[Python-Dev] Mac questions

2005-01-04 Thread Thomas Heller
I'm working on refactoring Python/import.c, currently the case_ok()

I was wondering about these lines:
  /* new-fangled macintosh (macosx) */
  #elif defined(__MACH__)  defined(__APPLE__)  defined(HAVE_DIRENT_H)

Is this for Mac OSX? Does the Mac have a case insensitive file system
(my experiments on the SF compile farm say no)?

And finally: Is there any other way to find the true spelling of a file
except than a linear search with opendir()/readdir()/closedir() ?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 246, redux

2005-01-10 Thread Thomas Heller
Alex Martelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 PEP: 246
 Title: Object Adaptation

Minor nit (or not?): You could provide a pointer to the Liskov
substitution principle, for those reader that aren't too familiar with
that term.

Besides, the text mentions three times that LiskovViolation is a
subclass of AdaptionError (plus once in the ref impl section).


Python-Dev mailing list

getattr and __mro__ (was Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 246, redux)

2005-01-12 Thread Thomas Heller
Armin Rigo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 ... is that the __adapt__() and __conform__() methods should work just
 like all other special methods for new-style classes.  The confusion
 comes from the fact that the reference implementation doesn't do that.
 It should be fixed by replacing:

conform = getattr(type(obj), '__conform__', None)


for basecls in type(obj).__mro__:
if '__conform__' in basecls.__dict__:
conform = basecls.__dict__['__conform__']
# not found

 and the same for '__adapt__'.

 The point about tp_xxx slots is that when implemented in C with slots, you get
 the latter (correct) effect for free.  This is how metaconfusion is avoided in
 post-2.2 Python.  Using getattr() for that is essentially broken.  Trying to
 call the method and catching TypeErrors seems pretty fragile -- e.g. if you
 are calling a __conform__() which is implemented in C you won't get a Python
 frame in the traceback either.

I'm confused.  Do you mean that

   getattr(obj, somemethod)(...)

does something different than


with new style class instances?  Doesn't getattr search the __dict__'s
along the __mro__ list?


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Re: 2.3.5 delayed til next week

2005-01-17 Thread Thomas Heller
Anthony Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 As I'd kinda feared, my return to work has left me completely
 buried this week, and so I'm going to have to push 2.3.5 until
 next week. Thomas and Fred: does one of the days in the
 range 25-27 January suit you? The 26th is a public holiday here,
 and so that's the day that's most likely for me...

25-27 January are all ok for me.  Will there be a lot of backports, or
are they already in place?  If they are already there, I can build the
installer as soon as Fred has built the html docs.


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Is msvcr71.dll re-redistributable?

2005-02-01 Thread Thomas Heller
The 2.4 python.org installer installs msvcr71.dll on the target system.

If someone uses py2exe or a similar tool to create a frozen application,
is he allowed to redistribute this msvcr71.dll to other users together
with his application or not, even if he doesn't own MSVC?

This was asked on the py2exe users list, but I could not answer this
question.  Googling for msvcr71.dll finds some site which offer to
download it, and they pretend that they are not violating any license,
but I wasn't able to find definite words from MS about that.



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Is msvcr71.dll re-redistributable?

2005-02-02 Thread Thomas Heller
Neil Hodgson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Anders J. Munch:

 1. John X. Programmer buys the product, agrees to the EULA and puts
the DLL up for download, with the explicit and stated intent of
distributing it to anyone who needs it.

Disallowed in 3.1(a):
 # you agree: ... to distribute the Redistributables only ... in 
 # conjunction with and as a part of a software application 
 # product developed by you that adds significant and primary 
 # functionality to the Redistributables

All this pretty much subsumes what I was thinking.

The only question that remains is: why are there some sites like
http://www.dll-files.com/ which offer this and other MS dlls for

For the spambayes binary, maybe there should be another person adding
the msvcr71.dll to the distribution that Tony builds?  Someone who has a
MSVC license, and also is developer on the spambayes project?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] ViewCVS on SourceForge is broken

2005-02-11 Thread Thomas Heller
Tim Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [Trent Mick]
 Has anyone else noticed that viewcvs is broken on SF?

 It failed the same way from Virginia just now.  I suppose that's your
 reward for kindly updating the Python copyright wink.

The failure lasts already for several days:



Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Re: Python 2.4, distutils, and pure python packages

2005-03-10 Thread Thomas Heller
The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to comp.lang.python as well.

[CC to python-dev]
Fuzzyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Python 2.4 is built with Microsoft Visiual C++ 7. This means that it
 uses msvcr7.dll, which *isn't* a standard part of the windows operating

Nitpicking - it's MSVC 7.1, aka MS Visual Studio .NET 2003, and it's

 This means that if you build a windows installer using
 distutils - it *requires* msvcr7.dll in order to run. This is true even
 if your package is a pure python package. This means that when someone
 tries to use a windows installer created with Python 2.4, on a machine
 with only python 2.3 - it will fail.


 It's likely that nothing can be done about this (although for a pure
 python package there's no reason not to use the 'source distribution'
 and the setup.py). It does mean that I have to build my windows
 installer on a machine with python 2.3.

There's a workaround, although ugly.

bdist_wininst has a --target-version flag which allows to build an
installer for another Python version.  It works both for pure Python
packages, and for (how are they called? non-pure?) packages containing
compiled extensions.  The 2.4 distutils package has all that is needed
to create a installer running with python 2.3 or maybe even 2.2 (which
uses msvcrt.dll instead of msvcr71.dll).  The result, of course, is that
the installer can only install for the version that you specified at
build time.

Because distutils cannot cross-compile extensions for other versions,
you must have build extensions (if there are any to include) with the
other Python version before - distutils will simply pick up the
extensions it finds in build subdirectories for the other version.

Anyway, whether you have extensions or not, you must also specify the
--skip-build command line flag, distutils will complain if you don't.
So, for a pure distribution you would typically run these commands to
build separate installers for 2.3 and 2.4:

\python24\python setup.py --skip-build --target-version 2.3 bdist_wininst
\python24\python setup.py --skip-build --target-version 2.4 bdist_wininst

and for non-pure packages you must compile with each version before
building the installer (if you want for some reason to use python 2.4
to build the installer for 2.3):

\python24\python setup.py build_ext
\python23\python setup.py build_ext

\python24\python setup.py --skip-build --target-version 2.3 bdist_wininst
\python24\python setup.py --skip-build --target-version 2.4 bdist_wininst

OTOH, it's no problem to install both python 2.3 and python 2.4 in
separate directories on the same machine and always make native builds.


To make this story even more complete, there have been also other
bugs caused by the different runtime dlls used in 2.3 and 2.4, most
only showing when you use the --install-script option.  The installer
was using msvcrt.dll and msvcr71.dll at the same time, which led to
crashes when the install script was started - the PythonCard installer
suffered from that, at least.  The bug only occurred with pure python
distributions, because then the dll problem occurred.

The bug is solved in Python 2.3.5, and also in the 2.4.1 release which
will be out soon, with one exception: if the install-script prints
something the output will be lost instead of displayed on the last
screen.  At least that's better than crashing the process.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] (no subject)

2005-03-14 Thread Thomas Heller
Phillip J. Eby [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 At 05:34 AM 3/14/05 -0800, Michael Chermside wrote:
Nice... thanks. But I have to ask: is this really the right set of metadata to
 be updating? Here are a few things that perhaps ought be copied by

 f.__name__ (already included)
 f.__doc__  (already included)
 f.__dict__ (already included)
 f.__module__   (probably should include)
 f.func_code.co_filename (to match f.__name__, but I'd leave it alone)

 Leave __module__ alone, too, unless you want to play havoc with any
 inspection tools looking for the source code.

there's also the annoying fact that in IDLE (and in some other python-aware
IDEs) one can see the argument signature for a function as a tool tip
or other hint. Very handy that, but if a decorator is applied then all
you will see is func(*args, **kwargs) which is less than helpful. I'm
not sure whether this CAN be duplicated... I believe it is generated by
examining the following:

 f.func_code.co_flags  0x4
 f.func_code.co_flags  0x8

...and I suspect (experimentation seems to confirm this) that if you mangle
these then the code object won't work correctly. If anyone's got a
suggestion for fixing this, I'd love to hear it.

 One solution is to have a __signature__ attribute that's purely
 documentary.  That is, modifying it wouldn't change the function's
 actual behavior, so it could be copied with update_meta() but then
 modified by the decorator if need be.  __signature__ would basically
 be a structure like the one returned by inspect.getargspec().  Also,
 'instancemethod' would have a __signature__ equal to its
 im_func.__signature__ with the first argument dropped off, thus making
 it easy to introspect wrapper chains.

Another possibility (ugly, maybe) would be to create sourcecode with the
function signature that you need, and compile it. inspect.getargspec() and
inspect.formatargspec can do most of the work.


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Error checking in initmodule functions

2005-04-23 Thread Thomas Heller
I always wondered why there usually is very sloppy error checking in
initmodule functions.  Usually it goes like this (I removed
declarations and some other lines for clarity):

m = Py_InitModule4(zlib, zlib_methods,

ZlibError = PyErr_NewException(zlib.error, NULL, NULL);
if (ZlibError != NULL) {
PyModule_AddObject(m, error, ZlibError);
PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, MAX_WBITS, MAX_WBITS);
PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, DEFLATED, DEFLATED);

ver = PyString_FromString(ZLIB_VERSION);
if (ver != NULL)
PyModule_AddObject(m, ZLIB_VERSION, ver);

PyModule_AddStringConstant(m, __version__, 1.0);

Why isn't the result checked in the PyModule_... functions?
Why is the failure of PyErr_NewException silently ignored?
The problem is that when one of these things fail (although they are
probably supposed to NOT fail) you end up with a module missing
something, without any error message.

What would be the correct thing to do - I assume something like

 if (PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, MAX_WBITS, MAX_WBITS)) {


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Five patch reviews patch request

2005-06-10 Thread Thomas Heller
Michiel De Hoon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'd like to ask your attention to this patch:

 [ 1049855 ] PyOS_InputHook inconsistency on Windows

 Kurt Kaiser has already looked at this patch, but was hesitant to check it in
 because he wasn't able to test it on Windows. I'd be happy to send a compiled
 Python for Windows to anybody willing to have a look at this patch.

Comment about the patch (only from reading it):

The PyOS_StdioReadline function calls my_fgets with a file pointer
argument.  The my_fgets function in the patch assumes that
STD_INPUT_HANDLE is the handle to use - is this assumption always


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Is PEP 237 final -- Unifying Long Integers and Integers

2005-06-23 Thread Thomas Heller
Nick Coghlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Gareth McCaughan wrote:
 [Keith Dart:]
By normal integer I mean the mathematical definition.
 Then you aren't (to me) making sense. You were distinguishing
 this from a unified int/long. So far as I can see, a unified int/long
 type *does* implement (modulo implementation limits and bugs)
 the mathematical definition. What am I missing?

 Hmm, a 'mod_int' type might be an interesting concept (i.e. a type 
 that performs integer arithmetic, only each operation is carried out 
 modulo some integer).

 Then particular bit sizes would be simple ints, modulo the appropriate 
 power of two.

ctypes provides mutable platform integers and floats of various sizes
(and much more).  Currently they don't have any methods, only the value
attribute.  Maybe it would be useful to implement the standard numeric
methods on them.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Adding the 'path' module (was Re: Some RFE for review)

2005-07-01 Thread Thomas Heller
 Guido van Rossum:

 Whoa! Do we really need a completely different mechanism for doing the
 same stuff we can already do? 

Neil Hodgson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

One benefit I see for the path module is that it makes it easier to
 write code that behaves correctly with unicode paths on Windows.
 Currently, to implement code that may see unicode paths, you must
 first understand that unicode paths may be an issue, then write
 conditional code that uses either a string or unicode string to hold
 paths whenever a new path is created.

Indeed.  This would probably handle the cases where you have to
manipulate file paths in code.

OTOH, Python is lacking a lot when you have to handle unicode strings on
sys.path, in command line arguments, environment variables and maybe
other places.  See, for example

I had started to work on the sys.path unicode issues, but it seems a
considerable rewrite of (not only) Python/import.c is required.  But I
fear the patch http://python.org/sf/1093253 is slowly getting out of


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Adding the 'path' module (was Re: Some RFE for review)

2005-07-04 Thread Thomas Heller
Neil Hodgson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Thomas Heller:

 OTOH, Python is lacking a lot when you have to handle unicode strings on
 sys.path, in command line arguments, environment variables and maybe
 other places.  

A new patch #1231336 Add unicode for sys.argv, os.environ,
 os.system is now in SourceForge. New parallel features sys.argvu and
 os.environu are provided and os.system accepts unicode arguments
 similar to PEP 277. A screenshot showing why the existing features are
 inadequate and the new features an enhancement are at
One problem is that when using python -c cmd args, sys.argvu
 includes the cmd but sys.argv does not. They both contain the -c.

Not only that, all the other flags like -O and -E are also in sys.argvu
but not in sys.argv.

os.system was changed to make it easier to add some test cases but
 then that looked like too much trouble. There are far too many
 variants on exec*, spawn* and popen* to write a quick patch for these.

Those are nearly obsoleted by the subprocess module (although I do not
know how that handles unicode.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Adding the 'path' module (was Re: Some RFE for review)

2005-07-07 Thread Thomas Heller
Neil Hodgson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Guido van Rossum:

 Ah, sigh. I didn't know that os.listdir() behaves differently when the
 argument is Unicode. Does os.listdir(.) really behave differently
 than os.listdir(u.)? 

 ['abc', '']

 Bah! I don't think that's a very good design
 (although I see where it comes from). 

Partly my fault. At the time I was more concerned with making
 functionality possible rather than convenient.

 Promoting only those entries
 that need it seems the right solution -- user code that can't deal
 with the Unicode entries shouldn't be used around directories
 containing unicode -- if it needs to work around unicode it should be
 fixed to support that!

I'm sorry but that's not my opinion.

Code that can't deal with unicode entries is broken, imo.  The
programmer does not know where the user runs this code at what he throws
at it.  I think that this will hide bugs.

When I installed the first game written in Python with pygame on my
daughter's PC it didn't run, simply because there was a font listed in
the registry which contained umlauts somewhere.

OTOH, I once had a bug report from a py2exe user who complained that the
program didn't start when installed in a path with japanese characters
on it.  I tried this out, the bug existed (and still exists), but I was
astonished how many programs behaved the same: On a PC with english
language settings, you cannot start WinZip or Acrobat Reader (to give
just some examples) on a .zip or .pdf file contained in such a

OK, I'll work on a patch for that but I'd like to see the opinions
 of the usual unicode guys as this will produce more opportunities for
 UnicodeDecodeError. The modification will probably work in the
 opposite way, asking for all the names in unicode and then attempting
 to convert to the default code page with failures retaining the
 unicode name.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Exception Reorg PEP revised yet again

2005-08-12 Thread Thomas Heller
Brett Cannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 8/10/05, Raymond Hettinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Then I don't follow what you mean by moved under os.
  In other words, to get the exception, do ``from os import
  WindowsError``.  Unfortunately we don't have a generic win module to
  put it under.  Maybe in the platform module instead?
 -1 on either.  The WindowsError exception needs to in the main exception
 tree.  It occurs in too many different modules and applications.  That
 is a good reason for being in the main tree.

 Where is it used so much?  In the stdlib, grepping for WindowsError
 recursively in Lib in 2.4 turns up only one module raising it
 (subprocess) and only two modules with a total of three places of
 catching it (ntpath once, urllib twice).  In Module, there are no

I don't know how you've been grepping, but the Python api functions to
raise WindowsErrors are named like PyErr_SetFromWindowsErr() or so.

Typically, WindowsErrors are raised when Win32 API functions fail.
In the core extension modules, I find at least mmapmodule.c,
posixmodule.c, _subprocess.c, and _winreg.c raising them.  It may be a
bit hidden, because the docs for _winreg mention only EnvironmentError,
but they are wrong:

Python 2.5a0 (#60, Jul  4 2005, 19:53:27) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 import _winreg
 _winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, blah)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
WindowsError: [Errno 2] Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden

 If the name bugs you, I would support renaming it to PlatformError or
 somesuch.  That would make it free for use with Mac errors and Linux
 errors.  Also, it wouldn't tie a language feature to the name of an
 MS product.

 I can compromise to this if others prefer this alternative.  Anybody
 else have an opinion?

Win32 has the FormatError() api to convert error codes into descriptions
- these descriptions are very useful, as are the error codes when you
catch errors in client code.

I would say as long as the Python core contains win32 specific modules
like _winreg WindowsError should stay.  For the name, I have no
preference but I see no need to change it.


PS: For ctypes, it doesn't matter if WindowsError stays or not.  No
problem to invent my own WindowsError if it goes away.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Revised PEP 349: Allow str() to return unicode strings

2005-08-23 Thread Thomas Heller
Neil Schemenauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [Please mail followups to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The PEP has been rewritten based on a suggestion by Guido to change
 str() rather than adding a new built-in function.  Based on my
 testing, I believe the idea is feasible.  It would be helpful if
 people could test the patched Python with their own applications and
 report any incompatibilities.

I like the fact that currently unicode(x) is guarateed to return a
unicode instance, or raises a UnicodeDecodeError.  Same for str(x),
which is guaranteed to return a (byte) string instance or raise an

Wouldn't also a new function make the intent clearer?

So I think I'm +1 on the text() built-in, and -0 on changing str.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Modules _hashopenssl.c, NONE, 2.1 sha256module.c, NONE, 2.1 sha512module.c, NONE, 2.1 md5module.c, 2.35, 2.36 shamodule.c, 2.22, 2.23

2005-08-23 Thread Thomas Heller
Michael Hudson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Raymond Hettinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [Raymond Hettinger] 
  This patch should be reverted or fixed so that the Py2.5 build works
  It contains a disasterous search and replace error that prevents it
  compiling.  Hence, it couldn't have passed the test suite before
  checked in.

 [Michael Hudson]
 It works for me, on OS X.  Passes the test suite, even.  I presume
 you're on Windows of some kind?

 Here's an excerpt from the check-in note for sha512module.c:


 Perhaps OS X has some sort of Steve Jobs special constant suffix ULL
 that Mr. Gates and the ANSI C folks have yet to accept ;-)  

 It's an C99 unsigned long long literal, AFAICT (p70 of the PDF I found
 lying around somewhere...), so I think it's just Bill who's behind.
 However, Python doesn't require C99, so it's pretty dodgy code by our

 Hmm.  You have PY_LONG_LONG #define-d, right?  Does VC++ 6 (that's
 what you use, right?) support any kind of long long literal?

The suffix seems to be 'ui64'.  From vc6 limits.h:

/* minimum signed 64 bit value */
#define _I64_MIN(-9223372036854775807i64 - 1)
/* maximum signed 64 bit value */
#define _I64_MAX  9223372036854775807i64
/* maximum unsigned 64 bit value */
#define _UI64_MAX 0xui64


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Replacement for print in Python 3.0

2005-09-09 Thread Thomas Heller
Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Greg Ewing wrote:

 Maybe backquotes could be repurposed in Py3k for interpolated
 string literals?

 backquotes are a PITA to type on many non-US keyboards.

Even more since they are especially broken in Windows XEmacs.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] GIL, Python 3, and MP vs. UP

2005-09-21 Thread Thomas Heller
Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Personally my biggest issue with the way the CPython VM works is that  
 you can't reliably do multiple interpreters in a single process.  If  
 that worked well, you could start an independent interpreter per  
 thread and with a per-interpreter GIL you'd have pretty much  
 everything you needed... but this would horribly break the C API and  
 may be a performance hit.

 My use case for this isn't so much about threads, but plug-ins.   
 Writing multiple Python-based plug-ins for an application is always a  
 mess, because they share too much (sys.modules, sys.path, etc.).   
 PyObjC would benefit greatly from this feature, because you can write  
 Python-based plug-ins for any Cocoa app that supports plug-ins, even  
 if they're otherwise unaware of Python's existence.  There are  
 workarounds, of course, with import hooks and similar hacks.  I think  
 that mod_python would also benefit from this, and probably other such  

Just a note in case you didn't know this already, probably off-topic for
python-dev, but not meant as advertisement for py2exe): the same
(plug-in) problem occurs with an inprocess COM server and a Python
client program, or more than one inproc COM server in any client
program.  The 0.6 py2exe release with it's bundle-file option allows to
build COM dlls (and client EXE programs, if needed) that APPEAR to have
a statically linked copy of Python##.dll, and so have several CPython
VMs running in the same process.  In case anybody want's to take a look
or experiment with it.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] linecache problem

2005-09-30 Thread Thomas Heller
Oleg Broytmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 09:17:39AM +0200, Thomas Heller wrote:
 On several occasions I have seen tracebacks in my code pointing to PIL's
 __init__.py file. That is strange, because I have installed PIL but it
 is used nowhere.
 The bug is present in 2.3, 2.4, and current CVS.

I have seen such tracebacks in all versions of Python AFAIR.

I think it's a severe bug that needs to be fixed.
Tracebacks showing the wrong sourcelines leave the impression 'the
Python installation is totally broken'.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] linecache problem

2005-09-30 Thread Thomas Heller
Guido van Rossum [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 9/30/05, Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On several occasions I have seen tracebacks in my code pointing to PIL's
 __init__.py file. That is strange, because I have installed PIL but it
 is used nowhere.

 Finally I traced it down to a problem in the linecache code, which tries
 to be smart in up updatecache function.  When os.stat() on the filename
 fails with os.error, it walks along sys.path and returns the first file
 with a matching basename. This *may* make sense for toplevel modules,
 but never for modules in packages.

 The bug is present in 2.3, 2.4, and current CVS.

 Probably my fault (I wrote linecache, 13 years ago (before Python had

 But looking at the code I don't understand why this is; there's no
 code to descend into subdirectories of directories found on sys.path.

 I wonder if the problem isn't on PIL's end, which puts the PIL
 directory on sys.path?

It seems PIL cannot decide if it wants to be a package or not, but
better would be to ask the author.  /F, ?

It installs a PIL.pth file in lib/site-packages, which contains 'PIL'
only - that's where the sys.path entry comes from.  OTOH, the
lib/site-packages/PIL directory contains an __init__.py file.  PIL.pth
is the only .pth file that I have where the directory contains an
__init__.py file.

 Anyway, don't hesitate to suggest a patch on sourceforge -- python-dev
 really isn't the forum for further discussion of this issue.



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Conversion to Subversion is complete

2005-10-28 Thread Thomas Heller

 The Python source code repository is now converted to subversion;
 please feel free to start checking out new sandboxes. For a few
 days, this installation probably still needs to be considered in
 testing. If there are no serious problems found by next Monday,
 I would consider conversion of the data complete. The CVS repository
 will be kept available read-only for a while longer, so you can
 easily forward any patches you may have.

 Most of you are probably interested in checking out one of these

 svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/python/trunk
 svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/python/branches/release24-maint
 svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/peps

Works out of the box for me, thanks, Martin (but we have debugged this

Can anyone recommend an XEmacs svn plugin to use - I've tried psvn.el
from http://www.xsteve.at/prg/emacs/psvn.el which seems to work?


Python-Dev mailing list


2005-11-03 Thread Thomas Heller
Shouldn't PYTHON_API_VERSION be different between 2.3 and 2.4?
It is 1012 in both versions.

I tried to detect whether PyTuple_Pack is supported, which was added in
2.4. Or is this only to detect changed apis, and not added apis?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Plea to distribute debugging lib

2005-11-04 Thread Thomas Heller
Guido van Rossum [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I vaguely recall that there were problems with distributing the debug
 version of the MS runtime.

Right: the debug runtime dlls are not disributable.

 Anyway, why can't you do this yourself for all Boost users? It's all
 volunteer time, you know...

Doesn't any boost user need a C compiler anyway, so it should not really
be a problem to compile Python?

Anyway, AFAIK, the activestate distribution contains Python debug dlls.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Inconsistent behaviour in import/zipimport hooks

2005-11-09 Thread Thomas Heller
Bob Ippolito [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Nov 9, 2005, at 1:22 PM, Bill Janssen wrote:

 It's a shame that

 1)  there's no equivalent of java -jar, i.e., python -z  
 FILE.ZIP, and

 This should work on a few platforms:
 env PYTHONPATH=FILE.zip python -m some_module_in_the_zip

It should, yes - but it doesn't: -m doesn't work with zipimport.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Build failure and problem on Windows

2005-12-20 Thread Thomas Heller
Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Building the svn trunk on Windows fails because Python\pyarena.c is
 missing in the pythoncore.vcproj file (I'm not yet up to speed with svn,
 otherwise I would have checked in a fix for this myself).

 Worse, when running the built exe it segfaults in Py_GetBuildInfo(),
 because it is picking up somehow a definition of #define BUILD 'b' (from
 cPickle.c? Could that be?)

I should have known better, but BUILD is defined in the MSVC project
file as BUILD=60.


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Build failure and problem on Windows

2005-12-20 Thread Thomas Heller

Building the svn trunk on Windows fails because Python\pyarena.c is
missing in the pythoncore.vcproj file (I'm not yet up to speed with svn,
otherwise I would have checked in a fix for this myself).

Worse, when running the built exe it segfaults in Py_GetBuildInfo(),
because it is picking up somehow a definition of #define BUILD 'b' (from
cPickle.c? Could that be?)


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] os.startfile with optional second parameter

2005-12-20 Thread Thomas Heller
Would a patch be accepted that implemented an optional second parameter
for the os.startfile function on Windows?

Sometimes I missed the possibility to write

  os.startfile(mydocs.pdf, print)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] os.startfile with optional second parameter

2005-12-21 Thread Thomas Heller
Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Would a patch be accepted that implemented an optional second parameter
 for the os.startfile function on Windows?

 Sometimes I missed the possibility to write

   os.startfile(mydocs.pdf, print)

The other possibility would be to extend the subprocess module with this


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Build failure and problem on Windows

2005-12-21 Thread Thomas Heller
Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Building the svn trunk on Windows fails because Python\pyarena.c is
 missing in the pythoncore.vcproj file (I'm not yet up to speed with svn,
 otherwise I would have checked in a fix for this myself).

 Worse, when running the built exe it segfaults in Py_GetBuildInfo(),
 because it is picking up somehow a definition of #define BUILD 'b' (from
 cPickle.c? Could that be?)

 I should have known better, but BUILD is defined in the MSVC project
 file as BUILD=60.

I've committed a fix for both (Hope these comments aren't off-topic
nowadays for python-dev).


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] API changes

2006-01-03 Thread Thomas Heller
The ast-branch merge apparently changed some formerly public functions
to macros.  The two that I found out about are PyRun_SimpleString and
PyRun_InteractiveLoop, I have not checked if there are more or not.

This breaks apps which dynamically link at runtime to the Python dll
(the latest py2exe does this).

Was this change intentional, or can it be reverted?



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] API changes

2006-01-03 Thread Thomas Heller
Jeremy Hylton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On 1/3/06, Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The ast-branch merge apparently changed some formerly public functions
 to macros.  The two that I found out about are PyRun_SimpleString and
 PyRun_InteractiveLoop, I have not checked if there are more or not.

 This breaks apps which dynamically link at runtime to the Python dll
 (the latest py2exe does this).

 Was this change intentional, or can it be reverted?



 The intent was to provide binary compatibility, but redirect all newly
 linked code to the newer variants.  We did this correctly for
 PyParser_SimpleParseFile and PyParser_SimpleParseString, but didn't do
 it for the rest of the changed functions.  Can you file a bug report? 
 (Or just fix the ones that bother you.)

 We ought to update the docs, too.

I'm not sure I understand the 'we did this correctly for ...'.
PyParser_SimpleParseFile is a function in 2.4, and a macro in 2.5.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] API changes

2006-01-03 Thread Thomas Heller
Jeremy Hylton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 1/3/06, Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Jeremy Hylton [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On 1/3/06, Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The ast-branch merge apparently changed some formerly public functions
  to macros.  The two that I found out about are PyRun_SimpleString and
  PyRun_InteractiveLoop, I have not checked if there are more or not.
  This breaks apps which dynamically link at runtime to the Python dll
  (the latest py2exe does this).

  The intent was to provide binary compatibility, but redirect all newly
  linked code to the newer variants.  We did this correctly for
  PyParser_SimpleParseFile and PyParser_SimpleParseString, but didn't do
  it for the rest of the changed functions.  Can you file a bug report?
  (Or just fix the ones that bother you.)

 I'm not sure I understand the 'we did this correctly for ...'.
 PyParser_SimpleParseFile is a function in 2.4, and a macro in 2.5.

 There's a function by the same name at the end of pythonrun.c. 
 Nothing in the Python core should link to it, but it's still available
 for third-party code.  Now we can mark PyParser_SimpleParseFile as
 deprecated remove it in some future release.

I see.  I doesn't help on Windows, though, since the functions are not
declared DL_EXPORT().

All in all, I'm unsure if it is worth fixing this - maybe it would be
better to change py2exe.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] buildbot

2006-01-03 Thread Thomas Heller

 I delayed upgrading from 10.2 for awhile and was given the same
 advice.  I was further told (check the mac sig archives) that you'd
 be able to stick with 10.3 for much longer because new apps wouldn't
 need to require 10.4.  So I upgraded.  Now you're telling me that it's
 somehow obsolete and that I should upgrade because we can't be
 bothered to fix a compiler warning?  Python supports much older
 versions of other platforms.  What makes Mac OSX so special in this

There are 10.1 and 10.2 boxes in the sourceforge compile farm which
could probably used for testing.


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Include ctypes into core Python?

2006-01-10 Thread Thomas Heller
I would like to suggest to include ctypes into core Python, starting
with the 2.5 release.

ctypes is nearing the 1.0 release, and works on Windows, OS X, linux,
possibly other platforms (provided that the processor is supported by
libffi), and just recently even on Windows CE.

ctypes does not depend on a libfii library installed on the system,
instead the libfii source code is compiled into the extension module.
libffi is copyright Red Hat, Inc, and released under a MIT style

Up-to date docs for ctypes still have to be written, but I assume that
the 2.5 release timeframe leaves enough time for that.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Include ctypes into core Python?

2006-01-10 Thread Thomas Heller
Guido van Rossum [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 1/10/06, Delaney, Timothy (Tim) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Guido van Rossum wrote:

  On 1/10/06, Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I would like to suggest to include ctypes into core Python, starting
  with the 2.5 release.
  On the one hand I agree that this is a useful module, popular, mature
  On the other hand it breaks one of the most fundamental Python
  guidelines: if you get a core dump (segfault etc.) it's a bug in
  Python or in a 3rd party extension, not in *your* Python code. An
  exception would have to be made for any code that uses ctypes, as it
  is usually trivial to cause core dumps with ctypes (I'd venture it's
  hard to avoid them ;-).
  I don't expect this to count against including ctypes; but I do want
  it to be dealt with somehow!

 As was pointed out on c.l.py, the `dl` module suffers the exact same
 problem (I don't know myself, as I've never used it). There are no
 warnings about this in the `dl` module documentation.

 Good point. I think there should be such warnings though.

 I can't see how it would be possible to guarantee that such a module
 could not cause crashes.

 And I'm not asking for that.

 I'm of the opinion that having a big red
 warning at the top of the module documentation that this is a
 contributed module, and incorrect use could cause segmentation
 faults/crashes, etc would be sufficient.

 Works for me.

Another possibility would be to emit a warning when the module (dl or
ctypes, if included) is imported.

warnings.warn(Incorrect usage of this module may crash Python,
  RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Include ctypes into core Python?

2006-01-12 Thread Thomas Heller
Delaney, Timothy (Tim) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Martin v. Löwis wrote:

 So as for dealing with it somehow: I would make ctypes a dynamically
 loaded module (ctypes.pyd), so administrators could remove it, and
 I could also make it a separate option in the Windows installer,
 so administrators could reject to install it.

 I like this solution. Of course, Thomas (author of both py2exe and
 ctypes) may like the ability to have ctypes built into python.dll ...

It is getting offtopic, but I don't care too much about that.  I
requested that zlib be changed to a builtin module too allow easier
bootstrapping of py2exe'd apps which have a compressed library archive.

The nearly only reason for me to implement the single-file option for
py2exe was that the implementation simulates a static linked Python-dll,
which allows for several totally-isolated interpreters in the same


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Include ctypes into core Python?

2006-01-12 Thread Thomas Heller
Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Guido van Rossum wrote:
 On the other hand it breaks one of the most fundamental Python
 guidelines: if you get a core dump (segfault etc.) it's a bug in
 Python or in a 3rd party extension, not in *your* Python code. An
 exception would have to be made for any code that uses ctypes, as it
 is usually trivial to cause core dumps with ctypes (I'd venture it's
 hard to avoid them ;-).
 I don't expect this to count against including ctypes; but I do want
 it to be dealt with somehow!

 I think the strongest point *for* ctypes is the inclusion of dl
 in the source distribution, which has the very same flaws as
 ctypes in terms of crashability.

 So as for dealing with it somehow: I would make ctypes a dynamically
 loaded module (ctypes.pyd), so administrators could remove it, and
 I could also make it a separate option in the Windows installer,
 so administrators could reject to install it.

Sounds good, although it should be noted that ctypes is a package now,
with a ctypes.wrap subpackage (contains the code generator), a
ctypes.macholib subpackage (contains Bob Ippolitos macholib for OS X),
and ctypes.test subpackage whcih contains several test modules.  Plus
the _ctypes.(dll|so) extension module.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Include ctypes into core Python?

2006-01-12 Thread Thomas Heller
Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Thomas Heller wrote:
 Sounds good, although it should be noted that ctypes is a package now,
 with a ctypes.wrap subpackage (contains the code generator), a
 ctypes.macholib subpackage (contains Bob Ippolitos macholib for OS X),
 and ctypes.test subpackage whcih contains several test modules.  Plus
 the _ctypes.(dll|so) extension module.

 Ok. The installer should then combine them all into a feature.

 Still, the admin could disable all of this just by removing _ctypes.dll,



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] DRAFT: python-dev Summary for 2005-12-16 through 2005-12-31

2006-01-13 Thread Thomas Heller
Tony Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Adding zlib module to python25.dll

 Thomas Heller and Martin Heller had been discussing whether the zlib

Should be 'Martin v. Löwis', as we all know.

 module should become builtin, at least on Windows (i.e. part of
 python25.dll). This would simplify both the build process and py2exe,
 the latter could then bootstrap extraction from the compressed file
 just with pythonxy.dll, but this is currently not done, because the
 pythoncore.vcproj would then not be buildable anymore unless you also
 have the right version of zlib on disk.  To solve this problem, Thomas
 proposed that the Python release could incorporate a copy of zlib,
 primarily for use on Windows (with the project files appropriately
 adjusted).  This change was later made.

 Contributing thread:

  - `Incorporation of zlib sources into Python subversion

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Include ctypes into core Python?

2006-01-16 Thread Thomas Heller
Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Guido van Rossum wrote:
 On the other hand it breaks one of the most fundamental Python
 guidelines: if you get a core dump (segfault etc.) it's a bug in
 Python or in a 3rd party extension, not in *your* Python code. An
 exception would have to be made for any code that uses ctypes, as it
 is usually trivial to cause core dumps with ctypes (I'd venture it's
 hard to avoid them ;-).
 I don't expect this to count against including ctypes; but I do want
 it to be dealt with somehow!

 I think the strongest point *for* ctypes is the inclusion of dl
 in the source distribution, which has the very same flaws as
 ctypes in terms of crashability.

 So as for dealing with it somehow: I would make ctypes a dynamically
 loaded module (ctypes.pyd), so administrators could remove it, and
 I could also make it a separate option in the Windows installer,
 so administrators could reject to install it.

It looks like we need a pronouncement now.


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Building on OS X 10.4 fails

2006-01-17 Thread Thomas Heller
Building the readline on OS X 10.4 fails, is this known, or am I doing
something wrong?



building 'readline' extension
gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-long-double -no-cpp-precomp -mno-fused-madd 
-DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -I. 
-I/Users/theller/svn/trunk/./Include -I/Users/theller/svn/trunk/./Mac/Include 
-I./Include -I. -I/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Include -I/Users/theller/svn/trunk 
-c /Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c -o 
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c: In function 'write_history_file':
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:112: warning: implicit declaration 
of function 'history_truncate_file'
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c: In function 'py_remove_history':
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:301: warning: implicit declaration 
of function 'remove_history'
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:301: warning: assignment makes 
pointer from integer without a cast
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:310: warning: passing argument 1 of 
'free' discards qualifiers from pointer target type
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:312: warning: passing argument 1 of 
'free' discards qualifiers from pointer target type
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c: In function 'py_replace_history':
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:338: warning: implicit declaration 
of function 'replace_history_entry'
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:338: warning: assignment makes 
pointer from integer without a cast
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:347: warning: passing argument 1 of 
'free' discards qualifiers from pointer target type
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:349: warning: passing argument 1 of 
'free' discards qualifiers from pointer target type
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c: In function 
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:453: error: 'HISTORY_STATE' 
undeclared (first use in this function)
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:453: error: (Each undeclared 
identifier is reported only once
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:453: error: for each function it 
appears in.)
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:453: error: 'hist_st' undeclared 
(first use in this function)
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:455: warning: implicit declaration 
of function 'history_get_history_state'
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c: In function 'insert_text':
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:503: warning: implicit declaration 
of function 'rl_insert_text'
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c: In function 'on_completion':
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:637: error: 
'rl_attempted_completion_over' undeclared (first use in this function)
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c: In function 'flex_complete':
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:675: warning: passing argument 2 of 
'completion_matches' from incompatible pointer type
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c: In function 'setup_readline':
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:700: warning: passing argument 2 of 
'rl_bind_key_in_map' from incompatible pointer type
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:701: warning: passing argument 2 of 
'rl_bind_key_in_map' from incompatible pointer type
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c: In function 
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:758: warning: passing argument 2 of 
'rl_callback_handler_install' from incompatible pointer type
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:788: warning: implicit declaration 
of function 'rl_free_line_state'
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:789: warning: implicit declaration 
of function 'rl_cleanup_after_signal'
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c: In function 'call_readline':
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:883: error: 'HISTORY_STATE' 
undeclared (first use in this function)
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:883: error: 'state' undeclared 
(first use in this function)
/Users/theller/svn/trunk/Modules/readline.c:885: warning: assignment discards 
qualifiers from pointer target type

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Include ctypes into core Python?

2006-01-17 Thread Thomas Heller
Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Guido van Rossum wrote:
 On 1/16/06, Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It looks like we need a pronouncement now.
 Sorry. It appeared to me that there was general agreement to using a
 strongly worded warning in the docs, so I tuned out of the rest of the
 discussion. So for the record, I'm fine with that.

 Ok. If Thomas checks in the code and the documentation, I'll do the
 Windows/setup part of it.

Now, I'm trying to build ctypes on OS X as the first non-windows
platform.  As I said, ctypes currently has its own source copy of libffi
(since there are no separate releases of libffi, and the only platform
that comes with libffi by default that I know is cygwin).

It is built into a static non-shared library with a call to configure
like this:

   cd build_dir
   src_dir/configure --disable-shared --enable-static \
 --enable-multilib=no --prefix=inst_dir
   make install

then libffi.a is linked into the _ctypes extension module.

I know near to nothing about 'configure', can/should a call to os.system
with the commands above be added to setup.py, or how could this be


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] DRAFT: python-dev Summary for 2006-01-01 through 2006-01-15

2006-01-26 Thread Thomas Heller
Tony Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Adding ctypes to the standard library

 Thomas Heller suggested that ctypes be included in core Python
 (starting with 2.5).  The common response was that while ctypes is a
 useful, popular, mature module, it does make it very easy to get a
 core dump, which violates the guideline that if you get a core dump
 it's a bug in Python or in a third party extension or you're doing
 something harebrained.  On the other hand, it was pointed out that the
 dl module suffers from the same problem, and is included without any
 warnings (the documentation was later fixed to include warnings).

 Martin v. Löwis suggested making ctypes a dynamically loaded module
 (ctypes.pyd), so administrators could remove it, and
 I could also make it a separate option in the Windows installer, so
 administrators could opt out of installing it.  Everyone seemed happy
 with prominent warnings in the documentation, and so this is how it
 was checked in.

Well, it is *not* yet checked in.  The current state is that ctypes uses
GPL'd tools to build libffi, and those can't be committed into Python SVN.


Currently I tend to agree with Martin and drop the idea for now, but
this probably doesn't belong into your summary ;-).


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] DRAFT: python-dev Summary for 2006-01-01 through 2006-01-15

2006-01-26 Thread Thomas Heller
Thomas Wouters [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Thu, Jan 26, 2006 at 09:54:51AM +0100, Thomas Heller wrote:

 The current state is that ctypes uses GPL'd tools to build libffi, and
 those can't be committed into Python SVN.


 But http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-January/059938.html
 was never responded to.

Lack of time - sorry.

 And licenses are fluid, it may be a piece of cake to
 get one of those 'tools' un-GPL'ed, even if they are.

I wouldn't even know whom to ask.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Include ctypes into core Python?

2006-01-26 Thread Thomas Heller
James Y Knight [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Jan 19, 2006, at 4:24 PM, Thomas Heller wrote:

 Several of these files are licensed under GPL:

 aclocal.m4 config-ml.in config.guess config.sub depcomp ltcf-c.sh
 ltconfig missing

 Are you sure? The copies of aclocal.m4 and config-ml.in both disagree
 with you. aclocal seems to have a completely liberal license, and
 config-ml has a whatever the license of the program it's building

It seems you are right:

config-ml.in: GPL with special exception.
config.guess: GPL with special exception.
config.sub:   GPL with special exception.
configure: no limitation
depcomp:  GPL with special exception.
install-sh:   X-11 license
ltcf-c.sh:GPL with special exception.
ltconfig: GPL with special exception.
ltmain.sh:GPL with special exception.

aclocal.m4:   see below

Is aclocal.m4 an exception? It has several copyright notices.  The first
one gives unlimited permissions to copy and/or distribute, but sections
after that have no exception clause.  I'm unsure what this means.

The files that ctypes uses are in CVS here:



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] DRAFT: python-dev Summary for 2006-01-01 through 2006-01-15

2006-01-26 Thread Thomas Heller
Ronald Oussoren [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Jan 26, 2006, at 9:22 AM, Ronald Oussoren wrote:
 It shouldn't be too hard to use Python's main configure script to
 calculate the information necessary to build libffi. A lot of it is
 already calculated anyway (sizeof various type, endianness), some
 can be hardcoded (FFI_NO_RAW_API).

 In PyObjC I just compile the files I need from my setup.py. But I
 have an easy task, I just need to support two CPU architectures on
 one OS.

 Merging the two configure files might be a good idea anyway, that
 would take away the need to run configure from setup.py. IANAL, but I
 don't quite get how a GPL'd support script, if there is such a thing,
 in the build machinery of an extension library would require that
 Python itself is GPL'd.

 Anyhow, in my copy of libffi (a snapshot where the last entry in the
 Changelog is from 2004-04-26) the only the following files at the
 toplevel op libffi are GPL licensed: config.guess, config.sub,
 config-ml.in, ltcf-c.sh, ltconfig, ltmain.sh, missing. All of these
 contain an exception clause like this one in config.guess:

ctypes libffi is somewhat newer, around 2005-05-09.

 # As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
 # distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
 # configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
 # the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.

 I'd say that it should be save to include these in the Python

As I said in the other thread  (where the discussion should probably be
continued anyway):


only aclocal.m4 isn't clear to me about the license.  Anyway, it could
be that this file isn't needed after all - I don't know enough about the
GNU toolchain to be sure.  Can anyone comment on this?

Neither do I know enough to merge the configure scripts.  Contributions
would really, really gratefully be accepted.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] DRAFT: python-dev Summary for 2006-01-01 through 2006-01-15

2006-01-27 Thread Thomas Heller
John J Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Thu, 26 Jan 2006, Thomas Heller wrote:
 As I said in the other thread  (where the discussion should probably be
 continued anyway):
 only aclocal.m4 isn't clear to me about the license.  Anyway, it could
 be that this file isn't needed after all - I don't know enough about the
 GNU toolchain to be sure.  Can anyone comment on this?

From 'info autoconf':

 |   The Autoconf macros are defined in several files.  Some of the files
 | are distributed with Autoconf; `autoconf' reads them first.  Then it
 | looks for the optional file `acsite.m4' in the directory that contains
 | the distributed Autoconf macro files, and for the optional file
 | `aclocal.m4' in the current directory.  Those files can contain your
 | site's or the package's own Autoconf macro definitions (*note Writing

 So, I assume aclocal.m4 is under the same license as the rest of the
 libffi you're using.

I cannot uinderstand your reasoning.  How can 'info autoconf' incluence
the license of the aclocal.m4 file?  Or do I misunderstand something?

Given that all kind of *nix experts are here on this list - can someone
tell if aclocal.m4 is needed for building libffi at all or not?


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] (libffi) Re: Copyright issue

2006-01-27 Thread Thomas Heller
[I've added python-dev to cc:]

Anthony Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Fri, 2006-01-27 at 17:08 +0100, Thomas Heller wrote:
 Anyway, another question is: Is aclocal.m4 needed at all for building
 (or maybe for regenerating the configure scripts), or is it optional?

 aclocal.m4 is required, but is only used as a build-time tool.  The fact
 that aclocal.m4 is distributed under the GPL should have no impact on
 the licensing terms used for software built using aclocal.m4.

If I understand correctly this means that the Python source distribution
would have to be GPL licensed, while the built programs would be able to
use another license.

I'm pretty sure this kills the whole idea (to include libffi in python).

Thanks, Thomas

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] (libffi) Re: Copyright issue

2006-01-27 Thread Thomas Heller
Anthony Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Fri, 2006-01-27 at 18:03 +0100, Thomas Heller wrote:
 [I've added python-dev to cc:]
 Anthony Green [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Fri, 2006-01-27 at 17:08 +0100, Thomas Heller wrote:
  Anyway, another question is: Is aclocal.m4 needed at all for building
  (or maybe for regenerating the configure scripts), or is it optional?
  aclocal.m4 is required, but is only used as a build-time tool.  The fact
  that aclocal.m4 is distributed under the GPL should have no impact on
  the licensing terms used for software built using aclocal.m4.
 If I understand correctly this means that the Python source distribution
 would have to be GPL licensed, while the built programs would be able to
 use another license.
 I'm pretty sure this kills the whole idea (to include libffi in python).

 I guess I wasn't clear.  aclocal.m4 is just a tool used to build libffi.
 Like your C compiler.  Bundling it with the Python source distribution
 should have no impact on the licensing of Python itself, since it isn't
 really part of the resulting Python binary - just like your C compiler

I guess I understood this already.  The difference to the C compiler is
that the compiler is not 'bundled' with Python, it is installed

Can anyone of the python-dev core team comment: can we live with the GPL
licensed aclocal.m4 file, in the source distribution and in SVN?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] (libffi) Re: Copyright issue

2006-01-27 Thread Thomas Heller
Andrew Pinski [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Does phython already use autoconf? I think it does, if so then there
 should be no issues.

[Anthony Green]
 I guess I wasn't clear.  aclocal.m4 is just a tool used to build
 libffi.  Like your C compiler.  Bundling it with the Python source
 distribution should have no impact on the licensing of Python
 itself, since it isn't really part of the resulting Python binary -
 just like your C compiler isn't.

[Thomas Heller]
 I guess I understood this already.  The difference to the C compiler is
 that the compiler is not 'bundled' with Python, it is installed

Giovanni Bajo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 That's no different. If you burn a CD containing a copy of the GCC and a
 copy of a commercial software you are not violating any license. If you
 distribute an .ISO file containing a copy of the GCC and a copy of a
 commercial software, you are not violating any license. If you distribute a
 .zip file containing a copy of GCC and a copy of a commercial software, you
 are not violating any license.

 There is an important difference between aggreggation of different programs,
 and static/dynamic linking of parts. Autoconf is a build tool, and it does
 not impose any license on the software you use it with. Plus some files have
 the special exception from GPL so that even the files *generated* by
 autoconf (and partly made of pieces of autoconf) do not require to be GPL.
 This is exactly like GCC's runtime library (libgcc, and also libstdc++)
 which are GPL with the special exception, and you can use them also for
 commercial products.

 Also, do not understimate previous history. There are zillions of programs
 out there using Autconf and *not* being GPL.

Ok, understood - there is no problem.  Hopefully the rest of the
pythondev team is also convinced.

The only question I have (maybe this is too off-topic, but since we're
here already): Nearly all the tools that autoconf and automake use are
careful to include an exception clause to the GPL license.  Why is
aclocal.m4 different?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] (libffi) Re: Copyright issue

2006-01-29 Thread Thomas Heller
Hye-Shik Chang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 1/28/06, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thomas Heller wrote:
  Can anyone of the python-dev core team comment: can we live with the GPL
  licensed aclocal.m4 file, in the source distribution and in SVN?

 My understanding that doing so would be in violation of section 2b) of
 the GPL.

 However, I still think it is possible to include libffi - we just have
 to discard the build process, and do our own.

 I did some work to make ctypes+libffi compacter and liberal.
 http://openlook.org/svnpublic/ctypes-compactffi/  (svn)

 I removed sources/gcc and put sources/libffi copied from gcc 4.0.2.
 And removed all automake-related build processes and integrated
 them into setup.py. There's still aclocal.m4 in sources/libffi. But
 it is just identical to libffi's acinclude.m4 which looks liberal.

That's great!  Would you like to integrate these changes into to ctypes
CVS repository yourself?  I indend to do a few releases still from
there, before the first Python 2.5.  If so, please tell me your SF
username and I'll add you as developer.

Also, please note that all work should be done on the 'branch_1_0' CVS
branch - the HEAD is only experimental code (and not currently used).


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] (libffi) Re: Copyright issue

2006-01-30 Thread Thomas Heller
Hye-Shik Chang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 1/30/06, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well done! Would you like to derive a Python patch from that?

 Yup. I'll do.

 On 1/30/06, Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That's great!  Would you like to integrate these changes into to ctypes
 CVS repository yourself?  I indend to do a few releases still from
 there, before the first Python 2.5.  If so, please tell me your SF
 username and I'll add you as developer.

 Also, please note that all work should be done on the 'branch_1_0' CVS
 branch - the HEAD is only experimental code (and not currently used).

 My SF username is perky.


 I'll try to make it portable but it'll
 lose some platforms through compilers because few of libffi
 sources are in preprocessed assembly (.S) which isn't supported
 by distutils yet.  So, we'll need tests on various compiler/platforms
 before the release.

Isn't it sufficient to append .S to self.compiler.src_extensions?



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] ctypes patch

2006-02-02 Thread Thomas Heller
Hye-Shik Chang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 1/30/06, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hye-Shik Chang wrote:
  I did some work to make ctypes+libffi compacter and liberal.
  http://openlook.org/svnpublic/ctypes-compactffi/  (svn)
  I removed sources/gcc and put sources/libffi copied from gcc 4.0.2.
  And removed all automake-related build processes and integrated
  them into setup.py. There's still aclocal.m4 in sources/libffi. But
  it is just identical to libffi's acinclude.m4 which looks liberal.

 Well done! Would you like to derive a Python patch from that?
 Don't worry about MSVC, yet, I will do that once the sources
 are in the subversion.

 Here goes patches for the integration:

 [1] http://people.freebsd.org/~perky/ctypesinteg-f1.diff.bz2
 [2] http://people.freebsd.org/~perky/ctypesinteg-f2.diff.bz2

 I implemented it in two flavors.  [1] runs libffi's configure along with
 Python's and setup.py just builds it.  And [2] has no change to
 Python's configure and setup.py runs libffi configure and builds it.
 And both patches don't have things for documentations yet.

My plan is to make separate ctypes releases for 2.3 and 2.4, even after
it is integrated into Python 2.5, so it seems [2] would be better - it
must be possible to build ctypes without Python.

As I said before, docs need still to be written.  I think content is
more important than markup, so I'm writing in rest, it can be converted
to latex later.  I expect that writing the docs will show quite some
edges that need to be cleaned up - that should certainly be done before
the first 2.5 release.

Also I want to make a few releases before declaring the 1.0 version.
This does not mean that I'm against integrating it right now.

 (Of course, for due process, it would be better if this code gets
 integrated into the official ctypes first, and then we incorporate
 some named/versioned snapshot into /external, and svn cp it into
 python/trunk from there).

 Thomas and I collaborated on integration into the ctypes repository
 and testing on various platforms yesterday.  My patches for Python
 are derived from ctypes CVS with a change of only one line.

Hye-Shik has done a great job!  Many thanks to him for that.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] ctypes patch (was: (libffi) Re: Copyright issue)

2006-02-07 Thread Thomas Heller
 Hye-Shik Chang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I did some work to make ctypes+libffi compacter and liberal.
  http://openlook.org/svnpublic/ctypes-compactffi/  (svn)
 Here goes patches for the integration:

 [1] http://people.freebsd.org/~perky/ctypesinteg-f1.diff.bz2
 [2] http://people.freebsd.org/~perky/ctypesinteg-f2.diff.bz2

 I implemented it in two flavors.  [1] runs libffi's configure along with
 Python's and setup.py just builds it.  And [2] has no change to
 Python's configure and setup.py runs libffi configure and builds it.
 And both patches don't have things for documentations yet.

[Thomas Heller]

 My plan is to make separate ctypes releases for 2.3 and 2.4, even after
 it is integrated into Python 2.5, so it seems [2] would be better - it
 must be possible to build ctypes without Python.

 As I said before, docs need still to be written.  I think content is
 more important than markup, so I'm writing in rest, it can be converted
 to latex later.  I expect that writing the docs will show quite some
 edges that need to be cleaned up - that should certainly be done before
 the first 2.5 release.

 Also I want to make a few releases before declaring the 1.0 version.
 This does not mean that I'm against integrating it right now.

Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Not sure whether you think you need further approval: if you are ready
 to check this into the Python trunk, just go ahead. As I said, I would
 prefer if what is checked in is a literal copy of the ctypes CVS (as
 far as reasonable).

I was not looking for further approval, I wanted to explain why I prefer
the patch [2] that Hye-Shik posted above.

I'll do at least one separate ctypes release before checking this into
the Python trunk.



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Linking with mscvrt

2006-02-08 Thread Thomas Heller
Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I just came up with an idea how to resolve the VC versioning
 problems for good: Python should link with mscvrt.dll (which
 is part of the operating system), not with the CRT that the
 compiler provides.

 To do that, we would need to compile and link with the SDK
 header files and import libraries, not with the ones that
 visual studio provides.

 For that to work, everyone building Python or Python extensions (*)
 would have to install the Platform SDK (which is available
 for free, but contains quite a number of bits). Would that be

 Disclaimer: I haven't tried yet whether this would actually


 (*) For Python extensions, it should be possible to use mingw
 instead, and configure it for linking against msvcrt.

I think think would remove a lot of headaches.  Downloading and
installing the Platform SDK should not be an issue, imo.

The only problem that I see is this:

I'm not sure the platform SDK include files (.H and .IDL) are really
compatible with VC7.1.  I remember that we (on our company, building C++
software) had to 'Unregister the PSDK Directories with Visual Studio'
(available from the start menu) before building the stuff, otherwise
there were compiler errors.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] bytes.from_hex() [Was: PEP 332 revival in coordination with pep 349?]

2006-02-15 Thread Thomas Heller
Jason Orendorff wrote:
 Instead of byte literals, how about a classmethod bytes.from_hex(), which
 works like this:
   # two equivalent things
   expected_md5_hash = bytes.from_hex('5c535024cac5199153e3834fe5c92e6a')

I hope this will also be equivalent:
   expected_md5_hash = bytes.from_hex('5c 53 50 24 ca c5 19 91 53 e3 83 4f e5 
 c9 2e 6a')


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Proposal: defaultdict

2006-02-17 Thread Thomas Heller
Guido van Rossum wrote:
 So here's a new proposal.
 Let's add a generic missing-key handling method to the dict class, as
 well as a default_factory slot initialized to None. The implementation
 is like this (but in C):
 def on_missing(self, key):
   if self.default_factory is not None:
 value = self.default_factory()
 self[key] = value
 return value
   raise KeyError(key)
 When __getitem__() (and *only* __getitem__()) finds that the requested
 key is not present in the dict, it calls self.on_missing(key) and
 returns whatever it returns -- or raises whatever it raises.
 __getitem__() doesn't need to raise KeyError any more, that's done by

Will this also work when PyDict_GetItem() does not find the key?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Proposal: defaultdict

2006-02-17 Thread Thomas Heller
[cc to py-dev again]

Guido van Rossum wrote:
 On 2/17/06, Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Guido van Rossum wrote:
 So here's a new proposal.

 Let's add a generic missing-key handling method to the dict class, as
 well as a default_factory slot initialized to None. The implementation
 is like this (but in C):

 def on_missing(self, key):
   if self.default_factory is not None:
 value = self.default_factory()
 self[key] = value
 return value
   raise KeyError(key)

 When __getitem__() (and *only* __getitem__()) finds that the requested
 key is not present in the dict, it calls self.on_missing(key) and
 returns whatever it returns -- or raises whatever it raises.
 __getitem__() doesn't need to raise KeyError any more, that's done by
 Will this also work when PyDict_GetItem() does not find the key?
 Ouch, tricky. It should, of course, but the code will be a tad tricky
 because it's not supposed to inc the refcount. Thanks for reminding

Ahem, I'm still looking for ways to 'overtake' the dict to implement
weird and fancy things.  Can on_missing be overridden in subclasses (writing
the subclass in C would not be a problem)?



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] operator.is*Type

2006-02-22 Thread Thomas Heller
Fuzzyman wrote:
 Hello all,
 Feel free to shoot this down, but a suggestion.
 The operator module defines two functions :
 These return a guesstimation as to whether an object passed in supports 
 the mapping and sequence protocols.
 These protocols are loosely defined. Any object which has a 
 ``__getitem__`` method defined could support either protocol.

The docs contain clear warnings about that.

 I suggest we either deprecate these functions as worthless, *or* we 
 define the protocols slightly more clearly for user defined classes.

I have no problems deprecating them since I've never used one of these
functions.  If I want to know if something is a string I use isinstance(),
for string-like objects I would use

  try: obj + 
  except TypeError:

and so on.

 An object prima facie supports the mapping protocol if it defines a 
 ``__getitem__`` method, and a ``keys`` method.
 An object prima facie supports the sequence protocol if it defines a 
 ``__getitem__`` method, and *not* a ``keys`` method.
 As a result code which needs to be able to tell the difference can use 
 these functions and can sensibly refer to the definition of the mapping 
 and sequence protocols when documenting what sort of objects an API call 
 can accept.


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] str(Exception) changed, is that intended?

2006-03-07 Thread Thomas Heller
I know that my unittests should not rely on this, but is this change

Python 2.4.2 (#67, Sep 28 2005, 12:41:11) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

Python 2.5a0 (trunk:42903M, Mar  7 2006, 22:01:07) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] 
on win32
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
class 'exceptions.Exception'

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] how about adding ping's uuid module to the standard lib ?

2006-03-07 Thread Thomas Heller
Paul Moore wrote:
 On 3/7/06, Phillip J. Eby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 06:29 AM 3/7/2006 +0100, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 see subject and http://python.org/sf/1368955

 comments ?
 would be nice if you could just call UUID() to create a generic UUID in a
 platform-appropriate way.  PEAK's uuid module does this such that if
 win32all is present, you get a Windows GUID, or if you have a FreeBSD 5+ or
 NetBSD 2+ kernel you use the local platform uuidgen API.  See e.g.:
 Given that ctypes is going to be in Python 2.5, it might be reasonable
 to use it to access platform-specific APIs like this. It certainly
 makes some sense for Windows, where running an external process is
 slow, and the existence of suitable external utilities (and the format
 of their output!) is unreliable... (I haven't looked at the code, so I
 don't know if this applies to Ping's use of ipconfig).

IMO that is a perfect use-case for ctypes - access 2 or 3 platform-specific
api functions.  Too bad that ctypes whill be an optional module, so I'm
not sure if it could be used in the Python library itself.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] how about adding ping's uuid module to the standard lib ?

2006-03-07 Thread Thomas Heller
Oleg Broytmann wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 07, 2006 at 10:19:03PM +0100, Thomas Heller wrote:
 Too bad that ctypes whill be an optional module, so I'm
 not sure if it could be used in the Python library itself.
import ctypes
 except ImportError:
def fallback():
def real_thing():

Personally, I don't like standard modules to behave different if I install
other stuff, so please change 'could' to 'should' in this sentence:

 not sure if it could be used in the Python library itself.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] mail.python.org disruption

2006-03-08 Thread Thomas Heller
Thomas Wouters wrote:
 [ Mailed to python-dev and python-list, as that should cover most of the
 users ;P ]
 There was a slight disruption on mail.python.org this morning. For about
 three and a half hours, it was rejecting most of its mail with the message:
 Client host [] blocked using singlehop.dsbl.org; Your mail has been
 rejected because the server you are sending to is misconfigured.
 The error means mail.python.org was using singlehop.dsbl.org as a DNSBL
 list, but that list doesn't exist, so it rejects all mail. Someone (not me
 :) added that blacklist at 08:15 local time (07:15 GMT) and I fixed it at
 11:46 (10:46 GMT). Blame lingering PyCon-jetlag for me not catching it
 earlier, sorry. About 7759 mails were bounced, although a decent portion of
 them will have been actual spam (of which python.org gets massive amounts.)
 If you sent legitimate mail in that period, and got a bounce back with a
 message like the one above, it's safe to re-send it now.
 Sorry for the inconvenience.

Has this also to do with that http://svn.python.org/ doesn't work?

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] ctypes is in SVN now.

2006-03-09 Thread Thomas Heller
ctypes is in SVN now, and the buildbot is green, after I disabled a test that 
dumped core
on sparc solaris.  The crash was apparently caused 

Missing are .vcproj files for Windows, both for the _ctypes.pyd extension and 
the _ctypes_test.pyd
extension needed for testing.  IIRC, Martin promised to create them - is this 
offer still valid?
I could do that myself, but only for x86, while other .pyd files also have 
build settings for
Itanium and x86_64.  (I find it always very painful to click through the 
settings dialog in MSVC
- isn't there any other way to create these files?)


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] ctypes is in SVN now.

2006-03-09 Thread Thomas Heller
Giovanni Bajo wrote:
 Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Missing are .vcproj files for Windows, both for the _ctypes.pyd extension
 and the _ctypes_test.pyd extension needed for testing.  IIRC, Martin
 promised to create them - is this offer still valid? I could do that
 myself, but only for x86, while other .pyd files also have build settings
 for Itanium and x86_64.  (I find it always very painful to click through
 the settings dialog in MSVC - isn't there any other way to create these
 I discussed with Martin a bit about the opportunity of generating .vcproj
 files with a script-driven tool. I'm going to try and setup something as
 soon as I find some spare time.
 The goal of this work would exactly fit your need: make the creation of
 extension modules trivially easy (just as easy as adding the modules to the
 main python.dll). My personal goal, in fact, is to move many of those
 builtin extension modules from python.dll out into their own .pyd files
 where they'd belong (were not for this technical annoyance of being forced
 to use the settings dialog in MSVC).

Ideally this would be integrated with distutils because the setup-script
has most of the information that's needed.

OTOH, extensions could be built with distutils even for core Python, and even
on Windows.  For extensions that are *not* builtin or not included with Python
itself distutils works good enough.

Oh, IIRC the pywin32 setup script has code that is able to parse MSVC6 project 
and create a distutils Extension instance from them - maybe this can help you.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] ctypes is in SVN now.

2006-03-09 Thread Thomas Heller
Giovanni Bajo wrote:
 Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I discussed with Martin a bit about the opportunity of generating
 .vcproj files with a script-driven tool. I'm going to try and
 setup something as soon as I find some spare time.
 Ideally this would be integrated with distutils because the
 setup-script has most of the information that's needed.
 OTOH, extensions could be built with distutils even for core
 Python, and even on Windows.  For extensions that are *not* builtin
 or not included with Python itself distutils works good enough.
 I fear this is an orthogonal change. Alas, using distutils to build
 core extensions is not something I'm ready to tackle at the moment.
 I was just thiking of something much more naive like using a free
 tool to build .vcproj/.sln (see www.cmake.org for instance) from a
 script description. With such a tool, it would be very easy to build
 a .pyd file around a self-contained .c file (like _heapqmodule.c,
 etc.), it would mostly be a couple of line changes in the script
 file, and then re-run the tool executable to regenerate vcproj/sln.
 OTOH, both the tool executable (cmake.exe in this example) and the
 current version of the generated vcproj/sln files would be committed
 in SVN under PCbuild, so to have a minimal impact on developer

While I don't understand *why* you would want to do this (building
Python interpreters with a customized list of builtin modules could be
a reason for this, I've had thought about something like that for py2exe
a long time ago), I've clicked myself through the MSVC dialog and I'm happy
now because the two .vcproj files are ready.

I'll commit them and let others (Martin, probably) extend them for 64-bit
Windows versions ;-).


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r42929 - python/trunk/Tools/scripts/svneol.py

2006-03-09 Thread Thomas Heller
Tim Peters wrote:
 [Tim Peters]
python/trunk/Tools/scripts/svneol.py   (contents, props changed)
 Simple utility to add svn:eol-style to text files under
 SVN control.  Like reindent.py, I expect to run this
 mindlessly from time to time, checking in whatever it
 happens to do ;-)
 [Thomas Heller]
 Should 'sln' and 'vcproj' be added to the extensions list?  I think these are
 text-files too.  Although PCBuild\pcbuild.sln has a binary mime-type 
 so the script would not change that.
 I don't know whether they're text files in the SVN eol-style native
 sense.  The corresponding file types under VC 6 were not:  in SVN
 terms, they should have svn:eol-style set to CRLF (Visual Studio
 required \r\n line ends for some inscrutable reason -- it would not

I know. In CVS, they had to be added using the -kb flag, IIRC.

 tolerate \n line ends, and this mattered when, e.g., some Linux-head
 tried to run Visual Studio from a Linux-native checkout of Python;
 CRLF was still required, and we faked that under CVS by calling
 those files binary; SVN offers finer control; I don't know how picky
 the .NET 2003 MSDev is about this).

I remember that someone has tested that the .vcproj files actually did work
even if they had the wrong line endings, so it should be ok.

AFAIK, noone tried that with the .sln file - anyway, I have removed the
svn:mem-type property and the script then set svn:eol-style native.
Maybe a different set of svn properties were better, I have to learn
about them.  The problem that I saw is that 'svn diff' refused to provide
a diff when pcbuild.sln had changed - I would consider this diff useful, both
in commit-emails as well as run on the command line before checking in.

The Linux-head is the release manager, prepaing the release on
a unixish platform, in combination with the windows guy who downloads
the source distribution and tries to compile that on Windows.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] ctypes is in SVN now.

2006-03-09 Thread Thomas Heller
Tim Peters wrote:
 [Thomas Heller]
 And I never had tried it before on a sparc machine - all the intel and ppc 
 seem to have no problems with it.
 Pentiums don't enforce natural alignment restrictions, but run much
 slower on unaligned access (varying by specific chip model, and
 generally more heavily penalized as time goes on).  In the good old
 days, Pentium was one of dozens of competing architectures, and was
 the oddball in catering to unaligned access.  Now it's eternal
 backward compatibility with an early implementation accident.  Most
 other architectures never catered to unaligned access, or did so only
 at the cost of generating an interrupt so that kernel-mode software
 could fake unaligned access.  Bottom line is that unaligned access
 isn't portable and never was, and even on architectures where it
 works it can be extremely expensive to use it.

I'm old enough to know this, but thanks anyway.  I'm not so speed paranoid
to care about these nanoseconds, maybe timeit can tell if there's a measurable

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] ctypes is in SVN now.

2006-03-09 Thread Thomas Heller
Tim Peters wrote:
 [Thomas Heller]
 I could do that myself, but only for x86, while other .pyd files also have 
 settings for Itanium and x86_64.  (I find it always very painful to click 
 the settings dialog in MSVC - isn't there any other way to create these 
 Under VC 6 I generally just renamed a copy of a similar existing
 project file and used a text editor to change the paths.  I haven't
 tried that under the 7.1 MSDev.

That's what I did when I created _ctypes_test.vcproj from _ctypes.vcproj.
I had to insert a new guid though.

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r42929 - python/trunk/Tools/scripts/svneol.py

2006-03-09 Thread Thomas Heller
Tim Peters wrote:
 [Thomas Heller]
 The Linux-head is the release manager, prepaing the release on
 a unixish platform, in combination with the windows guy who downloads
 the source distribution and tries to compile that on Windows.
 That sounds like an artificial (process-created) problem, then.  Since
 a release should be made from a tag, there doesn't seem a real reason
 to make the Windows release wait for a source-release tarball to get
 made (the Windows dweeb should be able to do a native checkout of the
 tag, and do their stuff in parallel -- that's how I used to do Windows
 releases, and it worked fine -- the only thing the Windows release
 serialized on was waiting for the release's final docs to get cut).

I did it the same way for the 2.3 releases that I made.  But I did not mean
the official binary Windows installer, I mean someone who downloads the official
source tarball, and compiles that himself.  There was at least one 2.3 release
where one could not compile with MSVC6 from the source tarball because of wrong
line endings.

 Setting project files to some flavor of text mode makes sense for your
 other reasons regardless (like getting useful diffs).


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] ctypes is in SVN now.

2006-03-09 Thread Thomas Heller
Thomas Wouters wrote:
(about ctypes and Py_ssize_t)
 you want to do that yourself, or do you want me to submit a patch? (Or I
 could just check it in ;)
 You can do it faster then me, I assume - so go ahead and check it in.
 I'll backport it to the upstream ctypes CVS repository.
 I'm not sure if I'll be faster. It's quite a lot of work to make it
 completely Py_ssize_t-aware (but worth it, IMHO; ints just don't cut it on
 64-bit platforms. :) I have a simple patch to silence the warnings, but it
 doesn't support indexing beyond int-size and such. I'm also going through
 all of the code and changing most appropriate things into Py_ssize_t's, and
 that would be much nicer. I'll probably have some XXX markers left when I'm
 done, though. Also, how stable should the C API be? Does the C code have any
 direct users besides Python?

Apart from a few functions that are used as foreign functions from ctypes itself
(memmove and memset currently), the C api is not used from the outside.

The important thing when changing something in the ctypes sources is to run
the unittests (*) on as many platforms and Python versions as possible - 
I do this on all the sourceforge compile farm machines that have either Python 
= 2.3, or
where I have been able to compile Python myself.  Plus WindowsXP 32 and OSX 
This is for the ctypes upstream version, of course.

If your patch is going to change more than a few int - Py_ssize_t replacements
it would probably be less work to do it in ctypes CVS instead of Python SVN.
Maintaining code in multiple repositories is no fun ;)

(*) ctypes unittests are run by 'python ctypes/test/runtests.py', for example.


Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Developing/patching ctypes (was: Re: integrating ctypes into python)

2006-03-09 Thread Thomas Heller
[CC to python-dev again]
Hye-Shik Chang wrote:
 On 3/10/06, Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hye-Shik Chang wrote:
 On 3/9/06, Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've now committed ctypes into SVN.  It seems to build, at least 
 on the buildbots
 that are online.
 Good work!  It's all green on my machines (FreeBSD amd64/sparc64).
 But gcc outputs some warnings:

 1) libffi/include/ffi.h.in: void (*fn)()  - void (*void)(void)
 This is not the only file that would have to be changed.  I wonder why they 
 don't change
 it in gcc itself.
 This *is* the only change to calm gcc warnings down except Py_ssize_t
 stuff.  :-)
 2) many of Py_ssize_t / int prototype mismatches. (eg. sq_repeat)
Could we make ctypes Py_ssize_t clean?
 3) ctypes doesn't support Py_ssize_t nor ssize_t yet.  Because major
portion of our pythonapi uses it now, it would be better to have it.
 This should be done in ctypes CVS, and the result imported into python SVN 
 after that.
 At least ctypes (the Python module) has an c_size_t type now ;-).
 I'll do it in this weekend. I saw that branch_1_0 is merged into HEAD.
 Which branch are you using for Python integration at now?

I did 'cvs export -r release_0_9_9_4' from the SF repository and then
imported this into python SVN external/ctypes-  The 'release_0_9_9_4'
tag is on the 'branch_1_0' branch.  I moved on a little bit on that branch,
later merged everything into SF CVS HEAD, and continued to work there.

We'll have to coordinate this.  Different people working in different
repositories will become a maintaince nightmare, so there should be an
official 'master' repository for ctypes.

Question for python-dev:

Would it be a solution to move the 'official' ctypes development into
Python SVN external/ctypes, or would this be considered abuse?  Another
location in SVN could be used as well, if external is though to contain
only vendor drops...


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Developing/patching ctypes

2006-03-10 Thread Thomas Heller
Thomas Wouters wrote:
 On 3/10/06, Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Would it be a solution to move the 'official' ctypes development into
 Python SVN external/ctypes, or would this be considered abuse?  Another
 location in SVN could be used as well, if external is though to contain
 only vendor drops...
 If all the developers are also python-developers (or at least have svn
 access), and the source is supposed to be identical, SVN obviously beats SVN

I didn't know that SVN is *that great* :) !

 :) I can work equally well with the main repository in CVS, though, and I've
 had quite a bit of practice in merging changes.


Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 external indeed is meant only for vendor drops.
 I personally don't mind having the upstream ctypes repository also
 in svn.python.org; this would be similar to distutils, setuptools,
 and (I think) the email package. Currently, some of them live in
 sandbox/trunk, but I wouldn't mind it living in /ctypes/trunk, either.
 Be aware that the set of committers to svn.python.org/projects is
 currently restricted to Python committers.

I think the currently active ctypes developers are also Python committers,
additionally I've asked on the ctypes-users list for objections.

I'll think about this stuff over the weekend, currently I tend to moving
ctypes to Python SVN.  Whether it will be /ctypes/trunk or sandbox/ctypes
I don't really care.

In the meantime, please: If anyone is going to make fixes to the ctypes source 
(apart from Tim's regular whitespace cleanup), please do this in the ctypes CVS
repository on sourceforge, in the trunk.  If anyone (of the Python developers)
wants to do this and doesn't currently have commit access, please mail me your
SF userid privately.  Note that both perky and Thomas Wouters have promised to
do Py_ssize_t fixes - please coordinate that to avoid double work.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Developing/patching ctypes

2006-03-10 Thread Thomas Heller
Tim Peters wrote:
 [Thomas Heller]
 In the meantime, please: If anyone is going to make fixes to the ctypes 
 code (apart from Tim's regular whitespace cleanup), please do this in the
 ctypes CVS repository on sourceforge, in the trunk.
 FYI, my regular whitespace cleanup consists of running reindent.py
 from the root of a Python checkout (cd python; reindent.py -r .). 
 There's nothing specific to the Python project about that little
 procedure, and, e.g., I regularly did the same for Zope Corp's ZODB

I've nothing against that, and I should myself get used to do the same
in my own repositories from time to time.

BTW: The buildbot reports ctypes test failures on the gentoo amd64 machine:


Is there a way to get the actual failures somehow?  Running the tests in verbose
mode by default is probably not a good idea, because it may make tests fail, 

If not, I have no other choice (since I don't have a 64-bit machine myself) than
to test this in the sourceforge compilefarm amd64 machine, which is a pain
since they don't allow outbound network from there.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] ctypes is in SVN now.

2006-03-10 Thread Thomas Heller
Tim Peters wrote:
 [Thomas Heller]
 And I never had tried it before on a sparc machine - all the intel and ppc 
 seem to have no problems with it.
 Pentiums don't enforce natural alignment restrictions, but run much
 slower on unaligned access (varying by specific chip model, and
 generally more heavily penalized as time goes on).  In the good old
 days, Pentium was one of dozens of competing architectures, and was
 the oddball in catering to unaligned access.  Now it's eternal
 backward compatibility with an early implementation accident.  Most
 other architectures never catered to unaligned access, or did so only
 at the cost of generating an interrupt so that kernel-mode software
 could fake unaligned access.  Bottom line is that unaligned access
 isn't portable and never was, and even on architectures where it
 works it can be extremely expensive to use it.

I was astonished to find out that also the ARM processor on Windows CE
doesn't support unaligned accesses.  When one thinks about it, it probably 
makes sense on small devices.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Developing/patching ctypes

2006-03-10 Thread Thomas Heller
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Thomas Heller wrote:
 BTW: The buildbot reports ctypes test failures on the gentoo amd64 machine:
 FWIW, ctypes doesn't even build on a Windows AMD64 machine. It wants to
 use the Windows x86 FFI code, which does not compile with the AMD64

On such a machine probably other source files should be used.  I have no such
machine - is it possible to build the 64-bit version on a 32-bit machine (with
the platform SDK)?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Developing/patching ctypes

2006-03-10 Thread Thomas Heller
Neal Norwitz wrote:
 On 3/10/06, Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 BTW: The buildbot reports ctypes test failures on the gentoo amd64 machine:


 Is there a way to get the actual failures somehow?  Running the tests in 
 mode by default is probably not a good idea, because it may make tests fail, 
 I want to modify regrtest so the traceback info is stored in a file,
 so you can still retrieve the data after a test run.  I haven't
 started making this mod yet.

There are also sporadic test failures on the OSX machine:


I think the test is broken - but what I find interesting is that in this case 
the actual failure
is printed:

test test_ctypes failed -- Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /Users/buildslave/bb/trunk.4/build/Lib/ctypes/test/test_leaks.py, line 
68, in test_cycles_refcount
self.fail(leaking refcounts)
AssertionError: leaking refcounts


Why is that?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Still looking for volunteer to run Windows buildbot

2006-03-11 Thread Thomas Heller
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Josiah Carlson told me had has given up getting a Windows
 buildbot running, because every time he installed VS.NET
 on his machine, the installation would immediately crash.
 So if anybody wants to contribute both a machine and time
 to operate it (including the likely very tedious phase to
 get any results out of this at all), please contact me.

Are there any estimates how much network traffic a buildbot would generate?
And how must it be connected to the internet - I assume it must be reachable
from the outside.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Developing/patching ctypes

2006-03-12 Thread Thomas Heller
Thomas Wouters wrote:
 On 3/10/06, Martin v. Löwis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thomas Heller wrote:
 BTW: The buildbot reports ctypes test failures on the gentoo amd64

 Is there a way to get the actual failures somehow?
 They are now in

 I suspect that some of those failures probably aren't ctypes failures, but
 re-running-ctype-tests-in-the-same-process failures (like the very first
 one) -- I get more errors when running -R:: than I do when running the test
 verbosely directly.

I can reproduce that now - thanks for finding the problem.  IMO, some of the 
ctypes tests
are kind-of broken, since they keep state although they should not.

 Maybe re-running the test could be done in a freshly
 spawned Python?

I'll try to fix the ctypes-tests starting on Monday, so I assume that would
not be necessary.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Still looking for volunteer to run Windows buildbot

2006-03-13 Thread Thomas Heller
Trent Mick wrote:

 Yup. Looks like my build worked. Another TODO now though:
 - Figure out why usage of:
 winsound.PlaySound(something, winsound.SND_ALIAS)
   fails on my Win2k box. This is why the test suite fails on that box.

Doesn't that always fail when there is no soundcard in the machine?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Developing/patching ctypes

2006-03-14 Thread Thomas Heller
Neal Norwitz wrote:
 On 3/9/06, Thomas Heller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Would it be a solution to move the 'official' ctypes development into
 Python SVN external/ctypes, or would this be considered abuse?  Another
 location in SVN could be used as well, if external is though to contain
 only vendor drops...
 I'd be fine with the official ctypes repo being Python SVN.
 The attached patch fixes all the ctypes tests so they pass on amd64. 
 It also fixes several warnings.  I'm not sure what else to do with the
 patch.  Let me know how you want to handle these in the future.
 I'm not sure the patch is 100% correct.  You will need to decide what
 can be 64 bits and what can't.  I believe
 sq_{item,slice,ass_item,ass_slice} all need to use Py_ssize_t.  The
 types in ctypes.h may not require all the changes I made.  I don't
 know how you want to support older version, so I unconditionally
 changed the types to Py_ssize_t.

Thanks, Neal, I'll look into that this night.
In the future I hope to have access to a amd64-linux system, and I'll try
to keep this stuff up-to-date myself.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r43041 - python/trunk/Modules/_ctypes/cfield.c

2006-03-15 Thread Thomas Heller
Tim Peters wrote:
 I believe it does: the ctypes maintainer wants to keep the
 code identical across releases (AFAICT).

Correct, that's why I listed it in PEP 291.

 Fair enough -- I reverted the checkin.  It's going to need #if'ery on
 the Python version, though, if it wants to match a
 Python-version-dependent data width with an appropriate format code.

You could have left it in, I'm very thankful for any help that I get.
Making the patch version independent is my job - unless someone else
takes care of it, of course.

BTW: Is a porting guide to make extension modules compatible with 2.5
available somewhere? PEP 353 scratches only the surface...


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] towards a stricter definition of sys.executable

2006-03-16 Thread Thomas Heller
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 the definition of sys.executable is a bit unclear, something that has led to
 incompatible use in deployed code.
 the docstring for sys.executable says pathname of this Python interpreter,
 which can be interpreted as either
 a) sys.executable points to the executable that was used to load the
 Python interpreter library/dll.
 this use is supported by the docstring and the implementation, and is 
 common in the wild.  an application using this interpretation may
 - call sys.executable to run another instance of itself
 - extract data from resources embedded in (or attached to) sys.executable
 - locate configuration data etc via os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
 b) sys.executable points to a standard Python interpreter executable of
 the same version, and having the same library, as the currently running
 interpreter instance.
 this use is supported by more strict interpretation of the word 
 (as an executable, rather than an implementation DLL), and is quite common
 in the wild.  an application using this interpretation may
 - call sys.executable to run a Python script in the same environment as 
 c) sys.executable points to the file containing the actual (this) 
 interpreter.  I
 haven't seen any code that assumes this, probably because no 
 uses this interpretation...
 for programs that are invoked via the standard interpreter, case (a) and (b) 
 are of
 course identical.

py2exe used the a) interpretation.  It uses sys.executable to find the exe that 
is currently
running, for registration of COM servers, and for finding resources in the exe: 
the manifest
file that's needed for GUI applications on WindowsXP to give the native XP look 
and feel,
icons, typelibs, and more.

 the problem is when the interpreter library is embedded in some other 
 should sys.executable be set to the actual EXE used to start the program, or 
 something else ?  if it's set to something else, how can that application do 
 the things
 that's described under (a) ?

The use case for b) 'call sys.executable to run a Python script' makes no sense 
a py2exe'd application.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r43041 - python/trunk/Modules/_ctypes/cfield.c

2006-03-16 Thread Thomas Heller
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Thomas Heller wrote:
 BTW: Is a porting guide to make extension modules compatible with 2.5
 available somewhere? PEP 353 scratches only the surface...
 Wrt. ssize_t changes, PEP 353 is meant to be comprehensive. Which
 particular aspect are you missing?

I suggest to change this:

  #if PY_VERSION_HEX  0x0205
  typedef int Py_ssize_t;

with this:

  #if (PY_VERSION_HEX  0x0205)
  typedef int Py_ssize_t;
  #define lenfunc inquiry
  #define readbufferproc getreadbufferproc
  #define writebufferproc getwritebufferproc
  #define segcountproc getsegcountproc
  #define charbufferproc getcharbufferproc
  #define ssizeargfunc intargfunc
  #define ssizessizeargfunc intintargfunc
  #define ssizeobjargproc intobjargproc
  #define ssizessizeobjargproc intintobjargproc
  ... more defines

Maybe a complete list of defines needed can be given?

Then, from only reading the PEP without looking up the sources,
it is not clear to me what the PY_SIZE_T_CLEAN definition does.

Finally, the format codes to use for Py_ssize_t arguments passed to 
PyString_FromFormat, PyObject_CallFunction (and other functions) are not 
mentioned at all.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r43041 - python/trunk/Modules/_ctypes/cfield.c

2006-03-17 Thread Thomas Heller
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
 I think it's only fair that I ask the patch authors to complete
 the PEP, since the ssize_t patch is causing extension authors
 enough trouble already.
 Well, the PEP is complete as it stands. It's possible to provide
 more guidelines, but the specification part of it says precisely
 what I intend it to say. Also, the API documentation ought to
 be in the Python documentation, and, for these changes, it is.
 If you want quick adoption of the changes, you have
 to make it as easy as possible for the authors to port their
 extensions to the new API. Otherwise, we'll end up having
 quite a large number of users who can't switch to Python 2.5
 simply because their favorite extensions don't work with it.
 I don't see how giving a complete list of all changed functions
 helps in any way.

I'm not sure if this is what Marc-Andre means, but maybe these definitions
could go into a new include file:

  #if (PY_VERSION_HEX  0x0205)
   typedef int Py_ssize_t;
   #define lenfunc inquiry
   #define readbufferproc getreadbufferproc
   #define writebufferproc getwritebufferproc
   #define segcountproc getsegcountproc
   #define charbufferproc getcharbufferproc
   #define ssizeargfunc intargfunc
   #define ssizessizeargfunc intintargfunc
   #define ssizeobjargproc intobjargproc
   #define ssizessizeobjargproc intintobjargproc
   ... more defines

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] r43041 - python/trunk/Modules/_ctypes/cfield.c

2006-03-17 Thread Thomas Heller
M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
 Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Thomas Heller wrote:
 I'm not sure if this is what Marc-Andre means, but maybe these definitions
 could go into a new include file:
 How would that include file be used? You would have to copy it into your
 own source base, and include it, right?
 We could put it into a b/w compatibility header file, e.g.
 #include pycompat.h
#include pep353.h

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Building Python for AMD64 (Windows)

2006-03-22 Thread Thomas Heller
I'm trying out to build Python for 64-bit Windows, running the tools on WinXP 
SP2 (32-bit).

I have installed:
- MSVC .NET 2003
- Platform SDK Feb 2003
- vsextcomp 0.6

Then I fire up MSVC, select the ReleaseAMD64 configuration, and try to build the
pythoncore project.
After lots of compiler warnings, the build fails with this message:

/USECL:MS_OPTERON getbuildinfo2.c -DSUBWCREV  -Fogetbuildinfo.o -I..\Include 
Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 13.10.3077 for 80x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1984-2002. All rights reserved.
LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option '/USELINK:MS_SDK'; ignored
getbuildinfo.o : fatal error LNK1112: module machine type 'X86' conflicts with 
target machine type 'AMD64'

Build log was saved at 
pythoncore - 1 error(s), 229 warning(s)

Is there something wrong on my side?



Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Building Python for AMD64 (Windows)

2006-03-22 Thread Thomas Heller
Thomas Heller wrote:
 Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Thomas Heller wrote:
 Then I fire up MSVC, select the ReleaseAMD64 configuration, and try to 
 build the
 pythoncore project.
 After lots of compiler warnings, the build fails with this message:

 For some reason, VS.NET hasn't picked up the PATH modifications, so that 
 it doesn't invoke the linker wrapper (which would have invoked the right 
 compiler and linker). This sometimes happens, and I don't know why.

 As the first measure, open Tools/External compiler configuration, and
 see whether this reports changes to the path. If it does, throw all
 object files away, and recompile.

 Otherwise, please try editing the executable path manually:

 Tools/Options/Projects/VC++ Directories/Executable Files

 should start with c:\program files\vsextcompiler.

 Please let me know whether that works.
 Yes, that worked.  vsextcomp complained that the PATH was not correct, but it
 did then repair it itself.
 Ok, so now I'm able to make itanium builds (which I don't want because I 
 don't have
 such amachine).  The Feb 2003 Platform SDK apparently doesn't have an AMD64 
 In the meantime, I installed a fresh copy of MSVC on a second machine 
 (Athlon64, running
 Windows XP 64bit), plus the Platform SDK for Win Server 2003 SP1 - April 2005 
 Same problems with vsextcomp, but vsextcomp repairs the path itself again.
 But here, starting the build it complains:
 CL.EXE Wrapper for VSExtCompiler Plugin
 Error 2 while trying to open SDK path key from registry ...
 Error: Could not determine installation directory of  Microsoft SDK.
 Guess I'll install the 2003 SP1 SDK on the first machine and try it there.

Ok, the Win32 Server 2003 SP1 April 2005 SDK is installed on the first machine,
the build now fails with this:

-- Build started: Project: pythoncore, Configuration: ReleaseAMD64 Win32 

Compiling resources...
generate buildinfo
C:\Programme\TortoiseSVN\bin\subwcrev.exe .. ..\Modules\getbuildinfo.c 
SubWCRev: 'c:\svn\trunk'
Last committed at revision 43226
Updated to revision 43226
Local modifications found
/USECL:MS_OPTERON getbuildinfo2.c -DSUBWCREV  -Fogetbuildinfo.o -I..\Include 
-- CL.EXE Wrapper for VSExtCompiler Plugin --
   Creating library .\./python25.lib and object .\./python25.exp
zipimport.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __security_cookie
traceback.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __security_cookie
typeobject.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __security_cookie
unicodeobject.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __security_cookie

(lots of similar errors...)

gzio.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __security_check_cookie
inftrees.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __security_check_cookie
trees.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __security_check_cookie
_codecs_cn.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 
./python25.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
-- LINK.EXE Wrapper for VSExtCompiler Plugin --

Build log was saved at 
pythoncore - 107 error(s), 0 warning(s)

-- Done --

Build: 2 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped

Is there a library missing?

BTW: When this eventually builds, will this run on an Athlon64, or does it need 
an Opteron processor?


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Building Python for AMD64 (Windows)

2006-03-23 Thread Thomas Heller
Trent Mick wrote:
 [Thomas Heller wrote]
Creating library .\./python25.lib and object .\./python25.exp
 zipimport.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __security_cookie
 traceback.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __security_cookie
 typeobject.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __security_cookie
 unicodeobject.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol 

 (lots of similar errors...)
 I have this patch to the python 2.4 sources to get win64-ia64 to build
 (that I haven't yet had the chance to submit to SF).  I think it will
 require a little massaging for the trunk. Does this work for you?

Yes, I was able to compile pythoncore when I added bufferoverflowU.lib to the 
However, starting python.exe immediately crashes with an access violation, in
sys_getwindowsversion, in the PyBuild_Value() call.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Libref sections to put new modules under?

2006-03-27 Thread Thomas Heller
Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
 On Monday 27 March 2006 16:26, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
   Any thoughts on where documentation for the new contextlib module should
   go in the library reference?
 Most definately in Python Runtime Services.
   A similar issue exists for ctypes module, although I imagine an argument
   could easily be made for putting it with Optional Operating System
 I'm less sure of that one.  It could reasonably go in Python Runtime 
 Services, Generic Operating System Services, or Optional Operating System 
I had the same thought as Philip.  For a preview of what it could look like, see
  http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/python-docs/html/lib/ ,


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Error msgs for new-style division

2006-03-28 Thread Thomas Heller
Georg Brandl wrote:
 (this makes test_ctypes fail, therefore I noticed)
 currently with -Qnew:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
 ZeroDivisionError: float division
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
 ZeroDivisionError: long division or modulo by zero
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
 ZeroDivisionError: long division or modulo by zero

I'll fix that in the ctypes tests.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Still looking for volunteer to run Windows buildbot

2006-03-29 Thread Thomas Heller
Gregory P. Smith wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 11, 2006 at 07:08:14PM +0100, Thomas Heller wrote:
 Martin v. L?wis wrote:
 Josiah Carlson told me had has given up getting a Windows
 buildbot running, because every time he installed VS.NET
 on his machine, the installation would immediately crash.

 So if anybody wants to contribute both a machine and time
 to operate it (including the likely very tedious phase to
 get any results out of this at all), please contact me.
 This is an ideal job for VMWare on an existing linux build machine if
 someone can ante up a win xp and msvc++ license to the cause.  A
 vmware license for the build host probably isn't even necessary
 assuming vmware player works and one of us with a license can setup
 the vmware image (http://www.vmware.com/products/player/).  (theres
 also a chance we could get vmware inc. to donate a license to python
 if one was needed)

Right. I have setup 64-bit Ubuntu on a new Athon64 machine, created WinXP and 
empty virtual machines with VMWare workstation, then installed XP and XP64
into these images.  The images run on the Ubuntu machine in VMWare player.

I don't think we need more x86 or x86-64 buildbots, so I made no attempt
to install the buildbots.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Win64 AMD64 (aka x64) binaries available64

2006-03-30 Thread Thomas Heller
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 I have now produces a snapshot of a Win64 build for AMD64
 processors (also known as EM64T or x64); this is different
 from IA-64 (which is also known as Itanium)...
 Anyway, the binaries are
 This is from today's trunk. If you have general remarks/discussion,
 please post to python-dev. If you have specific bug reports, file
 them on SF. Bug fixes are particularly welcome.

Is this no longer available?

BTW: When I build Python for ReleaseAMD64 myself, the exe crashes at the first
Py_BuildValue call.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] alpha problems -- need input

2006-03-30 Thread Thomas Heller
Neal Norwitz wrote:
 These issues are on HEAD.  There might be some others I missed.
 With cc there are at least 2 issues:
  * test_file causes interpreter exit due to sys.stdin.seek(-1)
  * test_pty fails apparently due to whitespace differences
 Should we skip the test for an invalid seek on stdin on osf1?
 I haven't investigated the test_pty failure further.
 With gcc, there are also several issues:
  * test_float and test_struct fail due to NaN handling
  * test_long fails
  * test_ctypes
 test_ctypes fails because _findLib() doesn't seem to work properly on
 OSF1.  Note:  libc.so  =   /usr/shlib/libc.so
 ERROR: test_find (ctypes.test.test_loading.LoaderTest)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 40, in test_find
   File /net/ringneck/scratch1/nnorwitz/python/trunk/Lib/ctypes/_loader.py,
 line 205, in find
 raise OSError(Library %r not found % name)
 OSError: Library 'c' not found

The ctypes findLib stuff for 'os.name == posix' was written by Andreas Degert,
he used fancy calls to gcc, /sbin/ldconfig, and objdump to find the shared lib
that would be used for the linker's -llibname flag.  Apparently this only 
on *some* systems.  On OSX, Bob Ippolito's macholib is used.

If someone could implement this for other systems it would be great, otherwise
it would probably be best to enable this test only on linux .


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Win64 AMD64 (aka x64) binaries available64

2006-03-30 Thread Thomas Heller
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Thomas Heller wrote:
 Is this no longer available?
 Sorry, I just deleted that. I now replaced it with

Thanks, I'll try that.

 BTW: When I build Python for ReleaseAMD64 myself, the exe crashes at the 
 Py_BuildValue call.
 That doesn't happen for me... can you find out why it crashes? (and what
 is the buildvalue call it crashes on)?

In sys_getwindowsversion:

return Py_BuildValue(s,

The crash disappears if I change the first parameter in the Py_BuildValue call 
to s.  No idea why.
With this change, I can start the exe without a crash, but sys.versioninfo 
starts with (IIRC) (2, 0, 5,...).


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Win64 AMD64 (aka x64) binaries available64

2006-03-30 Thread Thomas Heller
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Thomas Heller wrote:
 In sys_getwindowsversion:

 return Py_BuildValue(s,

 The crash disappears if I change the first parameter in the
 Py_BuildValue call to s.  No idea why.
 With this change, I can start the exe without a crash, but
 sys.versioninfo starts with (IIRC) (2, 0, 5,...).
 Very strange. What is your compiler version (first line of cl /?)?
 'H' isn't exactly right, since these are DWORDs, so they
 are unsigned longs, not unsigned ints (so 'k' should be right),
 however, the actually bug apparently is elsewhere - something
 like memory corruption. Can you find out what the value of
 szCSDVersion is (e.g. by putting a printf right before that)?

I would prefer to examine this further when I'm able to compile Python on the 
AMD64 machine.
Currently I'm not, because the VSExtCompiler Plugin cannot determine the SDK 
path from
the registry.  This is vsextcomp 0.6.

I have installed the 2003 Server SP1 SDK.  I tried installing the Feb 2003 SDK 
(since that
did work on a 32-bit machine), but this won't install on XP-64.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Renaming sqlite3

2006-04-03 Thread Thomas Heller
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 I just tried creating a pysqlite VS project, and ran into a naming
 conflict: the Windows DLL is called sqlite3.dll. So if it is on
 import sqlite3
 might find the DLL, instead of finding the package. Python then
 finds that there is no entry point in sqlite3, and raises an
 I see three options:
 1. rename sqlite3 again
 2. link sqlite3 statically into _sqlite3.pyd
 3. stop treating .DLL files as extension modules
 I'm actually leaning towards option 3: what is the rationale
 for allowing Python extension modules to be named .DLL?

Don't know.

But if you make the change to implement option 3, IMO it would be a good idea 
to add
the Python version number to the .pyd basename as well.

pywin32 already has to do this, since pythoncomXY.pyd and pywintypesXY.pyd
have to live (if possible) in the windows directory.

There have been other conflicts reported before: I remember 
conflicting with Tim Golden's wmi.py module.  In addition, wmi.dll is very 
since it doesn't have an import table, IIRC.


Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Renaming sqlite3

2006-04-04 Thread Thomas Heller
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Thomas Heller wrote:
 But if you make the change to implement option 3, IMO it would be a
  good idea to add the Python version number to the .pyd basename as
 Can you please elaborate? In the name of what .pyd file do you want
 the Python version number? And why?

Since on Windows binary extensions have to be compiled for the exact
major version of Python, it seems logical (to me, at least), to include
that version number into the filename.  Say, _socket25.pyd.

 And why is that related to not supporting extensions with .DLL names

IMO changing that would require a PEP (but I may be wrong), and this is only
another idea which should be considered when writing or discussing that.
If you don't like the idea, or don't see any advantages in this, I retract the

 pywin32 already has to do this, since pythoncomXY.pyd and 
 pywintypesXY.pyd have to live (if possible) in the windows
 I think this is a very special case: it could have been implemented 
 with separate DLLs which just provide the COM entry points, and find
 the location of pythoncom.pyd from the registry. I would discourage 
 people from providing additional entry points to an extension module.
 Regards, Martin ___ 
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