ANN: PyEnchant 1.1.5

2006-01-19 Thread Ryan Kelly
Hi Everyone,

I'm pleased to announce the release of PyEnchant version 1.1.5.  This is
a bugfix release to address some hangs when running on MS Windows.

   * Fix hang in included MySpell (Windows distribution)
   * Workaround for some MySpell/unicode problems
   * Update to latest setuptools

Users of previous versions are encouraged to upgrade.  Also, my attempts
to announce version 1.1.4 on python-announce seem to have bounced, so
I'm including the 1.1.4 ChangeLog below.




Enchant ( is the spellchecking
package behind the AbiWord word processor, is being considered for
inclusion in the KDE office suite, and is proposed as a standard. It's completely cross-platform because
it wraps the native spellchecking engine to provide a uniform

PyEnchant brings this simple, powerful and flexible spellchecking
engine to Python:

It also provides extended functionality including classes for tokenizing
text and iterating over the spelling errors in it, as well as a
ready-to-use text interface and wxPython dialog.

Current Version: 1.1.4
Licence: LGPL with exemptions, as per Enchant itself

ChangeLog for 1.1.4:

   * No longer need to use the registry under Windows
   * Moved to setuptools for managing distribution
   * Registered at the Cheese Shop, with Eggs available for Windows
   * Implemented unittest TestCases, works with `python test`
   * Plugins on Windows moved to enchant subdirectory
   * SpellChecker now coerces to/from unicode automatically
   * Use python default encoding rather than UTF-8 where appropriate
   * Various documentation cleanups
   * bug fixes:
* (1230151): count of live instances done by normalized key
* Accept unicode strings as broker orderings

Ryan Kelly  |  This message is digitally signed. Please visit
[EMAIL PROTECTED]| for details

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: web crawling.

2006-01-19 Thread gene tani

S Borg wrote:

  I have been writing very simple Python programs that parse HTML and
 such, mainly just to get
 a better feel for the language. Here is my question: If I parsed an
 HTML page into all of the image
 files listed on that page, how could I request all of those images and
 download them into some specified folder? I am sure this is quite easy,
 but I am stuck.

  Thank you very much.
   Burgeoning Pythonista


Re: Arithmetic sequences in Python

2006-01-19 Thread Antoon Pardon
Op 2006-01-19, Alex Martelli schreef [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 What should list(list(1,2,3)) be?  Should list really work
 completely differently depending on whether it has a single arg or
 multiple args?

 It works just fine for max and min, why should list be different?

Well IMO it works fine for max and min because people rarely want
the minimum or maximum over a sequence of tuples or lists.

But how would you make the following list: [(1,3)]

As far as I understand that would have to become:


And [[3]] would have to become:


In my opinion the bracket notation wins the clarity contest
handsdown in this case and IMO these cases occure frequently

Antoon Pardon

Re: New website ?

2006-01-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Shalabh Chaturvedi wrote:

  Tim the Taller (I presume he's taller; he's Dutch) and the other critics
  fail to realize is that no one reads content.

 I disagree completely. I wouldn't touch a new language or technology
 without first reading content. Neither would my boss, or any other
 manager for that matter. This is not a watch, a garment, a toothpaste or
 a burger. It is a software product, which needs a lot of content.

 The few words in captions should indeed be conveying the message. Which
 brings up a good question - what message does want to convey?
 Is doing that?

What puzzles me (and scares me) is that some people seem to think that
anyone would go to and expect a corporate fluff site.

It's like when I asked a suit friend with long industry experience to check
the python marketing list; his spontaneous reaction after reading some of
the we must do this because non-programmers think like this discussion
was one big WTF-are-these-guys-talking-about-why-do-they-hate-python ?

The current site needs an incremental style overhaul, a less cluttered front
page, and some signs that's actually using modern Python tools
for the site.  And it needs to be more alive, both style-wise and content-

It does not need to treat its target audience (be it developers nor managers)
as simpletons.  Companies in the Python space don't do that, so why should ?



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Steve Holden
Roger Upole wrote:
 Alex Martelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Steven D'Aprano [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I mean, when you read He sat on the chair do you need
to look up the dictionary to discover that chairs can
have arm rests or not, they can be made of wood or
steel or uphostered springs, be on legs or coasters,
fixed or movable? If it mattered, a good author will
tell you, and if it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

But if in their dialects of English chair strongly implies a hard,
straight-backed, no-arms sitting-device, they won't elaborate, even if
it DOES matter, exactly because it's already implied in the word they
used.  Not sure if this is true of any dialect of English, today, but it
might be in Italian (for sedia, the exact translation of chair).

So, you've just learned that He chose to sit in a chair rather than a
sofa; depending on subtle nuances of the English dialect used (varying
with time and space), this may have very different implications in
defining the character and mood of this individual...

 Hmm, and what if your context for chair was that unless you were
 to confess, you would be placed in a comfy one ?  And furthermore,
 what if you were told that while in this chair thing, you would be seeing
 the sketch about the penguin on the telly ?  Lets see, sketch means
 a rough line drawing, and the only telly I know of is Telly Savalas,
 but I'm fairly sure I know what a penguin is.
 So while in this chair I am to be shown a crudely drawn picture
 of a bald man with a fat flightless bird perched upon his overlarge head.
 Torture indeed .
No, not the comfy chair!
Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: New website ?

2006-01-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
JW wrote:

  I don't agree. I read websites in search for information (content), not to
  find advertisements.

 Yes, and I read Playboy for the interviews ;)

if you want the glossy stuff, go to

 In another post, you mention which appears
 to be some sort of blog (the current bane of the internet).  I immediately
 noticed something when visiting Joel using Firefox.  **Scrollbars**.  The
 page wouldn't even fit on the screen!  I started to read it, but my face
 went numb before I needed to use the scrollbar.

 OK for blogging -- not so cool for a book cover.

 Of course, I'm a minimalist.

minimalist?  you sound like some guy who read a book about web design in
the late nineties, and who've missed virtually everything that has happened
since then.  that's not minimalist, that's ignorant.



Re: 10060, 'Operation timed out'

2006-01-19 Thread Sumit Acharya
Hi Steve,
this is the trace I have got:-
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 39, in ?
  File C:\programs\packages\python24\lib\, line 129, in
raise socket.error, msg
socket.error: (10060, 'Operation timed out')


Re: Arithmetic sequences in Python

2006-01-19 Thread Paul Rubin
Antoon Pardon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 And [[3]] would have to become:
 In my opinion the bracket notation wins the clarity contest
 handsdown in this case and IMO these cases occure frequently

I'm convinced now.  Until that, I could have gone either way.

Re: New website ?

2006-01-19 Thread Steve Holden
Shalabh Chaturvedi wrote:
 Tim Parkin wrote:
Well apart from the front page and a couple of pages providing content
specific to different types of usersm the whole site is the same as it
was before. Do you have a problem with marketing python or with the
content of the python site? Could you expand on why you think the beta
site looks 'phony'?
 The pictures are too big, too many and in your face (boastful, as 
 someone else mentioned). Even in most commercial product sites I see a 
 single company name/logo or a single quote in a corner somewhere. For 
 example,, One 
 great open source site is Everything including 
 documentation has the same look and feel.
 I'm looking at it as someone who is skeptical or knows only little about 
 Python. What? Google, NASA! (click, click.. nothing.. or a single 
 quote) Bah! this is bogus. People want to know how something will help 
 them and why should they use it. It would be awesome if we can pull all 
 the pythonology success stories into and link exactly one on 
 the main page (again see Anything less than a case 
 study does not warrant a picture with a 'learn why..' on it.
My gripes with the whole thing:

1. Learn why.., Learn why.., Learn more..? Unless each one takes you 
directly to a great success story, these should be removed.

These will link directly to success stories.
 Good, but I think there should be only one with a smaller link to case 
 studies and/or quotes.
Python has been an important part of Google since the beginning, and
remains so as the system grows and evolves. Today dozens of Google
engineers use Python, and we're looking for more people with skills in
this language. said Peter Norvig, director of search quality at Google,

thats what it says on the old site right at the top of the page...
 So the google link on the home page should perhaps go to this quote 
 instead of
4. I have a lot of respect for GvR, but there ought to be more 
advertising of the fact that the language is not supported by just one 
person. There is an great dev team behind it and a stable PSF 
organization. Anyone reading 'developed by one person' is not left with 
the fuzzy feeling of a mature, well-supported product that is here to stay.

So you think we should add some copy that creates a more positive
impression of python? Thanks for your suggestion to rewrite the copy
regarding the team behind python. Could you come up with some
alternative for this?
 Sure, I will work on this.
Hopefully most of these will get fixed as people 'convert' the site and 
fill in content. I would urge people to do some 'user' testing - get 
persons not very familiar with Python and get their honest opinion on 
the site.

We have done... The feedback was that some pictures would help engage
people who view the website for the first time. This was especially true
of non-programmers who may be assessing python as part of a business
decition (who will probably not get further than the home page).
 I think logos might be more effective. Again with links to success 
 stories with pull quotes highlighting Python's strengths. Pretty 
 pictures by themselves don't do much. People want to know how it is 
 different from other things, why it is better and *where* it is better.
Most developers tended to want to jump straight into bookmarked parts of
the site or just check the updated news. People wanting to learn about
python would try to find a 'for beginners' link (hence the prominence of
 These links are very important. A couple of nitpicks about presentation:
 1. Why are there two 'documentation' sections on the left?
 2. Why does the 'about' section show 3 sub-headings on the main page, 
 but grows to 6 when clicked?
A summary of questions whose answers may help us:

Do you have a problem with the way we are trying to 'market' python?
 I like that you are trying to market Python. I think the way it is being 
 done may be ineffective, or worse, may backfire.
Which content in particular do you have an objection to?
 The 3 edited (or stock?) pictures occupying majority of the real estate.
 Missing success stories or case studies.
Could you expand on why you think the beta site looks 'phony'?
 See top of email.
Could you tell me what about the site makes you think it looks 'cool' or
 The big pictures are too flashy. The colors and fonts etc. give make it 
 somewhat cool. Cool is a good thing. But not without content.
Could you come up with some alternative for the intro copy about python?
 Sure. In fact I think the front page intro should be very minimal with 2 or
 3 specifically targeted intros in the about section.
 Is the current written in HTML? If not where can I get 
 the source?
The current site is mostly HTML, so you can use 

Re: New website ?

2006-01-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Tim Parkin wrote:

  the design is alright (if a bit too bland business), but the little I've 
  seen of the
  information architecture and the backend infrastructure feels like 1998 
  I suppose, was when the project started...)

 Could you expand on why the backend infrastructure and information
 architecture feel like 1998? (it's a bit of an abstract comment and
 doesn't offer anything constructive).

it's the kind of tools that people built around then: a bunch of text files,
and a make-style build templating system.  to use the tools, you log in
to the web server via a back channel.

 An example of a site info architecture that feels like 2005 would be
 good. Also an example of a backend architecture that isn't like 1998
 would be good too.

anything that supports edit-though-the-web and does the final composition
by composing HTML information sets would be more 2006.

the easiest way to get there would be to use a MoinMoin instance to main-
tain the content, and a separate renderer to generate static pages for the
main site (possibly using Cheetah or Kid as template languages).



Re: tools to manipulate PDF document?

2006-01-19 Thread tooper
Try reportlab PDF library ( Many things for graphs
but also basic handling. Works fast  reliably for my requirements.


Re: New website ?

2006-01-19 Thread Brian van den Broek
Steve Holden said unto the world upon 11/01/06 04:44 AM:

A few minor points about the design:

The Using Python for . . . for section on the right is expectation 
violating in several ways:

1) Each two lines have 3 separate links, but all go to the same place. 
Much better, I think, to make the entire two lines one link.
2) Alternating lines in slightly different colours briefly made me 
wonder if a visited/not visited distinction was being marked. The 
difference is also a bit too subtle; I wasn't entirely sure it was 
there at first.
3) The second line of every pair seems badly spaced, e.g. ServersPeer 
to Peer. (This is with Firefox 1.07 running on Linux.)
4) Even if the first and second lines are kept as separate parallel 
links, that there are two links in the second line, and that they 
break on subject seems wrong as the whitespace makes the link chunks 
and text chunks fail to coincide.

None of that is critical, but all of it is a bit puzzling.

A suggestion:
I think it would be a good thing if the wiki were prominently linked 
somewhere. Perhaps not on the main page, but surely in somewhere such 
as the community or documentation navigation submenus.

Best to all,

Brian vdB

Re: New website?

2006-01-19 Thread Steve Holden
Obaid R. wrote:
 Steve Holden:
The history of this choice is lost in the mists of time. Many other
proposals were made and discussed at around the same time, to the extent
that it became clear no one choice could win universal approval.

You are the first person to my knowledge to point out that it is shaped
like a cross. There is no significance in this shape.

Is there, I ask with some trepidation, a specific point to this question?
 Thanks for the clarification.
A pleasure.

 I hope it is not counted against me that I am the first one to point
 out that the logo is shaped like a cross. There might be many
 explanations for this; but sooner or later a person with a different
 background than the ones you knew would have likely noted the same.
 With that said, however, none of this affects the point that the logo
 is indeed shaped like I note. (Even the red cross of the International
 Committee of the Red Cross is shaped like a plus sign:
I suppose someone had to point it out, so the fact that you are the 
first certainly won't be held against you in *this* reader's mind 
anyway. And I cannot deny that the outline of the logo is that of a 
cross - there would be little point denying a simple truth.

 And why ask with any trepidation, Steve? People of different
 backgrounds have dissimilar sensitivities. I hope you agree that it
 would be unfair to blame people for such deeply personal affairs. If
 trepidation on the part of even the Red Cross was enough to cancel such
 sensitivities, we would not have had a Red Crescent or a cooperation
 between them. If not proving one's subscription to some set of beliefs,
 such symbols at least disprove the same for others.
The trepidation was accounted for solely by a concern that Python would 
become involved in any kind of religious controversy, or that someone of 
extreme views might claim that Python was associated with, or against, a 
particular religious belief. Quite apart from the fact that language 
choice should not be a religious issue (:-), you are correct in saying 
that we must be mindful of sensitivities; as I mentioned, the outline of 
the logo hasn't been raised in the year since it was first mooted. I 
hope this doesn't mean we need *two* Python logos!

 I do realize that I have no say in the decisions affecting Python's
 current and future plans. But it makes sense to think that like any
 other marketed product, Python must take into consideration the nature
 of its target audience. And if it is to appeal to international users,
 then points of deep contention are better avoided. Don't you agree? I
 am glad the shape has no significance and I thank you for patience.
Absolutely happy to help. You have as much say in Python's affairs as 
any other user, and are just as entitled to comment. I certainly 
wouldn't want to limit its popularity in any part of the world simply 
because of a poor choice of graphic. Perhaps when a further redesign is 
mooted we can ensure that corners are even more rounded ;-)

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: Can a simple a==b 'hang' in and endless loop?

2006-01-19 Thread Claudio Grondi
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Dave Hansen wrote:
Fuzzyman wrote:

I'm not familiar with the C basic datatypes - I assume it has an array
or list like object.

Would it contain a sequence of poitners to the members ? In which case
they would only be equal if the pointers are the same.

In this case :

a = ['some string']
b = ['somestring']
a == b
False (probably)

Incorrectly using Python syntax for a C example of course :-)

That depends, the C syntax is like this :

char *a=hello;
char *b=hello;


// true, the compiler knows the two hello are the same and assign the
same address(sort of id() in python) to a and b

No. The C standard says the compiler is _allowed_ to re-use character
literal constants, but is not _required_ to do so.
 I could have sworn that fuzzyman's example contained a literal string in
 an array, and an array comparision, so why are you talking about com-
 paring string literals ?   a compiler for which
 char* a[] = { some string };
 char* b[] = { some string };
 if (a == b)
 prints True is definitely broken.

Exactly this is what Python does under the hood when writing
a = some string
b = some string
where a and b are actually, in terms of C, pointer to Python object data 
structures which provide strings as arrays where it is possible to say 
a[0], but ... if here
   print True
_does not_ print True, the Python engine is definitely broken.


Re: getopt.gnu_getopt: incorrect documentation

2006-01-19 Thread Steve Holden
Giovanni Bajo wrote:
 The official documentation for getopt.gnu_getopt does not mention the 
 number in which it was introduced (so I assumed it was introduced back when
 getopt was added). This is wrong, though: I was informed that Python 2.2 does
 not have this function, and a quick google search turned up that its addition
 was mentioned in Python 2.3 release notes.
 This should be fixed in the documentation.


Sadly this post is unlikely to change anything. Can you please email the 
address shown in the documentation ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), or by using the 
Python bug tracker?

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: why is my hash being weird??

2006-01-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
pycraze wrote:

   I do the following Steps to the .c file to create the  .py file
 1 cc -o s s.c
 2  ./s (input)
 3  python

You are appending to the test file. How many times have 
you appended to it? Once? Twice? A dozen times? Just 
what is in the file after all this time?

 When i run python to this .py file  , i find that this process eats
 lots of virtual memory of my machine.  I can give
  detailed examples
  to what heights can the virtual memory can go  ,
  when i do a top  ,
  with the inputs given to the c file
1.   input is 10 VIRT is 119m

The dictionary you create is going to be quite small: 
at least 780KB. Call it a megabyte. (What's a dozen or 
two K between friends?) Heck, call it 2MB.

That still leaves a mysterious 117MB unaccounted for. 
Some of that will be the Python virtual machine and 
various other overhead. What else is there?

Simple: you created a function summa with 10 lines 
of code. That's a LOT of code to go into one object. 
Normally, 100,000 lines of code will be split between 
dozens, hundreds of functions and multiple modules. But 
you've created one giant lump of code that needs to be 
paged in and out of memory in one piece. Ouch!

  def summa():
... global hash
... hash[0] = 0
... hash[1] = 1
  import dis  # get the byte-code disassembler
  dis.dis(summa)  # and disassemble the function
   3   0 LOAD_CONST   1 (0)
   3 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (hash)
   6 LOAD_CONST   1 (0)

   4  10 LOAD_CONST   2 (1)
  13 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (hash)
  16 LOAD_CONST   2 (1)
  20 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)

That's how much bytecode you get for two keys. Now 
imagine how much you'll need for 100,000 keys.

You don't need to write the code from C, just do it all 
in Python:

hash = {}
def summa(i):
 global hash
 for j in range(i):
 hash[j] = j

import sys

Now run the script:

python 10



Re: Can a simple a==b 'hang' in and endless loop?

2006-01-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Claudio Grondi wrote:

 Exactly this is what Python does under the hood when writing
 a = some string
 b = some string
 where a and b are actually, in terms of C, pointer to Python object data 
 structures which provide strings as arrays where it is possible to say 
 a[0], but ... if here
   print True
 _does not_ print True, the Python engine is definitely broken.

Why are you comparing C behaviour to Python behaviour? 
What is the point of the discussion?



Re: Arithmetic sequences in Python

2006-01-19 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Alex Martelli wrote:

 I much prefer the current arrangement where dict(a=b,c=d) means {'a':b,
 'c':d} -- it's much more congruent to how named arguments work for every
 other case.  Would you force us to quote argument names in EVERY

Hmmm... should these two forms give different results?

  a = 0
  b = 1
  A = {a: b}
  B = dict(a=b)
  A, B
({0: 1}, {'a': 1})

I feel very uncomfortable about that. Am I alone?



Re: MSSQL LIKE and IN statements in ADO problem

2006-01-19 Thread Raja Raman Sundararajan
Hello Steve, Roger and Pete,
Nice to read your reply. Well, I can do an assert check for
integers and then filter out hazardous SQL injection characters for
varchars and do a direct substitution of the filtered values with the
SQL statement.

But by using ADO, input strings can be treated as what they are
intended to be by adding values to the CreateParameter statement whe we
do an Execute.
This way I thought I need not care about what kind of input I get from
the client, and I will be able to use them blindly to form a dynamic
Thus producing a more general solution for SQL injection prone areas.

Also, when it comes to filtering of hazardous characters, I think its
better to allow only those characters one needs than to filter out SQL
injection specific characters.
But the problem is we have all kinds of special characters stored in
our DB and filtering out characters will only result in wrong output.
So, I have to rule out this case.

With the DB API, yes I had a quick look at the code and the dynamic
formation of the SQL statement does not seem to have support for IN
I am not sure about the LIKE statement though. Maybe, they do support
it. So, I need to take a closer look at the file before

To the concerned:
 value = '%raj%'
 select * from table_name where firstname LIKE '%s'  % value
works just fine, the result set contains all the first names that
contains 'raj'
How should we do this using createparameter in python?
There should be a wasy toa chieve this in ADO using python.
C# has a way to do this using ADO.Net.

Please keep providing inputs, in the mean time I will also do some
research on this problem and get back to you if I find a solution.

/Raja Raman


Re: New website ?

2006-01-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Steve Holden wrote:

 This critique is all very well, but it tends to rely rather heavily on
 the words I think. You are, of course, entitled to your opinion, but
 please don't think that this new design was created on a whim.

you keep saying that, but whenever the analysis that led up to the
suggested approach (which is broken in multiple ways) was made, it
wasn't very recently.

what makes you so sure that what was perceived as correct among
a small group of self-selected python marketers in 2002-2003 is still
the best way to handle Python's most valuable web asset ?



Re: tools to manipulate PDF document?

2006-01-19 Thread wcc
Thanks a lot tooper.  I will check it out.  - wcc


Re: Can a simple a==b 'hang' in and endless loop?

2006-01-19 Thread Claudio Grondi
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 Claudio Grondi wrote:
 Exactly this is what Python does under the hood when writing
 a = some string
 b = some string
 where a and b are actually, in terms of C, pointer to Python object 
 data structures which provide strings as arrays where it is possible 
 to say a[0], but ... if here
   print True
 _does not_ print True, the Python engine is definitely broken.
 Why are you comparing C behaviour to Python behaviour? What is the point 
 of the discussion?

The point is to find a way to create in Python two indentifiers a and b 
without manipulating any of the __eq__ and to __eq__ related functions 
in a way, that the simple
   if a==b: print 'a==b'
statement results in an endless loop.
To my knowledge this is not possible to achieve in C, but is probably 
achievable in Python.


Re: MSSQL LIKE and IN statements in ADO problem

2006-01-19 Thread Raja Raman Sundararajan
This does not seem to work well Roger
 value = '%raj%'
 cmd.CommandText = select * from table_name where firstname LIKE ?
result is 0 where I expected 4
/Raja Raman


Re: 10060, 'Operation timed out'

2006-01-19 Thread Steve Holden
Sumit Acharya wrote:
 Hi Steve,
 this is the trace I have got:-
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 39, in ?
   File C:\programs\packages\python24\lib\, line 129, in
 raise socket.error, msg
 socket.error: (10060, 'Operation timed out')
So the FTP server is refusing your connection, I suspect. There's no way 
the client can control the time it takes to do that.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Announcement Study Group Essentials of Programming Languages

2006-01-19 Thread bobueland
Since there have been some interest, a reading group has been started

I must warn you that the programming language used in Essentials of
Programming Languages is Scheme, which is variant of Lisp. Now this
course is not a course in Scheme but about powerful programming
techniques, but Scheme is used to illustrate many points. Also it can't
harm to know a bit of Lisp. As Eric Steven Raymond said in How To
Become A Hacker (

LISP is worth learning for a different reason - the profound
enlightenment experience you will have when you finally get it. That
experience will make you a better programmer for the rest of your days,
even if you never actually use LISP itself a lot.

Cheers Bob

This is a part of the Welcome mesage  given at the link above

Hello fellow programmers :)

We are starting the virtual Principles of Programming Languages
study group. The physical course is given at neu (short for
Northeastern University) is described on
The course is starting 17:th January 2006. We, the unfortunate ones,
which do not have the possibility to attend the physical course will
study virtually at distance. The instructor at neu is Mitchell Wand,
the co-author of Essentials of Programming Languages (EoPL for
short), the textbook that will be used.

The book is not free so you have to buy it :(. Edition 3 is not
available but it's OK with edition 2. It seems that some material will
be put on the neu web-site, and maybe it will be
possible to follow along without the book, but I doubt it. The textbook
is a classic.

Here's what one reader (Ravi Mohan) of the book said:

By the time you finish the book you will have built interpreters which
demonstrate recursion, call-by-value/reference/need and name semantics,
class based and prototype based OO, type inference, continuations etc .

Very Hands on . You are taught how programming languages work by
actually building intrepreters (in other words an Operational Semantics
is used). This is the best way to learn .

This is an incredible book and should be part of the library of every
programmer interested in learning how languages work. As far as i know
there isn't a single other book that can do better in conveying how
various features of languages really work and interact .

While this book may not be suitable for an undergraduate course of
study (withoout an excellent teacher to help students get over the
difficult bits) it is ideal for the self taught programmer.

The reading group pace will be at least one week behind of the physical
class. We do *not* want to discuss/share homework solutions until after
the homework is due. That way students in the physical class won't be
tempted to get answers from the reading group. If the professor has a
problem with students getting answers on the Internet, then he might
stop making his course public.


Python on an embedded platform

2006-01-19 Thread Derek

I am looking to port Python to an embedded platform (an ARM7 device with 
fairly limited memory, capable of running an RTOS, but not an OS, such as 
Linux). I came across DePython from a few years ago, but it seems to have 
died a death.

Does anybody have advice? I am looking for any tricks, features I can 
disable, etc so I can get the python core to be a small as possible (100k 
would be good).



Re: 10060, 'Operation timed out'

2006-01-19 Thread Sumit Acharya
Ok, so need to see on the server side.


Efficient implementation of deeply nested lists

2006-01-19 Thread Kay Schluehr
I want to manipulate a deeply nested list in a generic way at a
determined place. Given a sequence of constant objects a1, a2, ..., aN
and a variable x. Now construct a list from them recursively:

L = [a1, [a2, [[aN, [x]]...]]

The value of x is the only one to be changed. With each value of x a
new instance of L is needed so that we actually have a function:

L = lambda x: [a1, [a2, [[aN, [x]]...]]

I'm seeking for an efficient implementation that does not recompute the
whole list each time. Any ideas?



Re: tools to manipulate PDF document?

2006-01-19 Thread Raja Raman Sundararajan
Yes, reportlad is a good tool for creating pdf and images


Re: Arithmetic sequences in Python

2006-01-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

  I much prefer the current arrangement where dict(a=b,c=d) means {'a':b,
  'c':d} -- it's much more congruent to how named arguments work for every
  other case.  Would you force us to quote argument names in EVERY

 Hmmm... should these two forms give different results?

   a = 0
   b = 1
   A = {a: b}
   B = dict(a=b)
   A, B
 ({0: 1}, {'a': 1})

 I feel very uncomfortable about that. Am I alone?




Re: Can a simple a==b 'hang' in and endless loop?

2006-01-19 Thread Claudio Grondi
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 On Wed, 18 Jan 2006 15:29:24 +0100, Claudio Grondi wrote:
The problem here is, that I mean, that in Python it makes no sense to 
talk about a value of an object, because it leads to weird things when 
trying to give a definition what a value of an object is.
 Python object: 1
 The value of that Python object: the int 1
 Python object 4.7
 The value of that Python object: the float 4.7
 Python object abc
 The value of that Python object: a string consisting of characters a, b
 and c.
 Python object [1, 4.7, abc]
 The value of that Python object: a list containing objects 1, 4.7 and abc.
 Where's the problem?

My problem is, that I don't know if it is possible and if yes how to 
overwrite the __eq__() methods of the built-in types.
With not built-in types I can do:
class classWithWeirdEqualityBehaviour:
   def __init__(self, value)
 self.value = value
   def __eq__(self, other):
 return False
a = classWithWeirdEqualityBehaviour(1)
b = classWithWeirdEqualityBehaviour(1)
a==b # gives False

It seems, that in Python there is a lack of operator able to compare 
values as it is the case in C and Javascript, simply because in Python 
there are no really such things as values, so there is no need to 
compare them.
1 == 1
4.7 == 1
 Works for me.
The higher level of abstraction/indirection in Python results in making
the concepts of 'value', 'having a value' or 'comparing values' useless,
where it helps in C to express the difference between address and
content at that address and to distinguish between the information
telling _what_ is stored in memory and the information about _where_ it
is stored.
 In Python, you never care _where_ anything is stored. The id() function
 returns the unique ID of an object, which as an implementation detail may
 be the actual memory address, but that's just an implementation detail. In
 any case, given a memory address, you can't do anything with that

The question here is, if this a handicap or a welcome feature?

 From the one side I am glad that Python cares about memory allocation 
for me, but on the other side I have trouble to accept, that I have no 
direct access to the memory area where data are stored in order to 
manipulate them. Having this possibility would enormously speed up some 
conversions, because it were possible to get them down to a redefinition 
of the data structure without being forced to loop over the actual 
content or use a special extension library written in C for doing that.


Re: Problem getting MoinMoin going

2006-01-19 Thread funny_leech

I got it going--apparently, it's an incompatability between MoinMoin
1.5.0 and Python 2.3.4.  Python 2.3.5 and greater works.

There's a patch for MoinMoin 1.5.0 at :

This will be included in all future MoinMoin releases, so it's only
necessary for this particular Python/MoinMoin combination.

Walter Gildersleeve
Freiburg, Germany

URL Shortening
Free and easy, small and green.


Re: New website ?

2006-01-19 Thread Tim Parkin
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 What puzzles me (and scares me) is that some people seem to think that
 anyone would go to and expect a corporate fluff site.
 It's like when I asked a suit friend with long industry experience to check
 the python marketing list; his spontaneous reaction after reading some of
 the we must do this because non-programmers think like this discussion
 was one big WTF-are-these-guys-talking-about-why-do-they-hate-python ?
If you'd followed the conversation, we actually asked a sample of
non-programmers and a few company decision makers what there
expectations were.. You may have seen a few ill informed comments on the
python list (but tell me what list you can go on that doesn't).

 The current site needs an incremental style overhaul, a less cluttered front
 page, and some signs that's actually using modern Python tools
 for the site.  And it needs to be more alive, both style-wise and content-
Thats what we've done.

 It does not need to treat its target audience (be it developers nor managers)
 as simpletons.  Companies in the Python space don't do that, so why should ?

I haven't got a clue what you are on about with the simpleton thing.. Is
this related to another conversation

 it's the kind of tools that people built around then: a bunch of text
 files, and a make-style build templating system.  to use the tools,
 you log in  to the web server via a back channel.

In most circles it is considered a 'good thing' that data is stored in a
format that can be edited by hand. Of course we could have stuffed it
all in a database or stored it as xml.. would this have been more 2006.

 anything that supports edit-though-the-web and does the final
 composition  by composing HTML information sets would be more 2006.
 the easiest way to get there would be to use a MoinMoin instance to
 maintain the content, and a separate renderer to generate static pages
 for the  main site (possibly using Cheetah or Kid as

It would be apparent to you if you'd read around (even within this list)
that the website is ultimately intended to have 'through the web'
editing tools. You'd also know that one of the biggest acheivements so
far is the separation of template from data from content so that
'information sets' actually exist in the first place. This also means
that when someone designs a better template (as they may well do) it can
be easily changed in the future.

We also don't really want to have a proliferation of text formats and as
a lot of the website is already written using restructured text, this is
the format thats been recommended. A wiki is not a website and to try to
shoehorn a wiki into a content management system is not a good final
goal. We are adding facilities to use the wiki to manage some pages in
near future as part of migration.

However, the priority was to do certain things first.

1) Separate content from data from presentation is as complete a way as
possible (for which nevow templates, which contain no programmatic
componenets are suitable).

2) Ensure that the system is usable using basic text editing tools

3) Build the website using the latest techniques ensuring accessibility
and usability. The site is XHTML and uses CSS for layout. It also offers
legacy style sheets for netscape and has been tested in speech readers
and text browsers. how quaint..

4) Needed someone to actually do something 

The last item seems to be the one that has hit the most hurdles. As I
remember you were a member of the marketing list and have had many
opportunities to contribute constructively at planning time.

If you could choose to be constructive in either offering useful changes
that would make sense at this point in time or offereing to provide help
that would be greatly appreciated.

I'm afraid I won't be able to respond at length to any more posts..
There is still a lot of work to be done to get the website live.

Tim Parkin

Re: Being unjust

2006-01-19 Thread Kay Schluehr
Paul Boddie wrote:
 Adrian  Holovaty wrote:
  Fuzzyman wrote: has the great advantage that (allegedly) you can migrate apps
   from CGI to FastCGI, mod_python, WSGI.
  This isn't an advantage of over other frameworks. You can do the
  same thing with Django, because it has a WSGI backend; people run
  Django with mod_python, FastCGI, etc. I believe the same flexibility
  applies to TurboGears.

 Generally, most frameworks now seem to offer *CGI, either via or in
 addition to WSGI. (One could uncharitably refer to WSGI as one of the
 *CGIs, I suppose.) Other server support generally seems to be a bonus,
 although I note that some WSGI implementations are attempting to
 support something more exotic than the *CGIs.

 Meanwhile, the main thing has going for it is brevity - it
 otherwise seems like a fairly ad-hoc mash-up of various full stack
 components whose standard library inclusion would probably leave many
 other framework developers howling in protest (and not without reason,
 either). And given that some in the Python community squeal when
 software is made available to them under something other than a
 permissive MIT-style licence, I would honestly wonder what those people
 would make of's licence.

   There are a few fundamental philosophy differences in web apps which
   makes it a bit of a religious war. This means getting something into
   the standard library is likely to be the cause of intractable
   discussions. *sigh*
  As much as I'd like to see the core bits of Django (which wouldn't
  require a database or include other fancy high-level features) included
  in the standard library, I do think it'd devolve into a religious war

 Here's my biased perception of the Web-SIG process, since any
 standardisation discussion supposedly starts there: first, everyone
 attempts to nail down request and response objects, reaching no
 particular consensus; then, the WSGI specification gets discussed for
 seven or eight months; then, everyone panics at the sight of the Rails
 juggernaut [1]; finally, I unsubscribe, but the archives seem to
 suggest a range of not-particularly-convincing attempts at moving the
 original cause forward.

 But with regard to the standard library, here's an interesting quote
 from a Web-SIG posting back in 2004: I suspect that most web
 frameworks will bypass the 'cgi' module as much as possible; it's too
 messy to deal with and too difficult to clean up. [2] Sadly, most
 frameworks (in my experience in wrapping them up under a layer of
 cleaner functionality) do use the cgi module in some way or other, and
 I'd argue (and I believe always argued) that the best route forward
 would be to wean everyone off using that module directly in
 applications/frameworks and onto something more abstract and easier to
 use, possibly whilst tidying up the cgi module and making sure it works
 reliably for all the low-level parsing that it's still going to be
 responsible for doing. Sadly, WSGI hasn't addressed this issue at all,
 as far as I am aware: it just lets the frameworks battle it out at a
 marginally higher level.

Funny reading !

I don't want to know what happens when the BDFL gets hitten by a bus ;)

A pro pos BDFL. Citing his recent blog entry on Artima seems to
indicate that religious wars will sooner or later be inevitable:

I actually don't think Google uses Zope (contradicting my own
statement above! :-).

I just spoke to Mark Shuttleworth who also expressed concern about the
lack of a de-facto standard Python web framework. I hope to be
working on this issue somewhat, but it'll take a long time, and I doubt
it'll involve open-sourcing Google code that is curently proprietary.

From: GvR: Re: Python Status Update   Posted: Jan 13, 2006 4:30 PM


Re: web crawling.

2006-01-19 Thread Fuzzyman
Use BeautifulSoup to get all the image tags out of the html.

You'll need to join the urls of the images to the url of the page
(urlparse.urljoin off the top of my head). If you look at BeautifulSoup
you will see how to get the 'src' reference of each image tag.

All the best,



Re: Determine the IP address of an eth interface

2006-01-19 Thread Tim Golden

| Hi all. I'm searching for a module that permits me to
| low-level interact
| with ethernet interfaces of my system.
| I would like to determine at least the first of the followings
| 1 - IP address assigned to the interface
| 2 - subnet mask
| 3 - default gateway
| 4 - primary and secondary dns
| 5 - default wins server
| 6 - mac address
| 7 - broadcast address

Not a cross-platform solution (I doubt if there is one, strictly)
but you can use WMI on win32 to get most of what you want. I'm
not sure about the broadcast address, but some Googling around
might help to solve that:

(wmi module from

import wmi
c = wmi.WMI ()
for eth in c.Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration (IPEnabled=True):
  print eth




Re: New website ?

2006-01-19 Thread Tim Parkin
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Steve Holden wrote:
This critique is all very well, but it tends to rely rather heavily on
the words I think. You are, of course, entitled to your opinion, but
please don't think that this new design was created on a whim.
 you keep saying that, but whenever the analysis that led up to the
 suggested approach (which is broken in multiple ways) was made, it
 wasn't very recently.
 what makes you so sure that what was perceived as correct among
 a small group of self-selected python marketers in 2002-2003 is still
 the best way to handle Python's most valuable web asset ?

We're not but they were the only people that were bothered to do
anything.. If I remember, you were one of the people that had an
opportunity to contribute but didn't... As for self selected, anybody
was free to join and help and it was even posted to the mailing list and
mentioned on numerous blogs.

How about designing a website and showing us what you think would be a
good idea? Or suggesting some way of managing all of the content and
building the system. Or taking a screenshot of what is there and
modifying it to show how you would like it changed.

You are coming across has having a chip on your shoulder about something
but you are not being clear exactly what it is?


Re: getopt.gnu_getopt: incorrect documentation

2006-01-19 Thread Giovanni Bajo
Steve Holden wrote:

 The official documentation for getopt.gnu_getopt does not mention
 the version number in which it was introduced (so I assumed it was
 introduced back when getopt was added). This is wrong, though: I was
 informed that Python 2.2 does not have this function, and a quick
 google search turned up that its addition was mentioned in Python
 2.3 release notes.

 This should be fixed in the documentation.



 Sadly this post is unlikely to change anything. Can you please email
 address shown in the documentation ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), or by using the
 Python bug tracker?

Sure, I'll use e-mail. My previous attempt at using the Python bug tracker was
a failure (totally ignored after years) so I'm keen on trying some other way.

Giovanni Bajo


Re: Determine the IP address of an eth interface

2006-01-19 Thread Michael Amrhein
billie wrote:
 Hi all. I'm searching for a module that permits me to low-level interact
 with ethernet interfaces of my system.
 I would like to determine at least the first of the followings values:
 1 - IP address assigned to the interface
 2 - subnet mask
 3 - default gateway
 4 - primary and secondary dns
 5 - default wins server
 6 - mac address
 7 - broadcast address
 On python cookbook I found this usefuls script that returns the IP address
 of a specified interface but it only works on unix platforms. I was 
 wondering if exist a specific module that could solve this kind of
 Best regards.
 import socket
 import fcntl
 import struct
 def get_ip_address(ifname):
 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
 return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(
 0x8915,  # SIOCGIFADDR
 struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15])

On win... you may call ipconfig: os.popen('ipconfig /all','r')
- if ipconfig on your default path, otherwise specify full path -
and retrieve the information you want from the output.

Have fun

Re: tools to manipulate PDF document?

2006-01-19 Thread Justin Ezequiel
have you seen


Multiple modules with database access + general app design?

2006-01-19 Thread Robin Haswell
Hey people

I'm an experience PHP programmer who's been writing python for a couple of
weeks now. I'm writing quite a large application which I've decided to
break down in to lots of modules (replacement for PHP's include()

My problem is, in PHP if you open a database connection it's always in
scope for the duration of the script. Even if you use an abstraction layer
($db = DB::connect(...)) you can `global $db` and bring it in to scope,
but in Python I'm having trouble keeping the the database in scope. At the
moment I'm having to push the database into the module, but I'd prefer
the module to bring the database connection in (pull) from its parent.

import modules = db.cursor()

Can anyone recommend any cleaner solutions to all of this? As far as I
can see it, Python doesn't have much support for breaking down large
programs in to organisable files and referencing each other.

Another problem is I keep having to import modules all over the place. A
real example is, I have a module webhosting, a module users, and a
module common. These are all submodules of the module modules (bad
naming I know). The database connection is instantiated on the db
variable of my main module, which is yellowfish (a global module), so
get the situation where:

import modules
modules.webhosting.c = db.cursor()

webhosting needs methods in common and users:

from modules import common, users

However users also needs common:

from modules import common

And they all need access to the database

(users and common)
from yellowfish import db
c = db.cursor()

Can anyone give me advice on making this all a bit more transparent? I
guess I really would like a method to bring all these files in to the same
scope to make everything seem to be all one application, even though
everything is broken up in to different files.

One added complication in this particular application:

I used modules because I'm calling arbitrary methods defined in some XML
format. Obviously I wanted to keep security in mind, so my application
goes something like this:

import modules
module, method, args = getXmlAction()
m = getattr(modules, module)
m.c = db.cursor()
f = getattr(m, method)

In PHP this method is excellent, because I can include all the files I
need, each containing a class, and I can use variable variables:

$class = new $module;   // can't remember if this works, there are
// alternatves though

And $class-$method() just does global $db; $db-query(...);.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


-Robin Haswell

Re: Returning a tuple-struct

2006-01-19 Thread Giovanni Bajo

 (2006, 1, 18, 21, 15, 11, 2, 18, 0)

 Anyway, I guess there's a few of ways to do this.  In the case above,
 it would seem reasonable to override __getitem__() and other things to
 get that result.

I have a generic solution for this (never submitted to the cookbook... should

import operator
def NamedTuple(*args, **kwargs):
class named_tuple_class(tuple):

values = []
idx = 0
for arg in args:
for name in arg[:-1]:
setattr(named_tuple_class, name,
idx += 1
for name,val in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(named_tuple_class, name, property(operator.itemgetter(idx)))
idx += 1

return named_tuple_class(values)

 t = NamedTuple((x, 12), (y, 18))
(12, 18)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'named_tuple_class' object has no attribute 'z'

 t = NamedTuple((p, pos, position, 12.4))

 t = NamedTuple((p, pos, 12.4), length=foo)
(12.4, 'foo')
Giovanni Bajo


Re: Retrieve a GIF's palette entries using Python Imaging Library (PIL)

2006-01-19 Thread and-google
Stuart wrote:

 I see that the 'Image' class has a 'palette' attribute which returns an
 object of type 'ImagePalette'.  However, the documentation is a bit
 lacking regarding how to maniuplate the ImagePalette class to retrieve
 the palette entries' RGB values.

ImagePalette.getdata() should do it.

There seems to be some kind of bug, however, where Images lose their
ImagePalettes after being convert()ed to paletted images (eg. using
Image.ADAPTIVE). For this reason I personally use the getpalette()
method from the wrapped image object, which seems to contain the proper
raw palette data. For example to get a list of [r,g,b] colour lists:

  def chunk(seq, size):
return [seq[i:i+size] for i in range(0, len(seq), size)]

  colours= [map(ord, bytes) for bytes in chunk(palette, 3)]

And Clover


Decimal vs float

2006-01-19 Thread Kay Schluehr
I wonder why this expression works:


but this one causes an error


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File interactive input, line 1, in ?
OverflowError: (34, 'Result too large')

Another quirk is the follwoing:

Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Cannot convert float to Decimal.  First convert the float to
a string

If Mr. interpreter is as slick as he is why doesn't he convert the
float by himself? This is at most a warning caused by possible rounding
errors of float.

Instead of dealing with awkward wrappers, I wonder if literals
currently interpreted as floats could not be interpreted as Decimal
objects in future?



Re: New website ?

2006-01-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Tim Parkin wrote:

 How about designing a website and showing us what you think would be a
 good idea?  Or suggesting some way of managing all of the content and
 building the system.

I think I just did that:

the easiest way to get there would be to use a MoinMoin instance to main-
tain the content, and a separate renderer to generate static pages for the
main site (possibly using Cheetah or Kid as template languages).

to which you responded

A wiki is not a website and to try to shoehorn a wiki into a content manage-
ment system is not a good final goal.

which is an interesting thing to say at a time when wikipedia has
joined google and blog as the internet things that everyone has
heard about...

 Or taking a screenshot of what is there and modifying it to show how you
 would like it changed.

I have opinions about the backend, and you're turning it into a front-
page design issue ?   or did you wonder what the backend could look
like ?



Re: Decimal vs float

2006-01-19 Thread Gerhard Häring
Kay Schluehr wrote:
 I wonder why this expression works:

The result is a Decimal type, which can have *very high* values.

 but this one causes an error
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File interactive input, line 1, in ?
 OverflowError: (34, 'Result too large')

Because the result is a float, which values are limited by your hardware 

 Another quirk is the follwoing:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 TypeError: Cannot convert float to Decimal.  First convert the float to
 a string
 If Mr. interpreter is as slick as he is why doesn't he convert the
 float by himself? This is at most a warning caused by possible rounding
 errors of float.

floating points are always imprecise, so you wouldn't want them as an 
input parameter for a precise Decimal type.

Because if your nice Decimal type would then look like this:


you would complain too, right?

For more enlightenment, you can start with the PEP

 Instead of dealing with awkward wrappers, I wonder if literals
 currently interpreted as floats could not be interpreted as Decimal
 objects in future?

No, because a software Decimal type is orders of magnitude slower than 
floating point types, for which there is hardware support by your CPU.

If you're asking for additional Python decimal literals like

mydecimal = 5.5d

or whatever, that's a different question. I don't know if anything like 
this is planned. FWIW I don't think it's necessary. using the Decimal 
constructor is explicit too and we don't really need syntactic sugar for 
decimal literals.

-- Gerhard

Re: Efficient implementation of deeply nested lists

2006-01-19 Thread Fuzzyman

Kay Schluehr wrote:
 I want to manipulate a deeply nested list in a generic way at a
 determined place. Given a sequence of constant objects a1, a2, ..., aN
 and a variable x. Now construct a list from them recursively:

 L = [a1, [a2, [[aN, [x]]...]]

 The value of x is the only one to be changed. With each value of x a
 new instance of L is needed so that we actually have a function:

 L = lambda x: [a1, [a2, [[aN, [x]]...]]

 I'm seeking for an efficient implementation that does not recompute the
 whole list each time. Any ideas?

Is the sequence of a1 to aN fixed ?

I assume you want a new list each time ?

You can create a reference list once but keep a reference to the most
deeply nested part that contains x.

Each time you need a new copy, insert hte new value of x and use
copy.deepcopy to produce your new list.


def listmaker(consts, x):
global finalref
out = []
if not consts:
finalref = [x]
return finalref
entry = consts.pop()
out.append(listmaker(consts, x))
return out

listmaker recursively builds the list structure and creates a global
reference to the list holding x.

You can build this once as a 'generic' list.

When you need a copy do :

del finalref[0]

newlist = copy.deepcopy(reference_list)

I hope that helps, it may need debugging. :-)

Because lists are mutable, you can't avoid the copy operation - but it
is *probably* quicker than recomputing hte list. You should test this -
as it might not be the case.




Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Paul Rubin wrote:

 For an absolutely amazing translation feat, try Michael Kandel's
 Polish-to-English translation of Stanislaw Lem's The Cyberiad.

Returning to the original book, why did they write a lot of it (at
least the first few pages until I gave up, after having trouble
understanding formulas about concepts I have no such trouble with when
framed in less jargonized from) in unintelligible mathemathical
notation when there's Python?

I prefer a nice Python function over some strange latech symbols. If
not Python there's always pseudo code or good old natural language.
Don't tell me those math formulas are what it 'really' is, or even that
it's more precise that way. The old trick of 'but there are some things
that cannot be expressed in any other way than by using formulas'
doesn't get one many optimization points in my world.



Re: Can a simple a==b 'hang' in and endless loop?

2006-01-19 Thread Steve Holden
Claudio Grondi wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
Claudio Grondi wrote:

Exactly this is what Python does under the hood when writing
a = some string
b = some string
where a and b are actually, in terms of C, pointer to Python object 
data structures which provide strings as arrays where it is possible 
to say a[0], but ... if here
  print True
_does not_ print True, the Python engine is definitely broken.

Why are you comparing C behaviour to Python behaviour? What is the point 
of the discussion?
 The point is to find a way to create in Python two indentifiers a and b 
 without manipulating any of the __eq__ and to __eq__ related functions 
 in a way, that the simple
if a==b: print 'a==b'
 statement results in an endless loop.
 To my knowledge this is not possible to achieve in C, but is probably 
 achievable in Python.
So finally we understand what you are looking for (though not why ...).

   a = [1]
[1, [...]]
   b = [1]
   a == b
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp

Is this what you seek? Not quite an endless loop, but probably as 
close as you are going to get given the necessariliy recursive data 
structures required to induce it.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: Can a simple a==b 'hang' in and endless loop?

2006-01-19 Thread Steve Holden
Claudio Grondi wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
The higher level of abstraction/indirection in Python results in making
the concepts of 'value', 'having a value' or 'comparing values' useless,
where it helps in C to express the difference between address and
content at that address and to distinguish between the information
telling _what_ is stored in memory and the information about _where_ it
is stored.

In Python, you never care _where_ anything is stored. The id() function
returns the unique ID of an object, which as an implementation detail may
be the actual memory address, but that's just an implementation detail. In
any case, given a memory address, you can't do anything with that
 The question here is, if this a handicap or a welcome feature?
A welcome feature, absolutely no doubt about it.

  From the one side I am glad that Python cares about memory allocation 
 for me, but on the other side I have trouble to accept, that I have no 
 direct access to the memory area where data are stored in order to 
 manipulate them. Having this possibility would enormously speed up some 
 conversions, because it were possible to get them down to a redefinition 
 of the data structure without being forced to loop over the actual 
 content or use a special extension library written in C for doing that.
Well, if this isn't a case of premature optimization I've never seen 
one. You apparently haven't yet written a single line of your 
appliction, yet you are already concerned about its efficiency.

1. First, make it work.

2. Then, if it doesn;t work fast enough, make it work faster.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: how to find not the next sibling but the 2nd sibling or find sibling a OR sinbling b

2006-01-19 Thread Kent Johnson
 i have some html which looks like this where i want to scrape out the
 href stuff (the part)
 div class=noFoodCheese/div
 div class=foodBlue/div
 a class=btn href =;
 so i wrote this code which scrapes it perfectly:
 for incident in row('div', {'class':'noFood'}):
   b = incident.findNextSibling('div', {'class': 'food'})
   print b
   n = b.findNextSibling('a', {'class': 'btn'})
   print n
   link = n['href'] + ','
 problem is that sometimes the 2nd tag , the div class=food tag , is
 sometimes called food, sometimes called drink.  

Apparently you are using Beautiful Soup. The value in the attribute 
dictionary can be a callable; try this:

def isFoodOrDrink(attr):
   return attr in ['food', 'drink']

b = incident.findNextSibling('div', {'class': isFoodOrDrink})

Alternately you could omit the class spec and check for it in code.


Re: Can a simple a==b 'hang' in and endless loop?

2006-01-19 Thread Fuzzyman
(If I understand correctly...)

The reason he is looking for it, is in order to assert that Python
'comparison' is broken.

Part of this is because of his assertation that the term 'value' has no
meaning in Python.

He bases this on the fact that Java and C define 'value' to mean the
pointer when the object is mutable.

In fact Python defines value much more clearly. Value is *obviously*
type dependent. (This is why in Python you can implement your own
comparison methods).

For integers and floats, Python defines the value to be the numerical

For strings it defines it to be the contents of the string.

For mutable objects it defines it to be the contents of the object, if
the object types are the same. i.e. [1] == [1], [1] != (1,)

For user defined classes, you are able to build your own definition of
value into the object - this doesn't prevent stupidity.

Python doesn't have a comparison operator analagous to his reference
languages - but IMHO Python is better here. He can achieve what he
wants by subclassing the built in datatypes and overriding the
comparison methods to behave as he desires.

All the best,



Re: New website ?

2006-01-19 Thread Steve Holden
Tim Parkin wrote:
 Fredrik Lundh wrote:
[various stuff]
 It would be apparent to you if you'd read around (even within this list)
 that the website is ultimately intended to have 'through the web'
 editing tools. You'd also know that one of the biggest acheivements so
 far is the separation of template from data from content so that
 'information sets' actually exist in the first place. This also means
 that when someone designs a better template (as they may well do) it can
 be easily changed in the future.
 We also don't really want to have a proliferation of text formats and as
 a lot of the website is already written using restructured text, this is
 the format thats been recommended. A wiki is not a website and to try to
 shoehorn a wiki into a content management system is not a good final
 goal. We are adding facilities to use the wiki to manage some pages in
 near future as part of migration.
 However, the priority was to do certain things first.
 1) Separate content from data from presentation is as complete a way as
 possible (for which nevow templates, which contain no programmatic
 componenets are suitable).
 2) Ensure that the system is usable using basic text editing tools
 3) Build the website using the latest techniques ensuring accessibility
 and usability. The site is XHTML and uses CSS for layout. It also offers
 legacy style sheets for netscape and has been tested in speech readers
 and text browsers. how quaint..
 4) Needed someone to actually do something 
 The last item seems to be the one that has hit the most hurdles. As I
 remember you were a member of the marketing list and have had many
 opportunities to contribute constructively at planning time.
 If you could choose to be constructive in either offering useful changes
 that would make sense at this point in time or offereing to provide help
 that would be greatly appreciated.
 I'm afraid I won't be able to respond at length to any more posts..
 There is still a lot of work to be done to get the website live.
The most valid point that Fredrik makes is the convenience and 
desirability of through-the-web editing. I hope he'll use some of his 
undoubted energy to examine the current systems design and produce a 
through-the-web interface for us. Once the new documentation site is up 
and running, that is :-)

Seriously, I'm not aware of anything about the current design that would 
prohibit through-the-web editing. Neither am I aware of anyone spending 
the time to produce it. As you indicated, there are other priorities 
just at the moment.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: Sudoku solver: reduction + brute force

2006-01-19 Thread ago

Do you think it is possible to reduce the set of all possible solutions
to a small enough set? I personally doubt it, but IF that was the case
an efficient solver could be easily created.

In reducing the set of all solutions for instance you could always swap
the numbers (3rd axis) so that the first submatrix reads
[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]. By this we reduced the set of solutions by
362880. You can then always move blocks, columns and rows to fix the
following elements (1,4)=4, (4,1)=2, (9,9)=9. Further reductions are
still possible, but I do not know how far can this go and if the end
result is a small enough set. 

Just my 2c.


Re: Decimal vs float

2006-01-19 Thread Steve Holden
Kay Schluehr wrote:
 I wonder why this expression works:
 but this one causes an error
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File interactive input, line 1, in ?
 OverflowError: (34, 'Result too large')
Because the Decimal type can represent a larger range of values than the 
float type. Your first expression give a Decimal result, your second 
attempts to give a float result.

 Another quirk is the follwoing:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 TypeError: Cannot convert float to Decimal.  First convert the float to
 a string
 If Mr. interpreter is as slick as he is why doesn't he convert the
 float by himself? This is at most a warning caused by possible rounding
 errors of float.
Indeed, as the documentation says: This serves as an explicit 
reminder of the details of the conversion (including representation 
error). Otherwise you would get numpties using constructions like 
Decimal(0.1) and then asking why the result was the same as 
Decimal(0.10001) (or something similar). Who needs it? 
Certainly not Mr. interpreter, or his friends.

 Instead of dealing with awkward wrappers, I wonder if literals
 currently interpreted as floats could not be interpreted as Decimal
 objects in future?
That would be a very large change in the behaviour of the interpreter, 
and unfortunately it doesn't take account of the need in decimal to 
specify the context in which a calculation takes place.You need to be 
able to specify precision, rounding and a number of other values to make 
your computations completely specified. What would you use as the 
default context?

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: New website?

2006-01-19 Thread Magnus Lycka
Steve Holden wrote:
 The trepidation was accounted for solely by a concern that Python would 
 become involved in any kind of religious controversy, or that someone of 
 extreme views might claim that Python was associated with, or against, a 
 particular religious belief.

I'm sure there are a number of places where people without extreme views
react strongly to christian symbols--whether the reasons for this are
well founded or not.

ASEA, the A-part of the ABB group, stopped using their old logo in 1933.
They realized that what used to be a symbol for electrical motors in
schematic diagrams had become associated with something entirely
different. In 1933 the general opinion on nazis weren't nearly as
negative as it is now, but whatever you thought about politics, ASEA's
old logo no longer gave the right associations to people. On the other
hand, people on Bali don't seem to worry a bit about the swastikas on
their shrines and temples. Different context.

We can obviously argue on how much we should worry about the assocations
people in various corners of thge world get, whatever we intended. In
Sweden, the python snake has for some reason become associated with bad
smells. (I think it was Pippi Longstocking who used an expresion that
got stuck in the souls of the Swedes--it's all Astrid Lindgren's fault.)
I don't expect Guido to rename Python for that reason (Monty would feel
fairly neutral in Sweden), but it sometimes seem to be a disadvantage.
I think some people I've tried to convince would have been more
impressed if Python had been called XYZ or whatever...

Here at work, our conference rooms are named after old norse gods, and
the new room that was named Vile, was rapidly renamed Vili, when people
thought about the meaning of vile in English.

Actually, considering the status snakes have in christian tradition, I
guess you could claim that the snakes neutralize the cross!

Personally, I think it looks more like plus sign than like a cross.

 Quite apart from the fact that language 
 choice should not be a religious issue (:-), you are correct in saying 
 that we must be mindful of sensitivities; as I mentioned, the outline of 
 the logo hasn't been raised in the year since it was first mooted. I 
 hope this doesn't mean we need *two* Python logos!

It's probably possible to make a Python logo that doesn't look
like any religious symbol. I think the plus sign shaped logo
had some advantages though. It's not very pretty, but it's simple
and a plus is something positive, something that adds value...

Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Juho Schultz
Anton Vredegoor wrote:
 Returning to the original book, why did they write a lot of it (at
 least the first few pages until I gave up, after having trouble
 understanding formulas about concepts I have no such trouble with when
 framed in less jargonized from) in unintelligible mathemathical
 notation when there's Python?

Because the intended audience is probably reads formulas better than
they read Python. The 1st sentence of the Introduction: This book is 
aimed at senior undergraduates and graduate students in Engineering, 
Science, Mathematics and Computing.

Last month I spent about an hour trying to explain why
a*2.5e-8 = x
raises a SyntaxError and why it should be written
x = a*2.5e-8
The guy who wrote the 1st line has MSc in Physics from Cambridge (UK).
In mathematics, there is no difference between the two lines.

 I prefer a nice Python function over some strange latech symbols. If
 not Python there's always pseudo code or good old natural language.
 Don't tell me those math formulas are what it 'really' is, or even that
 it's more precise that way. The old trick of 'but there are some things
 that cannot be expressed in any other way than by using formulas'
 doesn't get one many optimization points in my world.

Re: Multiple modules with database access + general app design?

2006-01-19 Thread Paul McGuire
Robin Haswell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hey people

 I'm an experience PHP programmer who's been writing python for a couple of
 weeks now. I'm writing quite a large application which I've decided to
 break down in to lots of modules (replacement for PHP's include()

 My problem is, in PHP if you open a database connection it's always in
 scope for the duration of the script. Even if you use an abstraction layer
 ($db = DB::connect(...)) you can `global $db` and bring it in to scope,
 but in Python I'm having trouble keeping the the database in scope. At the
 moment I'm having to push the database into the module, but I'd prefer
 the module to bring the database connection in (pull) from its parent.

 import modules = db.cursor()

 Can anyone recommend any cleaner solutions to all of this?

Um, I think your Python solution *is* moving in a cleaner direction than
simple sharing of a global $db variable.  Why make the Bar class have to
know where to get a db cursor from?  What do you do if your program extends
to having multiple Bar() objects working with different cursors into the db?

The unnatural part of this (and hopefully, the part that you feel is
unclean) is that you're trading one global for another.  By just setting to the db cursor, you force all Bar() instances to use that
same cursor.

Instead, make the database cursor part of Bar's constructor.  Now you can
externally create multiple db cursors, a Bar for each, and they all merrily
do their own separate, isolated processing, in blissful ignorance of each
other's db cursors (vs. colliding on the shared $db variable).

-- Paul


Re: Arithmetic sequences in Python

2006-01-19 Thread Kent Johnson
Paul Rubin wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) writes:
I see no credibly simple and readable alternative to {a:b, c:d}
dictionary display syntax, for example; dict(((a,b),(c,d))) just
wouldn't cut it, because of the parentheses overload (double
entendre intended).
 I don't really see why keyword arg names have to be identifiers
 either.  foo(3=4) can pass a **kwargs containing {3:4}.

The keywords need to be parseable; what would be the keyword form of
   { '3=4, 5=' : 6 }
   { '3=4); print gotcha; dict(6=' : 7 }


Re: Need Help with Python/C API

2006-01-19 Thread Doru-Catalin Togea
On Thu, 18 Jan 2006, pycraze wrote:


I don't really understand what you need/want. Can you explain in more 

I Need to know how do i create a dictionary... eg:
 n = pali_hash
 n={1:{ } }   -  i need to know how to make a key of a dictionary, to a
 dictionary using Python/C API's



  We are what we repeatedly do.  
   Excellence, therefore, is not an act  
  but a habit.   

Re: Sudoku solver: reduction + brute force

2006-01-19 Thread ago
Your reduction-first approach makes short work of
 them, though. On the other hand, my version probably didn't take as long
 to write!

Well, I started from the reduction-only algorithm so by the time I
implemented the brute force solver I already had the code. Anyway the
full code is just above 100 lines, it could be shorter (and it was in
its first incarnation) but I strived to make it clean and more object
oriented following the LinuxJournal article and by avoiding index
operations (only contained in the __init__ methods).

I like the idea of estimating difficulty... But for a subjective mesure
from the point of view of the solver you probably need to give weights
to the reduction techniques required to eliminatre cells, since those
are the ones used by human beings. Some puzzles might be easy to solve
by reduction but difficult to solve by brute force only. In this
context for instance, a weight of 1 could be used every time one or
more cells are eliminated thanks to Cell.Solve (the easiest approach),
a weight of 2 when Cell.Skim was used to eliminate cells (more
complex), and a weight of 3 every time BruteForce needs to be invoked
(i.e. solutions must be guessed).

One thing that my solver lacks is the ability to recognize multiple
solutions. It will simply stop at the first admissible one whether it
is unique or not. I am not sure what is an efficient way to detect it.


Re: simple pythonpath query

2006-01-19 Thread Tim Golden

| I've downloaded the hypertext module and put it in the
| folder.  I would have thought that since the lib directory is in the
| Pythonpath,I would be able to import python scripts from
| C:\Python24\Lib\HyperText.  I also tried including
| C:\Python24\Lib\HyperText to
| HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\2.4\PythonPath but no
| joy.  Am I missing something very simple here?  Thanks, Marc

I take it that's Andy Dustman's HyperText package? One thing
to bear in mind (given that you haven't said what happened
when you tried) is that the package itself offers little --
ie if you do import HyperText you won't get much; you
need to do something like from HyperText import HTML.

That said, I have it installed under site-packages
(ie c:\python24\lib\site-packages) which is more designed
for external modules/packages. The lib directory itself
is rather for Python-supplied modules.

Not sure if that all helps, but if you want to offer
a traceback or error message, we might see some more.



Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Nicola Musatti

Tim Peters wrote:
 [Paul Rubin]
  I wouldn't have figured out that a car park was a parking lot.  I
  might have thought it was a park where you go to look at scenery from
  inside your car.  Sort of a cross between a normal park and a drive-in

 [Grant Edwards[
  That's a joke, right?

 Probably not, if Paul's American.  For example, here in the states we
 have Python Parks, where you go to look at scenery from inside your

They're actually one and the same thing:

Nicola Musatti

P.S. The way Google can find anything you look for, no matter how far
out, is sort of scary.


Re: simple pythonpath query

2006-01-19 Thread marc . wyburn
Cheers Tim, that sorted it.  I need to re-read the modules section and
namespaces.  Everydays a schoolday. MW.


Re: Ordering numbers

2006-01-19 Thread Kent Johnson
yawgmoth7 wrote:
 I have a dictonary here:
 seq = {8:0x13AC9741, 10:0x27592E8, 4:0x4EB25D, 5:0x9D64B, 7:0x13AC9,
 1:0x2759, 11:0x4EB, 3:0x9D, 9:0x13, 2:0x2, 0:0x0, 6:0x0}
 Python always prints them in order, from least to greatest. But I
 wanna have it show them in hte order that I put in. Thanks for all
 your help


Re: MSSQL LIKE and IN statements in ADO problem

2006-01-19 Thread Raja Raman Sundararajan
Ok guys! The problem seems to be much easier to be solved than first
thought. --Shoot--
Using the correct CreateParameter statement seems to do the trick.
For example creating the parameter as
cmd.CreateParameter(name,const.adVarChar, const.adParamInput, Size=16,
# Name, Type, Direction, Size, Value

works pretty good with the LIKE statement

For the IN statement I have not yet found a good way. As of now
in am looping through the values and creating various parameters
##Global initialization
typeMap= {
   types.IntType: const.adInteger,
   types.LongType: const.adBigInt,

query = SELECT * FROM tb_name WHERE firstname IN %(in_params)

##add parameters and construct the ? values for the in statements
##Note the code below is a pseudo type thing and can contain syntax
in_parameters = [1,2,3,4,5]
n_index = 0
in_params = ''

for i in in_parameters:
in_params += '?,'
name = 'name_%s' % i
p=cmd.CreateParameter(name, typeMap[type(i)], const.adParamInput,
Size=16, Value=i) # Name, Type, Direction, Value
query = query % {'in_params': in_params[:-1]}

Any inputs to improve the IN statement logic?
My dream is to use just one create parameter for the SQL list
so that the query looks like
query = SELECT * FROM tb_name WHERE firstname IN ?
Nice and easy...

Thanks in advance!
/Raja Raman


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Juho Schultz wrote:

 Last month I spent about an hour trying to explain why
 a*2.5e-8 = x
 raises a SyntaxError and why it should be written
 x = a*2.5e-8
 The guy who wrote the 1st line has MSc in Physics from Cambridge (UK).
 In mathematics, there is no difference between the two lines.

Some time ago I tried to 'sell' Python to a mathematician. The crucial
point was that it was not (in standard Python) possible to have a matrix
A and a matrix B and then do for example:

A = A * B

and have a matrix multiplication performed. Since the whole conversation
started because there was a need to use this notation for a standard
mathematics course this didn't result in adopting Python for it.

Meanwhile there has been some progress in Python use there, and of
course there are specialized Python packages that enable this kind of
notation, but it remains true that there *is* an abyss between computer
science and mathematics. Mathematics should change ;-) 

But that doesn't mean that I wouldn't like standard Python to have A*B 
for matrices.

The problem is that so called 'conventional' mathematical notations
leave many options for interpretation, depending on the context and on
mutual understanding between mathematicians, excluding
non-mathematicians very effectively.

A (Python) interpreter has no such problems and will allow precise
inspection of what is meant by a piece of code. It has additional
advantages in that it can function as a kind of mathematical
spellchecker for people like me who often miscode things.

Some mathematicians I know can write formulas page after page, while I,
if I were to write (or read) a page of formulas there would be at least
one mistake throwing me of course for the rest of the document, so that
I would need to go back again and again. 

Does that make me a bad mathematician or does it signify that
mathematical notation should change? For me the answer is clear, but
that could be because I can't read the stuff without the documentation,
and the documentation (mathematics) is considered to be known to
everyone (with a math education of course) but I doubt if that is really
the case and, even if it were the case it doesn't imply that being
explicit (in giving the procedures in computer and human readable form
at the same time, for example in Python) wouldn't be even better.


Re: Registering COM python based components when not admin

2006-01-19 Thread tooper
Thanks for the hint !


Re: MSSQL LIKE and IN statements in ADO problem

2006-01-19 Thread gregarican
Thanks. Please keep us posted. For some of my potentially exposed areas
I was just doing regex lookups against the input parameter to filter
out possible SQL injection keywords. Obviously not as elegant and
efficient as using ADO parameters to strictly define the data that
should be coming into the SQL statement. Playing around with the code
you provided yesterday I had problems using an ADO parameter as a
condition of the SQL LIKE statement. Not sure if that's an ADO
limitation, a Python ADO limitation, or my relative ignorance :-)


Re: Multiple modules with database access + general app design?

2006-01-19 Thread Robin Haswell
On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 12:23:12 +, Paul McGuire wrote:

 Robin Haswell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Hey people

 I'm an experience PHP programmer who's been writing python for a couple of
 weeks now. I'm writing quite a large application which I've decided to
 break down in to lots of modules (replacement for PHP's include()

 My problem is, in PHP if you open a database connection it's always in
 scope for the duration of the script. Even if you use an abstraction layer
 ($db = DB::connect(...)) you can `global $db` and bring it in to scope,
 but in Python I'm having trouble keeping the the database in scope. At the
 moment I'm having to push the database into the module, but I'd prefer
 the module to bring the database connection in (pull) from its parent.

 import modules = db.cursor()

 Can anyone recommend any cleaner solutions to all of this?
 Um, I think your Python solution *is* moving in a cleaner direction than
 simple sharing of a global $db variable.  Why make the Bar class have to
 know where to get a db cursor from?  What do you do if your program extends
 to having multiple Bar() objects working with different cursors into the db?
 The unnatural part of this (and hopefully, the part that you feel is
 unclean) is that you're trading one global for another.  By just setting to the db cursor, you force all Bar() instances to use that
 same cursor.
 Instead, make the database cursor part of Bar's constructor.  Now you can
 externally create multiple db cursors, a Bar for each, and they all merrily
 do their own separate, isolated processing, in blissful ignorance of each
 other's db cursors (vs. colliding on the shared $db variable).

Hm if truth be told, I'm not totally interested in keeping a separate
cursor for every class instance. This application runs in a very simple
threaded socket server - every time a new thread is created, we create a
new db.cursor (m = getattr(modules, module)\n m.c = db.cursor() is the
first part of the thread), and when the thread finishes all its actions
(of which there are many, but all sequential), the thread exits. I don't
see any situations where lots of methods will tread on another method's
cursor. My main focus really is minimising the number of connections.
Using MySQLdb, I'm not sure if every MySQLdb.connect or db.cursor is a
separate connection, but I get the feeling that a lot of cursors = a lot
of connections. I'd much prefer each method call with a thread to reuse
that thread's connection, as creating a connection incurs significant
overhead on the MySQL server and DNS server.


 -- Paul


Re: Decimal vs float

2006-01-19 Thread Kay Schluehr

Steve Holden wrote:
  If Mr. interpreter is as slick as he is why doesn't he convert the
  float by himself? This is at most a warning caused by possible rounding
  errors of float.
 Indeed, as the documentation says: This serves as an explicit
 reminder of the details of the conversion (including representation
 error). Otherwise you would get numpties using constructions like
 Decimal(0.1) and then asking why the result was the same as
 Decimal(0.10001) (or something similar). Who needs it?
 Certainly not Mr. interpreter, or his friends.

The stringification of floats seems to work accurately just like the
error message tells:


This is interesting. If we define

def f():
print str(1.1)

and disassemble the function, we get:

  2   0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (str)
  3 LOAD_CONST   1 (1.1001)  #
 11 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)

But when we call f, we receive


Mr. Interpreter seems to have a higher level of awareness :)

  Instead of dealing with awkward wrappers, I wonder if literals
  currently interpreted as floats could not be interpreted as Decimal
  objects in future?
 That would be a very large change in the behaviour of the interpreter,
 and unfortunately it doesn't take account of the need in decimal to
 specify the context in which a calculation takes place.

I don't see this as a big obstacle. With the current implementation the
compiler has to generate a decimal object from a NUMBER token instead
of a float object. The context of a calculation is still the decimal
module object and it's attributes. Why should it be changed?



Re: MSSQL LIKE and IN statements in ADO problem

2006-01-19 Thread gregarican
The IN statement logic is a good mind exercise if there are multiple
parameters that needed to be brought in. Below is the code that fixed
the LIKE statement logic where you needed an ADO parameterized query
used. Apparently the percent signs don't have to be referenced anywhere
in the code, as my tests ran successfully without them:

import win32com.client
from adoconstants import *

conn = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADODB.Connection')
conn.ConnectionString = Driver={SQL
if conn.state == adStateOpen:
print Connected to database...
print Not connected!

name = '@fname'
value = 'raj'
param=cmd.CreateParameter(name, adVarChar, adParamInput, 200, value)
cmd.CommandText = SELECT first, last FROM myTable WHERE first like ?
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
(rs, dummy)  = cmd.Execute()
rowCount = 0
while not rs.EOF:
print rs.Fields('first').Value, rs.Fields('last').Value
print %s records returned. % rowCount


Re: Can a simple a==b 'hang' in and endless loop?

2006-01-19 Thread Claudio Grondi
Steve Holden wrote:
 Claudio Grondi wrote:
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Claudio Grondi wrote:

 Exactly this is what Python does under the hood when writing
 a = some string
 b = some string
 where a and b are actually, in terms of C, pointer to Python object 
 data structures which provide strings as arrays where it is possible 
 to say a[0], but ... if here
  print True
 _does not_ print True, the Python engine is definitely broken.

 Why are you comparing C behaviour to Python behaviour? What is the 
 point of the discussion?

 The point is to find a way to create in Python two indentifiers a and 
 b without manipulating any of the __eq__ and to __eq__ related 
 functions in a way, that the simple
if a==b: print 'a==b'
 statement results in an endless loop.
 To my knowledge this is not possible to achieve in C, but is probably 
 achievable in Python.

 So finally we understand what you are looking for (though not why ...).
I will intentionally not elaborate here about the why, as my experience 
with this thread has already shown, that this is not only not helpful in 
getting the answer to the actual question, but results in 'hiding' the 
goal to the reader which needs to be revealed as it gets lost in the 
   a = [1]
 [1, [...]]
   b = [1]
   a == b
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
 RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp
 Is this what you seek? Not quite an endless loop, but probably as 
 close as you are going to get given the necessariliy recursive data 
 structures required to induce it.
Wow! I haven't got this evil idea myself yet (even if as I understand 
there is no problem to achieve similar thing also in C), so I have 
learned a bit more about Python again. Am I right supposing, that this 
becomes possible because the .append() goes not that far to try to 
generate the actual list (getting trapped in the endless loop) and only 
lets the second list element point to the object with the list itself. 
The trouble with it becomes apparent later when working with such bad 
defined list as it is the case when applying the '==' operator to it.
Thank you for sharing this with me, but again ...

this is still _not_ what I am looking for, because Python detects here 
the problem and throws an exception. What I am looking for is an endless 
loop where there is no any response from Python about a problem.


Re: PyHtmlGUI Project is looking for developers

2006-01-19 Thread Veri
Good Morning everybody.

Maybe it didn't get clear in the previous discussion: We didn't choose
Qt as GUI API, we build an own GUI which is able to produce XML and
html output, but whose structure is close to Qt. We even built a basic
factory which produces PyHtmlGUI widgets from a Qt Designer .ui file,
but it is still in development.
The GUI is used by another project (a data management framework for
Zope) which hasn't been anounced yet, but could generally be used for
any python based webapplication (it enfolds its full capacity when it
comes to forms, dialogs and wizards).
The lack of client-side functionality (Javascript etc.) didn't cause
any urgent problems, so we decided to postpone that, but since there
are almost no constraints on widget customization, it is even now
possible to build in javascript while building a layout, we just didn't
The main goal of the project is to have a real GUI creating html and
thus to avoid something like dtml, jsp or php etc., where you have to
fiddle code into html. It's the other way around and since the css
update it is even looking nice ;)

Have a nice day, 



Re: Multiple modules with database access + general app design?

2006-01-19 Thread Daniel Dittmar
Robin Haswell wrote:
 cursor for every class instance. This application runs in a very simple
 threaded socket server - every time a new thread is created, we create a
 new db.cursor (m = getattr(modules, module)\n m.c = db.cursor() is the
 first part of the thread), and when the thread finishes all its actions
 (of which there are many, but all sequential), the thread exits. I don't

If you use a threading server, you can't put the connection object into 
the module. Modules and hence module variables are shared across 
threads. You could use thread local storage, but I think it's better to 
pass the connection explicitely as a parameter.

 separate connection, but I get the feeling that a lot of cursors = a lot
 of connections. I'd much prefer each method call with a thread to reuse
 that thread's connection, as creating a connection incurs significant
 overhead on the MySQL server and DNS server.

You can create several cursor objects from one connection. There should 
be no problems if you finish processing of one cursor before you open 
the next one. In earlier (current?) versions of MySQL, only one result 
set could be opened at a time, so using cursors in parallel present some 
problems to the driver implementor.


Dom or MiniDom example

2006-01-19 Thread Sbaush
Hi, i'm searching for a dom or a minidom examples. I'm building a GUI. This gui should create a XML string. What's the best way to implement this? Dom, minidom or another way?Thanks.-- Sbaush

-- Sbaush

Re: Decimal vs float

2006-01-19 Thread Steve Holden
Kay Schluehr wrote:
 Steve Holden wrote:
If Mr. interpreter is as slick as he is why doesn't he convert the
float by himself? This is at most a warning caused by possible rounding
errors of float.

Indeed, as the documentation says: This serves as an explicit
reminder of the details of the conversion (including representation
error). Otherwise you would get numpties using constructions like
Decimal(0.1) and then asking why the result was the same as
Decimal(0.10001) (or something similar). Who needs it?
Certainly not Mr. interpreter, or his friends.
 The stringification of floats seems to work accurately just like the
 error message tells:
 This is interesting. If we define
 def f():
 print str(1.1)
 and disassemble the function, we get:
   2   0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (str)
   3 LOAD_CONST   1 (1.1001)  #
  11 LOAD_CONST   0 (None)
 But when we call f, we receive
 Mr. Interpreter seems to have a higher level of awareness :)
Mr. Interpreter (I see we are affording him capitals) has had his gonads 
stamped on when it comes to converting flots into strings, and so is 
exceedingly cautious when presenting them to users. This would not be a 
good idea when converting floats into other numeric representations.
Instead of dealing with awkward wrappers, I wonder if literals
currently interpreted as floats could not be interpreted as Decimal
objects in future?

That would be a very large change in the behaviour of the interpreter,
and unfortunately it doesn't take account of the need in decimal to
specify the context in which a calculation takes place.
 I don't see this as a big obstacle. With the current implementation the
 compiler has to generate a decimal object from a NUMBER token instead
 of a float object. The context of a calculation is still the decimal
 module object and it's attributes. Why should it be changed?
Well besides the fact that people would complain about the (lack of) 
speed I don't think I want to start having to explain to beginners how 
to handle precision and rounding settings to get the results they think 
they want.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: Efficient implementation of deeply nested lists

2006-01-19 Thread Peter Otten
Kay Schluehr wrote:

 I want to manipulate a deeply nested list in a generic way at a
 determined place. Given a sequence of constant objects a1, a2, ..., aN
 and a variable x. Now construct a list from them recursively:
 L = [a1, [a2, [[aN, [x]]...]]
 The value of x is the only one to be changed. With each value of x a
 new instance of L is needed so that we actually have a function:
 L = lambda x: [a1, [a2, [[aN, [x]]...]]
 I'm seeking for an efficient implementation that does not recompute the
 whole list each time. Any ideas?

I'd say you are nesting the wrong way.

 items = make_list(range(10))
 def make_list(items):
... return reduce(lambda *args: args,  items)
 def update_value(items, value):
... return items[0], value
 items = make_list(range(10))
(0, 1), 2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 7), 8), 9)
 update_value(items, 42)
(0, 1), 2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 7), 8), 42)

Obviously I must be missing something. What?



Re: Decimal vs float

2006-01-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Kay Schluehr wrote:

 This is interesting. If we define

 def f():
print str(1.1)

 and disassemble the function, we get:

  2   0 LOAD_GLOBAL  0 (str)
  3 LOAD_CONST   1 (1.1001)  # huh?

huh huh?

 %.10g % 1.1
 %.20g % 1.1
 %.30g % 1.1
 %.10f % 1.1
 %.20f % 1.1
 %.30f % 1.1

more here:



Re: Multiple modules with database access + general app design?

2006-01-19 Thread Robin Haswell
On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 14:37:34 +0100, Daniel Dittmar wrote:

 Robin Haswell wrote:
 cursor for every class instance. This application runs in a very simple
 threaded socket server - every time a new thread is created, we create a
 new db.cursor (m = getattr(modules, module)\n m.c = db.cursor() is the
 first part of the thread), and when the thread finishes all its actions
 (of which there are many, but all sequential), the thread exits. I don't
 If you use a threading server, you can't put the connection object into 
 the module. Modules and hence module variables are shared across 
 threads. You could use thread local storage, but I think it's better to 
 pass the connection explicitely as a parameter.

Would you say it would be better if in every thread I did:

m = getattr(modules, module)
b.db = db


def Foo():
c = db.cursor()


 separate connection, but I get the feeling that a lot of cursors = a lot
 of connections. I'd much prefer each method call with a thread to reuse
 that thread's connection, as creating a connection incurs significant
 overhead on the MySQL server and DNS server.
 You can create several cursor objects from one connection. There should 
 be no problems if you finish processing of one cursor before you open 
 the next one. In earlier (current?) versions of MySQL, only one result 
 set could be opened at a time, so using cursors in parallel present some 
 problems to the driver implementor.


Re: Clicking at a certain x,y position in python? (Mac OSX)

2006-01-19 Thread has
Nainto wrote:
 I have been searching and searching and cannot find a way to click at a 
 certain position in python.

What for? There's a few ways it might be done, but what's best depends
on what you're trying to achieve.


Re: MSSQL LIKE and IN statements in ADO problem

2006-01-19 Thread Raja Raman Sundararajan
Hi Gregarican,
Thanks for sharing your code. One needs to add the % signs if one
wants to do wildcard searches using LIKE in the SQL server.
Do as Roger and Steve suggested '%raj%', now you can find the names
containing the word raj anywhere in the column.
just value = 'raj' is only going to fetch you fnames that == 'raj'
Originally my problem was using the LIKE statement itself. But I guess
you already know.

/Raja Raman


Re: New website ?

2006-01-19 Thread Steve Holden
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Steve Holden wrote
As you indicated, there are other priorities just at the moment.
 you're complaining about the lack of manpower, and still think that lowering
 the threshold for contributions is not a priority ?  at this point, this 
 be your *only* priority.
 I mean, getting this from a long-time python contributor that decided to
 help out
 My first attempt ended almost immediately.  Too much software
 to download and install for anything like casual use.
 should be a rather strong indicator that the project isn't on the right track.
Or that the instructions being followed were those for producing a local 
copy of the website rather than editing the beta site content (mea 
culpa, since I believe 'twas I who gave the instructions).

 (and it sure isn't the only indicator; I still claim that the analysis is 
 and that the front-page asset shouldn't be reserved for a
 target audience that doesn't exist.  but that's a separate problem; if you
 solve the threshold problem, we can deal with that later.  if you don't, we
 might get stuck with the new design for as long as we've had the old one).
I don't think it's *reserved* for anyone. The idea is to try and offer a 
system that allows easy changes to the content while maintaining a 
relatively clean design.
Once the new documentation site is up and running, that is :-)
 that's an interesting comparision: it took me about 30 minutes to convert
 10+ megabytes of reference material into a usable (X)HTML infoset (that
 is, with isolated content and structural information derived from the source
 material), and a few hours to get old source-new source-render tool-
 chain to a state where most conversion bugs turns out to be typos in the
 original documents (aka the 80% of the remaining 20% level).
 if converting the old content is and has been the biggest problem in the project, it seems to me as if you might not be doing things
 in the easiest possible way...

Well I can't disagree with that. Want to help?

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Mikael Olofsson
Terry Hancock wrote:
Tim Peters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   UK:Harry smiled vaguely back
   US:Harry smiled back vaguely

Terry Hancock wrote:
 I know you are pointing out the triviality of this, since
 both US and UK English allow either placement -- but is it
 really preferred style in the UK to put the adverb right
 before the verb?  In US English, the end of the clause
 (or the beginning) is probably more common.

I appreciate your desire to put the thread on (Python) topic, but as I 
see this discussion, it really has to do with respect for the author, 
but also respect for the reader. The UK version is most likely the way 
the author intended it to be. Then that is the way the text should be, 
regardless if it is preferred style or not, under the assumption that 
English is English is English.

One question here is: Are US English and UK English different languages 
or not? If they are, a translation is in place. If they are not, the 
text should have been left as is. I guess the answer is:
-Well, sort of...
And that is probably the reason why opinions differ here, and also the 
reason why the American publisher has made some changes, but left most 
parts unchanged.

A related important question is: Does the US version communicate the 
same thing (meaning aswell as feeling) to the American reader as the UK 
version communicates to the British reader? That should always be the 
objective for any translator. It also means that if the author in the UK 
version uses non-standard UK English, then the US version should use 
non-standard US English.


Re: MSSQL LIKE and IN statements in ADO problem

2006-01-19 Thread Steve Holden
Raja Raman Sundararajan wrote:
 Any inputs to improve the IN statement logic?
 My dream is to use just one create parameter for the SQL list
 so that the query looks like
 query = SELECT * FROM tb_name WHERE firstname IN ?
 Nice and easy...
Some DBAPI modules will indeed allow you to use a list or set parameter 
for this purpose, but not all.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: PyHtmlGUI Project is looking for developers

2006-01-19 Thread Fuzzyman

Veri wrote:
 Good Morning everybody.

 Maybe it didn't get clear in the previous discussion: We didn't choose
 Qt as GUI API, we build an own GUI which is able to produce XML and
 html output, but whose structure is close to Qt. We even built a basic
 factory which produces PyHtmlGUI widgets from a Qt Designer .ui file,
 but it is still in development.
 The GUI is used by another project (a data management framework for
 Zope) which hasn't been anounced yet, but could generally be used for
 any python based webapplication (it enfolds its full capacity when it
 comes to forms, dialogs and wizards).
 The lack of client-side functionality (Javascript etc.) didn't cause
 any urgent problems, so we decided to postpone that, but since there
 are almost no constraints on widget customization, it is even now
 possible to build in javascript while building a layout, we just didn't
 The main goal of the project is to have a real GUI creating html and
 thus to avoid something like dtml, jsp or php etc., where you have to
 fiddle code into html. It's the other way around and since the css
 update it is even looking nice ;)

So you'e creating a Python API to a GUI, which generates HTML
interfaces with appropriate callbacks to the relevant widgets. This API
*resembles* the Qt API.

What would be nice is a compatibility layer which means that the same
application could be created for the Web or the desktop, just using the
appropriate GUI toolkit (web or desktop). This wasa what I thought you
were doing. With appropriate AJAX type calls it's not unfeasible.

All the best,


 Have a nice day, 


Re: socket.ssl with key files?

2006-01-19 Thread Chris Curvey
thanks for the info.

1) Am I correct that I should just be splitting the files?
2) The passphrase question was in the back of my mind, but I guess I
need to move it to the front.  Hopefully someone here will have an
idea.  (I wonder if M2Crypto handles that?)

I guess it's better to know that the code is fairly untested, rather
than finding that out on my own.  



Re: Sudoku solver: reduction + brute force

2006-01-19 Thread Anton Vredegoor
ago wrote:

 Do you think it is possible to reduce the set of all possible solutions
 to a small enough set? I personally doubt it, but IF that was the case
 an efficient solver could be easily created.

No I don't think so, but it's a great idea :-) . Iff we would have some
ultimate symmetry detector we could reduce all positions to variations
of a few base types and start *generating* solutions from there in
stead of checking possible mistakes.

 In reducing the set of all solutions for instance you could always swap
 the numbers (3rd axis) so that the first submatrix reads
 [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]. By this we reduced the set of solutions by
 362880. You can then always move blocks, columns and rows to fix the
 following elements (1,4)=4, (4,1)=2, (9,9)=9. Further reductions are
 still possible, but I do not know how far can this go and if the end
 result is a small enough set.

I think one could reduce more than just a factor 9! . A 3-dim cube has
48 symmetric mirror images and we could multiply 9! by this. Then there
are the horizontal slice swaps and the whole 3-slice swaps. Anyway I
wasn't thinking about a grand unified theory but more about limiting
the search space (in a depth first tree) early.

If for example some field would allow only 2 values it would pay off to
check that field first in the search (before fields that can have say 9
values) because that would be the next best thing to having that value
as a fixed starting value.

Similarly if we would only check a subtree position once (by using the
hash) it could save some computations, but I have no idea how effective
it would be, all this mirrorring could be expensive too. On the other
hand this is done on the single leaf level, perhaps cutting off whole
branches, so it might indeed pay off very much. Remember that some
subtrees can be identical even though the routes to get to there were

Here's the idea to make all the mirrors (I have the code at home, but I
can't reach it now, but it should be easy to code):

Say one has dimension x with values [0,1,,8]

Now rescale this to [-4,-3,...,+4]

Then do this for all x,y and z coordinates.

Now to generate all mirrors, make all 6 permutations and all +-
variations of all coordinate points  x,y,z for each mirror.

So x,y,z gives 6 permutations and doing +-x,+-y,+-z for each of these
makes for 48 (6*2**3) mirror images of each point.

for example a coordinate [-3,-2,-1] mirrored through mirror [z,-x,y]
would give coordinate point [-1,3,-2].

Do this for all points.

Repeat for each mirror.

Now convert back to [0,1,..8] coordinates and select the smallest
mirrored cube.

Eh, maybe math notation wouldn't be such a bad idea after all, only
then I wouldn't be able to read what I wrote here. I hope you can :-)



Re: Can a simple a==b 'hang' in and endless loop?

2006-01-19 Thread Steve Holden
Claudio Grondi wrote:
 Steve Holden wrote:
Claudio Grondi wrote:

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Claudio Grondi wrote:

Exactly this is what Python does under the hood when writing
a = some string
b = some string
where a and b are actually, in terms of C, pointer to Python object 
data structures which provide strings as arrays where it is possible 
to say a[0], but ... if here
 print True
_does not_ print True, the Python engine is definitely broken.

Why are you comparing C behaviour to Python behaviour? What is the 
point of the discussion?

The point is to find a way to create in Python two indentifiers a and 
b without manipulating any of the __eq__ and to __eq__ related 
functions in a way, that the simple
   if a==b: print 'a==b'
statement results in an endless loop.
To my knowledge this is not possible to achieve in C, but is probably 
achievable in Python.

So finally we understand what you are looking for (though not why ...).
 I will intentionally not elaborate here about the why, as my experience 
 with this thread has already shown, that this is not only not helpful in 
 getting the answer to the actual question, but results in 'hiding' the 
 goal to the reader which needs to be revealed as it gets lost in the 
  a = [1]
[1, [...]]
  b = [1]
  a == b
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in ?
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp

Is this what you seek? Not quite an endless loop, but probably as 
close as you are going to get given the necessariliy recursive data 
structures required to induce it.
 Wow! I haven't got this evil idea myself yet (even if as I understand 
 there is no problem to achieve similar thing also in C), so I have 
 learned a bit more about Python again. Am I right supposing, that this 
 becomes possible because the .append() goes not that far to try to 
 generate the actual list (getting trapped in the endless loop) and only 
 lets the second list element point to the object with the list itself. 
 The trouble with it becomes apparent later when working with such bad 
 defined list as it is the case when applying the '==' operator to it.
 Thank you for sharing this with me, but again ...
Yes, clearly Python is able to create recursive data structures of this 
type, just as C and Java are. As you can see when the interpreter prints 
the representation of such lists, the __repr__() method does indeed 
detect such recursion and places ellipses (...) in the output to 
indicate it.

When you say Python goes not so far as to try to generate the actual 
list you reveal a misunderstanding about Python. The interpreter 
responds to the statement


just as it responds to every other append() method call: it adds a new 
item to the list and binds (i.e. stores a reference to) the argument (in 
this case the list as itself) to that new item. No special cases are 
required here, this is what the interpreter always does.

 this is still _not_ what I am looking for, because Python detects here 
 the problem and throws an exception. What I am looking for is an endless 
 loop where there is no any response from Python about a problem.
Ah, I see. So you want Python to be a worse language than it actually 
is. I don't think you are going to find what you are looking for.

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC
PyCon TX 2006


Re: New website ?

2006-01-19 Thread Markus Wankus
Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 Tim Parkin wrote:
 How about designing a website and showing us what you think would be a
 good idea?  Or suggesting some way of managing all of the content and
 building the system.
 I think I just did that:
 the easiest way to get there would be to use a MoinMoin instance to main-
 tain the content, and a separate renderer to generate static pages for the
 main site (possibly using Cheetah or Kid as template languages).
 to which you responded
 A wiki is not a website and to try to shoehorn a wiki into a content 
 ment system is not a good final goal.
 which is an interesting thing to say at a time when wikipedia has
 joined google and blog as the internet things that everyone has
 heard about...

Well I happen to agree whole-heartedly with Tim on that one.  I can't 
stand trying to navigate some of these Wiki-trying-to-be-website pages. 
  It is impossible to find anything on most of them (notice I didn't say 
all..there are exceptions).  It seems like they cater to people who:

a) Get some sort of sick pleasure out of searching webpages by manually 
constructing regular expressions.
b) Love the fact that every other word is a link and end up in a 3 hour 
link-clinking session until they have visited every link.

Navigating a Wiki to me feels more like trying to find the proverbial 
needle in a haystack, or perhaps it is more like painting a wall by 
flinging paint at it with a spoon.  But maybe that's just me.  I 
sometimes have a compulsion for methodically checking everything in a 
sane order.  That's probably just my code review skills, or 
dungeon-crawling instincts kicking in.  ;o)


Re: New website ?

2006-01-19 Thread Markus Wankus
If you build it, they will come.

Re: Efficient implementation of deeply nested lists

2006-01-19 Thread Kay Schluehr

Peter Otten wrote:
 Kay Schluehr wrote:

  I want to manipulate a deeply nested list in a generic way at a
  determined place. Given a sequence of constant objects a1, a2, ..., aN
  and a variable x. Now construct a list from them recursively:
  L = [a1, [a2, [[aN, [x]]...]]
  The value of x is the only one to be changed. With each value of x a
  new instance of L is needed so that we actually have a function:
  L = lambda x: [a1, [a2, [[aN, [x]]...]]
  I'm seeking for an efficient implementation that does not recompute the
  whole list each time. Any ideas?

 I'd say you are nesting the wrong way.

The structure of the sequence is *not* optional.

  items = make_list(range(10))
  def make_list(items):
 ... return reduce(lambda *args: args,  items)
  def update_value(items, value):
 ... return items[0], value
  items = make_list(range(10))
 (0, 1), 2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 7), 8), 9)
  update_value(items, 42)
 (0, 1), 2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 7), 8), 42)

 Obviously I must be missing something. What?

The structure of the sequence is *not* optional. Of course you can also
take the original sequence and apply:

 L = list([a1, [a2, [[aN, [x]]...]])  # shallow copy
 L[0] = b

but it is intended to change the most inner element. I guess there is
no way in doing it without a deepcopy / full list construction.


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Mikael Olofsson wrote:

 A related important question is: Does the US version communicate the
 same thing (meaning aswell as feeling) to the American reader as the UK
 version communicates to the British reader? That should always be the
 objective for any translator.

fwiw, the Swedish Dan Brown translator fixed lots of glitches and 
without even checking with Brown; the sheer number of trivial errors made it ob-
vious to him that it wasn't some clever literary device; Brown had just been 

now, does a cleaned-up Brown communicate the same meaning/feeling to a Swede
(or other european) as an inaccurate Brown does to an American ?

has Brown's works been translated to British English, btw ?



Re: Can a simple a==b 'hang' in and endless loop?

2006-01-19 Thread Fuzzyman

Claudio Grondi wrote:
 Wow! I haven't got this evil idea myself yet (even if as I understand
 there is no problem to achieve similar thing also in C), so I have
 learned a bit more about Python again. Am I right supposing, that this
 becomes possible because the .append() goes not that far to try to
 generate the actual list (getting trapped in the endless loop) and only
 lets the second list element point to the object with the list itself.

I think you've got this.

a = []

Here a is a reference to a list object.


As mentioend previously - you pass around references (names), not

Here you've put a reference to the list object a as the first member of
the list a.

 The trouble with it becomes apparent later when working with such bad
 defined list as it is the case when applying the '==' operator to it.
 Thank you for sharing this with me, but again ...

 this is still _not_ what I am looking for, because Python detects here
 the problem and throws an exception. What I am looking for is an endless
 loop where there is no any response from Python about a problem.

Loops tend to be caused by function or method calls - so they add
frames to the stack and get detected as recursion.

All the best,




Re: New website ?

2006-01-19 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Markus Wankus wrote:

 Well I happen to agree whole-heartedly with Tim on that one.  I can't
 stand trying to navigate some of these Wiki-trying-to-be-website pages.
  It is impossible to find anything on most of them (notice I didn't say
 all..there are exceptions).  It seems like they cater to people who:

Nobody's expecting the *user* to navigate wiki pages.  It's a tool for the 
providers.  And they don't have to navigate anything either; an edit link (or 
bol) in a convenient location on each page is all you need.



Re: Need Help with Python/C API

2006-01-19 Thread Carsten Haese
On Thu, 2006-01-19 at 00:44, pycraze wrote:
 Hi guys,
 I Need to know how do i create a dictionary... eg:
 n = pali_hash
 n={1:{ } }   -  i need to know how to make a key of a dictionary, to a
 dictionary using Python/C API's

You can either use Py_BuildValue (See or PyDict_New and
PyDict_SetItem (See to
construct a dictionary.

Good luck,



Re: Multiple modules with database access + general app design?

2006-01-19 Thread Frank Millman

Robin Haswell wrote:
 Hey people

 I'm an experience PHP programmer who's been writing python for a couple of
 weeks now. I'm writing quite a large application which I've decided to
 break down in to lots of modules (replacement for PHP's include()

 My problem is, in PHP if you open a database connection it's always in
 scope for the duration of the script. Even if you use an abstraction layer
 ($db = DB::connect(...)) you can `global $db` and bring it in to scope,
 but in Python I'm having trouble keeping the the database in scope. At the
 moment I'm having to push the database into the module, but I'd prefer
 the module to bring the database connection in (pull) from its parent.

This is what I do.

Create a separate module to contain your global variables - mine is
called 'common'.

In common, create a class, with attributes, but with no methods. Each
attribute becomes a global variable. My class is called 'c'.

At the top of every other module, put 'from common import c'.

Within each module, you can now refer to any global variable as

You can create class attributes on the fly. You can therefore have
something like -

c.db = MySql.connect(...)

All modules will be able to access c.db

As Daniel has indicated, it may not be safe to share one connection
across multiple threads, unless you can guarantee that one thread
completes its processing before another one attempts to access the
database. You can use threading locks to assist with this.


Frank Millman


Re: Multiple modules with database access + general app design?

2006-01-19 Thread Daniel Dittmar
Robin Haswell wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 14:37:34 +0100, Daniel Dittmar wrote:
If you use a threading server, you can't put the connection object into 
the module. Modules and hence module variables are shared across 
threads. You could use thread local storage, but I think it's better to 
pass the connection explicitely as a parameter.
 Would you say it would be better if in every thread I did:
   m = getattr(modules, module)
   b.db = db
   def Foo():
   c = db.cursor()

I was thinking (example from original post):

import modules ())

 # file
 def Bar (cursor):
 cursor.execute (...)

The same is true for other objects like the HTTP request: always pass 
them as parameters because module variables are shared between threads.

If you have an HTTP request object, then you could attach the database 
connection to that object, that way you have to pass only one object.

Or you create a new class that encompasses everything useful for this 
request: the HTTP request, the database connection, possibly an object 
containing authorization infos etc.

I assume that in PHP, global still means 'local to this request', as PHP 
probably runs in threads under Windows IIS (and Apache 2.0?). In Python, 
you have to be more explicit about the scope.


Re: New website ?

2006-01-19 Thread Tim Parkin
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

Steve Holden wrote


As you indicated, there are other priorities just at the moment.

you're complaining about the lack of manpower, and still think that lowering
the threshold for contributions is not a priority ?  at this point, this should
be your *only* priority.

If you want to contribute, then do so.. If we had more people offering
to contribute then this would be a priority.  However despite trying to
get people to contribute for over two years, I still ended up doing
pretty much everything myself. And despite continued calls for people to
help and offers of optimising the install process and writing additional
documentation if they wanted to, we've only had four offers of help, of
which only myself, Steve Holden and Andrew Kuchling have been doing
anything significant.

It would be loveley to have a large team of volunteers producing a
consensus on approach to the website build. It would also be greate to
have lots of people to put the effort into it. I think the same can be
said for any open source project. However, just like open source
projects, you have to choose based more on who is willing to do anything
than on who is offering the ideal solution. (there are normally a lot
more of the latter than of the former)

I mean, getting this from a long-time python contributor that decided to
help out

My first attempt ended almost immediately.  Too much software
to download and install for anything like casual use.

should be a rather strong indicator that the project isn't on the right track.

I think the follow on post saying maybe I misread the directions and
the fact that you can edit/contribute content without having to use the
full build tool should be noted (you can use a text editor if you
like... how 1976). The project is on the right track as it's the only
track that anybody was bothered to lay.

(and it sure isn't the only indicator; I still claim that the analysis is 
and that the front-page asset shouldn't be reserved for a
target audience that doesn't exist.  but that's a separate problem; if you
solve the threshold problem, we can deal with that later.  if you don't, we
might get stuck with the new design for as long as we've had the old one).


I don't think the front page is reserved for an audience that doesn't exist.

The front page is trying to serve many purposes for many audiences. If
you had read the documents that had been available online during the
extensive initial discussions, you would know what the estimated split
in the audience was and also know why the balance of content on the home
page is the way it is. The 'threshold problem' I think you are talking
about (it would help if you could be more specific about what a
'threshold problem' really is) is more relevant to managing content than
design and templating.

Once the new documentation site is up and running, that is :-)

that's an interesting comparision: it took me about 30 minutes to convert
10+ megabytes of reference material into a usable (X)HTML infoset (that
is, with isolated content and structural information derived from the source
material), and a few hours to get old source-new source-render tool-
chain to a state where most conversion bugs turns out to be typos in the
original documents (aka the 80% of the remaining 20% level).

if converting the old content is and has been the biggest problem in the project, it seems to me as if you might not be doing things
in the easiest possible way...

Good and congratulations, it shows that the source code is well
formatted/consistent - I wish the rest of the website html/data were so.
If you are suggesting that your skills can do this with the rest of the
site content then please, please help!!

In fact I will ask you now, publicly, if you are willing to offer your
services to help convert the documentation and exsiting content over to
the new website?

If you are then your services will be greatly appreciated and I'm sure
we can take the discussion of the balance of the home page and future
web based management of the content elsewhere and invite anyone who
wishes to participate to join us. We can then post our conclusions once
we've reached some consensus.

If we can get the rest of the content (which doesn't include fancy
pictures) over to the new site then we'll have a great foundation for
making further additions and I'd really like a few  more people to help
get us there.

I really can't afford a lot of time to discuss issues that have already
been discussed far too many times. If we can get down to specifics of
what you are offering and what you expect other people to do to help
you, then we should be able to keep conversations a lot shorter.


Re: OT: excellent book on information theory

2006-01-19 Thread Ben
Hi Paul,

Dr MacKay was my information studies lecturer and 4th year degree
project mentor at university, about 5 years ago, and I think that this
book is basically the course notes we used then!

He is an excellent lecturer, and if the book is as good as the course,
it should be very interesting, particularly the error correcting stuff.

Very off topic I know, but it's always interesting when two areas of
interest collide (my time at university, and my love of python!)


Paul Rubin wrote:
 I came across this while looking up some data compression info today.

 David J.C. MacKay
 Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms

 Full text online:

 It's a really excellent book, on the level of SICP but about
 information theory, probability, error correcting codes, etc.  Very
 readable, and geeky (in a good way) at the same time.  The writing
 style is perhaps along the lines of Numerical Recipes, though the
 format is more conventional.

 The whole text is online as a pdf, which is very nice.  The printed
 version is somewhat expensive, but according to the following analysis
 it's a better bargain than Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone:


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