[Python-ideas] Re: Amend PEP-8 to require clear, understandable comments instead of Strunk & White Standard English comments

2020-06-27 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 6:40 AM Stephen J. Turnbull <
turnbull.stephen...@u.tsukuba.ac.jp> wrote:

> Keara Berlin writes:
> I wouldn't object to
> When writing English, write clearly and understandably.  Consider
> your audience -- many readers of your comments in Python sources
> will be non-native speakers.  "The Elements of Style" by Strunk
> and White provides a set of guidelines some consider useful in
> writing clearly and understandably.

Me neither, I think we can add some meaning to what "Strunk & White" means
in the PEP without removing the reference.
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[Python-ideas] Re: Amend PEP-8 to require clear, understandable comments instead of Strunk & White Standard English comments

2020-06-26 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
On Fri, Jun 26, 2020 at 9:43 PM Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> I dislike Strunk and White, and don't follow it myself (except by
> accident, as it were) but I've worked with neuro-atypical programmers
> who found it really useful to have a common standard that they could
> follow and reduce the uncertainty of what makes for good writing.

I agree.

I would like to reinforce that many software engineers today are _not_
native English speakers but work with English codebases and write
documentation in English.

Any standard is better than just asking for "clear and easily
understandable" and hoping that for some reason every person, no matter
where they were born and how they learned English, will share your
definition of "clear and easily understandable" by accident.
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[Python-ideas] Re: Allow signal suppression

2020-06-25 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 5:09 PM Yonatan Zunger via Python-ideas <
python-ideas@python.org> wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> I've been developing code which (alas) needs to operate in a runtime
> environment which is quite *enthusiastic* about sending SIGTERMs and the
> like, and where there are critical short sections of code that, if
> interrupted, are very hard to resume without some user-visible anomaly
> happening.

I find, for reasons you have already mentioned, having a "suppress all
signals" something _really_ strange in userland code. But maybe I just have
never seen a case in which it makes sense. Are you sure that the problem
isn't "a runtime environment which is quite enthusiastic about sending
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[Python-ideas] Re: Bringing the print statement back

2020-06-09 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
If f and g are unary functions, f g 0 is evaluated as f(g(0))? Asking
because you didn't mention composition. That is, could we have `print
"hello", input "Name:"` instead of `print "hello", input("Name:")`?

Overall, I am against this because I like the "explicitness" of using
parenthesis for function calls, and have never found their presence to be
an issue. Additionally, I prefer when there is only one way of doing
something, even if I don't like the way itself, as that is one less thing
to think about.

The "the first argument cannot start with a parenthesis or bracket" part
(which is understandable) adds even more complexity to this.
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[Python-ideas] Re: len(path) == len(str(path))

2020-05-24 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
"So I implemented `PurePath.__len__` as `str(len(path))`." Sure you meant
len(str(path)), right?

"Serhiy and Remi objected, because it might not be obvious that the length
of the path would be the length of string." I find this _really_
unintuitive. If anything, I would expect len(p) to be the "depth" of the
path, which doesn't make a lot of sense if it is not an absolute path.

It is a -1 from me because, besides what I outlined above, if you need the
length of the string representation, len(str(p)) is quite short and obvious
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[Python-ideas] Re: type hints : I'd like to suggest allowing unicode → as an alternative to ->

2020-05-22 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
> I believe I speak for a significant majority of professional programmers
> when I say that eye-candy like this adds no value to the language for me.
> It gives me no new capabilities, I don't see it making me more productive,
> and we have syntax that works quite well already.

This speaks for me. Not only such an addition requires substantial support,
which it doesn't seem to be gathering, it requires some quantitative
evidence that this is better than what we already have in some meaningful
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[Python-ideas] Re: type hints : I'd like to suggest allowing unicode → as an alternative to ->

2020-05-17 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
> I would like to comment that the graphical presentation, at least in
> IDEs/where the font can be controlled, can be achieved using fonts:

Precisely. Nicer than the arrow symbol, it would be to type "-" + ">" and
get an arrow visually. The same can be done about getting >= as a single
symbol and == and === and <=> as single symbols. It seems like a matter of
code presentation, not code itself.
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[Python-ideas] Re: IDEA: Allow override of all assignments of a built in type to be a different type

2020-03-05 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
I've written my share of mathematical and physics software by now and
arbitrary-precision rational numbers are hardly ever a good solution to
problems you might be having. Paul Moore has mentioned how few keystrokes
this syntax would actually save: add to this the fact that there are
probably very few uses of arbitrary-precision rational numbers in
real-world Python code and this will look a lot of added complexity for
little benefit.
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2019-01-04 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
I disagree. Changing this in the PEP will make an absurd amount of code
which is PEP-8 compliant no longer so. Also, the refactoring may not always
be trivial as the lowercase names may already be in use.

I'd suggest violating PEP-8 instead of trying to change it.
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Re: [Python-ideas] Using sha512 instead of md5 on python.org/downloads

2018-12-10 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
If the discussion gets to which SHA-2 should be used, I would like to point
out that SHA-512 is not only twice the width of SHA-256 but also faster to
compute (anecdotally) on most 64-bit platforms.
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Re: [Python-ideas] Using sha512 instead of md5 on python.org/downloads

2018-12-07 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
Would this change actually help people who need to use FIPS?

Other than that this change would only decrease the already very small
probability of a corrupted download hashing the same, which isn't a bad
If it could make some users' jobs easier, even if it by no means helps
guaranteeing the authenticity of the downloaded file, it might be worth
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Re: [Python-ideas] Should Python have user-defined constants?

2017-11-21 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach
This could also be useful if one eventually wanted to implement constant 
optimizations in the interpreter as it would be possible to detect 
constants when they are declared without any code analysis.

This would be "constant" as in Java constants right? Referential 
constants, so that if an object were mutable you would still be able to 
change its internal state.

Bernardo Sulzbach
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Re: [Python-ideas] Run length encoding

2017-06-10 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach

On 2017-06-11 00:13, David Mertz wrote:
Bernardo Sulzbach posted a much prettier version than mine that is a bit 
shorter.  But his is also somewhat slower (and I believe asymptotically 
so as the number of equal elements in subsequence goes up).  He needs to 
sum up a bunch of 1's repeatedly rather than do the O(1) `len()` function.

Constructing a list from an iterator of size N is in O(N).

Summing N elements is in O(N).

I don't think it is asymptotically slower, just slower because of 
implementation details.

Bernardo Sulzbach
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Re: [Python-ideas] Run length encoding

2017-06-10 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach

On 2017-06-10 23:20, Neal Fultz wrote:

Hello python-ideas,

I am very new to this, but on a different  forum and after a couple 
conversations, I really wished Python came with run-length encoding 
built-in; after all, it ships with zip, which is much more complicated :)

The general idea is to be able to go back and forth between two 
representations of a sequence:



|[(1, 4), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 2), (3, 3)]|

where the first element is the data element, and the second is how many 
times it is repeated.

We can currently do it like this in one line:

[(k, sum(1 for _ in g)) for k, g in groupby(sequence)]

However, it is slower than a "dedicated" solution.

Additionally, I don't know if what you are proposing is generic enough 
for the standard library.

Bernardo Sulzbach
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] JavaScript-Style Object Creation in Python (using a constructor function instead of a class to create objects)

2017-05-14 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach

On 05/14/2017 01:53 AM, Brendan Barnwell wrote:

On 2017-05-13 21:07, Simon Ramstedt wrote:

Here are the pros and cons I could come up with for the proposed method:

(+) Simpler and more explicit.

 I don't really see how that's simpler or more explicit.  In one 
respect it's clearly less explicit, as the "self" is implicit.

I cannot imagine that the average Python programmer would consider this 
to be simpler or more explicit than the current way of creating objects.

Some purists may argue in your favor, saying that by not having the _x 
attribute your code is more robust as you cannot accidentally change _x

later and end up modifying how a method works.

I don't think this is worse. However, I do think it is unnecessary.
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Re: [Python-ideas] Allow random.choice, random.sample to work on iterators

2016-11-30 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach

On 2016-11-30 19:11, Chris Kaynor wrote:

All that said, I would not be opposed to Python including a
random.reservoir_choice (probably not the best name) function *in
addition* to random.choice. The algorithm has its uses, but enough
drawbacks and gotchas that it likely is not a good candidate for a

I think this may be the path of least resistance for this. Even if this 
does imply one or two new functions in random, it may be better than 
changing random.choice.

If these functions would be used enough by enough end users to justify 
this change is debatable, however.

Bernardo Sulzbach
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] Allow random.choice, random.sample to work on iterators

2016-11-30 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach

On 2016-11-30 17:57, Chris Kaynor wrote:

On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 11:52 AM, Chris Kaynor <ckay...@zindagigames.com> wrote:

There are also issues with how it should behave on iterables that
cannot be re-iterated (eg, random.choice will consume the iterator,
and could only be called once safely).

I meant to include a sample in my previous e-mail:

Consider that this code will not produce the "correct" results (for a
reasonable definition of correct):

a = (i for i in range(100)) # Pretend this does something more
interesting, and isn't a trivial generator - maybe a file object
reading by line.
randomEntries = [random.choice(a) for i in range(10)]

In such a case you should explicitly use a sample.

I see your example as the caller's fault, which ignored the fact that 
the iterator would change after calls to choice.

Hold the first 10 (in this case). For every subsequent element, randomly 
choose to replace one of the "held" ones by it (with a diminishing 

Assume this does not offer the same performance as loading everything 
into memory. But it isn't meant to do so, as if you need / can / want, 
you could just shove it all into a list and use what we currently have.

Bernardo Sulzbach
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] Allow random.choice, random.sample to work on iterators

2016-11-30 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach

On 2016-11-30 17:25, Random832 wrote:

Currently these functions fail if the supplied object has no len().
There are algorithms for this task that can work on any finite iterator
(for example, files as a stream of lines), and the functions could fall
back to these if there is no len().

I like the idea, as long as it does not add too much overhead to 
currently existing code.

It could be a special code path for reservoir sampling (I assume) for 
both functions (the first taking only one sample from the stream).

Bernardo Sulzbach
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] (no subject)

2016-11-28 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach

On 2016-11-29 02:58, victor rajewski wrote:

NameError: name 'reponse' is not defined

A better message might be:

You're trying to use the value of 'reponse', but that variable hasn't
got a value yet. You can give it a value earlier in the code, or it
could be a typo. You have a variable called 'response' - is that the one
you meant?

This is a really nice feature. GHC and Clang do it for several things 
and it usually helps (when a live highlighter isn't available).

Given that these are HS students, presumably seeing Python for the first 
time, shouldn't they be using PyCharm to get used to PEP 8 (no l[10]=14) 
and other best practices (e.g., such as using 'with' instead of 
'try/finally' when possible)? This would provide live syntactic (and 
some semantic) highlighting with short human-readable messages.

Overall, I already find Python's exceptions quite readable, and your 
suggestions propose some VERY long lines which would certainly wrap at a 
terminal. Maybe this should be an optional feature.

Bernardo Sulzbach
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] PythonOS

2016-11-06 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach

On 11/06/2016 08:25 PM, victor rajewski wrote:

What do you think? I'm not in a state to do all of this myself, but
could give it a start if there is interest in the concept.

Even though there is nothing wrong with the idea, I think there is not 
enough motivation for it. Most of the people learning Python for 
tinkering around with robots or doing some statistics will both be able 
to and eventually need to learn some basic system administration.

Also, in comparison with some other languages, at least under Linux and 
BSD systems, setting up a Python environment is very straightforward. It 
is packaged for most distributions out there and executing a script does 
not require any cryptic initiation rituals.

All in all, I don't know if this solves a problem or not.

Sent from my mobile device. please. Please excuse brevity and any errors.

Did you type all that in a touchscreen?

Bernardo Sulzbach
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] Leave off "else" in ternary expression

2016-10-28 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach

On 10/28/2016 01:28 PM, Todd wrote:

The idea would be to allow this syntax:

x = a if b

Which would be equivalent to:

x = a if b else x

What if x has not been defined yet?

Bernardo Sulzbach
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] if-statement in for-loop

2016-09-11 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach

On 09/11/2016 06:36 AM, Dominik Gresch wrote:

So I asked myself if a syntax as follows would be possible:

for i in range(10) if i != 5:

Personally, I find this extremely intuitive since this kind of
if-statement is already present in list comprehensions.

What is your opinion on this? Sorry if this has been discussed before --
I didn't find anything in the archives.

I find it interesting.

I thing that this will likely take up too many columns in more 
convoluted loops such as

for element in collection if is_pretty_enough(element) and ...:

However, this "problem" is already faced by list comprehensions, so it 
is not a strong argument against your idea.

I am still unsure about whether or not the pattern you describe is 
frequent enough to justify special syntax. Not to mention that the 
current way to do it is already **very** readable. Just notice how

for e in l:
if e != 2:


for e in l if e != 2:

read essentially the same and take about the same number of keystrokes.
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Re: [Python-ideas] Shuffled

2016-09-06 Thread Bernardo Sulzbach

On 09/06/2016 03:37 PM, Sven R. Kunze wrote:

Besides being a silly argument, it's an interesting solution.

Does it really work? I remember Microsoft utilizing a similar approach
for their browser selection tool which led to a skewed probability
distribution. Maybe, I wrong here though.

Yes. The key is evaluated only once, so each element gets a 
pseudo-random number. Sorting this list leads to a shuffle.

However, a super-linear shuffle, whilst Fisher-Yates is a linear 
solution and also requires less additional memory.

Lastly, although it is obvious, from a software engineering standpoint, 
this is a mere weird hack.

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