Re: [Python-Dev] Son of PEP 246, redux

2005-01-13 Thread Michael Walter
On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 01:04:01 -0500, Phillip J. Eby
 At 12:01 AM 1/13/05 -0500, Michael Walter wrote:
 What am I missing?
 The fact that this is a type-declaration issue, and has nothing to do with
 *how* types are checked.
I was talking about how you declare such types, sir :] (see the
interface pseudo code sample -- maybe my reference to type inference
lead you to think the opposite.)

 In other words, compared to the previous state of things, this should
 actually require *fewer* interfaces to accomplish the same use cases, and
 it doesn't require Python to have a built-in notion of interface, because
 the primitive notion is an operation, not an interface.
Yepyep, but *how* you declare types now? Can you quickly type the function
def f(x): without needing an interface interface x_of_f: def
read(): pass or a decorator like @foo( I've no idea what you
mean, really :o)

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Son of PEP 246, redux

2005-01-13 Thread Nick Coghlan
Michael Walter wrote:
Yepyep, but *how* you declare types now? Can you quickly type the function
def f(x): without needing an interface interface x_of_f: def
read(): pass or a decorator like @foo( I've no idea what you
mean, really :o)
Why would something like
  def f(x):
do any type checking at all?
Nick Coghlan   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Brisbane, Australia
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Son of PEP 246, redux

2005-01-13 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 08:50 AM 1/13/05 +0100, Alex Martelli wrote:
Your proposals are novel and interesting.  They also go WAY deeper into a 
critical reappraisal of the whole object model of Python, which has always 
been quite reasonably close to the above-mentioned canon and indeed has 
been getting _more_ so, rather than less, since 2.2 (albeit in a uniquely 
Pythonical way, as is Python's wont -- but not conceptually, nor, mostly, 
practically, all that VERY far from canonic OOP).
Actually, the whole generic function thing was just a way to break out of 
the typing problems the Python community has struggled with for 
years.  Every attempt to bring typing or interfaces to Python has run 
aground on simple, practical concepts like, what is the abstract type of 
dict?  file?

In essence, the answer is that Python's object model *already* has a 
concept of type...  duck typing!  Basically, I'm proposing a way to 
formalize duck typing...  when you say you want a 'file', then when you 
call the object's read method, it reads like a file.

This isn't a critical reappraisal of Python's current object model at 
all!  It's a reappraisal of the ways we've been trying (and largely 
failing) to make it fit into the mold of other languages' object models.

 Moreover, your proposals are at a very early stage and no doubt need a 
lot more experience, discussion, maturation, and give-and-take.
Agreed.  In particular, operations on numeric types are the main area that 
needs conceptual work; most of the rest is implementation details.  I hope 
to spend some time prototyping an implementation this weekend (I start a 
new contract today, so I'll be busy with real work till then).

Nonetheless, the idea is so exciting I could barely sleep, and even as I 
woke this morning my head was spinning with comparisons of adaptation 
networks and operation networks, finding them isomorphic no matter what I 

One really exciting part is that this concept basically allows you to write 
good adapters, while making it very difficult or impossible to write 
bad ones!  Since it forces adapters to have no per-adapter state, it 
almost literally forces you to only create as-a adapters.  For example, 
if you try to define file operations on a string, you're dead in the water 
before you even start: strings have no place to *store* any state.  So, you 
can't adapt an immutable into a mutable.  You *can*, however, add extra 
state to a mutable, but it has to be per-object state, not per-adapter 
state.  (Coincidentally, this eliminates the need for PyProtocols' somewhat 
kludgy concept of sticky adapters.)

As a result of this, this adapter model is shaped like a superset of COM - 
you can adapt an object as many times as you like, and the adapters you get 
are basically pointers to interfaces on the same object, with no adapter 
composition.  And adapt(x,object) can always give you back the original 

This model also has some potential to improve performance: adapter classes 
have all their methods in one dictionary, so there's no __mro__ scan, and 
they have no instance dictionary, so there's no __dict__ lookup.  This 
should mean faster lookups of methods that would otherwise be inherited, 
even without any special interpreter support.  And it also allows a 
possible fast-path opcode to be used for calling methods on a type-declared 
parameter or variable, possibly eventually streamlined to a vtable-like 
structure eliminating any dictionary lookups at all (except at function 
definition time, to bind names in the code object to vtable offsets 
obtained from the types being bound to the function signature).  But of 
course all that is much further down the road.

Anyway, I suppose the *really* exciting thing about all this is how *many* 
different problems the approach seems to address.  :)

(Like automatically detecting certain classes of Liskov violations, for 
example.  And not having to create adapter classes by hand.  And being able 
to support Ping's abstract operations.  Etc., etc., etc.)

So, I think the best course of action at this time might be for me to edit 
PEP 246 to reflect some of this enormously voluminous discussion, 
including points of contention (it's part of a PEP's job to also indicate 
points of dissent, after all); and I think you should get a new PEP number 
to use for your new ideas, and develop them on that separate PEP, say PEP 
XYZ.  Knowing that a rethink of the whole object-model and related canon 
is going on at the same time should help me keep PEP 246 reasonably 
minimal and spare, very much in the spirit of YAGNI -- as few features as 
possible, for now.
Sounds good to me.

If Guido, in consequence, decides to completely block 246's progress while 
waiting for the Copernican Revolution of your new PEP XYZ to mature, so be 
it -- his ``nose'' will no doubt be the best guide to him on the matter.
It's not that big of a revolution, really.  This should make Python *more* 
like Python, not less.

  But I 

Re: [Python-Dev] Son of PEP 246, redux

2005-01-12 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 11:26 PM 1/12/05 -0500, Clark C. Evans wrote:
getting back to the main goal I had when writing PEP 246 -- your
alternative proposal still doesn't seem to provide a mechanism for
component developers to have a dialogue with one another to connect
components without involving the application programmer.
Eh?  You still have adapt(); you still have adapters.  The only difference 
is that I've specified a way to not need interfaces - instead interfaces 
can be defined in terms of individual operations, and those operations can 
be initially defined by an abstract base, concrete class, or an interface 
object.  Oh, and you don't have to write adapter *classes* - you write 
adapting *methods* for individual operations.  This can be done by the 
original author of a class or by a third party -- just like with PEP 246.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Son of PEP 246, redux

2005-01-12 Thread Michael Walter
 instead interfaces can be defined in terms of individual operations, and 
 those operations can be initially defined by an abstract base, concrete 
 class, or an interface object.
I think this is quite problematic in the sense that it will force many
dummy interfaces to be created. At least without type inference, this
is a no-no.

Consider: In order to type a function like:

def f(x):
  # ...
  # ... that type violations can be detected before the real action
takes place, you would need to create a dummy interface as in:

interface XAsFUsesIt:
  def foo():

def f(x : XAsFUsesIt):
  # ...

...or you would want type inference (which at compile time types x as
a thing which has a 'nullary' foo() function) and a type system like
System CT.

Former appears cumbersome (as it should really be done for every
function), latter too NIMPY-ish wink. What am I missing?

Sleepingly yours,

On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 23:48:47 -0500, Phillip J. Eby
 At 11:26 PM 1/12/05 -0500, Clark C. Evans wrote:
 getting back to the main goal I had when writing PEP 246 -- your
 alternative proposal still doesn't seem to provide a mechanism for
 component developers to have a dialogue with one another to connect
 components without involving the application programmer.
 Eh?  You still have adapt(); you still have adapters.  The only difference
 is that I've specified a way to not need interfaces - instead interfaces
 can be defined in terms of individual operations, and those operations can
 be initially defined by an abstract base, concrete class, or an interface
 object.  Oh, and you don't have to write adapter *classes* - you write
 adapting *methods* for individual operations.  This can be done by the
 original author of a class or by a third party -- just like with PEP 246.
 Python-Dev mailing list

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Son of PEP 246, redux

2005-01-12 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 09:57 PM 1/12/05 -0500, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
class StringIO:
def read(self, bytes) implements
# etc...
could be used to indicate the simple case where you are conforming to an 
existing operation definition.  A third-party definition, of the same 
thing might look like this:

def StringIO, bytes):
Assuming, of course, that that's the syntax for adding an implementation 
to an existing operation.
After some more thought, I think this approach:
1. Might not actually need generic functions to be implemented.  I need to 
think some more about properties and Ka-Ping Yee's abstract method idea, to 
make sure they can be made to work without real generic functions, but a 
basic version of this approach should be implementable with just a handful 
of dictionaries and decorators.

2. Can be prototyped in today's Python, whether generic functions are used 
or not (but the decorator syntax might be ugly, and the decorator 
implementations might be hacky)

3. May still have some rough bits with respect to subclassing  Liskov; I 
need to work through that part some more.  My preliminary impression is 
that it might be safe to consider inherited (but not overridden) methods as 
being the same logical operation.  That imposes some burden on subclassers 
to redeclare compatibility on overridden methods, but OTOH would be 
typesafe by default.

4. Might be somewhat more tedious to declare adaptations with, than it 
currently is with tools like PyProtocols.

Anyway, the non-generic-function implementation would be to have 'adapt()' 
generate (and cache!) an adapter class by going through all the methods of 
the target class and then looking them up in its 'implements' registry, 
while walking up the source class' __mro__ to find the most-specific 
implementation for that type (while checking for 
overridden-but-not-declared methods along the way).  There would be no 
__conform__ or __adapt__ hooks needed.

Interestingly, C# requires you to declare when you are intentionally 
overriding a base class method, in order to avoid accidentally overriding a 
new method added to a base class later.  This concept actually contains a 
germ of the same idea, requiring overrides to specify that they still 
conform to the base class' operations.

Maybe this weekend I'll be able to spend some time on whipping up some sort 
of prototype, and hopefully that will answer some of my open 
questions.  It'll also be interesting to see if I can actually use the 
technique directly on existing interfaces and adaptation, i.e. get some 
degree of PyProtocols backward-compatibility.  It might also be possible to 
get backward-compatibility for Zope too.  In each case, the backward 
compatibility mechanism would be to change the adapter/interface 
declaration APIs to be equivalent to assertions about all the operations 
defined in a particular interface, against the concrete class you're 
claiming implements the interface.

However, for both PEAK and Zope, it would likely be desirable to migrate 
any interfaces like mapping object to be based off of operations in e.g. 
the 'dict' type rather than rolling their own IReadMapping and such.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Son of PEP 246, redux

2005-01-12 Thread Phillip J. Eby
At 12:01 AM 1/13/05 -0500, Michael Walter wrote:
What am I missing?
The fact that this is a type-declaration issue, and has nothing to do with 
*how* types are checked.

Note that I'm only proposing:
1) a possible replacement for PEP 246 that leaves 'adapt()' as a function, 
but uses a different internal implementation,

2) a very specific notion of what an operation is, that doesn't require an 
interface to exist if there is already some concrete type that the 
interface would be an abstraction of,

3) a strawman syntax for declaring the relationship between operations
In other words, compared to the previous state of things, this should 
actually require *fewer* interfaces to accomplish the same use cases, and 
it doesn't require Python to have a built-in notion of interface, because 
the primitive notion is an operation, not an interface.

Oh, and I think I've now figured out how to define a type-safe version of 
Ping's abstract operations concept that can play in the 
non-generic-function implementation, but I really need some sleep, so I 
might be hallucinating the solution.  :)

Anyway, so far it seems like it can all be done with a handful of decorators:
@implements(base_operation, for_type=None)
  (for_type is the adapt *from* type, defaulting to the enclosing class 
if used inside a class body)

  (means the method is overriding the one in a base class, keeping the 
same operation correspondence(s) defined for the method in the base class)

@abstract(base_operation, *required_operations)
  (indicates that this implementation of base_operation requires the 
ability to use the specified required_operations on a target instance.  The 
adapter machinery can then safely fail if the operations aren't 
available, or if it detects a cycle between mutually-recursive abstract 
operations that don't have a non-abstract implementation.  An abstract 
method can be used to perform the operation on any object that provides the 
required operations, however.)

Anyway, from the information provided by these decorators, you can generate 
adapter classes for any operation-based interfaces.  I don't have a planned 
syntax or API for defining attribute correspondences as yet, but it should 
be possible to treat them internally as a get/set/del operation triplet, 
and then just wrap them in a descriptor on the adapter class.

By the way, saying generate makes it sound more complex than it is: just 
a subclass of 'object' with a single slot that points to the wrapped source 
object, and contains simple descriptors for each available operation of the 
protocol type that call the method implementations, passing in the 
wrapped object.  So really generate means, populate a dictionary with 
descriptors and then call 'type(name,(object,),theDict)'.

A side effect of this approach, by the way, is that since adapters are 
*never* composed (transitively or otherwise), we can *always* get back to 
the original object.  So, in theory we could actually have 
'adapt(x,object)' always convert back to the original unwrapped object, if 
we needed it.  Likewise, adapting an already-adapted object can be safe 
because the adapter machinery knows when it's dealing with one of its own 
adapters, and unwrap it before rewrapping it with a new adapter.

Oh, btw, it should at least produce a warning to declare multiple 
implementations for the same operation and source type, if not an outright 
error.  Since there's no implicit transitivity in this system (either 
there's a registered implementation for something or there isn't), there's 
no other form of ambiguity besides dual declarations of a point-to-point 

Hm.  You know, this also solves the interface inheritance problem; under 
this scheme, if you inherit an operation from a base interface, it doesn't 
mean that you provide the base interface.

Oh, actually, you can still also do interface adaptation in a somewhat more 
restrictive form; you can declare abstract operations for the target 
interface in terms of operations in the base interface.  But it's much more 
controlled because you never stack adapters on adapters, and the system can 
tell at adaptation time what operations are and aren't actually available.

Even more interesting: Alex's loss of middle name example can't be 
recreated in this system as a problem, at least if I'm still thinking 
clearly.  But I'm probably not, so I'm going to bed now.  :)

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