your talking about. Even if you do
talk with a strange accent. :-)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-19 Thread Jesse Noller
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:43 PM, David Lyon wrote:
 Being honest, if wonderful libraries like Sphinx and Mercurial
 and Git and BZR can't make it into the stdlib, then there is
 no hope for even newer code to get in there.

Did you ever stop to think that some package authors do not want their
code in the standard library? That throwing random shiny things in
there just makes it a junk drawer?

Besides: Show us the PEP to include Sphinx, and it's dependencies in
the standard lib, with Georg's signature at the bottom.

The authors of modules have to want things to be in there, they have
to be best of breed, tested or common-enough patterns to warrant a
slot. We have things in the standard lib which still need more TLC and
maintenance, or they need to be shunted into space.

Adding random things, which may or may not help packaging, and
installing things from random places in someone source repository
won't make things better.

 Plus, promoting all sorts of new and fangled tools however
 good they may or may not be just confuses users and ends
 up being a waste of time imho. It isn't good management
 of volounteers time and effort.

 If you could imagine disaster relief coordinated this
 way, it would just be a disaster in itself.

 That's why it has taken some 5 years to get PEP-345 done.

I'm going to assume that you're trolling now, or intentionally
misrepresenting facts. Maybe a little of both. A PEP, and an
implementation and the ability to rationally debate, discuss and
defend your proposal is what is needed to enact changes on policies,
python-core or the standard library.

 The decision to move python's source control from SVN to mercurial was
 controversial enough; including 3 or more scm libraries into core
 would be an intractable uphill mountain of bike sheds.

 Not at all.

 It would be a very fair thing to do. Not to mention being
 great for users.

There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.

 Anyway.. Maybe I do get what your talking about. Even if you do
 talk with a strange accent. :-)

My sense of humor has been disabled by repeated stunning at your
hands. I admire your enthusiasm, even if I do think some of it is
misplaced, or at guided into the proper channels at very least.

Please, you seem to have the time and willingness to help, please go
about this the right way. Discuss things on the proper lists, make
concrete proposals. If you have have standard lib changes, discuss
them on stdlib-sig, if you have ideas about python-the-language, or
the interpreter, etc - please discuss it on python-ideas.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-19 Thread Ben Finney
David Lyon writes:

 Being honest, if wonderful libraries like Sphinx and Mercurial and Git
 and BZR can't make it into the stdlib, then there is no hope for even
 newer code to get in there.

Those are applications, not libraries. Applications don't belong in the
standard library.

 \ “If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will |
  `\  not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog |
_o__)and a man.” —Mark Twain, _Pudd'n'head Wilson_ |
Ben Finney

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-19 Thread Brian Curtin
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 21:43, David Lyon wrote:

 Being honest, if wonderful libraries like Sphinx and Mercurial
 and Git and BZR can't make it into the stdlib, then there is
 no hope for even newer code to get in there.

I'm not entirely sure I see why the inclusion of a SCM into the stdlib is

Just because pieces of software are mature and proven in their fields
doesn't mean we should add them, or that them *not* being in the stdlib
should be a basis for other projects making it in.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-19 Thread Barry Warsaw
On Jan 20, 2010, at 02:43 PM, David Lyon wrote:

 On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 7:51 PM, Jesse Noller wrote:

 A SCM is not a package management system.

Exactly. It almost makes the need for a package management system
pretty much obsolete if you can update your code directly from
the developers sources.

That's what all these SCMs provide. Plus it's addictive. It's
hard to go back to 'package' style technology once you have
all your code on an SCM based feed.

Well...  I'm not so sure.  A package management system like apt does a /ton/
of additional bookkeeping and work to ensure a robust, highly consistent,
functioning system.  And while both Python and most Linux distributions have
their own notion of package management, they don't always play nicely
together.  Tarek and the distutils-sig's work is trying to make the world a
better place by bridging this gap better, and there is code out there that
makes it easier to say import a Python package from the Cheeseshop and
.deb-ify it for use on Debian and Ubuntu.

There's also work being done in Launchpad that will allow you to
build-from-branch so that in a sense you could let a build farm take your
Bazaar branches and automatically build the packages from them.

I've strayed off-topic I suppose, but I see SCMs and package managers as
complementary technologies that help with important parts of the process of
delivering software to end-users, but I don't quite see how one can make the
other obsolete.


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Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-19 Thread David Lyon
 On Jan 19, 2010, at 08:09 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:

 I'd be surprised if any of the big 3 DVCS developers would actually /want/
 their stuff in the stdlib.

If they ask, they'll get told they're motorbike-shedding. It's better
if their users ask. So here I am as a user doing things the 'right'

 Being in the stdlib has its advantages and
 disadvantages.  I think for rapidly developing technology, the
 latter can actually outweigh the former.

If it's about being able to do updates, then I think this
resolves an old and circular argument. As the SCM implementation
would, one would expect, to be able to update itself.

Side benefits are that it can update everything else along
with it at the same time. User Apps, Packages, whatever.

It's even better having SCM in an Industrial/Scientific
environment. Here's an example:

 - a machine breaks..  (I mean the software for/in it)

 - you fix the code, maybe on the spot

 - you commit and push back to the repository

 - your code gets checked in and run through the testbot
   and then you get blamed and have to do the whole thing
   again properly with a test case. Oh well..

Well anyway, whatever you guys might say, that's a whole
lot more efficient than running back to the development
machine and going through some obscure build and test
and publish process to do a fix on a production machine.

Point : The fact that SCMs are two way is great in
a production environment. No packaging solution
can come close.

So why not have python SCMs included as batteries in python..

All these arguments I can take off to the stdlib list when I get
the chance..


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-19 Thread Barry Warsaw
Okay, last follow up on this and then I'm going to bed. :)

On Jan 20, 2010, at 03:29 PM, David Lyon wrote:

 On Jan 19, 2010, at 08:09 PM, Barry Warsaw wrote:

 I'd be surprised if any of the big 3 DVCS developers would actually /want/
 their stuff in the stdlib.

If they ask, they'll get told they're motorbike-shedding. It's better
if their users ask. So here I am as a user doing things the 'right'

Actually, you're not.  It's not up to the Python community to initiate this.
If you really want this, you should engage with the relevant DVCS communities
and push them to request it.

Side benefits are that it can update everything else along
with it at the same time. User Apps, Packages, whatever.

I get that.  Heck, I still run one Gentoo server which I think is as close to
the edge you're describing as I'm comfortable with.  It's all great until the
wheels come off and then it can take *days* to get a functioning system

The big difference is that I rely on my DVCS to keep one small thing, or a few
variants of the same thing, all sane.  But I rely on my distribution vendor to
keep a thousand complex, interdependent, interacting, sometimes conflicting
things sane and working.

Point : The fact that SCMs are two way is great in
a production environment. No packaging solution
can come close.

Try talking with some hard-core operations guys, the folks with the keys to
the data centers, who work tireless, insanely hours keeping incredibly complex
systems running with very little downtime.  I think you'd get a different
perspective to put it mildly. :)

to-sleep-perchance-to-dream-ly y'rs,

Description: PGP signature
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-19 Thread David Lyon
 David Lyon writes:

 Being honest, if wonderful libraries like Sphinx and Mercurial and Git
 and BZR can't make it into the stdlib, then there is no hope for even
 newer code to get in there.

 Those are applications, not libraries. Applications don't belong in the
 standard library.

Haha funny..

Well using that logic, distutils is an application..

Are you saying that distutils should be removed? That
is most certainly an application.

Lets not get too pedantic here. Mercurial and bzr have a built
in API that can be called in a library like way. It's true they
also have a command line interface in the same way that distutils

I'm not saying anything negative about distutils. Given that
Tarek has an upcoming Pycon presentation where the program
talks about a distutils revamp.

I'm hoping that he can find some young 20 yr olds and
put a cool web interface on that thing. Given that there
are empty sprints at pycon. It couldn't hurt to throw
that challenge out. Anyway, we'll see..


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-19 Thread Ben Finney
Barry Warsaw writes:

 On Jan 20, 2010, at 03:29 PM, David Lyon wrote:
 So here I am as a user doing things the 'right' way.

 Actually, you're not. It's not up to the Python community to initiate
 this. If you really want this, you should engage with the relevant
 DVCS communities and push them to request it.

Where “push” must be strictly limited by a continual awareness that the
whole idea could just be bad.

If you find yourself in a tiny minority pushing for a change, it *could*
be that you have a great idea and the vast majority don't realise it
yet. But you must be realistic about the likelihood that the change is a
very *bad* idea, and frequently evaluate it for signs of that.

 \ “I used to think that the brain was the most wonderful organ in |
  `\   my body. Then I realized who was telling me this.” —Emo Philips |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-19 Thread Ben Finney
David Lyon writes:

 Well using that logic, distutils is an application..

Distutils is an application, the function of which is essential to
allowing sane development of Python packages. It's a special case. We
need to strictly limit the number of special cases, not gleefully add to

 \“I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance |
  `\  any day.” —Douglas Adams |
_o__)  |
Ben Finney

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-19 Thread Matthieu Brucher
 I'd be happy to see bzr and mercurial and git all made it together
 into the stdlib for python 3. That would give a superb updating
 mechanism for python that would propel python well beyond
 the dinosaur badlands of CPAN and other languages.

I think there are several points that make them not includable in Python:
- git is not written in Python
- bzr and mercurial have a life cycle much shorter than Python's, it's
the same issue than with other libraries where another community
develops them.

Information System Engineer, Ph.D.
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Bazaar branches available (again) on Launchpad

2010-01-19 Thread David Lyon


 I'd be happy to see bzr and mercurial and git all made it together
 into the stdlib for python 3. That would give a superb updating
 mechanism for python that would propel python well beyond
 the dinosaur badlands of CPAN and other languages.

 I think there are several points that make them not includable in Python:
 - git is not written in Python
 - bzr and mercurial have a life cycle much shorter than Python's, it's
 the same issue than with other libraries where another community
 develops them.

That's only two points. :-)

On 1; If that's true, I won't mention git again.

On 2; Who knows what their life cycle is. CVS is pretty much
  dead, and svn looks like it is on the way out.
  I can't think of how anything could be better than
  mercurial or bzr but I know I will be proved wrong.

At the end of the day, we are making a decision about whether
the language is 'set-in-stone' or whether it is still

To me, Python 1.x had it's own distinct era, as has
Python 2.x

Hoping that the Python 3 era can be a little more flexible
and perphaps cleaner than the 2.x era is all that I am
thinking here.

Have a nice day


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